With a body guard. Solange starts hitting jayz. Shes kicking him. Another kick there. Jayz steps into it, the doors close. Now you got to keep watching this videotape because were going to keep rolling it. Were going to talk about it, throw it around the table, keep watching because it gets absolutely wild at the end of the video, the standard hotel, youve been there . Yeah. They are in the after party for a classy ball and this goes down, your thoughts. On the first contestant on the speculation game. When i first saw this video, i had a visceral reaction as a sister and anybody who has a sister who is really tight with their sister has agut feeling that this has nothing to do with solange. This has more to do with jay z and something to do with beyonce. Any time ive gotten this fired up was because of an issue with another woman, and i think thats what this is about. Theres some speculation this has to do with rhianna. So i feel validated that my sisterly strategy and insight play a role. Bob, you seabee i dont know say, shes standing back. We have some news to break here today. It was because jayz was having an affair with solange, did you know that . Bob, you really have on the speculation game. I thought seriously how does tmz get all this stuff is what i want to know. That is the elevator Security System in the hotel. The hotel said they were going to fire anybody. Harry levin is a genius. He breaks some of the biggest stories around. Your thoughts on this video. My thoughts are if this is the biggest thing biggest problem in america today, its been a pretty good day. I cannot i get People Magazine and i flip through it and i try to understand, it seems to me like its a personal family issue, not one i give a you know what about. Tom, you want to weigh on this . Its not the actual footage from the machinery. Someone is taking the eye i phone and they are filming the screen here. They are leaving the elevator here. Solange, they are about to leave the elevator, everything seems to be calmed down. Watch, on the way out. Ready. Booyah he was provoking. He said something to her. I can see he was facing her. I got to hand it to the body guard here. Hes more concerned he doesnt really want to stop the fight. He stops the elevator. He wants the fight to be contained in the elevator. Hes less of a body guard and hes more like of a pr guard or something. He wears two hats. He also didnt spring into action immediately which i thought was a little odd. Its almost like he thought that jayz deserved it and for beyonce to be standing there so cool its almost like she was saying get him. She unfriended her on instagram. Hey look. Maybe, b takes her husbands side, and theres sisterly attention. Can we call her b . Maybe she understood there is no such thing as privacy anymore, maybe one of reasons she didnt speak up or get involved, because she wanted her sister to carry it out or because she thought i dont want anything to do with this because i want to lead the five tomorrow. This is like the most hold on. See that video, the way thats taken, thats a Security Camera video but someone is taking it with a camera. That tmz, they are just breaking news all the time. People just send him their cell phone videos. Why is he a genius for that . They get all of it. They got the Donald Sterling thing too. Speaking of Donald Sterling, were hearing more this time on Magic Johnson. Listen. Big Magic Johnson, what has he done . What kind of guy goes and has sex with every girl and catches hiv is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about . I think he should be ashamed of himself. I think he should go into the background but what does he do for the black people . He doesnt do anything. He does nothing. Its all talk. And Magic Johnson just responded. Listen. My whole life is devoted to urban america, so i just wish he knew the facts when hes talking but hes a man who is upset and hes reaching. Hes reaching. Hes trying to find something he can grab on to to help him save his team and its not going to happen. Im not a guy who holds grudges and all that. Yes, of course im up set but at the same time im a godfearing man and pray for him and hope that things work for him. There is one class act. Ill reiterate that. Im don sterling there, he was supposed to bail himself everyone is calling him a racist. This is supposed to be his first words after being called a racist and this is how hes going to fix things. He says the black what has he done for the black people. The good news about anybody in america who watches this guy can prove that anybody can be a success in america, if this idiot can be a success. By the way, do you think he gets hair maybe. That was a rambling interview. He said some of the craziest things, who advises a guy like that. Im wondering if his pr person isnt actually on the other side, because they have let him out there and you know lets just watch this guy make a fool of himself because thats how bad it was. I think there is some utility in it, bob, anybody watching in can actually look at that and thank goodness im not like that and the contrast is Magic Johnson is amazing. Maybe sterling can call himself successful, but i think what led to this is something in his past that i dont think he should be all that proud about, and so when Magic Johnson says im going to pray for him, you think, gosh, for sterling, money cannot buy class. Magic johnson has born with it and lived with it and fought successfully against hiv for so many years, hes a role model. Magic johnson has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into communities that people didnt want to put money into it. He provided jobs, economic activity. Sterling, can he be that dumb . I guess he is. When that tape came out, i thought hes going to have to speak about this at some point. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut, its so bad, this tape, that no matter what he says in public, it cant be worse and it is. This interview with Anderson Cooper is worse than the secret tape. Im say one thing about Magic Johnson, all i can say is there but for the grace of god go me. I feel very fortunate. Great man. Thats what i was referring to. Which is more in the front of your mind, Donald Sterlings comments or Magic Johnsons classy reaction. Im still hung up on true confessions by bob beckle. Were only nine minutes into the show. Well, we knew that he was a bigot before and now we know its a complete jerk and what was even more revealing to me was the fact that he said and Magic Johnson thinks that hes helped out the black community. Donald sterling believes just because he wrote checks to the knapp database naacp, but behind the scenes we know how he feels about the black community. Magic johnson he lets his actions speak for himself. When he was first zgs diagnosed, he was very forth right about it. For Donald Sterling, his comments were just the icing on the cake. The pr person, its probably one of the situations where she couldnt control him. Knock yourself out. I believe your theory. There is a pr double agent. The old line you are digging a shovel a hole in a shovel. It was the reagans who came out on hiv early and broke the taboo, really. When rock hudson got aids and ive always the reagans for this. Lets move on to the first nfl michael sam. Sportscaster was concerned about the reactions to the reactions, some players were fined for tweeting their disapproval, meanwhile oreilly thinks this is much ado about nothing. When it comes to the plays and the tweets, i dont believe they should have been punished for it. There is freedom of speech. People have the right to say what they feel and if there are ramifications for it, so be it. I think its a very, very dangerous thing when people see something and they have a problem with what they are seeing and they express themselves and ultimately they are fined. Let mr. Sam play football. If he makes the rams, great. But the gay thing, way overplayed. Its annoying. It really is. There you go. Dana, your thoughts. On the point about the player that got disciplined or has to go to Education Training for the tweet, i really believe that if i were a sports agent, which of course im not, i know a little bit about pr, i think i would tell my players, you dont need to be on twitter. It doesnt further your career. It doesnt help you catch a ball or make a touch down or field goal or anything. I think it is in a lot of ways great if you want to survey it so you can find out whats going on, be in the news but if you are even slightly at risk of hurting your career because of twitter, twitter is not worth it. Yep. And dont forget putting pictures on twitter too and a lot of guys are getting in trouble with that. I never did that. Your thoughts should these dolphin players have been fined and reprimanded for tweeting their dissatisfaction with michael sam. No. They should talk to the players about weighing on anything other than football. Its a huge distraction to the game, the team. The gay thing, i dont i dont care. Im not comfortable with pda with anybody, whether gay or straight. They have been been trying to get me to training, the human intelligence training people. How is that going . Not well. I dont go to it. The one thing, it doesnt matter freedom of speech. Theres certain things that you cant say what he said horrible. I wasnt watching this thing, but i might have tweeted horrible because he was eating cake. What is he a nineyearold as a birthday party. Hes in the nfl, put your helmet on and go to work. S its the Miami Dolphins who are already in trouble because of bullying and being insensitive. They need to have a team wdwide meeting, lets focus on the game. We dont need the distraction like twitter. I get in real trouble for it. Come on. Saying something about the showers. Dont say that. Please. Ahead on the five. Dana doesnt want to know. You already know. Cannot say out of trouble alec baldwin. Today, the hollywood hot head was arrested. Wait till you hear what landed him in handcuffs. Coming up. Breaking news now from the fox news deck, earlier reports out of tirk that some three people were killed out of a mining accident, its wrong. The report is at least 70 people have died in a mine. The mines are the largest producers of coal in all of turkey. Dangerous conditions in those mines were talked about and the new situation they are trying to rescue 200 people believed to be trapped. 70 have been killed. Im moving up to the c block here. As andrea pointed out, im like george jefferson. Billionaire has donated a massive sum to abortion groups. Buffet gave more than 1. 2 billion that could roughly fund 2. 7 million abortions. I had no idea. Emp earn knows hes everyone knows hes a liberal. Wheres the media pointing this out, that a billion dollars he spent on pro abortion causes . Hes not running for elected office so its really not going to make that much of an effect on anything, but it would be good to hear about that. I would have liked to have known about it. A billion and a quarter, do you know how much teachers that could hire . The guy, i dont happen to agree with it. Its the law of the land. He can give his money where he wants to give it. You keep jumping on me about the corker brothers or whatever their names are, how much they give to charity. This isnt charity. Planned parenthood is not a charity. Its a cause. It does a lot more than just abortions. I hear that, but i dont believe it. Let me ask somebody who is sane here. The question was does warren buffet think it will hurt his legacy. I dont think he cares. If we believe that people have earned their own money can spend it on something thats legal, i dont think i can criticize him for giving money to planned parenthood. Because the other thing that that does i have argued i dont think that federal taxpayer dollars should go to planned parenthood because of that commingling, i dont want parts of my taxes to go to something that i think kills a life. If people want to pay their hard earned money to Something Like this, let them do it. I would rather have warren buffets going to pay planned parenthood than my taxpayer money. I guess you either care about this story or you dont care you dont care about the story. If it turned into if you must get an abortion company, if the little gecko comes out and says you have to get a borgs, thats too much. You think this would hurt, for example, if you did it, would it hurt your reputation, which has already been pretty well damaged . My reputation has been very well damaged being on this show and red eye. Im throwing caution to the wind. You can always leave. This is why im in this business, to risk my reputation, but i dont believe it will hurt buffet at all. Because people on the right dont punish businesses the way people on the left do and thats reason number one. Do you remember when the fellow from whole foods had the tell meerity to tug that his Company Might be better served by something other than obamacare . They wont go crazy on buffet. Its easy to boycott a chickfila. What are they going to do . Not ride the reading railroad. You dont have to buy in the companies. Jane fonda, got one picture that was outrageous and the right has been hounding her ever since. How did we get to that . Shes standing with the enemy and saying im siding with them. Is that something that should damn her for the rest of her life . I dont think shes walked that back. Buffets first wife died of cancer, and shes a big supporter of planned parenthood and i think hes taking that on. The poster boy for bad behavior strikes again. This time, alec baldwin lashed out at the cops. He ended up in handcuffs. Well tell you what went down coming up. A new Smart Phone App called yik yak have some parents concerned that it causes Cyber Bullying. Users can post anything they like on a virtual bulletin board. The result some comments have now found their way on line displayed to a much wider audience. Its been used to post bomb threats and shooting threats. Though the company does point out that yik yak has been used for some good purposes because its a localized thing they were giving getting people to test blood. Tip your date thing you are a [ bleep ], i shoep you step on a leg go. Thats a good one. Its not the highest end type of messaging. Its a lot of college against College Action here. Andrea we talk a lot about bullying a lot. Im not a parent and im curious about the parents here, bhow would you have protected yourself or your parents have protected yourself from Something Like this . They wouldnt have let me have one. They grave me a lot of leeway. But if it was proven i was on there posting nasty things, the phone would be taken away. I think this is a recipe for disaster. Im so glad im not in high school anymore. Someone compared this to writing on the bathroom wall. You can paint the bathroom wall. Some of these comments stay up there a really long time. In school, you can point it out, who the girl who said it about it. There were some people could catch themselves writing something nasty but what about if you have a teenage girl . How do you protect her . Youve kind of been through this. First of all, if you could read the tweets that i get when the show ends, you talk about bullying and they have got their names on it and it starts off you big comie and it goes on to whatever it is. I used to tweet back, thank you for your kind words. Was it your mother who married her brother . I think its too bad. There used to be a good source of information. You can see the positive in any message board. I think this is dangerous because once it starts to spread, i think you are going to start to find crap on there. Only tom would sit there and read it, you know. Some high schools have asked yik yak to shut down in their localized area and yik yak has complied with that. My son, as soon as this app came out. He said did you hear about yik yak, i looked into it. Yes, bad things can happen. There can be Cyber Bullying and bomb threats, but that can happen on twitter and facebook, the anonymous nature of it make people do stupid things. If you prosecute. Advertising would love this app, man, you could locate a group of people in a city or the whole darn city in manhattan in a mile and a half, you probably have five or six Million People in a mile and a half, you can advertise to everyone at once or a High School College or sports arena after the game to go to joes bar. That was probably the theory behind it and they have been able to raise 1. 5 million so far. Think about that, think about those guys with flags saying subway down the street. You put them all out of work. Now you are worried about the sandwich board guys. The anonymous nature allows people to get so mean though. The advertising is a great benefit but somehow im guessing that people who have lost their dog are not really using this site. They might. I heard this example about a young man that was at a College Campus and some girl saying things about him which would probably make it so he probably wouldnt get dates in the future, and then everybody else just stopped talking to you just want to stay in your room and not go anywhere and not interact. Its tougher with these things. If you put up a youtube video, the comments are vial. You see, after you do this show, i get comments from people that hate me. But the thing is toughen up i know but you are not a 14yearold girl. It made me the man i am today. Twitter especially, when both of those apps started to really blossom, i know susan we got to go, hold on, there was the same thing. This is an opportunity for bullies to bully groups of people. Is susan bullying in your ear . Missed opportunities or whatever thats called . Yes, exactly. Were going to next talk about our favorite bully ever. Apparently hes not left new york city like he promised. He was arrested after a bike ride and a dust up with cops. That hes accused of doing next on the five. Test test flush alec baldwin was arrested today in new york city, but it wasnt for a scuffle with a photographer. The notorious bad boy was riding the wrong way on the street with his bicycle when the cops stopped him, they asked for an i. D. , he didnt have any and then he apparently went nuts so they arrested him for disorderly conduct. In true fashion, alec released a twitter tirade. Officer moreno arrested me for going the wrong way on fifth avenue. Meanwhile photographers once again terrified my daughter and nearly hit her with a camera. The police did nothing. New york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity. That is spart for revenue and anxious to krinls behavior once thought benign. I like alec baldwin. Hes out there and hes honest. Hes always protecting his wife and his daughter. I like him. I agree and i disagree, i believe new york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity. In this instance, its not. He was going the wrong way on a street, which is so scary. Bob goes on his rants about bikers in new york, its very scary. They go down the wrong way and new york city was right to give him a ticket. The thing is i feel bad for these cops. We always blame the cops for these interactions but they have their hands tied. We make up these bike lanes and then we make the regulations and then we told them to go out and get revenue, am i right. And every muslim taxi driver and every american taxi driver drives in the bike lane but city bike put those bikes around and bloom hed decided it was a good idea, people are going to die from that. They wear those euro trash outfits. They actually follow the rules. Were tawling about bikers who dont follow the rules. They are finally getting ticketed. Alec baldwin contributes to the definition he says about new york. You dont think hes part of the carnival snm. He said to the police, how young are these police . Dont they know who i am . The they should know who he is. Im glad the cops arrested him for this. The bike thing scares me. Im a nervous wreck in new york city. If you let the little stuff go then all the big things end up becoming worse so what they are doing here is saying you cant go the wrong way on fifth avenue and also its notid law. Its for his own safety. If he really cares about his wife and daughter he won be going the wrong way anyway. Do you wear the bike shorts anyway . No. Venttle and even worse is those guys who go on penny kabs. My money he was not going to get arrested until he mouthed off to the cop. Hes probably going up fifth avenue. It goes this way and he probably got in her face, the fox reporter he was protecting his daughter. You are a friend of his brother. Billy, stephen and daniel are the nicest people in the world. Dont you know who i am . Reece whither spoon taught us that. One more thing is up next. All right. One more thing. Bob, you kick it off. Today, at the White House Former Army Sergeant kyle white was the seventh living recipient of the medal of honor and gragses to him and this is what he had to say. Without the team there could be no medal of honor that is why i wear this medal for my team. My six fallen brothers. They are my heroes. Good for you, sergeant. Youve earned it and congratulations. Amen. Good one. Yesterday, i talk about my fit bit and having i got a badge. Well now ive learned about a new product. I dont need it. Its called the quit bit and it looks like a lighter and you look it up to your phone so that every time you light up, it will record it, so that now you will know how many cigarettes you are actually having in a day and if you are trying to quit, you can make cut back a little bit so that you have some measurement. I think its a really good product. What do you think . Im just thinking of your health. Okay. I appreciate that. If youll get me one, ill be happy to use it. Helping you always costs money somehow. I know. If you are about to sit down to dinner, you may want to hold off just a little bit. Now some politicians in washington, d. C. Get caught taking bribes, in affairs, others get caught digging for ear wax and eating it. Here with the most disgusting clip of the day. Check out joe garcia on camera. You should be very careful. Someone should invest also, you should not east your eat your ear wax. Thats amazing. I dont ever get grossed out. That just grossed me out. And those democrats. Im guessing some republicans do it too, but heres to hoping you are not having mustard for dinner. He could have had a poppy seed in there or something. How did that poppy seed get in there. This week of mothers day and me and my two daughters do what we always do we lock my wife in the bedroom and force her to eat a breakfast that she wouldnt normally eat, so are you kidding me . We do breakfast in bed. Its a tradition in our home. I went on line looking for breakfast in bed. I found this video. I thought it was great. Dont spill it. Ill put it all back. Shhh. Careful. Oh, im sorry. He scooped it back up and gave it to mom and she ate it. Who is that . Thats me and my kids. Thats fathers day. Mom is locked in the bedroom somewhere. You sleep in a adviser. The price of hops has doubled. Prices are going through the roof. We have a picture . We dont have a picture. Im going to snap chat. Beautiful. Im going to snap chat my craft beer after the show. Dont for it is wednesday may 14th. Minutes of horror after a bouncy house is swept up into the air with kids inside. Two children tossed into the streets from the sky. The latest on the boys conditions and what witnesses are saying about the incident. Another doctor blowing the whistle on another va hospital saying more veterans are dying while forced to wait for medical care. Why is the department of justice still refusing to get involved . A missing radio icons daughter making a desperate plea. Take it all. Give us our dad back. The desperate search for casey kasem and who they say has him. Fox friends first starts right now. Good morning. You are watching Fox Friends First on this wednesday morning. You have made it through half of the week. I am heather childers. Thanks for joining us. I am ainsley earhardt. It is one minute to the top of the hour. Play time taking a terrifying turn with when an inflatable bouncy house gets tossed into the air by strong winds with three children inside of it. Two young boys are waking up in the hospital with very serious injuries. Kelly wright is following the story for us and he has the latest. Those two kids are still in the hospital scary moments for them as well as their parents as they watched an inflatable bouncy house taking flight. What you are can lolooking at r now is a bounce house flying in the air as if it were a kite with children inside. Something like that you see in a horror film. Moments before this horrific scene taking place a bouncy house had been steaked in stake the front yard

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