A totally appropriate call and they brought me to the final stages of impeachment. But now we have that gorgeous word, ive never heard a word that sounds so good. Its called total acquittal. Dana House Speaker nancy pelosi ripped into the president this morning. The president will be forever impeached, although he may not have been convicted. She also commented on shredding a copy of his state of the union speech saying the speech was full of lies. What happened instead was the president using the congress of the United States as a backdrop for reality show. I dont need any lessons from anyone especially the president of the United States about dignity. That was not state of the union, that was just state of mind. Next year we will have a new president of the United States, an absolute imperative for our country. We will see. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts is live from the lawn. They are saying at the east room that next year we will have a new speaker of the house, and that speaker of the house will be kevin mccarthy. The president took a victory lap of sorts as well it in the eastern today, it was a measure of appreciation for everyone on the republican side who stood with them. The president referring to it as a celebration. That happened after the president apologized im sorry, his daughter was there. That happened after the president apologized to his family for them having to go through it all. The president though not in any kind of mood to reconcile with House Speaker. In fact harsh words for her and adam schiff. Listen here. President trump they are vicious and mean. Adam schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy pelosi is a horrible person. And she wanted to impeach a long time ago when she said, i pray for the president. She didnt pray. She may pray that she prays for the opposite. But i doubt she prays at all. It was a second time today that the president criticized the House Speaker. Then down on pennsylvania avenue as you alluded to come nancy pelosi ripping the president for criticizing her and mitt romney at the Prayer Breakfast and defending what she did as the state of the union ended when she ripped up her copy of the president s speech. Listen here. Its appalling the things that he said, then you say to me, tearing up his falsehoods, isnt that the wrong method . No, it isnt. Its just i have tried to be gracious with him. Im always dignified. That was a very dignified act. The president predicting his acquittal there and you see them holding up a copy of his Washington Post as just a pause in the action. They said impeachment will likely not end this, and listen here. Im sure that pelosi and crying chuck will try to cook up other things, but instead of trying to heal our country and fix our country, all they want to do in my opinion, its almost like they want to destroy our country. There was a small offer of reconciliation of what the president had to say saying, if the two parties come together, they could get a lot of great things done for the country. And, that will go by quickly. Say hello to the people of utah. And tell them, im sorry about mitt romney. Im sorry. Okay . We can say that michael he is by far the most popular senator. Lets bring in republican senator mike lee of utah. Lets take a quick lesson just to a brief comment. And i have to recognize that it was one right after the other. That is do what you do is right. I found out about it at the same time everyone else did on the speech of the floor of the senate. I came to very different conclusions about this case. That didnt even come close to supporting an impeachable offense. In fact the conduct alleged in the impeachment articles, they didnt spend dont like themselves make out an impeachable case. I havent seen them since the votes were cast. I dont know what else to say beyond that. Dana and today he was back in utah meeting with the state Republican Party there. Apparently there is a possibility of a recall. Thats a u. S. Term limits, that can be something thats invalidated in court as is part of the constitution. That is some political discontent in the state as apparently they expected. Apparently this had nothing to do with political pressure one way or the other. We are looking at the evidence. We dont see any evidence that has supported impeachment. Dana i spent my life going through some road trips, and utah is 70 owned by the federal government. The president has a very Good Relationship well maybe not until now with the utah senators. Are you concerned about any possible even that retribution, because i dont think thats quite the word. But utah has taken a backseat because of this decision by senator romney . We talked about the that in itself is wrong. Thats a problem, always something we have to be concerned about. But again, regardless of what other considerations we might face, it was wrong to conclude that this was an impeachable offense. It wasnt proven or even properly charged. Dana take a listen to congresswoman Madeleine Dean about how this could continue. Listen. The president stands forever impeached. Wheat and the house did our job and found against all odds the evidence of corruption by this president , impeachable corruption. I did talk with chairman nadler on my on yesterday and i believe we will be doing continuing oversight but i dont know the time frame for that. I would imagine intel will want to do the same thing. They have different venues and jurisdiction and im sure that mr. Bolton can advise us on both sides. Dana then you have senators grassley and johnson making request for Hunter Bidens travel records. Is this not over . This episode fortunately is over. The democrats will learn their lesson and i would be shocked if they make the political mistake of trying to do round two of impeachment because this didnt go over well for them. They will lose even more votes if they do it again. As far as followup, that might well be the natural product of jerry nadler and adam schiffs decision to focus so aggressively on saying that there was nothing even toward allegations against it as completely debunked. I dont think there would have been as much interest had they not shown a whitehot spotlight on this issue. Dana senator mike lee, will you come back an an end sometime we can talk about this federal ownership of land out west, id love to do that. Love to do it. Dana in three days later and we still dont have the final count in the iowa caucus. And now the leader of the Democratic Party is making a major move. We will tell you about that, nextst. Its the closest thing to automatic savings that weve ever offered. 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Look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. Or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Dana so the head of the Democratic National committee is calling for Iowa Democrats to recanvas votes in the state after of course these big technical issues caused major confusion and delays in vote counting. As for the candidates themselves, theyve already moved on to New Hampshire and thats where we find our peter doocy live in merrimack, New Hampshire. If they are not looking in the Rearview Mirror of iowa. No. And Bernie Sanders who we were with on our way to the mayor of Pete Buttigieg event was joking that he just wants to know that results from iowa before the november election. That screwup has been extremely unfair to the people of iowa. It has been unfair to the candidates, all of the candidates, and all of the supporters. Enough is enough, in light of the problems that have been in the delegate selection plan, and im calling on the iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvas. While over at the iowa Democratic Party, the chairman troy price stays while i fully acknowledged and reported circumstances on monday night that were unacceptable, we owe it to the thousands of democratic, but sanders in a press conference i year ago said he doesnt think that every canvas would change the results. Hes looking at the lead that he has come about 6,000 votes in the popular tally in iowa and he doesnt think that anything that happens will take that away from him. Vice president joe bidens urging people to be wary of mayor pete, whats that about . Biden is arguing that when mirror pete calls for a new way of doing things in washington, its disrespectful to barack obama. Is it really fair to say the Obama Biden Administration was a failure . Pete, just say it out loud. Biden also argues its risky to nominate a small town mayor but Pete Buttigieg is pushing back hard telling biden that the obama record is not the biden record. As to the achievements of the Obama Administration, i have enormous regard for those achievements. I had his back during that. Even as a mayor in indiana, where it wasnt always easy to step forward and back of the president. The bulk of the credit for the achievements of the Obama Administration along with president obama. We are expecting more on this back and forth from Pete Buttigieg here in merrimack at the top of the hour. As for joe biden adding to this, he doesnt have any events in New Hampshire today. Dana he doesnt . Okay. Nope, hes down. Dana and looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Lets bring in blue thompson, National Review contributor and host of a podcast and democratic strategist and Vice President at the communications firm, hd creative. I will read to you from karl rove this morning, the bigger that i will mess the worst of democratic field looks. And of course as the trade agreement, the chinese approval of the first phase of the deal, the Super Bowl Ad that highlighted criminal Justice Reform and then of course we see the president holding all the newspaper articles from pages today saying equitable. What do you think about the state of things today . This is not a good week for democrats and this is a struggle coming out of iowa. Im hopeful that we can move forward but of course our chairman has called for the inconsistencies to come forward. We have to get it right no matter what. Doesnt matter the time as long as we get it right. We have to make sure the americans believe the process is secure and accurate. Look at these numbers out of this boston globe pole. The New Hampshire primary had sanders in the lead, biden at 12 and warren came in third and we are not even talking about her. When you come in a distant third its a pretty short path from there to a distant fifth. Right now the fight will be who that somebody is and that is where the iowa mess up really matters, nobody got a moment on monday night to say i represent this party and i will carry its banner going forward. Dana are there going to be any consequences for those who ran this debacle in des moines . I sure hope so. I think its pretty clear that theres five states that have caucuses on the democratic side. We have to do away with the caucus system. And of course we have nevada coming up at the end of the month. Dana also i dont have the sound yet but im going to read to you. Hillary clinton will be on the ellen show and she says never say never to becoming Vice President. Do you think anyone is going to put Hillary Clinton on the ticket . I dont know what she would bring in terms of political diversity that she would bring a lot of baggage with her so, im going with noel. I mean she won 3 million more votes than donald trump so there is a case that could be made, its anyones guess whos going to be the Vice President. So South Carolina is two weeks outside of New Hampshire, joe biden said he took a gut punch in iowa and it looks like you will be third or fourth in New Hampshire. What happens next . While nevada is in there in between. So when he has a bad day in New Hampshire and a bad knee day and knew about it which he probably will, South Carolina is not going to save him. But we dont have as good polling on where voters in South Carolina go for their second choice. The last poll i saw had a bernie. I think right now as biden continues to flag it will only go down. Dana kevin is Bernie Sanders looking like the possible nominee . Very possibly. I disagree with a fluke a little bit in that i think joe biden will have a good night on tuesday. New hampshire voters and it like underdog hes got that fire in his belly and weve course of the debate tomorrow night. What do you think about Elizabeth Warren . She also comes from a neighboring state. I think she will also over perform but its anyones guess with amy klobuchar. And theres a debate on friday which is unfair. I was just going to say may be joe biden could cry in the diner like hillary data. He had a good moment last night, kind of similar in that debate. Talking about stuttering. I think people like joe biden, but will they vote for him . It remains to be seen. Tanks everyone, great to have you. Quite likely the tiniest victim of coronavirus. If a baby that was just three days old. That is the number of confirmed cases in the United States arises. Once again we have lots of news on this and we will tell you next. Saturdays happen. Pain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. And i like to question your im yoevery move. N law. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Dana a partial flavor ban on ecigarettes goes into effect today. The Trump Administration policies takes flavored vaping products off the market, especially the ones that teenagers buy. It doesnt ban all of them though, menthol and tobacco flavors are still legal and it only goes after a certain type of devices. A sharp jump in the number of coronavirus cases and the death toll is topping 560 with more than 28,000 cases worldwide. The u. S. Is now confirming its 12th case in the latest in wisconsin as concern grows over the rapid slick bread of the virus. Jonathan serrie is live in atlanta with more as this continues to be a big story. Indeed, especially where wisconsin with the latest cases reported. This involving a patient who is traveling not to wuhan, the epicenter, but beijing, china. This patient was exposed to known cases of the coronavirus while in china. Upon returning to madison, wisconsin, immediately reported to a hospital and tested positive for the virus. Is doing well at Public Health Officials Say in recovering at home in isolation to prevent the further spread of the virus. Meanwhile, the state apartment continues to evacuate americans and some noncitizen family members from the epicenter of the outbreak in china. They will remain under a 14 day quarantine at a military base is here in the u. S. Which they are not restricted to their rooms but we are asking them to have social distancing, or than 6 feet between family units and did not have for example, kids, we dont want them to share toys as much as we can between the families. Among 345 passengers arrived wednesday and five developed fevers and coughs. Another child who developed fever after arriving with 194 passengers at the March Air Reserve Base last week has tested negative for the virus. That child and a parent were discharged from the hospital and return to base to finish up the remainder of the quarantine. Meanwhile in japan Officials Say ten more passengers aboard a quarantined crew should have tested positive for the coronavirus. That includes two americans which brings the total to 20 confirmed cases from the diamond princess which is more in yokohama port. So a worldwide concern about this infectious disease. Dana and now there are questions about whether an infected mother can pass at the virus on to a child that still in the womb . Yes. A child born to an infected mother was immediately isolated from the mother to prevent the spread of the virus and yet the child tested positive. However, other babies born to infected mothers in the same hospital have tested negative so International Health experts say more studies are needed to determine whether a mother can pass the virus to a baby in the womb or whether this was just an unusual case of a baby becoming infected mutely after it was born despite some stringent Infection Control measures that were put in place there. Dana jonathan serrie, thank you so much. I want to bring in dr. Janette nesheiwat. She is the medical director for city md. Sold the babies, can they take medicine . There are no fda approved medicines right now. There are medicines that we are using that we are trying which was used to help treat sars and ebola. Other Antiviral Medicines have been sent from u. S. To china to see if they can help treat some of these patients as a last resort. But in this case with the mom who had the coronavirus and her baby, just less than a day and a half old. There is what we call maternalfetal transmission and its really not surprising. We can see that with hiv patients and hepatitis patients, it can pass to the placenta so its awfully not surprising. Okay. Im so troubled by that. What should we do to be aware of it . The number one thing you have to do is keep your hands washed and clean. Dont rub your eyes or touch her face or rub your nose. Live a healthy lifestyle. Get plenty of sleep, get your flflu shot. Obviously most people know, dont travel to china. Dana i have a question. How can the flu shot i got months ago help me from this new virus . Because you are keeping your body healthy. When you catch the flu you are in a weakened state and two weeks later you are not fully recovered. Is it possible to develop secondary infections . Absolutely. Overall take care of yourself, nothing is 100 in preventing this. It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to show and then monitoring the borders. Dana and so ive been reading the story in the wall street journal, a humans body temperature is actually decreased. So if you think you have symptoms, what is the temperature you should be looking at . Thats a great question. Health care providers know we dont just read a number. Typically a fever is considered 100. 4. We also look at the patient. Over the past many years our temperature has been found to go down about a degree for men and a half degree for woman. Many, many years ago people many people were suffering from diverse. And syphilis and bacterial infections but this day and age we have antibiotics and vaccines and health care. Dana thank you, you made me feel a little bit better but we will stay in touch with you. My next guest says the mess in iowa could mean a longterm damage for democrats. Now and start saving. Im part of a community of problem solvers. We make ideas grow. From an everyday solution. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. From packaging tape. To tape that can bond materials to buildings. And planes. One idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. At 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives. Dana a President Trump is celebrating his acquittal as my next guest argues the democrats are reeling from what she calls her political miscalculation about pelosi. And, that party it goes how broke. All that did, they are reborn as street broilers. Joining me now is miranda devi devine. The democrats have new, that has happened to president clinton except clinton wasnt up for reelection. I dont understand why anyone calls nancy pelosi a master political strategist. And she wraps up president tru President Trumps speech, when she was saying i dont need lessons in dignity. What on earth is she talking about . Thats a real mood of impulsive unpleasantness into politics. May be both sides certainly but President Trump takes the lion share of the criticism. Heres the New York Post front page, i always love to wake up, one of the best things about living in new york as you walk to worse, quirk and you see this, ripping up impeachment. Where do you think this will go from here . There are a few days away from that boat. You see the energy and excitement and the young people who are really involved with bernie, you Pete Buttigieg, and then you see joe biden in rooms with empty chairs, and and its kind of sad because hes limping along and doing his best. Hes collapsed. Its like weekend at bernies, like the corpse that we are carting around. Hillary clinton on ellen today, she will say never say never to running for Vice President candidate but she also says this about President Trumps acquittal. While i wasnt surprised because its hard to get 67 votes, but i was disappointed that not merit a mike more republicans are willing to take the stand that met romney took. But i hope that all political stripes actually Pay Attention and say to themselves, he has to be held accountable. Now the way to do that is in the election. Dana what do you make of that . Its typical Hillary Clinton, and shes trailing her coat all the time. Its ironic that shes there praising that romney. Here today, you hear people talking about how wonderful msnbc is but he is citing his religion. When he was running for the presidency all they did was call his religion a cult. Its been if they ridiculed him. And the same thing with nancy pelosi. Shes talking about prayer, so i dont know. Is Hillary Clinton going to run . I think they will have to do something. Or is anyone going to choose her as a running mate . Im going to say im skeptical. Is she willing to go to become Vice President . She would be one heartbeat away from the presidency. And, its history in the making. Its so exciting. To be in iowa the other day and to sit inside of a school hall watching the caucusing going on, i have enormous respect for islands, american citizens who take their duties seriously. Its sad to see their elected representatives sometimes not being as serious as they are. Dana they worked hard and hopefully they will get the results and soon. Miranda devine, we will see you in New Hampshire next week. So the last time she was seen alive, bill clinton was in office and twa 800 was flying say through the skies. Now all this time later, a potential bombshell break in the case of a missing college coed who cops say they got their eyes on now in this chilling cold case. Any comments doug . Yeah. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Con Liberty Mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. Only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Dana back now, the mastermind of the biggest ponzi scheme in history bernie made off once out of prison to die. Of the 81yearold is serving 150 years for swindling investors out of billions of dollars. Of court papers from his lawyer ask for Early Release claiming he has kidney failure at 18 months to live. We will tell you more when we find out. We havent heard yet from prosecutors. The Trump Administration is blocking new york residents from travel programs and this in retaliation for the states new green light law which allows Illegal Immigrants to apply for drivers licenses which is causing an uproar. Brian dances in our newsroom covering this. All new yorks date residents will no longer be able to enroll or reenroll in trusted travel programs that expedite travel like global entry, and tsa precheck is not affected. The acting Homeland Security secretary chad wolf says this is, the law also prevents immigration officials from accessing any dmv information without a court order. And they cant thoroughly to their jobs like the applicants for travel programs. They are using that personal data to look up an individuals date of birth, and their photo. They can no longer do that. Today new York Governor Andrew Cuomo attacked President Trump calling the latest move ludicrous and a stunt. This is unbounded arrogance, disrespect of the rule of law, hyper political government. This is another form of extortion. Meanwhile, a 21yearold was charged in queens for the rate of a 22yearold woman. He was in new york illegally from ghana. The president in his state of the union said that new york sanctuary laws are to blame for that. Dana can i ask you a quick question . California has the same law that new york does so is california next on the administrations cross hairs . Thats the attorney general in new york, 13 states across the country have similar laws that give drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants. This was the first time the administration has taken the step. Dana i. C. E. Agents are fighting a role from blocking them from arresting Illegal Immigrants in at around court houses. Supreme court ruling saying they can only make those arrests with warrants and dan springer is here to explain this to us. It wasnt by lawsuits filed by states or new laws passed, we are seeing this battle play out in several places. It comes down to this. Some states want, there is been immigration arrests and a study from the university of washington says 51 immigration arrests since trump took office. That interferes with the criminal justice system. If you are going to arrest them when they show up to court, thats been in place for literally hundreds of years. But unlike churches, schools and hospitals courthouses have never been on isiss sensitive list of locations where they wont make arrests. I says i try to be discreet so theres no interruption. But ice will consider federal prosecution under the supremacy clause. And attorney general bill barr said these policies endanger the public and hamper Law Enforcement by interfering with that lawful process. The battle over a court house arrest is now being fought in federal court. Interestingly, even for civil infractions. Okay, dan springer, thank you for that. Theres been a potential bombshell break in a cold case dating back more than 20 years. College student kristin smart bannister california back in 1996 and police have now detained at the last person known who have seen her while they searched his and his mothers home. Chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt is live in los angeles with this. Jonathan, i remember this case. Its an extraordinary one. Kristin smart was last seen headed to a dorm at Polytechnic University on may 25, 1996, after attending an offcampus party. She was 19 years old and she was officially declared dead in 2002. But her body has never been found. Her father has long talked of his need for answers. I would really rather have her alive and full of energy and be part of our family then not be here, but it adds some closure. Paul florez was the last person known to have seen kristin smart alive. He was a fellow cal poly student and he said he walked her back to her dorm on the night she disappeared. He has long been identified as a person of interest and amid new action by Police Investigating the previously cold case, florez was detained yesterday as officers searched his home and for other locations. He was later released. Neighbors didnt see seem entirely surprised at the police activity. If hes done something in the past he might do it again. I would go say hello to the new neighbors, come say hello and welcome and it didnt make you feel like you wanted to go shake hands with that guy. Police also search the home of susan florez as well as other nearby locations including one in washington state. They have not disclosed dana, what new evidence they are looking for but they did confirm they have also submitted 37 pieces of evidence from the earlier investigations and dna testing. The lots going on in this cold case. The one Jonathan Hunt, thanks for bringing us that story. Forget about those generous pores especially when robots are behind the bar. Brett larson will explain, but first lets check in with bill hemmer. Nice to see you. President taking a victory lap while the dynamic in d. C. Is complicated. Also we will talk to an american that was evacuated up china and is now in quarantine in the u. S. And he will share his story. That, and the rest of the days news today on bill hemmer reports. We will see you in 8 minutes. See . Dreams do come true. Or if you like a taste of new england without leaving home, try lobster, sauteed with crab, jumbo shrimp and more, or maybe youd like to experience the ultimate surf and the ultimate turf. With so many lobster dishes, theres something for every lobster fan so hurry in and lets lobsterfest. Or get pick up or delivery at redlobster. Com va Mortgage Rates have dropped to near 50year lows. 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Everyday progress we need you on set right now dana while the next time you swing into a 7eleven Convenience Store you may find it there is something missing and that may be a human cashier. Ththe chain is testing out a cashier less system in one of its texas stores and here to explain how it works is brett larson. Okay. Its not going to work. Dana i think it will actually work amazon has been trying this. Its a cool idea because i have all these cameras watching you as you walk in and you are identified by your phone, you have to download an app to access the store, and it will also be cashless. An automation in the store watches what you take off the shelves and adds up your total. Dana doesnt watch if you put it back on the shelf . It does. Obviously the receipt will arrive on the app in your phone so you will see what it is that the store thinks you purchased. And i love this kind of idea. Although there are usually some very helpful people there in case you cant figure it out. We have the Self Checkout which has become a common thing in Grocery Stores all over the country where we have the Self Checkout, theres always someone there that will be able to help you. I think for security reasons. Dana okay, now tell me more about robot bartenders. So the robot bartenders are taking over. Theyve tried this out on cruise ships and there is a restaurant on japan that has been repurposed to make cocktails. It has a little funny face that blinks at you, and talked about the weather. Im very weirded out by this. I know if you are in a hurry, you can say about 15 minutes and i can get a martini and drink it that fast, thats maybe when you want a robot bartender, or in an environment where it doesnt make sense to have people hanging out all day. Dana a part of the appeal of going to the bar especially by yourself, you like having a chat with the bartender and theres a whole art to it. Then you start to see what it could be like when ai starts to take peoples jobs. The only upside to a robot bartender would be that the drink would be perfect every civil time. If you like the way the robot makes it. But thats the fun part when you again, to use the airport analogy or use the, you are in a city youre not familiar with dana i also think its a good idea to turn more inward and to our phones and we are communicating with each other. The thing i love about it is our neighbors are there. Sadly everybody does know my name. Dana all right brett larson, we will have you back. On nesta, nasa astronaut Christina Cook and krug landed safely in kazakhstan. At the triple give researchers the chance to observe the effects of longterm space flight on a woman which will help with future plans and missions to the moon and mars. Thanks for joining us everybody, im dana perino. Heres bill hemmer. Bill are reporting starts now, good afternoon. President trump blasting democrats and celebrating his acquittal in the senate trial. President trump ive done things wrong in my life, i will admit to. Not, but ive done things wrong. But this is what the end result is. [cheers and applause] bill it back from the white house a few hours ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggesting its now up to the American People to remove President Trump from office when they vote in november. In the next year we will have

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