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A list of charges, including aggravated murder, against this suspect. Police say last monday, june 17th, Mackenzie Lueck arrived at the airport in Salt Lake City about 2 00. She took a ride share to a local park here, arriving around 3 a. M. Thats when police say she met up with the man they are charging with her murder. Mackenzies phone records show communication ceased 3 a. M. That night. She had been communicating with the man charged in her murder. Police say this man was texting Mackenzie Lueck. He denied seeing any online profiles, but his phone records show otherwise. Mackenzies family says throughout all of this, obviously highly unusual that she was not responding to any of their phone calls or text messages. This past wednesday, june 26, police executed a warrant at the suspects home. Investigators found fresh items on the property, personal items of mackenzie were discovered. They were charged. Also female tissue was found. Police say dna confirmed it is Mackenzie Lueck. The chief of police here say he called the parents of mackenzie and they were devastated and heart broken. At 9 20 a. M. This morning, we were able to take the suspect into custody. After the arrest, i spoke with greg lueck and informed him of the developments in this investigation. This is one of the most difficult phone calls i have ever made, as both greg and his wife diana were devastated and heart broken by this news. Reporter police are stressing this is an on going investigation. Theyre working to determine if the suspect acted alone or had any assistance. Neighbors had told police there were some burns happening on his property and there was a stench coming from those burns that hit you in the face. Mackenzies uncle said the family is not taking any questions or interviews. Police have a considerable amount of followup work do. So far we dont know much about this suspect. Dana . Dana all right, matt finn, thank you. If theres more developments, well come back to you. I am joined by a criminal defense attorney around former prosecutor, plus daniel lindsky. If i could start with you and talk about the Police Working this case. Since the family reported her missing, to get to this point today, how were they able to arrest the suspect. I know they went through a tough week. When they get notification several days after a persons gone missing and her phone has been dead for several days, those circumstances point towards a bad outcome. I have had several cases where we found an outcome that was different, but oftentimes were behind the eight ball. I know the officers and detectives worked every hour they could, probably didnt sleep, trying to bring her home for her family and find out exactly what happened. Dana take a listen to this. This is the police chief that you just heard from about the last communication since her arrest. Watch. Investigations were conducted on mackenzies phone records, social media, and other communications, which showed that all communications ceased for mackenzie at 3 00 a. M. On june 17th. Investigations into mackenzie phone showed communications and data ceased at the time of june 17 at approximately 3 00 a. M. Investigation of mackenzies phone records show that her last communicati communication were with the arrest. Dana you know these cases. Youve been around talking about them throughout your career. What about the social Media Connection here and now this suspect that is under arrest . Pretty definitive . I think its very telling. Social media and our Digital Footprints are both a blessing and a curse. When somebody is investigating a crime like this, the phone is going to reveal so much more information than it did before we had it. Right . We can easily find where somebody was. At least where their phone was. Who they communicated with, what their ip addresses are. All those things that in this case was really helpful. Dana im gonna hold you and dan for a moment. This is a little bit of a turn. We have joe biden speaking for the First Time Since last night. And as the program senator harris participated in and it made a difference in the like. I did support federal action to address root causes of segregation in our schools including taking on banks, red lining, trying to change the way neighborhoods were segregated. In fact, i cast the deciding vote in 1974 against an amendment called the gurney amendment which would have banned the federal courts to be able to use bugging as a remedy. In the middle of the most extensive bust known in american history, my cities, my states. It wasnt what you called the most popular vote in the country. So reverend jackson, we spent a lot of time working together over the years on a lot of issues that matter. I know, i know you know i fought my heart to ensure civil rights and Voting Rights equal rights are enforced everywhere. These rights are not up to the states to decide. They are federal governments duty to decide. Its a constitutional question, to protect the civil rights of every single american. And thats always been my position. And so thats why i ran for federal office in the first place. As reverend jackson maybe one of the few people that knows, my city was the only city after dr. King was assassinated that was almost burned to the ground. 20 of it. The only city in the United States of america since reconstruction that was occupied by the national guard, for ten months. I came home from law school that year and i only had two political heroes, dr. King and bobby kennedy. They were both assassinated the year i graduated. I came home and i had a job with one of the oldest law firms in the state, a prestigious state. After five months i decided i couldnt do it. I ended up leaving and becoming a public defender. When i was elected, one of the first things i did was to go on a committee to try to strengthen the Voting Rights act. I cosponsored equal rights amendment. I supported making the equity act in law of the land today. I voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1990 to ban employment discrimination. I wrote the law, the provision of the law that allows the attorney general to pursue cases involving, quote, a pattern or practice of conduct by Law Enforcement officers in violation of constitutional of federal rights. I wrote that law. I used that power during the Obama Biden Administration. Our department of justice investigated Police Discrimination abuse including ferguson. By the way, we worked like the devil to make sure that you should not allow Police Departments to buy excess military vehicles like humvees and armored personnel carrier. You dont go into neighborhood and police going in an armored humvee. Our criminal justice reforms as president and Vice President reduced the federal population by 38,000 people. Ladies and gentlemen, the Obama Biden Administration we commuted more sentences than the 13 previous president s combined. [ applause ] by the way, with all due respect, i say to chicagoans and everyone, my president gets much too little credit for all that he did. He was one of the great president s of the United States of america. Im tired of hearing about what he didnt do [ applause ] this man had a back bone like a ram rod. He had a back bone like a ram rod. Do you want to know what man or womans made of . Watch them under incredible pressure. He got elected as we were about to fall off a cliff. We went on and we passed an act that was recovery act. 800 billion. Guess what . Remember, he stood up on he loved his state of the union. He said sheriff jones gonna enforce the act. Thanks a lot, mr. President. 800 billion. But we did it without less than 2 of waste, fraud or abuse in that act. Heres what he did. Everything that landed on his desk, i watched him. I watched him. I sat with him every single morning and i watched him, for hundreds of hours in the so called the situation room, not the wolf blitzer situation room, the real situation room. Chicago, you had a great, great man out here. Hes still a great man. He still has a lot to offer. [ applause ] where in office he passed started to break the pipeline. Folks, discussion in this race today shouldnt be about the past. We should be talking about how we can do better. How we can move forward. How we can give every child in america the opportunity to be a success story. These arent somebody elses children. Theyre our children, all our children. Thats not a joke. Theyre all our children. Theyre the kite strings that lift our National Ambitions along. We have to make people realize what youre doing. What youre doing, every single child in america has enormous potential. Every single child has enormous potential. But it means, means, you have to have good schools in every neighborhood. No child should be determined by their zip code. Thats why i propose tripling funding for schools to eliminate disparities between rich and poor school districts. Were going to increase teachers pay, make prek a requirement across the board. Ladies and gentlemen, these teachers, they walk into school like my wife. She taught in the Public School system. Now she teaches at community college. Shes never stopped teaching. Only second lady i ever known has had a full time job teaching 15 credits a semester. I dont know how in the devil im known as jill bidens husband. I earned it. I asked her five times to marry me. I dont know how that happened. Thank you, lord. But, look. Look. Those of you who are teachers in here, you know. Youre teaching kids to read, write, add, subtract. Guess what . Kids come to school with burdens and problems. We have too few school psychologists, too few social workers, too few people doing what needs to be done to give kids a chance. Were gonna do that under my proposal. [ applause ] look, were gonna reinstate the policies pushed through in our administration to finish the work of tkeg segregating those schools because we have a National Interest in creating diverse schools. Thats what i believe. We have to make sure were moving closer to the idea of americas founding. You know, we all learned in school, we hold these to selfevident that all man and women are created equal. We, the people. Weve never lived up to that. This is the 400th anniversary of the first africanamerican being brought to the shores of the United States as a slave. Thats the original sin of this nation. But weve never walked away from it either. Weve never walked away from the expectation all you in this room have never walked away from it. Theres only one trend i know thats deliberately walked away from it. That is donald trump. Not a joke. Think about this. I dont know about you, but i never thought that after all the progress that had been made, id see people marching out in fields carrying torches, con torted faces, anger and hate, acompanied by White Supremacists ku klux klan. Decent honorable people saying we dont hate you. What happened . Clash ensued, young woman died. What did he say when asked about it . He said, quote no president has ever said this. There are very fine people in both groups. Hes yet to apologize or criticize, criticize ku klux klan and White Supremacists. Look, we have a president that promotes hate and division, has encouraged the poison of white supremacy. Our children are watching. Barack was president our kids could and did look up to. Look, what president s say matters. It matters. When we stay silent, our silence is complicit. Thats what i learned. Their silence is complicit. I promise you, if i get elected president , i will be a president who stands against racism, who forces inclusion and intolerance everywhere in our society, our institutions, our voting groups and in our hearts. It matters what we say. Its important to stand by and start by recognizing black, hispanic, Asian American workers, native American Workers in communities of color all across the nation. When the atlanta washington womens strike in 1880, boycott of 1990 and 1960, around bill lucy chicagos own abby wide and zach vaughn, black and brown power have always been an integral part of fighting for the right to organize, demanding equal pay, fair treatment, basic workers protection. As my dad would say, some dignity. Taking on the fight of all workers, farm workers to Domestic Workers to tearing down racism along the way. We owe them. We owe them big. We owe you. If im elected president , i want you to know they will have an absolute full partner in the white house. I think labor knows that. [ applause ] folks, a lot has changed since weve been out of office. This president and some members of the Corporate Community believe that i want to make clear, wall street did not build america. We need to rebuild it. My dad used to have the expression, joey, talk about a lot more than a pay check. He meant it when he had to leave scranton to go find work. Joey, its about your dignity. Its about respecting the community. Its not about being able to look your child in the eye and say, honey, its gonna be okay, and mean it. Too few people have been referenced today. Too few people think they can say that any more. A vast majority for the fired time in about 80 years, vast majority of middle class people are shrinking. They no longer believe their children will have the responsibility. Mr. President , you talked about how your dad persisted to change things. Todays Corporate Culture and this administration, they dont care about your dignity. Instead of investing back into their workers and record profits, record profits, instead of investing back in research and development and creating more opportunities, corporate profits are going pay dividends to Share Holders and blockbuster executive compensation. Ladies and gentlemen, theyre squeezing the life out of workers today. By the way [ applause ] theyre making it harder to meet very basic needs, stripping you of your personal dignity along the way. Theres long been war on labor unions. As pointed out today, mr. Chairman, you all are coming back. Heres the deal. Theres been another wargoing on that hasnt been noticed very much. On the individuals to be able to bargain for their selfworth. 40 of workers today have to sign a noncompete agreement. Its one thing to have access to secrets of a great technical organization. You sign, i wont compete. Im gonna not open up next door. But a significant portion of these people are hourly workers. Up until i started holering about this, if you worked for jimmy johns, you had to sign a noncompete agreement so you wouldnt walk across town and try to get 0. 10 more from mcdonalds. Whats this all about . To hold down the ability of individuals to bargain for their selfworth, to keep wages low. Its wrong. Too Many Companies today classify their workers as managers when labor fought to make sure that youre an hourly worker, you had to be paid overtime. What do they do . Stacking spaghetti cans on top a shelf, but you control the person who runs the forklift to bring it out, they say you are now a manager. Ladies and gentlemen, it cost more than 4 million hourly workers 1. 2 billion last year. Where did it go . Went back into the pocket of corporate america. Back into so called the job creators. Since when, since when the autoworkers in my state that made all those automobiles, theyre gone now. Since when were they not job creators . Today the only people, mr. Chairman, they think are job creators are stock boys. Speaking of overtime, it is long past time we have a 15 federal minimum wage. Long past time. [ applause ] folks, it really is. Were getting it done around the country. Folks, we need to build an economy that rewards work, not just wages. Not just wealth. Wages have to be rewarded. Wages. Do you realize people who are multimillionaires who pay only capital gain, pay a lower tax rate than any of you all do . Look, if im elected president , i will immediately repeal the tax cuts for the super wealthy in this trump administration. You know, we have 1. 6 trillion in loopholes that exist in the law now. 1. 6 trillion. You cant justify the vast majority of that. So, folks, look. What im gonna do the use the money to invest in americas future. Theres an incredibly long list of policies. Let me tell you, we need an inclusive economy. From better access to caps on Small Businesses to reducing crime in black homeownership, to making sure homes in black communities are valued fairly. You realize saying home in a predominantly black neighborhood, same exact home, and one in an overwhelming white neighborhood, in the black neighborhood its valued at significantly less, limiting your ability to borrow against it, limiting your ability to do much about it. Guess what . You pay a higher insurance rate, too, for it. We need to reform the criminal justice system, make sure black mothers feel confident when they send their son out on the street, that he will be safe. Weve got to recognize that kid wearing a hoodie maybe will be the next poet laureate and not a gang banger. There are too many black men and women in prison. We started with a problem in our administration. Bobby scott, you know bobby well. Just met with bobby scott from virginia. Needs to be passed. We need to do more. No more minimum mandatory prison sentence period. End of private prisons, as barack and i talked about. [ applause ] drug courts. At least 400 million a year. Bail reform. No one should be in jail because they dont have money to pay their bail. No juveniles in adult prisons. Mandatory treatment, not jail, for those affected by and struggling with addiction. It makes no sense to put people in jail. Put them in treatment and keep them there while they are going through treatment. Decriminalize marijuana. Overturn marijuana convictions. [ applause ] finally, heres what i have been trying to do for 15 years, end crack powder cocaine disparity so its 11. Too many africanamericans have been put in jail for it. And prisons. What i dont get, we just got to make the case. If you make it for ordinary people, they figure it out. In prison, you should receive an education, not how to be a better criminal. But you should learn how to read and write. There should be job programs in there. We should be training people. We should be training them. Automatic restoration of their rights once their sentence is served including all rights to go to school, pell grants. Not only right to vote, right to participate. Its overwhelmingly in the interest of the United States of america and every citizen, black, white, hispanic, that you reeducate people, give them a chance. Folks, look. We can do all these things and so much more. We have to start by uniting the country. I know i get criticized for saying we can unite the country. But, ladies and gentlemen, i refuse to accept the status quo. The status quo are the miserable ugly policies we have today. Guarantees that well continue to do the same. We can do it without ever compromising our principles. You know, i know how the labor leaders have won for decades. Thats how were gonna win in 2020. Were gonna win together when we defeat donald trump. [ applause ] folks, i have never been more optimistic about americas future, and i mean it. I mean it. Excuse me for quoting an irish poet. He wrote a poem about the expression of catholics in ireland. He wrote a poem. He said, were taught never to hope on one side of the grave. That long tidal wave of justice rises up and holds history to win. Folks, were in a position now where the American People have only seen the very dark side of america. Every generation is saying enough. We have a chance, a real chance. We have a chance to stand up and remember who we are. This is the United States of america. Theres nothing weve not been able to do if were united. All those lines everybody remembers from John Kennedys speeches about going to the moon . He said this is a challenge we are willing to accept. The line i love most is, we are willing unwilling to postpone. Were unwilling to postpone. I am unwilling to postpone any longer to take on the incredible tunes we have. Ladies and gentlemen, lets remember who we are. Pick our heads up, work together. God bless you all and may god protect our troops. Thank you. [ applause ] dana all right. That was joe biden, former Vice President , after the debate last night. Had a busy speech today at the rainbow coalition. Hes in chicago. He addressed some things from last night. Thats perfect. We have a panel that can talk about all of it. Matt gorman, josh croshire. Great to have you here. Josh, set the scene for us today. Joe biden reads the headlines tonight with conventional wisdom being he didnt do so hot last night. He got fileted by Kamala Harris, especially on civil rights. He was there to talk about his civil rights today. Instead of a speech talking about the future, he had to talk about the past. This was damage control. He knew he had a tough debate last night. Joe biden, if he doesnt have strong support from the africanamerican community, the campaign is soefr. He knows he needs to solidify that report. I dont think it was a disaster. People may have had some renewed questions. Joe bidens speech was much more forward looking. He talked about issues like Jesse Jacksons organization. Talked about prison reform. Criminal justice reform. Thats what africanamericans want to hear. Thats how Kamala Harris said she can make inroads into support. He needed to stop the bleeding. Dana what do you think about that . I agree with josh. People had seen the speech we just watched instead of joe bidens debate performance. Dana isnt that a bit of a problem in that joe biden on a stage with everybody el, no tele prompter stumbles. Then today gets a great teleprompter speech. The modern politics doesnt want that. I agree with that. The problem is, if you look at joe bidens debate performances of the past, he was great. He was terrific against cheney, terrific against sarah palin. Dana you mean paul ryan, not dick cheney. Sorry, paul ryan. Dana look at this from the Republican Point of view. Give us your perspective from last night and joe biden as a front runner. Solidified as a front runner or do you think hell sink a bit now . Hes not gonna drop ten points today. I think if he thinks his opponents can take him down in the further debates. Right . He came in, as josh mentioned, he is a nimble debater. I think not only did he look very unprepared. This wasnt something that happened 40 years ago. Segregationist lines happened last week. Id be much more worried about joe biden if he couldnt respond to something that was timely more than anything. Dana it is interesting to now have to talk about busting. I was busting denver. Theres a lot of raw feelings about that issue. Joe biden said he wants to continue to work on desegregation today. Whats remarkable, when you look at the polling from the 70s, busting was unremarkable. Thats why joe biden was against it. In the black community. It also isnt an issue. Not as many communities are dealing with that. Joe biden should have had a response looking forward. Dana asked for the control room if you could pull up the sound when Vice President biden was talking about the Obama Administration in the speech he just gave. He didnt really do it too much last night. Got a little bit into the obama piece, but today he really wanted to talk about the obama biden years and trying to ride on obamas coat tails. Watch this. With all due respect, i say to chicagoans and everyone, my president gets much too little credit for all that he did. He was one of the great president s of the United States of america. Im tired of hearing about what he didnt do [ applause ] he had a back bone like a ram rod. Dana talk to me about that, in terms of biden trying to utilize his close relationship with obama. Look, there is a lot of great feeling right now for president obama. Its not surprising. I think where it could run into a problem is if he overdoes it. He may have overdone it a bit there. Lot of great feelings in both the black community and in the democratic voters at large when it comes to barack obama. Were a little worn out by the current president. We miss the obama days. I understand him doing that. But he has to be careful, otherwise its more looking back. Dana got to win on your own. The democrat no ones talking about, bill clinton. Who . [ laughter ] bill clinton. Still a nongrata in the Democratic Party which goes to show how far to the left this party has moved. Dana youve been writing about it in your columns. Youve been tweeting about it. Its not just commentators who say the democrats have moved to the left. Youre seeing it in real time. This is President Trumps dream. This is how he wins reelection. Im less convinced about that. The big problem is health care. Dana there was a part last night where the candidates were asked to raise their hand about insurance for the undocumented. Watch. Who here would abolish their private Health Insurance in favor of a government run plan . All right. Dana that was on the private insurance speech. Kamala harris already dealt with this issue in the past. Shes having to clean it up again today, this morning. Watch this. So the question was, would you be willing to give up your private insurance . Thats what you heard, right . Thats certainly what i heard. I am in is up sport of medicare for all. Under medicare for all policy. Private insurance would exist for supplemental coverage. Under medicare for all and my vision of it, we would have extend benefits. So for example, vision care, dental care, hearing aids which currently are not covered. Dana i want to show you this cover from the new york post. This was the question about who would be willing to have undocumented immigrants covered under their health care plans. Every one of them raised their hand a little reluctantly. Post saying who wants to lose the election. I worked on republican primaries in 12 and 16. I was in their shoes. I was fighting on these issues having to take positions that might be less advantageous. Democrats sat back and watched and clipped all the sound bytes. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Deja vu again with kamala. This is the fifth position shes had on health care. Shes good at the planned line, planned attack. Gets tougher for her to think on her feet and be nimble when she has to address some of those issues. Dana shes getting attention for having a great debate. Definitely considered the winner of the two nights. Your thoughts . Shes doing her best in the primary. But this is a vulnerability if she is the nominee. Remember, matt knows this very well. Health care was the issue democrats ran on in 2018. They ran on the republicans trying to take away your health care. If Kamala Harris is giving President Trump his opportunity to say, well, shes gonna take away private Health Insurance if shes president , thats a remarkably powerful line and it affects your bottom line. Thats why they lost the mid terms in 2018. Dana i want to read from you david brooks a columnist. Feels like he is without a water. He writes this, democrats, please dont drive me away. The debate illustrates the dilemma for moderate democrats. If they take on progressives they get squashed by the left. If they dont, the party moves so far left that they cant win. Right now weve got two parties trying to make moderates homeless. Rick, do democrats risk that . As a moderate democrat, right, i think we have to all remember that this is very early in the primary season. This is not something new where you have to move in a direction and then once you secure the nomination, you start coming back. Dana can you move back from that . Absolutely. Dana i dont think so either. Every bill in congress, with the exception of one, has variations to achieve universal health care. Most democrats, and i talk to a lot of them, they dont support bernies plan. I dont support bernies plan and i have been an advocate for universal health care for many years i dont want to tell you. You can absolutely move back. This is where senator harris might be doing something more clever than were giving her credit for. She is waffling. She is flip flopping. But shes going to leave herself the opportunity to go back. Course i dont want to take away your private insurance if you want it. Dana let me ask you the question. People have asked it before. Over the two nights, 20 candidates, did you see anybody there that you think could beat President Trump in 2020 . Not currently. I think the biggest thing is the fact that everyone is merging to the left. We talk about Illegal Immigrants health care, President Trump can use that as naturally as we can ride a bike. This is playing right into his hands. Dana he even tweeted the race is over. As you said, its early. We have a ton more of these things. Its going to change though. Dana did you see anybody you thought could beat President Trump . Thats an interesting question. Did i see somebody who i thought would be a great president . Did i see somebody who could beat him . I think senator harris will be the best person to do it. I still think Vice President biden. But i gotta tell you, i was blown away by mayor pete. Dana he had a better debate than people thought . I looked at him and i said, that could be a president. Dana anybody else you thought did better than expected . I thought cory booker had a good debate. The nominee will be someone who wins over africanamericans and enough moderate white democrats. Harris may be that person, but i think booker is a lot more to the center of harris. He lives in south carolina. He hit the right notes. He has some ability to rise up. Dana look ahead a little bit with me. Whats the most important thing a democrat can do within the next week to try to capitalize on the success they had at the debate or come back from a bad performance . Harris needs to start moving, what weve just been talking about. She has to keep clarifying her answer, do you support getting rid of private insurance . Dana that should not be a hard question to answer. But, do you know what . She actually turns out to be right. The question that was actually asked, not what everybody answered, but what was asked, would you give up your insurance . That was the question. One thing they need to do is focus on africanamerican voters especially in south carolina. Joe bidens nomination. Both being moments of last night, mayor pete talking about the shooting in south bend and kamalas attack on biden. Dana josh, last word. When youre explaining or losing, thats where kamala has to get her story straight. Dana wow. I didnt get to eat lunch. Political commentary with smart guys. Thank you very much, matt, josh and rick. Thank you. Im gonna hold you to 30. Dana joe biden taken aback by Bernie Sanders wandering hand at the debate. Ahead ill get tyrus to rank some of the more memorable moments of the last two nights. You do not want to miss his thoughts. Forget things, we didnt really know what that meant or where to turn for more information. Looking back i wish wed asked for help sooner. Thats why i recommend a place for mom. Its a free service that pairs you with a local Senior Living advisor who understands memory care and can help you find the right place for your mom or dad. Our advisors have helped thousands of families and can help answer key questions like we all want whats best for our parents, so get advice from someone whos done it before. Call today and talk to an advisor who knows memory care. Youll be glad you did. Whoa. Travis in it made it. Its amazing. Oh is that traviss app . Its pretty cool, isnt it . 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Heres one from joe biden. Apparently, forgetting a question after being asked what would be his first issue after winning the presidency. Vice president biden, your first issue, mr. Vice president. The first thing i would do is make sure that we defeat donald trump. Period. Dana all right. Lets bring in fox nation host, tyrus to help us rank some of the moments from the last two nights. We even brought you this one. This is eric smallwell, congressman, talking about people being too old to run. Watch. Joe biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans 32 years ago. Hes still right today. Dana where do you put him . You didnt like it . Cant president down the old guys. Everyone is supposed to be treated equal and respected. Dana i dont think it worked. Its not gonna work. The guys heart is in the right place. The charisma dana was he the one everyone wanted to punch last night . Hes the one who said, sir, you should get off the stage. Dana youve had enough. Now this one, im curious about this and how you feel about joe biden and tapping out. Watch. I agree that everybody my time is up. Im sorry. Thank you, Vice President. When did you say your time is up . He just did the worst thing ever. The other team thats watching, team President Trump just got their slogan for him forever. No matter what he said. Well, sleepy joe, your time is up. I can see the commercials now. Dont give a sound byte. Dana press ahead. Let them stop you instead of asking for forgiveness. Dana youve never tapped out. No. Dana no way. Number three. We got this harris one. Guys, do you know what . America does not want to witness the food fight. They want to know how were gonna put food on their table. [ applause ] dana all right. What did you think of that . That got a lot of applause. Thats number three. We do want a food fight. We want to see a fight. I want to see some passion, fire. Dana modern politics. Ask a fool how bad you want this job . Dana you would give her a three. Yes. Dana cory booker, got into a staring contest. Watch this. My first call is to the Prime Minister of new zealand who said her voice makes new zealand the best place for a child to grow up. I would tell you, you are wrong. United states of america will be the best place in america for a child to grow up. Dana she was asked the first call youre going to make. All of them. Shes number one. As a wrestler, this is what you want. Not only did she try to rhyme, she called out new zealand. They were like, what . At the same time gave them praise saying youre not going to be the best sitting on my watch. Only thing she didnt do was go into an hulk hogan moment, like what you gonna tkorb President Trump, cause im gonna get you with love and hugs. I couldnt understand everything she was saying, but dana it was her moment. It was memorable. Heres one that i really liked. Heres a photograph of cory bookers stare when beto orourke was speaking spanish. Hes like, what is going on . Was that a good side eye . Give him a 6 . 15. 15. Heres the thing with cory. He gives a look, but never backs anything up. I wish he was more confrontational. Even when his comment, well, i give a better Public Comment than this. Hes really wishy washy. Dana hes trying to be the polite guy. Hes trying to please everybody. Hey, tyrus, why dont you like that guy . Everybody loves him. I dont like him because everybody likes him. Dana any other part of the debate you liked or didnt like . The end was good because i had things to do. Its early. Yang was the guy i liked. He has a plan. Dana only had 2 56. He had the best plan. My pick, but no one paid attention to him. I didnt get his name right. But he has a plan, a good one. Dana you should interview him. I think he would be good. Saying his name three times wrong. Dana that was fun. Thank you. I give myself a 5. Dana this year marks the upsizing in new york city, celebrating pride. Check out this boy, canine companion, learning how to help a veteran with ptsd. Theyre all trained to pull the sheets away from the bed or wake them up if theyre having a nightmare. If you know anyone who is a veteran with ptsd, find out how you can help them. Bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . How far you travel is up to you. How comfortable you travel is up to us. Fly emirates. Fly better. How comfortable you travel is up to us. Yeah im excited. Finally earned enough rewards points. So jealous. 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With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Dana crews are on the scene of a massive fire in california. Broke out about a half an hour at a construction site. Fire officials are warning people to avoid the area. No word on the cause or injuries. President trump appearing to take a lighthearted tone about election meddling with Vladimir Putin in japan. The g20, big meeting. High stakes. The russia piece, you knew the press would ask it and the president was like lets take this moment to make fun of it. What is amazing the trumpputin meeting is the undercard of the meeting. Last year, it was the most talk about summit that we had that year. It takes second place this year. Look, President Trump was put on the spot there. And some people dana you knew he would be. Yes. Some people accusing him of making light of the situation. You cant make light of how President Trump has reacted to russia imposing the sanctions, kicking out diplomats. Dana in fact, the europeans are the one that just week reinstated russians voting abilities in the e. U. , whatever that thing is. America has been tougher on russia than the e. U. Has been. Absolutely they have. I think what we saw there from President Trump is not the same kind of the same message he will be passing behind closed doors. He said to journalists before he left wednesday, its none of your business what we talk about. He was going to be hard on him. Dana you said this is the undercard. The big hot meeting is happening at 10 30 p. M. Tonight. Its the chinau. S. A. Meeting. President trump saying this about his meeting with president xi. Listen. You heard president xi would put an offer on the table. Well see what happens. Ultimately it will work out. [question inaudible] no, i have no problem. Good question. No. Dana good question. President xi saying this. All this is destroying the global trade order. This impacts common interests of our country. Overshadows the peace and stability worldwide. I picked up on two words there. The global trade order, the problem is not really the United States but china. So number 1. Number 2, the other thing is stability. China wants stability more than anything. This president is not into that. Theres a lot of issues at play here. We have the trade deficit, we have the need to reduce tariffs. It is china who stands to lose the most if they dont. People are hoping to see some kind of a 90day truce following this. Theres no idea yet if there will be some longer term trade deal. Larry kudlow saying yesterday, there were no preconditions going into this meeting. Not only do you have the trade issues, you have the intellectual property rights. That will be harder to get a solution for. On the side, you have other issues that china is involved with. North korea. Had president xi visiting kim jongun last week. You have iran. China has most to lose for the spike in oil prices. So suddenly were seeing dana you have a sense on whether the europeans will back President Trump on this meeting with china or about iran . I think when it comes to iran, they are backing the jcpoa on paper alone. I think that their companies are doing business with iran, they have a choice of doing business with American Companies and being part of the American Banking system or working with iran. Theyre trying to stick with the jcpoa but not able to. Dana he says you have to make a choice, working with the United States or iran. Theres no choice. Dana thank you. This week in new york city, theyre hosting the largest pride celebration in the world. Comes on the 50th anniversary of the stone wall anniversary. A pivotal milestone. Bryan llenas is in new york city. Bryan . Hi, dana. 50 years ago today, the stone wall riots marked the birth place of the modern day lgbtq civil rights movement. Before stone wall, there was no such thing as pride parades. On that night, june 28, 1969, the new York Police Department raided the stone wall bar. It was part of a crackdown of gay bars in the city. At stone wall, a thousand transgender people, drag queens, lgbtq people rebelled about police for two hours. They chanted throwing bottles, trash as police seek shelter in the bar. The demonstrations would go on for six days. Press coverage of the riots was scarce. One New York Daily News cover red, homo nest raided. Queen bees are mad. They werent the only ones to apologize though. The nypd apologizing earlier this month. The actions taken by the nypd you whe8 were wrong. The actions were discriminatory and oppressive. For that, i apologize. After the riots, the movement was born. In 1970, the first gay pride march took place here in new york city. Within two years of the stonewall riots, there was a major lgbtq organization in almost every major u. S. City. So much progress has been made like marriage equality. For world pride, its a celebration of that progress. Also a reminder of the sacrifice and the courage of all of those people. The most marginalized people before us. Transgender women and color and people that stood up and say enough is enough, a beautiful weekend in new york city. So many here to celebrate and pay homage to the stone wall. Dana and they got great weather for it. Thanks, bryan. We appreciate it. Thanks for joining us. A busy week. A good one, too. Hope you have a great weekend. See you monday. Im dana perino. Heres shep. The lueck family would like to express their gratitude for the effort put forth by the salt lake Police Department as well as all the people provided tips on this case. Shepard Mackenzie Luecks uncle speaking for the family after the Police Announce the College Student is dead and her accused killer in custody. Well take you to Salt Lake City where the police chief just revealed many new details about the case. Also, theres word the families of two americans that die in the Dominican Republic are ordering their own autopsy andhe

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