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Awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends. No interest in tweeting the presidency of anything but one more reality show that we can use to get the attention he craves. Donald trump has not grown into the job because he cant. And the consequences of that failure are severe. Dana we have team talks coverage karl rove and molly on in a moment but the response from the team over at the Trump Campaign and we began with Jacqui Heinrich reporting live from wilmington, delaware. Do we have anybody in delaware, what do you know . Good afternoon, dana. Last night was about painting the country in a state of chaos and crisis and blaming President Trump era tonight will be about joe biden trying to be the leader who can ride the ship. Biden will have a positive core beliefs of the country to be united and will lay out a plan. So far keynote speaker skirted specific policy talks, mostly selling the candidates. Testimonial supporters served to highlight policies and tackle health care, immigration and gun control. Bidens speech will focus on the pandemic and the economy indicated by the new ad released in battleground states. What happens now, now that the rent is due but they cut your pay . Now that the virus has cost lives, but your Health Care Cost too much, now that the president has had months, but he still doesnt have a plan . What happens now . Joe biden knows how to lead through a crisis because hes done it before. Dana last nights big moment with historic Vice President ial nomination Kamala Harris but obama stole the show unleashing criticism of his predecessor. And used his office for personal gain and spam hatred and racism. Tonight there is very little to prepare joe biden for the atmosphere of his nomination, stripped of energy and reduced to a screen especially for a 77yearold retail politician who thrives on intimate moments with voters. But that is what is at hand. Dana we will look forward to your reports tonight. Team talks coverage continues with chief White House Correspondent john roberts on the north lawn, what do you know, john . What i do know the president left the white house a short time ago bound for scranton, pennsylvania which is joe bidens birthplace where he will offer up a scathing critique of his rival in his remarks. We got to look at excerpts of it that the president will offer up that 70 years ago joe biden left scranton, pennsylvania, for the past 50 years and selling out the people of pennsylvania, according to the president. He will save biden supported globalist attack, the world trade organization, ppp, the paris claimant clean power plant in pennsylvania lost one in three manufacturing jobs after nafta and chinas entry into the wto courtesy of joe biden. The president will also highlight biden support for the Green New Deal claiming it would decimate the Energy Industry in bidens manifesto with socialist bernie sanders, biden will outlaw american oil, coal and natural gas with net zero Carbon Emissions for all buildings within nine years and all power plants by 2035. This would destroy an estimated 609,000 jobs in pennsylvania. The Biden Campaign offering up a free rebuttal to the president s remarks. And the Biden Campaign official simone sanders, listen here. We will see donald trump doing what he always does, talking about himself, lobbing a text. You see Vice President biden talking about the american people, talking about his vision for the future. Be hopeful and upbeat. Just by being out and about again today, President Trump to offer up a contrast to joe biden who spends most of his time at home in delaware. The president answering questions from the media every day this week in sharp contrast to joe biden, who has not taken a question from the media since july 28th, dana. Dana all right, john roberts, thank you so much. It wasnt just former president obama democrat after democrat last night tore into President Trump saying the fates of our democracy was at stake. For four years people have told me, i didnt realize how dangerous he was. I wish i could do it all over. This cant be another wouldve, couldve, shouldve election. Ive seen firsthand Donald Trumps disrespect for working families and women in particular. Donald trumps ignorance and incompetence have always been a danger to our country. We have a president who turns our tragedies into political weapons. Joe will be a president who turns our challenges into purpose. Dana lets bring i in the panel karl rove, great to have you both. Karl i want to focus on one thing last night. Theres been a theme all of the speakers encouraging whoever is watching the Democratic Convention to go and vote. Barack obama the former president focused in on that seeming to maybe be concerned that turnout wont be what it needs to be for the democrats to win. What do you think about this, and what are some of the things suggested for the republicans to try to prevent the democratic voters from getting to the polls . First of all i thought it was smart to say get out and vote early. Get an absentee ballot and vote early as Hillary Clinton said. They are clearly fearmongering when it comes to voter suppression. I think they are really serious about people having to vote when they call out the democratic elected officials, planet and the suburbs and democratic officials and used and who screwed up the primary earlier this year like Historic Black College Texas Southern where they had insufficient number of polling places in africanamerican neighborhoods. But i think from a technical perspective, it is good to say get out and vote early. The polls have demonstrated pretty consistently there is Enthusiasm Gap between biden supporters and trump supporter spirit Trump Supporters are far more excited about their canada and far more likely to vote for him. As we saw an ace surveyed this week week a majority of biden supporters are voting against as opposed for voting for biden. If i were the democrats i would try to say to people get out and vote early and get your absentee ballot in and vote early because they have a problem with turnout. Dana our colleague told me this week, a vote is a vote so whether or against, those votes all count. So maybe republicans are making too much of the Enthusiasm Gap, and may be, also, can you speak to the real concerns democrats have about the technical ability to get out the vote and get people to the polls. Because i hear that is a big concern. Yeah, so first, i agree with chris, right . Enthusiasm is enthusiasm. Negative enthusiasm, positive enthusiasm, and if you are motivated to vote you will go and vote. That is what democrats are banking on. But i think there is more probiden enthusiasm than some people like to say, but what you saw speaker after speaker do, right, Hillary Clinton, we cant let this be a Wouldve Couldve shouldve election. There is a real fight against complacency among democrats. Particularly as more polls show the gap widening between biden and trump. And i think you are right to point out that there is a real concern among a lot of democrats that the mechanics of voting are going to be more of an obstacle for democrats this year than it will be for republicans. Republicans tend to vote on election day. Democrats tend to vote early. They like to vote by mail and absentee. And if we see continue to see the problems with the Postal Service raising questions about mailing voting, will that depress the vote . If we continue to see republican secretaries of state limiting the period for early voting as we saw in the past couple of elections. That is a concern for democrats. So you will see a full court press not to wait until november, but to start voting as soon as possible. Dana karl, do you want to respond to that . I do, look, u. S. Postal service was warning secretaries of states to by the limits, the delivery limits that the u. S. Post office talks about. Warning them not to tell people, you can mail your absentee ballot back in on election day and have to have it received three days later because the Postal Service says it may take between 25 days to return. They were admonishing the states to be accurate in describing when people ought to mail it. Second of all, secretaries of state cannot limit the ability of people to vote absentee. That is done by state legislatures and laws written by legislatures and signed by governors spirit secretaries of state cannot screw around with this. This fearmongering has got to stop. People can vote and vote by mail and they can do so legally. By the rule set in place by their state and their state ought to Pay Attention to what the vote to post office says they need and dont make in the way of delivery time. You have a kid in carolina but lives in new york he may mail his ballot on election day but it might not arrive there in three days because the post office said it might take five days for the piece of mail to get from North Carolina to his Election Office in new york. That is what the Postal Service was telling the states. It wasnt screwing around with the dispatch limits. They were telling the states with the time of necessary. Dana i feel like i should give him the last word. My point was about early voting as well. And we have seen in past cycles where republic officials have limited the number of places. No, mo, mo, mo. The decisions about location, voter location is made by officials. In 20162018, republican officials in the state. So look no, they didnt, mo, give me one example. One example. Dana guys, im going to have to i will give you some as soon as we get off the air. Dana we should do that because the reason i have brought it up i have said under the surface and rising to the surface and even the former president of the united states, President Trump talking about and we need to talk about it, bring your Imminent Mission to the argument. We appreciate it, karl and mo. Be sure to tune in for bidens big speech for the Democratic Convention. I will join bret baier and Martha Maccallum at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Next as we gear up for tonights, democrats lashing back on President Trump, but are they making the same mistake they did four years ago . Veterans, if you could lower your mortgage payments by 250 a month 3,000 a year, what would you do with the money . Save for your retirement, update your home, maybe buy a new car . Record low rates have dropped even lower. Use your va streamline refi benefit now. One call to newday is all it takes to save 3,000 every year. Ygypaex water . Why . ahhhh incoming ahhhahh im saved water tastes like, water. So we fixed it. Mio where Everybody Knows someyour name ant to go and theyre always glad you came applebees. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. Its totally not the same without you. We miss your lets do this look. The sound of your laugh cry screams. And how you make every day here the best day ever. We cant wait to get you back so weve added temp checks, face coverings, social distancing and extra sanitizing to get the good times going again. Were finally back, and cant wait until you are too. Buy now and get two days free at the parks. Restrictions apply. Dana back to the race for the white house has joe biden gets ready to accept the democratic nomination for president. Joining me now democratic executive director who made history this week herself as she pulled off the first convention. We will talk about that in a moment. I want to get your take on enthusiasm pure the wall street journal poll showing is your vote for biden or more cans trump . More against trumpet 58 . If i can get you to respond to this, bidens message sounds like Hillary Clinton. Again appealing to antitrump republicans but isnt doing much to woo the 14 class obama trump voters who affected in 2016. I want to get your reaction to that. Well i strongly disagree. Dana i have owned failing. Yeah,y predictable. We have made an appeal of the past three days and we see in the report today and to everybody, anybody who cares about a fair economy. Anybody who cares about, you know, a trade deal gone wrong that has bankrupted her arms and small businesses. Anybody that cares about uniting this country so that we can actually get something done. These are not just democratic issues or independent issues. There are a lot of republicans that care about this too. I wholeheartedly disagree but that. Dana for something a little bit behind the scenes come i know there are other meetings and organizational things and im just talking with karl ammo, and for both sides, how those may be hindered but what is going on behind the scene to address that from a democratic standpoint . Well, lot board. And we are allage right now. You can see throughout the convention actually that weve had enormous results of just driving people to go make a voting plan. You know, that we are a little early for traditional efforts and you have to do that at the right time. But right now in the age, you have to make a plan for everything. You have to make a plan to go get groceries. You have to make a plan for educating your kids. You also have to make a plan for voting too. Just all that over the past three nights. We have been hitting that regularly, and you will see that big time tonight, driving people to help them go make a plan. Dana i wanted to ask you also about this verse you did come a Virtual Convention and you had another historical last moment with the first black americans, woman to be nominated Vice President. I did feel for her. She has this moment but there is no one to cheer, no one to chant, no one to give her a lift. What were you thinking about in terms of putting her in that setting last night and encouraging her she had the support out there . She knows she has the support out there. And that has been since the reaction since she was picked as the Vice President has been an enormous spirit and look, we have not tried to make this a traditional convention. This was the Unconventional Convention and it was necessary because of the time we are living in with the Coronavirus Crisis that has caused this. So we are not trying to have any of those traditional elements. I think she gave very passionate remarks about who she is, you know, the shoulders upon which she stands, and what it means, what hurt canadas c means for all americans moving forward to. I thought there was a great set of remarks and i wish we had tens of thousands of people in the arena to hear them, but whether the benefits of this type of convention when speaking directly to cameras, people are paying attention. People are tuning in and it matters. It really matters. Dana i thought it was interesting to listen to the whole speech without any interruption of applause in some ways i think that has been effective. We will see what people think about it years Going Forward but congratulations being the first person to do it, stephanie. Thank you much. Dana next Hillary Clinton harping on and accusing to stop at nothing to win this time around. We made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. When their growing family meant growing expenses, our agents helped make saving on insurance easy usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa crankypated a bad mood related to a sluggish gut. Miralax is different. It works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. Free your gut, and your mood will follow. Dana and a live look at the district courthouse in manhattan where we are waiting for former white house advisor steve bannon to make his first Court Appearance. Prosecutors say he and others ripped off donors pocketing money who was supposedly to help build a border wall. David lee miller has the details, david lee . Steve bannon and three other men are indicted for alleged conspiracy to commit Money Laundering as well as conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Now, this just unsealed document with using fake invoices and accounts. It says that we build the wall crowd campaign to raise 25 million some of which steve bannon put in their pockets and a portion of the indictment says the defendants each received hundreds of thousands of dollars from donor funds from we build the wall with his personal expenses and travel, hotels, consumer goods and personal credit card debts. It goes on to say that the defendants repeatedly and intentionally lead the public to believe none of the donations would be used for personal benefit of the defendants. The u. S. Attorney says through another nonprofit steve bannon received 1 million, some of which he diverted for his own expenses. Went steve bannon and others feared under investigation they used encrypted software to conceal their conspiracy. He now faces up to 20 years for each of the two criminal charges. His initial Court Appearance as you said was scheduled for this afternoon. This should take place sometime after 3 30 east coast time, dana. Dana okay, we will stay in touch with you david lee. Hillary clinton bringing up or loss in the 2016 election in her speech last night and warning voters trump will try to sneak or steal the election. This cant be another Wouldve Couldve shouldve election. Dont forget, joe and kamala can win by 3 million votes and still lose. Take it from me. So we need numbers overwhelming so trump cant sneak or steal his way to victory. Dana joining the now and im so happy his former chairman of the rnc mississippi Governor Haley barbour, it is great to see you, governor. I wanted to ask you the race right now, the recent cnn abc poll with an average 550. 8 and trump, it has tightened on a national level. Take a look at the battleground choices the president voting, michigan 49, 40, in 2012 a Reelection Campaign is always a referendum on the president s record. Do you think that is still the case in 2020, or is this raise a different type of animal . I think it is somewhat of both. Senator biden, Vice President biden come im sorry, Vice President biden has some weaknesses in his campaign, in his career. He tried this twice before and lost. I have always said if you take a pile of dung and put it in anteroom, no matter how large or small, joe biden will find a way to step in it. That is a lot of what this race is about and of course, as always, lots of what this race is about is the incumbents. But i dont think its going to be as much like 2016 as some people might think. I think if you look, i have looked at 13 polls taken in the last week. Biden is ahead by a little less than seven points if you take the average of the 13. Mrs. Clinton talked about the machine talked about the 3 million votes. With california, new york, they will deliver biden probably 4 million votes so in actuality, the difference in the states that matter is much, much less. Dana that is really interesting. What do you think about her message that the president will try to sneak, cheat, steal the election . Well, she has said that from the very beginning. You know, i am sure there are people in the country that believe it. Most do not. After all, it was her campaign that paid for the dossier, done by the british spy. It wasnt the republicans campaign, but it was her campaign. And for her and the democrat generals to talk about turnout . I mean, turn out was very, very large in 2016 if she lost the race. It will be large this time. But the democrats seem to think it is in their advantage if they scare everybody and say because you are an africanamerican, they will try to keep you from voting toward worry if because you are this, they will keep you from voting. That is all campaign malarkey. Dana campaign malarkey. Energy would come up with a couple of ones. I didnt anticipate the dung in the room, but that is something similar to what political report of this week that barack obama has said dont underestimate joe bidens ability to screw this up but there was a different word there. I will give you the final word on that. I guess it is the one thing president president obama and i agree on. Dana we will take agreement where we can get it. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, dana. Dana take care. Democrats have not mentioned the violence in American Cities but plenty of talk about guns last night with other issues. But will it backfire . We will talk about it. We see you. Looking out for all of us. But you cant lose sight of your own wellbeing especially if you have a serious chronic medical condition. At aetna, were always here to help you focus on your health. Because its always time for care. 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Dana its the bottom where they are and time for top headlines. New york city set to lay off hundreds of emergency workers. Mayor bill de blasio said the city is facing budget crisis and has to make cuts. He has warned he may have to cut 22,000 jobs but did not confirm how many would be emergency workers. One union leader said the move will put lives at risk. Michigan agreeing to pay 600 million to settle lawsuits stemming from the plant water crisis. The wall street journal. And contaminated water made people sick and caused unhealthy levels of lead in childrens blood appear and speak with the residents of flint have endured more than most. They cannot be dragged back and forth any longer to achieve nothing but continued hardship. Dana an investigation found the city switched water sources to save money and old water mains leaked lead into the water. And iran with two new missiles with heightened tensions with the united states. The missiles are named after two military leaders who died in a u. S. Strike in january. Irans president said it has tripled its missile range in less than two years. And those are todays headlines. A fox news alert, President Trump on his way to pennsylvania. A very important state for the election to hold a Campaign Stop near joe bidens childhood hometown. Bryan llenas in pennsylvania but this, hey. Dana, this Campaign Stop will be 3. 5 miles away from scranton, pennsylvania, joe bidens birthplace but also middle northeastern pennsylvania where bluecollar workers and domestic callers. A scathing speech, highlighting fracking and National Gas Industry as well as farming from some of what we saw, the president is expected to really scorch the former Vice President saying it sold out the people of scranton. He called biden, the people here his worst nightmare, their worst nightmare. That is a little bit of what we are expecting. If you look at this map 2016, President Trump won pennsylvania by dominating the rule communities. Just by 44,000 votes and he needs that in the Marginal Community is to carry the state. One of the big things is fracking. Some 600,000 jobs are dependent on natural gas and directly or indirectly in the state. We spoke to the aflcio president in pennsylvania who says biden needs to get that message clear he does not want to outright ban fracking because he thinks it will really be harmful to democrats. Take a listen. Its got to be Vice President biden. He will be the president. His position on a 30year transition to help people get new jobs or figure out the clean energy jobs, keep fracking going because we have a natural gas. That has got to be the message. Real clear politics average has the president down six points in pennsylvania, but on the economy up five and that is the message they want them all about the economy today, dana. Dana that is an interesting number, thank you, brian. Great to have you here. First on this trip to pennsylvania, that is an aggressive move by the president , smart one . I think so, dana. It seems the last time i was on we were talking about pennsylvania too. It shows the importance of the state and the focus that it will have on the stretch. Look, i have always thought the energy issue, the Energy Debate played out in the democratic side would hurt them in the general election because they are so many good paying jobs. There were so many bluecollar jobs and it drives an interesting wedge as the report highlights between the Democratic Base on Environmental Issues and labor issues. A lot of these drugs are good paying jobs. These democratic labor unions dont want to see them finish and decapitated. Its not joe biden, Kamala Harris during her president ial run. Dana when you have a battleground state Something Like energy, how big of a role does that play for the democrats . I think as those so does the country and the election. And i think this election and i think colin reed has raised good points. The election will be one into philly suburbs and the greater suburbs of pennsylvania. Those are different messages in different respects, but i do think the energy plan that biden discussed at the convention actually meets the middle ground not just for pennsylvania but the industrial midwest. Dana President Trump wont agree but i will let the campaign fight that out when they can. I want to have you listen to some sound from last night at the convention on hot button issues the democrats think were for them. We will take a listen and get your take on it, watch. 90 of americans support common sense gun laws because we need to do more to address the academic of gun laws. Lgb q2, to prevent gun violence and preserve our planet with future generations. We have the chance this november 2 and 2 exponential crises come with the presidency and environmental annihilation he represents. Interest in white and new immigrant might look around this country and wonder if there is a place for him here. Dana i imagine the trump team was chomping at the bit to get those issues last night. They will have their issues but we will give you yours right now. Well, heres the deal as joe biden would cite these conventions, the audience is the faithful. The reminder to the hardcore activists and base voters why they are democrats and why they should get out and vote. That sugar high feels good at the time because everyone leaves feeling good, but in the long run, anything said last night doesnt make a dorns worth of difference until it shows up in a republican attack ad and just like what zack referenced a reminder why the democrats and the column in 2016 because they felt no place in the democratic party. So these cultural issues at your own peril, especially in the states and decide the election like pennsylvania and again in wisconsin. Dana zach, lets get your thoughts on that. The flip side of that also is true, elections are about contrast. There is no question any of these issues got an adequate hearing in the last three years of the trump administration. We are talking 70,000 votes in a couple of states and by the way, people traditionally voted democrats. The democrats recognize they can up those numbers with the issues they have been talking about the last couple of days. Dana we started off the show talking about the voter turnout, obviously, Elections Come down to turn out but the question how you get them out to vote this year and the pandemic is more interesting. We have issue both appreciate you both. For teachers to reopen schools and be sure to follow me on social media as dana perino at the daily briefing. We have new stuff for you there. Is that net carbs or total . 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Child care was already hurt before the pandemic and now, parents are stuck. No idea when schools can safely reopen and even fewer child care options. It is time to recognize that child care is part of the basic infrastructure of this nation. Dana her comments coming as more coronavirus spikes in schools and teachers protesting plans to reopen those schools. Jonathan carey has more on this, jonathan. High mecca medina the teacher protest affecting two large School Districts, one being detroit where Union Teachers vod to authorize a strike to prevent schools from resuming in person learning. Citing Public Health concerns, teachers are demanding the new School Year Began with all classes online. That is the only safe option we have. That is the only option to protect our lives and our students lives and the lives of everybody in the city. In new york teachers are banned from striking, legal action from prompted mayor bill de blasio with the extensive cleaning, testing and other safety protocols for schools. In here is a pledge, im putting this out today, back to School Pledge and a list of all the things being done in ever Single School to get our schools ready. Now is School District weighed the risk and benefits of reopening physical classrooms. A new study has come out in the journal of pediatrics showing that our children even mild cases of covid19 can carry huge loads of the coronavirus, dana. Dana all right, john, thank you very much. Founder and ceo of the con academy and you wrote recently and i thought it was interesting, it doesnt need to be this way. You think there are better ways we can all get back to school in someway and back to learning. But what do you think should happen now these colleges as they try to open and back to Online Learning . You know, sometimes a poster chart dominic child for Online Learning but im the first to say this is an optimal situation the world is dealing with. We have to deal with the constraints handed to us. And i think there are better ways to do the Distance Learning as you mentioned. People are so caught up do we open schools, close schools, testing . There hasnt been sufficient amount of attention to what this looks like . And when students get on skype or zoom to get as much interaction as possible, what a lot of us dont realize, this learning to be different if every aspect of a child was not distance as well. Ironically the Distance Learning with the teachers actually the majority of the social interaction they will have in their life right now. So it is really important instead of a lecture, if focus on on interactivity and the kids can talk to each other, collaborate with each other and then working at their own time and pays. Dana what about technology . I worry for the kids at home and the parents at home that might not have special book or i. T. That they need for the bandwidth and the wifi and may be other kids and other family members working from home and things crash. Are the things families can do at home to make this better and easier for them . What you are referring to i think is the problem. I wish i had a magic wand to solve a lot of it because what we are seeing going into the crites is 20 , 30 at limited access were not sufficient access and one cell phone at home to share with a family of five as you mentioned. In even the heroic efforts to get laptops and computers and Internet Access to families in new york city distributed to the hundred thousand laptops. We see 5 , 10 of the population not engaged. We dont know quite why that is happening. It may be of the parents are essential workers and not the support at home or sharing a bunch of devices. So i know the world is trying to solve this, but if we can for those who do have access, the number one thing is parents can create a habit. If they can create a place where kids are always able to work. The more that parents are able to have a level of oversight and understand the kids schedule. They are a little bit complex in my own kids school has a difficult one but it is important to understand their schedules and make sure your children are showing up to the virtual classes or the video classes at the right time. I think it is all about habit. Dana it is hard to do though for some and they are also trying to work or schedules or maybe they have little kids they have to take care of. There is a lot of it there. What is your favorite sport that people are learning at the academy . We have a lot of courses but math is definitely where a lot of folks are leaning on us right now ever since the covid closure has had. 90 million learning hits a day at the academy especially in math. Dana i could use it to come i will tell you that. Thank you so much, sal khan, we appreciate it. Thank you. Dana nxt a story line right out of a movie, one of Vladimir Putins biggest opponents was hospitalized, and it looks like he was poisoned facing leaks takes strength. So heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Dana wildfire alert and hundreds of fire is raging in california forcing tens of thousands of people to leave their home. Senior correspondent is live outside of sacramento with the latest, claudia. Dana it is a grim scene in neighborhoods like this one home after home wiped out and also what is astounding after three days, this fire 0 contained. That is very unusual but perhaps not surprising given just how many fires are burning in california. More than 300 in all sparked by lightning and raging out of control amidst a blistering heat wave. 170 homes and buildings damaged or destroyed. Fires threaten 40,000 structures. The socalled lightning complex fires grouping of fires around California Wine country has scorched an area likely four times the size of san francisco. Another complex of fires has burned 40,000 acres in smoky air is making it hard to see hime cs come a helicopter pilot with a water drop near fresno and a utility worker who was helping first responders. In the meantime, thousands of residents do not know when they will be allowed to go home or what they will see when they do. Crews are stretched thin but hundreds of firefighters from other states to help you or the governor has declared a state of emergency to breed out stomach free up state resources as well not just for the firefight happt the whole Property Owners lost everything. Back to you. Dana you really feel for them, claudia, thank you so much. We hope it gets better soon. A story to find in a novel, top critic of russian president Vladimir Putin ended up in a coma and a spokesperson think somebodys poisoned him. Benjamin hall with the latest, benjamin. The opponents of Vladimir Putin but the most prominent opposition figure in russia. Aunt they apartheid beaten and arrested and poisoned. And he lives in a coma. He has been held in a hospital in siberia after his flight to moscow was forced to make an emergency landing. His spokesman believes his team poisoned him at the airport and he began flying crying out in agony. He is the one man believed to be able to unify opposition against Vladimir Putin. He has millions of followers and describes the recent extension of Vladimir Putins terms of 2026 as a coup. The party of crooks and thieves. Critics of Vladimir Putin with in london and another agent more recently, but numerous other critics have also been poisoned and site licensed. They wish him well. Dana. Dana Benjamin Hall an amazing story. Thank you for that. We will see you on the five. Nice to see you in washingt washington. Buy. Bill good afternoon everyone, i am bill hemmer. Pennsylvania where President Trump is said to speak at this hour in a moment now. Air force one has landed. He will be at that Campaign Event that takes place a few miles from where joe biden was born. We expect the president to and likened this draconian to his speech. The democratic president ial nomination. It is the final night of the democrats Virtual Convention. They have a big line of speakers leading up to joe biden in prime time. And a moment i will speak

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