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Was all lined up but we lost the call. And couldnt get a hold of him. Theres areas that emergency crews cant get into and were keeping an eye on that. President trump signed a disaster declaration for texas as Hurricane Harvey made its move on the Lone Star State and Hurricane Harvey has been downgraded to a category three storm and made landfall about 10 00 p. M. Local time. Its been about five hours now and took the storm 56 hours to get to a category for status. Texas governor greg abbott, one of the residents that this monster storm would present in major disaster. Some comparisons are katrina which hit new orleans 12 years ago and at that point killed 1800 people plus devastation there. Check in with adam, meteorologist adam, hes keeping track on what is happening there. Its been about five hours now since the eye of the storm hit the land there. What are we seeing . In these last couple of moments, jackie, new information coming in. The winds are continuing to die down but we just went to a category two storm. We are down to a hundred miles an hour wind. Its not falling apart but shrinking a little bit. You can see the eye wall slowly getting smaller and these are strong winds getting up to that hundred and ten in places like fort lavaca continue to deal with strong winds as well as victoria but its weakening in general and like Corpus Christi was in a very heavy rain its falling out of that and we getting just a bit. The other story is that it continues to slow down and will continue through the overnight hours. Moving now only at 6 miles and hours were not Seen Movement and the problem with that is anyone who is in the way of it rain follows and falls and falls because its not moving quickly and not pushing out of that area. It is starting to shrink down which is the good news. Weve also been dealing with the early hours of morning is a storm surge forecast. Weve been looking at these areas getting storm surges up to close to ten12 feet and mixing numbers coming in from six8 feet and is still opportunity for this to climb up as we see Little Movement of the storm so the wind on the east side of it will continue to pile up the gulf moisture, the gulf water, and thats when you see the storm surge. On top of that credibly heavy rain this is a forecast model of where the Tropical Storm will be traveling. Here in the next couple of days because it will be traveling that much. Lets put it in motion early on your saturday morning running you into sunday meandering inland getting more rain into the houston area but still not a lot of movement. I can run you sunday into monday, drifting back down to the coast maybe Corpus Christi getting more rain and then hovering right along the coast perhaps heading back up. At this point its tuesday and that the storm continues to spend in that general area. That gives us opportunity and time for rain to begin to pile up in the numbers get absolutely outstanding. Youre talking about numbers into the mid 50s inches of total precipitation in these locations and thats what this particular model is suggesting. The Weather Service is saying 4050 inches and high numbers that you dont typically see because they usually move on. This will stay put and it bounced back and forth on portions of east texas. We could see as much is 20 inches in the houston area that is still enough to cause major flooding issues. Again, i told you it will run inland of it. How far inland . We could see damaging rainfall totals from san antonio to austin especially if you talking about the eastern side those cities because thats the direction the system is coming from and thats where the rain will have more opportunity to pile up and thats where it will be doing so for next four or five days. Back to what is happening right now, a lot of rain, i want to point out stretching outside of the immediate area where the hurricane is running you up into the houston area and back over to portions of louisiana this is also under a tornado watch. We seen a couple of tornado storms spotted on the ground and portions of southern houston and that will continue to fire up. This is always the region where you see a couple spin up tornadoes and the conditions are still there and it is still hot and so a lot of energy there. I wouldnt be surprised if we saw a few more of those in the Early Saturday Morning hours. Jackie we are right in the middle of hurricane system, right . I believe it starts in the beginning of june and ends november 30th so we have about three more months of parking system. That is great. When you get toward the end of august into early september, september 10th is historically the peak of the season so were still building up to that. Jackie thanks, adam. Well check in later. Lets do a live look now with matt finn in texas. Hes moved from blessing about 100 miles southeast of houston in his latest is there. How are things looking for us matt . This looks worse, i think. Reporter we are hearing about the storm maybe weakening or slowing down in some areas but right now this is by far the strongest we have seen here. When we first arrived here several hours ago the water line behind me was five10 feet off the shore and now you can see it is engulfing this walking area behind me and bringing up some substantial debris with it. It looks like very large pieces of wood and logs, branches, what have you and behind me you cant see because theres not a lot of light but the water is now up in the grass area. Were talking about a surge anywhere between ten20 feet here because we first got here the water was nowhere near the shoreline. Emergency official folks say they worry about the storm surge here that would cause damage and erosion to the shoreline and these pathways and unfortunately it looks like thats what will happen. Very strong substantial wind for hours and theres been no relief and the water is extremely violent and the power has been going on and off all night long and the dock right next to me is now completely blacked out and it seems like the last couple of hours any light that was out there coming from a generator or some type of emergency backup but now it is completely blacked out into the left of me are several communities and they are also entirely blacked. Not seeing any lights in windows or anything like that. It would indicate that we have a pretty substantial Power Outages. We spoke to officials and they said this could potentially be the worst Case Scenario because anyone who decided to stick around could be without power for days. The town we are in right now is a fishing town, coastal town of about 5000 people and no indication that we could figure how many people decided to stay. The county that we are in there was a mandatory evacuation in the emergency official manager, county judge says about 36000 people live in this county and he thanks most of the people heated the mandatory evacuation and the buses left at 1 30 this afternoon or yesterday afternoon, now. So whoever is here in the coming hours and days will have to rely on themselves. Emergency officials said that if you decided to stick this out you are here by yourself and becoming more and more dangerous. Power is out that we have a storm surge and it is very strong wind and strong rain. Jackie matt, i know it is not easy when youre out there and breaking news and you have the sirens or wind or rain and you have the ocean wander pounding your face and try to focus and keep a thought. Youre doing a great job. We appreciate it. Please go to your car and get safe for another half hour and will check in later. Thank you so much, matt. Leland you will never be colder or wetter than you are after a hurricane. Randy is the chief of Public Affairs of the Us Army Corps of engineers in the galveston and joins us now by phone. Good to talk with you, sir. As we understand, the port of galveston is closed, 20000 or so cruiseship passengers either out to see or into other ports because of how bad conditions are in galveston. Big picture here, how long do we know how bad it is and how long so you all begin to try to bring things back to normal . Once the storm passes part of our thing is charge of restoring the waterways Navigation System and then we will be responsible for maintaining the get navigation texas coastline. Leland give us an idea of what damage reports you are getting. Have you been able to talk to people in rockport or long those fishing towns and waterways to see what damage is already been done . Know, we have not got any reports as of yet. We do have Emergency Operations center which is stood up and theyre tracking the situation going on but to my knowledge there is one vessel that was out some hours ago and we do not know the status if it is gone to safe harbor or not. Our role is after the storm has passed and we get into the recovery mode thats when our survey votes and assets will be out serving the areas and the ship channels after the hurricane makes landfall. Leland adam was talking about rain in the feet in terms of 30, 50 inches of rain coming down and i know theres been a lot of money spent in the galveston in the floodgates and canals and the breakwaters but is there any floodgates, is there any breakwater that can protect against 30, 40 or 50 inches of rain or are we guaranteed now for his recording . Thats one of the concerns we have with the way that it is sitting on us for this long period of time. The surge is not really the issue but the continued rainfall will be the more major concern and were just sitting out at this point in waiting for Mother Nature to do its thing. Leland if have you all been through one that would last this long as we heard about this extended amount of rainfall that is coming . Know, to my knowledge this is unprecedented. Something to hover around for a long period of time you will get a surge and thats where most of our worries come in with a surge over to been our structures. Here the surge is on the issue but you have the initial server that came through but its a prolonged rainfall that will continually count through our systems. What we did particularly in the houston area with our attics we left the gates open for as long as we could let that water natural flow continue until a point in time around 8 00 oclock last night when we finally closed them and now they are collecting water and we will keep them closed until it reaches the part where we have to do some type of emergency release if it will compromise our system. Leland you talk about overwhelming the systems and obviously they were designed for big storm surges and were seen that storm surge come up and matt bens life shot, high tide was about five hours away so you can expect more water coming rushing in and across the road and across businesses that are no doubt in that fishing village. You havent planned for this extended rainfall, these 30 or 40 inches of rain. Theres a difference between overwhelming the system and destroying the system. Are you looking at the possibility that this will be something that you can recover from in a couple of days or couple of weeks but we may be talking months . It wont damage the system but for our reservoirs it will take a couple of months to get the worstCase Scenario for us to drain they are dry reservoirs and to get them drain back down to where theres no water remaining in the because we have to do it slowly because you dont want to fund the people down the area of houston. There will be controlled releases at that point and it will take an extended amount of time. Leland were already hearing about the flooding threat in houston and when we talk to the mayor in victoria where the eye wall is just about over he said they already had big flooding this year and that was without a hurricane so the ground saturated and the trees are easily to be blown over and now the storm is unprecedented with historic levels of rain. It is just beginning for you and we to use dana plus. Thank you, sir. As we continue our coverage here on the left side of your screen is jackie, the left side of your screen was matt bens life shot with the track of the storm. It is beginning but the real damage is we are seeing from our affiliates and through twitter there is incredible damage across much of texas in areas that theres no communication to get information out of and hopefully well see more of that as we get into those communities in a couple of hours and its now a category three and will see more as the sun starts to come up. It is now 316 tarmac in texas. Stick with us for our hurricane coverage which will continue right after this break. Dont go anywhere. Its a record amount of rainfall that is being estimated. Be smart, try to stay in your house and protect your life and those assets around you. Dont go outside and dont try to drive. We dont know where all the water will go. When you have flash floods you always say turnaround, dont drown because you dont know how deep it is. If there is record flooding like this, we dont want that scenario to happen. When wind speeds are over 40 miles an hour our police cars are not out there. We wont have the resources to respond to these things so it might be expended amount of time to get help. Stay in the house and stay safe and dry. I was born and raised here and you know this is always an option but we deftly trained and im confident for Emergency Operations center here and we are prepared for this i know there will be issues and youll always have issues in circumstances like this but nothing we cant overcome and we can accomplish coming out of this. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. Get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only 34. 90 more per month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Jackie it is now 3 20 in texas and Hurricane Harvey expecting to have a big impact on businesses. Weve been talking about this the last couple of hours, and shutting down Oil Refineries across the coast. Extreme puttering is expecting to bring michelle activity to a halt and may take weeks even months before some of the shelf fields can bounce back from this. Texas is the Largest Oil Producer in the states by far and part of the oilrich shell formation lies in the projected path of the storm. Companies have suspended drilling and evacuated nonessential staff. Others have shut down all operations in about 30 refineries on the gulf coast that process more than 5 millioy and as of thursday coming companies evacuated employees. This stands to have a major impact nationwide on gas prices. The prices every gallon could jump team25 cents a weekend, leland, as we mentioned, to get gas in texas people waited in long, long lines. Remember super storm sandy . I can only imagine in texas. Leland long lines if you can find it. This is a live shot from where matt bennett was broadcasting from and you can see the storm surge coming up in high tide is in a couple hours as is debris. Its 3 22 a. M. And daybreak is 7 00 a. M. And were still three and half hours away as the Storm Research continues to come in. Weve been talking all night about when you look at this picture it looks like a bad storm but where are these 130160mile an hour winds. Those places we cant get to and its unsafe to be. This is 20 miles 30 miles south of this location this is what the Police Department put on their twitter feed in their facebook feed. I will quote this is likely our last post until services can be restored. We have lost all connectivity outside of Public Safety radios. You cant call the police there. If you dial 911 you will be rerouted to portland 911 and as long as that remains up, stay safe in shelter and we are not leaving in will be here when it blows over. That was six hours ago and we have not heard anything from them since. That is the Police Department. Were bringing in adam has been tracking the storm and this speaks to exactly what we talk about. The worst part of the storms we dont see as it is happening evidence by those white boxes behind you that the wind meters that is to give you an other meteorologist information dont work anymore. We are completely blind essentially. It is chilling but with these particular boxes what we should be seeing our art wind gusts. Ive been here since 7 00 oclock yesterday, 7 00 p. M. And we were watching the storm moved closer. Farther away you can see the wind gusts of 70maybe 80 miles an hour but as this moves across the area we got up to 80 miles, 90 miles an hour and we saw those numbers and then they started dropping off one by one because these wins getting up to 130 miles an hour gusting up to 160 miles an hour. Some of them are buoys or on land and these wins are Strong Enough to take them out. The data is not being a sentence. Anywhere where the heart of this is going, leland and jackie, these are areas where its taking down communications for us and obviously with the story its taking down communications for a lot of folks trying to survive and take care of each other in those areas, as well. Leland adam, maybe you study this in school but how highly fortified are these weather installations . They have to know hurricanes come to these areas and they have to know that getting wind gust readings are important and what are they 452 . At what point do you know that they are broken . In this case we know theyve broken when they dropped off. It was consistent around 90 miles an hour and you do your best to put them in a location is protected but with the storm i guess theres only so much that can be done. They have to be in the elements and you cant protect it too much is you want to be able to get into the wind. Leland as we talked all night, jackie, its not only getting the readings but getting the conditions out. As we learned from the Police Department we havent heard anything from rockport but they dont have phones or cell phones and they dont have in many cases power and its difficult in the middle of the night is for folks who decided to ride this out for those who are Police Officers and firefighters were charged to protect the rest of the people who decided to stick around. Jackie you know what, leland, weve been trying to get a hold of the police chief and this makes sense after seeing their Facebook Post saying there will be no further communications until they can get back up and running. It makes sense now. We were wondering why we couldnt get a hold of him and we couldnt get a hold of the mayor in rockport and that the mayor who said if you ride this thing out, get a sharpie and write your Social Security on your arm and it was very chilling. We cant get a hold of him. We cant get a hold of a lot of people that were trying to get information out of these local towns and cities and thats why youre not seeing the most devastating photos yet because we cant get them. Adam, i got a chill down my back as jackie was talking because this is reminiscent in a little bit of a way of the first hours of katrina that everyone thought it wasnt as bad as everyone predicted and everyone to a deep breath and said well, its okay and then daybreak came and we saw how bad it is. Obviously, rockport, texas is not newport, louisiana but it is a flat town and theres a lot of areas that are lowlying and is there a chance were in for pretty heavy devastation from daybreak . I do think theres heavy devastation. Part of the thing that makes it damaging is were talking about when with the rain, four or five days from now will be the bigger story for all of texas but as far as rockport and running along the coast we can see the amount of time it spends moving across just there in the corner for nearly two hours that town of rockport sat right on the eye wall and thats were the strongest winds are. Consistently, 130 maybe 160mile an hour winds and structures can only take that for so long and when were talking about multiple hours things will start to come apart. Im sure of it. Leland we heard one place was safe at least in rockport was the jail which is where they took people from the Senior Citizen center because its one of the only places fortified enough to survive the winter. Adam, in your experience, how long does it take these medications to get restored . Thats what makes this a unique situation. More often than not the storms can get out of their influence can get back in but we are not going to see motion with this. Right now currently were moving at 6 miles an hour is still the winds are 110 miles an hour that means by the time the sun comes up were only going to be another several miles of the road. At this rate, it will take a little while because obviously folks wont go out in this and put things back together. Leland adam, we thank you. As it power continues to go out around texas. Jackie, it brings up an important point that we got from the former assistant to the head of fema that they have all of these resources staged north and west of where this storm is, power trucks to come in, fuel trucks to come in, bulldozers to move things but if there are thunderstorms and torrential rains coming down you have flooded roads that you cant get over in generators that are washed out in cell towers in the rain could seriously hamper any ability to get rescue teams and recovery teams in their. Jackie not looking so good there. Lets hope as the sun comes up we can see what damage. I read about 5. 8 Million People live from Corpus Christi to galveston. A lot of people in the wake of the storm. Well take a quick break and be right back. Leland a fox news alert. Forgetting new video from the Police Department. This is taken sometime late yesterday afternoon. This is the harbormasters house in aransas pass texas getting quite literally blown away. This is a post from the Police Department and was posted seven hours ago. Moments ago a harbor master building on the harbor blew away. Sorry for poor quality, rain on the lens. That is the Police Department caption here for this video that we are getting in. That is some of the destruction that were getting as adam was saying in that area. They were getting wind gusts of 8090 miles an hour and then the wind gust meters lost their signal to be able to send back their information. Aransas pass police also losing the ability to communicate from their Police Department Facebook Page. This is likely our last post until services can be restored and we lost all connectivity outside of Public Safety radios and he dialed 911 you will be routed through portlands 911 as well as that remains up. Stay safe, shelter in place and we will not be leaving but we will be here when it was over. This comes as trickling in reports of building collapses in rockford port which is where it made landfall across the path there from aransas pass. Its a little closer out toward the gulf. Its where our reporters say its relatively tame especially in places like Corpus Christi where the western edge of the storm but we have matt where you saw the storm surge coming up into the high tide in you see Power Outages and you get these trickle reports coming in from places like we cant get into and it certainly seems like daybreak which is now about three and half hours away in texas could bring utter devastation from the storm. They talked about 130mile an hour winds and dust 165 rockport, texas, city manager kevin said multiple people there have been taken to the countys jail for assessment which seems strange but theyre going to the jail and to get treatment after a roof of a Senior Housing complex collapses. This proof that they are doing whatever they can to try to take care of the residents stayed there but the medical facility and i dont propose a hospital is there going to the local jail to try to get taken error. Rockport Historic Downtown area has been heavily damaged and youll see more in the next couple of hours a daybreak. Leland its important to note that we cant get a hold of those people in rockport or in aransas pass. The phone number of the Police Department put up is that if you needed this is the only phone number that works but it doesnt work anymore. Cell towers are rated somewhere in the hundred 50mile an hour range but thats a generators stay on as well as a loose power so its medications go down and he gets more and more dangerous and as we heard, from the mayor of victoria which is inland from rockport, theres a point where theres a fire permit and the do please dont leave because they realize that if they do leave and people get hurt they wont be able to help folks once the storm clears. At one point they all begin to shelter as we learn from that city manager the only place they thought was safe enough was the jail there. Rockport is a pretty flat town so theres not a lot of distance and the storm surge comes in theres not a lot of leeway for them in terms of high ground to get to and also you have the issue of how hard the buildings are. One would think a jail filled with cinderblocks can withstand some of the storm and hopefully it did. Those Senior Citizens are inside. Earlier today we heard from Homeland Security tom who expressed confidence in President Trump when responding to hurricane party. I was also in and through and i remember clearly from Hurricane Katrina helping our governments write reports. Its not just what is what on my mind but on the managers in the community in louisiana because the experience is still in their memory and what weve done has gone better as a government. Congress has gotten better and passed laws to help deploy assets in this aftermath of the events. Hell employ those resources carefully and we grant the declaration which i suspect we might and lastly, to your point of how difficult it is to get assistance to people i would say this. You never want to plan for the federal government to provide everything that you need when you need it just in time. It will be 4. 6 Million People in the path of the storm and thats a lot of people. We encourage people to be ready and be prepared and take responsibility for their own safety and the next 72 hours unfolds. Food, water and shelter are the primary concerns but secondly when we provide that assistance we do it in such a way that is so organized that things work out the way they are supposed to and that it will go directly to the individuals eligible for it or close to the state and local officials of the logistic trail to provide that commodities and lastly i like to make a plug for nongovernmental organizations as well. As you know, a number of organizations like request to manage shelters and those type of resources are imperative to the people confronting this paralytic to thank them for their work. Writing an expression i would say i just came off a female organize which is a Conference Call of all of the affected parties and there was no unmet needs reported. We went across all the support functions and they all seem to be well postured and they did a report to us any additional need. They all reported that theyre in the right operational posture to help the American People to the store. Jackie that was Homeland Security advisor tom, you heard them speaking there. Well take a quick break but coming back we will tell you what you at home can do to help the victims of hurricane party. Well take a quick break and be right back. Right here on fox news. Jackie it is now 3 42 in texas local time. Joining us on the phone . Wilder, Communications Director for attorney general texas. Mark, were getting some troubling news if you asked me out of rockport we had an interview scheduled and we cant get the mayor on the phone. Weve been trying to get the police chief and aransas pass and we cant get a hold of them either. On their Facebook Page they posted this they said they lost all connectivity outside of Public Safety radios. If you dial 911 youll be rerouted to portland 911 as long as that remains up. They said this is likely our last post until services can be restored. Have you heard from either one of those divinities . We have not. We are monitoring all of the events as they happen, jackie and everything is prepared in an ready mode at the command center. We are waiting until the time is right in the sun or daylight breaks and we can head out and begin the situation. We have not heard positively or negatively of the support. Jackie what have you heard from other communities coming into the command center . Any in injuries or anything like that . Honestly we wont until daybreak. I wish there was a way that we could have these communication devices that worked through the storms and unfortunately our communications here are limited even on radios. When this storm hit last night it was pretty much hunkered down and watch and wait. Its true lee a helpless feeling for these lawenforcement heroes. They are trained and ready to get out on the front lines to help and assist, rebuild and all the things that they do every day but theyre in a place where they have to wait the storm out. Jackie pretty incredible that you cant get a hold of them. What kind of message would you send it to folks who are home who, lets be honest, cant even see this but what message would you have to them . Im sure we have elderly people, Single Parents were stranded, what do they do, do they call . Like you said if you call 911 in aransas pass, it will be sent to another area because they cant get your call. This is frightening. Yeah, many of the 911 support systems have been down over the evening all around. We hear about rockport because thats ground zero for where the storm hit but the reality is people must heed the advice of Law Enforcement officials days ago and they shouldve listened to them days ago with Medication Systems were all up because once that storm hits there is a possibility, probability and reality that everything was a down. We are in a mode now to where our Law Enforcement officials are, search and rescue, whether by land or vote or air they are on a standstill until daybreaks and it looks like the weather is cooperating. I am in Corpus Christi and this will not be a problem getting everyone else but once day breaks and getting to the places we dont know what type of debris is on the streets and we havent been able to assess that. Once they get to rockport in the surrounding areas then and only then will we know what type of potential catastrophe we are facing. Jackie mark, we will see how this shakes out in a couple of hours. Thank you for being with us. Leland, did you hear the interview . Leland its chilling to hear that those at the Operation Centers cant check all in with other Law Enforcement who are closer to the storm. Bring in meteorologist adam, we heard from the Attorney Generals Office say they felt the weather was cooperating in terms of being able to get rescue access outcome daybreak but swear that with your forecast that will be getting 3t couple of days. Our reads being too optimistic here in terms of being able to get out come daybreak . Perhaps. Okay. Here is what were looking at right now. You can see Corpus Christi down at the bottom of your screen and the system continues to look to the north and as it does so areas on the backside are beginning to clear. In the most popular area, things are looking better but you can see this is still a large system and theres a lot of rain. The wind continues to die down and will continue to die down which means you should be able to get outside easier and now a category two storm and when this made landfall wins were at 130 miles an hour with gusts up to 160 and currently were looking at 110 miles an hour. This is a radar loop and the eye continues to get smaller and smaller. Winds are dying down and i will be the main deterrent for folks getting out initially. Eventually rain will be the bigger problem because there still a lot of rain with the system and will continue to be a rain maker here for quite a while. The reason for that is this is the big story, yes, the initial punches about the wind and this storm surge but this is a big story than just the rockport area as we continue here four days because this isnt moving. This is our hurricane, the Tropical Storm eventually and its in motion now into monday and i can take you and tuesday and it continues to sit there. We see the energy and moisture and that is a nonstop rain along the east texas coast. That is when the numbers begin to pile up and that will make roads more impassable. This doesnt happen often but heres the setup that is forcing it. We have a High Pressure system off to the west that isnt going to move. The system would love to had that direction and it came off the gulf of mexico moving off to the north and west but it will bump into a High Pressure system and a High Pressure system will win in force it back there. It will have to sit along the coast until it eventually goes out. In that time it will rain nonstop. Some of our forecast models, 54, 53 inches in some Area National Weather Service is seen 35 inches but these are incredibly impressive numbers for some of these higher areas and this is where were talking about right now, a little farther south, ten or 12 inches near Corpus Christi because there on the good side of the hurricane is a made landfall. Taking you up on the bad side, houston, always away but perhaps getting as much is 20 inches is in the numbers get higher as you get closer and closer to where we saw originally saw landfall. Leland and jackie, unfortunately even if we get a little bit of a time have to capitalize because the system is not just exiting tomorrow. It will linger for a while. Leland the storms activity is what you always count on when you are there to get out and begin the Recovery Efforts as we heard from the folks down in texas. That will become more and more difficult. Flash flood warnings were seen towards houston and townsend flood easily without a hurricane. Obviously, we will keep tracking the storm and getting a hold of the folks down there in texas see if we cant find more video. Harvey has come ashore but the effects are beginning to be felt. Daybreak in about three hours in texas and will get a first look at the devastation that is sure to be there as many communities there are cut off. 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Then they put up a pretty chilling facebook paste saying their communications are down and 911 doesnt work and doesnt go to them but itll go to another Police Department for as long as that system stays up. Then we havent heard anything from them. It was striking to me that your interviews a little while ago with someone in the Emergency Operations center there that they couldnt get a hold of anyone in aransas pass and they couldnt get a hold of anyone in rockport which is where the eye wall came. We have live pictures now from just up the coast about 4050 miles where the storm surge is coming in. Matt is in the life position, the high water continues to rise there but as we pointed out all night this picture doesnt look bad. It just doesnt. Its windy and rainy and stormy. The true devastation we cant get to and we cant see and the people who are there dont have any communications. 90 miles an hour and a half to bring the satellite dishes down from the trucks in the cell phone systems that we use to transit video those go down as well. Jackie you know, leland, i want to touch on this. Anyone who is at home looking at wrecking harvey and trying to figure out what it is that you can do to help the victims. We dont know anything about if there are injuries or any sort of stuff because, as you hear, people cant get out there to the folks but if you want to help out what you can donate to your local red cross or volunteer at your local chapter. They are always looking for volunteers and i know the church i want to they are always donating to these type of causes when theres a hurricane there are number of churches in your area you can speak with them on sunday and ask them to get involved in donate blood. They always need blood in times like these and they suspect there may be a shortage of keep that in mind if youre looking to get out and help this hurricane on hold. Leland it will be a long time until we understand how bad the damage is especially with the rain coming for the next couple of days. Jake attract jackie, great to be with you. Extending coverage to the next couple of days of wrecking harvey. Clayton good morning, we are on early, Hurricane Harvey ravaging in texas. Bringing winds of up to 160 miles an hour. Abby strongest storm to hit the United States in more than a decade and could drop close to 50inches of rain in parts of texas before this thing is all over. Thousands of people have been evacuated. More than 200,000 are without power as they wake up this morning. Check this out, video coming in showing destruction including a roof ripped right off a building in

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