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A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen. The government and for manafort to keep things moving along. They did. That is the same judge that challenged the special counsels office and accused them of just trying to use charges of financial crimes to squeeze manafort in giving them information that they could use against President Trump. The trial proceeded anyway and the former Trump Campaign manager that was a wakened by an fbi agent performing a noknock raid is being confronted with evidence that he hit 60 million from the irs which he received consulting ukrainian politicians. The charges are for falsifying income tax returns, bank fraud and failing to file reports. If convicted, manafort could face 305 years in jail. Theres Sentencing Guidelines for federal cases like that that would suggest that the judge would probably give him something less than that, shep. Shepard what is the next step in this trial, peter . Any minute, shep, we expect the jury, six men and six women to be given instructions about how to proceed and then possible that sometime late this afternoon we could start to hear Opening Statements. Once those Opening Statements start, dont expect to get a lot of information out there or dont expect the attorneys and prosecutors to be talking about manaforts role with the Trump Campaign. Seems like the government is laser focused in their case on manaforts work as a lobbyist and a consultant for those ukrainian politicians that had russian ties. We do not expect to hear them casting hims as a gop operative to help the gop candidate for back in 2016. Shepard peter doocy, thanks. Wellstaffed inside as well. Should there be developments, well give them to you. First, the fight on ghost guns. Untraceable numbers that you can create from scratch at home. A company releasing blueprints that will let you use a 3d printer to build handgun or an ar15. Attorneys general from more than a half a dozen states have been racing to keep this from happening. Those the tooth taste may be out of the tube. The Company Already posted blueprints that people have downloaded thousands of times. If you havent been following this, the Texas Company defense distributed has spent five years in a court fight pushing for the right to release digital gun blueprints. The feds had argued the blueprint violated export laws since people outside the United States could not use them or could use them. Defense distributor claims this as a First Amendment issue. In june, the company reached a settlement with the State Department. One that would let them post the blueprints beginning tomorrow. It appears some of the blueprints have gotten out early. The Attorneys General are suing the Trump Administration in an effort to keep the instructions off line. They argue its a National Security risk. Since terrorists, criminals and others that wouldnt typically pass a Background Check can get we pops. The headline here, untrackable, untraceable, homemade guns available to everybody. Anita vogel with the rest of the story. Shes live with us this afternoon. Anita . Hi, shepard. This is causing a lot of fear, anger around concern for those reasons that you stated. Nowadays, you can make almost anything with a 3d printer. Theyre used in the medical industry and manufacturing. Starting tomorrow, you can download blueprints to make a gun out of plastic a gun nobody can keep track of or identify. Eight states plus the District Of Columbia are suing the State Department for settling with the company, defense distributed, that just kept pushing to publish the plans. You know, honestly for gods sakes, when it comes to something as basic as public safety, our State Department is saying hey, this is a giveaway for terrorists. This didnt happen by accident. The Trump Administration pushed by The Gun Activists did this. Because the State Department is charged with regulating sale of firearms outside the u. S. , it was the agency that blocked defense distributed when they wanted to publish the gun drawings in 2013. Then in 2015, the company sued the State Department. The owner, cody wilson, claiming his Free Speech Rights were being violated. Just last month, the State Department settled the suit saying certain firearms are already widely available for commercial use. Lawyers for cody wilson say the law is on his side. The government doesnt have the power to tell people that they cant post information on the internet. Also stay law is trumped by federal law. The u. S. State Department Gave a license to file online. This is an unconstitutional act in every respect. Defense distributing vowed as of august 1, team, the age of downloadable guns formally begins. The reality is, shepard, a lot of the plans are already out there. If you knew where to look online, you can find them. The cost of a basic 3d printer is a few hundred dollars for a basic one. In some cases, of course, thats cheaper than a gun. Shepard, back to you. Thanks, anita. I want to show you the pictures that we showed during that live shot. This is video of one of these plastic guns not operating as its supposed to. They did a number of tests on its almost as if this has already happened. Its happened to a small degree. About 2,500, my understanding, files have been out there. As was indicated before, if you knew where to look, you could find it. The argument from the attorney general, is lets not make it easy for people. Its going to get widely disseminated tomorrow if nothing happens. Shepard and the argument for keeping them from the internet is being the person doing the suing is saying, this is freedom of speech. You cant restrict my speech in this way. Is there precedent for such a thing . You know, its not a bad argument. The problem is the implications from that. Shepard i know. What about precedent . Theres two cases in the past. One in the late 70s where a gentleman was publishing information how to make a hydrogen bomb. Turns out that information was already out there and he just no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . New laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Hill. Mike . Shep, good afternoon. Facebook Officials Say these accounts were engaged in a sophisticated political campaign. Facebook officials note the efforts are getting more sophisticated all the time. We have always known and everyone that works in security that security is an arms race. Were glad that we found this. We always know that our adversaries get better and we have to get better. We have to find things and share information as were doing today. A short time ago, the secretary of Homeland Security gave the social media giant some credit. Facebook has taken it very seriously. They should be commended for what they did today. The threat is very real. Americans need to know that. The russias or whoever it is in this case, theyre tempting to manipulate us. Facebook took its share of lumps here on capitol hill after the 2016 campaign. Were 14 weeks out from the 2018 midterms. A lot of concern about those upcoming elections, shep. Shepard are people on capitol hill, elected representatives of the impression here that its believed these are russians . Sounds like theres a lot of ties, whether they say the word or not. Thats correct. Weve heard a number of lawmakers say russia, some the kremlin. Richard burr saying the goal of these operations is to sow discord, distrust and a division and an tempt to undermine our political system. The russians want a weak america. That is from the Senate Intelligence chairman. The top democrat is blaming the Trump Administration and giving the company some credit. I salute facebook for doing what they did and finding the 31 attempts by what looks like a russian, not certain, but what looks like a russian agency trying to manipulate our elections. Second, the administration is not doing close to enough. Facebook describes this like an arms race with the security trying to keep up with the manipulators. Some here on capitol hill are saying bottom line, washington and Silicon Valley must do more, shep. Shepard mike emanuel on capitol hill. Thank you. The Supreme Court Justice Anthony kennedy officially retires today leaving our nations highest court with eight justices split between liberals and conservatives. Justice kennedy has served since 1988. President reagan nominated him and was a crucial swing vote. Justice kennedy sided with the liberals on Marriage Equality and sided with Conservatives On Gun Rights and limiting campaign funds. His vote was key in settling the 2008 president ial race siding with president bush. And senate gop leaders say they hope to confirm Brett Kavanaugh before the new term starts in october. Judge kavanaugh has been meeting with senators but not officially locked in enough votes for confirmation. Police in iowa speaking just a few minutes ago about the search for a missing College Students now missing almost two weeks. Cops say the last time anybody saw her, she was out for a run. The latest on the search after this break. Capital one and hotels. Com are giving Venture Cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. Brrrr i have the chills. Because of all those miles . And because ice. Is cold. Whats in your wallet . We really pride ourselves on making it easy for you and because ice. Tech at safelite autoglass, to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace heres what we do know. Police say tibbets was staying at her boyfriends house in brooklyn, iowa. They say she was dogsitting while he was working at a Construction Job about 100 miles away. While they say somebody spotted her while she was out for a run, theres word that she might have actually gone back to the house. Relatives say theres evidence on a laptop that she was doing homework that night. Tibbets boyfriend, who you see here, claims she sent him a picture over snap chat that made her seem like she was at the house. The boyfriend got worried when she didnt show up for work. He texted her good morning but she didnt look at it. He says thats when he called her family and friends. Her father told fax news that people should think up even if they think what they know is insignificant. Theres somebody out there that knows something and reluctant to Say Something about someone that they know. They need to have the courage to come forward. If nobody has anything to hide, that i have nothing to fear. Let Law Enforcement sort out what is right and what is wrong. Have the courage to come forward and find molly. Shepard the dad also said you cant go anywhere in iowa without seeing pictures or posters of his daughter. Matt finn is left in the midwest newsroom. Matt . This Afternoons Press Conference was anticipated. We thought it might answer some of the obvious questions remaining in this mystery. Investigators revealing theyre not revealing any information to the public because it could compromise the integrity of the investigation. Theres not been no suspects and no timeline. Investigators tell fox news that theyre a timeline that theyre confident with but not releasing to it the public. This afternoon some of the questions remaining are who Molly Tibbets had a cell phone on her the day she went missing. Shes described as an avid runner that had her fit bit on her, the Health Tracking device that could give Police Critical information. We wonder if police have extracted any information from that fit bit. Police have not indicated if she ever made it back to her boyfriends husband, which is a big question here. Did she return to the house . If she did, were there signs for a struggle or forced entry . We wonder about the scope and direction of the investigation. Has it sped from this small town of brooklyn, iowa. Shepard most of what weve heard is the family and mollys boyfriend . Pretty much. A member of mollys family told a local news station that investigators believe her laptop indicated that she made to it her boyfriends house and she used it for homework. The boyfriend said he received a Snap Chat Message on his phone from molly the night she went missing. He believes that that snapshot message was taken inside of his house. One of the questions is whether the investigation is entirely focused on the house where she was abducted or was she taken out on the streets during the run july 18. Shepard ahead, new information about President Trumps Chief Of Staff, john kelly and how long he may be sticking around. And the search for a guy caught on camera apparently trying to set fire to a gas station. Thats next. Youre turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty look at this. This is staten island. Surveillance video shows the suspect splashing gasoline around the pump, lighting a piece of paper on fire and throwing it down there. The gas station sprinklers, as you can see, came on and put this thing out. Nobody died, a bystander was hurt. Cops in South Florida have saved a kitten stuck under the hood of a car. We got him oh, my god thats awesome shepard lots of new fans. Miamidade police Say Operation Kitten Rescue was a purrfect success. Lucky has a new home. Hopefully this time with air conditioning. Gimme two minutes. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza. [mmm pizza. ] is your part b medical expenses. 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Ron desantis is running neck and neck next to running almost as President Trump in florida and his numbers since the president endorsed him are way up. So the president will get off marine one presently, sometimes he gives a wave and heads down to tampa. Theres a big rally tonight. Another one of those make America Great rallies. Thats tonight in the tampa area as well. So campaigning for ron desantis and holding a rally down there. I dont know. I thought he would wait for him to come off the chopper there, if hes so inclined. This is a full media trip, so our white house folksilill be down there with him tonight for the rally. Hes coming home after, i was told, and then regular business marine one, the president will get off there at some point. Well show you that when it happens. President trump sending mixed signals if he shuts down the government if he doesnt get funding for the border wall. There he is saluting. Hes tweeted theres no way the democrats will allow it to be fixed without a government shut down. Border security is National Security and National Security is a longterm viability of our country. He goes, a government shut down is a very rare, small price to pay for safe and prosperous mesh. As if shutting down the government will make america safe and prosperous. Laughable. Anyway, he says hes President Trump said hes open to negotiating and behind closed doors, he apparently already reached an agreement with gop leaders. The president gets on air force one. John roberts is back in the yard, its my understanding. What is the deal here . We going to have a government shut down or is it depends on youre talking about, shep. We should point out, too, as the president left the south lawn and we were out there to watch his departure, he had no comment for the cameras. We were unable to ask him questions about the shut down. The president has threatened to shut down before and the last time it shut down in january over the socalled dreamers issue, it was the democrats that took most of the blame for it, so the president thinks maybe hes got the political background here. Theres a lot of concern from republicans in congress, most of whom are up for reelection that shutting down the government over broader Immigration Reform and wall funding could have a backlash against republican candidates just before the Midterm Elections. Im told by sources on capitol hill that there was a meeting last week between the president , paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell in which it was agreed that a number of Spending Bills would be passed by the beginning of the fiscal year, october 1, but that the Homeland Security funding bill, which includes money for border patrol, Border Security and the wall does not need to be one of those bills that is passed by the end of september, beginning of october, which means in translation that it would be possible to push back a fight over immigration and wall funding until after the Midterm Election on november 6. So when the idea of a governmen shut down, may in fact be that hes not talking about prior to the election. Hes talking about after the election when a real battle over Immigration Reform and wall funding and other Border Security could occur. Shep . Shepard weve been hearing and everybody is reporting, john kelly, the Chief Of Staff on his last leg, soon to go. Now theres new word. Yeah, hes dead, hes out. The president doesnt like him anymore. The two are at odds. That was yesterday. The oneyear anniversary was met with a glorious tweet from the president saying congratulations on your year anniversary. The picture of the two of them beaming together and today we learned that the president said to john kelly, i want you by my side through the rest of my term, at least first term as the president would like it to be, 2020. John kelly accepted. So all of those stories about john kellys demise, a little premature, shep. Shepard john roberts on the north lawn. Thank you. Wild fire alert. Fire Officials Say theres 17 large wild fires burning across california and that this is shaping up to be the most destructive fire season on record there. A pair of wild fires in the northern part of the state threatening 10,000 homes today. Recordbreaking heat has left the land very dry creating what firefighters are calling perfect wild fire conditions. More images this afternoon. Its towering flames. Here a firefighter monitors a building to make sure that the flames dont spread. This is lake port, california, which is 80 miles or so north and west of sacramento. Nearby, a home burns in the up to of findley. This is one of those air tankers dropping fire retardant. This is a picture of some destruction from a deadly fire in redding, california. More than 800 homes destroyed there. Jeff paul is live in redding. Jeff . Yeah, shep. The fire in redding here, the carr fire continues to grow. Its 27 contained. Now people are returning to their homes after they have been evacuated. Unfortunately, this is what people are pulling into their driveway to find. You can see that car burned down to metal. A few other houses, the front of the homes left behind that. A total loss. As you take a look out here, this just gives you a guide idea of how much devastation is out here. One of the things that were finding interesting as we pan over, youll have rows and rows of homes that are fun. Then walk a few feet across the way and youll see several other homes are perfectly fine. Seemingly untouched. Thats what firefighters makes this fire so hard to fight. Its very unpredictable and they dont know where its going next. Shep, one note, this particular fire, the seventh Moth Destructive Fire in california history. Shepard and theres so many of them, jeff. Yeah, i think about 15 to 17 major wild fires burning in the state of california. The ones that seem to be getting the most attention are a fair of fires burning north of san francisco. Thats the mendocino complex fires. Those fires, not much containment on them right now. Forcing 10,000 people outside of their homes and firefighters say theyre worried that if they dont stop this fire soon, that it could start encroaching on nearby towns. The Fire Behavior weve seen and the burn rates weve seen and how quickly it moves, thats why were taking this seriously and require the evacuations to continue. In total were learning from cal fire, more than a quarter of a million acres of land have burned. Shepard jeff paul, thanks. The weather making it challenging for the firefighters. Meteorologist adam klotz is live in the extreme weather center. Adam . Extremely challenging. The western half of the country, theres 88 fires of 100 acres or greater. The graphic goes up. Were continuing to see more and more fire activity. Spots where theres elevated fire danger, this is running into northern nevada, running to the pacific northwest. Youre talking about oregon, areas where the winds are high, the humidity is low and yes, these temperatures continue to be above the seasonal average. Things are heating up and youre streaking across oregon, washington. Were talking about feelslike temperatures in someplaces that dont typically see this, running up to triple digits. Thats the case today and will be the case the next couple days. Your forecasted highs for today, youre looking at spots getting close to 105 degrees. The feels like temperature is warmer than that. That continues down through california where they continue to battle the fires. Also, its only going to stay warm here the next couple days as you look at again temperatures in california. Theyre hovering in redding back up to 105 degrees, maybe cool ago little bit in the pacific northwest. The one thing you need is some rain. This is our forecast all the way into sunday. You see a little rain in the mountains. Right along the west coast, california up in the pacific northwest, shepard, its bone dry here through the weekend. Shepard not good. Thanks, adam. Fox news has confirmed new evidence does suggest kim jongun is building up part of his arsenal instead of scaling it back. What about his promise to President Trump . Singapore . Thats coming up. man managing my type 2 diabetes wasnt my top priority. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. Tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. woman wed been counting down to his retirement. It was our tresiba® reason. He needs insulin to control his High Blood Sugar and, at his age, hes at greater risk for low blood sugar. Tresiba® releases slow and steady and works all day and night like the bodys insulin. vo tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. 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President ever to meet with a leader of north korea. Former president obama had a quick call with rouhani in 2013. It was the first time a u. S. President spoke with an iranian leader in 30 years. It happened as the Nuclear Deal Talks were getting underway. President trump abandoned the deal earlier this year. Theres signs now that north korea is indeed building new intercontinental ballistic missiles. Thats according to a u. S. Official that tells fox news its Business As Usual and the regimes Missile Program appears to be moving forward instead of scaling back. Last month, President Trump claimed that north korea was no longer a Nuclear Threat after his summit with kim jongun. That is patently false. The Washington Post first broke this news story. The newspaper reports that north korea is building the weapons at the same factory that that built weapons that are capable of striking the United States. The u. S. Officials say the north koreans are planning on deceiving the United States about how many war heads and Research Facilities they even have while pretending to denuke. Gordon chang is here, author of nuclear show down, north korea takes on the world. When the president said north korea is no longer a threat, he was not telling the truth. Now pompeo comes up and gives testimony and when asked about Missile Production, he dodged it. That was at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week. What is happening now, people in the Intelligence Community are going to the media and showing them the evidence that yes, north korea is continuing to produce missiles. What this means, shep the most important aspect of this story is that men and women in the Intelligence Community are not only putting their careers at risk and their freedom at risk by going and talking to the media. They want to sound the alarm. This is like paul revere. Shepard so President Trump said the Nuclear Threat was over and had its meeting with kim jongun. Said they were going to denuclearize and work on the road to that. Then they withhold information from the public about the real activities of north korea in an effort to deceive us . Well, i think theyre probably i wouldnt say theyre shepard trying to make president President Trump said seem true . Probably trying to create this good atmosphere for talks with kim jongun. I dont think will work. The way that you get the north koreans to give up the weapons is to give them no chance. Not win them over. That we have seen in administration after Administration Just doesnt work. The way you get the north koreans to do something is you force them to do it. Shepard theyre expanding the Missile Production in the same place where they were making missiles, the icbms that could reach the United States in theory, right . Yes. These are the ones that the north korean fired on november 29. Certainly has the range to hit the United States on the east coast. So this is basically all the United States is now within range of north koreas missiles. We know they have nuclear warheads. We dont know if they can integrate them with the missiles. A lot of little tasks. But that would take a year to two years to master. So basically the north koreans can now hold us at risk. Shepard so what has changed since the summit . The only thing that could have changed is north koreas intentions. The intentions people said they made a strategic decision to give up their nukes. Shepard stop it. Watch what they do, not what they say. Right. Weve seen ramping up production of material and shepard doing the same thing they did before the meeting. Before the meeting weve seen as death con 20 with the north koreans. Everybody was worried somebody would happen. Now theyre acting like everything is fine. Its ridiculous. What the north koreans are doing is consistent with the fundamental assumption of trumps policy. That the north koreans have made a strategic decision to give up their weapons. They have not made that decision, shep and we can see it from what theyve been doing, not what theyre saying. Shepard its interesting if anyone in this administration will admit it. If not, why wont they. What were seeing, pompeo said yes, theyre producing fissile material. You have the Intelligence Community leaking and the administration is no, sired to be candidate. When the Intelligence Community doesnt tell us, the administration isnt telling us. Shepard north korea is no longer a Nuclear Threat. A level of insanity weve never had. Good to see you. Thank you, gordon. Harvard university is under fire for their admissions policy. Now the rest of the ivy league is responding. An update on some elementary education. No cubes and cones and cylinders and pyramids. Scientists say they discovered a new shape. Thats coming up. Come here, babe. Ok. Nasty Nighttime Heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, Powerful Heartburn Relief Plus Melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Highly ranked colleges argue that race should not be excluded from the admissions process because its important to have a diverse student body. Jonathan hunt has this. Hello, jonathan. Hey, shep. The universities argue this is a First Amendment issue. Their Admissions Decisions are protects because they are essentially educational judgments. They say the universities have to be allowed to exercise their judgment and use their expertise on how to set criteria for Student Admissions and how to encourage the kind of diversity that they believe will best enhance their institution and help students to have a rounded experience. Now in the brief filed by all of the Ivy League Colleges along with others including george washington, Johns Hopkins and stanford, the schools write it would be an extraordinairy infringement to decree that universities of Higher Education cannot consider race at all in seeking to obtain that diversity. What this boils down to, shep, the argument that nobody should tell harvard to whom they may offer places and how to decide the makeup of the students body. Shepard where are the critics on this, jonathan . Simply put, they argue that race should play no part in any admissions decision. A group call the National Association of scholars has filed a brief supporting the original 2014 complaint by students for fair admissions. In the new brief, the nas argues students shouldnt be admitted to college on the basis of academic achievement and racial identity should play no role. The brief says judgment of character may be appropriate but the nas Accused Harvard of using that judgment as subterfuge to discriminate against Asian Americans saying this could end up at the Supreme Court. Affirmative action cases have been heard by the court six times since 1978. The most recent, the court upheu upaffirmative action. Shep . Shepard thanks. Scientists discovered a new shape and its a bit more complex than circles and squares. Lillian has the details. I dont understand how in 2018 they discover a new shape. Until this week, mathematicians had never conceived of the scutoid. This is a picture of two of them. A scutoid . A scutoid. Yes. This is a picture that shows each one individually. Its like if you had a prism, like maybe a pentagon and you took a chunk out of the side of it. Our amazing Graphics Department has created it. It is found all over nature. Its in the cells on your skin and its all through other an maams and so its everywhere. The internet has the best response to it. Shepard always. Im so glad im done with high school. Imagine having to find the area and volume of a scutoid. Shepard that would be hard. It would be hard. Shepard how did they name it . The scutellum is on a beetle shepard you dropping knowledge. Thats where they get the name for it. Shepard scutoid . Yeah. Scooby doo. Shepard is this the last shape or more . They found one in 2014. Looks like a slinky. Shepard okay. Little kinks in it. I dont know what constitutes a shape like a blob. Shepard i think theyre bored in science. Thank you. Shepard thats about it. Well be doing Facebook Watch in just a moment. Be streaming live on facebook. 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