0 sometimes when we were with the kids we would go grocery shopping and do our cooking for the week. i wanted to go to target and i headed out and that's the last time i have been home. >> since then. >> you never went back since then, that day? no. >> on the 911 call you had mentioned there were a number of break ins in the neighborhood. why were you a community watch person? how long were you involved in that and why did you bach a commu -- become a community watch person? >> in august 2011 there was a home invasion a young lady was home with her 9 month old baby. they broke into her sliding glass door. she barricaded herself in the up stairs bedroom. my wife was home by herself. she saw the people that burglarized her run through our backyard with their belongings. the same direction as him to keep an eye on him so i could tell the police where he was going. i didn't mean that i was actually pursuing him. >> the moment suggested you were out of breath on that tape. you yourself was not running? >> no, sir. >> you made a statement to the police that it was the wind as you were getting out of the car and moving that was the sound we here? >> yes. >> what happened during the faithful missing minutes just before the shooting. he has a message to the martin family and to the american people that and much more straight ahead. straight ahead.