who were those people? it is my favorite time of year. the family gets together and some relatives you want to see and some you don't. everyone is in good spirits and the little ones can't wait for santa to come down the chimney. but things can be chaotic this time of year. if you procrastinated you know what i'm talking about. the last-minute shopping, but there is a lot of cool stuff to choose from out there. ♪ walking in a winter wonderland ♪ okay, now eric, let me start with you. did you like any of those ads. >> the second one. >> you'll get in trouble with that one. >> well we went around the table -- >> are you ready for christmas? >> do you want to talk about you saying nothing. we lost it. >> never mind. dana, have you done all of your christmas shopping? >> i did something that i think a lot of women do which is i went to get my husband a present today to make sure i was ready for christmas, and i bought three things for myself: because they were on sale. and i'm wearing one -- i shouldn't have said this because he's probably watching. there will be something under the tree for him, i just don't know what it will be. >> i thought the commercials this year weren't as anoig as others. >> i like the home depot commercial. >> let me like at this apple. >> i'm looking at that joe boxer ad with the men in the boxers, i just want to make a point. it is called christmas eve, not christmas steve. it makes me sick to my country the way this country is going. it is offensive to me. >> are you joking? >> i could say i'm joking. i like people not to know. a couple of thoughts here. one, why doesn't someone come up with a delivery wrapping van, that comes to your house like a food truck and wraps your presents. because i can't do it. and i don't want to buy the wrapping. just come and do it for me like a food truck that wraps gifts. and there are millions of people like you. i went shopping on saturday and 90% of the people were buying stuff for yourselves. and i'm like can't you just wait for a month so yerks like -- so jerks like us could get through our christmas shopping. >> retailers are not consistent in the wrapping and gift message part. that is where online shopping could improve. >> how about you, are you all set? how is your son, by the way. >> he is doing well and we picked out a christmas tree and i went to get lights and they said we are sold out. they were like sorry ma'am. so i ran around and got some red, green and white. it is good. >> do you decorate your house? >> yeah, quite a bit. where are you going with this? >> we're talking about christmas. >> you mentioned the controversial ads. let's bring the apple commercial up here. ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ >> very cute. >> that is heart-warming i guess. >> what is the point? why are we doing this? what a waste of time. people come to watch the show, not look at stupid commercials. >> can i say on the other side of that. >> you can have a little eggnog. [ overlapping speakers ] >> let me -- >> i have a 15-year-old who spends his whole time, whenever we are at dinner, he is like this. and so what that was, that was the kid who removed himself from what was going on from the family, meanwhile what he had been doing was videotaping all of the nice things that were going on. >> and he put it together. >> that is why one of the ads that i welled up when i saw it because i didn't get it. but when you see it at the end, you are like, whoa. >> you cried? >> the only thing i know for sure, is my kid is still going to be tempting and not -- texing and not paying attention to me. >> after the 18th time i've seen it, i'm tired of the teen-ager. >> but you sit next to one. >> we'll skip the grinch. >> it was great for apple. >> they need help with advertising because they are doing so poo christmas and desp the fact that no what is happening in your life, you have to stop and slow down and think about other people and the true meaning of campus and the blessing of jesus and now greg. >> i find the whole thing nauseating. i just find the idea of watching commercials on a tv show stupid. commercials, they pay to be on programs, they pay you. you don't do it for free. especially apple, they are the richest -- company in the country. >> i had liberal professors. you like jimmy fallon, don't you? >> so should i call you a cab. >> it's cold outside. >> it's not that bad. >> you can still catch the bus. >> gonna make breakfast for us. tomorrow we'll hang out all day. >> i have an early thing tomorrow. >> got a toothbrush i can borrow. >> you really can't stay. >> it's starting to storm out. >> but baby, it's warm outside. >> i do not have -- have a clue what that was about. >> she wants to stay the night and he doesn't want her to stay the night so they sing a song about it. >> that is not what i would do. i would just throw her out. >> well you have a different arrangement. >> what is that all about it? >> understand. >> well speaking of arrangements, you did the show before. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i'm doing the best i can here. this is a very big deal. you want to talk about obamacare? >> if obamacare had apple advertisers in the p.r. department, they might be able to sell that. >> we'll talk about obamacare in the next slot. >> we are? >> see, i was hoping we would get through this. that is why they put me through the front end. >> can i ask you a question. when we opened the show you said there are some relatives that you want to see and don't want to see. what relatives don't you want to see? >> they are all dead. there are a few i would like to see. i enjoy most of them. >> if that is the only way i could shop, to drink. on saturday before i went out, i went to a bar and had two huge glasses of wine because that is the only way i can stomach going into large department stores and i bought quite possibly the worst gift i've ever purchased. >> i actually want to know -- >> i doipt know what i'm going to do. >> this was a gift from fox news. >> dana. >> and greg, you said this is going on too long. directly ahead, the president makes a couple of surprise moves on obamacare. ed henry has the laft and he'll join -- the latest and he'll join us here. and phil robertson may not be breaking down -- or backing down. i just started, give me a break. i'm doing my best. they give me the a-block and i got the commercials and greg going nuts. but before we go, andrea tant airos and juan williams as you've never seen them before. 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[ female nouncer ] symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not beaken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol inse the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart cdition or high blood pressure before takingt. [ man ] with copd, i thought i'd miss ouramily tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung fction, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescriion free. call or click to learn more. ♪ so today was supposed to be the deadline for most americans to sign up for obamacare. but the administration has just expended that to tomorrow. that is bob's phone. on christmas eve, in anticipation of high demand, meanwhile over the weekend democratic senator joe manchin called for a delay of the manda mandate, saying disaster if there isn't enough time for the rollout. >> if it is so much more expensive than we anticipated and the coverage isn't as good as we have, you have a complete meltdown. so this transitional ayear gives you a chance to adjust the market and see if the market will absorb and buy the product. and basically the cost becomes more than we can absorb. >> but acoring-according to president obama, everything is just fine. >> the basic structure of that law is working. despite all of the problems, the website problems, despite the messaging problems, despite all of that, it is working. >> we learned today that the president himself has just enrolled for a bronze plan that the white house admits he will never use any way because he gets healthcare from his employer. for more on that, let's bring in our favorite guest ed henry from washington. >> speak for yourself. >> what does bob have against me. >> no one is against you. we are all for you. >> i hate you. >> can you bring us up to speed on what the white house is thinking and what are they doing and are they completely disconnected or do they think we are realistic? >> you won't be surprised to learn to say to me candidly that they are still nervous. they keep saying the website is getting better but they are worried it will break down again. they have been burned before. and they are cautiously optimistic that the benefits of the law will kick in. and so while this is this glass half empty among the president's critics, they still have the glass half full. if you can get past these bumps and these are bhig bumps, just not tiny little speed bumps, they are hoping this will turn around. we're going to find out in the next few weeks it. will play out over the next six, eight, ten months. but over the next few weeks we'll find out if the enrollments are for real or the 2 million people the president touted, if some of them on january 1 or 2 go to the -- and find out the premium didn't make it to the insurance company, being enrolled is a sham and he'll have a problem on his hands when you have democrats like joe manchin saying we are having a meltdown. he has never been a fan of this president, and we should know that. but he is saying this could be headed for a meltdown and we have to pay attention to that. >> and this is robert gibbs echoing similar sentiments yesterday. >> this is big progressive government solving a big societal problem. >> i would say this is the worst year the presidency does beat out 211. >> i'll turn it over to eric who will ask you a question and maybe you can comment on that ad. >> here is the most transparent president in the world and it was going to be that way, but then again he signed up for obamacare but it sternes -- it turns out he didn't because he doesn't have to. it is a joke. it is becoming a charade. the american people don't know what is going on. they delay the employer mandate and the individual money date, there are waivers, the law is a shambles. what are the rules? we don't have any idea what is going on. >> is there a question in there. >> is there any salvaging this for administration? >> there is. i think chuck dod asked a question, the other day he said we have to stop the republicans from repealing the law and you are repealing on your own piece by piece. the president pushed back on that and said look, the core of this law is still there. and there are questions whether the core is that strong. when you add up net-net, how many people have enrolled and maybe they will have insurance in january, but when you suburb tract the folks that lost their plans, what is the net-net as to how many new people have gotten health insurance. so if the goal is to add millions more to the rolls, are they going to be able to show that in the next two or three months. >> bob is next. >> ed, it is really nice to see you and i was really only kidding. i think you are a great guest. and can you tell me, has the president played golf yet in hawaii. >> i think this is his second round. he is out on the golf course as we speak. live, local and late-breaking, he's out on the course. >> and has he gotten his christmas shopping done? >> i didn't ask him that question. i know his new year's resolution is he is trying to be nicer to the white house president corp. >> i was trying to see if i could change the toop -- topic, go ahead kimberly. >> if we can't fund this and the people that signed up won't have the insurance coverage because if the payments haven't gone through then i'm expecting sometime before the state of the union we're going to hear the irs or someone else doesn't have the man power or the personnel to be able to enforce the individual mandate. is there discussion about that, yet another delay? >> yes. and i think there are two points i would make. this is what democrat joe manchin is getting at. he used the world meltdown and that sound bite gets picked up but behind that he is pushing and saying there should be a delay of up to a year for the penalty for the fine and the individual mandate because he is saying, look, if folks have problems with the website or once they've gotten on but the paperwork won't get to the insurance company in time, how can you have the irs penalize people if they are trying to get health care and they can't do it. that is a real question that this white house has not confronted yet, number one and that is the democrat saying that. and what republican fred upton said today, one of the house representatives leading the hearing of the botched rollout part of this. he said look now they are changing by 24 hours the sign-up from today to tomorrow for people that are queued, what is the next holiday surprise? and you have to wonder, say christmas eve ort 26th or the 27th when people are not paying attention, are there more changes in the works? we don't know yet but that is something we could watch for. >> and greg, you said you have to drink to go shopping, do you have to drink to talk about the president. >> no. but i want to make a statement. obamacare, i had a friend in college that had a 1974 honda civic and there were more fixes, he had the blifrpging license plate, hydraulic lifts and spoilers and there was nothing left but this stuff which is what obamacare is. so here is my suggestion, remember that harvard kid who get out of finals called in a bomb threat, should the president called in a bomb threat on obamacare. just get out of it and say it is a disaster and leave. >> you just broke the law. >> that was a metaphorical. >> greg, you often have me about 85% of the way in and then on the last 15% you go off the runway with the bomb threat. >> call in and say it is over and done. >> we could start a war. take a shot at iran. >> i think what he can do is have to try to grind this out. what they started out with was a grand vision they had, all of the levers they were pulling and this was the perfect law with minor tweaks and they had it but it is not all there and they have been tweaking and tweaking and retweaking and i think they'll have to do some more over the next 30-60 days because there will be a whole host of issues we don't know yet. for example, the white house continues to say the plans that were lost were the folks who bought their own plan and the 85 % employer based is fine. i've talked to various small business people around the country who keep telling me they are getting irate phone calls from employees because their plans didn't largely change but the deductibles have gone from $400 a year to $2,000 a year. so once the folks that have employer-based care that wasn't supposedly not touched pay more out of the pocket in january and february, that could be another problem the white house is going to to deal with. >> they are not tweaking, they are twerking. >> i was going to say that. >> i'm sure the white house writers are having a blast writing the state of the union this year. >> by, bob. a new statement from the duck patriarch under fire from phil robertson. find out what he is saying next. ♪ mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation t offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at startup-ny.com. over the weekend patriarch phil robertson who was suspended by a&e spoke out. he said he is a lover of humanity and not a hater. now also over the weekend there was a big reversal by cracker barrel, the restaurant initially decided to pull duck dynasty merchandise from its shelves but after an uproar from customers it issued this statement. quote, you told us we made a mistake and we listened. today we are putting all of the duck dynasty products back in the store and we apologize for offending i ining -- for offend. so that was a big apology? >> that was well done. so over the wrk, a&e got heat and they got a comment saying they will continue to run the episodes and we expected that. but cracker barrel pulled items off their shelves and within 48 hours put them back on and apologized. they apologized and said we made a mistake and answered to the free market, but there are people out there who said stick it to cracker barrel. i say don't stick it to cracker barrel. it is a good company and they admitted to making a mistake. america is about second chances. >> have you ever been in a cracker barrel. >> i have. it is fantastic. >> i don't know why they missed it, but every one of those people in there would be duck dynasty people. >> had the founder never pulled the merchandise if he had been alive. but if they admitted to a mistake, bob, we all make mistakes, that is a free market adjust itself. dana, making faces. >> i'm tired of the story. >> you are? >> boo hoo. what do you want to talk about? dogs. >> i think people are underest pating -- underestimating how sensitive people were to the comment and that they were hurt by them. so then i also think that i can't judge anybody else, because i've got plenty of my own sinz i have to deal with and i'll deal with that with god. i think people are ready for christmas and to move on from this. a&e will not pull the show, creighton barrel -- >> cracker barrel. >> cracker barrel will not pull the show. they don't have oatmeal there. >> they have serving dishes. >> i think that people are ready to -- >> but real quick, from a communication perspective, do you like the way cracker barrel handled it and said we made a mistake and we listened to our consumers and now here is what we'll do. >> the companies don't talk to the p.r. person before they do it. it is after the fact. remember the airline that charged veterans coming home from afghanistan for their bags, and nobody talked to the p.r. person before doing this. >> and to the purple person over there. >> i wish i made this point but my friend gavin did. i talked to him this morning and he said could you find anybody less obscure than phil robertson if he doesn't have duck dynasty? he lives in a swamp. he doesn't talk to anybody, he lives his own life. it wasn't until duck dynasty came out that he became famous. so it is not like he was -- he walks down the street with a sign with his beliefs, telling everybody what he does. >> he's a private swamp person. >> yeah, he eats and kills frogs. so it doesn't bother anybody. these are his opinions, not his actions. i think that is probably the most interesting thing. >> and getting my friend bob in. >> you walked down the street carrying a sign. america, love it or leave it. all of you professors get out, you are all deported. i agree with debuta -- dana, i think we've run this baby into the ground. >> but we don't have a story left to replace it. >> yes we do. i have another one coming out that you sent out as a pitch. a p.r. executive at a media company sends a tasteless tweet before taking off to africa and was fired before she even landed. what she wrote that got her canned. that is next. ♪ [ male announcer ] wt kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all th natural gas. ♪ more than ever before, america's electricity is generated by it. exnmobil uses advanced visualization and drilling technologies to produce natural gas... powering our lives... while reducing emissions by up to 60%. energy lives here ♪ friday night, justine saco tweeted a tasteless joke as she was boarding a flight it. read, going to africa, hope i don't get aids, just kidding, i'm white. buzzfeed tweeted it as the worst feed of all time and as saco took off she was unaware that down below on earth her world was disappearing. when she arrived in south africa 12 hours later, she had been fired without a chance to defend herself. countless articles had been scheduling her demise. the true definition of bullying is sensing an opening and taking it d. her tweet require firing? probably. i thought it was how bad blacks have it when it comes to aids. but she's a p.r. so she should know better. but if a comic would have said this, many would have chuckled. you just need an ignorance that you could be next, watching the web and waiting for justine to land as they knitted a noous. when led to their own devices, humans are creeps. >> she apologized, a written statement saying she was insensitive to the crisis and was ashamed of making this aids joke. k.g., should she have been fired? >> yes. because sometimes sorry isn't good enough. i learned that from ronin. you can say sorry for something but it is just not going to cut it. how do you even think like that or say something so r reprehensible about a disease that has killed so many especially in africa where certain parts are impoverished and children dying and being born with aids. it is not something to joke about. >> but maybe, dana, i misread this joke, but i thought it was more of a white privilege analysis on white guilt. like we don't have this problem and they do. >> i thought about it on saturday when it broke and i said don't you think she meant this. but i think as a p.r. executive, implementing a strategy to apologize, that was good. but judgment is questionable. but i do think it reminded us we are all basically one tweet away from being fired. but this also is new h.r. tear forry -- territory. what are the policies and the draws lined. >> if you do more jasper junk, you could get fired from the five. >> i don't do those any more. >> and i had the same reaction. this is white privilege. don't be funny if you are not funny. but there were other tweets that i read she is like a repeat offender. at one point she made a joke about her and a handicap person and #fml and look it up if you don't know what that means. and yes, everyone deserves a second chance but do you deserve a third and fourth. >> but she is a resid visit of comments. >> and she was on the plane and she talked about the body odor of a german so she clearly has a fixation on other cultures. >> she'll have a job with a reality show in about 20 minutes. >> she's got -- she is in public relations and there is no excuse. i don't believe it is white guilt. i think she has a race problem and deserved to be fired and probably deserves -- well, let her go on. you don't say something like that. aids have devastated that country and the idea that some p.r. person would say something like that is beyond comprehensive. i'm mobbing up against her. >> she wasn't a low-level staffer, she had a lot of responsibility and clients and paying her money for her public relations judgment. >> do you think because she was flying she was on -- she tweets like, can i get in trouble if i tweet while inebriated. >> she was looking for attention. she has 574 followers before this. >> and now she has no tweeters and no job. >> coming up, there is nothing worse than another boring family christmas card. well maybe there is something worse. this. stay tuned for the most obnoxious -- the christmas jammy's next, it made me throw up. plus we plug more of saturday night live degrees piet it being against red eye. you'll see that when we return. we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays. ♪ welcome back, everybody. three fetching topics and 7 fleeting minutes and one fired up host. we start with the funny and then the feel good. in fact the really funny. justin timberlake and jimmy fallon rapping as competitive wrapping mascots. watch. [ rapping ] ♪ >> i like it. >> i want that dancing, rapping job. >> timberlake, that is a occurring character for kimber lake but if you add fallon, you can't beat that. >> they have chemistry together like this group. they may off each other well and dancing, it shows you have some talent and ability you can make anything look kind of good. >> it takes a lot of talent. i don't get it. and who are they supposed to represent? >> they are packages. >> wrapping packages. >> i order mine wrapped online. >> their hands look like the guy from hamburger helperment and as a rapper, i would say that is okay. >> how about beyonce made a new album. your fans are waiting. >> is there anything on that competes with the five that we like? what is on at 5:00? 5:00 on cnn, is that good. >> i watch it over and over. >> to your secret shrine. >> we'll move on. >> i hate this one. >> you are up first. this has gone viral. 12 million views, family tossing their day jobs to start a production company. their first gig, their own video starring the whole family. watch. ♪ [ singing ] ♪ christmas jammies >> craig, you are first. >> if you watch the whole thing it can be really upsetting. i don't like novelty cards but i don't like that. he's using his family in a way to start a bust. he used to be a news actor and she's an actress and you see in the video, he's selling his family and his business making viral videos. this wasn't a christmas card, it was just an opportunity for him to make money, which as a free market guy, all of the power to him, i just never want to see him do it again. >> your thoughts on this one dana? >> i'm imagining my family back in colorado doing something like this and i can't visualize it. now you can have leg warmers and rapping it out, i love it. >> i think it is horrible. it is just horrible. i mean this guy wants to start a company? he ought to go back to banking. >> no, he was a news anchor. that is a great point. and she was an actress. but they put together a production company and guess what 12 million views and we are talking about it. >> how many people bought the jammies? >> it was a little disturbing. >> and the whole bottom part of it, it is weird. let's do this one. the feel good and so many heartwarming story this is christmas season. here is one we felt was really nice. watch this young man as he realizes he's been accepted into clemson university. watch. >> so cool. >> it says congratulations. >> i got send? >> pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the clemson life program, for the fall of 2014, beginning august 17th, 2014. >> they said yes? >> they said yes. what do you say? >> yes! >> i love it. that is ryan holcomb. >> and i love it that schools are accepting students earlier, like right before christmas you can find out. it didn't work out for everybody for their first choice but a lot of families can breathe easier this christmas knowing their kid could get into the college of their dreams. this is a good one. >> it is exciting, i lime clemson and it is a great school and i think it is great ryan can go there and it is a joyful moment for the family. i love it. >> i like not only the looking at this, but clemson has a special program for kids who are challenged like this and they take 50 a year and give them special classes but give them a chance to get a college degree and i give them a lot of credit for it. >> i love it. >> don't say something mean. >> i knew you were -- i was going to say i hate this because i could never get into clemson. it was very nice. >> well not when you say it like that. >> i'm not a sentimental person, i can't help it. >> clemson is in south carolina. >> it is very nice. if you are going to make something nice, it is easy for that. >> very good. let's leave it at that. one more thing up next. >> i like it when you have this block. i'm nathan and i quit smoking with chantix. when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chanti is right for you. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at startup-ny.com. back for one more thing. we'll start with the grinch or mr. potter. if you remember it's a wonderful life. >> i love mr. potter. he was awesome. it is the holiday so you get invited to the holiday parties and with the internet it is e-bites. they allow people to say they are going and people will use the rsvp to say they are not going. hence -- >> i hate these people. >> these are the people -- these are the people that tell you why they can't make the party. i.e., oh, sorry, i'm skiing in aspen. the family is deep sea diving in australia. they use the party invitation as a excuse to rub your face in all of the fun things they do. i hate these peoplement if you are not going to a party, just say i ain't going. don't tell us you and the nanny are going to the wine country with a gorilla. >> you forgot soup kitchen. >> i'll be volunteering. >> that would be a good one. that drives me crazy too. you can't one-up from that. >> and one of the things you'll find if you are working this week like some people are, that when you try to get in touch with others that you need to reach, that there will be an out of office reply and this is one of the ones i like the most. it says if i respond to your e-mail, my wife will kill me. if it is a [ inaudible ], please communicate by phone, text or voice mail. if you are trying to -- i can't see this. if you are trying to give me money, come on over. so if you don't need an office reply, praez don't put it on there -- please don't say you are out of the office for ten minutes so you have to go down to get your kale smoothy. >> i don't even know how to do that out of the office reply. >> well you are not out of the office. >> but you are out of the office a lot. eric. >> one of the coolest things about working here. here it is, my christmas wish coming to fruition. sarah palin and elisabeth hasselbeck on the fox and friends set. >> and your message to bob beckel? >> merry christmas, even to bob beckel. >> and governor palin's book. >> what did you like about it. >> i read everything about it. >> you didn't read it. >> look i'm on page 74. >> oh, my goodness. you did like that little [ inaudible ]. speaking of which, let's talk about new year's eve and the biggest party. i like to go to after parties and eat the pigs in a blanket and put them in my pocket. but at 59 you can find me and bobbie over here, i'll be dancing in his lap because we only have one chair. that is at 9:00 p.m. eastern, and make that happen. >> and then greg and i are on red eye. >> and then before that you can get elizabeth hasselbeck and bill hammer at 10:00 eastern and we'll be joined with people like bill o'reilly and megyn kelly. so please spread the world. >> red eye is 12:30 new year's e eve. >> so you are good. one of the things i've thought about. i make a big deal about christmas being my favorite time of the year and all of the presents and all of the stress and all of the stuff that goes into it. let's keep in mind this is to commemorate the birth of our savior and it is important to take time and think that through and think that is a moment where maybe you could reconnect with the lord, but whatever religion you are, take a moment to think things through and as a christian i look forward to this very much, going to schch on -- to church on friday night -- or excuse me, on wednesday night. and set your dvr so you never miss an episode of the five. and don't forget our christmas show tomorrow. president signs up for obamacare before the deadline and then is forced to delay it for another 24 hours. this is "special report." good evening. i'm shannon bream in for bret baier. today was cutoff day for consumers to sign up for obamacare if they want their health care coverage to start on january 1st. however the website glitches struck again. ed henry reports sh the president is making the deadline, sort of, but then or . >> reporter: president obama liked his health plan and he is