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Sessions last week in a sit down lasting several hours. Hello everyone. Im dana perino. This is the daily briefing. Dana the highest Administration Official and first trump cabinet member interviewed into a probe of russia meddling in the to 17 election. What is the latest on this. Thank you, stkaeupb a. The Russia Special probe goes into the president s cabinet. It goes into the decision of the decision to fire james comey in may was a obstruction of justice. Those closest to the president say its within his power and evidence coming to light, linking of memos has strengthened the president s position. Attorney general Jeff Sessions excused himself from the probe in the campaign. Those close to sessions say his contact was minimal and about two meetings there. Is no evidence of coordination with russia and the trump campaign. The president s lawyer said last week he felt it was inevitable that he thought the president would be interviewed. They believe other interviews like sessions, the president s soninlaw and others can answer muellers questions and no single issue only the president can explain, stkaeupb afplt stkaeufplt tell us about the new text were talking about today and how it got out in the first place. Text messages were released between peter strzok and lisa page. The text come from midmay two days after Robert Mueller took over the russia probe. The two fbi officials are discussing the merit to join muellers team. Page wrote, you and i know the odds are nothing. Earlier on fox today republicans say the text is more evidence of political bias. I care about the department of justice and fbi. It breaks my heart were having to have this conversation about two agents that wanted to get the president. They didnt have a interest in clearing him. In another exchange strzok and page disthe Mueller Probe. Dana question, catherine. One of the reasons were talking about this and the attorney general. Months ago he recused himself in the matter, that made the president frustrated. It is what it is. Think the attorney general thought he was doing right thing there. Now the text thats are miss freight fbi, we have the attorney general asking the fbi to do something about it, is the attorney general actually acting on the recuse aal he put upon himself if hes asking about. That. Thats a really valid question and it under scores the tangled web created by the russian case. Its under the attorney general to instruct to recover records and stkerpl if any crimes were committed in the sense of losing or lost records were a deliberate act. For some context we asked the fbi yesterday whether they took physical possession of strzok and pages phones. Even if the records dont seem to exist there should be a physical presence of the texts. Certainly the fbi is best positioned to use their forensic toolbox to get a hold of them. Its a excellent question. The attorney general would be the one to make that request to recover records. Dana thank you. Youre welcome. Dana with the federal Government Back open for business. A new report says Chuck Schumer has with drawn his offer for increased border wall support in exchange for dabbing afplt peter is standing by on capitol hill. Peter, if democrats dont play ball with the border wall where are negotiations, square one . They would be stuck, stkaeupb afplt President Trump says he wont sign any immigration package, any daca deal that does not come for money for a border wall there. Are republicans here in the senate who feel the same way. I think the compromise is pretty obvious. Its what the president has said all along. We want to be generous and humane for those coming here as children with no fault of their own. We still have to do it responsibly and controlled city tenths. We need to end chain migration and secure our border with a wall. Thats the context for compromise. I talked with senator Lindsey Graham this morning. He says the senate wont work with the house on a bill to pass. Instead a Bipartisan Group will do their own thing and send it over across the capitol. The house has a larger republican majority its very unlikely they are going to support in large numbers a bill that has a lot of democratic input. So to do so within the next three weeks, february 8th, the next dead line. Why are House Democrats having such a hard time with the democratic colleagues that voted to end the shut down. What is going there . In the house, dane a the democrats never veered off course. They said were not supporting the continuing resolution for three weeks unless we get a vote to protect daca recipients. They never supported the cr. Now some on the house side n the democratic party, are guessing their democratic colleagues here may of felt they were cornered and needed a way out. This process has created losers and loser. In the senate tonight many senators felt like, you know, i want to be certain im engaged in a process thats winners and winners. For me i have not seen that good faith exercise certainly in the house. And dane a republican outside groups are really trying to rub in that the democrats didnt get any major concessions from them. The nrsc, the National Republican Senate Committee is here sanding how t shirts to Democratic Senators including 2020 contenders that say i shut down the government and all i got was this lousy tee shirt dana. Dana nice prop. Thank you, peter. Now more on our top story. Is Jeff Sessions interviewed by the fbi last week. Jeff, thank you for joining us. I want to talk about the shut down and what is next. First lets start with attorney general sessions is apparently the first and maybe the only one in muellers investigation. What do you think happened behind closed doors . First of all lets start with the breaking news. The president moments ago in the oval office talking to the press pool about an event with u. S. Trade representative. Said was asked about the sessions interview. He said hes not worried about what sessions told the special council. He has responded to a story the fbi director threatened to resign under pressure from the president and attorney general sessions to fire the deputy mccabe. The president saying ray didnt threaten to resign. To get that breaking news out you will see momentarily. As far as sessions testifying we are told it could of been four to five hours with the special council. Talking to someone who knows a lot about this, on capitol hill, said thats a long time. He obviously sin tr is intricala lot of information on this investigation. Perhaps he recused himself how the Robert Mueller is going. Also the obstruction of justice possibilities. That would take some time. This source said, you know Jeff Sessions talked slow ly maybe thats why it took four to five hours. Waited them out. Dana i thought that was interesting today. A lot of the questions, this is reported and behind closed doors who really knows. A lot of the questions centered around the idea there was perhaps an attempt to obstruct justice not collusion. We dont know of, we dont know what we dont know when it comes to the mueller investigation. We do know now because of the text, at the beginning some of the people tasked being part of the Mueller Probe didnt think there was there, there. Peter strzok texting. That those text raise big story, dana. Not just the five months missing, but the texts we are seeing about a secret society, about how to make sure the texts dont get out. These are texts that are in between strzok and page. Dana i have an idea how they dont get out. If youre having an affair with a coworker dont use your government issued telephone to discuss things. Note to self. Dana it will be captured, if youre doing that. That blows me away. Lets switch topics. Lets talk about the shut down and the breaking news about senator schumer pulling back the offer to the president last week. Listen to sara sanders, earlier today. I think Chuck Schumer is trying to save face every way he possibly can. This is a president who stood firm and stood his ground. Worked with Republican Leadership like speaker ryan and leader mcconnel. We had a coordinated effort to put pressure on the democrats to reopen the government. Dana i think the republicans are right to take a victory lap with this shut down ending so quickly. The democrats are swallowing terrible headline after terrible headline. Could that be short lived with february 8 and the democrats pushed to do something more agreegious then last time. A hundred percent this. Is a shortterm victory, and a big one. There were risks involved here. The democrats couldnt articulate that message about why they wouldnt vote to reopen the government. So, they, they have suddenly realized there wasnt a lot to stand on. Especially those up for reelection in red states. Youre right in just a few weeks, a couple of weeks we will be right back where we were. If skhaoupler is pulling off the funding for the wall its again the chest game starts in ernest. A week from today we will be in washington pugh c to have the president s first state of the union address. This issue wont be resolved by then. Im curious how the white house works it into the speech and to his advantage when you have the eye ball as Cross America watching the speech. How will he press his advantage. I back they put him at the for front. He stayed back for this negotiation on the cr. You saw the day after it was resolved he met with senators from red states. Think that maybe it will be more aggressive as far as President Trump putting forward a marker in this negotiation. Alright. Bret, thank you. Sure. Stkaeufplt democrats facing more pressure not to cave to avoid another shutdown. Listen. I know the president is meeting with republicans and democrats a like. We have a few weeks to get this done. Im confident we k but we have to be responsible on it. Dana who holds the edge on negotiations. We discussion it, next. Dana law makers back at work in washington amid new fall out from the new shut down. Both sides are trying to declare victory. We have our guests. Michael, lets start with you. Tough headlines for democrats after the shut down ended yesterday. Let me read something from david brookes. The New York Times columnist. The democrats are the party that believe in government. It doesnt good to make the federal government look dysfunctional. Dana is there a Silver Lining in any of this for the democrats. Sure nine million American Children will have Health Insurance because of what was passed yesterday. We have fought for that for months. Six months since the lapse. Im not sure why the democrats are not leading with. That if you take Mitch Mcconnel about his word there will be a meeting about daca. Mitch mcconnel gave his word and they should put these out as victory laps. That should be on the tee shirt. Dana i will see if i can get you one. Xl. Totally. Dana matt, let me ask you what michael said. We have the dreamers in the spot light for the next three weeks. We know the media will focus on that and thats where its going to be. How do republicans position themselves to handle that. Thats why you have elections and everyone sends people to every corner. People have the right to vote their con science. We will start the process of a immigration bill. This is a mistake to say this has to be done in three weeks. Immigration is incredibly complicated. The more you understand it the more you have to relearn things and go deeper. I would be comfortable with a deal and that deal being wrapped up before the summer. I think smart democrats would say lets get this done right and not rush something out the door this. Is complicated policy. Dana will groups on the left, michael, allow democrats the space to let that happen. What is the leverage that the democrats. Have if it comes to it again on february 8th will they vote to shut down the government again . Twothirds of the Democratic Caucus voted for reopening the government. Clearly a third of the caucus is running for president in 2020, speaking to the activist base. I agree with matt. I think a solution that covers the complicated issues of immigration is better than just the 800,000 dreamers. You should get a long term dana maybe we can send you two in there dane a i think the idea of the daca community this is controversial for republicans and conservatives. Giving one person amnesty is a controversial sufpblt donald trump deserves credit for looking at this. They have to make up their individual minds though and we will have a nation wide big debate about this. Dana matt, its interesting to see the republicans working together to get tax reform done. A move good headlines out of that. Then they worked together in unison here. Mitch mcconnel is super insteady. He takes heat on the garland vote and all. That do you think the president and Mitch Mcconnel have reached a way to Work Together to benefit republicans for a tough midterm. Its a unlikely story. I think some of us saw Mitch Mcconnel and paul ryan are steady working with this new outsider president. If they can get the big things right we can transform republican politics and american politics. Agree with you, dana. If they can do something meaningful on him tkpwraeugs as well. That may mean doing nothing without a deal with schumer and pelosi. I think we may overlook the areas they dont we spend time on the meaning less. Its nice to talk about the meaningful. Dana michael f the republicans are smart and figure out a way to put forth a infrastructure plan to split the democratic calk he is will that give you more headaches. We need the roads and wreupblgs fixed. Congress matters. Democrats will come to the table for a reasonable proposal. Dana thank you, so much. Herer and heartbreak at a small town high school. Parents rush to the scene after shots are fired. What police say about the stkaed levi lens. And to democrats lining up against the fbi as they hit rock bottom. Top republicans are freezing out the fbi and Justice Department denying the request to share a memo. The law makers say the agencies have been stone walling demands related to russian investigations. Our next p gues guest tweeting dana texas congressman John Ratcliffe is a republican. Thank you for joining me today. Hi, dana. Dana the fbi, would you like them to see what you have seen in the memo that congressman nunez put together . I think the fbi will have a opportunity to see that. There is a process that hasnt been used before to release the memo prepared by the house intelligence committee. We are working through steps, as you know there are considering interest in releasing the contents of the memo. I am for one always concerned about weaponnizing classified information when were using a process never used before i think we need to move carefully. I have confidence in nunez and others involved in approaching that in an appropriate way. Dana do you know if the memo has been shared with the white house. I dont know. That i know its been available to members of congress, republicans have been in to see it. Not Many Democrats have. Beyond that i dont know who has access or whether its been shared with the administration. Dana i think i read ten democrats have read it. About the text you saw yesterday. There is a little going back and forth about this. Listen to the judge this morning talking about this, if you dont mind. The government owns the mobile device. The government owns the information and the data thats on it. Did they destroy or hide Government Data . This is the same allegation that they, they let mrs. Clinton off the hook. Dana do you think there was malfeasance in the loss of the Text Messages or was it innocent and technical. I dont know, dana. Its possible it was innocent. That it was technical. The problem is its a strange coincidence it involves a period of time and texts that relate to the mueller investigation. When you layer that on other strange and you know fortunate coincidences like the same agents appearing in investigations involving donald trump and Hillary Clinton with a extreme bias against trump and for clinton, that would cause any reasonable person to question the objectivity of the folks involved. Senator ron johnson was talk about the text. There is so much smoke here. So much indication of unbelievable corruption, you know with some individuals at the highest levels of the fbi. Dana one of the text thats he told ryan about was strzok said there is no there, there when it comes to the allegations of russian collusion somewher. I guess finding these texts could help the trump administration. There is a real question here. When you look at the texts in aggregate there is an alarming level of bias involving a couple of folks central to the investigations. I do think its important that we continue to investigate. It validates what were trying to do in this investigation to get answers to the questions. There is so much here thats troubling. Bias is one thing. Acting on bias is another. Going through the Text Messages, dana, there is more than bias. There is an expressed intent to act on. That someone says we need to finish the job, fix what were not able to do, thats troubling. So we need to continue down the path that were on. Dana i know one thing, your back ground in Law Enforcement and all you have stkupb for our country as a u. S. Attorney is so impressive. In some ways i think of what you did then as a investigator and prosecutor, is similar to spokes people. I never like to go out in public as a Spokes Person unless i feel i have all of the information at once. Im curious if you think that, if the memo is released to the public would you support the president declassifying all under it so we have the information at once so it gets beyond the partisan ship and weaponnizing, as you said, of the information. To that point dane a thats a great point. We talk about completeness. We ask juries to look at every witness and document. The memo is intelligent but a summary of Staff Members of the house intelligence committee. I havent seen the actual document. The application in question. I dont know what parts they have summarized. Before i weaponnize a classified information by declassifying it to the public, as you know, dana dana be careful with it. Top secret has a Grave National Security Threat available to the public. We have to be careful moving forward. I would like to see the act youll documents themselves oppose today well written memo. Dana a tkpwraoefplt congressman, thank you for being here. Thank you, dana. Dana President Trump taking action to help american manufacturers with the power of the pen. Why people are angry on his push on trade. And a congressional voting map. How the ruling could help democrats in this years midterm election. Dana fox news alert. A new report claims james comey has met with Robert Mueller for his probe into russian collusion in the 2017 election. A new probe said they met last year and asked about memos President Trump wrote to end the investigation into michael flynn. Joining me now is associate editor and columnist at real care politics. Were getting more information. New york times breaking two stories. One about Jeff Sessions and one former fbi director comey have spoken to mueller. What does this indicate. Are they wrapping things up and why are we hearing about it now. I never know why and how things link. Via sured by people who know Robert Mueller and know how his team ob rates hes very opposed to leaking and has tried his best to make sure nothing is leaked out. A lot of peoples whose lawyers have clients before this special council have definitely been leaking along the way. Think if you look that muller is getting to james comey and the attorney general Jeff Sessions. There is talk about perhaps the White House Legal Team preparing for some kind of discussion, written or live interview between President Trump and mueller it may mean hes coming to the end of his collecting of his findings and issuing a report. We dont know that for sure. We cant know that for sure. Obviously its, it makes perfect sense that james comey and attorney general sessions would have to be interviewed. Dana check the boxes and decide whatever it is, it is. This is happening while the government continues a pace and the economy is fully recovered and robust. People feel exuberant. We are looking towards the midterms. I have to talk about what happened yesterday in pennsylvania. Yesterday we had the state Supreme Court say the districts drawn by the republicans are not acceptable to the congressional map. They have to go back to the drawing board and do new ones. Here is a comment from mike micah dana what do you think . Well nate obsesses offer these and studies them more than we do, dane a the difference is not that much and that seismic. In some of the districts he believes that the antitrump energy in these swing districts will likely give the democrats an advantage. Someone like pat, he has been admitted to paying off a settlement for a staffer in a Sexual Harassment case. Hes in a district that Hillary Clinton won. You can go district by district and make the case for what it is. Its frightening for republicans dealing with head winds and problems of mobilizing voters to defend their majority this fall. Not knowing the result of the three week dead line and perhaps a stay from the Supreme Court with the maps in the districts. Dana the rei republicans hae seen their numbers improve. Democrats hold nearly an 8 point lead. In december that was 12 points. You look at the rcp every day im sure. What does it tell you. The numbers were dismal in december and the first days of january have now turned around. Theyre climbing up. Its making a tangible difference in peoples opinions about what the effect of the package and the economy. What it will be the next few months, out look for economic growth. If that helps republicans and that holds in the minds of voters. Cemented by august, september when theyre making up their minds. That will help the incumbent keep their majority. We dont know what the head winds against them will look like with energy. Remember owe bomb as collision didnt turn out in midterms. Its a question if the antienergy will bring the democrats close enough to bring the house back. Dana we cant predict the future or what will happen on the show. We have to tear up the run down three times with the breaking news. Thank you, amy. Thank you, dana. Dana a 15yearold student arrested and accused of murder after this mornings deadly shooting at a kentucky high school. Two students killed and 19 people were injured. We are live in benton, kentucky. Mike. Dana, its sad to keep track of at tha takayuki testics like. We have the first Fatal Shooting of the 2018. We have the number of dead now standing at. Two a female student died at the scene. Another student a male is you sd to his injuries after being transferred to the hospital. 19 are treated for injuries. Some injuries occurring in a panic as the shooting took place. The shooter has been arrested or identified by police and take neon custody. A 15yearold student. According to police hes charged prelipreliminary with murder and attempted murder. The weapon is a hand gun. Motive is unknown. What is known as announced by kentuckys govern certificate pain inflicted on this community. Governor this is a wound that will take a long time to heal. For some in this community will never fully heal. A former student says there is a common area here at the High School Ad jays ept to the cafeteria, where students gather before classes. If you look at the timing of the first shots. Its before the first bell. Third party information, a student in the high school relaying to his brother, a former student. They were in the common area and where the initial part of the shooting took place. Subsequent the panic students scattered. Hundreds came screaming and running out of the high school. Rick sanders with the commissioner of the Kentucky State Police say students had been through active shooter drills. They responded appropriately. Dana. Dana thank you, mike. So much. Tragic new deals out of afghan stafpblt americans killed in a weekend terror attack. A dire warning about the bull market. Why there would be a meltdown worst then the recession of 2008. More, next. The fox news deck, expecting a White House Briefing in the next hour. We will follow breaking news asset well. Robert muellers team questioning james comey last year. The topic, his memos of interactions with President Trump before he fired him. It has been confirmed muellers team interviewed Jeff Sessions. As far as we know hes the highest ranking official and first trump cabinet member taking questions from muellers team. We will bring you more with shepherd smith reporting see you then. Dana the state department revealing multiple americans were injured or killed in afghanistan over the weekend. Theyre among 22 People Killed in the terror attack. An official said 14 victims were foreigners and 8 were afghans. More than 150 people were rescued or escaped. President trump taking action on trade today. Hefty tariffs on solar panels and washing machines. How does this affect you. Jerry wallace, who better. Every policy decision has up sides and down sides. What is here. Its interesting. We havent done this in a long time about. 16 years with this kind of tariff applied, or tax. Thats what it is for goods coming in from overseas. If youre a Company Making washing machines like whirlpool you can make more. Your product is more economically competitive in the marketed place. Those coming in from outside of the country will cost more. We may add extra shifts for workers and the same with solar panels. American makers will be highly competitive. If youre a consumer and buying the goods you may have higher prices. That could happen. What is more, this could also add to inflation for the general economy. Not a good thing. That may pick up prices for everyone involved. Its interesting when you dig into this. Different people in different parts of the industry right here in the u. S. Disagree whether this is good or not. Dana i read that the governor of South Carolina said he was disappointed. Samsung has a manufacturing facility in South Carolina with 600 employees. They were planning up to a thousand by to 20. The2020. This is hitting the idef adding more employees. Yes. China came to dominate the marketplace. The government got behind them with 47 billion dana environmentalists are to worry. They worry people will stop putting solar panels on their house. Thats right. Dana i thought about this, this morning. William white head of the oecd review board said all of the market indicators look similar to what we saw before the liman crisis but the lesson has been forgotten. Americans feel good about the economy. Confidence numbers are up. You see it daily in the headlines. Are warnings like this to put cold water on or should they be heated . Both sides i will give you here, alright. The markets have gone crazy. The stock market is so high, right. Some people are in dim tated. Something must be wrong, right. Here is the argument to think twice about it. We see Interest Rates creep higher. Our entire economy is fundamentally driven that debt is cheap. If it changes it will change a lost things. One of the things it will change whether its a good idea to buy stocks. People are buying stocks willy nilly. At the end of the day even a small return is a good return. You cant buy bonds. They dont return anything. Instead you go into the stock market. By comparison its a good investment. If that changes maybe that changes where the stock market is trading at. Dana there will be a down turn at some point. Yes. Dana is america better positioned now to handle it based on Lessons Learned of 2008. I dont see 2008 as a exact mirror. The banks were inter relatepugh with mortgage debt. I dont see that happening now. If you thought stocks were going up forever you are just that doesnt happen. You have to be prepared forry venfor it. Announcer take a goot your 401k today. Dana thank you. Mcscreen, the french president is set to visit the white house april 24th. The president and first lady were macrons guest in july. Dana one state pugh mv reported illega illegal immigrae now pushing to put an end to it. And running out of storage space, the issue stumping google researchers. Not for long. The answer lies in their text. Dana a common greeting causing smart phones to froze up in india. One in thee say they run out of space daily. Researchers found it was because of many good morning texts including color images and videos taking up phone storage place. That mystery is solved. Washington state governor is driving a wedge between state and federal employees by not reporting Illegal Immigrants to ice. Theyre taking extra measures to protect Illegal Immigrants . Yes, dana. There was an ou outrage when thy found out the department of Motor Vehicles was sharing information with ice leading to deportation. He put up his own wall to end that practice of cooperation. Washington state does not require u. S. Citizenship to get a drivers license. The pugh mv asks for a birth country. 20 to 30 times a month ice agents would ask for the government records. It was not special treatment. Agency shaeurdz their information with all Law Enforcement. Not anymore. The governor hired a special assistant to make sure all state agencies comply with his directive they protect illegals unless agents have a court order. The president is now threatening them with deportation. This state will stand with the compassion and tolerance we have always felt. There are no, no tolerance for the Deputy Director of the pugh mv. He was many people believed force the out of his job after this all broke. Dana how are the republicans reacting to it all. They are angry saying this amounts to a sanctuary state and people are less safe in washington. Ice have stepped up enforcement in the sanctuary jurisdictions. The head of ice say they maybe violating federal law. A republican state senator agrees. This is like making this a sanctuary state. If were not allowing federal agencies to go after those that are committing crimes in our cities and our communities and our state, thats what it amounts too. There was another change at the pugh mv. They no longer ask people on the application where they were born. Dana. Dana dan, thank you so much. A quick update on a story we brought you minutes ago. A School Shooting in kentucky. We reported 19 students were hurt. Its been updated to 17. Now an incredible gesture of kindness some girl scouts are saying thank to aw law enforcemt officers. The good news you wont want to miss next. A group of girl scouts in florida showing their gratitude to those that risk their lives every day to keep them safe. It started when they saw Orlando Police officers out for dinner. Realizing they had extra cookies, the girl scouts donated them to police. Everyone posed for the picture of the day and a memory to last a lifetime. Thanks for joining us. Im dana perino. Heres shep. Shepard its noon on the west coast. 3 00 at the white house where the news briefing is scheduled this hour. Could be interesting. Comes hours after fox news confirmed the special counsel Robert Mueller has interviewed the attorney general Jeff Sessions about the russia investigation. Its the first report of mueller questioning anybody in the president s cabinet. Were also tracking news that muellers team questioned the former fbi director james comey last year. Today the implications and the white houses response. Plus, the president himself reacting to reports that his attorney general pushed the fbi director to fire his top deputy. The fbi director apparently pushed back. Lets get to it

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