Hopefuls are ready for football on the iowa state campus for the game against iowa. Former President Trump you see going football, burgers and a fraternity, what else do you do at the iowa state . Inside to rev up the frat brothers that alpha gamma rho. Then a huge crowd chanted usa as he went in the stadium where he signed more autographs before heading into the game. Also inside the stadium, parking lot Vivek Ramaswamy meeting up with tailgating fans. Lets go Vivek Ramaswamy rising in the calling for the gop primary including one from Iowa State University of this week that puts him in fourth place behind trump, Florida Governor ron desantis and nikki haley. The truth is, we are all on the same team. The question is, how do we take for the . Governor desantis tailgating with the fans in the parking lot telling reporters quote, we are having a good time, quite an atmosphere, probably more civilized than the Florida Georgia Game he said. And he went inside and sat in the stands next to governor kim reynolds has not endorsed any candidate yet in the republican primary and going to trolley. She has appeared alongside the governor. Lets talk gop politics in this race heating up. God, you know what i often hear from trump surrogates . Primary is over. Is it . The primary is not over. Voting hasnt started, the game is. Iowa went on the road and i was state 2213, w for the Big Ten Conference there but i understand why Trump Supporters would try to make the argument is over because virtually all pulling, hes in a dominant position and someone has maybe a little here but the top line is not close so if this continues to sort of move along at this pace than donald trump obviously is by far different winter to win the nomination but premature to make declarations yet but someone will have to make a move in a serious way. Consolidation from the non trump candidates. A few dynamics could change the race but if you are a betting person, betting on the game is one, betting on the race, clearly the best bet is donald trump. Thats what i wonder, what does the candidate have to do right now to make that breakout moment . Not a lot of time before the primaries kick off. What do you do besides go to debate . Im sure Vivek Ramaswamy, im not sure they let him on the stage. If anyone wants to be the person take on trump, they have to take on trump. Everybody is trying to thread the needle of dont want to alienate his base but they are quietly hoping he will go away if they were clearly on the same team as Vivek Ramaswamy said, they wouldnt be running against him, they consolidate behind him. Today is reflective of where we are in the primary right now no one is running for president , they are running for Class President , trying to do popular things. If you know anything about how bitter the iowa, i was State Rivalry can get, nobody cares about that, just a couple of guys drinking a beer in the stands. Thats all it was but nice photo up. Its cool to see them. Contrasted against what joe biden is doing on a saturday waking up in the middle of his night to be. This looks better. Whatever time it is in india right now nicole, i thought was Interesting Team biden harris and asked Kamala Harris will go to colleges and universities to get the used boat out. Smart, shes going to battleground states. Here is the thing, i dont know its going to cut through the age factor is become an issue for democrats for this president but at the same time, its an issue for republicans because youve got big leaders the race in their 70s or 80s. First of all, you have to go to i will because of something theyve done historically since 2000 every democratic primary is gone, they become the president ial nominee. We know President Trump in 2015, he didnt win iowa, ted cruz did but took sent and that pushed him, people started taking him seriously and right now theyre just going to the motions. Trump doesnt need to be and i was doing this, is obviously posturing but you are correct that when you look at iowa voters, they are older and mail but the gop has a problem with the younger female boat and Kamala Harris is doing what they need to and shes doing this college tour going to ten different states and oncologi oncologists. They have to talk about elephant in the room, abortion rights and i know republicans dont want to talk about it because its a hot topic but means something to a lot of americans and president terms base may be all for federal ban on abortion but a lot of republicans and independents and democrats are not other than nikki haley, no one is taking pragmatic statements. She articulated that position if you get support from the other side but reading into what you said, they shouldnt be out of football game, they should be at taylor swift concert. I will, i was state. Let me pull up this pull from the state of iowa, 2024 i will caucus choice, 51 is the leader of the former president and then you go all the way down to 14 and there is the govern governor. Its not shifting, it didnt shift much after this first gop debate. I dont know what happens after the second debate but somethings got to happen before we come back to the question of, what is this all for . Iowa is a must when it for ron desantis. Other polls show closer, trump is up 20 but not of 35 or 40 in iowa. Desantis, their Campaign Said hes visiting all 99 counties, hes got a good trunking and the stories this week and political talking about trump folks getting worried about their own in the state of iowa so if desantis has any past to the nomination it has to start with not just respectable showing but w in iowa, hes got a Long Way To Go and its a tough road to go but they are putting their eggs in that basket. I do wonder, pulling out in the next week or so, is there bounds for dissenters out of the hurricane in his home state, extremely well, do voters see that, do they care . That was a big moment for him. Switching back to the democrats, not a fun week for the preside president. That pulling but also headline from the New York Post and the headline is, who is the president an Alarming Number of americans dont know and i believe that was one of the top searches it at google, whose the president . People have no idea which is crazy but these numbers coming out indicating the president not doing well in the economy, obviously age is a factor. All these things are going against him still neck and neck with former President Trump. Why . The most disturbing part of the study of who is the president is one of the google searches from joe bidens computer. [laughter] whos in charge around here . Was going on around here . This is the problem when you look at the democrats, they dont want him running obviously republicans arent a fan and doesnt abbott the right now in the selection, the democrats are waiting for something the way republicans are. If this is a trump biden thing and it does feel inevitable, theres no enthusiasm for that so the issues they have at the white house is the outside perception is he has to go. Inside is he wants to stay. He probably should split the difference in the early like he did at the service the other day. Dont want biden to have a second term, not even most democrats but unfortunately there are people are not going to vote for trump no matter what and they will vote for any democratic person they put up there so thats why its important the gop consolidate as they said youre all on the same team and the how to tackle the issues that matter, not just talking about indictments and things being unfair and President Trump has to get back to talking about the people and not unfairness as an individual. Thats what we are talking about, its not just about the primary season and the gop party and who gets the nomination, it is about the general and thats what they keep saying, can President Trump when the general . Thats the key question so we shall see. Coming up, the boss of Chicago Teachers Union was touted Public Schools in the windy city. We are mothers and we send our children to the chicago Public Schools. Okay, so what in the world is she doing sending her son to Private School . Hypocrisy Takes Center Stage next on the big we can show. horn honks im the team mascot, and boy, am i running late. But ive got lead in my foot and spirit in my fingers. Woo ha ha what a hit and if you have cut rate Car Insurance the cost to cover that, might tank your season. So, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. laughing woo the allnew Ergo Smart Base from tempurpedic automatically responds to snoring. So, no more hiding under your pillow. Because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. For a limited time, save up to 700 on select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. In. Welcome back, thanks for watching. Chicago Teachers Union President Drawing Scrutiny for sending her own son to Private School but she went cold School Choice supporters fascist and racist but heres a flashback of her defending of explosive. We are mothers and send our children to the chicago Public Schools and live next door to you so we work, we live next door to you, we are raising our families in the same neighborhoods. Think about who we are. Thinking about who she is and where she sending her own, Stacy Davis Gate not on the controversy was forced to Center Central Credit Market Calling for her resignation will nicole, this woman will literally hold made the case for School Choice. I want to read what she wrote in a letter to her members to try to explain herself. Heres the Teachers Union president of one of the most unions in the country, this was the excuse. Heres the truth if you are living as a black family in the black community, high quality neighborhood schools of the dream, not really my husband and me, it forced us to send our son after years of attending Public School to private high school to live out his dream of being a Soccer Player while having curriculum that can meet his social and emotional needs even as his sisters remained in Public Schools. Nicole, shes like our family decided whats best for our son for these reasons, sent him to this Private School like yes, thats the whole argument. Its amazing she said it this way. I need to do a plug, i went to Public School and my friend alan gordon also went to Public School and he graduated and played alongside for the l. A. Galaxy so you can become a soccer star going to Public School but i digress. I want to talk about nancy pelosi getting her hair done when salons were closed and gavin newsom dining and French Laundry while no one else could dine indoors and Randi Weingarten going to ukraine to talk about the Education System while her policies have essentially failed the children here in the United States and this woman whos saying its racist to support Private Schools and not support School Choice. I am so glad her son can go to this school because she believes the school is better for him emotionally and academically, isnt that wonderful for her child . She just needs to step out of the way so others who cant afford to send their child to a Private School they could have School Choice because when you decide if you have School Choice and are involved in choosing the school for your child, all of a sudden that parent is more involved in the childs academics and more tailored to the individual so hands down gravel, im glad your son goes to that school and thank you for supporting will do it as well. The Public School doesnt serve his needs. It cant afford it, tough luck. They wont force you to stay previously said School Choice except apparently for herself and her family, that drives me crazy. Im curious, did the Chicago Teachers Union president not expect anyone would find out. We docks everything this video in 2007, how did she get away with this . I appreciate the admission is failing the students saying the schools have never risen to the level they wish they would for their own health but this is the part i come back to, i care about this issue. Reckless with grace in the state and age. She specifically called Private Schools Segregation Academy and that carries an emotional weight when you depict something as such and then turn around and send your son to a Segregation Academy like are you demanding a separate fund for them, too . They would seemingly be pro segregation, discussing, and the problem is the people who claim to be helping minorities are the ones harming them the most by denying them School Choice you are knowingly harming them theres no doubt, she admits they will be harmed by staying in Public Schools so its almost like i hate to do this but happens to be a lot on the radio, the one issue that drives me crazy because it brought. The people on the right who want School Choice hate black children the black children are suffering are being denied School Choice so its projection and i hate racial projection. You said exactly, how did she think she was going to get away with it . Thats the thing, it rules for the but not for me so she doesnt think its a problem, shes okay with that. Shes harming students, thats it. Shes playing defense but you are saying and nebraska for example, some of these unions are on offense. This is why i say Pay Attention to your local news and study up on whats going on in your district and know what you are walking into when you walk into the ballot box and make those choices because in nebraska, the largest Teachers Union got together and said we are going to fight back and got enough signatures to basically be able to put on the ballot next year, a repeal of the law that allows this money to go into School Choice. They feel its taken from Public Schools so they are fighting back. Its not just parents saying theyre going to get involved and take responsibly for what happened, teachers are getting involved so be aware of whats happening. Teachers unions against parents, Pay Attention, nebraska voters. Coming tomorrow on Fox News Sunday, Shannon Breen examining the state of education, exclusive interview with Glenn Youngkin On Kat Plus A Panel of Lime County Parents in virginia, Fox News Sunday heirs 2 00 p. M. Eastern time here on fox news channel. Up next, Corporate Executive using good old cup of joe to see if Job Candidates are worthy to work for him. The tactic hes employing growing up controversy and debate, our takes next. I suffer with Psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis. I was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. Cosentyx works for me. Cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis or psoriasis. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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Sometimes, its hard to tell on your own. Dont mess with your melon. If you hit it, get it checked. There you are. Welcome back to the big weekend show. This one has controversy brewi brewing. One Corporate Executive interviews perspective Job Candidates and bring them to the kitchen and offers a cup of coffee. Then hell decide whether or not to hire them if they offer to take the cup back to the kitchen at the end of the interview. Are unlikely to get the job and the concept is going viral. The executive talked about it a few years ago on a podcast saying its all about attitude, you can develop bills and knowledgeable parents that does come down to attitude and the attitude we talk about is the concept of washer coffee cup. Make sure youve got a real sense of ownership and thats what i was looking for. Let me start here, ill get to the panel. This is a boring executive trying to make himself sound deep and interesting on a podcast because this is a garbage move. Ill start first, you can miss a phenomenal candidate if they dont know a thing they dont even know they have the option to wash the cup. Candidate dodged a bullet like no, im sorry. I totally understand the concept of being a teammate, treating your workplace like your house, see trash on the ground, wake up, i always do that but first of all, what company has real coffee cups in the kitchen . We have paper cups. No, no. Onset. Shes right, in an interview with the elect an Interview Somebody showed up to your offering is not her coffee cup so why would they go back to the kitchen hes trying to sound asleep. Think of how many other executives would think you were a weirdo if you left and went into the pantry and started doing dishes . I have a question, what do you do with your outnumbered mug . Sometimes a person comes around to collect them and other times i work in but it depends and thats the other thing. These candidates dont necessarily advocate but. Are we not supposed to steal those . [laughter] if you were interviewing people, would you be more concerned with what they put in the cup . Like okay, youre perfect in every way, we really need you but she left the cup so you are out. It doesnt seem the best plan to hire the best candidate and the other thing, i think its a good thing to chip in and do your part and all that, absolutely but when youre in a highstakes job interview, your notice, not your normal self, so focused on what youre saying it might slip your mind to do Something Like that and its not a reflection of how you behave in real life so it seems i can attest that stupid because think about this, lets say youve got to work Interview Candidate in your life the interview is over, they wash everybodys cup like youre hired. Cant spell, cant read but i see my reflection. Watch these mugs. Kind of got something, when we interview Medical School candidate and see if they wash their hands after using the restroom because you want to make sure after going to the restroom. [laughter] just kidding. Let me tell you, my kids at home, they better pick up their cups and put them in the sink and rinse them in the dishwasher but a job interview, come on. Everybody is nervous, its not a reflection. If that cup belongs to you, if it was a paper cup, i would thrown away like clean up after yourself. Leave it, i still try to clean up my mess because what about this, what if you dont drink coffee . Guidelines and doesnt drink coffee so do what do you do . Does he test you whether or not you washout your flask at the end of the interview or are you disqualified immediately . Sorry, no coffee, you are out. You cant come in. I stick my my original theory, i thought you might dissuade me but its an executive, they want to sound more fascinating, a blind guy. What im saying, believe there was another gear, maybe i wasnt seeing, im open to being wrong is what im saying but im willing im right here who should have the sky on . Yes, call him back he might hate the Shelf Database Will in the chair during the commercial break, i dont go on the shelf. I guess he wont come then. Just for this, im going to dirty up my cup during the commercial break. Coming up, bidens answer spreading his drink. Drumroll, intercontinental railroad. Amtrak joe rising all the way to the g20 next. psst psst ahhhh. With flonase, allergies dont have to be scary. Spray Flonase Sensimist daily for nondrowsy, long lasting relief in a scentfree, gentle mist. psst psst flonase. All good. Okay, again, this is a status bar. This is a search bar. Lets know the difference, okay . Social media, it can be overwhelming for a young homeowner turning into their parents. What does it mean to slide into someones dms . Mm. It sounds like a lot of fun. Okay, were not ready for that. As a team, well get there. It might be a fruit emoji, but that doesnt mean theyre talking about fruit. Oh. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. Do you really think we need 47 photos of fun dinner at pams . Yes. No. You know, you dont have to wear your pt gear anymore, right . Its comfortable. So, hows civilian life treating you . Its fine. When i got out, i didnt wanna admit that there was anything wrong because i felt like a failure. And then, i realized theres nothing to be ashamed of. So, i started talking to someone. Maybe you are fine, but if youre not, its okay. Thank you. If you or a veteran you know needs support, dont wait. Reach out. Find resources at va. Gov reach a rainy saturday night here in New York City but welcome back to the big weekend show. Time to get on the green train. While at the g20, President Biden of the g20 summit President Biden plans for new train connecting india with The Middle East in europe. Vision courts across two continents unlocking endless opportunities including making it easier to trade, export clean energy, expand access through clean electricity. Someone once said in a similar domestic action that was positive, this is a big deal this is a real big deal still a real big he says that job will calling out Climate Craziness on his most recent coming up plan to tax electric vehicle drivers by a mile every mile you go, you have to pay a certain tax because electricity is curated by something that generates carbon so the idea that this is supposed to be carbon free is because often times full Power Electric plans firing up extra because so many people need electricity for electric cars. Isnt that why they say you should buy an electric car for less carbon and now they tax you for it . Always entertaining. When President Biden, they were talking about this Railway System they hope to get throughout connecting india to The Middle East into europe and they talk about Billing Infrastructure and hopefully increase trade in poor countries but President Biden form continuing to talk about how it is green energy and new green deal, thats what it feels like. This was a memo today on it, the quarter will increase efficiencies, reduce costs, enhance economic unity, generate jobs and lower Greenhouse Gas emissions. What you make of this . Clearly to counter chinas bell Road Initiative so thats fair and everybody understands what he would push that. Here is the thing about this administrations priorities and i will go off track a little bit if you dont mind, when is this president going to talk about whats actually happening in these countries like human rights violations, massive amounts of rights in india, within china, saudi arabia . Hes been in india a little bit now in the president has not held a Press Conference yet because he doesnt have to. He doesnt take questions, he barely wanted to take a question here at the white house. These are the things we need to take on and talk about before we talk about green energy and things like that. I understand the china impact and why they push it but you can do all of it at once, you dont have to pick one thing and be blind eye to everything else. You have to hold them accountable especially places like saudi arabia people talk about all the time, 9 11 or Jamal Khashoggi but this administration doesnt want to tackle it. I think shes right in the fact that he continues to only be like a bobble head for democrat Talking Points and right now but the care about mostly is green energy and other things that arent necessarily for the betterment of the United States and the world. If its a countering china move and helping india move in that same vein, make that case because you might get some bipartisan support. I did notice in the soundbite i think he was making a reference to his own moment from obamaca obamacare. No one got it and no one laughed, that was weird. Im also aware political nerd so be i was the intended audience. Can i talk about the oregon proposal taxing by the mile . Not only do i think its bad policy, it goes back to what we talked about with School Choice for elite on the left often espoused policies and ideas that the people they claim to fight for, the little guy this is regressive. The least able to afford this taxation are Working Class and poor people who need their gas powered car to drive to work. They will get hammered by this. In pursuit of a pie in the sky green agenda, its going to actively hurt people and we are seeing realignment in this country with working people moving to the republican party, exactly because of stuff like this. Senate bill 945 making its way through Oregon Senate and if passed, it would create electric car owners to charge them based on how many miles they drive but according to the center for Climate Energy solutions and epa, do you know the number one emitter of carbon is . Electricity. Not transportation so all of a sudden, to fuel electric cars, you have to burn more coal and higher emissions to fuel the electricity and we saw the Electric Grid Go out a lot across the country. Everything is counterproductive, cracking down on Domestic Energy production here, the countries we import from produce at 42 busier than we do so we are not only outsourcing production to a failure source but using additional fuel to get back into the country so we are exacerbating the problem but what they tell you about Climate Change is the public isnt on board with their agenda because it involves a forced complaint whether we tax you until you behave or regulate away your stove, that their take on Climate Change, they had to insert the government into every aspect of our lives. Democrats like to say when it comes to abortion, government should stay out of the better. Find thats how you feel but if they have them in my kitchen and pantry and garage, we put out a rap album this week and saying we hang out all the time not. I dont know how far electric car drivers are getting because they are not going far anyway, every electric car driver i know doesnt flow Long Distance because you have to stop for hours and recharge. They dont do long trips. In oregon, tax them by the tent city, a quarter for every tent city. Maybe we need to keep super going our feet at the u. S. Open. Coming up, take your paws off my pub. Cloned dog is a big bone of contention. start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. I need it cool at night. You trying to ice me out of the bed . Baby, only on game nights. You know you are retired right . Am i . Ya the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only 999. Plus free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now only at sleep number. Do you ever feel dehydrated and need to feel better quickly . Liquid labs from force factor hydrates better and faster than water alone. And, liquid labs is delicious, easy to use and affordable. 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Forgive me if im shy after my last date with my father. At least look at your profi profile. Thats my High School Graduation picture. Thats all i had. That for your wedding photo. The lectures carol . Everyone lifted claims to be at least voluptuous. Some gorgeous inside or out. Seeks special man to share starlit night. You must love dogs. We are trying to figure out what that had to do with anything. [laughter] not a lot of serve. Lets get back on track, a recent article highlights a couples divorce battle and heres the headline, Authority Question of custody is complicated by the fact that the reader adopted the original dog but her ex paid a majority of the 50000 needed to clone it. Its 2023, we dont know if theres aliens but we are closing our dogs and fighting over. 50000 to clone your dog these two should Stay Together because theres not a lot of options for dog owners. Its weird but number two, ill solve your problem now, clone the dog again. And i read this story is weird. Can i read this excerpt from this guy . He says as a dog group older, we joked about cloning her to keep her in our lives. When my dog turned 12, we combed her and then came the breakup. In keeping the older dog, we cant agree who should take the younger one. I think of her as part of my dog and i want to keep her. He argues its selfish of me and we should each get a dog in the breakup. He paid most of the cloning cost, 50000 and we share dog care. Who are these people . What is going on . It all. I dont understand the cloning. I love my dog very much. One day hopefully many years from now, hes one and done. Totally adorable. You get another dog dont spend this money but its his money, he spent it. If he forked over 50 grand for this, he gets to keep the cloned dog. At least one dog. He has the original recipe dog, shes admitted to that, she has the og. He has the spinoff basically. If he paid for the spinoff, he gets the spinoff, no argument that psycho because first of all, we agree its weird to clone your dog but of course to say that i didnt know that either. That was my biggest russians i hang out on weird websites, ive never heard of this. Its not popular. We get a new dog every several years so we always have one at various stages so right now andy is our lab, hes like six and woodlake is to now so we will probably get another one in four or five years. We show bixby wheres my dog . There he is. Buckeyes jersey, good boy. This is my excuse i can share tonight and ask why i dont have a dog and i will say i want to get a divorce and have to share the cloned dog because obvious obviously. A lot of people dont know that but thats what the disney movie 101 Dalmatian was about, they wanted a second one and the next thing, look at all these dogs. This is my best friend dog. Acute frenchy i will see later and i will give her kisses and hugs and i might take a little bit of her dna. During breakup, what have you found to be the hardest thing you had to fight over . Ive never had a breakup of a relationship long enough to fight over something. Its just sad, its over, move on. Hopefully i dont experience that. The hardest thing me and my ex fought over was a brunette like how dare you . Im kidding. The most contentious things are tense because of the emotion. I think its friends, the friend group like lucas to remain friends with the Friends Group . Ive never been divorced. I havent had that. Im applying this knowledge to my premarital Dating Career but we have some things in place like if we breakup, we will slip the house, shes going to get the inside and i will get the outside. Forget the dog, thus the question. He probably wants to go with her, im man enough to admit he liked her better but its a dog, im a piece of bacon away from winning. Big weekend flops of next. Be right back. Bass pro shops and cabelas stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. We extend our gratitude. Beyond words. By proudly offering a legendary Salute Discount to those who protect our freedoms. Our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. Its not just a discount. Its a commitment to making a difference. Because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. Bass pro shops and cabelas. Your adventure starts here. The allnew tempurpedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. So, no more sweating all night. Or blasting the air conditioning. Because the tempurbreeze feels up to 10 cooler, all night long. For a limited time, save up to 700 on select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Mental health and Learning Disorders are the most common illnesses of childhood and adolescence. 1 out of 5 young People Struggle with disorders like depression, dyslexia, adhd, ocd, eating disorders, and anxiety. 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First, a passenger but is there feet up on the arm rest in front of him in a disgusting display on a flight and of course there is video of the so this is the woman you see she was showing you right next to her elbow is the barefoot and im sure it smells, to. [laughter] these are the things happening inside airplanes these days. We were talking up diarrhea in the delta flight. Guy benson is an expert at the story. [laughter] what would you do if you see that but, would you do something . Is a guy whos greatly silly lung spirit airlines, i was shocked they have armrests. They charge them the. This is the problem with planes in general. There is no more etiquette, no more decency. As a kid you got on the plane and you dress finest, he might get captains wings flying now, now is not coach, its assistant we flew delta, two minutes before the flight took off, a guy comes on the ill excuse me, if i could give dollars, something to eat. [laughter] was going on . No caps on planes. Not anymore not you asked them to move their foot obviously. Speaking of people quickly moving, President Biden could return to masking indoors and took his mask off during the Medal Of Honor ceremony and after he left the ceremony early, press secretary marie tapia said it was to minimize Covid Exposure because you know, science. Minimizing exposure with the Guy Maskless The Accused Testing negative for covid so the cdc says he should wear a mask but maybe hes going against the c cdc, ida. There he goes off he goes. I love how they tried to make it normal. President Leave Mid Ceremony all the time. Who could forget when jfk said ask not what you can do for your country but got to go and walk out. We were all there. We will move on. Shock jock. Howard stern music be the king of media and knocking wind so much, prince harry of all Media Paranoia over covid is getting him into a fight with his wife conceding hes Quote Neurotic about going out. This is true, how it has become little bit of reckless. One problem for real, it happens to successful people, hes so profoundly successful, he can control everything in his life, is the one thing he cant and hes probably just bothered by it. I didnt think about that but you have to think emma it was fear mongering, The Fear Of God in a lot of people and people are still unsure about a lot of it. You supposed to be the king of it, you shouldnt if it blows up their marriage, who gets the cloned dog . A kat in their case. I think they would get called a couple times. 83yearold nancy pelosi, former Speaker Of The House announced shes going to run for reelection for that seat in Congress San Francisco next year so posted on x quote now more than ever our city needs to advance values and further recovery and data. I dont understand, how howard must be because if i am 83 an extremely wealthy and not even in leadership anymore, going across the country, latenight voter ramos, why . Hang it up and enjoy your retirement. Maybe they dont have a sense of self and they need accolades from the external community. They cannot be happy with themselves. I think the strategy and a lot of rumblings in washington, whether or not her daughter will run so there is a little bit of strategy perhaps same with that was her foot on the plane, a lot of people dont know that. Shame on you. We dont know that. That doesnt for us. We will see you back here tomorrow 7 00 oclock eastern for the big weekend show. One nation with Brian Kilmeade charts right now. Thank you for joining us. Have a good saturday night. Brian it must be saturday because i am Brian Kilmeade and this is one nation for amongst my great roster of guests at the center tim scott he wants to be the next president , got some great Polling Information came in coming his way happy for jon gordy could change your life and save your family are going to want to hear what he has to say. But first, the word is unpredictable the one thing about this election and almost every election that we have no matter what we think is going to be the number one issue. What we think is going to happen

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