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We know. This all started at at the cemy nearby. At the bayview cemetery. From what we gather, an undercover officer was shot at that cemetery at some point, to active shooters reportedly carrying long guns then moved into a bodega. That bodega is where this is happening now. The two men at some point were inside that bodega and then police were talking about jumping from roof to roof and they requested that helicopter and a real support be called in, we have a say in. So again the men much of the action from what we understand is at that corner where that bodega is which is just a corner shop here in jersey city. At some point, we are at that Police Transition radio that they were shooting anyone that was in the street, even more concerning, there was a School Across the street from the bodega called the Sacred Heart School there. We know that theyve been concentrating on keeping that school on lockdown, but not only that, from the superintendent, to his goals and around the area have been placed on lockdown. Fire trucks are seen here, we know fbi vehicles are on scene. Thats the information we can confirm right now. What we do understand is one officer presumably shot at the cemetery and not another body reportedly seen according to police transmission radio at that bodega, a coffee pot which would we understand our treating as we dont know what that coffee pot whatever that is, could be a device we dont know. They are keeping people here on this street and can go any further than right here. Dana right now, we want to go to anita stucki, a phone call that we have lined up, she is inside a store at the scene, she is sheltering in place, hearing the gunshots. Anita, can you tell us what youve experienced . Yes, how are you doing . I was out here earlier today, going to the Grocery Store and the kids were coming out of schools from the adjacent building and had to be classrooms of children and went into sacred heart. As they went into sacred heart, the door closed, wasnt 30 seconds later before all the gunfire shot out. Was like rambo, double machine guns, just blazing. All these cop cars, all these police running down the street on the same side at the synagogue and then another church and then theres a liquor store down there. The shooting was coming from there so at first i thought it was somebody shooting at somebody, territorial things but then it became massive and everybody scattered, everybody went to buildings, i saw a policeman drop. I dont know if he got shot but i did see coco officer coming to help him. I dont know about where it start, to have that much artillery, it had to be stashed in one those buildings. Im inside, but its been going on now for an hour and i havent seen any ambulances or fire trucks, all you see is black undercover cars, marked cars, you see some movements out there. The police are lined up and down the street so they shut everything down, the schools in the area. And so is just a lot of excitement going on. Dana you are in a store, we wont mention the name of it, but did you bring other people in there with you . It sounds like you are not alone. We just happened to be in a school, we use the store, most people that were in the area, teach or allow them to come in and kept everything calm and the view from where we are, we can see everything going on. Movement or gunfire is happening right there outside the door. Dana have you ever experienced anything like this before in the neighborhood . You thought it mightve been territorial, is that because of problems in the area . No, but for it to be major like this, it has to be something went wrong and somebody panicked or it is not random. I guess somebody got caught off guard but it seems like the more police came, the more the shooting intensified so when it first started, it was a little bit of the shooting but after police came, just started ramping it up. Dana think you so much for being willing to tell us what youve experienced so far. We will keep in touch with you, please stay safe and we will be back in touch. Bryan llenas, i dont know if you are able to hear that but it did sound quite dramatic about whats happening there as it unfolded just about an hour ago. Gas, and it is consistent with what weve been hearing as well, some from what i understand outside this area of the bodega. It is a very dense populated area. We know that there are assets coming from all over the place as one could imagine, from jersey city to elizabeth police. At this point, we are still trying to understand the extent of whats happening right now in terms of whether or not any of these shooters, we have heard gunfire, we dont know how those exchanges have ended up, but right now its about making sure that that area is cordoned off and we dont want to show too much about where we are given a situation right now. It was active in terms of arriving here, we werent sure exactly what these gunmen were doing. All we could hear from the police transmission was that these men were moving. Was from that one cemetery, it somehow moved its way, reportedly in a uhaul truck to this bodega and thats where they set up shop in the shooting began from what we can gather right now. When we get more information, we will let you know. You can just see right here, this is a bearcat that is moving in right now. We are going to make sure that we show that we dont give any kind of a locator here but this is the type of swab vehicle we have seen moving in and out of this area for the last 20 minutes since we have been here. Dana you keep gathering information, we will come back to you as well. Lets bring in former d. C. Police detective and Fox News Contributor ted williams. Starts at a cemetery and we know at least one undercover officer was shot. Yes. Of it is a very fluid situation from everything and i have been able to learn about this, it appears as though some officers are calling this an ambush, finding out what is taking place here. We know is youve said that one officer from what weve been told has been shot. We do not know his condition, but we do know also that s. W. A. T. Teams are in place there. All of the schools from what ive also been told of what brian has already reported some of those schools are in lockdow lockdown. So again, it is a very fluid, dangerous situation. The implementation informatione are two people they are looking at, two male suspects, and they may have been shooting randomly at individuals Walking Around in that area. This is in the Martin Luther king street there in jersey city. Dana when you have a situation like this unfolding and you think Police Officers might have been at least targeted, how different is that then in terms of the information we might be able to get because there could be an entire operation that was undercover, under wraps, and now might be quite blown in the open . The primary objective of these first responders, the department in that vehicle out there and the s. W. A. T. Team is to defuse the shooters. Thats the first thing they are trying to do at this time. When they are shooting like this, there is a great of confusion. Individuals who are witnesses see one thing one way and others see things another way and all of this is the information the s. W. A. T. Team commanders are taking into place. They have set up a command center im sure and if, in fact, we dont really know that, but if they have anybody cornered and that bodega area, they quite naturally are trying to get to a situation under control. Talking to witnesses on those kind of things will come later. Of the first and primary objective is to defuse the situation and get it under control. Dana just before 2 00 is that there was some evidence of suspects jumping from roof to roof, so they called for air support but how big could that perimeter then get by the time they get that support . I would have to believe that Law Enforcement have some idea on possibly where these two suspects are at this immediate time. What they are primarily doing is they have support there for s. W. A. T. Teams, s. W. A. T. Teams if because we really dont know, but if they are in any communication with the shooter or shooters, quite naturally they are trying again to bring it under control. These are welltrained Police Officers, training for these scenarios of the situation but what they do not train for is when one of their own a shot under the circumstances of a possible and i can only say possible ambush at this immediate time. Dana will be back in touch with you as we follow this situation as it unfolds. In jersey city, new jersey, just across the river from manhattan. Meantime, to fastmoving stores in our nations capital. House Democratic Leaders announce two articles of impeachment against President Trump and at the same time, attorney general bill barr is speaking out adamant that the Trump Campaign was fired on by the u. S. Government under the Obama Administration in spite of when his own Inspector General found in a longawaited report. First, the fight to impeach the president , thats next. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. 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He endangers the constitutio constitution, he endangers our democracy, and endangers our National Security. The democrats dirt followed by fake news followed by spies that they ran against Trump Campaign officials. Was allowed to stand, it would decimate congress ability to conduct oversight of this president or any other in the future. You dont have the right to disqualify their vote just because you do not like President Trump. Dana a variety of Party Leaders from both sides making their casefest capitol hill gears up for a full house about possibly by next week. Lee attorney general saying he still thinks the fbi may have acted in bad faith in probing the the trump 2016 campaign and standing by his earlier comments about spying on the Trump Campaign. Do you still stand by your statement that the campaign was spied upon . It was clearly spied upon. Thats what electronic surveillances. Wiring people up to go in and talk to people and make recordings of their conversations is buying. Going through peoples emails which they did as a result of the fisa warrants. Dana would start with the announcement of the democrats made today, has a hearing yesterday, met last night, and then this morning you have the announcement from the leaders that they are going to introduce two articles of impeachment against the president. I have those right here, those are the base articles they will start with. Sometime before the end of the week, they will go to a markup session and craft these into legislative language and hear alternative views, keep in mind that there was some criticism towards House Republicans that were too broad, only two were approved on the house floor and fell Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to give this narrow and kind of a goldilocks approach here. Not you ought not to quote, just right. Nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house does not use votes on the floor but heres the big question, how would have put these on the floor . They might try to put impeachment on the floor first and then do usmca so they can say we got that done and then end with punctuation point or do they flip it so republicans cant criticize them. I asked the House Speaker about this we are just a decision earlier today today where they give the president s biggest bipartisan policy achievement and then simultaneously impeach it. The argument why dont you just await amounts to this. Why dont you just let him cheat and one more election . Why not let him cheat just one more time . Why not let him have foreign help just one more time . That is what that argument amounts to. Dana that was actually the statement from adam schiff, chairman of the Intel Committee but summarize for me what the speaker said, saying we are going to do something positive for the American People at the same time in the same hour going to announce impeachment against the president. It was pretty funny, and said 9 00 they announced the articles, 10 00 they announced usmca, our heads are spending up here and she said its just 10 00 in the morning, we have a long day ahead of us here and thats why right now shes going to meet with Steve Mnuchin the treasury secretary on the chairs of senate and House Appropriations committee, and also try to forge a deal to fund the government. They have to do that by the 20th. So you see this amalgam of things coming together, it is pretty crazy. December is always nuts on capitol hill and thats what were dealing with this year on impeachment, funding the government and the usmca. Would not can i ask you something that broke, there are ten to 12 democrats were thinking about introducing a censure motion against the president rather than impeachment, does that mean those democrats might not vote for impeachment at all . Is nancy pelosi possibly losing those votes . Look at some of these moderate democrats, they are in swing districts, they are vulnerable, they might not be fully on board for this. We heard a lot of this talk back in 1998 with president clinton. You could see an effort by some to say if we dont want to vote for impeachment and thats why those moderates are going that way. Remember, there are 31 democrats who represent districts that President Trump carried and also one of the persons involved in this is a freshman democrat from new jersey and he is someone who is part of the problem solvers caucus, they work across the aisle and try to find a middle ground so maybe they think this is an all the way full board for impeachment and a Democrat Freshman from upstate new york very vulnerable, flip the seat from red to blue is somebody who is interested in that but when you talk to a lot of members here, they say they want time to digest these articles of impeachment. This will be the biggest vote of their career except when they cast ballots to go to war. Dana thank you for that update, we appreciate it. We are continuing to follow this development out of jersey city, brandnew information now, this active shooter situation. Right across the river from manhattan and jersey city, new jersey, bryan llenas was there on the scene when it first happened. What is the update . A federal Law Enforcement source now tells me that both active shooters are now down. Now we know that both active shooters are now down, they can also now tell you there is potentially a third active shooter that is involved in this. They are now searching the School Across to where this bodega was looking for a potential third aspect, a man inside of the Sacred Heart School, so that is a situation right now from what you can gather from this federal Law Enforcement source, this started with these armed people dressed in black entering a bodega. At some point, people inside were held hostage. Those two suspects fled the store, went to the cemetery and got into a firefight with an officer who was then hit read there are two Police Officers who have been hit with gunfire in this situation. I do not know what their conditions are. As soon as they ran into the cemetery and ran back into the bodega and that is where this firefight has been ensuing. Now they are looking for potentially a third suspect who could be in that School Across from the bodega. This source tells me there are children inside of that school. This is what they are now looking at. Fbi new work is here, the nypd is here, we know that assets had been utilized to try to find the suspects and again, both potential active shooters have been taken down and two officers have been hit in this thus far. As for that potential device that was inside of that bodega, they are treating it as a potential device, we dont know whether or not it is but that is how they are treating it as a suspicious device and we will let you know as soon as we hear but this has been a very active seem, this source tells me they have had at least 20 gunshots heard from their radios throughout this process. Dana we do know that President Trump has been briefed about this unfolding situation, so he is well aware of it talking to federal Law Enforcement as well. Two questions, do we have any i. D. On the condition of the undercover officer or those that were shot . I have not been told anything about the condition of the two officers thus far. As soon as i get the condition, i will let you know. As for the two active shooters who have been taken down, one was shot in the leg, i do not know the condition of either of those suspects. Dana he will let us know as soon as you do and we hope that they are all right. Thank you. We will head back to jersey city as the news warrants. Also following a big day on impeachment but doesnt look like the push is helping democrats. We will talk about that next. These are real people, not actors, whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin. And, had significantly less itch. Thats a difference you can feel. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. 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It is a third suspect they are now looking for, obviously the scene is still very active but the good news here is that that school has been cleared and from what we understand, the children are safe. Dana bryan llenas, thank you for the update. We will continue monitoring that situation and update you as news breaks but right now, House Democrats announcing to articles of impeachment against president from claiming he endanger National Security in his dealings with ukraine. Joining me now is liz cheney, chair of the republican congress, very good to have you on the show. Lets first talk about your initial reaction about their decision today and the speed with which the democrats win from the hearing yesterday to announcing 8 00 p. M. Last night that they would announce articles of impeachment today. It is absolutely ridiculous. I think what youve got is very clearly a situation where Speaker Pelosi mother democrats see the support for impeachment draining away from them where they are doing everything they can to rush this through, it is completely irresponsible and i think no selfrespecting elected official representing the American People would be in a position where they are putting themselves in support of these impeachment articles. Is a system in a process like weve never seen before and it is really disgraceful. Dana some of the democrats seem mystified that the republicans are united and are frustrated and they cant believe the republicans are so united but you are on the conference, you are the leader of making sure everybody is on message. Has been pretty interesting to see how all the republicans seem to be absolutely on the same page. It is absolutely the case that the democrats have not proven their case and they havent proven their case, that becomes clear again and again and again trying to remove a president from office based on presumption, not based on facts, not based on evidence of it is an affront to the constitution, and affront to their oath of office, shouldnt surprise anybody that we are united and i think democrats that represent moderate districts vertically that President Trump dana are very nervous and very scare scared. Dana is that why you have these ten to 12 democrats that are getting like the democrat from new jersey suggesting center instead . They are running scared and it explains why the speaker is rushing this, why she is conducting this in a way that is absolutely unprecedented. The fact that chairman schiff did not show up at the hearing to present his own report is just appalling and i think the American People all over the country are watching this on television, they are disgusted with it and set up with it, nothing is getting done here that needs to be done and fed the democrats are fundamentally violating their oath of office, to the people who are here by conducting this process in a way that is partisan and is ramming things through and frankly putting their own members at risk. Dana at an hour after the impeachment articles were announced, an hour later, the democrats announced that they would finally reach a deal, they are going to agree to pass the new nafta bill called usmca, as has been in Trumps Campaign product, they got frankly a lot of what they wanted in this bill. Given so while they are going to impeach the president at the same time there and it is pretty big win, how do people feel about this deal back there . It couldve been done a year ago and the only reason it has been held is because Speaker Pelosi was holding it for political reason. You imagine the loss cost from the perspective of the economy and jobs because she wouldnt put this bill on the floor when she shouldve put it on the floor, what they are doing is no surprise, not an accident that they went from articles impeachment immediately. Dana we are actually working with the president and getting things done. I do want to ask you about this, there was a report yesterday that came out and they have missed of all of this news about afghanistan and the Washington Post riding a piece basically saying the u. S. Government misled the United States and the american citizens on the war in afghanistan. Listen to rand paul who was on marthas show last night. I think our young men and women that we sent to war are best in our brightest deserve better, they deserve an open airing of what is the mission, ive been saying for several years now that i cant meet a general anywhere who can tell me really what is the mission we are trying to accomplish in afghanistan. Dana general davis said this to the daily beast, the security gains while very hard fought are indisputable, we clearly reverse the momentum they had on the battlefield. There were endless frustrations out among them the sanctuary that they had in pakistan. At that site, undeniable progress on the security front and i stand by what i told congress on National Security team during that time. Given your experience and also your Committee Assignments here, what do you make of all of this . It is incredibly difficult place and thats why they stopped there and we also have to make sure we are there and presenting preventing them from establishing safe havens, they still are completely interwoven with al qaeda around the country. Is crucially important that we dont walk away. We know what happens when we walk away. We are now in a situation where we have a sufficient number of troops on the ground to prevent safe havens and if people have got to remember that afghanistan is a place from which the terrorist planned and spotted and trained and attacked us on 9 11. We cannot let that happen again. We have to make sure we stay engaged and have a sufficient number of troops there to protect their own security. Dana lets talk about something pretty exciting. An anniversary that is worth celebrating, wyoming marked 150 years of womens suffrage, the start where i was born where you represent, that is quite remarkable that it was the first state to give women the right to vote. It is a really special thing today, that 1869 are Territorial Legislature passed giving women the right to vote and to run for and hold office, and when wyoming was going to become a state in 1890, senators in washington said we wont let you in and less say women cant have suffrage anymore and they said we will stay out of the union for 100 years rather than come in without are women so we are very proud of wyoming as a trailblazer and as the first of the country to make sure women have the right to vote and run for office. Dana my greatgreatgrandparents arrived in wyoming in 1888, so just before all of that happen. Congresswoman liz cheney, pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you. Great to be with you. Dana up next, breaking news coming from the horowitz report. We will have that. Ok everyone our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. 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This is what we now know, the two active shooters described as young juveniles are dead. They were shot by police in the standoff that involve s. W. A. T. Teams, bearcat, aerial assets, helicopters, you name it and they are both dead. We also now know that there is a third suspect that they are looking for, they believe this third suspect is a black male dressed in all black. Also, they are now still keeping an eye on that kosher supermarket, they are still seeing some sort of activity in there, so this is still very much an active situation. Just to recap for our viewers, this started sometime in the noon hour looping in what i can gather from my source here, these two suspects came into this kosher supermarket armed and at some point, they ran out and went into the cemetery where they were confronted by an Undercover Police officer. Let Police Officer was shot. We now know to Police Officers have been shot and i do not know their conditions as of yet. At some point, they went from that cemetery back to the supermarket and that is where the standoff occurred this afternoon with them on multiple shots, at least when he heard from that area, armed s. W. A. T. Members at least a dozen seen in and around that shop where the standoff happens. At some point we heard on police radio that the two suspects dressed in all black were jumping from roof to roof. They cleared out the entire area because police were read that they were shooting from the police transmission radio shooting at anybody that was out in the street so again, both active shooters, third suspect potentially out there that they are looking for and we are still awaiting the condition of those two officers who were shot and all of this this afternoon. Dana arrived on scene as that was unfolding, thank you so much. We will get back to you with more updates. Former fbi attorney lisa page has just filed a lawsuit against the agency claiming it illegally distributed her private text messages. Page tweeting i sue the department of justice and fbi today. I take little joy in having done so but what they did in leaking my messages to the press was not only wrong, it was illegal. I didnt expect this one. Some people say they expected a little bit sooner than today, others are surprised by it and i am looking at it, she posted it online, 23 pages right now, suing the department of justice also the fbi her former employer. Now with all pending lawsuits and litigation here at the department of justice, they are offering no comment at this time which is typical for any pending litigation but a 23 page complaint, taking a look at it right now and it looks like it was just filed today, thats all we have right now. Lisa page filing a lawsuit against not only doj but the fbi which is her former employer. Not only was she in the news a few years ago, she was just in the news recently, actually mentioned in the ig report which was released in this building behind me yesterday. Did not portray her in a particularly negative light, did not focus on her too much but she was mentioned briefly in the ig report yesterday. Dana you are exactly right, i worked there for about a year in 2001 and 2002 when i learned 101 ways to say no comment. We will wait to see what else you might get out of that, thank you so much. Of the Supreme Court gearing up to here its fifth case stemming from obamacare, Insurance Companies seeking 12 billion from the federal government for being part of an Obamacare Program to cover the previously uninsured. Mark meredith is live in washington. A handful of Insurance Companies are suing the federal government claiming they are owed billions of dollars after they sold obamacare plans through what was known as the risk corridor program. This was designed to attract Insurance Companies in the obamacare marketplace back when it launched because at the time, the government agreed to limit the losses some companies wouldve faced by selling. Then they voted to essentially stop funding the program, some lawmakers intentionally called it a bailout, Insurance Companies are now suing claiming they kept their end of the bargain and that they are owed the money. The government argued because congress stopped funding the program, no money is due but experts we checked with say there are bigger issues here at play and just when it comes to health care. Its about whether the private companies that want to enter into future partnerships with the government can count on the government keeping its a word in those arrangements and those are the Important National issues at stake in this case. Our producer in the courts today said they appeared sympathetic to the argument, a decision is expected to take several months, as for obamacare, it remains in place, open enrollment right now for 2020 is going on and wraps up on sunday. Dana thank you so much. And for impeachment, the ig fisa report on the 2020 election, what it all means. We will have our panel when we come back. Us lives here. Where we can find common ground. Big enough to dance on. For a better us, donate to your local y today. What do we wburger. Inner . I want a sugar cookie. Wait. I want a bucket of chicken. I want. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. Sa new buick . For me . To james, from james. Thats just what i wanted. Is this a new buick . I secret santaed myself. Oh i shouldnt have but i have been very good this year. I love it. I love it. Dont forget you this Holiday Season, get an syouv, from buick. Celebrate the holidays with up to 25 below msrp for current eligible nongm owners and lessees on most of these 2019 buick models. Dana meanwhile is the impeachment process pushes forward, a new full shows him actually gaining steam against leading democratic opponents in several key battleground states joining me now, our Political Panel jessica tarlov, guy benson and host of the guy bends benson show and a New York Post columnist, wonderful to have you all here. You want to show you these three poles, lets start with you im a wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan basically President Trump, three states that President Trump flipped in order to win. What you think of this . Do you think this is a direct result of impeachment . I think in wisconsin that poll that came out a couple of weeks ago showing of the independent switching by 22 points on the other direction is massive. These three states are obviously prime democrat targets and theres been a lot of talk about what went wrong in 2016 and how we can figure it out for 2020 and why joe bidens leading a lot in those areas with a high union concentration but the mechanics of the economy are doing well and people vote their pocketbook. So i am not surprised to see a little bump for President Trump right now without jobs report, i think usmca will be a boon for both parties, not surprised but i am concerned. Dana it is pretty interesting. Impeachment was announced by pelosi middle of september, now in the middle of december and youve seen this steady decline for democrats in the polls in these battleground states and that you see the democrats this morning announcing impeachment and it is like watching somebody walk off a cliff. At least for now and then 5 minutes later they turned around and say and we have a great deal with this historic threat. We have a deal with them as well. I think nancy pelosi understands exactly where she is politically. Which she to her credit often does. She recognizes her base in her members will not accept anything short of impeachment so she is ripping off the bandaid as fast as possible which is why we see this race towards this artificial christmas deadline. They want to get it done, check the box and move on from this and their goal is by april or may that it is a distant memory because the dynamics at this moment havent looked so great. Dana of President Trump were to lose in 2020, i dont think anybody is going to look back and say it was because of impeachment. I dont think it either, introducing that into the Holiday Season is not going to win friends particularly among independents and then there was states that donald trump won. And i think you saw today this ploy to bring on usmca. Dana shrewd to try to make lemonade out of lemons. It is so transparent because that is something that is a quid pro quo that i have had to give to their democrats to appease them so they can go home and say weve given you something. I think there is optically some dissidents where first thing in the morning you have a press conference where you are saying here so it is appointed, such a great threat to our constitution, our highest duty to remove him from office as soon as possible and then minutes later say a big breakthrough with the same guy on this other thing within a backtoback on the same day is weird. I dont think they can control the timing of when the markup came back on usmca but i completely agree with you that it was shrewd because pelosi has been clear that she deserves to powers, the constitution above all else why President Trump will be impeached and this constituents. And what she said is the usmca is good for americans and she is taking a stand for a nonpartisan move to say this deal is better than nafta. Dana they got almost everything they wanted. Chuck grassley said we compromised on 56, also another pole and let me get your take on this. Showing the bite and despite all these things in the news about joe biden still stays in the lead in monmouth 26 . 21 said down 17 , would you make of that . It tells the democrats they are on the wrong track, that america is not an extremist country, it still wants moderates and for all his flaws, joe biden is as good as it gets. A moderate as it gets and he is associated with the obama years which were seen as calm and respectful instead of the crazy circus ride that we are on now. Dana i dont know if we have time, ill just get your take on it. This is joe biden and what he told axioms about his son hunter biden. Watch this. I dont know what he was doing. Is on the something you want to get to the bottom of . Know because i trust my son. That doesnt pass the smell test, dont you need to know . Do you need to put down some guardrails . Unless there was something on its face that was wrong. There is nothing on its face that was wrong. Dana the problem i think for him and maybe not a problem in the democratic primary is it a judgment call and he also said staff should have told him that we do know the obama team was concerned about this. We have george kens testimony within the state department of the time that said he went to bidens office. We are not sure that it went up the ladder as far as to reach joe biden because he was stealing with his sons illness at the time. My problem here is that what he is saying is inconsistent with what hunter biden said so i thought hunter biden did a wonderful job but he admitted if i could do it again, i wouldnt have done this, it does look bad. That doesnt mean i did anything illegal but objects are everything and joe biden is so defensive about this, the campaign really needs to get a clear platform on this issue. It didnt look good, doesnt mean its illegal, i on the prize, President Trump should be impeached, moving on. Dana its been ten weeks. Didnt do that. There you go, its a pitch if he is watching. Hunter biden was more contrite than joe biden was and i watch the interview and i see the blaming hand how are they so bad at this on this issue . It is floundering, gives it more oxygen. Dana jessica tarlov, guy benson, we appreciate you being here. Lets end on a nice note, never too late to graduate from high school. Just as 91yearold cliff hansen pretty got his diploma yesterday, had to drop back out of school to help save his familys farm. When you are working with farmland, it took 95 of your day. You had to do it, otherwise he wouldnt have anything. Dana a good way to end this hour. Congratulations, we love having a way to end the show and a happy note but now another happy note because im going to see you on the five but shannon bream. Shannon today, history unfolded at a breakneck pace. Accusing President Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors. Then an hour later, giving the president of big win on trade, calling it a victory for the American People. And right now, President Trump is meeting behind closed doors in the oval office with Russia Foreign minister. Watching a lot of fastmoving stories here at the fox news desk in new york including breaking news across the hudson river. The situation in jersey city, new jersey, two shooters dead, police swarming the scene. We

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