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Process to take a skas so to speak scalp so to speak. She is qualified and has risen up the ranks. I was out at the c. I. A. They are excited to have her. Dana Catherine Herridge joins us live. This is a pretty big deal on capitol hill. It is. The first woman nominated to be c. I. A. Director has arrived on capitol hill a short time ago to try to win over those who are the holdouts in the senate and meet with the democrats including dianne feinstein, senators heinrich and joe manchin. Senator feinstein is important because she led an investigation into the c. I. A. Program in 2014. It became so acrimonious that they started to accuse them of spying on the investigators. They told fox at the end of last week that even minimal support role in the Controversial Program of the waterboarding that included the architect of 9 11 Khalid Sheikh mohammed would disqualify her. As far as we know the senate never confirmed somebody with operational role in the use of torture. That would be a first and it is a new low for the country if its confirmed. It is important to give folks at home context. The former c. I. A. Director john brennan was a top decisionmaker for this controversial Interrogation Program. He was confirmed by the senate as the c. I. A. Director under president obama. Gina haspel at that time was a midlevel manager at the c. I. A. And had no say on policy. I think gina haspel should be given the same shake that john brennan was given. That is, it is fair for the committee to look into the records and fair for them to ask the tough questions. Ultimately, they have to let the facts guide their decisionmaking. And the decisionmaking is about whether this individual is qualified to lead that agency. The way the vote is stacking up at this point it will come down to a handful of senators. Rand paul, i told this at the end of last week, he did not have a meeting set to meet with haspel before wednesdays confirmation hearing. But he was still open to that meeting if it is able to happen. Dana . Dana all right, thank you. Youre welcome. Dana for more im joined by john yoo, former Deputy Attorney general in the burned. Im glad you are here. Like a bad penny this issue of the legal underpinnings of the enhanced Interrogation Program comes up over and over again, especially when people want to make political points. Bear with us and explain with us again the legal underpinnings and how the Justice Department came to that decision. First, i want to make clear, gina haspel is not a lawyer. Its not here job to come to legal conclusions about the meaning of the antitorture statute of the president s powers under the constitution. She is one of the men and women out in the field who protect this country right after we were knocked down on to the mat after 9 11. She did carry out a very difficult job. At the Justice Department we were the ones who have the job to figure out what did the laws require. The way we thought about it, congress had written an ambiguous statute saying dont torture. We undertook weeks of Legal Research and writing opinions to define the lines where we said you cant go beyond these lines. You can interrogation short of those lines but dont go beyond them. We were trying to make sure that gina and people like that did not cross the line to torture. I think we did that successfully. Now i think she is being punished by armchair quarterbacks, democrats in the senate or the rand paul, republican in the senate. I couldnt think of a better way to get us back to the pre9 11 mindset than to say we will prosecute or punish you for carrying out your orders when we were asking you to be on the edge, on the envelope to stop another 9 11. Dana john, isnt it true that there have been bipartisan and independent investigations in to this . And there has been no decision to prosecute anyone . John put aside what Catherine Herridge said about people being confirm who had were involved in the same program. Attorney general holder appointed an independent counsel, much like bob mueller to investigate all of this. There were no charges brought against anybody because i think they saw that in the end, the statute that Congress Passed that existed at the time of 9 11 was vague and that we were trying to make sure we didnt violate the law. Dana look at what President Trump said today on twitter. He said, my highly respected nominee for c. I. A. Director gina haspel has come under fire because she was too touch on terrorists. Think of that. In these very dangerous times, we have the most qualified person, a woman who democrats want out because she is too tough on terror. I want to ask the reason that they would come to the Justice Department for an opinion to be sure they are doing the right thing. We ask them to do very tough things. What happens if they have the legal approval and then they carryout the orders and years later, decades later, they are prosecuted for same work. I think it would be devastating for the intelligence community. John im sure the aclu and rand paul would like every c. I. A. Agent in field to be a lawyer. I cant think of a better way to lose the war against terrorism. But the main point is we should encourage the c. I. A. When they have a hard question to go to justice. They followed all the rules. Gina haspel and her colleagues followed the rules. They came to us. They didnt go off on their own off the reservation. The statute says you cant inflict severe pain and suffering and we tried to figure out what that was so the c. I. A. Would not violate that law. Dana you stand by that original piece. Obama administration changed things. I think even under president bush. The standard was changed or whatever. So its not like gina haspel would be overseeing a department that is going to reach back into a previous tool box if things have already changed. That would be irresponsible. We shouldnt forget that we only use these on three people. Dana right. Terrorists. John Khalid Sheikh mohammed, the master mind of the 9 11 attacks. Only three people and we stopped. Congress passed a new law in 2008 to clarify what it meant. The legal regime is different now. Gina haspel is coming in as the c. I. A. Director, i hope, with a different set of laws and rules. We arent going to struggle like she and i and others did after the 9 11 attacks to figure out what to do. Dana let me switch gears. Rudy giuliani made news over the weekend. He likes to be out there and be on the offense. I have a specific question for you. I know your expertise is about the government and the way it is set up and the executive branch and relations to others. What do you think the ruling would be from the Supreme Court about a president having to obey a subpoena from an independent counsel . John you are proving that you seem to have gone to law school already. That is a great question of the separation of powers. In the watergate tapes case the Supreme Court told president nixon you have to show up and obey a subpoena if its issued by a criminal prosecutor. Nixon voluntarily gave in at that point. I think for the good of the country he didnt say forget it, i dont have to obey a subpoena. Its still unresolved under constitutional law. Could a president say another branch cant compel me to appear before it . Just like president s never testified before congress. A president never appeared as a compelled witness in a criminal trial. President trump couldnt say hey, chief Justice Roberts i want you in the oval office to explain to me the crazy obamacare opinion you issued. They are separate and should respect each other. We dont know what would happen if the president did not obey a subpoena. Dana that is kind of fun. We dont know the answer to that basic question. Im going to put it on my next exam. Dana all the students you have, you have a clue. John yoo, thank you. John thank you, dana. Dana a big primary day for the g. O. P. Tomorrow as the voters in four key battleground states head to the polls including West Virginia. Three republicans vying for the chance to flip senator joe manchins seat. Now President Trump is weighing in, trying to take down one candidate and peter doocy is live with that. This race is pretty interesting. President trump did not endorse one candidate. He actually endorsed two people. He wrote this on twitter, to the great people of West Virginia we have together a really great chance to keep making a big difference. The problem is, Don Blankenship currently running for senate, cant win the general election in your state. No way. Remember alabama. Vote jenkins or a. G. Morrisey. Congressman Patty Jenkins who got half of the congressman evan jenkins got half the shout out is grateful for what he calls a shoutout. We are excited about the momentum and we are excited that President Trump gave us a shoutout this morning. We feel really good. We had actually today a whole group of the Trump Delegates to the National Convention announce their support for my candidacy. We are on the move, we are on the home stretch. We will win tomorrow. But blankenship tells us that he rejects the president s comparison there to alabamas failed Senate Candidate judge roy moore. He is getting bad information. My accusers is hillary clinton, and barack obama. Not young women. I think he is getting the wrong story. Mitch mcconnell doesnt want me to be in the senate because he knows i believe we need new leadership there to drain the swamp. Blankenship did go to jail for a year on a conviction for conspiring to violate mine safety laws. Because he is still on probation, a third candidate, the attorney general Patrick Morrisey is pointing out that blankenship filed a Financial Disclosure and to see what that might mean, he called blankenships probation officer. My campaign will be informing his probation officer in nevada about this issue right away to determine if this refusal to comply with the federal law violates the terms of the supervised release. The probation officer apparently got notified today. But blankenship tells me that he already gave the p. O. A heads up and he laughed at the charge that a Financial Disclosure not yet filed could possibly disqualify him or get him arrested. He says the p. O. Compared it to a late credit card payment. Dana . Dana you get all the best assignments. Thank you for bringing us that report. We appreciate it. We have much more on all the big primary contests tomorrow. Watch this. I believe at the end of this day, nancy pelosi will not be speaker. Republicans will keep the majority. Not because we want it to happen, because what we have achieved. Dana so how are the races in the four key states shaping up . Chris stirewalt is on deck. New tough talk from north korea. What the regime is saying and how it could impact an upcoming summit between the president and kim jong un. Plus, we are waiting the White House Briefing. We will bring it to you live as soon as Sarah Sanders steps to the podium. Hey shrimp fans this ones for you. Its red lobsters create your own shrimp trios. Pick 3 of 9 new and classic creations for just 15. 99. With new creations like savory crabtopped shrimp, and parmesan truffle shrimp scampi you better hurry in before shrimp trios is gone. We believe nutrition is full of possibilities to improve and parmesan truffle shrimp scampi your pets life. We are redefining what nutrition can do. Because the possibility of a longer life and a better life is the greatest possibility of all. Purina pro plan. 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All of a sudden this morning we get a tweet from President Trump that says to the great people of West Virginia, we have together a really great chance to keep making a big difference. The problem is Don Blankenship currently running for senate cant win the general election in your state. No way. Remember alabama. Vote representative jenkins or attorney general morrisey he weighed in. He halfway did. I was caused to think about what people like romney and so many others did with trump in 2016 when they said whatever you do, dont vote for this guy. For whom should we vote . I dont care. Just not him. You know how that worked out. Dana mmhmm. If the president was serious about wanting to stop blankenship he probably should have picked, right . He probably should have said. He knew he didnt want to pick because they are both flawed in their own ways. Jenkins is probably a better general election candidate that morrisey but he is more establishmentarian figure which would upset folks. Morrisey looking like he has a tougher poll against jenkins against manchin. Difficult choice so he is chose not to choose. As a consequence blankenship is probably helped in that if the support drives off in both directions and blankenship can keep his solid core, maybe he can pull it off. Dana then what, you know, the president says, remember alabama. Certainly, blankenship might remember alabama. And that roy moore was expected not to be able to win that primary. Or the president said that he wanted him not to, but he did anyway. President in a controversial move we have all talked about for a long time endorses roy moore. And roy moore ends up losing. So the president could change his mind and perhaps people that support blankenship who want Something Different to go in there and fire up washington. May realize the president will come around if he has to. Im sure he would. Im sure if they nominated blankenship that the republicans look, if the republicans could get behind somebody who was credibly accused on multiple occasions of Sexual Misconduct toward teenager girls i assume they could find it within themselves to come around for a fellow who was convicted of white collar crimes. Though they were connected ultimately to very tragic incident. I suppose if they come around for roy moore they could come around for blankenship. The other thing here, this is unfair comparison. Blankenship is not roy moore. Dana right. Roy moore couldnt win as it turns out the alabama general election. There is no reason to think Don Blankenship would do substantially worse than either of the other two. I dont think either of the other two made a conclusive case they are the best nominee for the general election. I think the white house here is overcooking the broth a little bit. Might have been better off to let it play out on its own. Dana take us to North Carolina. I want to read you a quote from steve bannon. He is saying about the Midterm Elections you have to make it up or down vote november 6. You want trump on the ticket in every district. You have to put trump on the ticket. You are not voting for congress. You are voting for donald trump. This is something that president s in first midterm try to distance themselves to say this is not a referendum on the president. This is a referendum on congress. But bannon is suggesting the exact opposite. Good strategy or no . I assume comments like that is why steve bannon is making the phone call from an indies closed location undisclosed location deep in the political wilderness. You cant trump the deciding issue in every race. Some districts the republicans do want to make it about trump. If you are in West Virginia where the president probably has 70 job Approval Rating you want a referendum on trump. But a lot of the districts, particularlies the dozens of districts where the president is not particularly popular and the republicans are fighting control of the house, they want to talk about tax cuts. They want to talk about issues. They want to talk about those things. They dont want it to be a referendum on trump. If its a referendum on trump, what the democrats are immediately able to say is send me to washington so that i can put a check on this runaway presidency. It has worked in many cycles in the past. I would work again for them this time. They have to pick and choose where you use the president and where you keep him at a distance. Dana so we have talked about West Virginia, indiana and ohio the past couple of weeks. We havent talked about North Carolina and the ninth congressional district. What is happening there . Are the republicans in danger of possibly having another conor lamb moment there . It is possible. What is remarkable about the primary you have an incumbent republican u. S. Member of congress. Very, very conservative people down there. Not those people but other people are very conservative. Robert pittinger is a conservative member of congress. You would never think he would get outconservatived. This is a vicious primary where you could end up with an incumbent u. S. Member of congress get knocked out over who loves donald trump the most. That is the kind of district where steve bannon is quite right. You want to be the Trumpiest Trumper of all trumps. Dana is that true in the general . Its true for the primary. There i dont think you can be too republican. Dana chris stirewalt, thank you. You bet. Dana we are live at the white house awaiting the briefing with Sarah Sanders. We will take you there live. Plus volcano eruption on the big island of hawaii and the river of lava on the move. The latest on the unfolding disaster. The best simple dishes ever . 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The conditions are pretty bad a mile away from where i am at. The police will not let us in the subdivision. But you remember we had two major earthquakes last week in this area. And there has been multiple eruptions since then from the kilauea volcano. In the neighborhood, we got pictures and got in yesterday for a brief period of time. Mandatory evacuation underway but they allowed people in to pick up a few islands. This is what it looks like. You can see some houses are on fire and others swallowed up by the lava. 700 homes are built on top of a rift zone. So about 25 miles down slope from the summit or the crater at the top of kilauea and it is sending millions of tons of red hot magna to the underground tubes and it is venting out literally at the subdivision. So there are ten active eruptions going on right now. The one you are looking at is twice as long as a football field. We talk to the residents as they return from the burnedout neighborhood. The trucks filled with the medications, appliances, pets, papers. You name it. Some homes are gone. Others remain untouched. My house is about 200 yards from the initial eruption. Im on lower kai street. Are you optimistic . Absolutely. She will do her thing and we come back when she lets us. We left the electronics and the stuff. Material things. So the official count is 26 homes destroyed and another 38 structures if you will total. We went to a red cross shelter. 200 people sleeping there each night. Unlike many disasters, hurricane or tornado its over and they get rescued, recovery, rebuild. Not this one. People have no idea how it will end for them. What is going to happen . What will happen with us . If we lose our farm we dont know where we will go. You lose your income and you lose your home at the same time. So the evacuation, dana, remains in effect. People are worried about more earthquakes. 152 small ones in a twoday period. More eruptions are possible. You have the sulfur dioxide gas that can burn your lungs and eyes. They are keeping people out of there and no idea when it will end. Back to you. Dana thank you so much. The Trump Administration stepping up pressure on venezuela. Mike pence expected to announce sanctions and call for a delay in the country election set to take place in two weeks. This is happening as venezuela plunges deeper to economic across sparking protest of the government and the shortage of the basic good. This is part of a coordinated effort by the Trump Administration to isolate president Nicolas Maduro who is accused of corruption and human rights abuses. The White House Briefing is expected to get underway any minute. At a critical stage in trade talks between the u. S. , mexico and canada. Why a new deal is needed in just the next few days. Plus a push to confirm President Trumps c. I. A. Nominee. An update on the Senate Showdown is next. She has done many jobs, including acting director now and Deputy Director before that. She is perfectly qualified. I think you have to really make things up to come up with a reason why you wouldnt want her to run the agency. Managing blood sugar is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. And see all the hotels for your stay tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To show you the lowest prices. So you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. Dates, deals, done tripadvisor. Visit tripadvisor. Com dana the White House Briefing just now underway. Here is Sarah Sanders. Sarah since the president s election, more than 3 million jobs have been created. The president s historic tax cut, deregulation and progrowth policies are creating jobs and restoring confidence in americas economy. On another important matter, the white house has been in close contact with the state and local officials in hawaii since the initial earthquake and volcanic eruption. The president continues to monitor the ongoing situation. Fema and the white house encourage all individuals and potentially effected area to monitor local radio and tv stations for updated emergency information and follow the instructions of state and local officials. The New York Post said today that c. I. A. Acting director gina haspel has headed four c. I. A. Stations across the globe, been a senior official in the c. I. A. s russia operation, held several top roles in the division, responsible for covert operations and post9 11 was a senior level supervisor in counterterrorism. The post further noted her integrity and her political impartiality are unchallenged. She deserves quick confirmation without partisan theatrics. The bottom line, acting director haspel has unparalleled understanding to the c. I. A. And is the right person to lead it in the dangerous times. Lastly on a slightly lighter note, congratulate kathryn and alex on the engagement over the weekend. So congratulations. With that, i dont know if they even showed up today. But thats okay. I would have given them a question. But since i dont see them, kevin, we will go with you. Thank you, sarah. A couple of questions. First on gina haspel. Is it true the president and yourself and others had to sort of convince her not to withdraw her name from consideration . And if show, what was that like . Has the circumstance happened before since you have been at your position at the white house . A follow about Don Blankenship. Why does the president believe he cant win an election in the state of West Virginia . Let me answer the question first. In regard to acting director haspel, her commitment to the agency is one of the reasons she is the right person to lead it. She wants to do everything she can to make sure the integrity of the c. I. A. Remains in intact, isnt unnecessarily attacked. And if she felt that her nomination would have been a problem for that and for the agency, then she wanted to do everything she could to protect the agency. At the same time she wants to do everything to protect the safety and the security of americans, which is why she is 100 committed to going through this confirmation process. And being confirmed as the next leader of the c. I. A. Kevin the followup on blankenship and West Virginia, why does the president believe he cant win an election in the state of West Virginia . Why not . Sarah as you know, i have a few more limitations than the president. And due to the hatch act i cant get into the specifics about an election prior to it taking place but i refer you back to the president s tweet which i think is pretty clear. If he has more to say on it, he will. Rudy giuliani said if necessary, its possible that Michael Cohen could have paid off other women to keep them quiet about alleged affairs with the president. Is that possible . Are there other women out there who received money from the president to stay quiet . Sarah im not aware of any other activity but i refer you to giuliani, to respond to any of those questions or anybody else on the president s outside counsel. Reporter you have been in the circle for a long time. You were on the campaign. Is it anything that came across your desk . Sarah im not aware of that but i refer you to the president s outside counsel. Reporter the president has may 12 deadline on the iran nuclear deal. Is he wavering on the deal based on the pressure from the europeans with Boris Johnson here this week . Sarah the president will make an announcement on what his decision is soon. As you know, he has a few days to do that. We will let you know when he is ready to make a decision on it. Reporter the shadow of diplomacy and how does it impact deliberations . Sarah i dont think it impacts it at all. I think the president spoke out about that pretty clearly. I dont think he would take advice from somebody who created what the president sees to be one of the worst deals ever made. Im not sure why we would start listening to him now. John . Reporter thank you, sarah. Back to gina haspel. Her confirmation hearing is on wednesday. Its an open hearing before the Senate Intelligence committee. Are there any questions that are offlimits from the White House Point of view as it relates to her career at the c. I. A. . Sarah we think acting director haspel is a highly qualified, uniquely positioned individual to lead the c. I. A. And we are very confident in her ability to answer the questions that we know are going to come. If you dont believe me, listen to some of the quotes from a lot of other people that have been very outspoken in their support for her. Former director leon panetta said im glad its gina because frankly she is someone who really knows the c. I. A. Inside and out. Former director Michael Hayden said haspel is the absolute best choice to be director. Former acting director and the Deputy Director said she is capable, she has integrity and she cares deeply about the mission of the agency and cares deeply about the men and women of the agency. Lastly, former acting director and deputy direct doctor john mccoughlip said if you picking a officer to head the agency i cant think of a better person than gina. We want her to get a fair and thorough hearing and we are confident that not only will all of the members of the senate see what the rest of us see and certainly some of the people that held that position see. But that gina is more than qualified to run and lead the agency. Reporter sarah, if she is asked any questions regarding enhanced interrogation techniques that took place in her tenure at the c. I. A. That democrats say she was involved with, she can answer them fully in an open hearing. Is that your position . Sarah i will let her address those questions as they come. But as we have said, we think all the issues surrounding her record, her experience will be brought up. And we are fully confident in her ability to answer the questions. Reporter president putin in moscow was inaugurated on a new sixyear term. Over the weekend we saw the Police Arrested about 1600 antiputin demonstrators, including organizer and the anticorruption campaigner nelvanni. We have seen the president tweet about the other russia matters today but not about either of these things. What message does the president have for the kremlin and the russian people about these events . Sarah first, the president congratulates him and looks forward to a time when we can hopefully have a Good Relationship with russia. However, the United States believes that everyone has a right to be heard and assemble peacefully. Reporter thank you. The president said in the past of the russia investigation its an excuse for democrats losing the 2016 election. But today he appears to look forward to the 2018 midterms and he tweeted out, is this phony witch hunt going to go on even longer so it wrongfully impacts the Midterm Election which is what the democrats intended . Does the president believe that the Russian Investigation has to do with the 2018 midterms as well . Sarah i think he thinks that the idea that this narrative continues to be driven, the fact that a year and a half later after spending most all of your time every single day looking into this and still finding nothing, the fact that we are still talking about it has potential to impact the 2018 election. I think the point he is making is how ridiculous it is that we are still having this conversation and the depth to which this research has gone on and investigation has been conducted and still produced nothing. Reporter is the president pleased with the appearances of Rudy Giuliani over the last few days . Sarah i didnt speak with him specifically about his feelings about it but certainly feels that he is an added member added value, member to his outside special counsel. Reporter on that note, Rudy Giuliani said yesterday that the president could plead the fifth if he is subpoenaed by the special counsel. I want to know why the president would even go that route if he hasnt done anything wrong as he said repeatedly, that there was no collusion and no obstruction of justice. Sarah that is a question to ask counsel. Im not an attorney. Reporter does the president believe he is within the executive powers to reject a subpoena from the special counsels office . Sarah a question refer to special counsel. Im going to keep moving to your colleague. Reporter this time around on iran, mike pompeo, secretary of state, and we have john bolton the National Security adviser have been amongst the prominent critics of the iran deal. Any reason to think the president wont kill the deal . Sarah the president will make the announcement soon and we will keep you posted on it as it happens. Reporter on the e. P. A. , Andrew Wheeler now confirmed as the second in command at the e. P. A. Does the president think he would be able to continue the deregulatory agenda that mr. Pruitt has been in charge of were he to remove mr. Pruitt . And given the sort of cascade of ethical problems, how close is what is the status of the review you have been saying you are doing and is the president closer to removing mr. Pruitt from office . Sarah i dont have any Personnel Announcements on that front. Certainly we have confidence in the number two. Otherwise the president would havent asked him to serve at a senior level position within the e. P. A. But i dont have anything further on that front. Reporter i want to catch back up on china after the delegation came back. Presuming that the president has had some sort of briefing on the interaction now. Can you tell us his reaction to the talks that happened if the u. S. Plans to talk to china again before the may 22 public deadline and what the next steps are . Sarah the president had a briefing this morning with the members of the team that traveled. The president has a great relationship with the president and we are working on something we think will be great for everybody. Chinas top economic adviser, the vice premier will be coming here next week to continue the discussions with the president s economic team. We will keep you posted as the discussions are ongoing. Reporter sarah, the story this morning the Washington Post among many things reported that there are persistent rumors that mrs. Trump does not live in this white house. And that she lives with her parents somewhere in the suburbs. What do you make of the rumors . Sarah i make of the fact that just when you think the Washington Post cant get things any more wrong they do. That is an outrageous and ridiculous claim. The first lady lives here at the white house. We see her regularly. And i think that is something that belongs in tabloid gossip, not on the front pages of the Washington Post. I hope that they will do better next time. Reporter we hear from the first lady in a moment who is going to promote Good Behavior among children. Part of this effort has to do with the Cyber Bullying right now. Does the president accept any responsibility for americans skepticism that the first lady from the white house would be speaking out against Cyber Bullying . Sarah look, this is something that is extremely important to first lady. Im not going to get ahead of her announcement or her comments. Im only going to take one last credit because we have to get there so nobody misses that. And the president will also be joining the first lady at that event so we want to make sure everyone has a chance to tune in. Your question is last. Reporter the question was about him, not her. We will wait to hear what she says but does he accept responsibility for the climate that exists right now that there is a need to address an issue like Cyber Bullying . Sarah the idea you are trying to blame Cyber Bullying on the president is kind of ridiculous. When it comes to kids and something that has been problematic and something that we have seen over the last decade. The first latedy sees it to be an important issue and something she wants to address. He is will do it she will do it shortly. Reporter there have been reports that the Israeli Intelligence firm was hired to dig up dirt on former Obama Administration official regarding the iran nuclear deal. Does the white house have any knowledge of that . Or the idea that any trump aides were involved hiring the intelligence firms . Sarah im not aware of anything on that front. If something comes up we will let you know. Thank you so much. We hope you will join us in the rose garden with the first lady and the president rolling out her initiatives. Thanks, guys. Dana all right. That was Sarah Sanders with her briefing on a monday. We used to call those a hodgepodge briefings. A lot of topics. Im joined bill charlie hurt, the opinion eder to for Washington Times and stephen sigman, democratic strategist and Senior Vice President of global strategy group. They were with me as we watched the hearing today. We are waiting on new video from senator manchin and gina haspel, the president s c. I. A. Nominee. As soon as we have that, we will bring it to you. What i wanted to start with, charlie, ill start with you. The president didnt have to choose to have this fight with gina haspel. She was going to be controversial just because she has this long history at the c. I. A. I think from his perspective, he feels like he has his finger on the pulse of the American People and they want to be tough on terrorists and he thinks anybody who doesnt want her to be the c. I. A. Director because she was tough on terrorists would be probably walking down the wrong path. Yeah. In so many cases with this president i think what we are seeing is the fact that he does want to have a fight. He wants to have this fight with these people on this particular issue. I think it is a gamble. I think ultimately she will succeed because they dont need any democrats or rand paul to get out of the committee. And when it gets to the floor, i think she will ultimately be approved. But it still is a great fight for trump to have, especially when you have juxtapose to the huge things going on like north korea negotiations and iran where all he has to say is why cant i have my Foreign Policy team and why cant i have the most important person on hand who is going to tell us whether iran is Building Nuclear weapons behind closed doors . Dana charlie thinks its a good fight for the president to have. Do you think its a good fight for the democrats to have from their perspective to push back against her . I dont think there will be a big fight over this. In a confirmation hearing there would l be and would be legitimate questions about her tenure at the c. I. A. You have john brennan and James Clapper and all critics of donald trump saying she is qualified and should be the c. I. A. Director, right . I disagree a little bit with charlie in that it is a fight he wants to have but he seems to want to have the fight to appeal to his base which is why he has 40 Approval Rating even when things are dana yeah, he wins that base over and over again. He can win that base. What it creates for the rest of the country is messiness, the continued messiness with the administration. They didnt have to. The white house called her in on friday. They didnt have to do that. They either scared her a little bit or she dana what i imagine that happened she went there and they said lets go over a few more things that you could probably be asked about. She, according to the Washington Post, said you know, im worried about the integry till of the agency. I dont integrity of the agency. I dont want the agency hurt so i am willing to step out. But i feel that the democrats are barking up the wrong tree. Listen to this on msnbc earlier talking about her. The fact is in america there are scores and scores of well qualified women who can fill key National Security posts like this. I think its really insulting to women to say that gina haspel is the only one qualified for this job. Dana okay. That one really got to me because to me, the insult is coming against gina haspel saying that she has been there 33 she dedicated her entire career. She is not a politician. Dana her first day on the job in counterterrorism was september 11, 2011. She asked to be transferred to that area. Ron wyden is saying there are plenty of women who could do this. He has a lot of good questions to raise with her, talk about the black sites and talking about real legitimate civil liberty questions that i wish he would stick to. This is not one of them. This is just stupid. But the white house as well, the white house is going around all day saying if you dont support her nomination, you are not a feminist. Well it is a silly argument for both of them to be having. Can you remember that the next time democrats i said it was a silly argument for wyden to have, too. Look, it is legitimate for her to go and face tough questions and a confirmation hearing. Its what ought to be happening and that is what ought to happen here. Trump white house should have left it at that instead of having, you know, more messiness. They got rid of Rudy Giuliani over the weekend creating god knows what and adding this to it. Dana you want to stay for another panel apparently i listen to an interview over the weekend with Michael Hayden who was the c. I. A. Director who said if you were worried about President Trump and you are concerned about him, gina haspel is the person you would want to have as the c. I. A. Director. There you have it. Im glad you were here to watch the briefing with me and comment as you do. Charlie and stephen, thank you for being here. The deadline fast approaching for President Trump to decide if the u. S. Will pull out of the iran nuclear deal. The president just announcing he will make the announcement at 2 00 p. M. Tomorrow. This show could not be at a better time. What could happen if he decides to tear it up . Historian john meechum joins me next. The president has the right to call attention to it. But you cant just do that throwing the baby out with the bathtub and without scrapping the whole thing. You have to answer the question what next . Prudential asked these couples how much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Woo at the same time that Violent Crime went up 18 in san francisco. In la, mayor Antonio Villaraigosa put more police on the streets and cut Violent Crime in half. Californias Police Chiefs trust antonio for governor. Oto balancendidate for governor the state budgetarties together while making record investments in local classrooms and creating new Career Training programs. Antonio villaraigosa for governor. Dana fox news alert, President Trump saying he will announce his decision on the iran deal at 2 00 p. M. Eastern time tomorrow. The president making the announcement on twitter, where else . Moments ago. And im joined now by the author of the new book the soul of america. Pulitzer prize winning president ial his attorney jon meacham who i just saw at the barbara bush funeral. Your eulogy was touching and wonderful. You have written a new book the soul of america but i want to ask about the news that the president is expected to make tomorrow. Iran has been a thorn in americas side for a long time. You have seen president s try to deal with it. Since we are approaching the 30th anniversary of the 1979 revolution. Dana that is right. So at this point the president is looking like he will probably make a decision to leave. We dont know that for sure. But listen to what president macron said yesterday. Its a quote. Sorry. Excuse me. I can read it. That would mean opening pandoras box and it could mean war. I dont believe trump wants war. I dont believe any president wants war. Last week we had secretary rice here and she says pumming out wouldnt a big deal. In the realm of history, how big of a deal is this . It ultimately depends what the reaction is. One issue is president obamas legacy was always going to be judged in part on iran, this deal. If iran became nuclearized and if the deal failed, then it was going to be a serious mark. But, you know, as you know because you have been in the arena, people have to trust the governments word from administration to administration. So i think it will be destabilizing. I suspect with a lot of President Trump he may bark a bit louder than he bites so it wouldnt surprise me if he finds some middle course here. Dana this happens to be at the same time that the president apparently, they have chosen a date and location not announced yet for the summit with north Korean Leader kim jong un. And how important is it for the summits to be set up in a way that downplays expectations . Well, hugely. Summits, you know, the professionals hate summits because it is the natural characteristic of a political leader to think they can charm anyone. They wouldnt political leaders if they didnt think that. In world war ii, the allies used to hate it when roosevelt and churchill got together because they would have a couple of martinis and decide to do something. But what links both the stories is the most except for the possibility of one of the weapons reaching terrorists hands, this is the most serious National Security challenge any president faces. This is kind of remarkable that since 1945 there has not been a greater proliferation. Oppenheimer and einstein both thought that once this genie was out of the bottle you could never put it back in. And the leaders who are urged to give them up think about gaddafi. He was disarmed and draggedded through the streets. That is not what a lot of despots want to do. Dana the soul of america the battle for the better angels and i understand the book is optimistic. Good thing to read. We hope you will come back. That is jon meacham, everybody. Look at this little guy. What is he working on . Well tell you next. 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This is happening as rudy guliani said the president could defy any Robert Mueller subpoena or take the fifth. An eruption in hawaii forces hundreds from their homes. Lines of lava oozing down streets and destroying buildings and torching trees. Well take you there

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