Window is closing to get these brought under control. Senator rick scott is standing by with reaction, but we began with Kristin Fisher. She is at the white house for us, but first lets go to casey stegall. And a growing number of states you just heard about this at the White House Press briefing, more young people account for the majority of the new infections that we are seeing across the country. In california for example more than 57 of positive cases are now between people that are age 1649 years old and its a driving force behind the governors decision to close bars and seven counties including los angeles. The median age of covid patience in florida is 34 years old. Officials have ordered beaches to close for the upcoming fourth of july holiday weekend. That includes miami, the florida keys, and palm beach. In texas 2059yearolds make up the largest portion. If there is a bit of good news, mortality and hospitalization rates are significantly lower among younger generations. Health officials and houston say they are seeing a larger number of people in that age group that have been admitted to the icu. Leaders say if those trends do not change the region could be in real trouble. We are way down compared to where we were in march and april with the icu patience. We are managing this. We have capacity to take care of a lot more patience, however, i want to caution that this is not sustainable long term. If things dont change in the next four weeks then it will be a different conversation. Mike pence and deborah birx met with the governor and Health Officials here yesterday. They encouraged residents across the state to wear face masks especially in the areas that are seeing the largest increases. They know . Dana casey stegall, thank you. The white house saying that President Trump was not briefed on a report that russia was offering bounties to kill american troops. Kristin fisher is live at the white house. You were there at the briefing. We got more information. The White House Press secretary says President Trump still has not been briefed on the intelligence that fueled these reports that russia may been trying to pay the taliban linked militants to kill u. S. Soldiers. She said President Trump is only briefed unverified intelligence and that this intelligence has not been verified. Given the severity of these accusations, alleged russian bounties being placed on the heads of american troops on the ground in afghanistan. I tried to ask the press secretary why he has not been briefed today about it. Heres what she said. There is no consensus within the Intelligence Community on these allegations and they are dissenting opinions for some and the community with regards to the veracity of what is getting reported. The veracity of the Underlying Health allegations continue to be evaluated. Members of Congress Also have questions about that for nancy pelosi, calling on the white house to brief all members of congress. The white house making it just a little bit smaller group, the chief of staff extended an invitation to a Bipartisan Group of about eight lawmakers today. Those eight are now meeting here at the white house. We dont know exactly who they are or if they are indeed a Bipartisan Group or if theyre just republicans, but there is a briefing taking place at the white house right now about these allegations. At the moment President Trump himself has not been briefed. Dana thank you. Lets bring in republican senator rick scott of florida. Wonderful to see you. Thanks for being a part of the show. I want to start with coronavirus. We have a chart that shows the number of cases in florida in the last few weeks. Its glowing in the wrong direction. Everybody would like to see it go down. We had a lot of briefings from the governor i wanted to get your take on what you make of these numbers and some of the consequences like the beach is still not open for the fourth of july. First off, i think we have event, we are not done with this. Well have to take this seriously. They have to continue to inform the public. The way i think about this is what i did during hurricanes. You get people information and they make good decisions. We have to tell people, where is this happening . If its a certain restaurant or bar, wherever its happening. Get that information out there so people can make informed decisions. We have to talk about the importance of Wearing Masks, social distancing, the important selfquarantine, if you been around someone who has tested positive. The government has to inform. We have to get the economy open as quickly as we can. Dana im glad you brought up that word mandate because Speaker Pelosi thinks that, at least one aspect should be mandated. Take a listen. Definitely long overdue for that, the centers for Disease Control recommended the use of masks, but not demanded or required it because they didnt want to offend the president. The president should be an example. Real men wear masks. Dana senator, mask wearing obviously we know, scientists are saying that it helps prevent the spread, but does it need to be mandated. It should be mandated and she lives in california where they mandate everything. Why doesnt she talk to her governor . I dont believe they ought to be doing it. They should get the information out to the public. I said, this is what you have to do to stop it. This is where the local transmission is and this is the informed decision. We could beat it, we can do the same thing with this. Government at all levels, stop telling us what to do. Dana on that point, if people are Wearing Masks is more likely that we will be able to get the economies back and running. What is your level of concern with the economy being able to bounce back as much as we would all like it to . Dont go tell us its okay and a protest but you cant go worship. They shouldnt be doing that. Be consistent, get people good information, and people shouldnt be selfish. Dont go to a bar where people are getting this. Dont go do that. We have to get this economy open and its not fair people are working at these places and its not fair to you, your coworkers, everybody. Be responsible. Dana your point about the employees, we should care about those people who want to work as well. One last question, we were just getting a report from Kristin Fisher that unverified intelligence suggests russia paid bounties to have the taliban kill american soldiers. Obviously there are many military members and family and your home state of florida. The white house says there briefing some members of congress today. What would you most like to kn know . Its a serious allegation. I will get the facts, im sure i will get a briefing tomorrow. Lets get the information. Lets remember this, prudence of thoughts. He has not our friend, he is our adversary. You dont support iran, you dont go there. Lets all remember who he is, hes a thug, hes not helping peace around the world. He is creating turmoil all over the world. Whether this is true or not, hes a thug. Dana senator rick scott, always a pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you would have a good fourth of july. More on the concerns over coronavirus just ahead, including when will your kid to get back in the classroom . I will speak with the president of the American Academy of pediatrics about that. Up next President Trump says hes going to win big come november. Our Political Panel weighs in. Our team is standing by right now to take your call. And from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. With our va streamline refi, theres no income verification. No appraisal. And no out of pocket costs. Nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. ~uztu thats where i feel normal. S an hour, having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. 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Lets bring in our Political Panel, michael meehan, former Senior Advisor to senator john kerry. Some other things hes accomplished. Let me start with you. The Campaign Manager for President Trump said this and the Washington Post article this morning, we know we are in solid shape and no amount of narrative, can ever change that. He does have really high numbers when it comes to enthusiasm amongst republicans. Are they having, are they wearing simple rosecolored glasses over at Campaign Headquarters . I do think one of the strange aspects the acrimonious nature we are in, including all of this really terrible activity around the politics of race is that there are huge swaths of conservatives and republicans who will no longer interact with pollsters. I talk to them who say its a growing problem. They trump support is as enthusiastic as ive ever seen it. The three times advantage on enthusiasm is real and the fact that republicans and conservatives are unified behind the president , you are also seeing swing voters, guess what, they swing back and forth. When you have a pandemic on top of an economic shut down, on top of these major cities on a fire, defunding the police department, radical extremism. It makes even more people worried about whats going to happen. It causes them to clam up in terms of their honest feelings, and if defunding the police will be equated with racism, then i think your knock when you get honest answers and pools until election day. Michael meehan, biden has some holes in his favor. This is nbc news, wall street journal. When it comes to how people feel about a candidates, 42 have negative feelings towards Hillary Clinton. In 2020, 25 have a negative feeling towards joe biden. Much to think that helps them, even if the enthusiasm is not quite there . I think the enthusiasm level is unbelievably high. Donald trump motivates the daylight out of his base and the democratic base. 2016 we had to historically unfavorable people. Donald trump got a quarter of the vote from people who said they dont like him. Thats not the case this time. This time hes in deep trouble. He would lose today, some of them by double digits where there wasnt a moment and 2016 where Hillary Clinton was over 50. Joe bidens already. The election were held today, it would be a blowout. Can i say one thing . Dana of course. I want to say very clearly that no offense to any particular poll, but these public polls on these battleground states that show joe biden up double digits are a carbon copy. Despite the negatives, a carbon copy of what they showed at this point and time when donald trump was running against Hillary Clinton, and at that time his approval rating, much lower. He did not have this unanimous 95 support from republicans. The president we serve never got that high. Thats a historic high. The fact is hes not behind. I will tell you, theyre pretty tight. We have to make the right decisions Going Forward or else we will lose this race. Dana michael you were shaking your head no, tell me why . A fox news poll and New York Times full sync up to show doubledigit leads. Joe biden only needs to win three of the eight battleground states that donald trump carried. Very narrowly and 2016 and he is doing that today. Im shaking my head no because, rarely do you have sort of a range of polls that show this kind of lead. This president doesnt have a message. He has no reason. Why does he want a second term . He had the easiest interview on your network the other day. Why do you want to run, he didnt have an answer. Why do we want more years of you . Get a very clear answer and 2016, make America Great again. Now he said transforming, what is that . It needs to be clear and consistent in this campaign is nowhere near that. Dana let me ask you about the campaign, thinking about switching it up, how to define joe biden, including the nickname. Thinking sleepy joe isnt working. Do you think they need to figure out a way to define biden from their point of view . Joe biden as a candidate has one great virtue. The more you dont hear or see from him the more you like him. He has been invisible and i think the Trump Campaign is smart to try to get this president ial campaign, started again. Its a constitutional requirement that we have a president ial election and campaign every four years. The democrats are trying to cancel voting, cancel in person voting, change our politics and theyre trying to make the best of saying, these two candidates should not go out there and waged a campaign. I think thats bad for america, bad for democracy, and the more people who hear from joe biden. We did an analysis with his 40 years in the senate, this is a person whos been on the wrong side of history every step of the way, including on a race where Kamala Harris prosecuted him on national tv about his previous position. Dana i want to give the last word to michael meehan. Go ahead. On the mailing voting, its okay the president to do it, civil war soldiers, et cetera rain that the rest of the country can do that as well. 50 Million People voted that way. There is no Natural Advantage when you have that big of a turn out and donald trump is wrong, every member of his family and administration does that. Thats insane. He cannot figure out why he deserves for more years. If for one second that barack obama was accused of not standing down on Vladimir Putin and trying to get him into the g7 after bounties have been putting on the heads of american soldiers, this is insane. Dana that story is unfolding and their briefing at the white house now. I love having you to on. I know you cant have a drink in the green room after this, but hopefully you will get a text message. We never did that dana you should do that. Howie kurtz is up next. Thanks. Because heart and Kidney Disease shouldnt prevent you from pushing your limits. Because every baby deserves the very best start in life. Because a changing environment should mean caring for the land that takes care of us all. At bayer, everything we do, from advances in health to innovations in agriculture, is to help every life we touch. At bayer, this is why we science. Tvwhere weve got the best to odeals on refrigerators, microwaves, gas ranges and grills. And if youre looking for. Grilled Cheese sizzles timer chimes now every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. Dana starbucks is the latest bigname company to announce its halting advertising on social media. They are accusing facebook of not doing enough to stop racist and violent content or the fox business network, susan li has details. Ford is joining the more than 150 brands that are boycotting ads on facebook. Clorox announce their joining the likes of starbucks, cocacola, and pausing their advertisements on facebook and other social media. This joins a movement that was started by a coalition of nonprofits with the Antidefamation League pointing to hate speech that they say proliferates on the social media platform. On friday the Facebook Stock dropped 10 wiping out over 50 billion i in the company value. Zuckerberg losing money, also announcing concession on censoring post in the future. We will start labeling some of the content that we leave out because it is deemed newsworthy. Now people will know when that designation has been made. Analyst compare the advertising boycott this summer out of 2018 where brands pull their ads off youtube. In that case they didnt really suffer a big profit hits, but i did increase the amount of policing that google dead on the social media sites. Im sure thats an outcome that people would welcome on facebook in 2020. Spea dana thank you. Lets bring in howie kurtz. This really picked up steam and the last few days, these boycotts. Its become a huge black eye for Mark Zuckerberg and his company. Ive heard him tell you and others he doesnt want that, but now hes done this aboutface, where hes going to slap warning levels, warning labels if theyre posed by a president or other political leaders. Im sure it shows how much pressure hes under. Whats happening is facebook, twitter, other sites have become so polarizing that Many Companies consider them a toxic environment for advertisement. Dana we will see how that goes. Overall they say it wont have that big of a prophet heads, but i think reputation only this stuff matters to all of these companies and so they will be thinking about it. I also wanted to ask you about this. The white house has been on defense after President Trump retreated and then deleted a video of someone shouting white power. Pico he did not hear that particular phrase when he tweeted out that video. He did not hear that particular phrase. Dana what do you think all this . This is what you call an unforced error. The president gives a club with his detractors to beat him with. Its hard to avoid that phrase, this unfolded while my show was on the air yesterday. He tweeted it, tim scott the only africanamerican republican said its indefensible. Dana i have that. I have the tim scott out. Lets play that quickly for everyone. If you watch the entire video, you cant play it because it was profanity laced. The entire thing was offensive. There is no question. We can play politics or we cant, im not going to do. We should take it down. Thats what i think. Dana he was tweeting us on helping change the new cycle. This the thing thats driving his advisors crazy. Why did he retreated to question her markets racially charged at a time where Race Relations is such a big issue. Its a distraction. The president doesnt need it. Dana howie kurtz. Good to see you. Thank you. Up next, next, unrest in america. New numbers show a spike in violence and one of americas biggest cities. Apps are used everywhere. Except work. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. 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No word on if ill be tried together or separately. Three of the officers charged with aiding and abetting appeared in person, with Derek Chauvin facing seconddegree murder and other charges appeared by video from jail. Their next court date is set for september. Deadly good violence overnight and seattle. One man is dead and another and Critical Condition following the latest shooting and capitol hill organize protests known known as chop. Seattle police said its time to dismantle the occupied area. Im not going to let the naysayers and agitators be the ones that are the boys ear. There are people who live here. There are multiple people who have been injured and hurt and we need to do something about it. Its absolutely irresponsible for this to continue. Dana negotiations between city leaders and organizers failed to persuade protesters to leave the capitol hill area. Gun violence up 127 and new york city. Thats a dramatic increase for the week of june 14th. Black lives matter protests and pride celebrations led to clashes with police over the weekend. Demonstrators throwing bottles at officers last night with calls to defund the Police Continue to grow. Live outside city hall in new york city with more on this. Protesters behind me may get exactly what they want tomorrow. The mayor announcing he has submitted a plan to city council to de fond the nypd by 1 billion and moving those funds to services and resources. He said he can do this all while keeping the city safe. Of course we have seen the numbers point in a different direction. Violent crime is surging. The number of people shot is not more than 51 . According to local reports there were a hundred 20 shooting victims over a nineday period and more than 350 officers have been injured since the unrest began. This video has people throwing glass bottles at police. Responding to reports of gunfire. Heres the mayor on all the violence. Diego im very concerned about the uptick and shootings. We have to make sure we can handle that. We have to make reform. I came here to make reform. We have to make reform the right way. Im convinced we have now struck that balance. The police union has just responded to the mayors plan saying the mayor and city council has rendered the city to lawlessness as the vote happens tomorrow morning. Dana thank you. Lets bring in jason ramsey. I know youve been following a law that of the specifics that are happening there and you are said to you, but zoom out a little bit and talk to me about how you see the breakdown in law and order all across the count country. When you decide to go after police officers, the people who were there to protect us and you have an open war on cops, it shouldnt shock anybody that the bad elements will take advantage. We have opportunistic criminals who are going to do this anyway. Now they get a chance with a lot more cover to not actually face any consequences for this behavior. Meanwhile you have a general lack of leadership frankly coming from the left and the right. On the left are not speaking up because the people who are committing these acts are the people who are trying to tear down statues. Thats the base of the democratic party. On the other hand youve got republicans who should be much stronger when it comes to a message of law and order kind of standing back. I think theyre doing this because the more video and imagery we have of this lawlessness plays to the moderate democrat or the independent who says, he left is owning this movement, i guess i will vote for President Trump. Its political. Its a little tenuous when it comes to the morality of that particular strategy. Dana what about the fact that you have these Police Chiefs and officers, so many retirements happening, but i think about the chief of police there and seattle. She clearly doesnt feel like she is being supported by the local elected leadership and i would say its the same in new york city. 100 . Africanamerican woman police chief, you dont normally see that demographic for Police Chiefs and a industry that is mostly run by older white men. You would think this is a position that would be celebrated and seattle. Like so many other leftwing cities, there is a general distrust and disgust towards police officers. We had a 14yearold black teenager shot and his critically injured. We have another block murder at the zone and while the chief of police is speaking about how this has to come to an end, youve agitators, protesters trying to drown out that message. The same thing is happening all across the country. At some point we need to step up and say if we continue to go down this road, its only going to get worse. While i understand the politics of it all, its going to get out of control. When the politicians decide they want to leave and allow these Police Chiefs to do their job, i fear its going to be too late. Dana i hope not. I take your point. Jason rance, thank you. Up next, one of the biggest questions on the minds of parents, and will kids go back to school. I will ask the president of the American Academy of pediatrics. The course structure the university of phoenix offers it just suits my life perfectly because i am a mom, im a wife. And i was able to complete those Short Courses five to six weeks and then move onto the next until i reached my goal. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Are irritated. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Im bill hemmer. A bridging, we will let you know what comes of that spirit as Mount Rushmore next . We will talk to a congressman trying to protect it. A major ruling on abortion. Did they get it right . Debate law and order, that should be good. See you in a few minutes. Dana not only should kids go back to school this fall, they should be end class. That from the American Academy of pediatrics. Officials recommending schools reopen with the goal of having students physically present. Steve harrigan is live with more on this important story. The academy making a strong case that students should physically be in school this fall where they say if theyre not physically in class, and the schoolrooms they risk social isolation, depression, and food security. 28 states have issued guidance for a return to school this fall, but there is a lot of uncertainty. Texas said students will be safe and in classrooms. New jersey said there will be in Person Instruction and some capacity. Washington status students and all staff will be Wearing Masks. Here is what Governor Cuomo had to say from the work. Children have missed schools, interaction with other children. Thats part of the socialization process. We have plans to open schools. Look, ill be honest with you, its two months away. Anything can happen in two months. The cdc has issued guidance with masks and hygiene. They say cafeterias should be close and there should be no large gatherings, no sporting events. Back to you. Dana steve harrigan, thank you. President of American Academy of pediatrics. Thank you so much for being with us. Lets play something with the governor of new jersey talking about this very thing. Diego Public Schools will be open for an inPerson Instruction in some capacity with the help of students, their families, and educators being the top priority. Dana tell me how you came to your decision and your recommendations, and how hungry are local officials to have something from you all to give guidance on what they should be doing eight weeks from now . After learning what we know about children and the coronavirus, we strongly advocate that the goal should be to have students physically present in the schools. Children learn more in schools than just reading writing and arithmetic. You talked about it earlier, healthy meals, exercise, Mental Health support and other things that cannot be provided online. We do know that Health Officials and School Officials and parents will have to be able to be nimble and flexible and ready to switch gears based on what their communities are going through. We know we are seeing increases yearly self. Dana i think youre in georgia. When the School Districts are making these decisions, how are they to figure out what the asymptomatic situation is. We note children arent affected, but the concern has been that asymptomatic carriers taken home to older people, perhaps grandparents were those more vulnerable. Based on the evidence we know right now, covid19 appears to behave differently with children than adults and other respiratory illnesses like flu. They seem to have asymptomatic or less severe disease and children are less likely to become infected. With the knowledge of that right now and what we think is right, thats where our recommendations come from. Dana the other thing that i think has happened and i read a great column on the wall street journal, he has young kids and to the educator and his life. He said that the internet has just not been a good way to interact with children. For the first two weeks it was novel, but that it is not going to be the way that we educate children in america. Some children do really well with that type of education but some children need to be in the classroom. Beyond supporting educational development, schools play a Critical Role in roles. Children are in day care, they have to come home and to the schooling in the evenings. Children who rely on school lunches. Those are all very important things on why schools need to be open, it can lead adolescents to become depressed and anxious, and even suicidal ideations. Those are all good reasons why we feel these school should be trying to open up. Speed what im sure that is music to a lot of years. Doctor, thank you for being with us. Thank you. Dana helping our heroes spirit and today he became an american himself. Now he is here to tell his incredible story s lower. Veterans everywhere are refinancing and saving 3,000 a year. By making one call to newday usa. Our va streamline refi lets you refi fast, with no income verification, no appraisal, and no money out of pocket. And you can do it all right over the phone. The newday team is standing by right now to take your call. Vz s did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dana now an amazing and fitting story as our nation gets ready to celebrate its independence. A man who spent years helping our men and women overseas, even saving lives is now officially in american himself. We will speak with him and just a moment, but first Jennifer Griffin is live at the pentagon with his story. We first got to know him through a group of military veterans called no one left behind. They have lobbied for years, congress and the state department to bring translators who risk their lives for u. S. Troops to safety in the u. S. Today one of those translators finally became a u. S. Said to seven. He was sworn in by the active deputy secretary of homeland security. I want to recognize him who served eight years as a translator alongside troops in afghanistan. He saved the lives of five american soldiers. He worked alongside the 82nd airborne facing threats from the taliban for working with u. S. Troops. He arrived seven years ago after waiting three years for a visa. 18,000 afghans who worked for the military are awaiting visas. The special visa was started in 2009. Each Year Congress has authorized 4,000 visas for this group. It has bipartisan support. A recent state Department Report suggested the backlog has been made worse because theres only one person at the state department trying to vet the application. Still helping the u. S. Military, working for a defense contractor who supplies rescue beacons for missing sailors. Dana Jennifer Griffin, thank you. Former afghan interpreter and now american citizen joins me now. Allow us to be the first to congratulate you. We are thrilled that you are here with us today and as a member of our country. You have been spending a lot of time wondering if america is exceptional. I imagine that you certainly think it is. First of all i would like to thank you guys for having me here. And yeah, it is, absolutely. Its a very happy and exciting day for me and my family becoming a u. S. Citizen. Speed wont tell me about how much danger you are in when they tell a man had on that list. It was very tough, especially when i found that my name was added to the taliban and kill list to kill me or a member of my family. It was very hard that i couldnt see my family and my kids, my wife. I was at the base fee because we were more secure, we were at the base with the military. He had to go out once and a while, 23 months to go get the money from the bank and support our family. This was my biggest fear that when i was going out without any military or americans by myself to the city and getting money and giving it to my family. This was very scary. I was always scared if they catch me they will kill me. Also my family. I was worried with my kids, my wife, and everybody. Dana are you aware or familiar with other, others that were helping that are awaiting for this opportunity to become american citizens . Yeah, we have a lot of them. Most of the interpreters here, theyre waiting for, to become a u. S. Citizen. Its a big step in their life. We have still thousands between the 5020000 interpreters waiting in afghanistan to get there visa and come to the united states. Dana you were happy that your children could go to kindergarten because and afghanistan they learn to carry guns but in america they carry pencils and paper. Now my kids go to school and when we were back and afghanistan, my kids could go to school. The most important, they didnt have a future bird now here they have a good future and they cand daughter. They both go to school and theyre very happy here. Last night when my son was sleeping he asked me, when i wake up this morning, we will be citizens. I was like, yeah. He was very excited. When i went home this morning, me and my wife, he was like, congratulations. We are u. S. Citizens. I was very happy for him. Dana we are happy for you. Was there anything said this morning that stuck with you . Actually, yeah. Im pretty much done. Dana thats good. I am wondering if theres anything else that you heard at the ceremony that you werent expecting from the deputy, secretary . Actually yeah, i was not even expecting the deputy or the acting director. Dana that he was there for you. Please forgive me, i am running out of time. Congratulations to you. Thank you for joining us. Bill helmer. Thats an american citizen the there. Amazing story, thank you, lets get rolling here. Okay, i am bill hemmer. New york city protesters demand to defund. That is the crowd throwing graph to my glass bottles at officers when they showed up to investigate gunfire over the weekend. This is todays cover of our corporate cousin the new york post. The city out of control. The post reports 85 people were shot in the city and a single week

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