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Battering down the door of the president or the congress. They won general election, then they brought down all the barriers of abuse and power. They brought down all those things that allowed us to be a nation that we were together. Allowing us to work in no way with consensus. It has always been about the abuse of power. Look what hes doing. He not only attacks courts because he says how can judge of mexican ancestry treat me fair fairly . The news media, all of them back there, they are all fake news, he says. Everybody thinks that doesnt mean much, but look at the people copying his ways all around the world, whether it is in hungary, the philippines. There are thugs all over the world. You see the same kind of language hes using now. What are we saying to the world . What are we saying to the world . Folks, you know, the goal is simple. When you discredit some news, some free press, he gets to run things. You have noticed that the press was not always that great with me. Im not i was crazy about, what they write. But as jefferson said, if i had to choose, one of the three branches of government where the free press, i would pick the free press. Folks, the fact of the matter is [applause] we are at the moment where i think we have to reinstate our constitutional norms for the country. The presidency is not without limits. Its not without limits. Its a coequal branch of the government with the senate, house, congress, as well as with the courts. And folks, im not naive. Some say that this is an oldfashioned way of doing things. Well, if its oldfashioned, we are in real trouble, man. Were in real trouble. If the idea that the very thing that is held most central to our democracy in the history of the world as it has now for us is oldfashioned, then i ask you how did we last for all these years and grow as diverse as we are . Because of these documents that we say we believe, we hold these truths are selfevident, that all men and women are created equal. We the people. No other country in the world is as unique as america. We are unique in all of history because of the nature of who we are and the system we created. Do you engage everyone. I dont think its naive, i dont think its oldfashioned way of doing things that says the system has to be restored. You know, i think its time to she says lets make America Great again. Lets make America America again. [applause] folks, look. There is a lot there is a lot going on to state the obvious. But notwithstanding all the problems we have, i am genuinely optimistic. The American People have been given a chance theyve never, ever let the country down for real. We have the most powerful military in the history of the world. Leading by example. We are in a situation where in the United States of america, we have more great coast to coast than all of the world combined. And every single major innovative thing has come out of a research university. Its been monetized by corporations, but its because of the brilliance, you on those research universities. The American People on them. And its time we begin to realize who we are. Were Walking Around with our heads down like what is the matter with this . This is the United States of america. There is not a thing we ever set our mind to that we havent been able to do together. Not a joke. Never, never, never. Never. But we are Walking Around like woe is me. There is not another country in the world that can touch us. That can touch us. The rest of the world needs us as well. We are the indispensable nation. Who else fills that vacuum but us . Everything from Economic Growth to national security. Not a thing we cant do. And all the things i talked about, my plan, relative to the environment or health care or education. A folks, we cannot afford it. You know why we can afford it without raising your taxes . I tell you why. How many of you did really well with that trump tax cut . Raise hand. You know what happened . In addition to that, you know how many tax loopholes are now on the law . When reagan was president , there were 800. 000000000, loopholes. Billions of dollars in loopholes. You can find an economist anywhere in the United States of america that can justify the last 500 or 600 billion of those tax cuts. Why should you get a break for racehorses and not child care . No, im serious. We dont have to punish anybody. For example, we can put every single solitary qualified student and Community College is one example, for free. There that goes. Typical democrat, man. Hes out spending my money. Just eliminate 17 billion of the 1,600,000,000,000. I dont know what it was because when i was a senator, i was listed as the poorest man in congress. It is one of those deals where you know, when you get elected, thats what happens. Heres the deal. The fact of the matter is, the steppedup basis means that you make a capital gain, you buy a stock, and its worth 100,000. You make 150,000 or 1 million. Guess what . You pay Capital Gains task on that. The tax is much lower than your normal text. That means that government in fact collected 17 billion less dollars in taxes because of that particular exemption in the code. You eliminate that one, you would raise 17000000000 out o 17000000000 out of 1,600,000,00 0,000. It would hurt nobody. Now, what is it . It means if you have a capital gain, and i hope you do, god forbid, you get struck by lightning, you die. It gets left to your son or daughter. They pay nothing. It is not an inheritance task. Eliminate that one, you could put every single solitary person qualified in Community College in college, increasing it from six to 9 Million People. And you would have 11 billion left to reduce the deficit. Its about priorities. If you are in a that is a big town, and you have children, child car averages 24,000 a year. Okay, thats after taxes. If we gave everybody in the United States of america, a single mother or father, a tax credit for child care, you would increase and a thousand dollar credit on your taxes, you would increase the number of women in the workforce by 750,000 people. You are making sound judgments. Guess what . Increase the growth of gdp almost 1 per year. What are we doing . What are we doing . The priorities that we make. How things have changed, for a labor generally. 40 Million People have to use have to sign noncompete agreement when they go to work. That makes sense if you work for tech company, and you have secrets, or an agency. The vast majority of people are hourly workers. If you are in a position you work for jimmy johns, making sandwiches. You want to go across town to get 0. 05 more work, you cant do it. What possible reasons is not exist except for to depress wages . Look at what is happening with Corporate America where we are now today. Corporate america. Folks, it used to be that they thought they had more than one job trade. From the new yorker magazine, its a picture of a great big guy sitting at an interrogation table. He has a black turtleneck on, black mask, blackberry. There is a big bag on the table with a dollar sign on it. Its money he stole. He is looking at the interrogator. He says im sorry, how was i supposed to know he was a job creator . The only people who get benefits. It used to be that there was a basic bargain in america. If you participated in the growth or the wellbeing, whatever it was, you got to share the benefits. You got to share the benefits. That doesnt happen anymore. Thats not happening anymore. People arent getting to share. Milton friedman came along and so the only obligation corporations have is the stockholders. They are the only job creators. Well, guess what . How about all those folks who work, those folks who work at john deere. Arent they creating jobs . Theyre creating jobs. Theyre not the stockholders. Why dont they get the benefits . Weve got to start to reward not just wealth. We have to reward work. We have to reword work. Folks [applause] theres a lot more i want to say to you, but im taking too much of your time already, and the bad news here is that i said ill be back because im going to be doing this all over. This is a critical stage. Iowa is a critical, critical stage. The fact of the matter is i see all these polls. They dont mean anything right now. This is a marathon. This is a marathon, and as a marathon is just beginning, but at the end of the day, if you cant cross the line in iowa, you dont win anything. Its an important deal. Im going to be back to make my case to you, ask you as i did when i first ran, my name is joe biden, im running for the president of the United States. Look me over. You like what you see, dont vote for the other person. Thats all im asking. Thank you very, very, very much. Dana that was joe biden, candidate for the 2020 election, taking on President Trump. A speech that he gave off of a prompter with a lot of things that he wanted to bring up here at bret baier, anchor of special report. I would love to get some of your thoughts. One of them being that he says President Trump is a genuine threat to our democracy. He said many other things. Lets take a quick listen to that and get your reaction. The idea that i believe, and i didnt believe this if you had asked me five years ago, i would have told you you are crazy. I think he is a genuine threat to democracy. How democracy has died. None of them died by someone battering down the door of the president or congress. They won a general election, then they brought down all the barriers. The abuse of power. Dana all right, what did you think of his speech there in iowa . Well, clearly, hes trying to be the nominee in waiting, trying to go headtohead with President Trump. As he did with the video luncheon, he referenced charleston, virginia. And he talked about the incident that was a big part of the launch video. Dana charlottesville. Charlottesville, i mean. Not charleston. He use that to jump off and talk about President Trump and morals. He has a tougher pitch when he starts going into details about wages and the economy. Wages grew 3. 1 from may to may. Last year. So wages are on their way up. That is a talking point the democrats have hit on for sometime, but they are on their way up. Unemployment obviously is very low, and the economy overall is cooking along. It is a tougher road to hoe without line of attack. Dana i did notice even though they had the tweets over the weekend with the frenc friep bracelets, he didnt mention it. He said five years ago, i would have never thought this nation was under an existential threat. He lists all the grievances and said im optimistic. And i wonder what you think about that. Hope and change was the obama obamabiden message in 2008. President ial campaigns are always about hope, moving forward. Can he make that again . He might be able to, especially if the Democratic Party is in a kind of look for the person who was most comfortable, who they think can be President Trump. Right now, he is the default character in that list of 24, but we havent hit the debates as of yet. He is running on this optimism. It is why he is in iowa today. He wants to have this kind of split screen coverage today. President trump gave him a lot of ammo from his comments on the south wall. Dana comments of his own. We have a little bit of that. Lets play that im get your reaction. Speak out when a man has to mention my name 76 times in his speech, that means hes in trouble. I have to tell you, he is a different guy. He looks different than he used to. He asked a friend and he used to. Hes even slower than he used to be. So i dont know. When he mentions my name that many times, i guess i should be complemented. Dana he has brought this up before. Doesnt have the energy to actually make it. Not in this particular campaign appearance, he liked fine. This will be something that President Trump tries to pin point between now and however long this contest lasts. I point you back to candidate donald trump running against the heir apparent, jeb bush. When he called him low energy, that stuck. People started looking at him and saying, he is kind of low energy on the trail, and its a marketing ploy. One of the most prominent things that the president said was about china. He pointed back to his statement in may where biden said china is no competition. He said china is going to eat our lunch. Come on, man. They are not competition. Today, he walked that back. He said we need to get tough with china. They are a serious challenge, and in some areas, a real threat. If hes going to keep doing that, i think the president is going to attack him all day long. Dana you see it is not that he is the only opponent that joe biden would have, even though they seem to go at it daily against each other. There are 20 odd other democrats, who are trying to take little swipes at him. The flipping is one of them. There was the Hyde Amendment on abortion. The economy is so good. President s running for reelection are always in a very strong position, but one thing biden did that i thought was interesting is that he ends his speech by saying i look at all the polls. They dont mean anything to me right now. Im going to be back here. I am going to do well in iowa. He has not done well and i was before. Of course, this time could be different. I will give you the last word. The first one and a couple of weeks in miami. If he comes off as polished, he knows his policy brief, he can fend off what will be a number of attacks from other primary opponents, i think he goes on pretty strong into the months where we are looking at voting about eight months from now and i want. If he looks like he is holding the ball and playing defense, and i know you love the sports terms, i think that he looks a little weaker heading into this conference. Dana im pretty sure i know what that means. The best defense is a good offense or offense is the good defense. I will get back to you on that. Bret baier. Congressional democrats keeping their focus on the mueller report. Set to vote today on a resolution that would lead to civil contempt for william barr. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge has more from washington. There always seems to be another. It takes over every day. Whats the latest. We are in the middle of a series of debates. Of the first is setting the table for a couple of hours from now. It democrats say this resolution will allow them to go to court and sue to for subpoenas against the attorney general, william barr. And don mcgahn. We are willing to try to work with the administration, but we are not willing to have we are not willing to break the constitution. It to undermine the rule of law. So we are still pursuing don mcgahn, his chief of staff, and mr. Muellers should come before the committee so that we can continue to do our work. They say democrats are unlikely to prevail if they go to court against the attorney general, william barr. They say that democrats just dont have the evidence to prevail on issues like executive privilege as well as grand jury materials, which, by law, cannot be shared by the attorney general, without a court order. They are also taking shots at this deal yesterday that was announced by the democratic chairman as well as im going to send it back to you. Dana we are a little short on time. Catherine herridge, thank you. Threatening a new round of tariffs on china. We will talk about the next. Lets see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Dana welcome back to the Daily Briefing on this busy day. She is a member of the House Foreign Affairs committee, and its great to have you here. I want to get you some foreign policy, but could i just ask you about the news of the day, joe biden and i today. Take a listen to part of his speech. I dont think its naive or oldfashioned. Way of doing things. That says the system has to be restored. I think its time you know, he says lets make America Great again. Lets make America America aga again. Dana congresswoman, if i could get your reaction to all of the political news today. Trying to draw a distinction between him and President Trump youd i appreciate you playing that clip. I didnt see any of his speech. I was on the floor voting. Dana you are doing your job. Thats right. I think the notion of standing up for our values, i was just with the largest congressional delegation and history for the anniversary of dday, and the overarching theme was the beauty, the strength, and the resolve of the American People. And our desire and the sacrifices that so many thousands of americans have made to uphold our democratic values, so the notion that we are strong country and that we need to make America America, i think what he is talking about is upholding our values and recognizing that the strength that we have as a country and as a people, and i think those are good comments. Dana do you think it is unhelpful her for him to say that President Trump is a genuine threat to our democracy . Well, i think there are so many president ial candidates, and all of them are saying any variety of things that any moment of the day, so i think that most of us, because there is such a loud, massive amounts of comments coming from the president ial field, that most of us are just focused on getting things done and working together here. Dana we will move forward to foreign policy. The talks between them there is a big issue on trade and also technology. Take a listen to the chief Security Officer this morning on mornings with maria. Then National Level of significance, there is nothing presented by them or our other allies. There is no evidence. That can address the risk. They have said that they can find it by testing. We are open to that. Dana based on your background and expertise, where do you think the u. S. Should come down on this . I think its incredibly important. Given my background as a former cia officer, i think we need to have a clear idea of what our strategy should be to combat those risks. Strong relationships with the military services of the nations, we need to recognize that the company may present challenges to us. There are threats potentially of hacking information, or general compromise the security of american information. To combat this or address it, i have proposed a bipartisan bill with three republicans and two other democrats, on the senate side. That would make it a necessity that we create a plan for dealing with the production of this technology. At the sure that able to protect the American People. Deal with any potential risks that may arise because of the technology. Dana may i get a quick comment from you . Democrats are going to pull back the idea of a pay raise for members of congress. Alexandria ocasiocortez, she is for that, but that is now no longer going to happen. Or do you think members of Congress Need to have some sort of a raise in order to keep up with inflation, as she said . I was one of the members to sign onto an amendment that would keep the freeze in place. We froze the cost of living adjustment. It has been frozen every year. I was one of the members, bipartisan, who chose to say lets keep it in place. My position on it is it is a divisive issue, and there is a lot more we need to be doing and delivering for the American People. If we are talking about anyone getting a raise, it should be a minimum wage workers, teachers. We should fall last on the list. Dana of a goal stan berger of virginia. We love to have you. They have been hacked. We will tell you more when we come back. Youre headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. You dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. 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Say get pets tickets into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. Dana President Trump and joe biden both and i went today, where voters are getting a front row seat to a crowded field. Before heading to the hawkeye state, he took his latest job at the frontrunner. I won i will buy a lot. The last time they would not win it by that much, but i won i will, as you know, buy a lot. I have a great relationship with the farmers everybody. I think it is going to be something that we win very easily. We are going to win i will buy a lot. I would say pennsylvania i think we are going to do very well. Dana and advisor to the former house speaker, paul ryan. Cohost of last podcast on the left. They are both going to be in iowa today. I think about 1,000 democrats. Like 20 democrats there in iowa. There was all poll on the number of democratic candidates. This is cnn, the des moines register. How many people do you 47 wish that some of them would drop out. Too many choices. Today say that most would drop out. People are overwhelmed. Well, they will get their wish likely as soon as february of next year rolls around, the field will be dwindled down. We have our first debate. The marketplace for it is open for business. With andrew yang, talking about automation, Pete Buttigieg talking about Student Loans that he himself carries. Going against amazon. Dana you can see even if you look up there like i cant even take all of that. I understand it is overwhelming. The whole point of this process. We will start seeing them go away. Dana robinson, he has a weekly column. He says in regard to several of these candidates, there is another Important Role to fill. I am talking to you, who would have a good chance of beating cory gardiner. Im talking to you, steve bullock, of montana. Im even talking to you, beto orourke, who would have a better chance against john cornyn. But these guys are sending signals that they do not plan to run for the senate. I would argue that even if they wish to change their mind, its already too late for some of them. He has had to take positions that are far to the left of where the Montana Party would be normally, and just look at last cycle. We had john hester, running for reelection, how much she supported President Trump. Thats a far cry from governor bella, now running for president. He has a kind of populist message, the venn diagram. Dana the point is that 24 people are not going to be president. If you want to actually make something happen in washington, ask the democrats know or the republicans when the democrats had the majority in the senate. You cannot get a lot done if you dont have a senate. And theyre not even going to try. Picking up the seats, it was not as bad as it could have been, so i actually dont disagree with the notion of running for senate. If you shoot for them in, you end up among the stars. I dont know what that cliche has, so perhaps they are just trying to get their name out there, get some recognition, and may be that could catapult them in the future. Dana the candidate must support, in order to get their vote, right to worship. 79 . That was the highest percentage. Climate change, threat to humanity. 75 , and ban on assault style weapons, 57 . Medicare for all at 49 . That was from iowa caucus goers. From a standpoint of one President Trump says i think we will win iowa easily, what do you think about that . The extremes on both sides are really coming out. We were expecting something president ial. The broader point of these people, if they wish to choose to drop out of the president ial race and get into another one, they are really taking a lot of risk in taking these extreme positions. It then perhaps trying to run for colorado or montana. You are risking a lot. I would push back a little bit on the idea that these are extreme decisions. That they dont want roe v. Wade overturned, and i think biden made the right chanc choice by stepping back. Dana that wasnt really stepping back. That was a complete and total flipflop. After decades of voting for the amendment. It is like bipartisan support that you have seen over 40 years. Dana do you think it will change . I dont. Dana what about you . That would be extremely difficult. Dana is that the horse you want to right into the selection . Whats going on right now is the strategic attack on reproductive rights. Missouri, alabama, they want to take this to the supreme court, and well see what happens, but i believe theyve overreached, and i dont think that the court will hear their argument. Dana how was new york treating you . You came all the way from montana. I dont see any mountains around. Dana congrats on your post congress career. Stacey abrams. Just throwing it out into the ether. Mark my words. Dana thank you both. Massive data breach at the border. Someone hacked it tens of thousands of images of travelers and license plates stored by the federal agency. The voters were transferred to us subcontractors network. It stolen through a malicious cyber attack. This isnt good. No, you are familiar with this, leading to malice, this which can accurately be described by stupidity. It appears that stupidity, not malice, is behind leverage and border protection. They had some degree of privacy breach including photographs of their faces, cars, license plates. We dont know what else. They were all travelers, either u. S. Citizens, visitors, or prospective citizens, passing through three lanes of a border entry checkpoint. An employee of a Government Contractor is apparently responsible for the breach. They apparently transferred copies of the images to the subcontractors computer network, which they said was done without his knowledge and in violation of the contract. It was then hacked. The breach was addressed at the summit on Immigration Crisis at the border. It is something that they are investigating aggressively right now. We are accidentall i can telo systems were breached. It does not yet appear that the breach has led to theft or fraud related to any of the victims, but it does draw attention to the ways in which personal information can be compromised in the digital age, and the proliferation of security clearances. Estimatedhat 3. 4 million Government Security clearance is there is a lot of room for some damage out there. Dana indeed. Thank you. Pleasure. Dana david ortiz undergoes a second surgery in boston after being shot in the dominican republic. We will have the latest on the next. Plus, new information about yesterdays fatal Helicopter Crash here in midtown manhattan. What the pilot said just before impact. Follow us on social media. Follow us on instagram and facebook. N be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. 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What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Dana fox news alert. Brandnew details coming into our newsroom about yesterdays Helicopter Crash in midtown manhattan. Holding a conference as Police Identify the pilot who died. Bryan llenas is live just a few blocks away from fox news headquarters. Danna, good afternoon. They say it is going to take about 1824 months until we know the exact cause of this crash. What i cant tell you that the New York Times is reporting that the pilot, Tim Mccormick, he radioed in just after takeoff from the heliport to say that he wanted to return back, but that he had lost his way. Thats important because unlike today, which is a beautiful day, if you look at the video, it was just a terrible day. Heavy rain and heavy cloud cover. If you look at the video, it appears to what we believe to be the helicopter. It just flying in an erratic fashion. They say that Tim Mccormick flew that exact same helicopter and landed it at 11 45 00 a. M. They interview the passenger that he picked up, and they sense that everything seemed okay with the pilot. Then, for two hours, Tim Mccormick sat there and waited for the weather to clear up when he decided to take off at 1 30. At about 11 minutes later, he crashed into the top of the roof of the nifty fourth story building. He tried to make radio contact. He tried to reach out, and the very last moments before the crash. What he told, and who he spoke to, we still do not know. Now, the helicopter did not have a flight data reporter, but it did have systems that had memory on board, so they are hoping to be able to recover some of that data that is on the system. In terms of the recovery, we will take a look at these photos. Releasing photos from the wreckage. If there is not much left. Only the tail there. They say a Salvage Company should be expected to come today, and theyre going to try to remove some of that wreckage today. Listen. The plan is to get the helicopter off the roof as soon as possible, but we still need to look at most of the items before the moving begins. I hope it begins this afternoon or this evening. It is going to be very challenging. The Salvage Company responsible is on there and around right now. How they are going to get it down is for them to determine. It may be down the stairs and down the elevators. Tim mccormick was 58 years old. Former fire chief youre the only fatality, remarkably. No other injuries. Dana the bryan llenas in new york. David ortiz is now recovering at a boston hospital after being shot sunday in the dominican republic. He was flown back to america on a Medical Transport plane, following the shooting on sunday. His wife saying that man affectionately known as big papi is now awake, following second surgery. Molly line. David ortiz, loved here in boston by red sox nation, continuing his recovery. His wife sharing this update earlier today. This was released through the red sox. He arrived last night and underwent a successful second surgery. He is stable, awake, and resting comfortably this morning in the icu, where he is expected to remain. He went on to say that thanking everyone for their outpouring of support and asking for privacy. The couple have been married for 17 years. He also has a daughter from a prior relationship as well. Of the 43yearold father and baseball legend suffered extensive winds with internal organs, including damage to his liver and intestines, after being shot in the back at sitting at an outdoor bar on sunday night. Dominican police are studying video footage. They are still working to establish if the man they have in custody, is the shooter or the driver involved in the attack. He is being treated for injuries. They were beaten by david ortiz fans there. They have poured out wishes for swift healing, noting that he wants helps the city heal after the Boston Marathon bombing. We all remember that in 2013, when we needed david ortiz the most, he was there for us. In late april. So its appropriate, and expected that this community would rally around david when he needs us the most. Certainly, there are many red sox fans are waiting for their word on his progress towards recovery. Dana. Dana we will keep you updated. Amazon holding up with that side businesses. What they are shutting down. Team usa, taking the field to defend the womens world cup. We are live in franced next. Hes that i want to do, not the things i have to do. Unlike seattle, less than half of americans participate in their Employer Retirement plans. So what keeps people more engaged in their retirement . I want to have the ability to easily transact online, great selection of funds, great advice, everything in one place. Helping people in their working years and beyond. Thats financial wellness. Talk to your employer or start a plan at prudential. The first survivor of ais out there. Sease and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Dana now a look at some other stories. The daily three. Amazons Restaurant Delivery service now off the menu. They will close it down at the end of the month. The womens world cup soccer tournament is underway in france. Team u. S. A. Is looking to defend their world cup crown moments from now in the opener against thailand. Fox sports will have all the action. First we go live to france. Carlie, what is team u. S. A. s chance of winning today against thailand . Hey, dana. Im outside. The fans are trickling in. 21,000 are already inside ready to watch the big game. To answer your question, the odds are pretty good. Team u. S. A. Is number 1. Thailand is 24. The last time they played, u. S. A. Won 90. Theres not a sure thing but is near close. First off, i think this team always had high pressure, especially in big tournaments. I think thats for a reason. We have a rich history of success in this program. Thats one of the reasons that we set High Expectations for ourselves. So that was team cocaptain alex morgan talking about the pressure the team is under. She remains confident. Carlie lloyd, i spoke to her recently. She says she doesnt care who she plays in the competition. The biggest competition is the next game. Every player on team u. S. A. Is confident despite the mounting pressure. They are expected to win it all. It will be tough considering there are a bunch of teams that are equally as good, including france, which is the host team. Sweden, germany as well as england. But it all starts in a few minutes right here. As you can see, the fans are excited. Dana . Dana exciting to have you there. Thanks for bringing us the story. Patrick loves to cook and eat. When he heard classmates in napa, california had trouble paying for school lunches, he took matters in his own hands. He used his allowance money to pay off the School Lunch Debt for his entire third grade class anonymously. I want people to know what i think about them instead of telling them. Youre bragging about stuff. So i just wanted to do this. Dana an anonymous donation but the word got out. The bill, 74. 50. Thanks for joining us. Im dana perino. Up next, heres shep. Shepard almost 18 years since the attacks of 911. The First Responders are still dying. Theyre also still fighting. Fighting their own government the get the government to help pay their medical bills and take care of their families once theyre dead. Today 911 heros are back on capitol hill along with one of their fiercest defenders. You all said you would never forget. Im here to make sure that you dont. Your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity. Time

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