And she came back in his place for a big summit and thats where she reminded shes one sandbag away from the top job. Do you feel prepared for that possibility . As serving as Vice President youve had that job. Yeah joe biden will be fine y so that is not going to come to fruition but let us understandui that every Vice President , every Vice President understands that when they take the oath that the they must be very clear about the responsibility they may have to take over the job of beingay president. Hng im no different. Greg you you are but before she ascending throne kamala has to play the game and butter up hero boss. M our president has been an extraordinary leader who has accomplished things that previous president s hoped andas dreams and promised he would do and did not achieve. And i see how his ability to understand issues and weave through complex issues in a wayi that nsso one else can to make smart and important decision ont behalf of the American People have played out. Eopl greg who is she talking about and if you dare get in her way there will be hell to pay. Kamala allies are warning gavin newsom to stay away from a president ial run on theyll Tar Andfelter him as a racist one strategist saying, quote, when you have people who were trying to test the waters, the party rose up and made it clear toater those individuals who are mostly white men that to disrespect the Vice President would not be well received by women and people Ofi Color Withinve the party. They got a little bit of a smack in the face, harold this is by the way great to see you at the table u. S. Open is treating you well. A got a tan i can see. Eati thank you. No so it is good to be racist to pick gavin over kamala but it is not racist to keep supporting the oldest white dude on earth. How do you make sense of this . Good to be back couple of things im not surprised she would sa gooy about what She Sa About Being Vice President andms being ready to step in thatsg what Vice President s do i dont know of any Vice President inha the history of thet countries tew that would not say that twof for some reason biden does notro run, and Vice President harris decides to run, i think sheen would expect hast to expect tod have a numbeexr of competitors because people believe this race here would position in the serve four to eight years. Especially if it is President Trump as a belief on the democrat side that he can beally defeated and so you would have a competitive marketplace which i dont thinn bek should surprisee anyone. N i take issue had i dont think it is racist orke sexest t ho say someone else believes that eve this the goodl and they have the ability to speak to the American People meet them where they are andy help them rise to a differentre point just t because theyre whh male or hispanic male whoevery they may be they have to go before the voters and i understand maybe some hurtay b feelings on some of the party that the Vice President would not be front runner if Something Like this were to happen i thinr President Biden will run for reelection. Ap but pei wouldnt i would say io not one to always reduce thingse toel race and i think this is oe of those moment where is wece ought to show some restraighten. Oh, never. Judge, you know how the vp is supposed to feel like america Insurance Policy it is actually shes joes Insurance Policy right . Isnt that hilarious. It is like he has to stay in because she cant be president. Jeanine why would you impeach joe biden, look at what you get. What is so fascinating is when she says she can tackle the presidency, she is up to it, how can she do that when she has no apparent interest in anything that shes doing. She is the border czar, she hasnt been to the border in 803 days. She had one trip there. According to this new book, theres a part of it that says she doesnt want to work on womens issues or anything having to do with race. Greg i like her now jeanine i think people want honesty. When you get out there and do you say ive watched joe biden and he is in a position where he can handle things and resolve them in a way where no one else can or in a way no one else can come of the guy needs a cheat sheet to figure out when to stand up, went to sit down, when to leave, he was at the awards ceremony yesterday, he left without his mask as he puts the award on the war veteran and he just leaves in the middle of it. Let me say one thing about gavin newsom. Identity politics only goes to a certain length. When they Start Playing identity politics, she is entitled because she has that person to disrespect someone you have to have respect for them in the first instance and im not so sure she has that. Greg what do you make of all this, this is what happens with identity politics, you end up making bad choices and the other choices are kept out to. Danas before when you look e of the polling from democrats about Kamala Harris shes not going to win over republicans but shes also in a position of having to convince democrats she can do it. Thats a harder thing. Its getting very late for any other democrat to stand up a National Campaign other than the Vice President. I think if there was a target of opportunity for someone like gavin newsom to take a shot, that window is closing quite rapidly. Watching her at this event biden is great, whatever, fine. Compare that to what you will see this weekend, joe biden leaves for india tomorrow, a big meeting. You will see his interactions with those leaders compared and will he be in a mask . I dont know. The other thing about this notion that emma kratz would send a shot to gavin newsom saying dont you dare do you remember go back in the Wayback Machine with me in 2008 the late bill richardson, former governor and somebody who worked for bill clinton, he made a decision to endorse barack obama over Hillary Clinton even though he was a major clinton loyalists. Partly because he wanted to win and he thought the way they could win was with obama, turns out he was right to. Greg you go. Do you have any History Lessons . Jesse did she have to wear that funny shirt . Thats why joe didnt go, he didnt want to wear the funny shirt. Greg he is going to india where there are indians. Hell bring bring a peace pipe. Jesse you know how sometimes you have to do your eye test and you go to the lower level. Thats how come all talks and just guessing, shes just leaving gaps in between statements. The answer that she gave on the Vice President being able to take over the presidency i didnt think was good to. Extra sensitivity to the question because hes the oldest president weve ever had to. That answer she showed way too much she just said to joe is healthy i dont even consider the possibility. Now we are doing a segment on it, coming for the throne. Gavin newsom is publicly the challenge of something happens to joe, the money is going to tell you whos the nominee. To see her strut through the pageantry, is the first time i can imagine her as president. Knowing all the ridiculous things she said despite the pomp and circumstance had great choreography, im reminded of the fact that she loves venn diagrams. She has it to europe either, i cant get that out of my head. You have that quote she doesnt want to do anything about race or gender and then she said i want the majority of my staff to be African American and female. Then she quit her border czar job. It doesnt give you a lot of confidence. Greg she didnt want to be around minorities. Jesse is that your interpretation . Greg thats what ive heard on the street. Jesse your sources . Jeanine maybe its reciprocal because they are all quitting. Harold if she doesnt run, she would have to win a primary and if she wins the primary the democratic primary, she would be a stronger candidate and if i were her team i would welcome that challenge. To win over republicans shes going to have to show this is hypothetical, joe biden is going to be the nominee. Jeanine what is interesting is she didnt laugh her way through that answer about being president. She didnt giggle, she always giggles. Shes changing. Greg do you remember when everything was about to imply an . He just lies and lies have you ever seen that much lying . Were they supposed to be better than this . That was pure minutes of lying there with a straight face. Looks like hunter biden is about to get indicted. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Dana Breaking News for Hunter Bidens legal battle, special counsel david weiss telling the judge he plans to indict hunter before September 29th on that felony gun charge. It comes to six weeks after the implosion of the original Sweetheart Plea Deal that was meant to save the first son from going to prison. While hunters legal problems some in the liberal press seem to be looking the other way. Philip Bump Snapping and walking out of an interview after getting pressed on this 2018 hunter text message. What do you take from a text message to his adult daughter, i have to get 50 of my income to pop. I dont know what it means, i dont. Its circumstantial evidence if you prefer that. I have no idea, i dont know. Has anybody asked her . I dont know. What you want me to say . Was a text message where he says i give pop a 50 of my money, thats evidence. Okay fine go thats evidence. Is this the standard, this is the way the Washington Post handles . When i agreed to be on for 4n hour and 15, after a while i go. Dana i have to say i can understand walking out of an interview if you were insulted or disrespected but not because you were presented with the fa fact. Greg not because you were getting your butt kicked. I think what you saw there was the ultimate arrogance of an elite journalist and philip bump. How dare you ask me, im a journalist. How dare you ask me for facts, how dare you expect me to justify my lazy reporting. This guy has been on Journalism Welfare for years hes been wrong on a lot of stuff in the dems have fallen into this excuse ill use a Jesse Analogy sure i go to a strip club but i dont cheat. Thats how they talk about hunter. Hunter is bad but trump is worse and theyve been doing this for years now. Remember sam harris, remember what he said to . He said it hunter literally had murdered children in his basement, he wouldnt care because trump is worse. Its another admission of derangement. Bump is so wrong, he had nowhere to go except to leave. Dana this question hasnt been presented outside of conservative media. Jesse you have to have if youre going to go up against someone with opposing ideology. We have to fight over facts i have to defend everything. These people like bump they dont have to do anything. Theyve never even been presented with a challenge so they get up there, you spar at the gym, you cant go five rounds, you cant go half around. Thats what happens and he doesnt have the chops to answer the smoking done gun document. The laptop which has been authenticated by his boss at the Washington Post. This guys supposed to be one of the top journalists at the post and he has no idea and he doesnt even care its your job to ask the question it gives me life, i watched it 17 times. Did you ask how it felt . Dont do it. Do you want to comment on the philip bump interview or the indictment coming before December 29th . It is a status report and they say given the attempt to guarantee a speedy trial everythings going to be filed has to be filed by September 29th and now the United States attorneys special counsel is indicating he will indict hunter biden by septembe. What is he going to indict him on . They will indict him on the gun charge. Here is the problem and this is just me talking. The possibility of indicting them on a gun charge was i think is appropriate took in five years to get to a Plea Agreement and now they can indict him in 30 days, what does that tell you about the legitimacy of david weiss in his investigation. There is an agreement between the United States attorney and Hunter Bidens lawyer they dont get any smarter than abby lowell. As a prosecutor if i have a Diversion Agreement with a defendant and a defense attorney, its between me and the defense attorney. If i have a plea deal i need the courts permission. As a Diversion Agreement its me and the defendant saying were good to this out. Were good to legal argument on whether or not that indictment comes out, that indictment can supersede the Diversion Agreement. Im not so sure that it can. You dont see the courts approval to enter the Diversion Agreement and they already acted upon it and indeed we have been complying with the conditions of the Diversion Agreement of the gun charge. I think they are in a little bit of legal hot water here. Dana what happens if there is an indictment of hunter biden on a gun charge . Harold i think an indictment on any charges serious. I think the judge what she just said is really important to amplify. The Diversion Agreement abby lowell has already indicated that is going to be an offer of defense he will put forth very soon in a public proceeding. It means there might be something else, this could be a new charge, a new gun charge or some other new charges. I dont know how you get around the judge explained at six singly, i dont know how you get around that. It would seem to be to be foolish to bring a set of charges you know the judge would say you cant do because you had a disagreement. Let me say a couple other thin things. Ive always said if President Biden theres two questions. If he uses official office to help his son and receive benefit for something his son was doing, thats a problem. I think a lot of democrats and independents alike would say so. This guy philip bump behaved like a partisan politician in this interview. Im a believer that we have to have journalists on all sides asked very tough questions but when youre asked a question is a journalist that appends a theory that you may have been promoting, you cant walk out. A politician can walk out but a journalist cant walk out. Its disappointing and disturbing to see that. I know mr. Cromer and others in the congress are asking for i believe mr. Weiss and others to come before the committee and testify as to what happened. And i hope they can show a little restraint because we are finding ourselves i think closer and closer to finding out exactly what has happened if indeed legal charges should be brought. Politics to do nothing but aggregate both sides. If the truth is uncomfortable for me and my party so be it, if its not, so be it. But we cant get there unless we have the Justice Department doing this. Jeanine is the politics that has brought us the truth of all of this and not the Justice Department. All of the information we are getting about the failure to interrogate hunter biden because he got a heads up, all of this stuff about Kate Bedingfield giving answers to eric we at talking about favoritism we are talking about collusion between the white house and hunter biden. Harold thats not what they are investigating. Is the Judicial Branch that did this. When those two parties came before them and said you guys do not have the meeting of the minds on what the disagreement is amount. Jeanine by the david weiss do it . Dana thats the question. Climate change scientist make a shocking admission the democrats will not want to hear. Meet the team. Behind the team. The coach. The manager. And the snack dad. All using chase to keep up with their finances. The coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. Anddd check this out. The manager deposited a check. Magic. And the snack dad . Hes getting paid back. Orange slicesss. Because this team all has chase. Smart bankers. Convenient tools. One bank with the power of both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Its true, though you wont overpay for glasses if you shop at americas best. They offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just 79. 95. The exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. I can see from your expression that you find that shocking. 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Jeanine Climate Scientists make a admission about how Global Warming data gets manipulated to appease the worlds leading academic journals. I left out the full truth to get my Climate Change paper published. He claims woke editors only want to hear certain narratives on the google warming issue like how Human Activity is the primary cause of extreme weather events. The journal that published his piece is pushing back and claiming they only print things based on the basis of the quality and timeliness of their science. Democrats for years have told us to trust the science but between what the twitter files revealed and now this admission, dont you have a question, not even a mention . Its not about science, its about scientific theory. Only certain scientific theories are published because thats where the money is and the money is corrupting everything. Is corrupting the food industry, defense appropriations, you name it. Where the money is, thats where people are going to follow. If you print something that is saying that it may be manmade Global Warming isnt destroying all of these wilderness environments, oceans its not going to be published because then the donations from the politicians and the grants from the federal government to just stop. Youre discredited and ostracized in the Scientific Community for not embedding the same room as everybody else. You have to be really brave now to pursue the truth. It used to be the majority of scientists pursued it, now the majority dont. They pursue the money and acceptance in their industry. Im afraid that youre going to have bad science, junk science and everyone is going to think its real. Jeanine the whistleblowers article reveals what we have been saying all along, that is what the left wing media and academics use Climate Change for their own political agenda. If they truly respected and cared about saving the planet, they would at least be open to some discussion. Harold i make no defense for anyone that does not share all the truth in whatever they may be talking about especially as it relates to climate. I think one of the frustrating things for a lot of people who are reasonable minded is we all know we have some forces in our atmosphere that are working against us. Florida residents are having a hard time getting homeowners insurance, im not saying its because of Climate Change entirely but the ice shelf for antarctica has reduced by 50 over the last two decades. Something is happening. For those Climate Activists who want to get out in front and block roadways to burning man in that part of the country, for those who tape themselves to the ground and not a lot of people to go engage in commerce is silly. For those who say we cant take about energy in a very serious way when we find ourselves engaged in war with ukrainians and the russians, we arent thinking about energy in a longterm way, that is silly. Were going to transition to an Energy Economy over the next 25 to map 30 years but want her it in two to mecca three years. Of these activists arent being productive not only to their message but not productive for the end goal they want. For those of us want energy and not have to fight wars for that we are to being serious if we dont realize that fossil fuels will be a part of our Energy Matrix in the future for the foreseeable future. Jeanine and part of our safety. Who do you criticize, the scientists or the media . Dana i think it goes to one other entity which is what we always say, follow the money. What is the money come from for these studies . It comes from philanthropists who have think tanks. These publications are the gatekeepers to Career Success in the field of science. I think we talked about this before, all of these entities are chasing this money, they all want the money, how did they get them on a Question Mark they have to make sure the donors are happy, they arent happy if youre saying Climate Change might not be the reason are all of these things are happening. He points out about the wildfires being started mainly by humans. And we need better forest management. Basically says i never wouldve been able to get this printed in a publication because of blocks from the editors, the editors get money from foundations or advertisers and it goes right back to them. Jeanine 59 of democrats will say Climate Change is a top priority, how important is the issue of Climate Change as it relates to the Millennial Vote . Greg i have no idea because most of it is virtue signaling. No one here theres a Strawman Argument here when we Start Talking what time is it, 5 34 . Its time to destroy harold ford again. When we are talking about climate, you cant just pick and choose one part of the earth and go oh, my god did you see . The ice, theres less ice here, but then you find out theres more ice over here. They never tell you the measurements all around the hope. No one is saying climate isnt climate isnt changing. What we are saying is Business Model is a monumental drift. Until you are honest with the American People about how you are spending this money, we do not trust you. I do trust harold, i believe what harold is saying and hes being very recent on this. Thats not what the argument is about to. The argument is about, like you said, this is a world based on greed and incentives and you cant blame weak minds and Academic Circles who really want a Fishing Cabin or want a business next to jesse watters. Imagine this year there and you look at people like judith curry or mike or shellenberger and why are those guys such suckers . They are only on fox, they could be on every show. They could have giant books. But they dont, why dont they come to the trough with us . And say this stuff, its unprovable. The models come of the Computer Models we can change them anytime we want, come here, youll make billions. The Inflation Reduction Act was only climate corrupt hoax. Thats a hoax, not talk about Climate Change, im talking with the Business Model. Its corrupt, no one should trust it and nobody does. I think even democrats realize this was a ruse so you can point out all the ice you want, it dont matter. Harold can i agree that the claimant has changed for the worse over the last 20 years . Greg its also change for the better. Harold theres not a place where there is more ice. Greg lets put it this way, more people die from cold weather than warm weather. If youre going to use the ultimate variable which is life span, you would be happy if the plant gets slightly warmer because it makes areas more livable for people. People dont live in frozen areas, they live in warm areas sometimes it gets too hot they got to get out. I destroy you and i feel bad about this. Jeanine we love harold. Harold the water is hotter today than its ever been two jeanine what that he say . Americas worst former mayor has a new job. Lori lightfoot teaching kids at harvard on how to run a city, into the ground. This is not just online scheduling. This is vaccines made easy. For those whove got plans. I was told my Small Business wouldnt qualify for an erc tax refund. You should get a Second Opinion from Innovation Refunds at no upfront cost. Sometimes you need a Second Opinion. [coughs] good to go. Yeah, i think ill get a Second Opinion. All these walls gotta go ah ah ah id love a Second Opinion. No. Im going to get a Second Opinion. With Innovation Refunds, theres no upfront cost to find out. So why not check like i did for my Small Business . Take the first step to see if your Small Business qualifies for the erc. 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Just like when she said she will only grant oneonone interviews to black and brown journalists. When i look out across this podium as im doing now, i dont see much in the way of diversity. To suggested that somehow im saying certain journalists are racist, really . The facts are the facts. Jesse do you think people are knocking each other over to take this class in the fall . Jeanine probably come as harvard. Only at harvard would they have the doors wide open for people who have been voted out of office and think they should be teaching the next generation of leaders how to run a city, how to run a corporation. Bill de blasio did a real mess in New York City i believe is a lecturer in harvard. Dealing with the media . She says ill only talk to black and brown people and not white people, how not to run a city. Carjacking went up 204 while she was the mayor. Shes a mess. Jesse shes taking a course in Health Policy and leadership, where do you think she has those credentials . Harold well see. Im a bit of a contrarian, i think people whose campaigns and people who have rocky tenures may have something to offer. I think kids and young people and those studying Public Policy and public leadership ask her the tough questions. I would love to go up and audit one of the classes and ask what did you do so wrong to make people turn on you four years later . Do you think it was crime, a lack of health care serious, what would you have done differently . You obviously ran on an agenda and you didnt achieve the things he wanted to achieve. Her answer may be she blinked out on everybody thats not the model. I hope she gets honest answers. Jeanine she would only take the question from you. Jesse we will send him undercover at harvard. Dana think about any republican who leaves in administration and goes to work for an oil company or a Pharmaceutical Company or lobbying for something, some sort of big auto thing. Jesse or fox news. Dana 100 . They will say this is a disgusting revolving door. What happens in liberal circles . They all go to academia and you wonder why americans writ large are saying what is going on with the problems with academia today . On this very day, harvard was named worst school for free speech, scoring below zero after nine professors and researchers were disciplined or fired for voicing controversial opinions. This was done by the foundation for individual rights and expression. I think it would be a great question to put to her, do you regret saying you would only take questions from reporters based on their skin color for that day, do you regret that . At center off, that was the beginning of the end of her tenure. Greg this is weird, i thought she had a career in modeling. Thats fire you go no, its foundation for greg thats the best thing ever. In this landscape of dk every incompetent leftist has a sixfigure or sevenfigure safety net. Any squad member that exits congress will have a seat on some board of a company. Your life is set unlike you, if you go to the capitol on january hat, you go to jail but if you preside over the mass murder of young blacks in the city while extolling racist principles you get seats at the university and lucrative speaking gigs, thats how it works. Jesse Liberty University has said if theres anything happening to you at fox are as a plum Teaching Assignment waiting for you. Greg i got a call from devry, they are willing to give you a seat. Jesse coming up, meet your new Robot Coworker or overlord. Fastest is up next. Hi need new glasses . Buy one pair, get one free at visionworks how can you see me squinting . I cant im just telling everyone . Hey buy one pair, get one free for back to school. Visionworks. See the difference. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. 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Husband asking if he is the a hole for getting on a plane without his wife because she was running late to get starbucks. Do have a strong opinion about this . And greg youre with your girlfriend, i can understand. Heres the deal. I did this once on a train and i could still see my wifes eyes looking at me when i boarded and i realized i was getting nothing for a month. In my defense and i think this is so important and every man understands this. Who the hell gets coffee at a starbucks when youre bored and, when you know the line as they are, were going to wait for you while you get there and then you try to make up your mind . That is the most selfish thing of the world to do is to order coffee why do you need coffee at the airport, do you needed to stay awake . Ive got stuff to do. And they serve it on the play play end. To important people jesse. Dana thankfully peter and i have the same sense of timing and desire to be where we are in on time, we dont get there too early but we never push it to be too late. If you got on a plane without me that would probably be something but i also find you have to have consequences for people who are always late and going to starbucks at the last minute. Jesse theres an argument to be made that if the man stays on the plane he might have a better chance of keeping the plane from taking off while his wife is hurrying. And getting a better compartment. Do agree with the set of arguments . Jeanine i wouldnt be upset, there would be an agreement to. If you want to get coffee and i will see you when i see you. Its like every man for himself. Stay in line, get another flig flight. Harold you speak like a woman who left her husband. [laughter] one more thing is up there are some things that go better. Together. Burger and fries. Soup and salad. Like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. 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But about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. She was always out of breath. Thats when i decided to introduce the farmers dog to her diet. Its just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. Now shes a lot more active, shes able to join us on our adventures. And were all able to do things as a family. Get started at betterforthem. Com gre dana. Hair jesse, what does he have a hairpiece or not. He ck[laughter] we are not sure but check out this woman her name is tammy. Tennessee nurse recently set a record for the longest competitive mullet for a female. Her business in the front part in the back hairdos that they say that . Impressive 5 feet 8 inches long left tell her that her periods earning her spot in the 2024 world book of records per giveaways to to go shes growing hewingr hair early 1990s. Approximate a call for some advice because its weird having that hair if you are a nurse ger that at a wound . I dont like that. Tonight gutfeld joe bakke, audrey grewal, tires 10 00 p. M. Its going be a great show print lets do this. Bee gregs bee sting knows it. A lot of bees around town. End. This is my hand this weekend, checngk that out. Ive not been stung by a bee and 30 or 40 years. Theyre often attracted to bright colors. Especially blue you know my eyeo are blue, jesse look at them m every day. Er longer use my fingers. I of that be 100 bucks. Jesse . Well done. The government controlled the weather . I primetime investigation. [laughter] not a joke like your bee stung hand this is serious. [laughter] con thats it . La congratulations to captairrn larry taylor the 81yearold whr was awarded the Medal Of Honorro president ial Medal Of Honor Last Night for his bravery during the vietnam war. Tennessee throug h his attack helicopter the enemy fire to save for members of the Reconnaissance Team almost certain Death In June of 1968. Captain taylor defied orders to return to base and risked his life to carry out the mission. 3500 u. S. Militate personnel have received the military Medal Of Honor of 40 million who have served since the civil war congratulations young fellow. C defying orders toan get you award. If you save lives progress is good information. Approximate get one tomorrow. [laughter]k th art judge kuester. Check this out for 19remo hundredyearold swords are diordiscovered a remote cave overlooking the deadn sea and h An Israeliae Desert but Leadinge Archaeologists believe they are the rose up against roman war. Overlooking the dead sea was ais hideout for jewish rebels against the romans whoy controlled but within judea. Second century a. D. And in calling Charlton Heston ques . That excalibur the folktal . They should test those swordsha and see if that is excalibur. Restaurant part of the world big idea for vaccination jewish booty. The always beat me to the punch. [laughter] dont worry well do it together n ho can do the show from not jewish . Looks good . Whif you are roman . That is it for us. Have a great day. [laughter] at least 1300 people are dead after a 6. 8 magnitude earthquake ravaged morocco that could rise as rescue teams did to the rubble. I am jackie and for john scott and this is the fox report. The quake is the biggest you hd the North African country. The quake is the biggest of the North African countr

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