Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180112

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a he said, he said type of thing. you see the pictures at the top when you come on the air, holding a martin luther king day event citing the population to declare monday the martin luther king holiday. again changing the historic site in atlanta to a national park which will make it bigger and allow more people to see its prey to the president in a series of tweets denying that he used the word s-whole. saying, the language used by me at the daca meeting was tough, this was not the language used. saying, never said anything derogatory about haitians other than haiti is obviously a very poor and troubled country. probably should read keyboard future meetings. unfortunately, no trust. but dick durbin put together with south carolina lindsey graham invited by the president to come up to the oval office and talk about daca says definitively he knows where the president said and he used the word s-hole. >> he said, haitians, do we need more haitians? then he went to describe the immigration from africa that was being protected. in this bipartisan major. that is what he used his vile and vulgar comments calling the nations they come from [bleep] holes. the exact word used by the president not once, but repeatedly. >> paul ryan whose family immigrated from ireland sometime ago was not at the meeting, but he did weigh in on the president's comments a moment ago. listen here. >> i read those comments later last night. the first thing that came to my mind was very unfortunate and unhelpful. i see this as something to celebrate, and i think it is a big part of our strength. whether you are coming from haiti, we have great friends from africa in janesville who are doctors, just incredible citizens. and i just think it is important that we celebrate that. >> among the gold filling and global condemnation here at home of what the president said, the president getting some support from senators from arkansas and. they say they were at the meeting and heard something different then senator dick durbin did. sangamon court regards to the comments, we do not remember him saying this exactly, but he calr current immigration system that does not protect american workers and the national interest. they did not say that he did not say the word s-hole, they just said that they do not recall the comments "specifically" which is open to interpretation a little bit. >> dana: indeed. john roberts, you cleared everything up for us. >> glad i could be of service. >> dana: for more on this, the fox news eggs fox news executive editor. welcome to 2018. just like 2017. where you have a crazy political week. the profanity, let's get that out of the way. doesn't matter at all? >> first of all a lot of people do not though -- know this, but s-hole was the name of john roberts college ban. that's why he is feeling so good. people say profane things all the time. whether or not the president use profanity, the profanity is not the issue. it doesn't really matter. what matters here is doesn't make it more or less likely for the president to obtain his objective which is to get through what you promised already to be a pretty rocky few weeks as congress tries to get through a bunch of stuff that they have to get through. remember, we are a week away from a government shutdown. we are also facing issues on daca, which is the said piece here, but also military funding issues. we have obamacare. we have all the stuff that has to get done. what the president said, however he said it, but dick durbin a democrat on who the president must count on boats and support put him in a terrible position and makes the government shutdown more lightly. >> dana: we have been talking about timing on this, and last night nobody denied that this was said at the white house, then this morning, then the president said, no, that was not the language used. that forced senator durbin, or maybe he wanted the opportunity, he went out on cameron said, no, that is what he said. notice that he said, he said type of thing. but there are a lot of things on the congressional plate right now. the president needs bipartisan cooperation to get this done. you cannot do it with 50 votes. >> dick durbin is the man that donald trump needs. that is why he is at the table, dick durbin is the soul of the democratic establishment and has to pay heat from the fellow democrats for negotiating with trump when there are many in the democratic house who say, shut it down. we do not want to deal with this guy. we do not want to negotiate or make any concessions. after comments like these it becomes harder, because democrats have shut down fever. >> dana: i wanted to ask you about some of president trump's defenders said, in regards to those comments, it does not matter. it will not move the needle. they were talking about his base, but when it comes to independence, i wonder if that matters. the politics on the generic ballot shows democrats at a+ 12 advantage. and amy walters of the political report wrote independent voters are not as highly dialed into politics as partisan, their current perception is driven by their feelings about the president. the good news for republicans is that independents are feeling optimistic about the economy. they are much more bullish on the economy than they were at this point and last midterm election. will that be enough to help the president stave off democrats taking over the house or possibly the senate next fall? >> to get to from this week, on tuesday you have the high water mark of the trump presidency to date after the successful passage of tax cuts and the trip to the college football championship. the president holds that a bipartisan meeting, this coming on the heels of that wolff book. and giving questions give-and-take. we say, okay, this is a good moment for the trump administration. may be best moment so far. in the span of two days, the message to the persuadable voters that you are talking about is, no, everything is chaotic. no, in fact we are having a horrible pointless argument about the use of a particular to expletive and whether the president said it or if it is racist or not. and it does not have to do with the priorities that matter to any of these voters. it is not only wasteful in time, but wasteful of energy. >> dana: one of the president's fiercest critics said this is the fall of a great empire. talking about the united states. so there is -- >> we are done? i did not know we were done? i have weekend plans. i can't afford for america to fall. you are telling me we have until tuesday. >> dana: what would you say to people that are overreacting to this on either side of it? it is certainly not the beginning of the fall of the empire, for example. >> if the empire is falling, it has been falling for a while. we can enjoy the holiday weeken weekend. but the other thing is this, there is a lot of money to be made. there are a lot of points to be gained by taking in this current moment outrageous or ridiculous positions or defending outrageous or ridiculous things. if you are interested in seeing the president's agenda implemented. if you are interested in those things happening, the amount of time that you spend defending this is all wasted time. it is all wasted time. you sew up all wrong in data, no, not q cool. moving on. and the time that we spend rationalizing this, if you are republican, you are wasting time. >> dana: you want to talk about the economy. chris stirewalt, thank you so much. >> happy friday. >> dana: fox news alert, revising the plan for the iran nuclear agreement. keeping the current deal alive while lying out a strategy to deny iran a path to nuclear weapons forever. live at the state department, the president has issued an ultimatum to european countries? >> he has coming on the way that this is going to work as the president once changes come of the changing from european -- to the nuclear deal, if he does not get them, then he is going to leave the iran nuclear deal, and on the next 120 days or after. this is the way that the deal works pretty signed in 2015, the united states, european countries coming iran entered into an agreement. every 120 days or so the administration would lift sanctions against iran and suspend them. that would hold the deal together. the president has done that here, but he is warning that this is the last time he is going to do it unless the european governments agreed to make changes. they want stronger enforcement according to the administration. they want no sunset clause. this deal does expire. the trump administration is pushing to make this deal permanent, going into perpetuity. the european governments meant with the iranian foreign minister yesterday in brussels. the remarks following the meetings were they believe that the deal is working and they want to keep it intact. they do not want it changed. we are now waiting to see what the reaction from the governments are as a trump administration has announced this within the last half hour or so. >> dana: the united states is think sanctioning other iranians, what is at about? >> it is a very complicated method. you have to think of the deal as one set. a set of sanctions that the administration suspends as part of the iranian nuclear deal. there is another part to this which is other sanctions that the united states can and has enacted against the iranian regime. the administration has just announced that they are going to increase the number for a whole different spate of iranian behavior, ballistic missile, the head of iranians judiciary. for the actions taken against protesters and the citizens. it is iran's ballistic missile program. all of those other iranian activities, the administration sanctions without of the deal. it keeps u.s. in the deal, but it holds on to the fire on the other set of behaviors. >> dana: thank you so much from the state department today. when it comes to funding for a border wall, president trump is standing his ground saying any deal on daca has to include it. we will ask questions from the border protection agency, what they need to maintain security on the front line. >> there has not been a deal reached yet, however, we still think we can get there. and we are very focused on trying to make sure that that happens. of the president has been clear about what his priorities are. ♪ it's the phillips' lady! anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. ♪ >> dana: the battle over immigration has a hot topic on capitol hill. president trump posted a bipartisan meeting at the white house with two dozen lawmakers. to the president insisting that any agreement includes funding for the border wall. listen. >> it has to include the wall. we need the wall for security. we need it for stopping the drugs from pouring in. i would imagine that the people in the room both democratic and republican, i really believe that they are going to come up with a solution to the daca problem that has been going on for a long time. maybe beyond immigration as a whole. >> dana: let's bring in the acting deputy for u.s. customs and border production. i am honored to have you with me. >> it is great to be here. >> dana: illegal crossings are down, right? >> we have seen it decrease this year, dramatic from november to march, but we are also seeing some upticks from march going forward. >> dana: what do you put that down to you? >> some policy changes that the president has asked for in the four pillars. one is removing people that come as a part of a family group or an unaccompanied child. so those populations we are seeing an uptick in the arrests of those kinds of people, because the system -- there is a loophole that is allowing them to come in. >> dana: have you taken a position on whether there should be separated? >> for all of the other things the decisions are made according to -- >> dana: you have some ideas for what you think should be included and border security. we will have a list here for you. you say building a border wall, increasing infrastructure including roads, enhancing technology like cameras and drones coming in increasing personnel and more agents. do you feel like you have the support from capitol hill, i know you have it from the president, but capitol hill as well? >> we have had a couple of discussions that have gone up to the hill several times and given them a sense of what the president has asked for in his budget for 2018, and we are confident that people will work hard to put an action plan together that needs to be funded. he is looking for 1.6 billion, and that is not just for the wall, it it's not just concrete and steel, but it is hiring new agents, customs officers, air and marine officers, and the wall will have sensors and electronics attached to it so that it is more secure. having agents and the technology and then having the barrier will make the border saver. it will allow our people to work more safely in the boarded environment. >> dana: president trump on tuesday when he had the bipartisan meeting where he let the press cover for about an hour, one of the things that he said was that he knows that you cannot build a wall necessarily through the mountains and the ravines, you do not need it there, that they are all different ways to secure the border, so how different is what he wants to do from the previous three or four copresidents? >> there is about 650 miles of border wall now that was installed in the act in 2006. the president's direction is similar to the language that is in the legislation. so we are going to add some of the gaps that we did not get in that particular laydown and then we will prioritize some new wall across the border where we need it the most. >> dana: this might not be your responsibility, but i wanted to show, one of the problems is not people coming over the border, but entering legally and then overstaying their visas. in 2016, 740,000 people overstayed their visas. what can be done about that? >> the secretary and the president and the white house have asked officers in i.c.e., and cbp and cis what kind of reforms are required. one of those is to figure out what to do with people that overstayed. cbp also has an action for biometric exit. we can see when they leave the country. >> dana: is cbp hiring? >> they are hiring. >> dana: it is a good career, right? >> we are looking for additional custom officers. they can go to and see what the opportunities are pretty >> dana: if you are young person and getting ready to graduate, look at them. >> i loved every minute of it. >> dana: thank you for being here today. president trump denying reports that he used profanity during an immigration meeting, but admits the use of tough language when talking about a plan proposed by a group of senators. what some lawmakers want to see changed and to the dow inching closer to another major milestone. we are alive at the new york stock exchange next. ♪ alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you. yes or no?gin. do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet? 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"usa today" has a report on the jfk files including why the cia once played matchmaker for the king of jordan. and the new yorker has an article about how we are all improving ourselves to death. for my full list of articles follow "the daily briefing" on facebook and instagram. and check out our instagram story. read along and let me know what you think anywhere. if twitter, facebook, instagram. i will take it all. connecticut state police released in their final report into the sandy hook school shooting. we will tell you what it says about the response that day. plus... southern california dealing with another natural disaster. a massive mudslide killing 17 people. more on the search and rescue efforts at finding those still missing. plus... president trump calling the daca deal by a group of senators a big step backwards. more on how they plan to move forward next. ♪ >> thank you all very much. i hope that we gave you enough material. this should cover you for about two weeks. ♪ liberty mutual saved us almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. >>hey. oh, that's my robe. >>is it? 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>> ben cardin, the top democrat on the foreign admissions committee said it is ugly, it is purposefully divisive. it is contrary to our values, and it has diminished united states handing in the world part of south carolina tim scott said the courier back home in south carolina if that comment is accurate it is incredibly disappointing. we are not to disparage any other nation, frankly. another senate republican called it all a distraction. >> what about the higher problem of what we do about border security and daca? what will be tragic in all of this is as washington gets a dictator about why the president did or did not say, we will not focus on border security and dog something for daca. >> the end of another wild week in washington. dana. >> dana: i cannot even remember what happened on monday. thank you so much. a lot of tempers flaring over this. how do we get here after tuesday's bipartisan lovefest. do you remember this? >> if we do this properly, daca, you are not so far away from comprehensive immigration reform. if you want to take it that further step, i will take the heat. i don't care. i will take all of the heat you want to give me. i will take it off of the democrats and the republicans. my whole life has been heat. i like heat in a certain way. >> dana: alexander smith's executive director of america rising. a fox news host and fox news contributor. i'm going to have you listen to me for just a second. mia love, the congresswoman from utah said the president's comments are unkind, divisive, and fly in the face of our nation's values. it is unacceptable from the leader of a nation. and mercedes schlapp, director of communications at the white house had this to say. >> there has definitely been selective leaks, inaccurate reporting on this. quite frankly when you are looking at this it is the fact that the issue on immigration is a tough issue that requires tough talk. >> are you saying he did not use what has been reported? is that not true? >> i was not in the meeting, but what i can tell you is that that language was not, that language was not used. and it is very clear that this is the democrats trying to derail the process. we >> dana: i would like to be in those meetings to prevent the discrepancy from any longer put what you think about all of this? we have had 18 hours to think about it. >> the comments were unequivocally wrong. i think that they are really just owing to an atmosphere of increasing political polarization in our country right now where it is difficult to have a conversation, particularly on tough issues like immigration. the one thing that was interesting that came out of the meeting that is being overshadowed by this comment was the actual plan. and what was interesting to me about the plan is that it showed that republicans and democrats were actually closer on this issue than the ever have been before. so i think that it is a beacon of hope for these daca recipients that are living on the edge and really anxious about their status, but also for hopefully congressional packed comprehensive immigration refor reform. >> dana: maybe they are closer, but in the a block, chris stirewalt was saying for dick durbin, the senator on the democratic side who is trying to pull all of this together, that to the comments are what they are, but they have made senator durbin's job a lot harder to get democrats to come on board. >> oh, i think it will be a hard job regardless. but i want to commend alex for being one of the few republicans who have actually repudiated these comments that the president made. not only are they vile, but beyond that they really do take it down a notch in the world standing. but we have, the thing about africa, the entire continent of africa, we are not spending as much money as china is spending. all we have in africa is our influence. and when the president makes comments like these he takes us down two, three, four notches on that continent. which is key and vital to the international security. number two, on immigration in particular, i think that this sort of speaks to a larger problem that the president has. dana, i have to tell you he is almost allergic to winning. he was so close to getting something done on tuesday after that meeting and after a very good move by him and he destroyed it all by basically tongue-in-cheek speaking yesterday. and now the white house does not really have an answer to it. now it will mull over the weekend and he is going to be dealing with this all next week as we go into a possible government shutdown. >> dana: you don't think he will have something on twitter to talk about in the morning? >> i think that they will be talking about this saturday and lead into the sunday show. it will be talked about on monday. and as we get into january 19th, which is when the government is slated to shut down, he is going to have a problem finding democrats that are willing to work with him. he will also have a problem finding moderate republicans like jeff flake that will work with him either, because they see him as a racist. >> dana: you mean the republican senator jeff like? >> i think that the republicans who have tough races ahead of them are not going to want to work with the president because they are looking out for the reelection. >> dana: i don't know about that, but i did want to ask you -- i might have to give the last word to alex, because you used to be the head of the college republicans. i'm wondering what you thought about this, i will give you topline numbers, trumps approving numbers among millennials is only 26%. i will not go through the other ones. pretty much in line with what they have been. it doesn't have a chance to turn it around if the economy -- it is fully recovered now, if it continues to do as well as it has been, will millennials change their mind? or have their impressions been minted in their brain? >> i have been on the drumbeat that the republican party needs to be better in reaching out to younger people. but you know, particularly with this generation, this is the least ideological generation that we have seen in a long time. so i think that somebody like donald trump who presents himself as a problem solver, the republican congress together they are putting more money literally back in the american people's paychecks, that they are going to see you next month. i think that that could definitely to start to turn things around. they will see that it is not just talk from washington, but actually action. >> dana: richard would probably just agree, but he talked so long i ran out of time. >> thank you. >> dana: fox news alert, the connecticut state police released a report moments ago on the response of the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school. the massacre in newtown killed 20 children and six adults. more than five years ago. david lee miller is live from the new your city newsroom could what are we learning about the tragic day? >> this report was five years in the making. it is called an after action report. it is some 76 pages long, we are still making our way through it. we received it just about 38 minutes ago. but i can tell you that the headline appears to be in the conclusion of the report. to the report states in its conclusion, and i quote now "in summary the response to the attack at the sandy hook elementary school was handled effectively had it not been for their heroic actions of the teachers, school staff, and to the response force the number of victims would have been higher." now this after action report as it is called essentially allows the connecticut state police to take an internal look at procedures and things that were in place that day. that 26 people died and where there is room for improvement. among the things recommended in this report under the title body armor, the report says that to the department provides armor, but the troopers are not required to wear it at all time times. they say armor should be revisited in consultation with unions and the armor provided would not have protected the responding personnel from the type of ammunition that was used at the scene that day. the department should consider making changes allowing for additional ballistic protection. the report also addresses the death my notifications that this was a great source of frustration for so many people and that the policies and procedures in place might have to be modified to reduce what was a great deal of stress and confusion. and lastly, the report is dedicated to the 26 innocent people who died in that particular day. the reports include by saying that their names and legacies should be remember for all time. >> dana: powerful report, thank you so much. deadly mudslides in california claiming at least 17 lives. and days later the situation is getting more dangerous. we will tell you why. plus an affair turned criminal, investigation, why? missouri prosecutors are looking into the governor extramarital relationship. ♪ megan's a lawyer. when it comes to presenting evidence, nobody does it better. she's also this close to finding bigfoot. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for megan, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. rocket mortgage by quicken loans. >> i am greg gallagher amber shepard smith. more on the comments about immigration. paul ryan calling them unfortunate and unhelpful. but lawmakers divided over what president trump really said in the meeting. president trump denying he used certain language. "fox news sunday" anchor chris wallace will join us live plus a president heading to the doctor this afternoon for his first check up as commander in chief. and we are waiting to learn the results that is coming up when i fell in on "shepard smith reporting" ." >> dana: prosecutors in missouri are now launching a criminal investigation. looking into eric greitens extramarital affair. in an audiotape the governor's former hairstylist allegedly accuses him of blackmailing her in 2016. threatening to release nude photos of her if she disclosed the relationship. he denies the black male allegations but admits to having an affair. the search for a survivor continues days after the fatal mudslides in montecito california. many homes and buildings were swept away, but this church held its ground. but as you can see the interior is totally devastated. adam housley joins us live from the hardest hit area. >> it is hard to show this on camera the true devastation in this area. it is unbelievable. imagine if this came down from the hillside where i'm standing. i'm 6'3", look at how big this thing is. it is massive. this is one of the homes that it had to go through. you can see the mud, the tree, the boulders. you can see the orange x on the wall, the unit checked out if somebody was inside. then there is another home, as you go house by house you see the same type of view. the same place as it looks like the house is great, but you come around to the side and you can see a massive amount of mud and boulders that ripped right through it. you can see the fire truck, a part of the urban search and rescue teams. you can hear them yell, quiet, quiet, and everybody has to stop and not even move. no whispers, no cell phones as they tap and try to hear if somebody is inside the ruins. it has been four days. holding out slim hope. very slim for the five still missing and the 17 that have already been killed. >> dana: the story is so sad paid what is next for the residents? >> well, i have to tell you that the cleanup is going to be unbelievable. we have been in a lot of disasters this past year. it is going to be a couple of years before these areas are cleaned up. we know for the next two weeks nobody is allowed in here at least in montecito. 10,000 people live in this area, a lot of expensive homes, but more middle-class homes as well. no one is allowed back in. if you are allowed to stay in certain areas boiling water is in effect for the next future. there's a lot of infrastructure damage prior to some of these boulders, like this one to my left. at that thing is the size of a van, maybe two vans, no way to move that unless you use some dynamite or try to jack hammer it. so there is a lot of damage and of course still five people missing. and while it is unlikely, there is still a slim chance for a miracle. >> dana: adam housley, thank you for your report. take a look at your screen. which of these things do you think is more dangerous? screen left or screen right? my next guest has some very strong feelings about it. ♪ b1 facebook making some major changes to your newsfeed. announcing it will alter the formula changing the post you see in your feed. mark zuckerberg says i am changing the goal of helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interaction. if we do the right thing, i believe that that will be good for the community and our business over the long term too. joining me now, naomi shakespeare schaefer riley. please stop banning seesaws and start banning snapchat. you are the monitor of three. you think a lot about this and putting your kids on a digital diet, what do you mean by that? >> it is the new year and a lot of us are starting diets, maybe it is time to start a tech diet. so one of the things that i recommend with any diet, you have to be very specific at the beginning in terms of the first few weeks and few months, do not make exceptions. if you set out a rule, no screen time on weeknights, do not immediately make exceptions, because kids know when you are weak. they will immediately start asking for more exceptions for other things. we have also said in her house, if you say the words i am bored. our reaction is, i don't care, find something to do. we have lots of activities, books, arts and crafts, sports, you need to find something to do. it is not my job as a parent to entertain you. >> dana: what about -- why did you want to write the book? you have personal experience, but you traveled the country and you found out what other people's anxiety was about the screen time. >> parents are really anxious because they see the effects of screen time on their kids. the research backs this up. on small kids you are seeing worse motor skills, small and gross motor skills but a high correlation between obesity and large amounts of springtime amongst teenagers who are seeing higher rates of anxiety and depression. and to give you a sense of the problem, kids from the ages of 8-12 are spending more than five hours in front of a screen. and teens more than upward hours on screens. we are giving enormous parts of childhood in order to make springtime possible. >> dana: you say in your book that you have to embrace the mess. i don't know if i would be good at that. >> it is very neat and easy solution to all of your parenting problems for me to give a child and ipad and set them down on the couch. i don't have to clean up anything. if i sent my kids down with a lot of paper and pens and paint, there is going to be a lot to clean up. when my daughter was not one years old, she developed a really big interest in ripping up newspapers. it might be a comment on my profession. >> your husband is a columnist, i don't know if that is a good idea. >> she was and 15 or 20 minutes and love doing this. it was a mess, she would be a mess, but there is not a lot that it's going to keep a 1-year-old interested in things. you have to watch her kid and see what kind of things they are interested in. a lot of that is experiential. they are touching, looking at new things, putting blocks together. all of these things are useful parts of childhood. and we are just throwing them all by the wayside in giving a kid a screen instead. >> dana: are other countries dealing with this as well? i'm just concerned -- curious about being ready for the job of the future. if we cut back on screen time for kids when they are young, will they still be able to do the jobs of the future that are coming? >> i interviewed a lot of folks in silicon valley about their own practices with their kids coming you can find a lot about this. there was a famous interview with steve jobs where he said, i don't give my kids ipads. bill and melinda gates held off giving their kids phones until they were 14 years old. we are not talking about teaching kids how to code, we are swiping left and swiping right. and there a lot of parents who think, my kid is so good at this because he understands how to do it at two. if you talk to silicon valley executives they will say that technology is meant for 2-year-olds to understand. >> dana: you think that government regulation has on the horizon protect companies? >> i don't see it immediately. i think that there will be more pressure on the companies to do something. but frankly, i think that this is on the parents to figure it out. we cannot depend on technology companies to regulate themselves on our behalf. >> dana: i would like you to put me on a digital diet. i will try it this weekend. thank you so much. so a 6-year-old boy in texas got a very special ride home after more than two months in the hospital. he was shot several times in the massacre at a church in sutherland springs that left 26 people dead including a stepmother and two sisters. firefighters gave him a lift home and one of their trucks driving the 30 miles from san antonio to sutherland springs with lights flashing, residents lined the route waiting and planting signs welcoming him home. the doctor say that he has the last survivor of the attack to be released from the hospital. we wish him luck. beyond tennessee boy credited as the brains of a very special event. how he hopes it will help in the battle against bullying. ♪ you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we're being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. for mom, the nation's largest senior living referral service. for the past five years, i've spoken with hundreds of families and visited senior care communities around the country and i've got to tell you, today's senior livingnd communities are better than tever.ou, today's senior living communities are better than ever. these days, there are amazing amenities like movie theaters, texercise rooms and swimmingg pools, public cafes, bars and, bistros. exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros. even pet care services. and nobody understands your options like the advisors at a place for mom. these are local, expert advisors that will partner with you to find the perfect place and determine the right level of care. whether that's just a helping hand or fulltime memory care. best of all it's a free service. there's never any cost to you. senior living has never been better. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. call today. a place for mom. you know your family. we know senior living. a place for mom. you know your family. we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice. >> a tennessee fourth grader finding a way to help out any classmates feeling bullied. ben decided he wanted his school to build what he calls a buddy bench. concept is that kids feeling lonely and in need of a friend should sit on it during recess. >> it's so easy to just go to the bench and say do you want to play with me? it's easier for everybody to get along. >> dana: isn't that sweet? the good news, ben drew up a proposal to his principal for the project. then a local carpenter heard about the idea, and volunteered to build it. all right, everyone, make sure you check out "the five" tonight for the always-entertaining facebook friday. we'll see if hi larity ensues. here's trace gallagher for shep. >> trace: fury and fallout after the comments on immigration of president trump using a curse to describe some countries. the president denying he said anything derogatory but insiders say they know what they heard. even the republican house speaker with criticism. >> first thing that came to my mind was very unfortunate, unhelpful. >> trace: meantime, heavy hitters in congress trying to work out a deal on the dreamers. immigrants whose parents brought them here as children, without documents. we will look at the progress on their plan. here in southern california, one sheriff says, rescuers are looking for a miracle. hunting for people who may have survived the

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