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A look at the days top news and headlines. Because under the guidelines, the Department Of Justice believes you cannot charge a sitting president with a crime. But the talk around here these days is of impeachment. If democrats were to flip 24 seats in november, which is a possibility, they would then control the house and it is the house that would begin impeachment proceedings. Even if the president were impeached, a conviction in the senate is unlikely, that would take a twothirds vote. Nobody could see that many republicans defecting to try to take down the president. Dana also its never happened in americas history. John, thank you. For more, lets bring in james trusty, former d. O. A. Prosecutor. Lets start with what the president told ainslie earhart, if he was paying the money himself that could not have been a campaign violation. What do you make of that . Well im not an expert on Campaign Finance law. There may be . Truth to it. Theres an added layer, just that any Campaign Finance violation requires willfulness, which means he really has to specifically be knowledgeable about the law and intending to break it. I think that could still be a pretty solid area of defense for President Trump. Not that the payments werent taking place but that he wasnt trying to unilaterally affect the campaign and use Campaign Finances for it. Dana let me ask you about a Cooperation Agreement. Is it typical in a situation like this, that the public would get to read the Cooperation Agreement between Michael Cohen and the prosecutors . Most of the time the Cooperation Component of a plea letter is camouflaged, filed under seal or the agreement is under seal. You cant tell whether its a cooperator deal. I dont think any of us have seen the plea letter, id love to see it. You have the unusual circumstance of his lawyer trumpeting hes a cooperator. Thats not particularly common territory to have the attorney run around announcing hes ready to cooperate. Is it possible, this is a democrats and hes represented them well. What do you make of this idea that Michael Cohen had decided to go with lanny davis who is a very public figure, likes to get out there, mix it up, he likes to be on television, take his case to the public through the television. Has that been beneficial to Michael Cohen . Well, we will have to wait and see. I mean, it way be that lanny is driving the train more than mr. Cohen is in terms of some of these decisions. Ultimately, it is the clients to make. You know, its a high profile situation, he has an attorney who relishes that. But you really to have know what his overall exposure was, what he was looking at in terms of potential penalties and going to face under the plea agreement, obviously going to be considerably less. Time will tell whether hes being well represented. Dana i think about a Press Secretary when they brief on a day after big news like this. You know, in the bush administration, i was super cautious when it came to talking about legal matters, trying to push it outside of the white house to get it out of the briefing room. Thats not been the practice here. And that might have been a good decision on their behalf. Is there anything Sarah Sanders should avoid talking about today in order to continue to protect the president . Well, i dont know. I mean, theyve been so oi vert, at least the president himself has been so constantly full of comments when it comes to manafort and cohen. Sometimes inconsistent over time. I dont know they havent opened up every door already. I expect shell probably try to deflect some things. But right now, they have put themselves in a position where they very much are alied with manafort and saying hes a sympathetic character even after he was convicted. Where they have been all over the map on cohen, but seemingly fear him from the way theyve talked most recently. Dana i know the president this morning said if you need a good lawyer dont hire Michael Cohen. That relationship is probably done. A little late. Dana thank you. The White House Briefing business to get under way. We will take you there when it begins. All of the legal drama surrounding President Trump raising the political stakes for republicans ahead of the mid terms. How should they handle the news, karl rove is next with ideas. Alright, i brought in new max protein resistance to the use of the expanded media. We will hear arguments on that motion first. Mr. Richards . May it please the court, mr. Prosecutor, i pulled the case law this morning from Iowa Court Of Appeals and its state versus jack hayes, filed october 3, 2012. Its number 2701 110069. Theres a little piece in that case that talks about expanded Media Coverage. This particular court there, granted the expanded coverage. Supreme court concluded its within the discretion of the judge to exclude the expanded Media Coverage based on circumstancesles of the proceeding, such coverage would materially interfere with the rights of the parties for a fair trial. In based on constitutional rights. Essentially, the prejudice here is the decision before hand to lean in favor of one side or the other. Which prevents justice. In this particular case, the coverage thats out there is leaning all one way. In fact, the government has weighed in at the highest level of predisposition that this young man, christian, is guilty. In our system of justice, is entitled to that Presumption Of Innocence until some evidence is presented. At this time theres no evidence presented, your honor. So were urging the court to prevent the cameras from coming in here, which possibly could show some sort of bias or prejudice and get it into this political controversy of Portraying Christian as something that he isnt. In some ways, i view this as a political payback for whats swirling around in terms of the media. And the media is feeding into it. They have not made efforts, as far as i can see, to give justice or any type of leaning towards this Presumption Of Innocence. Therefore were asking this court to exclude the media from these proceedings. Because it could be just one nod of the head, one glance, one slight of hand, that will be partially taken out of context and presented over and over which would be highly prejudicial to the defendant. I urge the court to exclude the media from these proceedings. Thank you. Mr. Brown, would you like to make an argument . Yes, judge. We have first of all, the state has no objection to the expanded Media Request thats been filed. I think they followed proper procedure here. Mr. Grove, i think, as the Regional Media koordnator, its routine in cases that garner high profile, that the media has interest. For the court to follow. And allowing Media Coverage of cases in court proceedings. We would have no objection to the expanded Media Request. Theres been one request for a video camera, one request for a still camera. Very usual under the circumstances, the cases like this. We have no objection to the expanded Media Request. I would assume i assume whoever addresses this, will readdress that issue. Secondly, theres been a motion filed, i just got this, whenever i walked in this afternoon, but a motion for private hearing pursuant to iowa rule of Criminal Procedure 2. 24. I think thats what mr. Richards was referencing whenever he was arguing theres a substantial probability that the defendants rights to a fair trial will be prejudiced by the publicity of this particular proceeding, that closure would prevent. He has not identified anything that would happen today in this particular hearing that would create any type of substantial probability that his fair trial would be impacted. He wants to talk about what are the political discourse thats been surrounding this charge of this case, certainly we have no control over that. But it is what it is. I mean theres a lot of information thats out there about b. This case, about this particular charge. I think all the court is going to do is follow rule 2. 2, and the initial appearance advising him of his rights, making sure he has counsel that hes retained or appointed and addressing an issue of the preliminary hearing and whether or not he demands that. I fail to see how any substantial probability of the impact on the defendants fair trial would be raised in this particular proceeding. So we would ask that the motion for private hearing be denied and expand the media Media Request be granted. Thank you. If i may respond, your honor briefly. Procedures werent followed. I entered my appearance this morning, attempted to shortly after 8 00a. M. The efile system was down or crashed. I did not see the motion for expanded Media Coverage until 12 00 today. If that motion was filed yesterday, christian was still selfrepresented. He was never served a copy of that notice. I was never received a physical copy. Although i do acknowledge i did see it at 12 00 today, my first opportunity, the efile system was back up. Rules havent been complied with and i object on the rule being the Prosecutor Says the rules were followed, they were not followed. Mr. Richards, im aware of the fact we had technical difficulties this morning with the efoiling system that the Iowa Judicial System uses. Because i was aware of that i made contact with you and mr. Brown, notified each of you of the expanded Media Coverage first thing this morning, explained the difficulties we were having in making the paper Copies Available to you. And said that as soon as you arrived at the courthouse we would make everything available to you if edms was not available at that time. I believe we followed the procedures that are available to us and we have gone out of our way to make sure that while we were having technical difficulties throughout the state that we were making you aware of things that were being filed. In fact we allowed you to file an early appearance by fax which would not abnormal procedure, because edms was down also. You did take advantage of the fact that the court was working with you and trying to accommodate for the technical difficulties we were having. At this time ill rule on the motion for a private hearing and also the request for expanded Media Coverage. With a reminder to everyone that the defendant will not be asked to make any statements related to facts in this case, i make the following finding. The defendants right to a fair trial is not prejudiced by the publicity as related to the initial appearance. Reasonable alternatives have been established, including limiting Media Coverage to one video camera and con still camera. Todays initial appearance will be held in open court and the media will be allowed to stay in the courtroom. Mr. Richards, you also filed a motion for a gag order, and in discussions that were held off the record prior to todays hearing you indicated that you intended for that gag order to be heard by a District Court judge. Is that still your intent . I believe that is the proper procedure, your honor. I will file a Calendar Entry asking the District Court to said set that for hearing. We are going to move on to the initial appearance. Mr. Rivera this is our appearance on the charge of murder in the fix debt agree and on an Immigration Detainer notice of action filed by the department of Homeland Security. The purpose of an initial appearance is to make sure you understand the charges against you, to review any requests for an appointment of an attorney, to set further proceedings or court dates in this matter, and to discuss your terms of release from jail. Mr. Rivera do you have any questions about the things we will be covering today . Translator no. Mr. Rivera you have been charged with murder in the first degree in violation of iowa code section 707. 2 sub 1 sub a, class a felony. Mr. Rivera have you been given a copy of this paperwork . Stlait yes. Translator yes. The department of Homeland Security filed an Immigration Detainer notice of action for you. Mr. Rivera have you received a copy of this paperwork . Translator i believe so. Mr. Rivera im going to review rights that every defendant has in the criminal action. These include the following. You have the right to an attorney. Every defendant has the right to retain Legal Counsel and shall be allowed reasonable time and opportunity to consult an attorney. In it vent you are indy general and desire counsel, and if the offense is a serious misdemeanor or greater an attorney can be appointed to represent you. Mr. Rivera, at this time you are represented by a privately retained attorney, allen richards. Do you wish to continue with this private representation or do you wish to file an application for a Court Appointed attorney . Translator no, with richards. Mr. Rivera, if at any time today during todays proceedings you wish to talk to your attorney, please let me know and ill stop todays hearing. Translator okay. Next, you have the right to be released from custody. Every defendant in custody has the right subject to conditions to be released from custody pending judgment. A defendant may be released from custody on his or her own personal recognizance or conditions as the Court Determines as will reasonably assure the defendants i peerns as required and will reasonably assure the public safety. If the Court Imposes conditions for defendants release and defendant is unable to meet these conditions, the defendant has the right to request a bond review hearing. If the defendant is indi jnt and unable indy general and unable to retain counsel the court will appoint an attorney to represent you for the purposes of this bond review hearing. Next, you have the right against selfincrimination. A defendant is not required to make any statement concerning the offense charged to the court to any Law Enforcement officer or to any other person. But if the defendant makes any such statements, those statements can be used against the defendant. And finally, the defendants have a right to trial. Every defendant has the right to a trial and to be tried by a jury, if requested. At such Trial Defendant has the right to assistance of counsel, the right to confront and crossexamine with its against him, the right not to be compelled to incriminate himself, and the right to subpoena the attendance of any with it on your behalf. Mr. Rivera do you have any questions about the rights ive just gone through . Translator no. Next, were going to discuss the next steps in your case. The next steps dana we will continue to cover that trial but now Sarah Sanders is at the podium. Secretary sanders on behalf of the entire administration i want to extend prirs to the familiar prayers to the family, friends, loved ones of mollie tibbetts. The nation has watched for over 30 days as local, state, federal officials searched for mollie. A rising sophomore at the university of iowa. Sadly, the individual believed to be responsible for the murder is an illegal immigrant making this an unfortunate reminder of why we need to strengthen our immigration laws. The bible tells us in psalms that the lord heals the Broken Hearted and bienldz up their wounds. The tib jets family is on n. The hearts of all americans and we are grieving with them. With that ill take your questions. Thank you, sara. Michael cohen pleelded guilty, under oath, to among things paying Stormy Daniels and Sherry Mcdougal during the campaign. He said he did it at the direction of the president of the United States. Did President Trump commit a crime . As the president said, weve stated many times, he did Nothing Wrong. There are no charges against him. And weve commented on this extensively. Why not report these payments . Secretary sanders again, im not going to get into the back and forwards details. I can tell you, at the president stated he did Nothing Wrong. There are no charges against him in this. Just because Michael Cohen made a plea deal doesnt mean that implication the president on anything. John . Are you saying the president has never lied to the american peep . So many people look back at the tape of him on Air Force One saying he knew nothing about these payments. When in fact we now know he knew everything about this these payments. Has he lied . Secretary sanders thats a ridiculous accusation. The president has done Nothing Wrong in this matter and there are no charges against them. The president said in fox news on an interview this morning this could not have been an Illegal Campaign contribution because he paid the money. He put more than 60 million of his money into the campaign. How do you draw the line, maybe this didnt flow through the campaign, how do you draw the line between what was a Campaign Contribution and what might have been a payment to somebody for other purposes . Secretary sanders im not going to get into the back and forth of the legal part of this. I would refer you to the president s outside counsel on that. As i told cecilia, what can i tell you is what the president has stated a number of times, he did Nothing Wrong, there are no charges against him, just because Michael Cohen has made a deal doesnt mean anything with regards to the president. The president tweeted this morning in frustration that Michael Cohen wrote. Perhaps can you shed a little more light on that. The implication is that Michael Cohen gave up something that the president would rather is that what we should read into this . Secretary sanders the president has expressed his views, i dont have anything further to add. Is the president now planning on or intent on pardoning Paul Manafort . Secretary sanders the manafort case doesnt have anything on do with the president or his campaign, doesnt have anything to do with the white house. I was going to ask about manafort, let me ask a slightly different way. If it has nothing to do with the president he still has the power to pardon mr. Manafort. Is that something he has been discussing with the team, has he ruled it out . Has it come up . Secretary sanders im not aware of any conversations about that at all. Other than fully when he was asked by a news outlet earlier this week and he said that he hadnt been thinking about that at all. Okay. In times like, this not this there are many times like this, the white house often tries to figure out whether there needs to be an internal adjustment to deal with some of the political issues they will have now with the hill, with voters, with internally with lawmakers. Is the white house making any adjustments in terms of responsibilities of staff of communication to donors, with reporters, how you intend to kind of respond protectively and offensi offensively . Secretary sanders i wouldnt view it that way. At all. Would disagree with the premise of your question. The white house is focused on the same things that we were focused on the first day that we got here. And that is growing the economy which is doing extremely well, protecting our borders, strengthening the safety and security of all americans. Those are the things that were focused on. Day than would, january 20, and those are the same things that were focused on right now. Jake . Thank you, sarah. Id like to congratulate you, this is your 100th briefing and theres no way what you do every day is easy. Secretary sanders thank you. Our colleague Jonathan Swan wrote, and i quote, several republican an operatives told me it could depress republican turnout and ironically serve to make the blue wave bigger. Are you familiar with any republican operatives who would concur with this statement . Secretary sanders not that im aware of. The thing that encourages people is the lack of a message by democrats. They have nothing to run on other than attacking this president. And not only does the president and the record that republicans have had over the last year and a half under his leadership is a great one to run on, we have an incredible story to tell, the economy is booming, record numbers just today. Were going to continue focusing on the things that Americans Care about and i think that will be certainly what encourages them. And certainly what will help push republicans to do well in november. Im guessing yesterday the president stated that, quote, israel will pay a price for jerusalem, not sure thats an exact quote. Should israel be concerned that the price they would have to pay is one theyre not willing to or prepared to pay . Secretary sanders we think the president s decision was the right one to move the embassy. Something that other president s have promised and failed to do and this is a president whos been delivering on the promises he made. What price are we talking about, what price does israel have to pay . Secretary sanders i dont have anything further. John . Thanks, sarah. The guilty verdict yesterday in the Paul Manafort trial the president has said kind things about mr. Manafort, he called him a good man, a good person, he said he feels badly what happened to him. He tweeted unlike Michael Cohen he refused to break, make up stories to get a deal. He tweeted such respect for a brave man. Is mr. Manafort a candidate for president ial pardon . Secretary sanders once again thats not something that has been up for discussion. I dont have anything for you. I asked you about the cavanaugh nomination, some democrats that are saying that the nomination should be put on hold because of the legal developments yesterday. Hawaiian senator put out a statement saying this president who is an unindicted a coconspirator in a criminal matter does not deserve the courtesy of meeting with his nominee. What is your reaction to that, sarah . Secretary sanders this is a desperate and pathetic attempt by democrats to obstruct a very highly qualified nominee. The hearing date has been set for september 4, and judge kavanaugh will be there. Sarah, trade talks between the United States and china are resuming. The president expressed low expectations for those talks. I wonder if that has changed and what you would like to see come out of these discussions . Secretary sanders were, as you said, these conversations are continuing. I dont have any announcements on them. Theyre downgoing, what wed like to see is better trade deals for the United States. The president wants to see free, fair, and more reciprocal trade between other countries, particularly china, and well continue in these conversations. Sarah, does the president feel betrayed by Michael Cohen and is he concerned what he might say to robert muler . Secretary sanders i dont think the president is concerned at all. He knows that he did Nothing Wrong. And that there was no collusion and well continue focusing on the things that Americans Care about that we can have an impact on. One more question on trade, does the u. S. Anticipate a deal between mexico and the United States . Secretary sanders i wont get ahead of any potential announcement. For decades, nafta has harmed American Workers and continue the u. S. Billions of dollars. Were focused on making sure we deal with address those problems. We will let you know. In his interview today the president said he found out about those payments that make Michael Cohen made later on, but hes on tape discussing how to make one of the payments with Michael Cohen before the payment was made. How do you explain that . Secretary sanders once again, ive commented on this pretty extenlsively. What i can tell you, about this, the president did Nothing Wrong, there are no charges against him, there is no collusion for anything beyond that i refer to you the president s outside counsel. Not a taxpayer funded, for the president , you are. Sharn i am aware of that. The president said on the grounds of the white house that seems to contradict an audio thats confirmed it is of the president saying that. Secretary sanders once again, i have addressed this a number of times, because you continue to ask the same questions over and ore im not going to give you a different answer of the president has done Nothing Wrong, there are no charges against him, there is no collusion. Thats what i can tell you. If you want something further i refer you to the president s outside counsel. Does the white house main dane Secretary Sanders i called back on the president did not of an affair with Stephanie Clifford . Secretary sanders we have addressed that. You said there were no discussions about potential pardon for Paul Manafort. So you arent ruling it out entirely. I mean if theres no discussions about it, right, the president hasnt said he wont do it, its possible that there could be a pardon for him in the future. Secretary sanders the only comment that the president has made on this was when he was asked by the news outlet earlier this week and he said no he was not considering that. Beyond that, there have been no other discussions. That was before Paul Manafort was convicted on eight of the 18 counts at the time when the president was asked that. Im asking now, now that hes been convicted Secretary Sanders im answering there have been no discussions at the white house on that matter. On a different point, last time that we were in here, you read off some exofficials and one current official the president was considering taking away their Security Clearance. I wanted to follow up on that and ask you who was conducting that review to determine whether or not those Security Clearances will be pulled. Second of all, i wanted to ask you about what the president said, saying he thought essentially James Clapper is being nice to him so that he doesnt lose his Security Clearance. Is that a threat that if James Clapper isnt nice to him hell lose his Security Clearance . Secretary sanders i dont have any announcements on that front. Well continue to review. Who is doing the review . Secretary sanders a number of people involved at the white house. Julie . In the tweet about Paul Manafort the president seemed to be praising him for essentially refusing to cooperate with federal prosecutors in a way to impli case him, the president. Is that what he meant to suggest . Doesnt that seem to indicate he thinks that loyalty to him personally is more important than abiding by the law or cooperating with the government in an investigation . Secretary sanders not at all. The man a fort case doesnt involve the president or his campaign, nothing on do with the white house of the president is expressed his views. Michael cohens lawyer has suggested publicly there is new evidence they would like to present about foreign knowledge of Election Hacking. Does the president , the white house maintain there ways was no foreign knowledge of any Election Hacking during the 2016 campaign . Secretary sanders im not aware of anything, no. Sarah, two questions as well for you. Given that five convicted felons are linked to the president , or his campaign, and given that the president promised to hire the best people, did he fail to live up to that promise . Secretary sanders the president has employed thousands of people in his lifetime and had incredible successes, both in business and in the public service. Hes the president of the United States. I think hes doing quite well, thank you. Second question, sarah, i understand that you dont want to give the impression, you said the president did nothing illegal. But i didnt hear a response to the question, did he lie to the American People when he talked about this on Air Force One . Secretary sanders no the president addressed this a number of times. A couple of questions, President Trump says he feels badly for cohen and manafort. One of the men pleaded guilty to crimes, the other found guilty of crimes including tax fraud which robbed the American Public of tax dollars they were owed. Why does he feel bad for either of these men . Secretary sanders once again, the president has expressed his views on this matter and i have nothing else to add. A followup, does he believe that there is an intrinsic problem with the Justice Department or does he only believe its some one who is close to him is a victim of the Justice Department . Secretary sanders i think weve certainly seen a lot of concerns come out of some of the activities of people that worked at the Department Of Justice, whether its peter strzok or lisa page or james comey. We have talked through those a number of times and certainly its given call for a lot of americans, some of the activities those individuals engaged in. But this close to him, the president seems to his own Justice Department is not doing its job . Secretary sanders again, certainly the president has expressed his views on this matter. And hes raised concerns about a number of other problems that hes seeing within the Department Of Justice. Hunter . I wanted to follow up on the earlier question with the comments on fox news with regards to the payment to daniels and mcdougal. When exactly did he learn about them and also are there any other payments he has now become aware of, or are those the only two women who received money for agreeing not to repeat their stories of alleged affairs with the president . Secretary sanders once again i have addressed all that im going to say on the cohen issue. Those specific questions, with more details, i refer you to the president s outside counsel. But the matters to the outside counsel, cant we bring them in here for the briefing . Secretary sanders they dont work at the white house, i encourage you to reach out to them. John . Thank you, sarah. Going back to the Security Clearances, all signs are this is the first time a president personally has been handling the removal of Security Clearances. Its usually done by superiors. Even if the last two espionage case of the cold war, the scarvic case and felix brach of 1990, the secretary of state pulled the Security Clearances of people accused of espionage. You said the president , others are reviewing it. Who are these others reviewing it and does the president take a personal role in the potential removal of Security Clearance . Secretary sanders certainly the president has the Constitutional Authority to do so. I know this will come as a shock to you but i am not aware of the details of the specificcations that you outlined. The president has the authority to make that decision and consulting with members of the National Security team and members of his legal team at the white house. One of the is he also considering a policy of just simply having all security passes turned in when some one leaves Government Service . Secretary sanders im not aware of that as a policy, we would like the ability, if needed, to be able to consult with individuals on National Security matters. But they do feel the team here that we should look at the Security Clearance process as a whole. My understanding is that there are roughly 5 Million People that have Security Clearances here in the United States, and wed like to take a look at the overall process of who has and who maintains the Security Clearance. Debra . Yeah, youre right about the president having Constitutional Authority as far as i understand about Security Clearances as well as the pardons. I guess the question i have is, even though he has that authority, is anybody in the white house thought about putting together boards that would look at Security Clearances for former personnel and pardons as well . Because the president doesnt seem to be consulting the Pardon Attorney in the a. G. s office. Is he consulting people, has he thought of doing something that would be more transparent, perhaps . Secretary sanders certainly as the review of the Security Clearances, there is a working group that is looking at the overall Security Clearance process and who maintains those and whether or not those are needed across the board within government. In terms of the pardon process, the president has the authority to carry out those decisions. He takes input and looks at them on a casebycase basis. Go ahead. You said there are people looking at the Security Clearance. Can you tell daws Secretary Sanders a number of members on the National Security team, i would have to get back to you. I know the Chief Of Staff is involved in that process. Sarah, thank you, earlier this week the president told our colleagues at reuters that he could run it, in reference to the mueller investigation. What does he mean by that . Secretary sanders the president has said many times that hes chosen to remain uninvolved in this process. And thats where we are right now. Is that an indication that hes thinking of taking special action against robert mueller, revoking his Security Clearance . Secretary sanders its not aware. Does the president see himself above the law. Secretary sanders not at all. Thank you sarah. Legal experts and lawmakers are saying that president that there are grounds for an impeachment kals. Is the white house concerned about that, that could have an effect in the election, the Midterm Elections . Also does the white house take these allegations seriously . Secretary sanders certainly we take allegations seriously. The idea of an impeachment is frankly a sad attempt by democrats, the only message they seem to have going into the mid terms, and i think another great reminder of why americans should support other likeminded candidates like the president that are focused on continuing to grow the economy, continuing to secure our borders, continuing to focus on the safety and security of all americans. I think the biggest contrast you could possibly make is the message of the democrats, which is nothing more than attacking the president and looking at cheap political stunts. While this white house and republicans in the house and senate are focused on doing good things for the American People. Thank you, sarah. Earlier this week the president had tough words of criticism for jay powell the Federal Reserve chairman. Can you tell us when the last time the president and powell met facetoface and whether or not the president brought up that criticism with proul directly . Secretary sanders i believe the last time they met was right around the time that powell took his place on the Federal Reserve board. Has he spoken directly to him about raising Interest Rates . Secretary sanders im not aware of them discussing that. On venezuela, is the President Planning on getting involved there at all . There are millions fleefing the country. What is the u. S. s stance on venezuela . Secretary sanders the United States continues to support venezuelas neighbors and provide Emergency Aid and shelter to venezuela. Also continues to stand with the people of venezuela and were going to keep all options on the table. Well keep you posted if we have further announcements. Thank you so much, well wrap up here so that we can all join the president in the ceremony. Dana karl rove, former White House Deputy Chief Of Staff and fox news contributor. We were listening to Sarah Sanders trying to do her best to answer questions that she could, and referring a lot of the reporters to the president s outside counsel. But also making some news. I want to read to you the Wall Street Journal lead ed tiertorial. The ultimate threat is political. Congress decides what an impeachable defense is. If the democrats retake the house in november they will define high crimes and misdemeanors. The cohen and manafort issues affect the president. This is going get a lot of news, you imagine a lot of democrats energize, tom stier wanting to throw billions of dollars towards an impeachment effort. Could that have the opposite effect of getting republicans out to vote . It could. Could boomerang easily. It could be hours within the guilty conviction and guilty pleas. I got an email from mr. Stier need to Impeach Campaign asking for 16. One for each counted of the eight that were, On Which Manafort was found guilty and the eight to which cohen plead guilty to. Democrats can overplay this. Does the country want to be plunged into a needless political battle, boomeranged on the democrats, on the republicans in 1998, could boomerang on the democrats this time around. Dana last night Allen Dershowitz on this network said that all campaigns violate Campaign Finance laws. Is that your experience . Well, not really. But i got to tell you, even more astounded, i sub milted my column for tomorrow on the Wall Street Journal, but i quote somebody in my column, even if cohen and trump did conspire on the payments, the hush money to Stormy Daniels and the playboy model, that the president is not in jeopardy, he can say sure, i was concerned about exposure in a Political Campaign but i was also concerned about exposure personally, about the impact on my family and friends, on my personal reputation. By having that nonpolitical unrelated issue, unrelated to the campaign, and the individual was bob bauer, president Barack Obamas white house counsel. Dana you always have a hook. I want to ask you on the democrats taking a new tactic on brett kavanaugh, they have been stalled, they didnt know what to do, looked like he was cruising in confirmation. I dont know if this will work, listen to corey booker about kavanaugh today. President of the United States should not be able to pick his judge. And we now have a president who is the subject of the criminal investigation, a president who is credibly and directly implicated in criminal activity. We should not be right now confirming any Supreme Court juts advertise. Dana what do you make of that . Well, i know he was mayor of newark, but did he feel that way about Justice Breyer and Justice Ginsburg . This is bologna with a capital b. And corey booker should be embarrassed. Remember the process is the house has to pass an Impeachment Measure that, hasnt been done. And then twothirds of the senate including the substantial number of republicans have to agree with that house action and do it. Then and only then does the Supreme Court become involved. Please, senator booker has shown in the last couple of months he is so intent on running in 2020 that hes making himself a very unserious person in the meantime. Dana do you think in the zeal to run for 2020, the democratic hopefuls, mostly in the sep at, hurting democrats chance to have a better outcome in the Midterm Election in 2018 . Dana absolutely. I hate to say it but i think nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer are right when it comes to describing what the democrat strategy ought to be, downplay the conversation about impeachment and actually try and arrive at an agenda. They failed to arrive at an agenda, and thats one of the reasons why all of the talk of the resistance and opposition trump is dominating the message. That plays in brooklyn and queens, plays in san francisco. About the not going to necessarily play in these swing district, where they need republican and independent republican leaning independent interests to vote for Democratic Candidates for the u. S. House. Dana look forward to the column tomorrow, karl rove. Matt is joining me, chairman of the american conservative union. Juan williams, senior political analyst and cohost on the five. Let me play for you some sound, because im interested in how president s usually try to make the mid terms about something else, right, they want to make it about the congress. Not this president. Hes willing to say okay, i get it, the election is going to be about me so bring it on. This is what he said in terms of defining the election do. We have that sound . President trump a blue wave in november means open borders, which means massive crime. A red wave means safety, and strength, thats what it is. Dana defining your opponent early and defining the parameters with simple language like that, matt, how do you think that stacks up against the democrats somewhat incoherent message . Right. Their message is stop trump, resistance. Donald trump is stepping into the idea that hes a bit of a unique politician, to say the least. And with him in the white house he is going to overhang on the Midterm Elections. Just embrace it, enjoy it, go out on the road, campaign everywhere you can, do these big rallies. And try to explain to people what the democratic message is. Right now, the message, dana, is stop trump at all costs and i guess make i. C. E. Illegal. Im having trouble figuring out the message. Dana juan, the president is going to travel to seven states in just six weeks, he said hes going an an energetic campaigner, willing to campaign six to seven days a week. But the democrats are zeroing in on a theme. And it is one that nancy pelosi has been putting forward, that there is corruption at the heart of the Trump Administration and the trump campaign, the trump inner circle. How do you think that message will play . It depends, again, is this a nationalized election. Its different than a president ial election. Theres no Electoral College at play here. Youre talking about individual congressional districts. I think there are different messages across the board. When you talk about something that the democrats are saying nationally, i think it has much more to do interestingly with things like healthcare, which ranks highs in the poles, dana, has much to do with the in the polls, the economy, which may be to the president s benefit. Then you come to the idea of being a check on President Trump. I think thats part of the message, specifically in terms of the corruption that surrounds President Trump, all of the people, all of the tweeting, all of the negativity. There are people, i would point to the suburban white woman, who are having a negative response to that kind of negative behavior. Thats not the message. You have to look individually no each district to see the message. Dana matt, i typically grow with that, just that every local news story is nationalized. Right. Dana can you Say Something at a town hall in iowa and its going to be big news. Then you have some one like Clare Mccaskill in missouri say are you for abolishingis oh, are you for obstruction, are you for impeachment. And if you arent, you might not be able to turn out your left wing base. Youre right. I spent time as chairman of the acu going around the country, seems like when you get, punch out of new york city, punch out of washington, d. C. , or california, you talk to regular americans, theyre very happy with the trump agenda. Dana i dont know if you can hear the music, when they bring the cain out for me. I have to run. Sorry. Dana thank you, well be right back. vo when bandits stole the lockbox from the wells fargo stagecoach, Agent Beekman was one step ahead of them. Because he hid his customers gold in a different box. And the bandits, well, they got rocks. We protected your money then and were dedicated to helping protect it today. Like alerting you to certain Card Activity we find suspicious. If its not your purchase, well help you resolve it. 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