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The president s final days in office. Law professor Alan Dershowitz is here on the potential vote this week and the chances of a trial. Plus senator marco rubio on the deadly breach at the capitol and continuing fallout. Why he says the Chinese Communist party is watching happily and it was dirty tricks, bullying and hate which sent two democrats in arms of Republican Party. Jones on why he did this week what congressman Jeff Van Drew did. All that and a lot more as we look right here on sunday morning futures. Maria and first this morning, we have breaking news of yet another devastating blow to free speech, just 24 hours after twitter permanently suspended president donald trump, google, apple and amazon have now all banned parlor from their app stores which experts say could destroy the company financially, before its removal parlor searched to number one in apples app store with 1 and a half million downloads on saturday alone. Joining me right now on the exclusive interview with reaction is the ceo of parlor, john mates, good to have you this morning. Thank you very much for being here. What is your reaction and the impact to this squashing of parlor . Well, thank you for having me on. Well, its devastating, its what it is. Its an assault on everybody. They all Work Together to make sure at the same time we would lose access to not only our apps but they are actually shutting all of our servers off tonight, off the internet. They made an attempt to not only kill the app, but the actually destroy the entire company and its not just these 3 companies, every vender from from Text Message Services to email providers to our lawyers, all ditched us too on the same day and they are trying to falsely claim that we were somehow responsible for the events that occurred on the sixth. Maria this is extraordinary that you see the coordinated effort on the same day that the president is banned on twitter. Youve got google and instagram removing parlor and now last night late apple removes parlor as well. What are you going to do . Can this put you out of business . It would put anybody out of business. If they did this to any app, any company, it would completely destroy them. We will try our best to get back online as quickly as possible because every vender we talked to say they wont work with us because if apple doesnt approve or google doesnt approve, they wont. They have given us no legitimate remedy. They tried to ask us for, you know, to cooperate with them on a few things. Weve tried to give them everything that they wanted, you know, without sacrificing our principles and there were remedies and they just dont care. They want to get rid of us. Maria what is the reason that they are saying they want you out . I know the company has been incredibly successful as many people have called out social media for censorship, twitter would not run the bunter biden story during an election and locked down New York Post from twitter. Google has created algorithms potentially that will also censor information and theres been attacks on parler because of open free speech approach, whats the reason for shutting you down . John they claim that we somehow were responsible for the what they call the insurrection on the sixth which we never allowed violence, we never allowed any of this stuff on the platform and we dont even have a way to coordinate event on the platform. They kind of want to make us responsible. Its not. Weve grown so much. We were number 1 in the app store the day we were removed for, quote, unquote violence and the same day the horrible violence was trending on twitter. Its an obvious double standard. Its obvious collusion and they are doing it, you know, to stifle free speech and competition in the marketplace and this could happen to literally anybody. Maria this is unbelievable. I know that as the leadup to this President Trump was saying that these companies are way too powerful and he wanted to find a way to roll back section 230 which, of course, gives them immunity from any lawsuits. It protects them, their liability. All through that, you said we shouldnt pull back section 230 and now we see how powerful they are, john. John we changed our stance on 230 due to knowledge on legal team to actually just fired us too. I totally see the danger here. What they are doing and the amount of power is not just frightening, its actually extremely scary. Maria so youre saying its not just apple taking you off the app store, theres also movement to just shut down your servers, pretty much shut you down . John amazon is the largest cloud vender in the world and they basically gave us you have 24 hours to get all of your data and find new servers. Where are you going to find 300 to 500 servers in 24hour window and how can you send data out to all of them. Its an impossible feat. We will handle it as best we can. Theres just some things that are almost basically impossible. Maria unbelievable. John matze, we will be following the story, we will see you this upcoming week in mornings with maria, im back on the chair on mornings with maria on fox business, we will talk to you then. John matze, we, of course, will continue covering the critical story. Joining me to weigh in congressman devin nunes, ranking republican, he has been battling bigtech censorship and he warned about it in his book, counterdo you know countdown to socialism. Congressman when i wrote the book i was hoping americans vote right and unfortunately its far worse than what i could even imagine. The effect of this is that theres no longer a free and open social Media Company or site for any american to get on any longer because these big companies, apple, amazon, google, they have just destroy destroyed, parler is likely a billion dollar company, poof its gone. Republicans doesnt have a way to communicate. It doesnt matter if youre republican or conservative, if you dont want to be regulated by leftwingers in instagram, they get to decide whats violent and not violent. Its preposterous. I dont know where the hell the department of justice is at right now or the fbi. This is clearly a violation of antitrust, civil rights, the rico statute, there should be a racketeering investigation on all the people who coordinated this attack on not only a company but on all of those like us, like me, like you, maria, i have 3 million followers on parler. Tonight i will no longer be able to communicate with those people and they are americans and unlike the fake social media sites, we know that everybody thats on parler because you get certified. Its actually a very safe platform and if you break the law on parler, the fbi can subpoena to find out who those people are. If you break crimes on facebook and twitter, good luck, good luck trying to find out who they are. Parel went above and beyond. Thats one of the reasons i didnt go to parel perform 8 months and i knew that it was going to be there and facebook and twitter werent going to be manipulating it. Maria i think its worth mentioning that apple has not removed tiktok from app store. You can still download tiktok and all of the moves certainly feel likes communist china where theres a crackdown on free speech. You are an elected official devin nunes, what are you going to do about it . Congressman hypocrisy knows no bounds. Its worth repeating what the ceo just said just a minute ago. Trending yesterday in the twitter sewer, the child pornography, pornography, foul language, i dont promote it, i dont want my children on it, hang mike pence. Whats trending on twitter yesterday. I think thats violence. Is apple deleting the twitter app from the app store, hell no. Ive been talking to many of my colleagues, republicans on my side, we will look for legal options, do we have First Amendment rights, are they being violated, the federal judges have to step in. Thats number 1. Legislatively, you have to understand, this is not about big tech and they are just in Silicon Valley and trying to make money. They are working for the democratic socialist party. Theyre being cheered on by this. They are staterun media and really its the Communication System so you have thats how people are receiving the information, through the funnel of very few companies that are being controlled by the democrat socialist party. Maria yeah, we should point out that they are donors and i believe they went to work for the Biden Administration. Congressman yeah, dont forget, you have somewhere, the reports are ranging from 350 million to 500 million that facebook put into these counties that just so happened to be in the swing states that just so happened to swing the election to the democrats for voter turnout. Maria before you go, before you go, devin nunes, you have breaking news because you sent letter to dni, John Ratcliffe about china. Tell me about that because people are not seeing the dots on free speech. Here is your letter, we are showing it on screen. Congressman yeah, so look, weve been running an ongoing investigation, House Republicans has, this is our next step in the investigation. Enough reports out there and enough of what we are hearing with the people that we are interviewing that we believe theres much more than the wuhan lab, you heard senator cotton and others express this in the past, look, we believe that the ic possibly has information that i think the American People need to see. Hopefully John Ratcliffe can get as much as he possibly can out in the next ten days because we know that the chinese are in tight with big tech and the Democratic Party. Maria congressman, thanks very much. We will keep following it. Up next, we will take a break and talk with constitutional Alan Dershowitz on Nancy Pelosis impeachment threat. Why he says hes ready to defend President Trump on a second impeachment trial. Right up next. Because the best trip is wherever we go together. Managing youre on it. Es . Staying fit and snacking light . Yup, on it there too. You may think youre doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease. 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They are violating the text of the First Amendment, the culture and the spirit of free speech and we who have been fighting for free speech in my case since 1960s, we have to fight back. Maria yeah, thats the point, alan. They havent addressed rumble but rumble may well be next. They are taking down parler, you heard from john matze, the ceo, not only removing from app stores but canceling from the servers. I have to get your thought on the 25th amendment or impeachment, House Democrats have drafted articles of impeachment, they will introduce on monday. If the president doesnt resign, tell me your reaction to this, will you defend this in court if it goes to trial . It will not go to trial. All democrats can do is impeach the president in house of representatives, for that you only need majority vote. The case cannot come to trial in the senate and the senate has rules and the rules would not allow the case to come to trial until according to the majority leader, until 1 00 p. M. On january 20th, an hour after President Trump leaves office and the constitution specifically says the president ial be removed from office upon impeachment, et cetera. It doesnt say the former president. Congress has no power to impeach or try a private citizen, whether itd be a private citizen in donald trump or named barack obama or anyone else. The jurisdiction is limited to a sitting president and so there wont be a trial. What i worry about deeply is the impact of impeachment on the First Amendment. For a hundred years, the Supreme Court and other courts have struggled to develop a juries prudence which distinguishes between advocacy and incitement and in the leading case of brand onburg versus ohio that what President Trump said on wednesday is protected by the First Amendment of the constitution, it comes within core political speech and to impeach a president for having exercised his First Amendment rights would be so dangerous to the constitution, it would lie around like a loaded weapon ready to be used by either party against the other party and thats not what impeachment nor the 25th amendment were intended to be. Maria yeah, maybe not. But thats going a lot of that going around right now. Senators on the democrat side are demanding, senator cruz and senator hawley resign. Thats ridiculous because they are covered by the speech and debate clause, nothing can happened to them based on what happened in the floor of the senate. They too engaged in protected speech. Let us not let a terrible incident that occurred on wednesday destroy the constitution of the United States. That is my goal, to protect the constitution from overzealous advocates who want to weapon news it in weponized in the interest of political gain. Maria but we dont know if a Biden Administration will actually will actually move on that. Alan, thank you very much for whats right, thank you very much, we will be right back. Maria welcome back, my next guest is the republican lawmaker who would defend President Trump on the house floor if the democrats are successful in launching a impeachment trial in the president s final days in office. Congressman jim jordan, Ranking Member of house judiciary committee. Thanks for being here. Congressman good to be here, maria. Maria we want to get to what happened this morning, crushing of free speech. How does this play out in the coming weeks . Congressman first of all, what happened wednesday is a tragedy, everyone knows that. Its wrong as wrong could be. I hope the democrats dont go down this road. We dont know if they are going to. Lets hope they do not do that. 75 million americans who supported the president have been called deplorables who eat at the olive garden, remember what peter strzok said several years ago, he could smell the Trump Supporters here. Now the democrats are going to try to remove the president from office just 7 days before he is set to leave anyway. I do not see how that unifies the country. I hope what happens what senator graham said friday night on the network when he asked Vice President joe biden, president elect joe biden to give a speech to the country and said we should not be pursuing impeachment and we should not be pursuing the 25th amendment, lets move the country together and move forward and return to being america, the greatest nation ever. Thats where we need to focus. Maria so tell me then what happens if the president gets impeached again, does that cancel out him running again . What is the point of this . Wouldnt joe biden want to get right to business and start pushing through his nominees onto his cabinet . Congressman right, getting the right people in cabinet positions for the safety of the country, key positions like secretary of defense, secretary of state, leader of health and human services. For the good of the country it makes sense for Vice President biden to do that. President elect biden to do that but i think its also good for him, good for the country as a whole to help bring us together. As professor dershowitz pointed out, i think its unconstitutional what they are trying to do. Hopefully cooler heads will revial and we will not move down this path. If, in fact, there was a conviction in the senate, then, of course, the constitution is clear that the president cant hold office but as mr. Dershowitz pointed out, impeachment is for a sitting president and the president if the democrats pursue this could not have a trial until after hes left office. So i think its got real constitutional problems but most importantly its not healthy for the nation. We are at an important point, im very concerned about where we are at. I hope i hope we can begin to come back together. Maria so so who was this and what was behind this heinous, disgusting move to put an assault on our democracy by breaking into the capitol on wednesday . Where is the accountability there . Whats your reaction to that, congressman . Congressman you have the hold to people who did these terrible things accountable and the Law Enforcement and the Justice Department is doing just that. You know, people are responsible for their actions and these terrible actions that were taken, they need to be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. One thing about this, maria, republicans have been consistent. Last summer when terrible things were happening, we called for ending the violence and prosecuting the people who destroyed property and attacked Police Officers and attacked private citizens. We said the same thing about the terrible things that took place last wednesday, lets be consistent. Democrats on the other hand, this is unfortunate. This summer they said the caused justified the action. They raised money to bail these rioters and looters out of jail. They named streets after the organizations who were pushing for these events. So all the while they were talking about defunding the police. So lets be consistent. Lets be consistent and lets calm everything down and focus on unifying the country as we move forward. Maria yeah. You make a really important point. We all watched molotov cocktails thrown at police and bricks thrown into windows this summer forcing businesses to board up and today we have a constitutional crisis with this crushing of free speech. Congressman, i know that you have a lot on that as well. Great to see you, congressman jim jordan, thank you, sir. We will be right back as someone with hearing loss i know what a confusing and frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. Thats why i founded lively. Affordable, highquality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. I use lively hearing aids and its been wonderful. Its so light and so small but its a fraction of the cost of the other devices. They cost thousands less. Its insanely user friendly. You take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. You dont even need to go into an office. Theyre delivered to your door in a few days and youre up and running in no time. It connects via bluetooth to my phone. 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Maria i want to get your take on china for sure. The big news of the day of the squelching of conservative conversation with mover out of apple but lets discuss horrible breach of our democracy, breach of capitol on wednesday, your reaction . Senator its disgusting. I cant give you an assessment of every Single Person that went in there and its clear now by arrests that have been made, the ridiculous conspiracy, then youve got White Supremacists in there, you have members to have proud boys. Its a rogue gallery of groups and who thought they were going to storm the capitol, apprehend Vice President and members of congress and have them pay the ultimate of progress, string them up they would say. I had protests here in florida calling me to be strong up on others. Its unacceptable. 90 of the country will agree with what i just said. The majority of people who voted for donald trump would agree with what i just said. Theres a moment where we say this is enough, guys. Thats not whats happened unfortunately. The left has decided this is an opportunity to destroy the right, so whoever voted for donald trump, if you ever supported anything he did, you are just as guilty as the people who went into the capitol and go out and put pressure to social media companies, literally, not just erase the president but everybody. We are living in a country, 4 or 5 companies, unlike thatted, unaccountable have the power, monopoly power to decide, we will wipe people out, erase them, selling thicks and the things and the like that. Its cynical, okay, by the way. Facebook, twitter, these are not moral champions here. The reason they are doing it is because democrats about to take power and this is way to get on their good side to avoid restrictions or any sort of laws that hurt them. Its unfortunately that instead of unifying us right now, biden, the democrats, have chosen to use this to talk about ridiculous things about impeaching a president who isnt going to be in office in about 9 days. Maria right, look, you have nancy pelosi saying everything is on the table. Mitch mcconnell drawing articles of impeachment and they are saying that the president incited all of this. We have the pictures from earlier this year when the president was trying to push for law and order in the chop zone in seattle when when protestors and people raiding the area were throwing molotov cocktails at police and bricks through the windows of Small Business forcing Small Business to board up. Senator two things i would say, no person the United States of america would do anything that happened on wednesday, end of story, no one we are seeing the disturbing quotes in the newspaper from people who are saying im willing to die for donald trump, im willing to die. That just shouldnt exist, okay, thats not normal. Thats not good. Now, im im not going to say anything i dont want to keep stoking the fire. The president does bear some responsibility here that needs to be looked at. We have for too long indulged some of the groups. These are not conservatives. These are wackos. These are nut jobs. 90 of the people that were in the capitol did not storm the capitol. They were not a part of it. Theres this element, very small but create tremendous amount of damage and we should be rejecting the group, not after the fact but before. And to the extent anyone has indulged that its important to point out, this is why we have to watch what we say and allow into the movement. They may be incited to do things by words that maybe you didnt intend to be read that way but they did. It matters what they thought you meant and when you go down march there and i will march with you, 1 or half of 1 read it differently, it could be dangerous. Maria yeah, what does this upcoming week look like . We are expecting articles of impeachment. Does this go to trial and how does that play out because you just said its only 9 days until joe biden is inaugurated. The president will no longer be a sitting president , can you impeach a past president . Senator you can and so if the house passes articles of impeachment the senate has no choice but to have a trial. We dont have the option of not having a trial and at that point, thats what would happen. I want everybody to think about what that means, okay. So number 1, joe biden ran as a guy who was going to unify the country and he will spend the first couple of weeks of the presidency, not confirming nominees, not dealing with a pandemic. For the first couple of weeks of presidency is going to be about removing a president thats already not in office. I mean, thats what we are talking about here. So lets stoke up more division in this country, lets stoke up more fights, lets create more grievances that can rally people. We hit rock bottom. If that did not cause us to wake up, look what we are turning into, i dont know what will. Instead of saying that to everybody, whats going to be the notion, lets keep fighting this trump stuff, lets have an impeachment for someone who is not in office anymore. Maria ted cruz and josh hawley under pressure. Senator cruz was on the program with an idea to simply propose a tenday Emergency Commission to investigate why 70 of Trump Supporters believer that the election was rigged, now hes facing calls to resign. Senator hawley facing calls to resign. Calls to resign from farleft liberals who are always calling on republicans to resign and from news paper editorial boards. They dont like us. It doesnt matter what you do, they will write something that they will never write about other people in the other side. The point had been made about the elections and that there shouldnt have been any further objection. They werent going to pass and everybody knew that. If the choice this is really being done more than anything else because these folks wanted to make a point and wanted the issue to be discussed and wanted to leave it on the record to take Election Security serious. When you had people that died and had everything that happened, okay, the points have been made already, theres no need to continue this after what happened today, lets shut this down and get everybody home as soon as possible. That was my view, thats not the choice that they made and so thats certainly the right as senate. I dont think thats a resignable offense. Maria senator, a word on china before we go because what we are feeling this morning feels awfully like communist china where you are having a complete crushing of one viewpoint, conservative conversation with apple banning parler from the app store, google and instagram making the same decision yesterday all on the same day that President Trump was banned from twitter. Your reaction to whats happening in america as china as we know is rising aggressively with the motive of taking over the number 1 spot as far as being a super power in the world today . Senator just know this, we could be talking about how all of this agree that this is terrible and what is it that got in peoples heads and what are the things that people believe in, conspiracy wise and others that caused them to do action that is we all reject and instead what we are engaging in front who should be censored by 5 companies. Democracy doesnt work, its cat chaotic and can you think of a better talking point for them, better support on wednesday, they will play the images over and over to their people, hong kong, thats what democracy. What you need is order and stability. We are helping them and they are laughing at us. America is in decline. They are a mess. China is going to be the future. So we did tremendous damage to ourselves and its ironic that a lot of the people that are out there saying this is because china rigged the election and china will take over everything have just done them a huge favor. Maria i think its quite interesting that apple did not ban tiktok, you can still download tiktok on the Apple App Store but you cant download parler and by the way, why is no one focused on gentleman ma . Where is jack ma, the billionaire, founder of alibaba vanishes after he makes critical remarks about the Chinese Communist party . No one senator what happened to him is his company has too much power and the Chinese Communist party will not allow anyone to have power thats rival of theirs. They are going to eliminate them. Maria this is a scary moment in time as jimmy lai sits in a prison right now as he pushes back on authoritarianism as well. Thank you, sir. After this congressman Jeff Van Drew and vernon jones on why they left the Democratic Party and expect more people to do the same as joe biden and Kamala Harris take control in ten days maria welcome back, my next guest share something in common, they were both courageous, they were democrats who switched to the Democratic Party, Jeff Van Drew joined gop one year ago after being told that he had to vote in favor of President Trumps impeachment or else. Georgia state representative vernon jones made announcement just this past week saying it was the democrats that changed not him. They both join me right now. Gentlemen, good morning to you. Thank you very much for joining us. Vernon jones, i want to kick it off with you, you made the announcement this week, why did you switch to the Republican Party . Well, i felt like the Democratic Party left me, i didnt leave them. Their party of socialism was killing the job market, killing businesses, they embrace defunding the police department, they want to raise taxes on hardworking people and so i felt like i didnt identify with them anymore and i wanted to bring new ideas to the old party. Maria congressman Jeff Van Drew sounds like what you told me when you first made the switch. Absolutely, i want to congratulate him and welcome him. Its good to have him aboard. Secondly, i told you the stories of how i would speak to groups about americanism and american exceptionalism and how we can do more and lead the free world and we must always take care of our people and then i would have democrats come to me and say, we are not the best country in the world, we arent the leaders of the world, we cant really help our people that much. We should be more literally, more worried about people in other places, in the United States, so i really wondered what the Party Represented and as i said at the convention, you know, be true to yourself not to a party that once was and is no more and thats the Democratic Party. Maria well, here we are once again, congressman, at the point of impeachment once again. Nancy pelosi drawing up articles of impeachment once again even though by the time a trial could take place, the president will be out of office. Its unbelievable. Im calling on the president elect, joe biden, to say enough. Lets try to come together. This is going to be difficult because the philosophy of the new democrats is very, very proleft and very progressive, but still there are some things in some areas i know that we can Work Together. The way to do that is not to call for another impeachment. The waste of money, the waste of time, the division that it will cause in the United States of america. Tens of millions of people still did vote and still do support donald trump. Maria i want to get both of your take on policy coming out of this new administration when we come back. We will take a short break. Big news today on an assault on free speech. We will talk with both of the gentlemen when we come right back. Stay with us. With so many new pet owners, your groomers cant keep up. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base. So, you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com groomer maria welcome back, we are back with Georgia State representative vernon jones and congressman Jeff Van Drew. Gentlemen, i want to talk about policy. Vernon jones are you expecting to run for secretary of state in georgia to expect mr. Mr. Raffensperger. Lets just be clear. You know, again, im excited about bringing new grand ideas to grandold party. I certainly want to talk about and fight for Election Integrity but i also want to talk about Job Opportunities and working to create an america that we can start Small Businesses, we can protect the constitution and we can also concentrate on school choice, helping kids be better educated. Thats where my focus is right now and im looking for new ideas and accepting new ideas from folks from across the country. They can reach me at vernon jonesgop gmail. Com. Let me know your thoughts and feelings, we need to heal the country and not divide the country. Maria that wasnt that wasnt a no about secretary of state, vernon, i will say that. Jeff van drew, zero in on policy for us. Whats the most important policy you are going to be looking to ensure that these are the right policies for the American People out of a new incoming Biden Administration . Well, i tell you one thing thats important right off the bat is Election Integrity because all the things that are wonderful that vernon wants to do, you need to know that when you vote your vote counts and if its a vote that shouldnt count, it doesnt. And real quickly, just to go over my purpose wasnt to overturn an election, my purpose in this whole thing is to find out why we didnt allow didnt need signature verification anymore, why we didnt need to have meetings of state legislature to approve changes in the way that we actually voted, why in new york state are we still finding ballots and still dont have an election result . Why are we doing things in elections that we never did before that obviously are not the rule of law . We sent out what we called hot ballots or nonrequested ballots to everybody, so people were getting ballots in other states, people were maria oh, i know. Absolutely. By the way, you wont be able to say any of that on twitter. This Program Repeats at 3 00 p. M. Rt eastern. Hope you join us usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa for every trip youve been dreaming of, expedia has millions of flexible booking options. Because the best trip is wherever we go together. Howie this is media buzz, im howard kurtz. Why twitter is taking the drastic step of banning President Trump. It was atrocious day, heartbreaking day and assault on democracy played out on cable news screen hour after depressing hour and it began to congress set to hear republican challenges for the Electoral College results and the president telling his supporters to head to the hill. I love pennsylvania and we are going to the capitol, we are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our

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