Saying that all were chosen at random. Immediately upon that individual seeing the officer, he dove onto the ground and was taken into custody. As he was taken into custody, he yelled allahu akbar. The imam of the Islamic Cultural Center of fresno says that Cory Mohammed is not a member of his congregation and he does not recognize him. According to the police, mohammed also called himself a black jesus. The chief said that on his facebook page, they found posts in which he made antigovernment statements and said he did not like white people. All three of the victims in todays shootings were white men. Police had had been searching for kori ali muhammad. They say has a criminal history involving guns, drugs, false imprisonment and terroristic threats. We are told at this point the fbi is not treating this as a terrorism incident. Police chief also said at his News Conference that its too early to say whether this was a terror attack but pointed out once again the statement that mohammed made in arabic, saying god is great. The chief also praised fresnos shot spotter technology. Its a sophisticated system of sound monitors placed around Downtown Fresno died to designed to alert police when shots are fired. The chief said the technology and the alerts, without them, more people may have been killed today. Bret jonathan, thank you. The man who police they murdered an elderly man on Easter Sunday and then posted video on facebook heads taken his own life. It happened this afternoon as officers closed in after a car chase in pennsylvania. Correspondent matt finn has an update from cleveland. Hello, matt. Bret, police say this could have, they wish they could have ended ended police fully to killer. Police say around 11 00 a. M. They got a tip that the killer was spotted at a mcdonalds in erie, pennsylvania. There was a Short Police Pursuit and police got him to stop his car. Officers say when a Police Officer approached the killers car, he shot himself dead. We are standing in the neighborhood where some of stephens family lives. We spoke to his mother today. She said she found out her son died by listening to the radio and she said stephens came to her own last week before the easter shooting and told her it was the last time they were going to see each other. She begged him not to do anything extreme. He wasnt a bad person for it he snapped. He had a gambling problem. He owed a lot of people. He couldnt pay everybody. He had been building it up over months and months. Him and the girl broke up. Stephens mother said she preferred he killed himself versus officer shooting him. Bret live in cleveland, thank you. The u. S. Is under relentless attack, that from Homeland Security secretary john kelly today. Kelly is a warning of a new and deadly connection responsible for increased crime and violence in the streets. Here is chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge. Transnational criminal organizations are building a relationship with foreign terrorist groups for financial gain. The nexus between criminal networks and terrorist networks is real, and i would predict would get more sophisticated. In his first major speech, Homeland Security secretary john kelly predicts if foreign terrorist launch a successful plot like another 9 11, their operatives will not individuals get through the United States through the southwest border. Trying to prevent that from happening. Two chicago men were indicted on isis related charges. Kelly said the nation is in an instant of an unpresented spike in homegrown terrorism. 36 cases in 18 states over the last 12 months. They have Single Mission and thats our destruction brace tickle kelly, who will visit the southern border this week, defended the ministers ands aggressive a Strong Defense frustrates terrorist, truck shipments, cartels and gangs. Alongside james comey, the attorney general hit hard on the same issue. Years of lax immigration enforcement, ms13 is been sending recruiters and gang members to regenerate these games. Sessions and kelly said Drug Trafficking cant be separated from border issues. We will secure our border, expand immigration enforcement, and choke off supply lines buried kelly shot back at media and congressional critics. Lawmakers do not like the laws be enforced, that we are charged and sworn to enforce, they should have the courage and the skill to change the laws. Otherwise they should shut up and support the men and women in the front lines. After the extreme vetting order, secretary kelly said people are detained for a reason, adding intelligence drives the decision. Not religion, skin color, or country of origin. Taking a page from President Trump, kelly said theres a huge gap between his to berman compliments and media reporting. Bret thank you. Former president george w. Bush has been taken to houston hospital tonight. That is according to kh ou tv in houston. His office told that station the 92yearold mr. Bush is already on the path to recovery and heading home. No word on exactly why the 41st president was taking to the hospital. He was treated there for pneumonia in january. President trump is on his way back to the white house right now after spending the afternoon trying to make good on his pledge to get more people to hire american workers. It comes on a uniquely american day, tax day. Many of your fellow americans are right at this moment scribbling to get the returns filed in those checks in the mail. The president would like to do something about that too. The question is when. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts joins us. Bret, good evening. On the campaign trail, the president pledged repeatedly he was going to do away with the h1b visa program for skilled immigrants. The plan he announced ins kenosha, wisconsin, today fell short of the mark but it came down on the side of the american worker. Its one of the central reasons President Trump won manufacturing rich states like wisconsin. Campaign promise to protect and create american jobs. I am proud to announce that we are about to take bold new steps to follow through on my pledge to buy american and hire american. After touring an icon of wisconsin manufacturing, snapon tools, the president signed an executive order to review the system of h1b visas. President trump insists many companies, particularly in hightech are abusing the system to bring in immigrants will work for lower wages. The president wants to make sure h1b v visas are awarded to the most highest skilled immigrants. We are sending a powerful signal to the world we are going to defend our workers, protect our jobs, and finally put america first. The president has directed a review of decadesold government buy american policy to ensure federal agencies and federal contracts make maximum use of American Goods and materials. It also authorizes the renegotiation of trade deals with the agreements put the u. S. At a disadvantage. This historic action declares that the policy of our government is to aggressively promote and use americanmade goods and ensure that American Labor is hired to do the job. While many workers applaud the move, the president s critics are crying hypocrisy, calling out the president s use of immigrant workers at his properties and manufacturing trump branded goods in china. Directing the people buy american entire american, well maybe you could start with your own businesses. Im confident that if you turn it over, you will see the inscription made in china on the back of the executive order. As millions of americans file their taxes today, President Trump announced his tax reform plan is coming soon. Secretary mnuchin is workig on a plan to make our industry more competitive and provide a level Playing Field for our workers. Potential problems lie ahead. Democrats and some republicans say they wont sign on to tax reform until they see how it will affect the president s taxes, again calling on him to release his tax returns. Nancy pelosi saying every president since gerald ford, democrat and republican, has released his tax return to the public. Who does President Trump owe . America needs to know. All roads lead back to the president s tax returns. The message from the white house dont hold your breath. The president s view on this has been clear. The American People understood it when they elected him in november. Chairman of the house ways and means committee, kevin brady, is not among the republicans calling for the president to release his tax returns but brady told fox news today that there is a once in a generation chance to reform the tax credit needs to happen this year. Planning to announce the republican blueprint next week. Bret s more on this with the panel. President trumps stand on his own tax records has renewed complaints about his administrations transparency. Or lack of it. Long before running for president , then Businessman Donald Trump mocked then president obama over his claim to have the most Transparent Administration ever. Tonight chief washington correspondent james rosen looks at how this administration stacks up with the last one so far. At a raucous town hall in little rock, republican senator tom cotton got an ear full from arkansas residents when he defended President Trumps refusal to release his tax returns. As far as im aware, the president said he is still under audits. Coordinated rallies in city saturday, protesting mr. Trump withholding of his tax data, the president s aid stop short he would state he would never released the returns. Analyst protect the issue will resurface when the Trump Administration seeks to advance tax reform through congress. As opponents question whether the chief executive or his family will benefit. You know who will pay for it to the most . Rank and file senator tom cotton who have to go back home and answer to their constituents if he just complies with tradition and releases them, he can move forward and maybe start to get things done. The white house defended its decision not release white house visitor logs on a regular basis. There are now people on both sides of the aisle who think this is the least Transparent Administration in decades. We are following the same policy that every administration has used with respect to visitor logs. We will comply with the records act. The Obama Administration released its visitor log, critics contended the logs were often scrubbed of intriguing names. They know president obamas receipt of a transparency award in the ceremony close to the press. Rules and regulations that are horrendous. The new president has transported it shrinks secre. The New York Times asserts it is going on in force. The publics expectations are being set. One of the challenges for government is to keep up with those expectations. One area where the white house has excessively asserted its policy is to be free of lobbyist influence is the federal budget. Omb director Mick Mulvaney told reporters last month the chief executive did not seek the input of lobbyists or special interests and is brett and i quote beholden to none of that. Bret u. S. Warplanes scrambled to intercept and pair of russian bombers last night as they came within 100 miles of alaska. It is the first russian flyby since President Trump took office. Two american f22 jet flew alongside the russian bombers for about 12 minutes. The russians reversed course. Vice president s mike pence says the u. S. Will not rest until north korea gives up its nuclear weapons. North korea is saying today prepare for a lot of sleepless nights. The communist north is bowing to conduct weekly missile tests and is threatening allout war. Here is Benjamin Hall. Kim jongun is showing no signs of backing down as International Pressure mounts against his regime. If anything, the rogue state is escalating its war of words and today threatened Preemptive Nuclear strikes had felt the u. S. Was going to attack. This as Vice President pence arrived in japan on the next leg of his tenday tour of east asia. Also sounding defiant. Our commitment is unwavering in our resolve could not be with Prime Minister abe, he set out to reassure regional allies of the u. S. Would focus first on a diplomatic solution. All options are on the table, President Trump is determined to close with japan, and our allies. North korea says nothing was stopped the missile tests, and i think they would continue on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Following the failed test on sunday which defense secretary mattis also talked about. The leader in north korea again recklessly tried to provoke something by launching a missile. Analysts are still scouring video from saturdays parade, with some pointing out that at least one large unknown missile appears to be of chinese origin. Underline one of the biggest challenges. President trump has said china is working with the u. S. Over north korea, but despite the from the relations between the two president s, including trump softening on currency in oblation, others are not so certain. In the past two every time we talked to china, they cooperate but when we are distracted and we look at the middle east or something else, the chinese go back to their ordinary way of doing things which is helping north korea. The uss Carl Vinson Aircraft Carrier Strike Group has not yet reached the sea of japan but should be in place by april 25th. That is when pyongyang celebrates the founding of its own military, a day the eyes of the world will be watching. The real issue is will try to get on board with the common goal of declan denuclearizatr will they play both sides. After the tomahawk strike in syria, they know his words carry weight. Bret Benjamin Hall in london. Thank you. Up next, todays congressional special election in georgia is getting attention all over the country. We will tell you why. First, heres whats some of our fox affiliates are covering. Fox 10 in phoenix with the search for a 62yearold woman and her 14yearold grandson who were swept down a remote creek in Grand Canyon National Park saturday. Luanne merrill is the wife of the founder of the merrill company. She has had to be an experienced and skilled hiker. Searchers are using ground teams, drones, and a motorized boat. Nassau sends a supply ship name for john glenn into orbit. The Atlas V Rocket lifted off they pay the ss john glenn holds gear for the space station. He was the First American to orbit the earth and later became the oldest person ever in space. This is a live look at one stiff competition in round rock, texas, from fox 7. One of the big stories and we are not saying this is the biggest but kissing a kia to win a car. Contestant started yesterday. They have to maintain a lip lock until one remains. At this hour, there are 11 contestants left. This is a live locked, as they are kissing the kia. They get ten minute breaks every hour. Thats tonights live lock outside the beltway from special report. We will be right back. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. To me, relationships matter. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. 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For years, centurylink has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. We do business where you do business. Up a special election to fill the senate seat formerly held by jeff sessions. The new governor has set august 15 for the primary, iran for september, and the general election for december 12. That reverses former governors planned to wait until 2018. Bentley resigned from office last week. The election oversees coming up, british Prime Minister theresa may is calling for early elecons she tries to solidify her Political Base while she negotiates an exit from the european union. The socalled brexit. May says she will ask the house of commons house of commons tobacco call for an election in june. Getting a larger majority in parliament would help her get the deal shes looking for in these complicated negotiations. Here in the u. S. , congress is on vacation but the work continues on a repeal and replace effort for obamacare. Mike emanuel brings us uptodate. Congressmen begun for reassessment conversations continue, trying to secure these 260 votes to Pass Health Care reform in the house but some suggest there is pressure to the house to act. This is probably a 6040 possibility that we get it done. Texas republican serves on the energy and commerce committee. My opinion, the bill is close to being ready to go. From that standpoint, its not going to require a great deal of additional time of the house side. House Speaker Paul Ryan is traveling overseas this week but senior republican aides say leadership is evaluating adjustments designed to win over conservatives while ensuring they dont lose moderates aboard. Jeff denham of california pledged to keep components of obamacare. I have expressed to leadership that i am a no on the Health Care Vote until its responsive to my community. It is not just republicans hearing from constituents about health care. California democrat senator Dianne Feinstein took some heat from her base last night in san francisco. How are you going to support singlepayer health care . If singlepayer health care is going to mean complete takeover by the government of all health care, im not there. Because that is not likely with republicans in the white house and in the majority on capitol hill. Vice president mike pence has been heavily engaged trying to get enough support to pass the health care package. Certainly there was a week or two where i saw more of mike pence as Vice President then i saw of him as our conference chair. He was everywhere at every meeting. The Vice President was front and center. Sources close to the talk say they are cautiously optimistic in suggesting the deal is potentially inside. I am told congress would likely need to address funding the government first, facing an end of the month deadline. Some sources suggest a Health Care Vote in the house could have been the first. Bret thank you. The va says some veterans will be able to use their Health Care Benefits at cvs clinics. The Pilot Program is limited to the phoenix area so far but if successful, it could go nationwide. It is the latest reaction to the scandal over excessive wait times for veterans at va facilities. Tragic news tonight from here in washington. A federal worker was killed this morning when a large tree fell on him near the u. S. Capitol. The architect of the capitols offices Matthew Mcclanahan was working on irrigation pipe at the time of the accident. House Speaker Paul Ryan asked for prayers for his wife and young children. Right now, the state of arkansas plans to execute to death row inmates thursday. It is the next scheduled event in a flurry of sentences to be carried out before the end of the month. Last night scheduled between killing was blocked in the same fate could await the others. Casey stegall is in arkansas tonight. As staff inside arkansas prison unit prepare for the first executions of nearly 12 years on monday, judges in local, state, and federal courts were considering stays, appealing and issuing rulings all surrounding the states unprecedented attempt to execute age convicts in 11 days. It is simply doing our duty. Its not a race against anything. Its been 25 years. 25 years since don davis was convicted of murdering jane daniel, execution style in her home. 25 years since a jury sentenced him to die for it. 25 years and his victims family still waits. I forgive him back when he was accused. It will be done. Then he will never be able to say my moms name ever again. She was minutes away from her wish last night. Then came the u. S. Of them courts unanimous decision to stay don davis execution. The ruling upheld the judgment earlier in the day by the Arkansas Supreme Court to halt not only davis date with death but bruce wards too. Lawyers argued mental competency issues. The attorneys here at the attorney the Generals Office has been working around the clock. Rutledge says its heartbreaking for the families who were denied justice. However, a separate case yesterday went in favor of the state. The eighth Circuit Court of appeals reversed a federal judges decision to halt the lethal injections in part on the basis the rapid execution schedule could be cruel and unusual punishment, but the Appellate Court threw it out. The executions will be carried out. The remaining five executions are still on to be carried out here in gould, arkansas. Two scheduled for thursday, the other three next week. Bret Casey Stegall live in gould, arkansas. Thank you. Yesterdays gains are todays losses on the market. Dow lost 114. S p 500 and nasdaq were both off 7. Its tax day, but dont expect a get a look at President Trumps returns anytime soon. What about tax reform in congress . Is that coming soon . We will talk about it all with the panel only come back we are also working with congress, tax reform and simplification where on time if we get that health care approval. Press every one of your congressman, press everybody. We want to get that approval. And it just makes the text from easier and it makes it better. Its going to make it steeper. Its going to be thicker. And thats what we want to do. We are in very good shape on tax reform. Bret President Trump talking about tax reform pain hes got some plans. The question is when will happen. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin telling the Financial Times then interview the august deadline for tax reform highly aggressive to not realistic at this point. Started as an aggressive timeline and its fair to say it is probably delayed a bit because of the health care. The chairman of the House Committee in charge of it doesnt really agree. I havent talked to secretary mnuchin about the specific timing. Its been a generation since we fixed this broken tax code. We probably ought not be focused on the month but the year, this year. We are focused on that. Sooner, no question is better. We have an aggressive timetable now. Ways and means will soon be announcing congressional hearings on the blueprints. You are arguing its going to happen this year. Might not be in august but it will happen. Will the tax cut be retroactive to january 1 . So it depends. I think the later we go in the year, the more challenge it will be. I am pretty confident, awfully confident they are key elements of the tax code that will begin immediately. Bret chairman kevin brady. Lets bring in the panel. Stephen hayes, editorinchief of the weekly standard. A. B. Stoddard, and charles hurt, opinion editor for the Washington Times and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. 323, you listened to brady. He seems pretty optimistic parade theyve been working on it for a while. Its hurting the republican cats when it comes to the issues the specifics on tax reform. Give them credit for working on it. There is unity among all republicans, the team at the white house and everyone on capitol hill about wanting this. This is our greatest item on their wish list and they wanted for generations. But that said, there are the divisions that remain that prevented a Health Care Reform bill from passing. Those divisions will rear their head next week when they need to pass the spending bill and the government funding runs out next friday. April 28. They need to come together. When the sacred cows are delineated, everyone can have hearings and say it sounds like a good proposal but when the lab ring starts and people come in and say im with you. I want to support it but you cant take this one thing away. Thats going to happen. Its going to be where the rubber meets the road and thats going to be the true test for tax reform. Thats why they are so cautious about saying whether it can be done in this calendar time or not. Health care, they were looking to find a lot of money. Until and unless they get through health care and the president still wants to, they are looking for the money. Bret it says they are wanting to go through health care. I want to talk tax reform. As a. B. Mentions, its the sacred cow. Its what everyone talks about. Everyone says tax reform. If they dont get there this year, is that a failure . Yes, it would be a massive failure. There was even some agreement between republicans and the Obama Administration on certain elements of tax reform. I think for political reasons, the Obama Administration didnt want to push. There were some niche tax reforms that republicans in the Obama Administration couldve worked out. If the republicans cant agree with the republican in the white house, it will be a failure. Its the case that house leadership wants health care to happen first. Because of the additional funds, making it available for tax reform and because this is a sevenyear promise, a specific promise about repealing and replacing obamacare. They are going to focus on that. I think theyre going to put all their chips on that. Eventually, turn tax reform, they believe hopefully with obamacare having been repealed and replaced. Along with the disagreement, the failure to do anything on health care, its a real problem. It was a promise that was made but if you like the present couldve done a very good job of stepping away from that and blaming democrats for the fact that they didnt get on board with fixing obamacare was clearly hurting people across the country. There is no excuse, however, for not getting something done on taxes. They absolutely have to do that. The talk we are hearing from republicans putting health care first, i think its absolutely counterproductive. At the very least, if they tried and failed and make the case of the reason they failed is because democrats wouldnt come along, you couldnt run another election on it. I dont think thats true about taxes. I think if republicans burn voters on taxes this time, i dont think they will stand around and get burned again. I think youre absolutely right. You want to put points on the board. If anything, if republicans are good at it i think there will be taxcutting in tax reform. There is another reason the republicans have to get this. Its the only way to kickstart the economy. I think the other measures are going to have a marginal effect. There is no doubt that if you do tax reform the right way, you eliminate loopholes which are inefficiencies. All of them are giveaways and cutouts and essentially corporate welfare when you cut them out, increase efficiency, then you lower rates at the same time which increases incentives. You get an economic effect. Since the 1986 tax reform, we had 15 years of almost uninterrupted economic expansion. This is the one hope for the administration to do something through it have a dramatic effect on the economy. The fate of this administration, the presidency, is going to hinge on whether he delivered on the economy. Thats the number one issue. It always has been in this case, although more because he ran as a businessman who knows how to do this. I think its not only a political move, he needs it as a real step to affect the economy. Which is why they are going to have to do it. Bret the Obama Administration have the opportunity and simpsonbowles, the commission they set up. It was at their fingertips but they never took it. It was handed to them with a blueprint, a Bipartisan Commission which had agreed upon it and it wouldve been a tremendous step for obama but i think ideologically in the end, his heart was never in it. Bret a. B. , explain to folks. At the end of this month, what congress is up against as far as the deadline. And what the going bat is of whether its going to be a problem. To get to funding the government and abutting a shutdown. The problem is they are in recess and they are trying to get this done while the congress is out because they are worried about i pray the white house is worried about not having this republican on republican fight next week. Bret if they are really worried, they mightve stayed. Not taking the recess. There are a lot of priorities we know the president wanted when he put out his own blueprint in february pretty wanting to the state department, military funding, he wanted a wall. A lot of those priorities are not going to because republicans dont think it makes sense. The money doesnt add up. Theres going to be that same division. There might be a fight on planned parenthood, it could bring up another conservative Freedom Caucus fight against the rest of the conference that we signed health care. There are a lot of divisions they are trying to paper over. Its perilous. Heres the one thing there wont be a fight about, entitlements. We are talking about pennies on the dollar compared to the broader entitlement spread we know its coming. The math is the math. You dont want to have a fight on it. Paul ryan has been pushing this for years. Bret as has Mick Mulvaney. He was going on entitlements. Thats not going to be part of this debate too. Its not going to be part of the next budget debate. Probably will be part of the next budget debate for several years. Bret next up, we will go over the latest on Obamacare Repeal and replace plus the Georgia Special election period what is the deal with. At is the deal with did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. We have a Great Health Care plan that i think will happen, and if it happens, then i go immediately to tax reform, and that will happen. Obamacare is a total mess so we are saving tremendous amounts of money on health care we get this done, number one. Most of bartley, were going to have Great Health Care and all of that saving goes into the tax rate if you dont do that, you cant put any of the savings into the tax or cuts and tax reform. This is probably a 5040 possibility that we get it done. Obamacare is imploding. Its in a death spiral. Bret health care is back on the front burner when Congress Gets back in session. Health care insurers met with white house officials, including the centers for medicaid and medicare services. The most pressing issue was whether the federal government will continue to pay subsidies that help insurers reduce outofpocket costs for lower income and release. Insurance Company Representative say they discussed a variety of offerings, they have pressed the trumpet ministers and to continue to distribute the funds called costsharing reduction subsidies. The back the panel. Charlie, youve got insurers were looking at the calendar in these states are saying you have to tell us how much youre going to raise rates are what their rates are going to be. The day was midapril. Some of them have moved to may or june. The Trump Administration is saying hold on. Were going to give Health Care Repeal and replace another shot. This is why, despite the crazy things that sometimes people hear donald trump say, he often has the best analysis of political situations. He said if i wanted to do the easy thing, i wouldnt touch obamacare. I would let it collapse on its own weight, blame democrats and move on. Hes right. As soon as republicans started to take on the issue and tried, they started to owners, and i honestly dont see how they wind up getting something they can all agree upon. The question becomes how do you make it a political thing. The way to make it a political thing is known as little of it is possible and blame democrats. Thats not what they are doing. Bret if you have control of the white house, control of the senate, the house and 20 Million People are up in the air or prices suddenly skyrocket, are you responsible for figuring out how to fix it . Of course you are. Its not entirely fair. Republicans warned for years about e. E. Finally tonight, this is awesome. A remarkable finish for earl veteran of the Pennsylvania National guard. [cheers and applause] grendel last part of his leg after a vehicle bomb hit his leg in afghanistan. He crossed the Boston Marathon finish line yesterday as crowds cheered. You hear hear, that you have completed several races together even though she was feeling just fine, grendel picked her up and brought her across the finish line because he could. Heres to you, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for the special report. Fair, balanced, and unafraid. The first 100 days hosted by my colleague Martha Maccallum heather is april 19th and this is a fox news alert, buddy rampage. A man on a mission to kill as many people as possible and that is a quote and he shouted all into a bar after gunning down three people. Wire police so quick to rule out terror . Of course its terrorism. The only question is which particular strain. All eyes on georgia by democrats and the house special election for a runoff. Tomorrow we start the campaign a new. It has been a long evening. Looks like it may be a longer one. Donald trump just waiting on that race, live in washington finally paying the price for his twee calling for donald trump to be hague. Fox and friends first starts now. Heather this is one of my favorite songs. There are few places i would rather be then right here. Happy wednesday always appreciate you being with us, thank you for starting your day with us. We start right away with a fox news alert, the motives of an admitted killer who screamed all occam are antigun down three people in the streets of fresno. Motivated by race and not terror. Some disturbing social media pictures and what they may reveal ahe

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