The g. O. P. Blueprint is being posted this evening. Separate components from house ways and means and energy and commerce working in conjunction, and g. O. P. Leaders say its time to deliver. Americans need relief. They deserve a new direction. Thats why we are taking action to repeal and replace obamacare with Health Care Solutions that can actually work for the American People. Hhs secretary tom price and budget director Mick Mulvaney are expected to have dinner with President Trump to review the proposal with Mick Mulvaney is a Founding Member of the House Freedom caucusing is critical to winning over the conservative wing. The ways and means proposal calls for dismantling obamacare taxes and mandates. Expanding Health Savings accounts, and providing a monthly tax credits of people who dont receive insurance through work. I the president s goal is to give people choices, let them purchase the kind of insurance they want for themselves and their families. Not what washington forces them to buy. This is an important distinction between where we are right now and the individual and smallgroup market and where want to go. Energy and commerce plan calls for a patient and state stability fund. Unwinding obamacare is Medicaid Expansion and strengthening medicaid. Some of the discomfort of come from the tax credit concept. Theres a divide between a conservative camp within the caucusing we feel uncomfortable at this point with the idea of a refundable tax credit. Other folks for saying this is a way of funding a Health Savings account that would be applicable to everybody. Republican senator Susan Collins has warned republicans are not unified. Theres not a consensus. Its very complicated, and we shouldnt rush it. We need to get this right. The gops plan was under attack before it was released from the Top Democrats grades because they dont want folks to see it until the very last minute. Just russia through. I dont blame them. Its going to be very hard for republicans to be proud of the plan. Lawmakers are getting a look at the blueprint. The committees are expected to work on the package later this week. Bret special report exclusive. We go behind the scenes to see how republican lawmakers will manage the legislation through the often byzantine approval process, and well talk specifics. Joining me is house ways and Means Committee chairman kevin brady and from capitol hill, house energy and commerce Committee Chairman greg walton. Chairman, thank you for joining me. Lets start and break it out. There are two committees dealing with two parts of the legislation. Chairman brady, let me start with you and ways and means. I guess the tax part of the equation. Its been seven years since obamacare was passed into law. It is collapsing. It has heard more people that its helped. We deliver on President Trumps promise to repeal and Begin Replacing it with two big principles. Restore state control of health care and get it out of washington. Restore the free market. Give individuals the power and freedom to choose plants that are right for them. The second part is in the ways and means area. We begin by repealing the awful taxes of the mandate penalties and the subsidies and obamacare. And to give americans the freedom to buy plans they need that includes nearly doubling the size of the Health Savings accounts and make them more usable. We give them a tax credit immediately usable. It ranges in price from 2,000 to 14,000 a year, depending on their age and family and with that, they can buy affordable plans that are approved and certified in the state they are in. These plans they need and can use, not the plans washington spent dictating to them. Bret how is this not obamacare light from your perspective . It is obamacare gone because repeal those taxes, the mandates, subsidies. There is nothing left. Instead, we give them the same tax break we give workers at big businesses. We give that same tax help to Small Business people. The mom and pop businesses, workers at Small Businesses, even entrepreneurs and families in between jobs, the ability to buy a plan that is right for them and i think maybe most important and we are giving americans the freedom who havent got health care at work and they dont have a government program, freedom like theyve never had before to buy health care that is right for them. This is clearly obamacare gone and new freedom. Bret last thing on this, are they tax credits means tested . We focused, we want to make sure that as you get older, your Health Care Premium increases, your tax credit increases. As your family expands, we wanted to expand with you. We focused it on the low and middle income families who dont get health care at work break this is important whether you are young person just leaving school and your Parents Health care. Whether you are a Small Business person struggling to make ends meet or you are a retiree whose work to her life and theres a few years left before medicare, this fits what americans need. Bret chairman walton, you are dealing with the energy and commerce legislation. Medicaid and what happens with medicaid. When we repeal and replace obamacare, the biggest entitlement reform at least in 20 years. Certainly since the clinton days when they reformed welfare. We want to restore power to the states, put medicaid on a budget and have a doctorpatient relationship in health care and the insurance market. 1 out of 3 counties, patients have one choice for an insurance plan. Let me make clear a couple things were going to make sure. Not pulling the rug out from under people. Not going back to the days where those with preexisting conditions were penalized or could not Access Health insurance and not back to the days of lifetime caps or allowing your kids not to be on your insurance until they are 26 by those protection stay as we reform medicaid and get it on a budget. Get it back to the states. Let me give you one example. Governor herbert from utah petitioned the federal government to be able to communicate by email with his medicaid recipients who had email. Nine months later, the federal bureaucrat said he couldnt do it by email. That would have saved his state 6 million bid this is the kind of thing that makes no sense, drives up costs, want to give back to our governors in states and local gover can innovate with those most in need, those on medicaid. Make sure they are properly cared for. Bret this includes preexisting conditions, and it includes keeping your child on until 26. Yes, indeed. No lifetime caps. We think those are important provisions. Those were frankly in many cases republican provisions long before there was obamacare. I worked on these issues in the 90s when i was on the state legislature. Health issues dont look at your Voter Registration card. They hit your family. We want to make sure those most in need get the care they deserve. Bret as you make a shift, if this passes, how do you avoid a drop in the total number of those insured. I think we will restore the markets. Right now the biggest threat is that the Health Insurance market itself and the individual market is collapsing. We have seen rate increases of 25 , 27 . I get letters from people saying i cant afford what they are selling. And if you look at the individual mandate and what its done in the market, twothirds of those say they are going to pay the penalty or get a waiver. Only a third signed up for obamacare insurance. Its out of whack, not working. As the ceo of aetna said, its in a death spiral. Want to create a market thats affordable and available and works in partnership with what chairman brady is doing on the tax credit side but we think we can get there and we can get coverage back into the marketplace that right now is collapsing. Bret chairman brady, i want to turn to you. Where do you think the biggest pushback even within your own caucus is going to come from. I know youre preaching this and the bill goes out tonight. Honestly, you cant lose more than 21 votes in your caucus to get it through the house, let alone what you are going to face in the senate. Where do you think the biggest pushback comes from . Im confident we are going to pass it and deliver on President Trumps promise to repeal and replace. These policies have passed the house a number of times in the repeal area. The replacement are longstanding republican policies of giving control back to the states and individuals but we are making sure this is fiscally responsible. I see the elements are there. Weve been listening very carefully to our republican members for months now and over the weekend as well to make sure we get it right for them. The changes you see in this legislation thats online tonight and available for americans to read i think are exactly in the right place. Bret are you willing is the speaker, leadership willing to use the Political Capital here to bring conservatives over and then you have the debt ceiling, possible Government Shutdown battles, tax reform. Is the Political Capital going to be used on this . Yes it is and it should be. This is one of our key promises as republicans but we know we can do so much better than obamacare. The proposal we lay out tonight in the stepbystep basis which is just the opposite of the Affordable Care act is exactly what the American People need. House republicans are going to deliver for the president. Bret chairman walden, final word. Are you confident this bill brings cost down . s to go i think it well. Especially in culmination with what secretary price can do at hhs. A lot of power over there to turn the levers. Get real reforms in the market. Restore to the states the ability to make some of these decisions appeared we have reached out to the states and may have said please. One side fits all doesnt work for our state. Thats part of why the markets are collapsing. In combination, the answer is yes and i think were going to get it done. We are proud of the product. Its online and people can read it and give us their feedback. We will have an open and transparent markup in the near future. Bret chairman brady and walton, thank you very much. President trump has signed his second executive order instituting a travel ban for potential immigrants and theres a lot of fingerpointing going on over there president s that his predecessor had the trump tower phone phones tapped. White has announced President Trump will ask the courts to revoke his initial immigration bill, the one thats been mired in the courts and some 48 Different Cases for weeks and hes going to try it all over again. The president lay low on the new executive order, citing it in private out of sight of the cameras, leaving the rule out to his lieutenants. While no system can be made completely infallible, the American People can have high confidence we are improving the vetting process and keeping terrorists from entering our country. The order aims to do the same thing as the first. Keep certain people with no previous status in the u. S. And who are currently overseas out of the country. Today the attorney general offered no evidence of the need to temporarily ban all refugees from the u. S. Today more than 300 people according to the fbi who came here as refugees are under an fbi investigation today for potential terrorism related activity. The First Executive order caused chaos at immigration checkpoints before being halted at the courts. Opponents called the new order more of the same. The white house insists this will pass legal muster with none of the confusion of the initial rollout. I have spent much of the day on the phone with members of congress and leadership explaining this and i did the same thing last week. There should be no surprises whether its in the media or capitol hill. White house offered no evidence to back up President Trumps extraordinary assertion on saturday that his predecessor has greenlighted wire tapping trump tower during the closing weeks of the election. Officials called on congress to investigate. Lets investigate it and see where it leads. Lets have a house and Senate Intelligence committee do their work and think about whether to include this. The president has made clear he would like there to be an investigation. Fox news has learned the afghan leadership asked the Justice Department to send out a tweet refuting the president s claims. James comey believes the assertion to be false. Senior white house staff indicated they are not buying what comey is trying to sell. Republican members of congress walked a difficult line. I have seen no evidence of the allegations weve seen in the media. That doesnt mean none of these things have happened. I havent seen it. Democrats rejected the idea the president was being spied on but said either way, it looks bad. If he falsely spread this kind of misinformation, that is so wrong. Its beneath the dignity of the presidency. If its true, its even worse for the president because that means that a federal judge independently elected has found probable cause that the president or people on his staff have had probable cause to have broken the law or to have interacted with a foreign agent. Of the president was trying to change the subject away from the disastrous end of the week, mission accomplished. In doing so hes ignited only in of questioning that could consume his staff for days to come. See you on john roberts on the north lawn. Lets get some perspective on the stories. Brit hume joins us. I want to start with the rollout of obamacare. As you get down in the details, do you think republicans are going to go after each other on some of this or that they will unite . I think republican will be fine on most of this but theres always been a problem that obamacare included the subsidies for people to buy insurance under the obamacare plan. The repeal of obamacare is you take those subsidies away, and we all know from years of watching entitlement Reform Efforts go by that the hardest thing the world to do is revoke a benefit once it has been granted by law. What the republicans have done is replace the subsidy with a tax credit which is in effect another form of subsidy. There are conservatives in the house and i think we know some of them are who think this is a bad idea, that it amounts to obamacare lite or even an element of obamacare lights. I think republicans in the house leadership have some work to do to sell the idea of the credit to some of the more conservative members. If they dont round enough of them up, they may be denied the majority they need to passage. Thats just one phase but i think its a trouble spot. Bret Mick Mulvaney, formerly of House Freedom caucus, is apparently going to lead some of that and they can lose 20 votes. They lose 21 and it goes to the house. In the senate, they need 51 votes to get through with reconciliation. They use the budget process to eliminate the possibility of a filibuster. They could do it with 51 votes but it means to be seen whether there is misgivings in the centage. This is the start of the process and there will be negotiations Going Forward in all kinds of melodrama and perilous moments when it looks like its going to come apart. Doing something this big is never easy. This is at least a plan. Critics have been saying that they dont have a plan. Now they have a plan. Bret all being laid out pretty want to get your thoughts on the other story that kind of consumed the weekend. President trumps tweets about wiretapping and the fallout from all of it. Two things. One is there doesnt appear to be any available substantiation for the claim that his predecessor authorized or allowed or even ordered him to be wiretapped. Its not at all clear that mr. Trump was wire tapped. That President Trump was wiretapped when he was mr. Trump. At the same time, in the middle of the firestorm over claims there was collusion between the Trump Campaign and russian interests or russian intelligence. There is no substantiation for that either as far as we know. What we have is a battle of competing claims, neither which seems to be wellfounded. Bret you have Chuck Grassley writing a letter to the fbi director in which he says that the fbi and associates of the Clinton Campaign paid former british spy Christopher Steele to investigate the republican nominee at a time when he was getting paid by the democratic campaign. He wants to know whats the deal with it. This is the infamous dossier. We know a couple things about the dossier. Theres a number of things in it that are known to be false in its white widely thought to e scurrilous. Apparently it never went forward, they negotiated and were going to work with him in some way and then the whole thing blew up in the press about the dossier and it never went forward. Seems to be senator grassley, chairman grassley is on solid ground asking for an excellent nation which is what the purpose of the letter was. It will be interesting to see how the fbi director, who seems to be at the center of nearly everything, response. Bret as always, thank you. Up next, the u. S. To bring court sets its sting out of the controversy over transgender bathrooms. We will have a lab report. Keep it here. Tom name it tom studies show that toms have the highest average earning potential over their professional lifetime. See . Uh, its a girl. Congratulations two of my girls are toms. I work for ally, finances are my thing. You know, im gonna go give birth real quick and then well talk, ok . Nice baby. Lets go. Here comes tom 5 nothing, stops us from doing right by our customers. Ally. Do it right. Whoo look out. Dont let the food you eat during the day ally. Do it right. Haunt you at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. To stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . Banish the burn with nexium 24hr. Whattwo servings of veggies . 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Supreme court will not make a ruling on the case of a transgender teenager who wants to use the School Restroom of the students gender identification. The court had been expected to hear arguments later this month. Shannon bream has details from new york. Hi. Weeks ahead of the scheduled arguments, the court said it will not weigh in on the merits of the case but the fight is far from over. Gavin grimm, who was born female but now identifies as male, has been at the center of the case for years and knew that the legal dispute may drag on beyond graduation day. I talked about the possibility of that. My goal now, and it has been for a while, is to benefit other students. My High School Experience has been frankly ruined by this situation but i will never be able to experience the full opportunities that my peers have been able to experience. Lead counsel for Grimm Joshua Bloch said its a detour, not the end of the road and we will continue to fight for gavin and other transgender people to ensure they are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. The legal battle was sparked by an Obama Administration directive mandating that schools allow transgender students to use the facilities of their choosing or risk losing federal funding. The Trump Administration withdrew the directive. Jeff sessions saying it did not contain sufficient legal analysis. West Virginia Attorney general Patrick Morrisey who led a coalition of nearly two dozen states opposed to the mandate said of the decision its a major victory for states and local School Districts across our nation. Supreme court has ordered the Fourth Circuit to reconsider the case in light of the Trump Administration guidance on the matter. Bret thank you. A judge in oregon could be facing some serious repercussions for helping an illegal immigrant evade federal agents. 22yearold they are to plead guilty to driving. The mexican construction worker is in the u. S. Illegally. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents waited in the hallway to have him arrested and deported. This individual was allowed to leave the courtroom through the doorway that is not public doorway which ultimately led to his ability to leave the courthouse undetected by i. C. E. Now the judges under internal investigation for possibly helping him evade the feds. The theory as he didnt exit the courtroom with the door to bring inmates in and out but this one. It leads to court staff offices and a firstfloor exit. I saw my clients. I told him i had seen i. C. E. Agents. Its a federal climb to shield illegal alien from i. C. E. Detection, the u. S. Attorney has decided not to prosecute. He warned judges they would not be tolerated. She could face discipline from the court. I dont want anything that in the eyes of the public undermines the integrity and neutrality of the justice system. Talks about a talk show host in portland thinks the judges days should be over on the bench. I think she helped a criminal escape. The judge declined to give a comment. As for the undocumented immigrant she apparently helped, i. C. E. Nabbed him outside the same courthouse two weeks later after another hearing. He is awaiting deportation. Bret thank you. The head of the Congressional Black Caucus is apologizing to white House Counsel or Kellyanne Conway over a crude joke he made last week. It happened at the Washington PressClub Foundation congressional dinner. Cedric richmond referenced a picture of conway kneeling on a couch in the oval office. Kellyanne in the picture on the sofa but i really just want to know what was going on there because i wont tell anybody. You can explain to me the circumstance. She looked kind of familiar in that position. Bret sunday at, richmond released a statement apologizing to conway and everyone else who found his comments offensive. Stocks were down. Now lost 51. S p 500 dropped 8. Nasdaq fell 22. Iran and north korea are raising the stress level at the pentagon. Both nations continue to test Ballistic Missiles that could threaten American Warships and bases, but the real fear is north korea is getting closer to having a missile that could reach the United States. Past u. S. President s have done little to stop them. Jennifer griffin is the latest from the pentagon. The pentagon says the north korean launch involved multiple missiles, most of them old scuds. It is north koreas intent to master longrange missiles that has washington worried. They have an icbm that could reach the United States. What they havent done is teste tested. What stands out is how north korea is testing missile units to see how they would perform an actual war. The North Koreans are i think in the process of giving Nuclear Weapons to their missile units and thats what they are practicing. The test comes is more than 3,000 u. S. Troops arrived in south korea for an annual joint war game. The administrations response was muted amidst a report from the New York Times that the Obama Administration engaged in Cyber Efforts to stall north koreas missile program. The United States strongly condemns the dpr case will stick missile launches which violate u. N. Security council resolutions. Today Prime Minister abe looked visibly concerned when he addressed japans parliaments. Translator japan will collect and analyze information. Japan has launched strong protests against north korea. The Ballistic Missile shows north korea has become a new kind of threats. Iran tested to missiles over the weekend, destroying a floating barge. It is designed to target ships at sea. Navy officials tell fox news a u. S. Surveillance ship had to change course in the strait of hormuz after irani and fast boats approached. We have learned President Trump spoke with japans Prime Minister abe to discuss north koreas latest missile test. Bret Jennifer Griffin live at the pentagon. Thank you. Israeli Police Reportedly entered the residence of Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu today to question him for a fourth time on a pair of corruption investigations. Alleged ties with top executives in media, hollywood, and international business. The Prime Minister has denied wrongdoing and claims hes the target of a media witch hunt. Its been said many times that politics makes for strange bedfellows. The same is true for war. Case in point, u. S. Forces and iranian backed Shiite Militia working against isis. Benjamin hall reports it brings up serious questions about what happens in the future there. The battle for mosul is progressing. As it does so, questions are being asked about who gains influence in the aftermath. Shiite militias backed by iran have played a major role in the battle, with over 100,000 soldiers smiling their ranks. Among them are groups who look who have fought against and killed u. S. Forces. Fox news recently talked to the spokesman for one of these groups, the league of righteous in baghdad. Translator indeed, our league has fought against the americans. We took part in various operations and usually some people died. We cannot be partners with the United States in this battle. There are clear differences between us. In december, these militias, said to be directed by an infamous iranian general, were incorporated into the army, meaning they are technically on the same side as the u. S. Spokesman for the west spokesman for the u. S. Coalition told us there was no direct correlation between the u. S. An. The ramifications of exactly how its going to work out, what our interaction will be with those groups, that has had to be determined. Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting have also reported more crimes committed by the militia militias. Colonel dorian said he was aware. Weve seen some of the same reports you have. Any type of human rights violation, these things are not acceptable. The former Vice President was more straightforward. We are paying the price for relying on others, including the growth of the militias. He went on to say that iranian influence did need to be addressed and soon. We can see what is happening in mosul. Its going to make or break the country. He said defeating isis was just the beginning and what came afterwards was as important. Thats because for all the heavy lifting the u. S. Military is doing, it may be iran who was waiting in the wings to benefit. Bret thank you. Republicans were allowed their Obamacare Repeal and replace legislation. It is called the American Health care act. We will go with the panel, as it is just breaking tonight, when we come back. No, im talking before that. Do you have things you want to do before you retire . Oh yeah sure. Ok, like what . But i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement . Were absolutely doing that. But theres no law you cant make the most of today. What do you want to do . Id really like to run with the bulls. Wow. Yea. Hope youre fast. I am. Get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. We deliver on President Trumps promise to repeal and Begin Replacing with two big principles. To restore state control of health care, get it out of washington. And also restore the free market. Its obamacare gone because we repeal all those taxes, those mandates, subsidies. What we want to do is restore power to the states, put medicaid on a budget, and get back to where you have a doctorpatient relationship in health care and in the individual insurance markets. That includes nearly doubling the size of the Health Savings accounts and make them more usable. Thats good for the outofpocket costs. I guarantee you House Republicans are going to deliver for the president. We are going to get this done. We are proud of our product. Bret the chairman of the house wayne z is house ways and Means Committee. The markup scheduled for wednesday morning of this bill as they move forward with it. Democrats, not seen the details. They were released tonight. You can see the whole bill on our web site, fox news. Com. Heres the Senate Minority leader. The problem is every draft, every leaked detail or outline or list of principles weve seen is tied together by one common thread. It will raise costs on average americans and cut back on their benefits. Average americans under the republican plan will pay more and get less. Bret you heard the chairman pushing back against that, saying its not true. Lets bring in our panel. Julie pace, mollie hemingway, Senior Editor at the federalist and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. We are seeing the details, julie. Its of the structure we thought it would be but perhaps more detailed on the tax credits and exactly whos getting it and whos not afraid that was important. Its a central question Going Forward. How people who arent able to afford insurance on their own are going to be able to offset the costs. You are seeing some obvious areas where republicans are going to be concerned, people like rand paul coming out and calling this obamacare lite. One of the things im going to be watching for is how involved is President Trump and working the phones with the publicans were going to be on the fence. This is his first major legislative priority as president , and hes going to have to kind of work some of his own party to ensure he can get a bill passed. Doing mollie, we know secretary price has a long history of dealing with this as a congressman, as does Mick Mulvaney. We are told hes going to spearhead with the freedom caucus, whipping them into line. Thats their hope. At the same time, im not sure its going to be sufficient. Seems like this isnt repeal and replace as partially repeal and replace of a repackaged obamacare. They are rewriting the legislation on the fly. Theyve only been working on this for a month. They spent the last weekend concerned about how they accidentally didnt know ten or 20 million americans would lose coverage. They are Going Forward without cbo scores for you cannot blame the conservative members of congress with having problems with the process and content. Bret charles. In the end, the republicans are going to have to the conservatives or more radical are going to have to follow their swords because theres no way this is the signature event for the new administratio administration. If they were to, in the end, eliminate the entitlement and put it down, i think it would destroy the presidency. I think theres nothing that they could do right now. They are going to try to get a more serious, conservative entitlement, but if they were to ask the administration to give, in the end, to follow their sort on this, i think it would be disastrous on the part of the conservatives. They are, right now, asking for the destruction of the entitlement. I think after what obama did, there is an entitlement that is now accepted. But in the end, there is no way that they are going to consolidate they are going to consolidate a loss of the entitlements. Theres no question this is an important that needs to happen. Rewriting one fifth of the economy and doing it under two months is completely ridiculous. Democrats had a year to do it and even they didnt do a good job with their packaging together of obamacare. Anything that involves tax credits is too bulky, too big to not spend the amount of time needed. It bret here chairman brady. We give them a tax credit immediately usable that ranges in price from 2,000 to 14,000 a year, depending on their age and family. With that they can buy affordable plans that are approved and certified in the state that therein, and these are plants that they need and can use, not the plans washington has been dictating to them. Bret is it going to be simple that its going to be either you have obamacare or you get on our train . I think thats the argument paul ryans office and some of his supporters in the house or trying to make, that basically this is your choice. Weve been running as a party, the party that will get rid of obamacare for years and this is your opportunity. They are going to try to build political pressure around these republicans, particularly some of these guys who come from districts where donald trump won overwhelmingly and say not only is our party event in line with the message but the president , who was extremely popular with the constituents, has been are you going to stand in the way and leave obamacare hanging . I dont think the choices are that blackandwhite period you could go through a longer process and work through some of the details but i think youre going to see brians office try to make the political argument. Bret how much capital is going to be used on this . We have other things we have to herd the cats on. Debt ceiling, possible Government Shutdown, fiscal cliffs, and tax reform. You have previously had republicans coalesce around a repeal bill that didnt involve a lot of this reconstructing obamacare on its own corpse. You can repeal without having all of the replacement structure in place, but they cant just put out obamacare again and expect the same problems wont be inherent in the system. Earlier, they said some of that same problems regarding preexisting conditions or the slacker mandate where you have 26yearolds getting insurance. Its still there and its still going to cause the same problems, funding problems. Bret do they have the votes . Yes, in the end, theyre going to have to have the votes and theyre going to have to concede the fact that obama created an entitlement and they are now going to transmuted into something different. The entitlement will stay. Theres no way of renting it back in the conservatives are going to have to swallow it in the end because otherwise it collapses great bret next up, president President Trumpn and the uproar over wiretapping. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. It is the president s solemn duty to protect the American People. With this order, President Trump is exercising his rightful authority to keep our people safe for you to speak of this executive order seeks to people, as well as lawful immigrants, by putting in place and enhanced screening and vetting process for visitors from six countries. Three of these nations are state sponsors of terrorism. It is important to note that nothing in this executive order affects existing lawful permanent residence of persons with current authorization to enter our homeland for you to bret secretary of Homeland Security, state, and the attorney general on this rollout of the new executive order. In the meantime, the old one has been revoked, as you dig look at the countries involved, one country not on that map, iraq. It has been taken out after a review. They believe that they are going to work on the travel from iraq after a talk with the Prime Minister. We are back with the panel. Charles. The original order, struck down by the courts, was not going to accomplish anything. Now that it is watered down, it is going to accomplish even less. Im not against what was ordered but i dont think it is going to make a dimes worth of difference. The fact is, we have been told originally that this order had to be done immediately because the bad guys were waiting to flood into the country. We couldnt wait, we had to implement the suspension. It turned out that they are saying we are going to wait ten days on this. Look, it is symbolism. The six nations are not the most important in terms of terrorism. Pakistan, saudi arabia, egypt, others are. They are not on the list. It will be symbolism and not much more. Bret here is the Homeland Security secretary on another channel answering a question that is key to this whole border situation. Our department of Homeland Security personnel will separate the children from their moms and dads. We have tremendous experience in dealing with unaccompanied minors. We turned them over to hhs and they do a very, very good job of putting them in foster care, linking them up with parents or family members in the United States. Yes, i am considering, in order to deter more movement along these terribly dangerous networks, i am considering exactly that, they will be well cared for as we deal with their parents. Bret that made a lot of headlines. Mollie. The overall questions are about whether a country can determine who enters their country and who does not enter. Even though it is not so important executive order, it does deal with some questions that are important. There are other problems of the executive order, though, removes we need to worry about the christians that have been persecuted by isis. It also cedes 200 years of settled law on weather, you have a visa, you are given the right to enter the country. The president has the right to exclude reentry. It has some questionable language there. I think the attorney general generals and members of congress concerned about that should pay attention. Bret lets turn to the action from the president s tweet over the weekend. Among others, terrible, just found out that obama had my wires tapped in trump tower. Just before the victory, nothing found. This is mccarthyism. Is it legal for a sitting president to be wiretapping a race for election . A new low. Two others. Here is the former dni on meet the press. There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president. The president elect of the time come as a candidate, or against his campaign. I cant speak for other title iii authorized entities in the government or a state or local entity. I was just going to say, if the fbi had a fisa court order for surveillance, without the information you would know or not . Yes. You would be told . I would know. We did not include any evidence in our report, i see our, nsa, fbi, and cia, with our office, director of national intelligence, that had anything, any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump Campaign and the russians. Bret before the wiretapping, that last statement got overlooked over the weekend. There was no collusion. Your thoughts on the followup . I thought several things that clapper said that were fascinating. The problem with trump doing this, there are multiple problems with him doing it. He really is furthering the feeling in washington among not just democrats, but republicans, that there does need to be a thorough investigation. If you keep throwing out these allegations, this one quite serious. You would accuse a former president of personally ordering a wiretap, which is not something that president is able to do against a u. S. Citizen. You would throw that out there, enhances the need to dig into all of this. It may be that there is just a lot of smoke here. There are people who have worked for trump who gave misleading answers, had questionable contacts, it doesnt add up to anything. But do not delve into this and provide answers, that is not going to be sustainable. Bret they are calling for an investigation. Obviously, the president could make a call and figure things out, as well. One of the great oddities here. He can declassify anything. He can pick up the phone. Why is he asking for congressional inquiry if we are going to find out about what happened about wiretaps and the accusation that there was a wiretap instituted in october of 2016 . That can be done right now. Bret let me. 2, the Administration Officials are pointing back to previous articles, january 20th, New York Times headline, wiretapped data used in inquiry of trump aids. American Law Enforcement intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and transact financial transactions. One official saying, intelligence reports based on some of the wiretaps communications had been provided to the white house. That is one of the many stories. That is the New York Times. It does seem like were having it both ways. We have had months of a coordinated lee campaign releasing information that comes from calls, then, we act surprised when he talks about there might be a political operation going on here. We do know that there have been criminal release of confidential information and nunez, the intelligent committee, said he is looking into that. That is what we need an investigation on. Bret we will follow it no matter where it goes. That is it for our panel. Up next, a world war ii hero celebrates his 99th birthday with a blast from the past. You know, geico insures way more than cars. Boats, motorcycles. Even rvs geico insures rvs . Whats an rv . Uh, the thing weve been stuck on for five years wait, im not a real moose . . Weve been over this, jeff. Were stickers im not a real moose . Give him some space. Deep breaths, jeff. Whats a sticker . . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Bret a good news story about a world war ii veteran. They just like driving, you never lose. Bret Sergeant Eugene leonard got a flight flying in his b17 bomber for his 99th birthday. He said he will always run over the time he spent in pearl harbor. Congratulations to him. Happy birthday. That is it for the special report trade fair, balanced, and unafraid. Here is martha. Martha breaking tonight, and just the last hour, House Republicans unveiling legislation that if enacted would repeal the central tenets of obamacare. Welcome to the first 100 days, i am Shannon Bream and for martha maccallum, on this very busy day 46. Lets get to capitol hill where this news just broke. Hello, mike. Hi, shannon. The Republican Health plan will describe much of obamacare. It would offer tax credits to help lower income americans buy coverage. But take a look at the key points. Again, it would get rid of much of obamacares taxes and also a, the mandates requiring you to buy insurance. It would expand Health Savings accounts and provide a monthly tax credit