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Ray maxwell told me that he witnessed an after hours session in the state department, and in an Operations Center that he was told by an Office Director that. Nothing to see her, of course. But on queue, theyre already spitting out press release denials like cats coughing up fur balls. This must be the First Time Ever that a white house has proxies. You got to hand it to these benghazi deniers. Lets return to who pushed the video, because its that question that tells the whole story, bob. Heres the president who had advise for isil. If they had pinned notes to the victims, they would have reacted differently. The same guy who said a film caused benghazi, meaning hes always wrong about evil. Its the spectacle of the beheadings that galvanized evil and bailing on benghazi helped get that ball rolling. When the bad act brazenly and the good blame ores, both energize jihadists, as our client media rolled up into a protective ball around obama, i saw the writing on that come pound wall and they grinned. I mean who thinks evil responds to appeasement, the guy who isil must be laughing their heads off while planning to cut off yours. You know what amazes me is how quickly these activist groups magically appear. They really are at a proxy at the Democratic National committee. And also part of Hillary Clintons coverup they want him to try to get in front of the stor story. Bob, i know you dont think this is a big story. Everybody says this is no big deal. But does this failure isis an idea i think that i have evenf no doubt that. The investigation the system broke down a little bit on isis the way it did on this other story. Maxwell said he walked in on a sunday session in the afternoon. How can you say the information broke down. They had adequate and i would say pretty alarming warnings from the ambassador, Christopher Stevens correct cables sent from benghazi to Hillary Clinton, to the secretary of state, asking for increased security, they saw the writing on the wall, what happened to the British Embassy and the red cross, they had shut down their embassy for a fear of attack. This was she also has to tell us her position on radical islam. Were talking about the media, theyre going to do the best to keep the lie alive for as long as they can. Thats where her negatives are going to go up, if she doesnt answer the question as to why she left americans to die in our consulate and set them up to have a pool party in libya just a couple of weeks ago because they know theyre not doing their best to secure it . Its not their responsibility to handle every one of them. The second thing was, i feel terrible that they havent invested in the dwooor. If you thought the thing was unstable, why wasnt he there. And again, this is what happens, this stuff starts to come out, we investigate, we talk got it, the left calls us racist for talking about it or were wrong or were hoaxers or were making stuff up. And as time goes, more and more information comes out. President obama was asked directly by little oreilly was there any corruption in the irs scandal. He said not a smidgeon. President obama said obama care wont cost the american taxpayers a dime. He wasnt lying there either, because its going to end up costing a trillion dollars, the games they play to try to cover up all the scandals and the lies theyre perpetrating. The poor American Public says why is fox reporting that youre right, they didnt have to dpi that day. I want to touch on the media stuff. I talked to bob earlier when he asked me, did you get krauthammer on tape when he saw this . I have been waiting for this. Thank god we got him back finally. It takes a while. Actually krauthammer and hayes discussing the Media Coverage on special report. The media arent curious, nobodys asking why, its a sleeper story, but once you get people under oath, youre going to get stuff coming in, this happened as maxwell is saying, then this is really serious. This is a coverup. This is a nonstory to most people in the main stream media. If that actually happened, thats a huge story, that would be the beginning of the coverup. I think the scam here is the media sweeping the failure of leadership and management in the obama election . It was always about that debate and making sure he didnt get smeared by this. Number one was obama eelsz reelection. But number two, and simultaneously, it was hillarys electi election. Interestingly the media doesnt dare about answering these other questions that we have brought up. I dont understand why here people went forward, according to an area witness, a career Civil Servant who lost his job to protect Hillary Clinton, allegedly, and well hear the testimony about it soon this week, whitewashing the documents, white water washing the documents. Career Civil Servants have paid a price to protect Hillary Clintons political future over and over again and the media doesnt care. Who got fired . This guy, maxwell, the eyewitness. He said he heard this from a guy that im reading it here, that he walked into the weekend session on a sunday afternoon after he heard about it. He walked into the room after he heard about it so he saw it for himself. When people ask the executive branch of congress, when Congress Asks the executive branch of congress, theyre going to go through amou lot of documents and some of them are material and some of them are not. Hillary clintons personal adviser, political adviser, was sitting in the room, do you think that would be normal going through thousands of documents . That is not normal, but that is what happened. I thought this came at a bad time for them when they were running for reelection. I dont think he had anything to do with it. But it was about his reelection. And so i mean the way the thing was played out. He had nothing to do with it. But isnt that the problem . No, i mean the political advisors do that all the time on behalf of their candidate. But he was so incompetent to deal with the situation. Who was incompetent . The president of the United States and the secretary of state. So hands off . That is u. S. Territory, by the way, the embassy and it had been attacked twice before, so were to assume that when were attacked overskaes, the president dunlts get a heads up on it . We know that he made a phone call to Hillary Clinton and leon panetta, and no followup calls, which is odd, if you know that americans are being attacked by jihadist extremists, dont you follow up to find out how it ended, how it turned out . Because it does make a difference, because if theyre trying to scrub these documents, then it does make a difference, if it doesnt, then you leave the documents. Let me make a point, there were over 20 people that died when george w. Bush was in office. I dont blame george w. Bush for not knowing one of those things, i dont think he did. Bob, youve got to get off the Conspiracy Theory websites and get some facts. Because they were being attacked by terrorists people die at embas embassies, do you find out why . Of course you do. Do we know why . Because Hillary Clinton and barack obama were so consumed with their own politics that even when the media doesnt care about it, theyre going to find some way to protect their political hide. If mistakes were made, maybe they have been made under other administrations watches as well. The problem is the covering up afterwards. The lost hard drives making a video, blaming another video, going out there saying we heard about the ap scandal, the james rosen scandal, we heard about it on the, its the actor, its the cup. Its not so much the mistakes, although those are bad, its the after math, its the coverup scan dpal, thats when its really becomes scandalous. You cant lead back and huff and puff and theyre pretty active at doing this, theyre pretty active at sweeping the facts under the rug. Im not huffing and puffing, im trying to get some air, im having a hard time breathing. But the fact of the matter is, you say these are all scandals and its impossible to cover up all those scandals in d. C. I dont buy it. So the irs stuff wasnt a scandal, it was ant cover . Theyre scrubbing documents. Bob, come on. I think learners got rid of her own hard drive, absolutely. But if the media doesnt answer the story, of course they can keep these scandals going. Theyll spend a couple of weeks actually pursuing the story, youll see good reporting from Jonathan Karl and others and then it just falls off the wayside. You see a careful analysis of some people suggesting that this story today is only got the midterms. When they have told us for the last eight months or so that it doesnt matter in the midterms. So why do they worry about it so much . Just listen to the testimony. Why in the world do you think they would not cover they love obama. They dont all love obama, greg. Theres been four watergates in the last six years, they dont cover it. I have said this before because fox news covers it. They say well if those guys are going to cover it, then were not going to cover it. Because obama doesnt like them and we still want to go to their cocktail party. Its fox news avoidance syndrome, if we do it, they wont do it. They still want too go to the Upper West Side cocktail parties and if you talk about benghazi, theyre not going to let you in. One is going to have to start undermining the president or vice versa, are they going to cover that story . I think it will be vice versa first. You think it will be the president under mining her . I dont know, those clintons, i think they have already started. All right, next, what is life actually like under isis control . We have a rare, revealing tape from inside the region that well show you when we come back. Blaek brought to your by our friends at the wall street journal. Seized control and thats when things changed. And this isis propaganda footage, a member says its unacceptable to display womens clothes that dont adhere to their strict dress codes. Theyre telling vendors to close their shops and go pray. The activists that we spoke to say isis imposes curfews and access to water and electricity is this is safe to be an isis police station, the activists say this church is turned into an islamic center. They blew this one up because isis are shiia and it was built by sunnis. People must be afraid that theyre falling in line with them. No question. And theyre trying to convert, and if they dont convert, then they kill, which is how they interpret, thats their interpretation of the koran. It really does rattle you that theyre so violent al qaeda doesnt want to be associated with them . Theyre that bad. I cant imagine what its like to be a woman living under those circumstances. Let me ask you, i think the cis makes 3,500 isis fighters or so, in the region, there are about 250,000 iraqi fighters, there are about 100,000, 150,000 kurdish fighters. The Iraqi Military didnt get involved until just recently. But thats part of it. But the other thing as i look at this, is they have moved through this territory, they are developing people may bow down and theyre creating antiisis people every place they go. Those store owners, you think those store owners are going to say, okay, fine, theyre not going to stand up and say im not going to close my store. You think theyre not going to be left behind, what theyre leaving behind here are people that just cant stand them . Theyre recruiting them far faster. I heard something outrageous today, isis is taking something powerful in syria and then selling the power back to the syrian government. Thats how much control they have in the region. It is curious how they could have so much financial power, which is one of the keys for us is to shut that down. And to bobs point, andrea, when youre talking about children, how theyre making children watch the beheading videos, theyre making them watch them over and over again and having festivals where they show these over and over again to children. Theres the longer problem thats almost inconceivable right now, like how bad is it going to be in the future, when you have this many people damaged, lost everything, their dignity has been stripped from them. The only thing they have left is the hope that the western world is actually going to help them . Are they hoping for that or are they just hoping to stay out of trouble and stay alive . These guys are committed just theyre committed to our destruction. Thats why we need to be concerned about what our definition of victory is in the white house and will we allow our troops to achieve it, to use obamas terms he understands in golf terms, we have got to give them all the clubs, not just the pu adequately funded. We have got to stop enough social programs and restart the military Industrial Complex because what good is head start, if you dont have a head . We need to gear up and destroy. That was a good transition to this, heres the dilemma, we have a Nobel Peace Prize winning president whos afraid to have a war declared on his watch and the generals know it. Heres the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, martin dempsey, listen to the man if he would just let the cat out of the who iss no boots on ground bag. My view at this point is this coalition is the way forward. I believe that will prove true, but if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the United States, then i of course would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the u. S. Of u. S. Military ground forces. About that coalition, general . Do you know any major air ally that embraces isil . I know major allies who fund them. Let me start with you, did you hear what the general just said, if the coalition doesnt hold firm, we will have to do something else, we will have to have another strategy which may include likely boots on the ground. Well, not really much of a coalition, theyre actually funding them. I think its probably worthwhile for us to give this strategy the airpower, the Coalition Time to give, and if it doesnt work, maybe he does need to commit u. S. Forces to it. At this point in time, why do we have to rush in and worry about whether its the question then is give it a chance to see that air powell will put down the entire syrian military. I think the idea that we cant do it this way, is not giving it a chance to work. Im not pushing back from that. Dana, bob makes this point, let me see if this is what was said. It really, really puts some heat on isis. We have 300,000 or in the area where if they were just motivated. I think general dempsey was being honest, he was doing something that we were criticizing the white house for doing last week. Dempsey was saying, he was leaving his options open and staying if it doesnt work, then of course were going to have to have another strategy, were not going to give up, were going to have to do something, i also think theyre going to have to have a loose definition to what boots on the ground means, that should come sooner or later, but bob, i do think it matters what the white house is saying, what its asking one americans who are there now, who are doing the bombing, it matters to them, if theyre going to risk their lives to go for this earth, they should do that and also for our allies, it matter what is you call it because as you know, bob, it matters, what are you saying . What does it mean . You have to have total clarity. The best part of that Armed Services committee meeting, is when senator bill nelson asked bill dempsey if he was aware of covert training. He said we dont really comment in public on covert training. Why not just hand the keys over to ice sis, with a senator asking if youre doing any covert training. We have a huge dance here, president obama has a billion dollars to train moderate rebels. Can you ask what the hell is a moderate rebel . Well, our experience with moderate in the past if you look at libya and egypt, it never really emerges as a i would not vote for the rebels i actually think president obama was right a couple of weeks ago, when he was hesitant not to arm the rebels. We partners with stalin to defeat the nazis, its probably too late with assad, we have to hold our nose an assad because if as sad falls, im inclined to make millions of dollars. So, ill just say the mistake they made when they had this Coalition Meeting in paris, the syrians did not invite the iranians which was a mistake. I dont like to pick a side here, but we have to see whats in the best interests of the United States of america, hes fighting isis. How serious is the ebola threat . President obama is pledging 3,000 american personnel to the inge flikted region and is should you be concerned . Well discuss that when we come back. [ hoof beats ] i wish. Please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above all. Is health. So we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. Expanded minuteclinic, for walkin medical care. And created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. Introducing cvs health. A new purpose. A new promise. To help all those wishes come true. Cvs health. Because health is everything. Im excite it about the parade. I was invited by the Wounded Warrior project. This is the first time i have participated in a wounded veterans parade, ever. Many of our warriors are returning home from the battlefield only to face a new war, as they struggle with devastated injuries. At Wounded Warrior project we understand. Today, president obama announced americas plans to lead the charge in the fight against ebowl are. In west africa, ebola is now an epidemic. The of the likes that we have not seen before. If the outbreak is not stopped now, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands of people infected. So this is an epidemic, that is not just a threat to regional security, its a potential threat to global security, if these countries break down. The world has a responsibility to act. To step up and to do more, the United States of america intends to do more. Its stopping ebola more important than combatting terrorism. The sources briefed on the president s program say countering it say violence extremism as africa becomes number one priority. How can that be, bob . I think that even that statement by those people on the hill is so africon said that. Its just disgraceful to me. Just as george bush did what he did with aides in africa, when the Clinton Administration didnt do enough. It has nothing to do with isis, it has everything to do with its exactly the right thing to do. And lets not have a situation like we had when the Clinton Administration did not act, the Bush Administration did finally. We dont have the same thing here. Eric, i dont think that this should overpower any fight against terrorism. I read through what the president s going to do o i actually agree with bob, i cant really criticize any of this, i wish we had done it a couple of months ago, we were a little slow to react, not surprising, but should we seal these countries off . Is it time . Just as obama announced his plan to send 30,000 people to africa to fight ebola and he plans to send 1,000 hypodermic needles to iraq to fight isis. You get it . No, i didnt get it. Hes sending 3,000 troops to africa, hes got 1,600 troops fighting isis, sflihe asked for0 million to fight isis. So its double on both. Theyre double lay concerned by the number of troops on the ground, troops on the ground, not boots, and the amount of money theyre asking for. How can you compare the two of those . Youre looking at some way to take a shot out of isis. Heres what i would like him to do, i would like him to step up and say, were doing everything we can to stamp out isis, it could be a pandemic, and were going to do everything we can. But lets focus on the most pressing thing to the United States in my opinion, the most dangerous thing to the United States right now is terrorism. You cant do two things at one time. It is, and its dismaying that one seems to be more better funded or better funded than the other. But i want to ask you, could it spread here . Theres about 200,000 africans from countries hosting the deadly ebola virus who hold temporary visas to the United States. But the president was asked about it and here is his response. I want the American People to know that our experts here at the cdc and across our government say that the chances of an Ebola Outbreak here in the United States are extremely low. We have been taking the necessary precautions, including working with countries in west africa to increase screening at airports, so that someone with this virus doesnt get on the plane for the United States. Has he taken adequate precautions . I think that the president basically took the summer off. And then a lot of these things happened, isis spread, the Global Pandemic spread, across the board diplomats and World Health Organization Officials Say that the United States is doing way too little, hopefully it is not too late, the military can do a lot, it does what it does best, nuke people, get people what they need to be. One of the ways we do it is to prevent instant there. You look at the u. N. And you think, instead of lashing out at israel all the time, this is what the u. N. Should be doing so we can worry about terrorism. This is what america does great all the time. Wire like mast evers at saving peoples lives and no one ever talks about it. Were always evil america. These are things that president obama forgets about when he talks about the nonexceptional nature of america. I do think we can do both. The thing about the spreading thing, you got to understand, in africa, they have a Terrible Health care delivery system. The customs and the superstat n superastonisuperstis you said its not going airborne. They have one study with a pig. You dont worry if somebodys going to sneeze in a movie theater. Some of the doctors were concerned that the prevention kits actually could exacerbate it. Theres a superstition that people are actually and its actually breaking out of hospitals. We have got to keep the panic down and contain it and hope our troops what about the South Africans trying to stop people from didnt a lot of these people travel through africa and deliver aids around, because they thought there was something going on . When we come back, well talks about the most expensive war in american history. 50 years ago president linden b. Johnson said this. Its time that we declare unconditional war on poverty. Thats three times more than we have spent on all american wars. The poverty rate is 14. 5 . Which is higher this afternoon the 13. 3 rate in 1967 once the programs were underway and implemented. Greg, let me go to you first. Youve been talking about this for a while . Yes, i have, since the early 30s. This war against poverty was plotted to continue indefinitely. So the census countses a family as four. Which approves the spending they get from that fall income, so it proves that their programs will grow while its not a war on poverty, its actually a zombie that you cant kill, it goes and nothing changes and the poverty rate remains the same as you keep throwing money at it. That tells you something, stop throwing money at it, its crazy. What would you say, eric . They track the poverty levels they come up with they continue to give them stuff and then, they keep lowering that bar. So as the economy gets bigger and better, the bar goes down, thats why when we started, there was somewhere around 20 Million People on means tested porchi i poverty program, and now theres as you point out, 22 trillion being spent. You got to raise the bar again. And president obama did something that bill clinton didnt do. Bill clinton put work rules in, you have to at least pretend youre looking for work or at least try, and president obama was the first president to pull that out. So its literally more financially beneficial for you to stay on welfare programs than to go out and get a job for a good part of the population. Kbob, you have said before that democrats have put forward polities that havent necessarily worked out. What is the big democrat idea how to combat this . The Census Bureau did increase the level of the feel people of four that would be counted as poverty. We have come up with programs that have exacerbated poverty in this sense. We gave people housing, we gave children food. The problem is what we did was, as i said before, we bred two generations of dependent people who have stayed in poverty and have had larger numbers of children. In a perverse way, it kind of worked the opposite of the way it should. Clinton had the right idea, you need to start putting restrictions on what you can do and what you can get. I think its sad that no ones really advocating to make life better for the impoveri impoverished. Yum what, dana . Its become too profitable and its become too big of an industry. Besides being politically think about what a big business it is, for health care provitder who is get all that medicaid number, for the corner deli thats getting all that food stamp money. Its become such a big industry that no one wants to get rid of it. I think its become too big, the zombie, as greg mentioned to eradicate it. Coming up, ever wonder how much you should tip the barista, the bgarbage man . For over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Americans are generation people. We tip a lot. A new guide lays out a list of all the people youre supposed to tip and how much. Some of them may surprise you. A barista should get a buck for every coffee drink, a housekeeper should get a dollar for every room they clean. Dont worry about when you go to pick up takeout in a restaurant, theyre evidently not supposed to get anything. Derek, who on that list would you say you dont tip . I tip them all. Especially if you go to any place regularly, you better tip them. You want things to be cool. I love tipping people, its one of the greatest things when you give someone a nice tip, they appreciate it. Of course, service, dana. I would tip someone on takeout, especially if youre going to go back to that restaurant. I agree. Well, you said you would do that, right . I do do that, if they organize the order, even if im going in to pick it up, i give them a tip. Dana, youre the second biggest tipper. Im a big tipper. Youre a big tipper, i know that for a fact. But the one thing i wasnt sure about n a hotel room, if you arrive at 10 00 p. M. , you leave the next morning, i dont necessarily leave money on the desk for somebody there. But you do . I do. Maybe i should start. Just leave an 8ball. An actual 8ball, what are they going to do with it . Roll it down the hallway . I leave tips to everybody, but not in money, i usually have little daily affirmation cards, cheap your chin up, count to 10 when youre angry. But at a hotel, i tip 500 mainly because of all the blood. You must have been in my folder today. If i smoke in the room, thats a 250 fine. So i leave a 20 tip for the maid, saying, by the way, somebody was smoking in the room before i got there. Do you ever get nailed for the fee . Oh, yeah, all the time. Why do aye smoke in the room . Where else are you going to smoke . Outside . You got a real good movie on. You dont want to leave that. A movie . I think youre talking about maybe having company. I think tipping a maitre d. Guys step up, theyll appreciate you every single time. Dont you think you need a benjamin, like dont try and duke them a 10. Whatever it is. Make up your own label. You flash your table. Eric i did have a table set up, i said eric, i called eric, i said im coming, dont worry, im going there, he gets the manager out. They go in the back room. The manager says your table is there any time you want it. One more thing is up next. Riley here, even the pope is saying violence is needed to confront the worldwide jihad. What about those who oppose force at any cost . Well have a special report. Also krauthammer on why the Democratic Party is in serious terrible. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. 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His new book is called the serenity prayer i thought of it has having a personal counseling session with one of the best catholics that i know. He made me even want to be a catholic, even though i grew up lutheran. And bob has one that we like as well. The serenity prayer. Its a prayer they do in aa all the time. This is called the means douglas is the husband of megan kelley. She did not ask us to do this, i read the book, as a matter of fact i have a blurb on the back about president ial politics. It is the best book capturing what its like on the trail, in the president ial campaign. I urge you to read this, its very, very good. I agree. Andrea . Bobs book club. So its the 200th anniversary of the spar spangled banner. In true jimmy kimmel fashion. He sent us out on the street to see if people really know the lyrics . Oh, say can you say by the dark early light whose broad stripes and something stars oh, say can you see that flag still waves oh, god. Okay, staying on the music scene, so rihanna was supposed to open at the monday night Football Game last week. Krbls decided to pull that. Heres what they were going to play. Her new song with jayz run this town. They pulled it because of the Domestic Abuse song. Rihanna didnt like that very much. She tweeted, cbs you pulled my song last week, now you want to slide it back in this thursday . No, fyou, you are all sad for penalizing me for this. And then cbs said well be going in a difference direction for thursday nights football opening. I have a recommendation for them. Dierks bentley would be great. Hes a great performer. You know what its time for . Gregs sports corner. You know what . Because i love sports, bob. I cant get enough of it. There was a game saturday between the arizona chandeliers and the miami foot stools. Oh, what does he do . I did a little investigating, lets show it again. What happens is he gets trapped in this little round circle. And theres no oxygen in that little round circle. So he gets dizzy and falls down. I think we should see it one more time. If you ever see a round circle above you, get out of it. I cant breathe. Anyway. It was a mazing. You should really be on inform informnfl, one of the nfl shows. I go to a lot of games. Foot stools. Set your dvrs, never miss an episode. Blah, blah, blah, special report next. The pentagon ramps up its mission to find simultaneous warrings on two fronts. One, isis. And two, ebola. One of the two will have thousands of boots on the ground in coming days. This is special report. Good evening, im brett baier. The Obama Administration has been charged with the capability to fight ongoing conflicts on multiple fronts. Today the president committed to just that. We

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