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We are very, very happy. President trump we appreciate that they allowed them to go before the meeting. It was sort of understood that wed be able to get the three terrific people in the meeting to bring them home after the meeting. And he was nice in letting them go before the meeting. I mean, frankly, we didnt think this would happen and it did. Dana Heather Nauert acting undersecretary of state for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs was on the trip that brought the men home. Welcome back. I know it was a quick turnaround. What a historic trip. Lets start off by asking what it was like when those americans realized they were actually going to get to come home. Yeah, good afternoon. Great to see you. When i heard the gentlemen talking now in the clip it gave me chills. The most incredible thing as an american to see the men walk on the plane on the ground in pyongyang. They walked past my colleagues and myself. We had the opportunity to shake their hands. We looked them straight in the eye. They said to us verbatim god bless america. We are so proud to be americans. We all teared up. The secretary emotional too, and very proud as we saw them get on the plane and head back to freedom. Wonderful opportunity to be a part of that. Dana this had to be a precondition that the three hostages not hostages. Call them prisoners that were being held in north korea. Precondition that they would have to be freed before any summit details could get underway. Was it a question they would be freed last night . I think it is always a question. You are never certain exactly what you are going to get into when you deal with certain governments that you dont always have a friendly relationship with. So i think the president and the secretary was both very clear that it would be a welcome gesture for kim jong un and his regime to release our american prisoners ahead of any kind of summit. Going into it, we werent sure what would happen. We hoped for the best. The whole point of the trip for secretary pompeo was to set the table for the meetings with the president. And kim jong un. And it was a very important part of it to get the release of those americans. We have been successful on all fronts. Thank goodness. Dana tell me about the planning then. Was secretary pompeo trying to talk directly to kim jong un to set up the meeting. You were there. What was it like . There were a series of meetings. First we landed at the airport on pyongyang, which is an enormous airport empty. It was fascinating to see that. We drove through the streets of pyongyang and we saw a lot of people nicely dressed walking around. A special invitation if you will to be invited to live in pyongyang. Not everybody has that opportunity. We were whisked to a hotel where we waited around a lot of the day for various meetings to take place. Secretary pompeo met with some of his counterparts initially. The meetings went well. The point was to talk about the meeting between the president and kim jong un. So after the meetings happen, we all had, i think you have pictures of this a lengthy lunch with the north korean counterparts. That is when the secretary made it very clear about our expectations for the summit. Complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of the korean peninsula. He made the points clear and the importance of this middle easting between the president and kim jong un which is now set to take place next month. Another part of the conversations is bringing home the americans. We were able to do so. The secretary and kim jong un were in a meeting. Two americans in the meeting. The secretary backed by one of the colleagues with kim jong un. I wasnt in that meeting with chairman kim but it went well. Dana what happens between now and june 12 at the state department in preparations for the meeting in singapore . First, you have been part of these things before. Its not just the state department. Its the white house and the department of defense and many others making this happen. We have had folks on the ground having meetings every day now with North Koreans. The government of singapore and elsewhere, having conversations about what the meeting would look like. There are logistic involved. Think of the members of the media that will go to singapore alone. You need the city with the infrastructure to support that, the airports, the hotels and all of that. They are doing a nittygritty of the meeting planning. Dana let me ask you. So few people from western civilization have been able to go to north korea to be on the ground in north korea, pyongyang. I have been curious about what we might find if we do get to verify the next step on denuclearization. What else might we find there about the human condition of the people of north korea . Well, that is what i was so struck by. Let me give you an example first. We had a very elaborate lunch hosted by the North Koreans. So much food. Lobster, mushroom soup. You name it, it was there. Steak. I have to tell you as an american understanding the conditions that many North Koreans live under, i felt guilty having that. You mention human conditions of north korea. Its no secret and we make it clear that the conditions need to improve. The state department puts out a human rights report. North korea is a country we consistently discuss of having grave and genuine concerns about the condition of the people suffering there. We know defectors have come out of there in poor health. We all know what happens to our fellow american otto warmbier. We have concerns about that. But we also say to north korea you can have a brighter future. That is one of the things that secretary pompeo discussed with them. You have the ability. It is in your control. Kim jong un, to bring economic change and Economic Reforms and bring open society to north korea. Will that happen . We dont know but we can help present realities to his regime. Dana well, Heather Nauert, we appreciate you coming basically off the plane to our television screen. Thank you. Well check in with you as process unfolds. Thank you so much. Great to see you. Dana okay. For more on this, lets bring in wyoming congresswoman liz cheney, a member of the house armed asts committee and a veteran of state Armed Services committee and a veteran of the state department. Diplomatic breakthrough happen for different reasons. Sometimes its luck. This one seems to have been because of the Trump Administrations approach early on to try to isolate north korea, utilizing china to do that. And the speed by which this has happened is fascinating. It absolutely is. Its interesting. If you look at the extent for which President Trumps Firm Position he took early on. Im pleased to see Heather Nauert say that we are continuing to insist on complete verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of the peninsula. That is crucial. I think that, you know, the North Koreans and others around the world have seen President Trump is somebody that will do what he says he will do and he will keep his word. We have to be very careful and cautious here. You and i know that the they are liars and they have played many administrations, republican and democrat. So we have to be cautious about that. But i have also got great confidence in secretary pompeo. I think President Trump, secretary pompeo is a Terrific Team from the diplomatic side of thing to move the ball. Dana have your experience and based on your position on the committee, what do you think about the question about denuclearization . From the North Koreans perspective and possibly the chinese wanting the United States military to leave . That is not acceptable. I think we have to be absolutely clear we arent going to leave the peninsula, that the forces have got to remain there. I think we have to be clear that we talk a lot about the danger and the damage and the destruction that would come if god forbid we had to take military action to denuclearize the peninsula. We have to keep in mind the potential, huge devastating impact of north korea being able to hold any of the cities hostage with the nuclear weapons. Its a very key moment here for the diplomacy. We have to remember always as you said they will lie to us. Dana travel with me over then to iran. President trump making big news this week, pulling the United States out of that deal. We have seen increase hostilities already since then. What do you say to people who worry that there doesnt seem to be a laid out public for public consumption plan b . What we are seeing from iranians is not a result of President Trumps determination and i think very correct decision to pull out of the agreement. We are seeing the result of the devastating policies of the Obama Administration that allowed iranians to grow. Obama administration paying them 1. 7 billion which they were able to use for exactly this kind of malign activity. Entering into this agreement was one of the most Dangerous Things we have done, in part because it lifted the restrictions on the iranians and gave them access to money, irgy. The the irgc who are attacking from syria and they control most of the business in iran. They reap the benefit of the nuclear deal. In addition what the deal did is make sure that the iranians had a pathway to a weapon. It had no real verification in it. No anywhere, anytime inspections and it led iranians continue to enrich uranium. We have to make sure we continue to blunt their movement around the region including in syria and iraq. Dana one of the best ways to do that is to have a confirmed c. I. A. Director. Gina haspel had her confirmation hearing yesterday. Senator joe manchin of West Virginia says he will vote for her. But i was curious about what you think. Senator feinstein from california who voted to confirm john brennan to be the c. I. A. Director said she will not vote for gina haspel. Do you think its mostly political since she has a tough primary in california . Its disgraceful. In gina haspel, we have somebody who is probably the most qualified nominee for that position. Certainly in 50 years. The first career official in over 50 years. The first woman in over 50 years. Somebody who is respected across the board. The fact now that the democrats are playing games with it says they are putting something besides the National Interest first. She ought to be confirmed. Dana take you to a home state question for you. It is a National Question as well but we love wyoming. The president today going to signal that he would be willing to he would say he would veto the farm bill if the welfare to work restrictions are not tightened. Are you concerned about that for your constituents . I think it is really important we have work requirements in there. If you look at the numbers now you have 15 million ablebodied working age people receiving food stamps. Of that 15 million, 9 million of them are not working. We have an obligation as a nation to make sure we do everything we can to get people off the program and get people back to work. Its very important and the president is right substantively. And he is right to send the signal he is serious about this. Dana given the politics as it is and heading into the midterms, do you think a farm bill is possible this year . The democrats are playing games once again. You saw they walked away from the negotiations over this issue. We will see what happens in the senate. It is important that what we see on the hill a lot i have learned in the course of the last year is in the house, we are able to do conservative good policy. Its important to keep doing that even though we know the senate wont always meet us on those terms. We have to set the marker out there. Its important for to us do the right thing here on the farm bill even if the democrats decide they will walk away from the table. Dana a pleasure to see you. Liz cheney. Congresswoman from wyoming. Great to see you. Thank you. Dana new push to force Immigration Votes in the house. Plus the president s plan to rebuild americas infrastructure seems to be stalled. We will ask House Majority whip Steve Scalise about all this and more. He will be here. President trump now it could take ten years just to get permits to build a roadway, tunnel, even in some cases a building. That is an insult to americas great Building Heritage and we will not accept it. 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These should not be mutually exclusive goals. If we spend time on the floor, send the time on the floor passing the legislation that we know will be signed into law. Dana joining me now is the House Majority whip, Steve Scalise. No one better on the show than to talk about that. Its wonderful to see you. What is this maneuver . I dont think i have seen this before. Discharge petition is rarely used but this is a maneuver that some of the members that are to the left on daca want to bring a different bill to the floor than what we are working with President Trump on. At the end of the day, we are working with President Trump. Im a sponsor of the mccall bill that addresses Border Security fund the wall. It addresses the daca problem but a way to solve the problem and not make it wider and broader. Chain migration and the visa lottery problems, some of the most broken parts of immigration. Lets fix what needs to work on Legal Immigration and secure the border. That is the approach to take, not this approach. Dana what do you think will happen. If all the democrats vote to do it, it will only take 25 House Republicans at this point. Then there would be a debate on the floor. Maybe that wouldnt be so bad. What we would like to see is continuing to work on the bill moving forward to address the problem and in a way to get the president to sign it. Barack obama created this problem because he said bring your kids here illegally. He never tried to do anything to legalize the kids that came here. Come here illegally and well look the other way. President trump is saying well get back to the rule of law. But we acknowledge the people that came in under daca. We want to solve the problem but lets address in a way to get the president s signature rather than a snow boat that you are not solving the problem, you are making it worse. Dana i saw michelle adelson is going to give 30 million to the House Republicans and i understand that Speaker Paul Ryan is going to nail that down. That shows he is not resting on his laurels after he announced he will retire from congress. That is a significant amount of money. I know the republicans feel a little better about the chance to keep the majority in the house on this coming midterm. Is that the kind of money that youy think you need to keep pace with that you think you need to keep pace with the democrats democrats who have have an enthusism edge . He is a big and a passionate supporter of the state of israel. We work on a lot of things together because he believes in what is great about america. There are a lot of other people feeling that way and they know what is at stake. They know nancy pelosi is working to try to become speaker again. We dont need to roll the clock back to 2008 when she had the super majority in the house and they had the senate and barack obama was president and they wrecked the economy. We are finally getting the economy on track. People are seeing more money in the paychecks and they like the direction we are headed. The last thing we want to, pelosi wants to raise taxes at a time when people are seeing when tax cut create more jobs and are rebuilding the middle class. Make sure we respect the value of hard work and get the economy working in the right direction and not go backwards. Dana we have a report this week and i dont know if its true. I could be fake news. The tax bill, a lot of people think its good and it got a better Approval Rating than when it was first passed but the House Republicans are not out there touting it as much as they could. It would seem to me that nancy pelosi gives the republicans quite a gift by saying if she were to become speaker again she would roll back that piece of tax reform. It shows a real contrast. We talk about the tax cut bill everywhere we go. People like what it is doing. Small businesses, medium size businesses are growing and hiring more people. They are raising the wages of the workers and that is really important. But we talk about the other things we have done working with President Trump. Regulatory reforms. My goodness, the regulatory state, every day you wake up and a different federal agency is trying to shut you down and run manufacturing. Dana it doesnt make a lot of headlines but the regulatory piece means a lot if you are a Small Business. There are 16 bills we got to President Trumps desk that roll back permanently obamaera regulation, plus was the president has done on his own. Lets not even talk about his Foreign Policy. This president has done a great job to restore american strength around the world and rebuild the economy. Dana tell me why did Sarah Sanders say an infrastructure bill is probably dead for the year yesterday . Running on tax cuts, i get it. If there is no other legislative action that happens between now and november what will you run on . We are moving good bills to out to the house including the infrastructure bills. We just passed an f. A. A. Bill that has infrastructure reforms. We going to move a Water Resources bill. And all the different water problems around the country. The issues to reform the broken ways that the agencies do business. Streamlining permitting. That is a big deal. I love talking about streamlining permitting. By the way, we have the rescissions bill to cut 15 billion. Dana ill have you back to talk about that. Im a skeptic on that. Congressman Steve Scalise. Thank you. Thank you. Dana well get the democratic reaction to all of this as soon as we come back. 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Dana i asked the congressman scalise about this news this morning that adelson will give 30 million to the House Republicans for their super pac. Can the democrats keep pace with that . In some ways, if you have a money advantage is one thing. The democrats seem to have an enthusiasm advantage up to now. The Democratic Campaign committee has been able to outraise the National Republican Campaign Committee. There never was a question that the republican super pacs would outraise and outspend us as democrats but you point out it does not make up for the energy and the momentum out there. I dont think there is any amount of money that can buy that. Dana so then are the democratic groups outside of the dccc, can they keep pace with the republican groups . I dont believe the democrat outside group will keep pace with the republican outside group. If my count is correct the republican outside super pacs already committed 1 billion to races across the country. Most of that to house races. On our side we have amazing candidates, battlefield is 104 deep. We have viable candidates and many of them with records of service, met van veterans, operatives, business leaders. Most of them are women. Momentum on our side. History on our side. Dana meredith kelly, spokesperson for you was on the show a few weeks ago talking about the red to blue campaign. Talking about the candidates. Im like wow, they sound like moderate people. But it feels to me like a lot of the energy for the democrats is on the progressive side. Your primaries this year, pulling your candidates so far to the left they might not be able to win in the centrist districts . No. They are running who they are and they fit the District Across the country. I remember all the attacks from the National Republican Campaign Committee against conor lamb to suggest he was running as a republican. Conor lamb, promedicare, prounion, proaffordable healthcare. He ran as a democrat. We are seeing incredible candidates connect in that i what. Its up to the voters who they will be electing but i will say this. Look at what happened with the election in the 12th district of ohio yesterday. A republican primary that were pulling each other so far to the right dana that is a good point. There were ten republicans running for that seat. In california, im curious about this. California is such a big state. The democrats do very well there. But because of the jungle primary system are you afraid that you might have too Many Democrats running, and because the top two votegetter goes forward the democrats could be shut off if the republicans are able to move forward to split the democratic vote . Remember 2012 when the congressman pete aguilar was running and he didnt make it in the general election. Two republicans made it through. If you dont have a democrat in the top two, you dont have a chance to win in november. Dana right. This is an issue we are very aware of and we are working with the local groups like the indivisible, swing left, the labor organizations and the candidates. Everyone is working hard to make sure we have one democrat in the top two. If not two in some cases. But look, this is an issue and it is one we are working through. Its a challenge out there. But i will say everyone is on board to make sure we have a democrat to win in november. Dana so i have a little less than a minute left. I want to ask about this. Cnn had a new poll yesterday. The democrats on the generic value had such an advantage, just even two and a half months ago. It was up double digits. Now only a threepoint lead. Democrats at 47 and republicans at 44 . What has erased the lead . Are you worried that you cant get it back . I dont sweat any one poll. If you look at the trend associated with the generic poll, democrats have had a consistent advantage over this congress. But there is nothing generic about the candidates. Women, Small Business leaders, most of them with leading in the headtohead polling of districts across the country. At the dccc i have been releasing the districtbydistrict polling for counterparts. The nrcc is still reluctant to do that. I stand by the candidate it and i stand by the polling. I never said it was easy. We have to fight for every inch and we are in a position to do so. Dana everyone knows the stakes. Thank you for being here. Appreciate it. Israel and iran trading fire and syria sparking fears of an allout middle east war. We are live in jerusalem next. Plus Foreign Policy on the front border. Will the efforts ease the damage of some of scandals here at home . Our panel will take this up next. Do you deserve the nobel prize . President trump everyone thinks so but i would never say it. vo dogs have evolved, but their nutritional needs remain instinctual. Thats why theres purina one true instinct. Real meat 1. A different breed of natural nutrition. Purina one true instinct. Now, try new purina one true instinct treats. Searching for answers may feel overwhelming. So start your search with our teams of specialists at Cancer Treatment centers of america. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Dana fox news alert on a dramatic escalation of tension in the middle east. Israeli jets carried out strikes on nearly all of Iran Military installations in syria following an iranian barrage on the israeli army outpost. The confrontation bringing average arch men i arch enemies to allout war. Benjamin hall joins us from jerusalem. How significant is the exchange of fire . This is significant on two points. This is the first time that iran directly attacked israeli troops from inside syria. Secondly, the israeli response is the largest air operation they carried out since if 1973 yom kippur war. This is when they fired rockets at the Israeli Military in the Golan Heights that were all intercepted or fell short, but nevertheless, this was a major escalation by iran. Just hours later israel responded and in a big way. By thursday morning the countrys air force destroyed nearly all of irans military structure and taking out 50 sites of the hit list. 28 were reportedly killed and 18 nonsyrian. Among the target were Iranian Intelligence sites, military compound and munition storage warehouses. This is a clear warning to iran that israel will respond to any aggression. The defense minister said as much, if it rains in our country it will pour in yours. Its interesting to note that the Syrian Government tried to distance itself from irans action because they fear response from israel. Dana i bet they do. All right. I want to ask about this. Iran is Holding American prisoners. How might they be affected after this weeks news . It is sad to say but it feels like it might be harder to negotiate for their release. They are used as political pawns if you will. There are at least five american citizens held in iranian prisons. Among them an 81yearold former unicef diplomat and his son, a 37yearold princeton graduate. Art dealer, environmental activist. All of them are held under dubious charges which iran says amounts to espianage. The hopes may be slim. But the families have said they hope that President Trump can rally on their behalf and help the way they did in north korea but it does seem like it might be difficult at this point. Dana . Dana thank you. Ramped up tensions in the middle east coming after President Trump officially withdrew the u. S. From the iran nuclear deal. On the same day as a dramatic homecoming for three americans released from prison on north korea. The big push on Foreign Affairs changing the narrative for the Trump Administration here at home. Michael mann is president and c. E. O. Of squared communication and the former chief of staff for cantwell from washington. And ill start with you. Foreign policy has a way to pop up on you. It gets atension and everybody is paying attention. The president is overseeing a good economy. The democrat is losing in the congressional ballots a lot of ground. Now just leading by three points. Is there something afoot here to change conventional wisdom that democrats could win the house back in november . Well, when you look at the midterm elections the National Atmosphere matters. The success he had to bring the prisoners back, i congratulate him and his team for doing that. This is what president s should do. We have people in the crazy places they are. That is a great thing. The politics at home, i think he has had a few couple of weeks. That has been reflected in generic polls. But in the end, though, this weeks election, there were good nominees we put up that were more moderate in places that trump carried for the senate and the congressional races. I feel good about thed ground game where we are at in early may. Dana i mentioned Sheldon Adelman giving 30 million to the House Republicans. I think they are ratcheting up the understanding that losing the house would be a big problem for the republicans. And i dont know if the democrats are prepared to see the president s numbers. I think they are about to get a big push up. Have been if low 40s and even the high 30s. He could break 50 in legit polls by next week. What the adelson check does for republican donors around the country, it tells them yes, paul ryan is retiring and you are reading that the republicans will lose the majority. But there is a counternarrative to that. The check is important and it is also a lot of money. If you look at the polls, this is really important. Right track wrong track. This is something we have brought up several times on your show. If it gets above 40 and there is a poll that shows it breaking 50 that is the first time in a decade, generic ballot numbers. They are much improved for republicans. But trumps numbers are above 50 on the economy and below 50 on Foreign Affairs but that is where he is having all the success so that is where he needs it. Dana polls lag information. Michael, i was curious about this. I was dying to ask about california and the jungle primary and the possibility that democrats could actually get locked out of a couple of key races. With the numbers in the house being so tight, is that a concern that you have . Representative luhan talked about saying they are talking to outside groups saying we have to get our act together or we might not have a candidate. Its a place that you can be boxed out. Winning 22, 23 of the vote. That is totally possible. Dana so then what do you do i know matt is here but i want to put you on the spot for a little bit. Nancy pelosi is out there saying she would roll back the trump tax cuts. The president is getting good marks on the economy. The Foreign Policy stuff is going well. Midterm elections you dont have that high of a turnout. What could change the dynamic for democrats going to november . I want to hear this. Dana i figured you did. One in three will vote in midterm elections and that is lower than the november 2016. And its the base. Who will get the base out. And there is a path, its not i think it is a 50 50 chance. Im not in camp that gets this done. But on the senate side we have 26 Democratic Senate seats up for play, of which ten trump carried. Joe manchin won his primary last night and he did not catch a break getting blankenship as the candidate. It will be a hard race for him to win. Republican president s especially do poorly in the first midterm. When they screw up on the number one thing that voters put republicans in for. Get the economy moving. People feel good about the economy. It doesnt make logical sense for voters across the country, certainly voters in the middle will say we need to get nancy pelosi in here to raise taxes and screw up the economy again. Dana good to see you in person. Michael meehan and matt sclapp. President heading to the Hoosier State as a new g. O. P. Strategy designed to keep the Majority Party in the senate. We will tell you about the trump intervention plan next. We have intervened in primaries where we needed to guarantee we had fully electable candidates on the ballot in november. Thats why we took the majority in 2014, while we kept it in 2016 and while we open well keep it in 2018. Shepard Shepard Smith on the fox news desk. If the russians were reaching out to you on facebook, would you know it . Maybe the subject was a little football. This is one of thousands of ads that the russians used to meddle in our election. Well show you some of the others on Shepard Smith reporting in 15 minutes. Dana President Trump heading to the Hoosier State for a campaignstyle rally in south bend as part of a new strategy to take the message to the voters in states he won handily in 2016. The Washington Post saying the decision is a notable reversal for the top g. O. P. Senators. Some of whom feuded with trump in the first year of his presidency and saw his erratic behavior and low approval as potential liabilities. But they were thrilled wednesday with the outcome of the primaries in three states where their preferred candidates closely aligned with trump won thanks to some help from the president. Im joined now by stephen law, president and c. E. O. Of the Senate Leadership fund. Its great to have you here. We have been talking about how the republicans have a good map going into this year. But there were some concerns. Take a listen to what senator mcconnell said about the West Virginia race and the guy who lost. Im glad the people of West Virginia decided that particular approach of attacking me and my family was good for a distant third place. Dana do you think that the tactic of some republicans sort of insurgent candidates running against the established enemies like mcconnell will backfire . It hasnt worked so far. Typically if you go after mcconnell its a ticket to three place. It happened in indiana with luke messer. In ohio, it was last place. Its not a Winning Strategy because the voters in state want to hear what you do for the country and how you stand up for the issues. If you talk about what you do in leadership elections in d. C. You seem out of touch. Dana so as i understand it, senator mcconnell worked with President Trump to try to help steer that West Virginia race in the right direction. Does senator mcconnell have preferred candidates in arizona and mississippi for the races coming up . I cant speak directly for him but i think we would be aligned having worked with him for many years. We think Martha Mcsally in arizona is a strong candidate. That is a tough election anyway with kirsten cinema being a tough candidate. Martha is a tremendous person with a lot of crossover appeal and immense fundraising ability. She is our preferred candidate there. We think Chris Mcdaniel is bad for the republicans to choose in mississippi. Democrats would try to turn that to a replay of roy moore in alabama and they would have a lot of stuff to work with to make it happen. Dana what happens in indiana . The president deciding to go there tonight, a big rally that fires up the base. Do you really think that is a pickup opportunity for republicans this november . I think it is a huge opportunity. I think it is smart for the president to go there right after the primary. We had a great person nominated mike braun who ran as an outsider but he is no slouch as a campaign. He ran an excellence nuance campaign and he got a lot of cross over appeal. Joe donnelly is probably the weakest candidate we will try to knock off. I think the president is popular in indiana. Him showing up after the primary to say we need to take out donnelly will be a strong message. Dana so the rumors are heating up up that there could e a Supreme Court vacancy this summer. Listen to senator grassley on that. We have to get it done before the election. There is generally 50, 602, 70 days between the time the president nominates somebody and we get a hearing in committee and then another two weeks before it gets to the floor. This has to be done before the november election. So, my message to any one of the nine Supreme Court justices, if you are thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday. Dana would the republicans want a Supreme Court vacancy fight going into the elections . It would be a shot in the arm to the republican enthusiasm running behind where the democrats are. I would fire them up and it would give them a sense of the importance of the senate. Every vote would count. It would put the democrats in states that trump run in a tough position. Dana however, would it have the other effect . Fire up the democrats . To get out and turn out to vote . It certainly could. I dont think they will be more fired up than they are now. So much of their enthusiasm is driven by the disdain for the president. The republicans need to be reminded why the senate matters, why it is important we win in the midterm elections. Dana if they have no legislative accomplishments to speak of except for the tax cuts that were passed in december of 2017, going into the midterms does it concern you . I think the tax cuts are really important. We are going to be talking about the tax cuts in the months ahead in our advertising. The Supreme Court nomination would obviously be again, a real ratifier to the importance of the senate. The other thing we need to focus on is not just what is not done but where the democrats would go if they took own the senate and the house. It would be about impeachment and grinding the gears down of the administration. That is our most compelling argument to voters. Dana so you are telling us we are not going to rest at all this summer . It will be busy. Canceling vacations. Dana good to see you. Thank you. Good to see you, too. Dana president george w. Bush helping save millions of lives thanks the to the president s emergency plan for aids relief. A look at the programs transformative success, straight ahead. M really gratefua was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. It was my very first car accident. We were hit from behind. I called usaa and the first thing they asked was are you ok . they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. Were the hayles and were usaa members for life. See how much you could save with usaa by bundling your auto and home insurance. Get a quote today. My digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. But those days are over. Now, i take metamucil every day. It naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. So i feel. Lighter. Try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like. And try new metamucil fiber thins, made with 100 natural psyllium fiber. A greattasting and easy way to start your day. I thought after sandy hook, where 20 six and seven year olds were slain, this would never happen again. It has happened more than 200 times in 5 years. Dianne feinstein and a new generation are leading the fight to pass a new assault weapons ban. Say no to the nra and yes to commonsense gun laws. California values senator Dianne Feinstein dana this month marks 15 years since president george w. Bush signed the historic pepfar bill into law, the emergency plan for aids relief. Its considered the Largest Global Health Disease for Health Initiative for a single disease in world history. Casey stegall is live where a milestone to mark the event took place last night. Casey . The former president opened the program saying his biggest fear, one of them, is that people have forgotten about the program altogether or they have never heard of it. When in reality some of the top medical professionals in the world said pepfar the president s emergency plan for aids relief and the 600 million initial grant it infused was unprecedented. Remember 20 years ago hiv aids was killing millions across the globe. The continent of africa was ground 0 owe, ground zero, if you will. 25 million had died. 75 of pregnant women infected in certain regions. So president bush said he lived by the motto all life was precious and he directed people to develop a plan. And in 2003, it was realized when he signed pepfar into law. Now the program is fighting for its funding. But since its inception, child infection rates dropped more than half in parts of africa. Overall infections plummeted according to World Health Organization data. The organization continues providing the sick with antiviral meds. Credited with saving millions of lives around the globe. Listen. People like you who bet on the future of life of people far away, you were right. You have made history, mr. President. [applause] and also, you showed the way of what it is to be a good man. That will no doubt be part of his legacy. Dana, former president bush is also being recognized for his work with aids tonight there in washington, d. C. A little birdie told me that you may have something to do with it. That might explain why you are there. Dana im only an invited guest at the dinner is all. I did come down for that. As i recall, president bush was emphatic to know this wasnt just his program but americans as a whole, extremely generous. And as a country we have a lot to be proud of here. He said that a lot of people asked him when we have problems of our own at home, why send so much money to help others in other part of the world and he says it is the moral thing to do, the right thing to do when others are suffering. Dana it made a huge difference. All right, casey stegall. Thank you. You got it. Dana well be right back. 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Well show you the thousands intended to influence our elections. And kilauea could be

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