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Employees began flooding out of the building and that is when police went in. The police chief picks it up from there. Watch. Officers encountered numerous employees fleeing from the building. It was very chaotic. While conducting a search, officers located a second individual with a gunshot wound that appears to may have been selfinflicted. We are still working on confirming that. Police have confirmed the shooter was a female and they believe this was Domestic Violence and that she was targeting a male. We do know that one male is now in Critical Condition after being shot. It is unclear if the person who was critical is the same person that she may have been targeting. There was all kinds of speculation that the shooting began outside and then moved inside. But we do know is that police, and searching the building, found for shooter and the victim together in one room. Both of them are suffering gunshot wounds. There are three other victims with what police are now calling gunshot related injuries, one of them is serious. The other two we are told is nonlife threatening. In the early going, there was questions about whether the shooting did make it into the building. Now we know that answer. Especially after one of the victims ran into a nearby carls jr. Restaurant with a shooting wound. Watch. The lady had come out of the youtube building, came into carls jr. , how to gunshot and her foot. That is right about i mean there were barely any police there at the time and then all of a sudden from all directions, police, not slowly, started coming. You knew something was serious because people started crowding around. Police started coming from every direction. And consider the enormous task. As it is as a 200,000 squarefoot building, youtubes. Police were in that building going room to room. There was talk of a second shooter and police have not confirmed that. Nobody else was involved. At this point, they believe this was the work of one or shooter, a female shooter. We should not the president has tweeted on this. Im quoting here. Was just briefed him a shooting at youtubes headquarters in san bruno, california. Our thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved. Thank you two are phenomenal Law Enforcement officers and First Responders that are currently on the scene. Youll recall it was just a couple of weeks ago, bret, that the youtube banned firearm sales and how to gun videos on youtube. Remember, this has parallels come with a female shooter is very, very rare. It draws parallels. We are told this is a Goodwill Party happening at the time. It draws parallels to the San Bernardino shooting more two people wanted during the Christmas Party and open fire. That was terrorism. This, at this point, appears to be Domestic Violence. Bret you say there was a google party at the time. We are hearing from some of those witnesses there was some sort of back porch area where people go out for lunch and that perhaps this shooter didnt really make it all the way into the building itself. Police did say that she was found inside a room. So she did make it into the building at one point in time, which is not to discount the witnesses, because its very possible that she began shooting on the outside and made her way inside because remember, we have four victims now. Gunshot related wounds. It is very possible the gunfire began outside and that she apparently at one point in time made her way inside. It is our understanding that she was found with the most seriously injured of the victims inside a room, meaning she didnt make it in. The person who was shot in the leg and went to carls jr. , whats unclear is whether she was actually inside the building and ran into the parking lot, and into the carls for treatment or whether she was in the parking lot when she encountered for shooter and was shot there. Still some details we are looking for clarification on, bret. Bret thank you. Lets give some insight quickly about how Law Enforcement is operating here. John yana rally is a former special agent with the fbi. He is in phoenix tonight. Thank you for being here. I guess first i want to ask you about what traits mentioned, a female shooter is extremely rar. Statswise, that is pretty accurate. Days. Its where that receive female shooter in these types of situation. Last year for example, there were 28 active shooter incidents in the u. S. , all of them are carried out by males. Bret this is a Domestic Violence situation, which it may be, you handled it the same way as any active shooter. They had to go through all of those people exiting the building with their hands up and dealing to make sure they werent involved in some way. Exactly. The police did a great job on the situation. They were on scene and just 2 minutes, which is an incredibly quick time. You still have this 200,000 squarefoot office space, all of these employees, police need to figure out if it is terrorism, one shooter, Everybody Needs to be treated carefully, as a subject, it is good to know what to do in these types of situations. Bret last thing, listening to the police chief in san bruno, not the Biggest Police department, but the one that effectively got there very quickly. Your take is probably a domestic issue that is a targeting in some way or another . Speak of the investigation is going to tell more. Right now, it looks like its a domestic issue. Even so, you see multiple people were shot. These situations, it doesnt matter whether you are an innocent bystander. They can affect us all. Bret of course. This security is key. John, we appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Well stay tuned for any details out of california as we follow that breaking news there. A lot of news here in washington. Political news. We start at the white house, where an increasing bluster from President Trump about a caravan of around 10001500 immigrants from central america. The group traveling through mexico toward the u. S. Border and the president says it must be stopped. Hes considering using the u. S. Military, he says, along the southern border, to do it. This occurs as new concerns grow about u. S. Troop commitment in syria and a possible trade war with china. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts starts us off tonight from the north lawn on the politics news. John . Bret, good evening to you. President trump insist that the best way to secure our southern border is with a massive wall. In the absence of a wall, President Trump today floated another controversial idea. Okay, thank you very much. President trump gave no details or would say if u. S. Troops would be involved. The meeting with baltic leader today, he revealed he wants the u. S. Military guarding the southern border. Speaking with general mattis, will be doing things military all, until we can have a wall and proper security, well be guarding our border with the military. Thats a big step. We really havent done that before. Officials say the White House Counsels Office has been looking into the legal aspects of putting the military along the border. The National Guard has been used several times to assist the Border Patrol and in the early 90s, a military joint task force was on the border to counter narcotics and counterterrorism. A plan has yet to be formulated, just the idea drew a sharp response from former mexico president for gent a fox, who tweeted, demilitarized southern border to provoke more hate and distance and further our nations. Someone has to talk some sense into him. Hes causing a greater conflict. President trump claimed victory today in his public pressure Twitter Campaign to have mexico stop the caravan of Central American migrants traveling to the u. S. Border. The president had gone so far as to threaten nafta if mexico didnt do something. I told mexico very strongly, you are going to have to do something about these caravans. And they have to do it. Otherwise im not going to do the nafta deal. Nafta has been fantastic for mexico, bad for us. The group that organized the caravan, people without borders, criticized the president for demonizing at an annual event they claim is a humanitarian mission. Translator migrants should not be abandoned because of some tweets and political hate. It is very characteristic of donald trump to govern via twee tweet. While President Trump is seeking an expanded role for the military and defending the border, he is looking at the shrinking the u. S. Profile in syria. Its time. Its time. We were very successful against isis, well be successful against anybody militarily. But sometimes its time to come back home. And we are thinking about that very seriously. But even the president s own advisors say the u. S. Needs to stay in syria for the foreseeable future. We are in syria to fight isis, that is our mission. Our mission is not over. We are going to complete that mission. Experts worry a u. S. Pullout could lead to a resurgence of vices and remove a counterweight to russian influence in syria. Today, President Trump was asked about his relationship with Vladimir Putin, whether he saw him as an enemy or friend. I think i could have a very Good Relationship with russia. And with president putin, and divided, that would be a great thing. And theres also a great possibility that wont happen. Who knows. The president dismissed the notion he is not tough on russia. Pointing to his recent order to expel a 60 Russian Diplomats in the u. S. So there are many things that ive done, not only the 60 diplomats, germany did four, france did four. We did 60. There is nobody been tougher on russia. Whether u. S. Troops should stay in syria, President Trump revealed that in his meetings with the saudi canon, crown prince, mohammed bin salman, President Trump told him of saudi arabia wants u. S. Troops to stay in syria to stabilize the situation, maybe they should pick up the tab. Bret . Bret how that would work is really the question. John, thank you. The possibility of increased economic hostilities with china is making for a considerable consternation and boardrooms of the countrys biggest companies. President trump saying today, its not his fault but he is going to fix it. We have a problem with china. They have created a trade deficit and i really blame our representatives and frankly, our preceding president s for this. Bret if you take a look of the markets, a big rebound. The dow up 389. The s p 500 up 32. The nasdaq up a little bit more than 71. Its been a wild ride on wall street. Deidre bolden of Fox Business Network drawings is from new york without a story about a lot of news from the business world. There certainly is, bret. We did see china retaliate on the tariffs that we put on aluminum and steel. But the chinese chose the tariffs on our products pretty carefully. So they chose american fruit, they chose a frozen pork, and they chose products that are not really a punch to the gut, as some strategists tell me. So they had to make a move to save face, which is many people have told me, it is important to them culturally. But its about a 3 billion response. As you know, bret, we are aiming for between a 50 and 60 billion. So there are a lot of investors that are saying, look, we dont know just how protectionist this president will be. And that is part of what puts pressure on the markets the days that we see at lower. As for President Trump, he is also feuding, no other way to say it, v8 twitter, with either amazon as a company, the founder jeff bezos, or the Washington Post, which jeff bezos owns personally. Now there is no interaction between the Washington Post and amazon, the ecommerce company. But President Trump has tweeted five times in just one week about amazon and about various parts of this business, even calling the usps, the United States postal service, a delivery boy for amazon and implying that amazon gets bigger breaks than it deserves. Most strategies that ive been speaking with, say, okay, listen. Amazon has not done anything wrong from a tax perspective. They say they company has been around for two decades, it provides cheap goods in a convenient way, hasnt broken the law. They are still longtime buyers. I would be remiss if i didnt say that since the president started tweeting about amazon about a week ago, the stock lost about a 10 , which represents about 12 billion to 16 billion depending on the day, for jeff bezos personally. Bret, dont feel sorry for him. He is still the worlds richest man. His personal net worth is still northwards of 100 billion. I wanted to mention, too, chamber of commerce backing up more or less amazon and in fact the executive vp, the Largest Business Group in the state, criticizing a tax by government officials, they did not hang the president particularly, against american companies, saying it is inappropriate for government officials to use their profession position to an american company. With that, we have to read the situation between President Trump, his tweets, and amazon. The share closed higher today, up 17 . Bret okay, deirdre, thank you. More on with us the panel. President trump seems to have the back of and embattled Environmental Agency chief scott pruitt. President gave him a pet top during a phone conversation yesterday, sources tell us, there are still concerns about recent negative headlines. In other words, that does not mean pruitt will escape the growing scrutiny over some questionable. Scott pruitt, sir. I hope he is going to be great. A temperate endorsement in the future transfer President Trumps besieged epa administrator scott pruitt as he faces several new accusations. Today two democratic congressman road epas Inspector General requesting an investigation into his reported sweetheart deal on this capitol hill condo owned by energy lobbyists. Their letter says, epa approved the pipeline Expansion Plan of a Canadian Energy company who appointed him as a lobbyist. At the same time, mr. Pruitt was leasing the condo at a below market rate. Ep ethics opinion north and after the rentals found his currently mont was a reasonable rate. Questions remain whether he paid only for the night that he stayed in the condo in an apparent airbnb style arrangement. All this after he faced scrutiny for other alleged misdeeds. His pattern of first class air travel, allegedly security, it was rejected because of its 100,000 monthly cost. Published reports also found his round his roundtheclock personal security detail required triple the staffing of previous administrators. Last september, the Washington Post from the epa was spending nearly 25,000 to build a secure soundproof booth in pruitts office. Even some republicans are joining the dump pruitt scores. Representative Carlos Curbelo tweeted that epa administrator should resign or President Trump should dismiss them. Right now, pruitt is a marked man in washington. His supporters say the barrages of tax is a testament to his effectiveness. Scott pruitt has been a lightning rod. He has been the incarnation of evil for environmental groups and climate activists. They are doing everything they can to go after him. Pruitt ignored shouting questions at a ceremony today marking his latest upfront to invent a environmentalists back President Trump obamas 255. 4 miles per gallon by the yr 2025. The standards remain in effect, massive changes would have had car manufacturing in a vehicles motorists buy brace because statutorily killed the american suv as we know it. A federal lawsuit will likely be needed to resolve the federalstate dispute. It could take years and leave automakers in limbo. What automobile manufacturers most want of any new fuel economy standards is consistency and predictability. So they can make longterm plans, not an easy thing to do when washington and state policymakers are this polarized. Bret . Bret thank you. Up next, West Virginia republicans and a threeway fight to get a shot at a vulnerable democratic senator and the fall. Well take you to that story. And we are following the latest from the youtube headquarters and shooting in california. Well bring you any breaking news from there. At 12 46 00 p. M. This afternoon, we received numerous 911 calls regarding gun shots at the youtube campus located on Cherry Avenue in our city. San bruno Police Arrived at 12 48 and immediately began a search for a possible shooter or suspect. Upon arrival, officers encounter numerous employees leaving from the building. It was very chaotic as you can imagine. We did encounter one victim with apparent gunshot wounds towards the front of the business as we arrived. Several minutes later, while conducting a search of the premises, officers located a second individual with a gunshot wound that appears to may have been selfinflicted. Do ndo not misjudgenity quiet tranquility. With the power of 335 turbocharged horses lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. The Lincoln Spring sales event is here. For a limited time get zero percent apr on the lincoln mkx. Hurry in today to your lincoln dealer. And its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Bret welcome back. A few overseas headlines. Saudi arabias crown prince here in the u. S. Says israel has the right to have its own land. A major break from other leaders in the arab world, at least publicly. Crown Prince Mohammed bin salman is blasting the iranian Supreme Leader also, the crown prince calling him the hitler of the middle east. And the crown prince also supported President Trumps opposition to the iran nuclear deal, as weve heard him say before. A Russian Company will build a 20 billion Nuclear Power plant in turkey, that announcement comes as russian president Vladimir Putin visits his turkish counterpart. They are setting aside traditional rivalries and differences on regional issues to form closer ties. This also head of a meeting with two leaders as well as the president of iran. Russian president putin says russia wants a thorough inquiry into the poisoning of a former kremlins bites and Great Britain. British officials have accused russia of being behind that attack. The u. S. And many nations have joined Great Britain expelling russian supplements over that c. Russian officials on the president putin have steadfastl. In malaysia, the parliament there has passed a law prohibiting fake news. Supporters have accused the Opposition Coalition of using fake news to end quotes. Critics of the measures say it will be used to silence designed to have a general election. Singapore and philippines have also proposed laws to restrict fake news. Back here at home, republicans are hoping to pick up a u. S. Senate seat this fall and West Virginia. President trump won easily in 2016 they are but the g. O. P. Primary their mind to not produce the most delectable opponent against democrat incumbent joe manchin. Peter doocy has a story tonight from charleston, West Virginia. The race to replace one of the most vulnerable democrats in the country has been upended by primary candidate with a probation officer. That candidate with a criminal record is don blankenship, the former ceo of the massey Energy Company is well known in West Virginia for, among other a misdemeanor charge of conspiring to violate federal mine safety standards. Following an explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine that killed 29. He thinks it gives him a leg up. That was a point for coal industry and West Virginia conservative politics. He probably doesnt surprise them that much that obama and his people would come after me and they did. He makes them a primary a threeway contest with congressman evan jenkins in the states attorney general patrick morrisey. The winner faces incumbent democratic senator joe manchin who declined to be interviewed for this story. In a state President Trump won by 42 Percentage Points or 2016. Inspiring governor jim justice to jump ship from the democratic party. I will be changing my registration to republican now the ag is trying to discredit one of his opponents for his past affiliation as a democrat. I think evan jenkins is liberal. Jenkins, the congressman, is using morrisseys past history in the garden state against him. The other candidate as a person who ran for congress and the the year 2000 on a theme that he was jersey through and through. They put a premium on portraying a proximity to the president. We work closely with the white house and the agencies to roll back some of those egregious, those burdensome regulations. Im the only candidate who actually has an established working relationship with the president. As for blankenship, hes typing a status as a political newcomer. He insists this campaign is not an attempt, yet even with joe manchin, who was governor during the disaster and later said blankenship has blood on his hands. Senator manchin needs to be defeated for the sake of West Virginia. Speak of the day after tomorrow, the President Trump is coming to West Virginia for a roundtable about jobs, attorney general marcy and congressman jenkins have also been invited in their official capacities. We dont know if an endorsement is imminent. Jenkins tells me any kind words from the commander in chief would be a big boost. Bret . Bret peter doocy in charleston, West Virginia. Thank you. An update from youtube headquarters on todays shooting there. Plus, the first sentencing in a case brought by the special counsel in the russian collusion investigation. Keep it here. Why do they call him the whisperer . He talks to planes. He talks to planes. Watch this. Hey watson, whats avionics telling you . Maintenance records and performance data suggest replacing capacitor c4. Not bad. Whats with the coffee maker . Sorry. We are not on speaking terms. Essential for the cactus, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. 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A horrific scene and multiple victims after eight shooter up and fire here at youtube headquarters in san bruno, and three hours later there are still a lot of Police Activity here. By some accounts, this happened at that employee gathering inside this massive glass at facility that you see. Its possible this shooting may have been the result of a domestic dispute. Police have not confirmed that. According to witness reports, a woman shot her boyfriend inside the building and then turned the gun on herself. Again, that has not been confirmed. Heres what police had to say a little while ago. Listen. I want to clarify that we located a victim with what we believe to be a selfinflicted gunshot wound. The female, the investigation is still ongoing before i can put the pieces together. Police say they believe she is the shooter but they are still clearing nearby businesses to make sure the area is safe. Authorities say they start to get a 911 calls about an active shooter right around 12 45 local time and there was a massive response by police, as well as ambulances and other First Responders. Witnesses say theys heard several bursts of rapid gunfire, including reports that one victim was shot as many as ten times. Police say four victims were transported to area hospitals. Both San Francisco general to the north and Stanford University to the south. It is not clear whether these victims were shot or suffered other kinds of injuries. Just trying to get out of the way. One man we are told is listed in Critical Condition. In the meantime, police are continuing to interview employees here and eye witnesses, of course, they are combing this facility for all kinds of evidence. Youtube, i should mention, is the areas largest employer. The 200,000 squarefoot facility with some 1700 workers. It is unclear, bret, when these workers will be able to return to work. The investigation continues, of course, and police say they will have further updates throughout the night. Well bring those to you here on fox news. Bret . Bret Claudia Cowan live on scene. Thank you. Back to other news. A lawyer with ties to form a Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort is headed for prison. Catherine herridge is live tonight with a landmark decision in the Russian Special counsel investigation. Good evening, catherine. This morning, 33yearold entered federal court where he was sentenced to lying to federal investigations investi. A maximum five years in prison. He got 30 days in prison, 20,000 fine and two months of supervised release. The dutch lawyer worked with rick gates, former Business Partner of Paul Manafort. Gates is now cooperating with special counsel investigators. Mr. Van der zwaan also worked with Paul Manafort, who is briefly the chairman and now faces Money Laundering and tax fraud charges. Based on court filings, special counsel investigators are exploring contacts between the three men and it expected operative. A newly public memo explains that authorities allowed the special counsel to investigate events prior to the 2016 campaign. The vocal page memo was drafted by Rod Rosenstein in august, 2017, with entire sentence blanked out with showing that ho investigate more of collusion. He could have committed crime or crimes arising from the ukrainian government. In a separate development, the wife of fired fbi director Andrew Mccabe went on the record calling laster a nightmare for her family. Writing in the Washington Post after jill mccabe, who ran unsuccessfully for a Virginia State senate seat in 2015, said her husband did not campaign for her despite their widely circulated photo. She says it was meant for family and friends. Dr. Mccabe also says the fbi ethics panel concluded there was no conflict for her husband when she received more than 600,000 from democrats including a longtime clinton ally, because her husbands involvement in the clinton email case came after the contributions were made in the race was over. I have spent countless hours trying to understand how the president and so many others can share such instructive lies about me. They want people to know that the whole story that everything is based on is just false and utterly absurd. Critics say the ethics findings were wrong and indicated culture problem among senior fbi executives. Bret . Bret thank you. The federal government is for the first time publicly acknowledging foreign spies and criminals may be using surveillance devices to track individual cell phones and intercept calls and messages here in washington, d. C. The Associated Press had a letter from the Homeland Security department. The latters address little has been done about the threat posed from these devices, known as the stingrays. U. S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement have been using the equipment for years. 17 states, six cities, and the district of columbia, are all suing the federal government over its intention to put a Citizenship Question in the 2020 census. The lawsuit says the question will undermine the accuracy of the population counts. There was also a separate but similar lawsuits being brought by california and several other states. President trump says he may send the u. S. Military to the mexican border. And withdraw American Military personnel from syria. Well get reaction from the panel when we come back. Ive been speaking with general matters. Well be doing things militarily. Until we can have a wall and proper security, will be guarding our border with the military. We have horrible, horrible, and very unsafe laws in the United States. Hopefully soon, hopefully congress will get their act together and get and creates a very powerful laws, like mexico has and like canada has and almost all countries have. We dont have laws. We have catch and release. We will be doing things with mexico and they have to do it otherwise are not going to do the nafta deal. Bret the president talking about immigration, talking about nafta, talking about how hes going to shore up the southern border with the u. S. Military. Now the mexican ambassador to the u. S. , who we had on special report last night, as asking for an official clarification from the u. S. Government on exactly what is going to happen. Lets bring in our panel. Matthew continetti, editor in chief of the Washington Free beacon. Mara liasson, National Political correspondent of National Public radio created katie pavlich, news editor at townhall. Com. Okay, mara, president was on a toy tear, tweeting and talking. The News Conference and at the cabinet room. A lot of about the u. S. Military along the border. Yep. This is a dramatic, tough action that he can send a message, yes, im doing something about illegal immigration, even though i couldnt get funding for my wall in the omnibus. That is a context for this, hes very frustrated about that and hes gotten support mike pushed back from the base because of that. This has been done before. George w. Bush and barack obama use the National Guard to supplement Border Patrol agents when there was a big surge of Illegal Immigrants coming over the border. Whether there is one now or not, we dont know. We dont know exactly what the president means when he says we will have the military on the border but that is something he is meeting with general mattis about some of the defense secretary, and they will figure it out. Bret katie . Its not just about illegal immigration on the border. Its about deterrence with cartels and violent operations that are happening there as well. This will probably be welcomed by the governors of arizona and texas. It will not be welcomed by the governor of california, to be sure. But this does go handinhand with the Administration Talking Points and push this week to end catch and release. To me, the president announcing he wants a military on the border, we dont know how exactly long that will be. He wants it to be until the the while his belt, considering george w. Bush had the National Guard there for two years, president obama had them there for about a year in three months. It might not be for as long as it takes to build a wall because that will take longer, probably that has presidency. Hes clearly sending a message of deterrence by putting a military there when hes talking about preventing people from coming here because our own immigration laws allow people who get air from certain countries, the majority of them, to stay. It becomes more of a problem for our legal system then borders. Bret he talked about that, matthew, about the fact that these folks come in, they seek asylum, and essentially the court system is overwhelmed. s 700 days is the average to get from the point of the border to an actual hearing. You can make an argument that immigration politics got donald trump the republican nomination and helped him win back the presidency. This is a natural issue for him. When he was inaugurated president , the illegal border traffic dropped precipitously. A lot of these moves are to reestablish the deterrence, to say that we will police this border. There are legislative restrictions on what the military can do once it is dispatched there. They typically serve in an advisory role, logistical role, to free up the actual Border Patrol. All of this is happening at the same time, bret, that trump is exploring ways the department of defense can help fund the wall which is the main object here i think. Bret funding is the big question. Meantime, talking about the serious situation, asking a question about u. S. Troops in syria. Its time. We were very successful against isis, we will be successful against anybody militarily. But sometimes, its time to come back home. I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back on. I want to start rebuilding our nation. Well be consulting also with groups of our people and groups of our allies. Saudi arabia is very interested, no decision. And i said, well, you know, you want is to say, maybe you have to pay. Bret they will have to pay. Saudi arabia, gulf states. Meanwhile, at the same time, almost the exact same time, the u. S. Counter goodlatte envoy was saying this to reporters. We are in syria to fight isis and that is our mission. Our mission is not over and we will complete that mission. Bret so there is obviously the president is laying groundwork here for pulling out of that operation. When its done its really the question. When its done and if you pull out too soon, do you create a vacuum that is filled by russia and iran and gives isis a chance to regroup. This is exactly what he ran against when he criticized barack obama for putting a date certain for pulling troops out of iraq. He said the bad guys will wait you out. Man is why you have military experts saying, this is not a g. As much as Donald Trumps deepest instincts are, come home, use that money to rebuild the nation, hes kind of a hawkish noninterventionist, if there is such a thing. This is going to be tough for him to figure out how to do this. Bret think about that sound bite we just listen to, katie, and his new Incoming National security advisor john bolton, and how those two things track. Its obviously the president who makes policy. Bolton would be the advisor. Clearly, he would think otherwise. Giving an end date without an actual timestamp is counter to what the administration has said they were due. You are right about john bolton coming in about the National Security advisor, it will be very interesting to see how getting out of syria, no matter when that is, couples with the administrations new plan on iran. When the president releases National Security strategy, iran was the main focus. Iran was the main focus under general mcmaster. It is still the main focus. It is interesting to see him talking about the saudis. He understand they have a vested interest in making sure that that part of the region as it stabilized. He said all along, other countries who have an interest there need to step up. The saudi seem like in the last couple of months, they are willing to do that. But if they are going to continue to be tough on iran, as they have laid out in their strategies before, syria, taking it out of the picture will be very, very difficult. Bret finally, i want to touch on this other issue, and that is amazon, where the president has really stepped up the attacks. Take a listen. You take a look at the post office and the post office is losing billions of dollars and the taxpayers are paying for that money because it delivers packages for amazon at a very below cost and that is not fair to the United States, its not fair to our taxpayers, and amazon has the money to pay the fair rate of the post office, which would be much more than they are paying right now. So amazon is going to have to pay much more money to the post office. Bret so matthew, this is kind of well, it is, unprecedented for a president to go after one company with tweets and statements. The post office doesnt operate on taxpayer money. It is a paid for service. They operate in buildings and facilities that they dont have to pay taxes on. But what about how the president is describing all of those . Amazon in the post office to have some type of special contract but no one really knows the details of it. I do notice is a frequent buyer of books, both from amazon proper and from used bookstores, that retail and amazon, i find the amazon packages get there much more quickly than the ones that have to go through the regular post office channel. Donald trump is a populist figure. Bret thats interesting. Well do a study. One Anna Goodhope piece of it evidence, people tend to view this in terms of trumps relationship with amazons ceo, jeff bezos. One stream of communication is getting us from all of these people in the commercial real estate business and industry, who have been hardhit by the changing nature of the retail economy. Donald trump tends to think in terms of tangible objects. So i think what is bothering him here, among many other things, is the sense that our economy is a shifting in way that his friends who deal in small Retail Businesses or commercial Properties Like malls are losing out to this major internet giants. Bret lets just say if he woke up tomorrow and said, walmart is taking out momandpop stores, too. Two things going on. One, there is a lot of retail and trump towers around the country. He is probably suffering along with everybody else. But the idea that the president of United States would go after an individual company, why isnt the chamber of commerce bret they put out a statement. Speak about isnt the entire republican party, who was absolutely obama went over Coke Industries pretty specifically. Its not totally unprecedented. That was egregious and rightly called out. This is absolutely and bret last word. Keep in mind, they were government workers who negotiated this contract. So what is the status of their responsibility for amazon getting a suppose a deal that the president is talking about . We dont know if they got a deal. Bret we dont know what the deal is. All we know is that something is happening. The post office has to charge to cover his costs. I dont think the post office is allowed to give a cut rate deal. We all know the government is not always following the rules. Well have to see if we get that contract. Bret we will order several books from different places. Fx, the president says he has epa chief Scott Pruitts back, sort of, did he . Stay with us. Before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, lucy could only imagine enjoying a slice of pizza. Now its as easy as pie. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Attention homeowners age sixtytwo and older. One reverse mortgage has a great way for you to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. Call right now to receive your free information kit with no obligation. It answers questions like. How a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money and more. 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Obama epa officials spend as much or more on travel and career epa ethics Officials Say he paid reasonable market value for the condo, and police or had no business in front of the epa. The press might at least try to pretend it didnt have two standards. Talking about 50 a night here in washington, a place owned, katie, by a lobbyist. Your thoughts on this . It was not a ringing endorsement. I hope he will be great. He is great, hes been great, i like the work he is doing for the administration. Hes making sure that the regulatory agenda is being pushed through, that we are allowing the coal industry to come back as a result bret he is doing all those things. The president did not talk about the great successes of scott pruitt. The interesting part about today and the information that came out about scott pruitt was the number of sources and different Media Outlets who had different stories. Five different stories on five different ethics issues today in a number of different publications. The question is, who is doing at . Who is out to get him . The president seems to allow some of his cabinet members to get away with a few things until they become a distraction. When you have an Inspector General report about your taxpayer spending, you become a distraction and people start asking about it on the president has little patience for that. I havent talked to a Single Person at the white house who would not put money on the fact that he is on thin ice and will be gone. Now, to stipulate, the president s personnel decisions are always unpredictable but there is a sense that there is just one too many ethics problems. Look, Donald Trumps brand was draining the swamp. He doesnt like it when somebody is acting like they are repopulating the swamp instead of draining it. And that is the problem here. Bret however, on the flip side, pruitt arguably, as far as cabinet secretaries have done, has ticked off the trump agenda, and reversed the obama agenda when it comes to the epa more than any other cabinet secretary. When you look at the personnel trump has dismissed, usually its because there are some type of policy disagreement. That played a role as secretary Rex Tillerson and secretary david shulkin. Also, some type of policy and personality mix. They didnt quite get along with Rex Tillerson, in tom prices case, he failed to get the Obamacare Repeal through. You dont have that with scott pruitt. It seems that he has been one of the more effective members of the trump cabinet today too. There doesnt seem to be any personality conflicts at least what we know about. What there are are mounting reports of conflicts of interest. Trump is going to have to balance that out. You have a very loyal and effective soldier versus someone who is getting increasingly bad press. Bret a couple of republicans. Representative Carlos Curbelo tweeting about pruitt, major policy differences aside, his corruption scandals are an embarrassment to the administration and his conduct grossly disrespectful to american taxpayers. Time for him to respond or for approaches to dismiss him. Also from florida agreeing with her other congressmen there from florida. We shall see where the president comes down. Panel, thank you very much. When we come back, our masters week kickers part two. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you but hes got work to do. With a sore back. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. And for pain relief and a good nights rest, try aleve pm for a better am. Bret finally tonight, the anchor has discretion most times, but this week is masters week and tonight is the champions dinner at augustine national. Sergio garcia gets to choose the menu for the big dinner. Only one way to be invited to that dinner and that is to actually win at the masters. Each year, fans get to see with the menu is going to be. Garcia stayed true to his roots with a spanish themed meal, but one of the standout items as the salad which features an ingredient from all ten countries that have had golfers when the masters. The champions will also be having a spanish lobster rice. Golf fans attending the masters will get such an extravagant meal, but they will be treated to the best deal in sporting event food. The sin which is at stands range from 1. 50 for egg salad and cheese pimento to 3 for grilled chicken. The most expensive item is a 5 beer. If you were to buy everything on that menu, it would be about 56. Pretty good deal. Thanks for inviting us into her home tonight, thats it for this special report, fair, balanced, unafraid. Heres martha with the story. Martha and moments, my exclusive interview with congressmen authors now trey gowdy and senator tim scott will join me. What they make of the revelations tonight in the rush investigation and the scathing oped written by Andrew Mccabes wife. Also, those swirling rumors on the hill that many republicans are ready to give up on their conservative agenda until after the midterm elections. But first tonight, the latest on two stories that are breaking right now. At the u. S. Mexico border where the president said today he will send our military, is a caravan of migrants try to travel over the

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