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Canadian soldier has been murdered. The parliament there killing one of the systems and a massive search still continuing with others. The canadian capitol on lock youp all day. Ed henry is at the white house with the obama response to the shootings, we begin with laura ingall, live tonight. The search for more suspects is under way tonight as we learn the identity of the gunman who fox news has confirmed that the canadian thoorlts have identified the shooter as michael zehafbibeau. Starting at the National War Memorial where a gun map was seen running towards the memorial, and opening fire on one of two canadian soldiers. Everybody was just in shock. Witnesses tried to save his life using cpr, the soldier died at the hospital. Investigators say there could have been as many as three gunmen involved. This is a dynamic and unfolding situation. What i can tell you, right now is that all available and necessary sources were activated and deployed immediately when we became aware of the incident. It will continue to be here for as longs theyre new. The sight was the historic rotunda. We saw a woman who was crying because her kids were still inside. And we saw someone rushing in a center block followed by Police Officers and then we heard multiple shots were fired. According to a fox news Counter Terrorism source, there has been an increase in isis chatter targeting canada in the last five days. Earlier this week, a canadian soldier was injured by a canadian convert to islam who according to authorities may have been radicalized. Yesterday canadian authorities raised the Terror Threat level from low to moderate. Back to our main suspect who was a recent convert to islam. President obama talked to canadas leader earlier this afternoon and the u. S. Government is taking steps of its own to make sure that the American Homeland is safe. Ed henry has that part of the story tonight. The u. S. Military says it has not raised its Security Posture in reaction to all of this, but the fbi is watching very closely for a possible terror message. Reporter the obama timely had a chance to reveal his ebola czar ron klain, but then had to address another crisis, calling the situation in canada tragic, while being extra careful about determining whether or not it was a terror attack. We dont have all the information about whether this was part of a Broader Network our plan or whether this was an individual or series of individuals that decided to take these actions, but it emphasized the degree to which we have to remain vigilant, when it comes to these kinds of acts of senseless violence or terrorists. The u. S. Embassy in a lot what posted an emergency message on its website saying the facility is currently on lockdown. Secretary kerry is on his way back to berlin and has been briefed on the situation. U. S. Officials are perhaps being extra cautious about precisely what happened given the fallout to their initial reaction to benghazi. Though some experts believe the events in ottawa today were clear cut. I think this is more than an act of homegrown terrorist, i think this was an official al qaeda or Islamic State plot to secure a vulnerability. Raising the possibility that todays attacks were retaliation for the u. S. Led campaign against the militants. And the fbi today urged its field offices across the United States to be vigilant in the wake of isis terror in the last few days. Can you tell me how the campaign against isis may be turned around, not only to wage war against us but also against our allies. I havent seen the report about them, so i cant comment specifically on them. The United States has been con zachbt to the it was just a couple of weeks ago, october 7, that the Canadian Parliament backed the u. S. Coalition supporting air strikes against isis. Ed henry live on the north lawn. Meantime officials in israel say todays attack on a crowded train station, the suspect with a history of violence slammed his car into a crowd of people. Jerusalems mayor says they are american citizens. The suspect was shot by police, hes in serious condition. Now to politics, vulnerable democrats continue to express the disagreement, frustration, even embarrassment over president obama and hiss recent comments and his political operation. The first lady has requested much more about candidates around the country now and the Vice President now has a much more visible role on the campaign trail. Swr joe bite on. While testing the waters for an president obamas second term appears to be building more power. One example, bidens former as senior advisors leave as is the case by the second term, bite on remains a loyalist at mr. Obamas side. But with loyalists become while the administration prides itself on Foreign Policy and the president relies on him to field calls with foreign leaders, biden earlier this month committed a diplomatic faux p pas our biggest problem is our allies, our allies in the region are our largest problem in syria, the turks who are great friends. He apologized to officials from turkey, the uae and saudi arabia for that comment. Several weeks earlier in iowa, biden offended some in the Asian Community with politically incorrect language. I stopped in singapore with a guy named with most policy experts around the world say is the wisest man in the or yernt. Last week it was revealed that bidens 44yearold son hunter had been despite the embarrassment, the White House Press secretary says that biden can be helpful to democratic candidates, today he was in illinois, in iowa next week. He certainly is somebody who was established throughout his career, over decades, a profile of someone who has woke up every morning, gone to work, ready to fight for middle class families. Some suggest biden as a sitting Vice President should be a bigger draw on the campaign trail than former president clinton or wife hillary. But some say he isnt because hes too close to president obamas policies and hes prone to the verbal slipup. This evening, we go up the road a bit to wisconsin, and an intense battle for the numbers in the wisconsin Gubernatorial Race have not moved and democratic challenger mary burk were running neck and neck at the start of this race, but the real clear politics poll puts walker at 47. 7 and burke at 47. 3. Its like a couple of Million Dollars have been spent and just down the drain because so many people are fierce in their reviews either before Governor Walker or against Governor Walker. And the estate that jumped into the spotlight for its bitter partisan died. Im a business person, i know how jobs get created. 8,400 new jobs were created last month. Thats the best september for private job creation in more than a decade. Reporter both sides fear that negatives could turn off that handful of undecideds. What we have seen from Governor Walker. Reporter also the side that fails to motivate its base loses, so burke set an example for her con stitch ends by voting early. If we turn our voters out, if we get our people fired up to get out to the polls which is happening right now, well be successful on election day. Scott walker is president ial timber for 2016. The only indication that we have gotten from walker at all comes through the blogs, with him saying the chances of him running increase significantly if paul ryan runs. Ray, back to you. Mike tobin, in madison. Up next, a story guaranteed to make you shake your head and maybe even throw something. First here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering across the country. Autopsy results for michael brown, the unarmed africanamerican man fatality shot by a white Police Officer in august. The st. Louis post dispatch reports two experts say it appears brown was also shot in the hand at close range during a struggle with the officer. The Justice Department is criticizing what it calls irresponsible leaks and says its investigation is on going, fox 2 in detroit with massive confusion with the recall of recalls of vehicles over defective air bags. 3 million recalls after over 5 million yesterday. And this is a live look at San Francisco from our affiliate out there, ktvu, making sure voters know the election is tuesday, november 4. About 27,000 people in berkeley received mail in ballots with the return envelope saying that the election is november 5. That is tonights elive look outside the belt way and were outside the belt way too from special report, well be right back. You wachbl to remove all sharp objects from the room for this next story. Peter doosy looks at the annual roundup for the most wasteful use of your hard earned tax dollars. Theyre not bubbles, theyre sea monkeys, it cost taxpayers 307,000, because believe it or not, youre watching a choreographed synchronized swimming routine from brine shrimp. And getting mountain lions comfortable on a tread bell. While others gave rabbits swedish massages, taxpayer tab, 387,000. The list goes on. 100 projects, 25 billion of your money. I dont think most people would look at these examples in the waste book and say, oh, yes, thats going to help come up with an ebola vaccine, its going to help cure cancer, this is going to help als, this is not the kind of thing that really is going to amount to many studies. 6. Quote, quote we stand by our rigorous merit review projekd. Another agency called out in this years waste book, the department of the interior, for spends 10,000 to have someone remove 7,000 also deemed wasteful, a pentagon plan to spend 1 billion destroying 16 billion worth of surplus ammo. And theres a 10,000 grant for a childrens play about a teenaged zombie. We ought to stipulate more what this funding can do and what it cant do. Thats really congresss fault. We need to get back in and reauthorize these programs and set certain guardrails. Senator coburn is referring, he says he hopes the concerned colleague will pick up the slack in 2015. Peter, thanks. The Inspector General for Homeland Security is slamming the secret service for sending a team, usually a sign to patrol the area around the white house, to a domestic incident involving an agency employed. It happened at least five times in 2011, including at least twice while the president was in the white house. The ig says there was no legal or procedural justification for this deployment. The president says that is because some of the weapons ended up in the hands of isis terrorists, some of the pentagon now concedes did happen. U. S. And kurdish commanders are said to be working together coordinating groufbd and air operations. An update on todays shooting in canada, and the hunt for those responsible. First a journalism legend has died. Well look at the life of Washington Post editor ben bradlee. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. They all lost their lives because of preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. Only Heart Disease and cancer take more lives. Proposition 46 will save lives with drug and Alcohol Testing to make sure impaired doctors dont treat someone you love. Safeguards against Prescription Drug abuse. And holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. Im barbara boxer. Lets save lives. Vote yes on 46. Everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses. S unique, and thats where pg es Online Business Energy Checkup tool can really help. You can use it to track your Actual Energy use. Find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. Even develop a Customized Energy plan for your company. Think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. And yet another Energy Saving opportunity from pg e. Find new ways to save energy and money with pg es Business Energy checkup. One of the most influential journalists in american political history has died. Ben bradley had led the Washington Post through the watergate era. Chief washington continue james rosen looks back. Ben bradlees career spanned over half a century, that allowed him to chronicle born in boston in 1921, bradlee attended harvard university. Bradley joined the Washington Post in 1948 when it was still a local paper, with president kennedy, a fellow harvard alum. Bradlee sailed. The first of two, in 1975. One thing he always said think of objectivity, think of fairness. In june of 1991, 7,000 pages of classified documents. When the Washington Post and other newspapers began posting their own selections to in a landmark ruling t u. S. Supreme Court Allowed the presses to start back up making bradley and post publisher catherine and the post a national pub kraig. If you transformed that newspaper into one of the finest in the world. In june 1972, five were arrested while wiretapping Democratic National headquarters over two young post reporters called bernstein and bob woodward helped expose the crimes that triggered the president s resignation. Their collaboration, was overseen by bradlee. There were 400 and something stories involving the watergate and we made one major factual mistake. I simply went to them regularly to discuss how we knew and zitd we know we were all right and he said that when woodward was worried, he had the source he went to and the source would never let us down and of course that source was deep throat. There was no Single Person in the Nixon Administration who knew all the things that woodward attributed to deep throat. And in 2012, jeff himmalman published yours in truth, a biography of bradlee that that showed that bernstein at times misled their readers. I feel like i had an obligation to report what i found. Bradlee retired from the post in 1991. Fox news media analysis how wart kurtz conducted the final interview with bradlee in 2012. Hes a symbol and people think of the glamorous bradley, which was there, they think of the persona, the charm, the laughter, but its the nitty gritty, they didnt approach journalism in a way of making moral judgments. It was a way of finding out what had happened. The last of his four children disclosed that her husband had been suffering from dementia and had been receiving hospice care since september. In washington, james rosen, fox news. Millions of americans who get federal benefits will receive a Little Something in their checks next year, the annual cost of living adjustment for Social Security resip yepts, disabled veterans and federal retirees, will be about 20 a month on average. It is a third year in a row that the increase is less than 2 . Stocks were down today t dow lost 153. 5, the s p was off 14 and the nasdaq fell 37. When we come back, a live look on todays shooting in canada, from ottawa. And i. I got a prescription for chantix. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It was important to me that chantix was a nonnicotine pill. The fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. 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Here american officials are bracing for any similar trouble. David lee miller is live in ottawa. Hello, david lee. Hi, brett. As you can see behind me, parts of ottawa are still being locked down, this now as Authorities Say it is possible that two ire suspects are still being sought. The time frame for the developments today, things started at 9 52 localtime. Thats when a reserve irs at the war memorial here was shot and killed. He was shot by the gunman at close range. That gun mman now identified as michael zpehafbibeau, there ar reports at this hour, that canadian authorities knew he was designated a high risk traveller and that his passport had recently been confiscated. After the shooting at that war memorial, thats when the gunman made his way to the Parliament Building, that is only a few yards away, and that is where the large scale terror ensued. Amateur video reported the chaos, listen. [ gunshots ] dozens of rounds were fired, finally the gunman himself was shot, according to local reports, the sergeant at arms for the parliament, a largely ceremonial post shot the gunman and lastly, brett at this hour, some good news, three people who were shot at the parliament billing or i should say injured at that Parliament Building today have just been released from the lopt. We will head back to any breaking developments. Over the weekend, we brought you a special american payday, that hour looked at the crisis facing the american mid class, one of the noisy mid centers of that crisis, believe it or not u San Francisco. Theres no bigger challenge that this country has than inequality. And we must do something about it. This is not an issue thats going to go away. Concern over the. Especially on the left. And democrats hope it will play a major role in this election cycle. What were talking about here, income disparity, inequality in recognizing the value of work can do more to undermine the middle class and therefore undermine our democracy si. Pegging the election to incoming equality, might proof tricky for democrats. For one thing, income disparity tend to be most stark in the places that are run and populated by democrats. We went to Nancy Pelosis hometown of San Francisco, which has it turns out, is a case stud bring for inequality. Multiple classes with a much more dominating ruling class, that happens to be in this city, the tech industry. Perhaps the gratest symbol of the intrusion of Silicon Valley t shuttles, commonly known as google busses, they pick up employees from firms like twitter, yahoo and yes, google, to carry them to their hightech campuses miles away in the suburbs. Protesters have blocked the busses and even broken windows and slashed tires. Hes the divide among San Francisco as part of a broader trend. Its ridiculous is what you are doing to our people. Youre going to see a real conflict in the Democratic Party between the gentry wing and the middle and working class wing. The election this year will hinge largely on Energy Producing states, where there are still some democrats there and theyre having to run in an atmosphere where many people believe, that after the election president obama, will cite all sorts of measures that will really go after the energy industry. Tomorrow well take you to one of those energy states, coal rich kentucky, its the central Battle Ground in the fight over the senate. And coming up this weekend, another hour special looking at real peoples stories in colorado. Domestic terrorism and the midterms, canadas attack today and security at home, how will all this affect the upcoming elections, the panel joins me from washington after a quick break. And the use of medical technology in the u. S. . At t. 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I look across the street, and theres a man with a rifle shooting out a bunch of people. So we, you know, i yelled out all my guys, theres a guy shooting, and one saying get down, get down. You know, its very important for to us recognize that when it comes to dealing with terrorist canada and the United States has to be entire in sync. Scary moments in ottawa, canada rest capitca canada reese capitol today, and he also fired several shots inside Canadas Parliament meeting, they say the man was michael zehafbibeau, there was a shootout with authorities there, but the capitol is still on lockdown tonight, looking for people still tied to this event. Lets bring in our panel front washington. Senior Political Columnist of the national journal. Charles, first your thoughts on this day and developments. This has been a story of terrorism, on 911 and in the 1990s when they wanted to get to you, they sent people over. They develop very good stories for stopping that or tracking that. And we havent had a major attack from abroad ever skins. Now what i think has happened with a tremendous ideological appeal of isis, thats largely as a result of its victories. And that always is appealing in messianic movements. Its now getting these individuals already in western societies to act on their own. Whats interesting here is that there was an attack two days ago where someone drove a car, killed a canadian policeman, also a convert, also somebody who had connections obviously who had at least some kind of allegiance to jihadism, he had it on his website, so whether these two guys were connected, im not even sure how much it matters, but it looks as if the appeal of isis is enough that it can now spark these attacks, without isis lifting a finger, without organizing, without doing what al qaeda in yemen does, get a bomb and send somebody on a plane. I think thats true and one of the things that probably makes most americans and most canadians feel particularly unsafe in the situation. In the first case, the person that ran they knew the man was a threat and still they were unable to do that. We have seen this before, and often times they are posting things on the internet, its very clear they were a threat, until they actually commit an act of violence, there seems to be very little that can be gone, or even often times, i think it seems that authorities arent necessarily taking it as seriously as they should and really considering what kind of threat these people pose. Yeah, ron,s important to point out that authorities havent even put the isis is on social media claiming things, but its not there yet, and its important to point out that one person has died and thats tragic. But so far authorities have this thing pretty much locked down up there in ottawa. Yeah, you know, we dont know whats happened here, but lets assume this is a terrorist act. The best analoogy i could reach for, think back to when you were on the apply ground and you have to stand up to a bully. When you stand up to a bully, one of the first things the bully does is punch you, and you have to wipe off the blood and punch the bully in the face again and punch him again and again and again. Were going to get, when we stir up this hornets nest, theyre going to get us, its going to happen. And we have to stand together and punch and punch and punch and punch, until theyre no longer seen as a threat to the United States and a recruiting tool for very vicious people. I guess thats the question, is whether that all factors into the midterm elections, ron, and that somehow seeps into one of these elections. Is the white house, is the president punching enough up against that bully . Well, look, im certainly not going to blame the president for what happened in canada today. Of course not, but i mean broadly. Broadly, yes, definitely, you had a poll last week, and it was kiptds of tongue in cheek, by a huge majority of the public is going to held in a hand basket. Theres a lot of things that are going on right now that makes us feel like a loss of control, that we dont know where were headed. These lone wolf, this threat that isis is posing t sprawling of isis, steves into all this uncertainty, and fear and malaise and loss of control, and, you know, the president in this country, not always fairly, but he is the person who we look to for that leadership, and when we dont think were getting its, and right now, 48 , 50 of the public, dont think that the president is leading strongly enough on isis. 60 dont approve of the way hes handing Foreign Policy. His policy is going to be blamed to some extent for this and thats whats happening. Charles were looking at the meeting at the white house with ebola czar ron klain which was overshadowed by the shooting in canada. When you talk about this im not sure how much of that question was tongue in cheek. Things in the u. S. Are out of control, and the numbers say yes with 64 . 2 3 of the population, thats a pretty high number, thats even higher than the wrong track, right track. With wrong track, you can say its about the policies, were trying to principle reversible. But out of control is a different level of disorder and anxiety. What happened was that ebola and the rice of isis and the outbreak of terrorism. But all of these you have a sense of the institutions in government. The ones that we have relied on and lets emphasize this, the one that democrats and liberals always emphasize, the institutions that we can rely on and that can protect us and do great things in the country, that they are either incompetent or corrupt or inadequate and therefore people have a sense of things out of control. And that i think is weighing on every democratic candidate, because his or her party is in office. Theres no way to get afternoon that. Ten seconds here, some of these candidates are obviously tapping into all of that, and theyre using them in ads. They are, but i think we have to remember that the dpek was already stacked in favor of republicans in most of these states, and so its pretty interesting when you consider that people do feel that things are out of control and yet these republicans are still really in a fight for their elys for the most part. Youre seeing people start to pull away the first time, its not by very much. I think that it says a lot about also how the Republican Party i dont think is particularly popular right now. Theres a good point, theres a lot of tight races. Next up, chicago area journalist on big midwestern races out here. The conference call. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. State after state, all our friends in the other party are doing just relentlessly attacking the president. And acting leak this is a referendum on that. Its not. Its about you and your future. There is no more important challenge a race that bruce to pat quinn and the things he is offering for the people of illinois. Well, this is a a tight race for governor here in illinois. As you take a look at the real clear politics average of polls. And you just heard from some of the big outsiders campaign for both sides. You have pat Quinn Holding ton a slight lead over bruce and that has changed in recent weeks. Look at this race and another one just up the road. Pack in chicago with our panel panel. Mike flannery Political Editor of chicago fox 32 news and carol, contributor editor and political blogger for chicago magazine. Thank you both for being here. We should point out, mike, that there is another candidate that thats not this poll. There is a libertarian candidate actually on the ballot here, bret, who is getting 3, 4, 6 maybe. Its worth pointing out that pat got elected four years ago with only 46 of the vote. Minority governor back then. Likely to happen again. Chad grin libertarian candidate could be the hanging chad. Or the grim chad. Right. Carol, you look at a race that should be in the production favor and the economy and the Economic Situation and the upside down Approval Ratings. This should be it. Well, except that it is a very blue state. And. A long profile bruce, and i was writing in may and june people was asking is he going to win. I said he is going to win in a route. Now we have this race thats neck and neck. And chad grim who sat in my house with me when i interviewed him. If he polls as much as 6 he could make the difference. This in this race. In 2010 ginn won by 200,000 votes. President obama has been here. Other big names for quinn. Hillary clinton, bill clinton. Is that moving the needle. I dont think its moving the needle a lot. I think what its doing, look, this is a turnout election at this point as it is so much around the country, bret, and those big time democratic getting the hard core democrats to vote. There is concern Democratic Leaders here as elsewhere around the country that a lot of democrats arent engaged. You know, pat quinns job Approval Rating is one of the lowest for any governor in the country. So, part of the challenge for the democrats is to get their voters out. Just go up the road to the wisconsin race real quick. Scott walker mary burke, also very tight as you look at the real clear politics of average of polls there and walker trying to hold on to the win up there. Walker was ahead and now they are running even. Its interesting as you look at that race and look at the illinois race. The candidates couldnt be more different. You have scott walker who never graduated from college. You have burke who is an heirest to a fortune. Thats not true of bruce rockie mountainer. He rockie rockie rounder. Same tie every time you see him. Interesting analogy. They are running closer. Maybe and just to say one more thing about illinois. Rouner has been working very hard to get the africanamerican vote in chicago to come out to vote for him. Spend a lot of time every sunday, lots of effort. Carol, mike, as always, thank you very much. Thank you always fun. It should be interesting. Thats it for the panel. Stay tuned for a very special final goodbye. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink . Action blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Introducing the birds of america collection. Fifty stunning, handpainted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. Blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. 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Fit2me also inspires you through games and team challenges. So what kind of plan will i stick with . My plan get your plan. Go to fit2me. Com and enter the onscreen code word to get started. Finally tonight, skip our usual light hearted show you something much more significant happened today at. Cecil harris. The 19yearolds platoon came under fire from german troops from france in 1945. Enlisted as missing ever since. Last year french hikers found his remains near the german border. His idea tag was in a shallow grave. Tonight he is in his final resting place. On a day when another canadian soldier was killed. Important remembrance of the service and fact size of u. S. Soldiers and their families now and decades. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. No online show tonight. Kimberly guilfoyle in for greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. Just moments ago fox confirming the shooter in todays rampage is a convert to islam. Chaotic scene playing out in canadas capitol city. New fears the deadly shooting spree could be terrorism. [gunfire] that dramatic scene caught on camera as dozens of shots rang out inside the Canadian Parliament building today. Hello everyone, im Kimberly Guilfoyle in for greta van susteren. Todays Violent Attacks started with a gunman shooting a canadian soldier to death after National War Memorial in ottawa. Then the

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