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Processed on two campaign and ethics charges this afternoon. There you see governor bentley in the booking photos from the sheriffs department. Again, as we wait live for the governor too, we believe, announced his resignation. It was the Republican State Legislature that was moving forward with the impeachment proceedings. We will bring that to you as it happens. In washington, a lot of focus overseas. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is getting ready for perhaps his biggest challenge to date. He meets with russian government officials tomorrow. This comes as the pentagon continues to investigate what role if any moscow played in last weeks chemical weapons attack in syria. We have fox team coverage. James james rosen is at the stae department. We begin tonight in moscow with correspondent rich edson. Hello, rich. Good evening. After russia and the United States spent the better part of the week condemning one another, the Trump Administration says its highest ranking official yet you have o moscow. He arrives within 24 hours. The day before he arrives in moscow, his first trip as secretary of state, Rex Tillerson spoke before an italian memorial commemorating the victims of a 1944 massacre. We rededicate ourselves holding to account any and all who commit crimes against innocents in the world. This specifics in syria are unclear, as is the investment the west is willing to make there. Second tillerson is in italy meeting with Foreign Ministers of the group of seven, g7. Counterparts from france, germany, italy, japan, canada, united kingdom. At the white house, continued rhetorical pressure on russia. Speaks pretty loudly the number of countries that have stood shoulder to shoulder with his president. Russia on the other hand, stands with syria, north korea, and iran. It is second tillersons task to confront the putin regime in russia as he departs italy for moscow tomorrow. The secretary has spent days criticize russia for supporting sod and failing to destroy all of syrias chemical weapons. Regardless of whether russia was complicit here, or whether they were simply incompetent or whether they got outwitted by the Bashar Alassad regime, you would have to ask the russians but clearly they have failed in their commitment to the international community. This morning kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said a complete reluctance the Russian Foreign ministry added it could work with the u. S. On counterterrorism. Thats becoming difficult. The attitude towards russia in washington as the fbi and u. S. Congress investigate allegations of russian interference in the 26 election. Moscow has denied involvement. Senior state permit official told fox news to expect that issue to come up when second tillerson meets wednesday with Russian Foreign minister sergey lavrov. The official also said the secretary would meet with the russian president Vladimir Putin if you were invited. The kremlin said earlier today no such meeting is on president putins schedule. Bret rich edson in moscow. At of the secretarys visit. Thank you. We are getting mixed messages tonight about the president s policy of just how much of a priority hes placing on getting rid of Bashar Alassad in syria. Chief washington correspondent james rosen and that the state department tonight without story. One day after President Trump telephoned the commanders of the warships involved in last weeks syrian air strike, the white house have to build momentum for the commanderinchief on the world stage. I will tell you the answer is if you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, i think you can, you will see a response from this president. Spicers comments followed the cancellation of a briefing at at the state of our more top officials that appeared somewhat conflicted on syria. There seems to be a difference between what Ambassador Haley is saying as she said last night that asada really has no future and what i heard this morning from second tillerson. U. N. Ambassador nikki haley fast emerging as the sharpest, most consistent boys on u. S. Foreign policy said bluntly regime change in syria is something we think is going to happen. Because theres not any sort of option where a political solution is going to happen with a sod at the head of the regime. Secretary of state tillerson ahead of his visit to moscow emphasized that any application by syrian president bashir alassad would have to follow negotiations and cemex motion of noconfidence. I think we are hopeful that through the syrian process, we can navigate a political outcome in which the Syrian People will determine Bashar Alassads fate and his legitimacy. Tillerson signaled the u. S. Is resurrecting the prospect of a side facing war crimes charges. I think the question of how his criminal actions are dealt with is something that will be part of the process. White House National security advisor h. R. Mcmaster insisted the administration was unified. Second tillerson and Ambassador Haley are right about this. A veteran of john kerry state farm and found mcmaster fall. General mcmaster is a strategic mind, strategic thinker but one of the jobs of the entities make sure that everybodys committee getting on the same page. That was certainly lacking this past weekend. While second tillerson appears eager to try to persuade the russians that they should designate bashir alassad a war criminal, the white house was noticeably less so when asked by reporters of President Trump regards the syrian dictator is being guilty of war crimes, sean spicer said thats something for a court to determine. Bret james rosen live at the state department. Theres already been one big personnel move for President Trump today. And more could come any hour. At the president s choice to sit on the u. S. Supreme court, neil gorsuch, was officially sworn in this morning, and while the gorsuch appointment is for a life term, it appears according to several sources that some of the president s closest advisors may be daytoday or hour to hour. Kevin corke is at the white house. Good evening. Interesting today, the swearing in of neil gorsuch on the high court. Obviously a man who has clerked for the man who swore him in today, Justice Anthony kennedy. Interesting in that youre talking about a person who is usually the linchpin, the swing vote swearing in a man who very likely will reestablish the high courts right tilt. Congratulations. It was a son day in the rose garden and shining moment for the fledgling Trump Administration. A newly minted Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was sworn in as the 113th person to join the highest court in the land. Amid the bright skies, Building Clouds of division hovered over the Trump Administration with numerous reports of seniorlevel staff inviting, notably involving steve bannon and Jared Kushner, a simmering rivalry that spilled out into public view but cooled following a weekend meeting. A lot of this is overblown. Number two, the reason the president brought this Team Together is to offer a diverse set of opinions but he doesnt want a monolithic thought process. Sensational or not, its not just kushner and bannon. White houses National Security counsel has also been in flux. First with bannon leaving the principals 20 and now with advisor k. T. Mcfarland set to depart to become ambassador to singapore. We are not going to get into personnel announcements. For President Trump, who campaigned on a vow to fill the seat on the Supreme Court left by the late justice antonin scalia, his biggest accomplishment to date. I got it done in the first 100 days. Thats even nice. The 49yearold jurist, first to serve alongside the man for whom he clerked. Gorsuch joins the court as a number of highprofile cases are on the docket. Voting rights, gun rights, travel ban. Supreme Court Operating with eight justices for the past year after Justice Scalias passing her and he has a heavy burden to bear as he starts his first days. The American People i am humbled by the trust placed in me today. I will never forget that to whom much is given much will be expected. And i promise you that i will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the constitution and laws of this great nation. Thank you. With five conservatives on the high court and for liberals, thats a split that could ultimately, depending on the issue, alter the course of American History for quite some time to come. Bret kevin corke alive on the north lawn. Thank you. Lets talk more about the president s day, the gorsuch appointment and the Foreign Policy challenges. Brit hume with us tonight. Good evening. I may have to interrupt for the alabama governors announcement which we can talk about too. First your thoughts on this day, this week and what we are seeing here. With gorsuchs swearing in and how the Trump Administration has been doing. Well, it seems to me this has been a reasonably good several days, the gorsuch appointment going through is a very big deal and its built on something he promised in the campaign. Its been a widely praised nomination, one of the first things he did. He gets real credit i think they are. This bombing raid in syria, it strikes me as a surprise militarily and a surprise politically. Policy wise, and its generally been wellregarded. I am sorry about the everchanging background behind me. We are having trouble behind me but hope the audience can disregard that. In any case, i think this has been, the last several days have been a plus for him. I think when you hear the criticism thats going down about this bombing raid, its not wellfounded in the sense that the surprise of it has helped i think him and the world. Bret standby if you will. We had to montgomery, alabama. Governor robert bentley. When the people of our great state elected me and chose me and humbly asked me to serve as their governor. I have always believed the honor of serving as your governor was a calling that god placed on my life. I have not always made the right choices. I have not always said the right things. Though i have sometimes failed, i have always tried to live up to the High Expectations the people place on the person who holds this esteemed office. Though i have committed myself to working to improve the lives of the people of our state, there have been times that i have let you and our people down, and im sorry for that. The consequences of my mistakes have been previously unfair to you, my loyal and dedicated staff, and my cabinet and all of our agencies who have continued their Exemplary Service to our people in your respective agencies in the face of difficult circumstances. I can no longer allow my family, my dear friends, my dedicated staff and cabinet to be subjected to the consequences that my past actions have brought upon them. I have spent the last year in deep and earnest prayer over our state and our people. I pray every morning for wisdom and guidance and forgiveness for the sins i have committed. This easter week, i am even more grateful for a loving and merciful savior who will always love me and you unconditionally. The governor is the face of the state in alabama. In virtually all areas. Even on the national stage, and i want you to know i love our people with all of my heart, and i want nothing more than to serve them. Whether in natural disasters, weather and helping 4yearolds qualify for a great prek program that we have here or to just help create jobs and help them feed their families. But the time has come for me to look at new ways to serve the good people of our great state. I have decided it is time for me to step down as alabamas governor. I am leaving this office that i have held. Bret alabama governor robert bentley, 53rd governor of alabama, resigning from office amid an investigation into a relationship with one of his top aides at first he denied vigorously. Impeachment proceedings moved forward in the Republican State Legislature after new evidence came out, including this way, evidence about multiple texts and phone calls between the governor in this aide who happened to be a mother of three, married, 30 years his junior. Now the 53rd governor of alabama stepping down because of all of this. Joining me still here, senior political analyst brit hume. We have seen this time and again where elected officials face different aspects of their personal life that come into their public life, and its usually the coverup of said event that leads to what we are seeing today. That is the age old adage. Its not the original offense that will get you in politics. It is trying to cover it up afterwards the desert. In bentleys case, you look at what hes done, its not something that politicians of every stripe havent done and used to do kind of with abandon 30 or 40 years ago and people, a long time ago, people didnt cover it. Journalist didnt cover it and they never admitted it and it never came to light. But this is a new age and a new atmosphere when it comes to dealing with women, particularly women who may be your subordinates. In this new age, you simply dont get away with that kind of stuff anymore, and bentleys fall from grace is further proof of that. Bret i want to go back to our original topic, and we will take governor bentley off the screen. That is the Trump Administration. Finally what we wanted to talk about was all of these events, the Foreign Policy events that seem to have changed the dynamic here of how this administration, how this president is not only acting but being perceived by others. Think betweennow, we are seeing campaigning and governor bread he campaigned on not the worlds policeman, America First platform. That seemed to have a lot of appeal. I think what happened is he got into the job, began to get Intelligence Briefings on a level hed never had before and he began to see the world more broadly, and trump is a guy who can learn. And hes learning i think what the world is really like, and he has a much deeper sense now i think of the world and the United States placed in it. You notice the changes hes making. He is listening to people. He catches on. I thought we got a good example of that when we saw how he handled the failure of the Health Care Reform bill. One might have thought he would have turned on the leaders in the congress. He didnt do that. I think he understood where the problem lay and hes demonstrating that. Also saw he learned a lesson from mike flynns problems and hes now got a guy in that job he is allowing to do the job, i am talking about h. R. Mcmaster. He has a more harmonious and mature Foreign Policy team as a result of it. He is listening to these people. This is what i think we are seeing. One can only hope that will also translate across the board in his handling of other policies as welford might even translate into his feeling about the utility of his twitter feed, although i dont know if one dares to hope for that yet. Bret as always, thank you. We love to have you know matter what the background is. Up next, the junta for a man who stole a lot of guns and has threatened to use them. First, heres what some of our fox affiliates are covering. Louisville, toyota says its investing one and a third billion dollars to retool its factory in georgetown, kentucky. New jobs no new jobs will bully created by the upgrade amounts to the single most greatest investment ever at one of its existing plants. Police in san bernardino, california, say to adults are dead, to students critically wounded in a School Shooting today. They say the incident appears to be a murder suicide resulting from a domestic dispute. San bernardino was the site of a terror attack that killed 14 people in december of 2015. This is a live look at chicago from fox 32. Big story they are, cook county judge is killed in an Early Morning shooting on the south side. Please say raven miles was found dead outside his home and a female friend was shot in the leg. Detectives are shooting for the searching for the shooter. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. Results it was a shocker. Im from all nations. It puts a hunger in your heart to want to know more. Ito treat your toughy nasal allergies. Listen up. Unlike pills that dont treat congestion, clarispray covers 100 percent of your nasal allergy symptoms. Clarispray. From the makers of claritin. Briathe customer app willw if be live monday. Can we at least analyze customer traffic . Can we push the offer online . Brian, i just had a quick question. Brian . Brian. Legacy technology can handcuff any company. But yes is here. Youre saying the new app will go live monday . yeah. With help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. With the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. When it comes to heartburn. Trust the brand doctors trust. Nexium 24hr is the 1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. For all day and all night protection. Banish the burn. With nexium 24hr. Bret a bit of a Public Relations nightmare for United Airlines after a video goes viral of authorities dragging a passenger off the airplane down the aisle. [screaming] no. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, no. Bret it happened on a flight from chicago to louisville. The man, a doctor, randomly selected to go for seed to make room for four airline employees who needed to get to kentucky after no one volunteered. Three passengers were selected, left the plane. One report says the man told officers he was a doctor who needed to fly from chicago to louisville to see patients in the morning. United ceo calls the event upsetting and apologizing our team is moving with a sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened. We are also reaching out to the passenger to talk directly to him in further address and resolve the situation. Tonight we begin a weeklong series looking at the Opioid Epidemic, a serious issue around the country. The cdc says each day 91 people die from overdoses. 91. Senior correspondent Rick Leventhal tells us where we are right now in the surprising way this country got here. On any given day the Fire Department rules on a dozen calls in rhode island. Traffic accidents are routine and so are overdoses on opioids like herrmann, fentanyl, oxycodone. Sprayed into the nostril. The rescue lieutenant shows a method for administering a lifesaving drug for overdoses. He has seen a dramatic uptick in calls and sometimes hes the same people over and over again. They are this close to dying and then you get them back. They are awake and they are talking. They are like, oh, no, i didnt do anything. Then they admit they were doing heroin. Next week you come back and there they are again. You hit them again. What are you doing . Think of the worst drug induced epidemic in u. S. History. She is a neuroscientist. She says the crisis traces its origins to a pair of studies in the 1980s, including this one in the new england journal of medicine which declared addiction was rare for patients treated with narcotics. Pharmaceutical companies launched aggressive campaigns promoting paro from ads like vicodin and oxycontin. There was movement to name pain is the fifth vital sign. Nobody had done longterm studies. On treating chronic pain with opioids. There was nothing in the literature. You cant overstate the pressures put on Young Physicians in the late 80s and early 90s to treat pain. Dr. Michael dacey is the president and coo of this rhode island hospital. Dr. Daisy says the medical community was misled but it shares responsibility for this deadly scourge. Its because you have a culmination of people trying to do the right thing. At the same time as these more potent, newer forms of narcotics like oxycontin came along and were marketed as initially being not as addictive. Turns out they were at least as addictive. You have this perfect storm coming together, and as physicians, we own a piece of expert in upstate new york, the Opioid Epidemic forest Syracuse Behavioral Health care to expand its facilities. We are serving over 900 patients. Thats not enough. We are bursting at the seams. That Treatment Program distributes methadone and other drugs with nurses and counselors on duty around the clock. Ceo Jeremy Clement ski says if addicts dont get immediate treatment, they will die. We dont debate whether or not someone with chest pain would likely die if they didnt get into an emergency room. We dont debate whether a diabetic left untreated would really die of their diabetes and when. For some reason in this sector of health care, sometimes theyre people who want to debate those things. The reality is the debate is over. Stick with that number of people who die in the u. S. From drug overdoses every year is staggering. 5,202,015. That is more than car crashes and gun homicides combined. In fact, opioids alone kill 91 americans everything the day. The paint that pill because may is a trillion times worse than anything i would have endured, im sure. He got hooked after surgery and eventually moved onto heroin. In and out of rehab for ten years. Why didnt it work . I didnt think i could do it. I loved it. It was my everything. I loved it more than my family, more than my job, my friends, my girlfriend at the time. Hes been sober for months and says the Substance Abuse program at Butler Hospital saved his life. How do you know youre not going to go back again . s to go i take it one day at a time that i see people dying ald me. People very close. More people died than i know that i have fingers and tones. Right before he left, the receptionist had weight. I bet you you are in pain. Let me have the doctor write you a prescription. Danielle says she got hooked when she was a teenager after she went to the dentist to get her wisdom teeth pulled. Years of abuse later, she is taking another drug which cuts her craving and helps her live a sober life. You think of addiction, you think of a street drug and crack houses and scary places, and its not. Its not. They are everyday people. Nathan carries a clipping of a lost friend as a reminder of all could happen to him. There will likely be at least 50,000 similar obituaries this year. In providence, rhode island, Rick Leventhal, fox news. Bret the first of our five part series. Authority searching for a wisconsin man suspected of stealing a large number of firearms and threatening and attack are getting more help from federal investigators as they follow hundreds of tips and leads in search of this man. County Officials Say additional federal resources have been brought in to search for josephs b17. The Sheriffs Office says jakubowski expressed antireligious views in a 161 page manifesto he apparently sent to the white house and President Trump. Stocks were up slightly today, dow and s p 500 gained almost 2. Nasdaq was up 3. U. S. Is sending more than just a message to another international troublemaker. Uss Carl Vinson Aircraft Carrier Strike Group is on its way to the Korean Peninsula where north korea continues to test missiles and bombs. The u. S. Has plenty of air power and troops already on the ground in south korea. Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent greg palkot joins us from seoul. A range of aircraft including f16s running around the clock exercises. The increase in provocations from north korea focusing minds more. Keeps us on a heightened sense. There is always something going on. We have to be making sure were doing the right thing. The operations are run from this air Operations Center manned by u. S. And south Korean Air Force personnel. She has put in our route and aircraft is going to take to hit a target. This is a practice run. Absolutely. There is nothing more oldschool than this, the iconic u2 spy plane. It has been in operation for over 60 years in the skies over the Korean Peninsula for over 40. Oldschool but loaded with high tech surveillance gear, keeping an eye on a formidable foe in north korea. Most days, two of these planes will go on missions lasting ten hours as high as 14 miles up. All weight has been stripped away to get the plane down to basics so it can always be lockedin via signals and image intelligence on the conventional and unconventional doings of the pyongyang regime. Spigot can be an intense time but thats what we do here. We do our Daily Mission but we are also maintaining readiness. These are the planes that could be called into action. The tank killer aircraft has seen a lot of combat action and other hot spots. Would go to the same airspace we would be going in a wartime situation, 30 miles to the north of us, and we are going to be there in defense of the south koreans. None of the air force officers we spoke with said they expect to be called upon to conduct a preemptive strike against north korea. They did say if they were provoked by north korea, which is happening more and more these days, they will be ready. Bret greg palkot in seoul. It is a day of incredible heartache in egypt. Christians bury their dead after a pair of terrorist strikes the beginning of holy week. Brazen, deadly attacks on palm sunday. Conor powell reports. Grief and despair on what should have been a day of celebration. Christians across egypt gathered for Palm Sunday Services when a pair of blasts ripped through the community. Both attacks were caught on camera, and the pictures are disturbing. Outside the main gate of st. Marks cathedral, the traditional seat of egypts coptic community. Surveillance cameras show a man being turned away. Seconds later, an explosion. A few hours earlier, a bomb detonated inside st. Georges church in the nile delta town of tanta. The church was streaming as palm sunday mass. The video cuts out but the screaming victims can be heard. Isis is claiming responsibility for both attacks. Killed at least 44 people. Distraught families demanding answers from egypts president alsisi who declared a state of emergency last night. I want to ask president alsisi, why didnt you declare the state of emergency two weeks before the holiday . He is coming to do this now after this crime has happened. President alsisi, who was in washington last week and praised by President Trump, boasted to bret baier about his record tackling extremism. Translator there is great progress and success. Terrorism takes a long time to get rid of it completely. Think of violence appears to be spreading on the restless Sinai Peninsula to egypts cities. Christians and muslims were wary of the deteriorating security situation and economic and political reforms have stalled under president alsisis rule which is becoming increasingly authoritarian. The instability in egypt is affecting his neighbors, israel closing its border crossingegypd from the sinai and reports of an imminent terrorist attack. Bret conor powell. Thank you. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson heads to moscow to talk about syria just days after a deadly chemical weapons attack. What is the u. S. Policy in syria . We will talk with the panel when we come back. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Appeal rationally to russia. This is a great opportunity for the russian leadership to reevaluate what theyre doing, why they are supporting a regime thats committing mass murder against its own people. Russia could be part of the solution. Right now, i think everyone in the world sees russia as part of the problem. Bret National Security advisor general h. R. Mcmaster talking on Fox News Sunday about russia ahead of secretary of state Rex Tillersons trip there. The russian say Vladimir Putin will not meet with second tillerson while hes there. This, as iran, russia, and syria put out a statement in which it says will respond to any aggression powerfully as russia and iran would never allow the u. S. To dominate the world. That is the response. Getting more details about just what the u. S. Knew about chemical weapons. Take a listen to president obama and his National Security advisor, susan rice. Think about what weve done these last eight years without firing a shot per weve eliminated serious Chemical Weapons Program. All of the steps have kept us safe and kept our troops safe. Thats the result of diplomacy. We dont have strong efforts there, the more you will be called upon to clean up after the failure of diplomacy. We were able to find a solution that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from syria in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. Bret there you see president Obama December 2016, then susan rice in january this year. In april of 16, the state department had a report called the compliance with the convention on prohibition of the developed, stockpiling, use of chemical weapons in which it said the United States cannot certify that the Syrian Arab Republic is in compliance with its obligations under the cwc. United states assesses syria did not declare all the elements of its Chemical Weapons Program required by article three. Syria may retain chemical weapons as defined by the cwc. Bottom line with the president and his National Security advisor saying was not true. Lets bring in our panel. Charles hurt, opinion editor for the Washington Times very leslie marshall, syndicated talk radio host and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. Okay, charles, lets start with u. S. Policy to syria. Are we figuring out more of what the administration is trying to do . I dont think the administration itself is sure what its trying to do. It is succeeded in doing one thing, sending a message to the whole world that we are not going to be walked over. We are going to respond. When we do, it will be decisive, and it will be quick. The days of handwringing and assuming the u. S. Will do nothing, no matter how much its provoked in the middle east, are over. As to the specifics of where we go in syria now, i think what we are getting out of the administration is perhaps unintended strategic ambiguity. Meaning everybody in the administration has a view and it hasnt been harmonized. I dont think it matters that much because even if we decided we are going to do regime chang change, were not going to marshal the means to bring it about. We are not going to invade. Thats sort of a theoretical issue. We get nikki haley saying yes, weve got to have regime change. We have the secretary of state saying we are going to do isis first. The fact is, we are going to do isis first. We are not going to have a policy of active regime change but we are telling the russians, iranians, hezbollah, and assad there are limits to what we will tolerate and that i think will help to restrain what looked to be an unassailable and unstoppable Winning Strategy in the part of a sawed. The future is in limbo in the way it hadnt been before. Thats a big achievement. Bret there is a lot of parsing on whats being said about regime change grade its notable they are talking about diplomacy, getting russia to the table. Possibly thats what the regime change is, negotiating getting a sawed out assad ouch. On sunday when mcmaster was talking with Chris Wallace here on fox news, i think he was clear we want the regime change but were not going to be the ones to do it. I dont see with all the actions of russia, not just with syria but even in their own country, bombing a hospital, being complicit knowing about chemical warfare. When you hear the statements that russia and iran, who they are standing with. And sean spicer calling them an ally. Are they an ally . I dont think rush is going to play the game the way we want them to. The best outcome for them is not necessarily the best outcome for the United States and i dont think russia cares what the outcome is for the people of syria. Bret we should point out the Associated Press has a story that russia did know about the chemical weapons attack ahead of time here we havent been able to back that up with u. S. Officials telling us that specifically but bob burns is a great reporter, not only at the pentagon, and thats what they are telling him. I want to play sound bite from sean spicer. Asked about the trump doctrine. We are going to make sure our National Interests are protected, that we do it we can to make sure our interests economically and National Security at the forefront and were not going to become the worlds policeman running on the world we have to have a clear and defined National Interest wherever we act. Bret what do you think . He certainly is right. The president ran on a campaign of not being the worlds policeman. Its pretty important they keep that in mind. They will start to lose a lot of that support from the people who put them in office if the president forgets that. Given the strike so far, i think they will get a pass for that. It was obviously an excessive thing we dont have a lot of money lying around the images were shocking enough and the fact that we responded to the images. Of course, that is kind of what war is all about, what diplomacy is all about. You see images like this, they were shocking. It makes sense that we would we react to it. I think its truly stunning, the degree to which the Obama Administration failed to understand the gravity of the situation, failed to realize the degree to which they were being lied to. Whether it was susan rice or john kerry or the president himself. Even after that report you shown from the state department. Its truly stunning. After 9 11, we had Extensive Research and investigations into how we got all that wrong. I do think its kind of amazing how badly the Obama Administration bumbled it. Bret barack obama, who campaigned on intelligence failure on iraq and chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction, touting the finished job of getting weapons of mass destruction getting chemical weapons out of syria. I find it hard to believe any adult in the Obama Administration was not aware of the fact that the syrians are not people you can rely on when they make a promise about weapons of mass destruction or anything else. Or the russians. The russians lie every day and twice on sunday. The russians are denying any involvement in this. Of course the russians knew about it. The idea that we have to have an investigation is ridiculous. But thats what they are. The fact that the Obama Administration never understood that is a blot on their record. Bret next up, a big win for President Trump among rumors of staff shakeups. Digestive sensitivities, some foods leave your stomach in knots. groan . With bloating, discomfort, cramps, and gas. sigh try pronourish drink, a unique nutritional drink thats high in protein and fiber. And pronourish has no gluten or high fructose corn syrup, and its low in fodmap ingredients that may trigger digestive sensitivities. Its your delicious anytime, anywhere minimeal or snack. Pronourish. Nutrition you can feel good about. He is very confident in the team that he has, but they are an unbelievable amount of knowledge, and he enjoys the counsel that they all bring to the stable. I think theres a lot of stuff that weve overblown about this. He and i understand that we have some pretty smart talented individuals who are opinionated on a lot of subjects. But that our bowels and our policy differences need to be behind closed doors. Sometimes happens in washington, certainly early in administration where theres a lot of stuff going on in, saying Different Things about other people inside and administration but the big thing that happened today was the swearing in of Justice Neil Gorsuch, who had at the rose garden had the ceremonial swearing by justice kennedy. The clerks for justice kennedy, he is alongside on the bench and that is a big promise that President Trump said he was going to do and delivered on today. That said, there are still talks about inner workings and whether Stephen Bannon is staying or going, whether Jared Kushner has all the power. What about it . His head may be on the chopping block. Remember when mcmasters took the job, he said my way. It has to be my way, i have to be in control. I decide whos going to be who. The president in like that at first and then he gave in. The guy gets the job. I think clearly what we see in footage and still that bannon is not sitting next to the president. Hes not at the adult table anymore. He standing behind the president. I think this makes clear that there is a redeemed change and i think that they inside between bannon and jeron kushner wasnt something the president probably knew. I think this is on the president quite frankly because he knew the personalities with the lack of experience in these positions that these people possess. They have experience in other areas but not for the position that they have been appointed by the president to hold. They have different mindsets as how the president should go and move forward with this idea in his agenda. Do you buy this, the inner workings are going to change . Im a little skeptical of it. Largely because the president got here through Stephen Bannon with whispering politics in his ear. He would understand politics largely the way bannon, hes been the political cat. I dont think he realizes the value of a guy like bannon. I think the fact that a lot has been made of this meeting between bannon and kushner will come i think the fact that they were pressed into sitting down together in the first place more than anything reveals the strength that bannon still has in the white house because if theres a dispute between those two people, why would you just sort of off with his so i think a lot of people are making a whole lot out of this and, these guys got elected because their disruptive outsiders who, of course theres going to be in disruption, certainly at the beginning and for a long time in the way. President trump its fair to say i think likes to be liked. He likes that theres an article thats positive about him, if theres a tv spot thats positive about him, in the wake of this move in syria, there are a lot of articles that are positive about him. But its opposite of what Stephen Bannon would have advised and didnt advise. I think its absolutely right. I think the strike on syria was a total contradiction to the bannon and, especially as expressed in the inaugural address in which the theme was the world has pushed us around, the world has been living off our generosity and our goodness and were not going to take it anymore. Were not going to be of the police of the world, America First. This is if anything a total contradiction of that commons is acting of a humanitarian objective unrelated to our National Interest in enforcing an International Norm which is by definition what a policeman of the world would do. So in that sense, bannon, im sort of intrigued by leslies footed photographic take of his stature. Were you use it was up and who is down in the soviet hierarchy. But by where you stood in relation to the strongmen in russia one, the may day parade. Look, its clear there are clashes between the two, kushner and bannon. Theres nothing new in that. What is new is the fact that it is leaked so openly, so grudgingly in the press. Theyve always had these clashes but we didnt know about them until the memoirs were written on the memoirs are being written today on the pages of the newspaper. Oro in 140 characters or less on twitter. Last thing down the, ten seconds, bannon stays or goes. Stays. Stays. Stays. Im sorry, i wanted to be different. I want us to have answers. That does it for the panel. Stick around for a man in his socks. Its listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. And fragmented care stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Finally tonight, the final two president s of the 20th century spent some time together over the weekend. Former president bill clinton tweeted a picture with president george h. W. Bush. 42 says they talked about what most grandparents would, kids, grandkids, old times, new times. Our current administration, who knows . And true to hw bushs style, they also talked about socks. 41 is well known to have a love for his socks, wearing a friend styles and colors over the years and this is not even the first time those two president s have gathered and made socks the center of attention like this, september 2013 visit. So congratulations on your socks. Things were inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report. Fair, balanced, and unafraid. At the first 100 days hosted by sandra smith tonight starts right now. Sandra breaking tonight, on day 81 of the first 100. The side of people being gassed and blown away by bombs ensures that if we see this kind of action again, we hold open the possibility of future action. Sandra the white house making it clear that United States is leaving the door open to more military action against assads regime in syria. Good evening everyone. Im sandra smith in for Martha Maccallum on the first 100 days. Just days after the u. S. Launched 59 tomahawk missiles at a syrian air base, we are getting conflicting reports tonight about who knew what and when them. One senior u. S. Official telling the Associated Press that the

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