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It was such a great experience for me. And amazing and bobby knight helped. No question. But we won, it was a big big election for me. I want to talk about clear up some things and then talk about kind of general election themes going forward. First of all, the scuttlebutt is who youre going to pick as vp. Everybody is asking you about it. I heard you say over the past 24 hours, that its going to probably be a person with political experience. Something that with work with the senate and the house. Current or former . I say perhaps current, could be former. I think somebody with political experience that really has a close relationship with the senate. With congress. With, where they go in and help so we dont have to sign executive orders like president obama does every hour. It would be nice to get something passed, as opposed to just saying, were signing it anyway. And i think we have some people that are very good candidates. Im looking at some wonderful people. Some were on the stage with me and some are not. Theres a report out that you were down to nikki haley and suzannah martinez. Nikki haley. No. She wasnt under consideration. Isnt, really, shes very fine. But shes not under consideration. Im looking at quite a few. You had conversations with marco rubio recently. Several of them. Weve had really nice conversations. Not necessarily about that, we always had very Good Relationship. Marco and i. It got a little bit nasty for a period of time. Then we had the election and you know, that was a tough period of time for marco. Marco is a good guy. A really nice guy. I like him. Not necessarily with respect to any position. But it could happen. Do you think he would say yes if you asked him . Not necessarily to that one, but even that one. Ive had a really Good Relationship with him for a long period of time. We had a little rough period for about a month. A little. You tend to forget that. You tend to forget. Especially if you win you tend to forget it. But marco has been very supportive. Very good. You know he said very nice things. Speaking of that, you have dr. Ben carson heading up your Vice President ial election . I do. Somebody who i have a lot of respect for. A great guy. Ive gotten to know him much more so. He called up and he wanted to be part of the team. Long time ago. Hes been with me a long time. Goes out and makes speeches, Everybody Loves him. Thats a lot of trust to put somebody in charge of that committee. Hes going to be looking and recommending. I like to have him later on, too. With something, well see what happens. But ben has been terrific. Chris christie has been terrific. Many people have been great. Many people behind the scenes that you know people would be shocked. I think my Biggest Surprise is some of the people that speak so badly about me on television over the last two or three months are calling consistently calling. And theyre saying you know, wed like to be part of the team and one of them recently i just said, i said let me ask you a question, how can you possibly say good things about me after what you said. And he said dont worry, thats no problem, because theyre politicians, they can say whatever they want. Were going to have a lot of people come on. A lot of people are supporting. And saw yesterday, all the names that have announced theyre supportive. People look at what youve said and what theyve said on the campaign trail. About different people. And now youre kind of past all of that. I mean carson this is a guy who heading up your vp committee. You called him pathological at one point. He said that i just repeated. He said you dont want a person thats got pathological disease, i dont want it. I talked about his book. He talked about his book. If you really read that statement, read what he is. I think i think its pretty understandable when you read the book. Hes really a fine person, hes a person ive gotten to like. I want to clear up this controversy that youve been asked about a couple days in a row now. Where the last day in indiana, you bring up senator cruzs father. And lee harvey osweekold. Are you aware of any single piece of evidence that backs up the claims that you talked about . Let me tell you how it started. His father said some really terrible things about me. And said pray and pray you know in a very bad sense about me. Like nobody has ever said anything like that. And it was on tape. And your friends at fox and friends played it. And steve and brian, the group, they played it. I must tell you i was shocked to see it. I didnt see it until then. And i said i think its a very nasty thing, it was a very nasty thing to say. It didnt come out of nowhere. And i had seen a week before, actually all over the place, there was a pirktd of the father picture of the father. After what he said about me, its a little bit tough. He was having lunch or breakfast with lee harvey oswald. Theyre not sure it was him. Even the expert didnt say it was. They didnt dispute that. They didnt dispute that. Yesterday you said i dont think anybody has denied it. Cruz denied it. I dont know, maybe they denied it later. Certainly they didnt deny it when it was first made. Heres the thing. They did a frontpage story in one of the national magazines. National enquirer. Picked up bay lot of people. I said what about that . I would like somebody to explain that. That doesnt mean theres not an explanation. Im sure there is. They denied it at that press conference that you then talked about when he kind of you know had all the things to say about that. They can deny it, it is i know youve heard this. That you have a nominee now, presumptive nominee who throws things against the wall and sees what sticks. Citing reports, maybe not backed up. Sometimes theyre truthchallenged. As weve seen, you dont pay any political price for that. You have a loyal following. Thats concern that now as gop nominee. Just a matter of weeks youre getting classified briefings by the c. I. A. And the fbi. Will your style be the same on the campaign trail . Throwing things against the wall . When i cite reports. Or when i cite major magazine articles, its up to believe it or not believe it im not writing it myself. I think thats a very acceptable thing to do. As far as briefings and all, i will do much better than Hillary Clinton ever did with her emails, which she exposed the entire country to whatever shes learning as secretary of state. You dont get any worse than that. So i think that frankly, yes, i can keep a secret probably better than anybody i know. Maybe better than anybody i know. On the email issue, you saw the story about hackers speaking out, the gucifer guy that apparently hacked into Hillary Clintons emails. What do you think about it . I think its very serious. It sounds true to me, but what do i do. Its not a question of him, its what she did and why did she do it . Bernie sanders said shes not qualified to be president. He said one of the reasons shes not qualified is she has bad judgment. Shes got bad judgment. Who would do this with emails, thats a very serious problem. And Bernie Sanders made a very serious mistake when he passed on it. He took a pass. Now perhaps hell go back because he certainly doesnt like her at least he doesnt like her any more. And you know its a crooked system. Like i say, crooked hillary. You said you were going to reach out to bernie supporters, you think you can get some of those voters. I think i can. Will you be reaching out to conservatives . I have conservatives, other than some people that want to get publicity for themselves. Some of the people that want to get publicity that ive defeated you know, i defeated them. It wasnt a pretty picture. Maybe theyre not used to being spoken to that way. We have to have for our country. Most of the people are defeated people. And theyve held a grudge. There are people in this the republican report, who are not on your side. You have to acknowledge that. Senator ben sass, from nebraska. Who i know. Youve had a twitter back and forth. Heres a guy, i watch him on television, know nothing about him. Hes calling for an independent candidate to run for president. Hes a real genius. Lets say you get somebody to run. That means the republican cant win. Now you have four to five Supreme Court justices that will be picked by Hillary Clinton or whoever it is. Bernie even worse, because of a guy like ben sass, that would mean republicans cant win. If you do what hes suggesting. The worst thing that can happen, im going to win. Im going to put wonderful, conservative good, solid brilliant judges. Youre going to lay those out. Im going to lay them out. Im going to discuss people. A couple of groups. I think before the convention i want to put up 10, 12, 15 names of the type of people that we like. I would like to do that. From that list that you will choose . Ive suggested that. I dont know if its been accepted. From that list, i would choose, hes a conservative judges, would be great judges. You have two, the last two republican president s saying theyre not going to endorse you. I understand that, i understand why theyre not. The war in iraq was perhaps the worst decision ever made in this countrys history. It totally destabilized the middle east. It was a total disaster, made by bush. I took jeb bush on very hard. He was very nasty to me, spent 15 million, 20 million negative ads on me, nobody mentions that. They just say i was very nasty to him. I was, i came up with a lowenergy individual. Whether he is, i think he is. But it was a tough fight. He fought fought hard. He got out of the race. You think that their decision has to do with jeb bush . Of course. I criticized his decision to go into iraq. Youve come up with articles. But theres audio of you before the war no there isnt. A buzzfeed piece. Yeah, im talking to howard stern. Weeks before. First time anybody, i was a civilian. First time anybody ever asked me about the war, should we go in. Because there was the question, are we going in . I said very weakly, yeah, blah blah blah. And then by the first day of the war you said its a tremendous military success. What i said, what i said is, it was a success, because they thought it was a success. But before that, i said they shouldnt go in. Then all during, for many years, i said this war is a huge mistake. In fact in 2003, 2004, they did an article, a big article in one of the magazines and reuters did an article where im very critical of the war, get out, its a mistake. To you its Crystal Clear in your mind. Are you going to hit Hillary Clinton on this issue . She made a mistake. When she voted for the war. She made a big mistake with syria. She made a tremendous mistake. Look at benghazi. She did the whole ad, who do you trust at 3 00 in the morning . You dont trust her, because she was sleeping there were plenty of calls in, she was sleeping. She took them from blumenthal, but she didnt take them from the ambassador. Nafta was signed by bill clinton. Nafta has been a catastrophe. An absolute catastrophe for our country. They say im not conservative, on trade. I believe in free trade, thats what they want. But were getting ripped off on free trade because our leaders dont know what theyre doing. In the case of mexico, i have nothing against mexico. Thousands of people that work for me from mexico. Theyre fantastic. Hispanics, think im going to do great with the hispanic vote. Today is Cinco De Mayo. Do you have any message to the mexican americans . I have no message other than i have Great Respect for mexico and their leaders, im not Holding Anything against mexico. Im not Holding Anything against china. Im holding it against our leaders for making such horrendous deals theyre incompetent or theyre taken care of by groups. Theres tremendous money that pours, they pour into the superpacs. And to campaigns. Today you announced your National Finance chairman. Hes an ambassador, former partner of goldman sachs. There will be people who say oh, hes buying into the big money. Hes raising money, and hes been a very successful guy, young guy, smart, very sharp. Wants to do this feels very committed. But hes raising money for the party. Hes raising money for the Republican National committee. Youre going to take donations. Im going to take, what im doing is im going to be putting up a lot of my own money. Hes raising money for the party. Hes doing that as a joint venture with the party. Im going to be spending a lot of my own money. Im going to keep it going. I dont know, so far ive spent probably 45 million or 50 million by the time the primaries are over. Thats substantially less than what other people have spent and theyve been sitting home for two months. A couple of policy things, i had a member of parliament on the show recently. Pushing for brex it. The Great Britain exit from the eu. Where do you stand on that . I think the migration was a horrible thing for europe. A lot of it pushed by the eu. I would say theyre better off with it i know Great Britain very well. I know you know the country very well. I have a lot of investments there. I would say that theyre better off without it. But i want them to make their own decision. Puerto rico, theres a battle on capitol hill about restructuring its debt. Concern about a possible bailout down the road, where are you on that . I think they can restructure their debt without a bailout. I think you can restructure their debt without. So for paul ryans plan about restructuring the debt situation . I think i think you can restructure the debt without a bailout. You can restructure the debt. Let the bond holders take a hit. Puerto rico has too much debt. They have to get rid of it and when you restructure it, you have to cut it. You have to discount the debt if you dont, its a question of time before they come back and do it again. Campaigning in iowa, you said i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. You obviously know a lot about leadership. Based on this, whats your assessment of the leader of isis . His strengths, weaknesses. Theyve had numerous leaders, we dont know who the leader is, brett. You have different people in different areas. What does amaze me is they have a leader and we cant get him. Hes unbelievable. You have more than one leader of isis, theyre expanding and spreading and taking over the oil in libya. Which is really pure, great oil. Among the best in the world and theyre sending it out on ships and were doing nothing to blockade it . If they toque took out abu bakr albaghdadi, would you say decapitation would kill isis or another leader would pop up . No, another leader would pop up. Its been proven. Weve knocked out leaders all over the place and somebody else comes up. He just seems to be a great leader, every time we take out one of their leaders, theres no difference. And you have a plan . I have a plan. You would have to hit them very hard, we have to knock isis out. We have an obligation to the world to knock them out if russia wants to help us, when they were dropping bombs on isis and i heard different people like Lindsey Graham upset that russia is getting involved, i said why, is it wrong . Whoever wants to get involved, we have to get them involved. This is a threat. This is a threat we have to get rid of. About russia, you were asked if youve ever spoke ton vladimir putin. And you said i dont want to say. I have no comment on that. One of the things people like about you is to answer any question. Lets assume i did. Perhaps it was personal. You know i dont want to hurt his confidence. But i know russia well. I had a major event in russia two or three years ago. Miss universe contest. Which was a big, big incredible event, incredible success. I got to meet a lot of people. And you know what . They, they want to be friendly with the United States. Wouldnt it be nice if we actually got along with somebody . Sure, but why do you think russia is doing these dive because they really dislike obama. They dont respect obama and they really dont respect our country. Do you think on some issues youre to the left of Hillary Clinton on Foreign Policy . I think im much tougher and i think we wont have to be honest. I hear that i might may be to the left. I believe in very, very strong defense. I believe in world peace. I want to help other countries. Youre going from running in the primary to eventually running in the general election. How many of your policy issues youve talked about on the trail, do you think will evolve . In that transition to a general election nominee. I think what i will be really talking about a lot, will be illegal immigration. But i think in order will be the economy number one and jobs and good trade deals. Because thats ultimately part of the economy. Because were losing so many jobs because of our crazy trade deals, including nafta. Congressman Chris Collins from new york. Endorsed you, a member of your congressional leadership team. You know hes against mass deportation of il legal immigrants, hes against a temporary ban on muslims. He says that when you become the nominee, and then his idea, when you become president , that you are going to be more nuanced than you are on the trail. What do you say to that . Look, everything honestly is going to be we have to negotiate we have to see, i cant make these decisions myself. We have to deal with a lot of people. I cant just take executive orders like obama and somebody was saying my tax plan is very, very steep. I mean i have the biggest tax plan. But im not the one that does the tax plan. Its me and lots of congressmen and lots of senators. And lots of everything. So i would say that certain things will be changed. Certain things will be stay exactly the same. But you know, there is a negotiation back and forth. I mean im somebody that would like not to sign too many executive orders. It wasnt what our founders had in mind. Sitting down and signing executive orders. Chris collins, a fantastic guy, by the way, a fantastic guy. But im very strong on illegal immigration. That will never change. That doesnt mean in terms of implementation, we dont make a change. We have to stop the drug money from pouring in. But we have to do what i say we have to do. Now, with that under, with that understanding, there will be negotiations, because im not a dictator. Im being elected president , hopefully. Because im going to make America Great again but were going to have to negotiate with lots of people. Including republicans. Youve been very clear on the stump that you oppose any reform of medicare, medicaid, social security. Yet you told the washington pos post, you would eliminate 20 trillion of National Debt in eight years. I think what referring to, im very good at understanding banking, debt, im one of the alltime professionals. We can see where Interest Rates are. We can, we can discount that. We can for instance, you we may refinance when Interest Rates are so low. A lot of people think we should refinance, take in some extra money and redo the infrastructure of our country. Weve spent 4 trillion in the middle east. We owe soon 21 trillion. Were going to have to do something about our debt. Negotiating with paul ryan on his plan. That every republican almost has votesed on. Is one of the things. I want to make our country rich again. I want to bring back our jobs. I want to make our economy soar. I want to do things that are going to make us so rich that we wont have to hurt social security. We wont have to hurt medicare. Were going to make our country rich again. Im honored to be here and im going to do a great job and hopefully people are going to say, including people that arent loving me right now, theyre going to say he did a great, great job as president. Candidate casino is shut down. But you have all black chips from Charles Krauthammer and steve hayes and everybody else. Thats hard to believe. I think im going to take a picture. Of these guys with the chips, right down on the 100s. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. I also asked mr. Trump if hell release his tax returns. He said he would, if hes not being audited. And pointed us again to these photos of him signing his tax forms. Stacked up. Many tax experts say either way, he could still release them or summary of them. Trump told me hell say what his attorneys say and will make a decision soon. Coming up next a benghazi exclusive right here. Ram trucks are reaching new heights when it comes to capability and efficiency. The Ram Heavy Duty is the most capable fullsized pickup on the road today. And, the ram 1500 is the most fuelefficient, fullsized pickup. Ever. So what does that mean . It means ram trucks give you the best of both worlds. So go big. And go far. Guts. Glory. Ram. Man 1 man 2 i am. Woman exmilitary . Man 2 four tours. Woman you worked with computers . Man 2 thats classified, maam. Man 1 but youre job was Network Security . Man 2 thats classified, sir. Woman lets cut to the chase, here. Man 1 whats youre assessment of our security . Man 2 [ gasps ] porous. Woman porous . Man 2 the Old Solutions arent working. Man 2 the world has changed. Man 1 meaning . Man 2 its not just security. Its defense. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. Now a fox news exclusive. Nearly 5 million set aside for the state department to aid in the benghazi investigation is unaccounted for. And the select committee on benghazi wants to know where the money went. Chief washington correspondent james rosen with this exclusive report on the missing millions. Senior Obama Administration officials have accused the House Select Committee on benghazi of dragging out its work to try to damage Hillary Clintons president ial campaigns. This is an investigation thats been going on longer than the investigations into 9 11 and the kennedy assassination. This is purely politically motivated. Internal Benghazi Committee documents retained and showed here, show that Committee Chairman tray gowdy and his staff have worked to secure more than 4 million in reprogrammed funds so state could set up a document review unit to meet the panels requests. There are categories of documents that we are entitled to from the state department. The document review unit was supposed to have 12 fulltime employees. Including three lawyers, case managers and an i. T. Professional. Some of the american personnel evacuated from yemen last year were supposed to staff the unit. Yet Committee Sources say state spent much of last year refusing to account for the funds, we followed up wednesday. Can you assure the public that the money that congress set aside for this purpose has been used for this purpose and not other things . If they were reprogrammed for that or that funding was provided, im fairly certain that it would have been used for the purpose for which it was set up for. Late today, toners staff emailed fox news to say the document review unit which was supposed to be operational last june instead began staffing up in mid 2015 and is now fully operational. Toner acknowledged gowdy and his staff supported the funding request and said 95,000 pages have been turned over. Mark paoletta spent a decade to chief council to the subcommittee on investigations is. The Obama Administration is notorious in stiffarming congress and not cooperating. Theyve engaged in badfaith effort to slowroll the Benghazi Committee and blamed the Benghazi Committee for dragging it out. In a statement, gowdy tells fox news confirming that the Benghazi Committee went the extra mile to complete its investigation as soon as possible. By helping the state department get extra funding. Brett . James, thank you. Still ahead, North Carolina versus the Obama Administration. State lawmakers fire back at a federal demand that the state not implement a new law that tre bathroom of their choice. Republican lawmakers say North Carolina wont give in to pressure from the Obama Administration even when threatened. The threat is a loss of billions in federal funding. If the state implements a controversial law that doesnt allow transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice. Correspondent jonathan serrey has the latest on the battle that could be costly to the tar heel state. Something weve never seen regarding washington overreach in my lifetime. North carolinas republican governor waste nod time criticizing the Obama Administrations attempt to undercut a new state law. House bill 2 requires people to use bathrooms in public buildings that match the gender on their birth certificate. But the Justice Department sent governor pat mccrory a letter informing him that hb2 violates the Civil Rights Act because quote the state is engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination against transgender state employees. Well this is no longer just a North Carolina issue. Because this conclusion by the department of justice sim pacts every state, every university, and almost every employer in the United States of america. The Justice Departments letter comes as welcome news to lgbt advocates, who claim hb2 is not about bathroom safety, but discrimination. In addition to putting millions of dollars of federal Education Funding at risk. Weve already seen a 500 million Economic Impact to our state. Everything from a canceled extension from paypal facilities in charlotte to the cancellation of bruce springsteen. The doj has given the governor until the close of business on monday to determine whether North Carolina intends to enforce hb2. Governor mccrory says hes reviewing the issue, but North Carolina House Speaker tim moore told reporter, legislators are not going to allow the Obama Administration to bully them into action by monday. Thank you. The Justice Department is softening up on the terms convicts and felons. In a Washington Post editorial this week, the assistant attorney general said the terms are too stigmatizing. So the office of Justice Programs plans to refer to to them as person who committed a crime or individual who was incarcerated. The food and Drug Administration is kplamping down on ecigarettes, theyll be regulated along with cigars and hookah tobacco from those being sold to those under 18 and health warnings, manufacturers are required to get permission to say on the market. A mixed day on wall street today, the dow was up 9, the s p 500 was off a halfpoint, the nasdaq was down nearly nine. Next the panel reacts to my interview with donald trump and news that the House Speaker says he cannot yet support him. I take these out. To put in dr. Scholls active series insoles. They help reduce wear and tear on my legs, becuase they have triple zone protection. And reduce shock by 40 . So i feel like im ready to take on anything. Youll have to pay five hundred bucks for your deductible. The truth . At allstate, you could pay zero. Allstate gives you a hundred dollars off your deductible the day you sign up. Then another hundred off every year you dont have an accident. Let the good hands reward your safe driving with a deductible that goes away. Deductible rewards. One more way youre in good hands with allstate. Oo. Test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test that want to get publicity that ive defeated. I defeated them. It wasnt a pretty picture. I defeated them, it was hard. It was not nice, maybe theyre not used to being spoken to that way. Whatever it is, it worked. We need something that works. On trade or military, whatever it is. Whatever the thinking is. Now you have a presumptive nominee, donald trump. Will you support him . Im just not ready to do that at this point. Im not there right now. And i hope to, though, i want to. But i think what is required is that we unify this party. And i think the bulk of the burden on unifying the party will have to come from our presumptive nominee. Thats the House Speaker reacting as you heard to that question. A short time ago donald trump put out a statement reacting to speaker ryans comments, saying quote i am not ready to support speaker ryans agenda. Perhaps in the future we can Work Together and come to an agreement about what is best for the american people. They have been treated so badly for so long. That it is about time for politicians to put them first. Im going to reach out to the speaker and see what his concerns are. Okay with, that, lets start there. Bring in our panel. Judge andrew napolitano. Fox news Senior Analyst and carom tumulty, s p 500 and steve hayes, weekly standard. Ryan saying what he said and reaction to the trump interview . My reaction to the trump interview, you have the patience of a saint. It required a lot of digging and probing and prodding. He obviously didnt want to answer all the questions that you gave him and my hat is off to you. I dont think we learned anything new. Other than that, he hasnt changed. Hes the same donald trump we have seen marvelously and successfully win 40 of 41 primary contests, now become the presumptive nominee. Im not surprised at what paul ryan said. I think the republican congressional leadership knows once donald trump is off to the races, once he has a ton of cash that the Republican Party is going to give to him to combat Hillary Clinton or whoever the democratic nominee is, they will lose any leverage they have with him. If they want any leverage, they better have it now. He said he wanted to get there. And it seems like theyre going to have some kind of negotiations. Karen, darrell issa just moments ago saying he will endorse donald trump. Former chairman of oversight and government reform. Your thoughts . I think its all of this goes to a very big extension question that the Republican Party is facing with donald trump as the standard bearer, which is what does it mean to be a republican. And this in this case, their nominee is against what most people would consider to be conservative principles on you know, military interventionism, trade, entitlements and you know, i think that what paul ryan is trying to do is reassert the prerogatives of congress. Which all has the biggest republican majority since 1928. As sort of the institution that defines what a republican is. Steve . Well look, i think ryan was trying to do a couple of different things, he was trying to give cover to House Republicans who arent supporting donald trump. Theres been sort of a rush to endorse donald trump. But a lot of House Republicans, particularly conservatives dont want to endorse donald trump. Paul ryan sent signals today saying thats okay. The other thing is here philosophical and ideological. Paul ryan took on the republican establishment in 2010 so he could introduce entitlement reform. Believes that entitlements are driving our debt. We is have to reform entitlements or the country is going to face a crisis. He put it in the republican budget. Republicans in Congress Today most of them, almost all of them have voted for those entitlement reforms and donald trump is running for president saying he wont support entitlement reform. He has taken on paul ryan entitlement reforms directly. He ended the interview saying everything is a negotiation. Essentially he has firm beliefs but he is going to negotiate because he wants to do it through congress and not through executive order. Its fair to say we dont know what donald trump would do if he were president. Really on any issue. But he has repeatedly said back in 2012. Campaigning again in the debates that he opposes paul ryan style of entitlement reform. Chris christie, its unclear to me why he has these questions. Chris christie ran for president , his main issue was entitlement reform said it was the most important single thing. And he went out and after he dropped out. He endorsed a candidate who opposes entitlement reform. The paul ryan has principles, he actually meant it when he said he wanted to reform entitlements. To steves point we dont know 100 on a lot of different issues how President Trump if hes elected would dig in or negotiate ordeal with republicans. I think youre right. The only thing we know for sure is that everything is negotiable. We know that because we listen to him, we have seen his change his opinion. Change his mind on abortion five times in three hours, he went from one extreme to the woman to should go to jail. To the other extreme, maybe we should be a pro choice party. Said that all in one day. We know if his books and from his personal behavior. He is willing and prepared to negotiate almost everything. And it may be literally everything. But karen, hes striking a chord. Eases presumptive nominee and hes winning. He understood something about the electorate that had completely eluded the leadership of the Republican Party. Dont forget, donald trump is a man who six days after mitt romney lost in 2012, went to the u. S. Patent and Trademark Office and filed for a trademark on the phrase, make America Great again. I mean he saw it early. And he, he knew what was going to connect with the electorate. More on the panel and the way ahead politically, next. What backache . What sore wrist . What headache . Advil makes pain a distant memory. Nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. announcer and post your job to over 100 of the webs leading job boards with a single click, then simply select the best candidates from one easytoreview list. And now you can use ziprecruiter for free. Go to ziprecruiter. Com offer800 rethink. Reimagine. Because right here, right now. 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Do you think that you are changing the Republican Party or do you think that the Republican Party has changed and youre just the only one who happened to capitalize and realize it. I think its a combination of both. People vote masses are where i am. You have certain people, you know, they call them the elites. Tell me why they are elite. They are elite. Im not elite. They call them the eelites are saying that perhaps they dont like my views. Im actually very conservative but they say im not conservative on trade. I believe in free trade. Thats what they want. But were getting ripped off on free trade because our leaders dont know what theyre doing. Donald trump today at trump tower. Soon after we left trump put out this tweet sayingqv happy Cinco De Mayo the best taco bowls are made in trump tower grill. I love hispanics. That was on his facebook page, actually, with that picture. So, we have that, plus, just in on hannity tonight, the republican chairman, Reince Priebus will say that he talked to donald trump and paul ryan this afternoon and said that they are going to meet next week to talk things through and he thinks it will work out. Were back with the panel. Steve, what about that . I mean, interesting, interesting times. Reince priebus has a job that i dont think many of us would like to have. He is close to paul ryan. Im sure paul ryan wants to talk to donald trump. I would imagine what paul ryan is trying to do, if you listen to what he said earlier, is bring donald trump along, get him to come along on the issues that are most important to paul ryan. But, i think the problem is certainly the elites have problems with some of Donald Trumps policy positions. I think to the extent people are concerned about it elites have problem where nonelites, grass root, rank and file republicans have problems with donald trump in ways that we saw in your interview. You asked him about ted cruz and Raffaele Cruz and he first said that they didnt dispute it. You pointed out that they had disputed it. He said maybe they disputed it but maybe they didnt do it early enough. You said they had a press conference. He literally im looking at the notes here, he gave you seven different answers in the space of less than a minute. And he ended by saying well, yeah, they can deny it but i mean, it is a picture. Thats why people have problems with donald trump. He said in that is he for free trade. He said earlier you can throw free trade out the window. I think Reince Priebus should call up barack obama and ask him for some pointers on how to do a beer summit because thats about what he is going to have to do here. [ laughter ] judge . I think he is going to have to build the Republican Party in his own image and likeness like reagan did at one point, like nixon did at one point. Like Theodore Roosevelt did. Paul ryan will not be happy about that. Stay tuned. Final question with the panel. A clinton email question. If youve gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. Try clarispray. New, from the makers of claritin. With the 1 prescribed ingredient. And nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Return to the world with clarispray. Problem our panel word of the day clinton wrapping up investigation into the emails and words that senior aids of Hillary Clinton have been interviewed by the fbi. What about this . Were back with the panel . Judge . The evidence of mrs. Clintons guilt from the Public Record alone is truly overwhelming. It is sufficient to indict and it is sufficient to convict. If the Justice Department does not present this evidence to a grand jury, the political fallout for mrs. Clinton and for the president will be catastrophic. Karen, the suggestion in multiple reports today that they are leaning against that very thing the judge talked about. Well, in part because the, you know, the legal sort of liability in this case is generally though with the person who actually sent the email and not the person who received it. So thats that is one factor that at least a lot of people will argue against indictment. Steve . National security lawyers i have talked to republican and democrat believe there is already enough evidence to indict. It would be, i think, surprising if they do not. Last round on benghazi. The committee is going to come out with a report at some point . Yeah. Dont sleep on the Benghazi Committee. I think they will reframe the issue and introduce many new pieces of evidence that will change fundamentally change the understanding of what happened that time in the aftermath. Well, thats going to be the question whether new pieces of evidenced a up to some sort of coherent new narrative to it. They have been sleepy and lose all credibility if they dont come out with new evidence and a strong report. Does it have to include an action against, you know, Hillary Clinton . I dont know what action they could take. They are just the legislative branch. I mean, they could refer something to the fbi and the fbi will take it or reject it. Bottom line, couldnt this whole thing be drug out, passed all of the politics . Yeah, it could. I mean, i think we are are seeing indications from the fbi that theyre wrapping this up. Its certainly the case that trey gowdy and his Committee Want to get things wrapped up and present what he has found. Well, panel, thank you. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for a special edition of special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. Tonight, on the record, all your news right here and its a scorched earth and getting worse. A fire the size of chicago, san francisco, washington, d. C. All combined is blazing through homes and buildings, destroying everything in its path. Also Illegal Immigrants are pouring across the Mexican Border into the United States. Do you remember the children flowing over the border in 2014 . Well, finance happening again and now its happening in new alarming numbers. Plus, 2016 news, both bushes and 2012 g. O. P. Nominee mitt romney announcing they cannot support donald trump for president. What about Speaker Paul Ryan . Will he support trump . Speaker ryan making his announcement he would tell you his decision straight ahead. Right now, we are moments away from donald

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