Ahead. The president s latest threat to use his power to get involved with the Justice Department. News is breaking now. Lets get to it. From washington. Rarely have we had so many to report on different fronts from the white house. First, President Trumps lawyer, rudy guliani giving details of what he thinks a facetoface meeting with the president and Robert Mueller would look like and sound like. The former new york city mayor told robert costa this afternoon and john roberts just confirmed, he would want the interview to be a maximum of two to three hour and around a narrow set of questions. Not as broad as the 49 question list that somebody floated two nights ago. He made those comments after fox news confirmed that the white house later that ty cobb is leaving. He will no longer deal with the russia investigation. Officially, hes retiring at the end of the month. Theres more reporting to be done on this. In his place, emmett flood, an attorney that represented president bill clinton during his impeachment trial. Emmett flood is expected to take a less cooperative approach with the special counsel. In another Big Development today, President Trump is threatening to use his powers as commanderinchief to get involved in the Justice Department. Its the second time in less than a week that President Trump has said he may step in on Justice Department business. The president has not been she spic about what exactly he might do. On twitter this morning, President Trump blasted what he called the Justice Departments rigged system. He tweeted there was no collusion, its a hoax and theres no obstruction of justice. That is a setup and trap. What there is is negotiations going on with north korea over nuclear war, negotiations going on with china over trade deficits, negotiations on nafta and more. Witch hunt. This comes after President Trumps former lead attorney john dowd confirmed to fox news that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, raised the idea of a subpoena for the president to testify in front of a grand jury. The Washington Post broke that story last night. Dowd now tells fox news that mueller mentioned the subpoena during a meeting last month while attorneys were discussing terms of a possible interview. A week after that, the special counsel apparently gave President Trumps lawyers a list of dozens of questions for President Trump. Mueller, of course, is looking into moscows meddling in the 2016 president ial election, possible collusion and whether the president obstructed justice. The president has said there was no collusion and no obstruction. Headline recap. One lawyer out, another lawyer in. Goodlines for an interview with the president. A special counsel threat to subpoena the president and a president ial threat to alter the investigati investigation. John roberts is on the north lawn of the white house. Just got off the phone. I did, with rudy guliani. Hes the president s lead liaison with the office of the special counsel. I had to hang up with him so i could visit with you. Guliani is not certain about whether the president will sit down for an interview with mueller telling me, my position isnt determined yet. I keep an open mind. We had a good interchange with the special counsel. I respect them. Im concerned, are they objective about the president , do they have an open mind that he could be telling the truth and comey lying. If they have an open mind, an interview is something we would consider. I asked him about the 49 or 52 questions in the list i received, his opinion of him. He said its encouraging that they have no case. Very discouraging that they appear to want to trap him into perjury. I asked him of the length of interview. He said somewhere in the neighborhood of two to three hours. Certainly were not going to sit down for 12 hours and then he would want the scope of the questions paired down to just their very basic saying he would want the questions in advance, saying they would have to be about relevant topics, meaning russia, which may not be relevant any longer, the exmayor says, obstruction of justice has to do with the comey firing. The rest is tangential. We would want a commitment that they could do this before the end of the summer so it doesnt drag on. Quoting the mayor here, further imperil the future of the nation. I asked when Something Like this would happen, the mayor said because the president is involved in negotiations with north korea for a summit there, likely wouldnt happen probably until the beginning of the summer. Negotiations continue. Now to some of the other news in terms of the turnover here at the white house. Ty cobb, the president s counsel, being replaced by emmet flood. Lets put up a statement from Sarah Huckabee sanders saying for several weeks, ty cobb has been discussing his retirement. Last week he let chief of staff kelly know that he would retire at the end of the month. Emmet flood clerked for justice antonin scalia. He was one of president clintons impeachment lawyers. He represented dick cheney, advised bob mcdonald and was a member of the bush administration. Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying emmet flood will represent the president and the administration against the russia witch hunt. I asked rudy guliani about it. He didnt have much to say about flood. He told the Washington Post that the president wanted somebody more aggressive than ty cobb. Ty will be staying until the end of may and flood comes in. Theres some talk that he could be a replacement for don mcgann. Shepard since were talking about lawyers, former attorney, john dowd, you had a conversation with him as well. I did. He confirmed the early meetings in march when they negotiated with Robert Mueller over the interview of the president by the special counsel in which mueller said, you know, if you dont agree to a voluntary interview, we can issue a subpoena and haul him before a grand jury. To which john dowd said this isnt some game. Youre screwing with the work of the president of the United States. A week later, james quarrels had a conversation with the president s legal team, gave him a list of 49, 42 questions that mueller would like to ask the president. Alan dershowitz said in no way shape or form should the president sit down. They would have another option. I would submit questions and answers in writing based on article 2 of the conversation. He said look, ive answered the question. Why are they trying to bring me into a grand jury. This interferes with my right to govern and he would be in a better position politically and legally if he were to provide answers to the questions. So i asked rudy guliani this afternoon, the 49, 52 questions, do you believe those represent or look like a perjury trap . He said we all do. The questions almost cry out. They dont have a case. Theyre desperate. They want to make a case. Look how few questions, if any, about russia. Theyve lost that one. Now theyre falling back to obstruction. So that really has the hinke up on the president s legal team, shep. They may agree to sit down. This is the best way to do it as opposed to getting a subpoena from Robert Mueller. But that force is still a long way from getting out of the barn. Shepard a new and aggressive public face on this. Word from the president tweeting, john, that he might use his president ial powers to get involved with this. What does that mean . Well, i dont know if it would be get involved with this. He did say in recent days, he thinks the Justice Department is going after the wrong people and letting the right people skate and if that continues to happen, he may get involved. The latest tweet appears to be in reference to the document dema demand. The president said they dont want to turn over documents to congress. Why redaction . Why unequal justice . At some point i might have to get involved. This is a fight between congress and the department of justice over documents related to the various investigations going on. Members of congress not happy with the fact theres a lot of redactions. In particular, theres a memo that is the socalled scope memo that Rod Rosenstein wrote to Robert Mueller detail whats he can and cannot investigate. Youll notice theres huge redactions in this memo. Mark meadows and jim jordan want the unredacted memos so they can see what it is that mueller is up to. Heres one page, shep. Almost completely redacted. Well see if theyre successful, shep. Shepard john roberts, busy day at the white house. Thank you. Caroline is here, federal and white collar criminal offense attorney. The Republican Group wants to do something for sure. They want documents. But they want to get in the way of this. Lets not beat around the bush. Thats what they want to do, right . They do want to get in the way. The interesting thing about the tweet, nobody knows what President Trump means. Some have floated the idea that hes talking about potentially firing Rod Rosenstein. Hes overseeing the entirety of the mueller investigation. I think trump is pointing out that he feels hes throwing his hands up here at everything at this point. Hes sick of the whole thing. Shepard they put on a very aggressive public face of this. Today, rudy guliani, the first trump lawyer, to speak with any specificity about the and it sounds like rudy guliani is in charge now. Like maybe hes going to set the rules of the special counsel. No, youll go two hours. No, you wont ask those questions. They can subpoena him. I was going to say, shep, thats not how that works. Remember the initial statement is hes going to wrap it up in a couple weeks. Thats obviously changed. Now the story is hes going to decide on the legal strategy within the next couple weeks. The fact is, it behooves both sides not to take this all the way up to the Supreme Court in terms of getting a subpoena. Shepard think about how that trek will go. First thing you do is yes, yes and nine where are you. So both sides have bargaining power. Of course, the ultimate trump card, if you will, on muellers side shepard i see what you did there. Yeah. And they still have some bargaining power. Guliani does have look, Alan Dershowitz shepard hes looking for a job. Hes saying they would do written interrogatories. Since when . Its not going to happen. Shepard the rule of law is such that no one is supposed to be above it. Thats right. Shepard the Supreme Court has sided with no one is above the law. Thats right. Youre getting to the point of this question of whether or not they could potentially subpoena the president. If he choose not to comply, whether or not a court would step in and say you have to. There isnt exactly a case on point. Of course, nixon, about turning over of the tapes, not about testimony. Ken starr, we know he subpoenaed bill clinton but with drew that subpoena because clinton voluntarily decided to testify. Shepard after he was subpoenaed. But it was withdrawn. It wasnt tested. But youre right about the tenor of the Supreme Court decision who is out there, speak to this fact that no, a sitting president is not above the law. If theres an ongoing criminal investigation in which his testimony is needed, that its likely that a court would choose to move forward with the subpoena. The real question is whether or not he will take the fifth. You can debate that. Shepard that would be quite a political thing. Constitutional crisis, anyone . Yes. Shepard thanks, caroline. Thats the legal side. The politics next. What if President Trump does refuse to sit down with the special counsel . What if the president does get involved . These are not our whatifs. They brought it up. Well discuss the possibilities and what they might mean from the fox news deck on a quite busy wednesday afternoon. Glad to have you in. Nobodys hu, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. 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Never dull over here, shep. Shepard what is the thinking on the politics of a sitdown and how they change the public face of this today . Theres clearly a new political strategy. Whether its legal or not, i dont know. Politics is playing a big role here. Questions, of course, include whether or not to do the sitdown and what to say. One of the things i heard you talking about, whether or not the president would consider using the fifth amendment not to answer the questions. Imagine the political blowback to that, if that was a decision that he made. I can just hear blowback from democrats. I can also hear what the president would have said if Hillary Clinton had done the same thing when she was interviewed by the fbi in 2016. That said, the legal advice that he gets from his lawyers is the most important thing. He has rudy guliani now and another new person coming in to give him that advice. Shepard there appears to be a concerted effort tell me if you disagree, just an observation to put a bunch of people on television and to say into the Television Like this channel, dont do it, mr. President. Dont do it. Dont go up there, dont do it. We know you want to. Dont do it, cant do it. Its an interesting point. We know the president does watch some television and he has a lot of surrogates, as we call them, or friends out there that speak for him and speak on behalf of him. Shepard dont do it. Exactly. If they say that, you never know if that will have an impact. Shepard then you wonder what the politics might be, how politically it might play if he were given a subpoena and had to make a decision. Mueller would have to decide whether to immunize him. How much people would be with the president arm and arm in that circumstance. Sure. You have to assume those are the types of calculations that President Trump and his advisers are taking into account. We know the president s position on this investigation. Hes made that Crystal Clear that he thinks this is a witch hunt and he will no doubt continue to say that. That doesnt take away the fact that he has to make a decision whether or not to sit down with the special counsel one way or the other. Shepard the truth is, no one can no all that mueller knows because despite protests to the contrary, theres no leaking that i know about from the mueller investigation. Whatever he has, we may know some of it. Theres no way for us to know all of it. Its also clear that the special counsel and his staff feel confident. If theyre dropping the possibility of a subpoena in meetings with the president s lawyers, thats a show of confidence on their part. Shepard yeah, Rod Rosenstein seemed to put off an air of great confidence last night. Nice to talk to you. Thanks. You too, shep. Shepard the Air National Guard plane has crashed in savannah and sent a column of smoke into the clouds. What we know about the crash and about those on board just ahead. Another Southwest Airlines jet make an emergency landing. Again, it has a broken window. Next. I feel a great deal of urgency. I think, keep going, and make a difference. At some point, we are going to be able to beat als. Because life is amazing. So i am hoping for a cure. I want this, to uh, to be a reality. Um, yeah. Mr. Elliot, whats your wiwifi . Ssword . Wifis ordinary. Basic. Do i look basic . Nope which is why i have xfinity xfi. Its super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey lets basement. And thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. So sophie, i have an xfi password, and its daditude. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Shepard the breaking news now. The military transport plane that crashed in georgia killing five people. Thats according to a National Guard spokesman to fox news. This happened during a Training Mission near the Savannah Hilton Head International airport. A surveillance camera caught the crash. Look at the center of the screen here. You can see the c130 at the top and heads down towards the trees. We froze the video. A driver recorded the aftermath of the crash. The c130 just dropped out of the sky. Holy [bleep]. Shepard you can see the thick smoke billowing into the area. The next shot, you can see the tail of the plane off of the highway. Jonathan serrie in atlanta. What have we learned . The military saying that an investigation into the crash is underway. Heres what they said moments ago. To be honest, thats not my area of expertise and i wouldnt want to answer that and give out any information that wouldnt be accurate. Id say there will be a safety board that will be convened of experts that are skilled at looking at these type of crashes. You heard the witnesses referring to a c130. Thats the hercules, an aircraft used for transporting troops and supplies. Its been a workhorse of the military for 60 years. It just left savannah with five crew on board and bound for Davis Monthan air force base in arizona. It crashed shortly after taking off. The fiery wreckage covering a portion of highway 21, a busy thoroughfare outside the airport property. As far as we know, there were no cars hit in the crash. Its a miracle at that intersection. And the Air National Guard is in the process of notifying next of kin, shep. Shepard Jonathan Serrie in atlanta. Thank you. A Southwest Airlines flight forced to land this morning because of a cracked window, a spokesperson for southwest says nobody was hurt and the cabin never lost pressure. Heres a photo. A passenger said he took this photo of the broken window. Other people on board describe hearing popping noises coming from that area during the flight. The flight was diverted to cleveland after taking off in chicago. This happened a few weeks after an engine exploded and blow out an engine mid flight partially sucking a woman out. Trace gallagher has more. The plane was traveling about 520 Miles Per Hour when the window cracked. The passengers said they could hear it cracking, which freaked a few people out. Can you blame them . Those on board said the pilots and flight attendants calmed everybody down. Southwest issued a statement that reads in party the aircraft has been taken out of service for maintenance and our employees are working diligently to accommodate this plane and putting customers on a new plane to newark. Turn around was quick. One of the passengers said on our way to new jersey in a new plane thanks to the southwest air crew and pilots for handling it professionally. The windows on the jets have three window panes. Theyre all made of acrylic and the system is built to be failsafe. It gives you an idea of just how much velocity the shrapnel had from the southwest engine that blew apart a few weeks ago. We should know that in the wake of the april 17th engine explosion, the faa mandated that all similar engines with 30,000 cycles might be inspected using ultra sound to see if the fan blades have metal fatigue. Yesterday the faa changed the mandate to engines with 20,000 cycles. Though its still unclear why the scrutiny was stepped up a bit. Shepard interesting. Thanks, trace. After a legal show down that lasted more than a decade, a judge has now ordered iran to pay billions of dollars to families of the victims of the attacks of 911. Nobody expects tehran to cough up any money but theres a way that the families could get some money. That and how the saudis could be next. Thats coming up after bottom of the hour headlines. Prudential asked these couples how much money do you think youll need in retirement . 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The secretary of state says the Trump Administration is Still Deciding the steps on iran. And north korea, he says the president has an unprecedented opportunity to deal with that Nations Nuclear program. Mike pompeo secretly met with kim jongun over the easter weekend to lay the ground work for the president s planned meeting with the north korean dictator. Rich edson has an update live at the state department. They were really embracing today. They were, shep, this is a significant show of support from the president to his new secretary of state. This is the president s first trip to the state department. So with the president , cabinet officials, senior officials in the administration gathering in one of the more ornate reception rooms here at the otherwise very Government State Department headquarters. The president says his new secretary of state has earned his respect, admiration and trust. I have full confidence in my team and under your leadership we can and will execute that mission for the benefit of the american people. You know this is essential work. Thats why youre here. Thats why im here. I look forward to doing this together. Officials say they hope the president ial support translates into a more relevant state department. Pompeo has been to belgium and the middle east, shep. Shepard what else did we get from pompeo on iran . Hes pushing for European Countries to change to iranian policy. If not, the president will withdraw. The former National Security adviser for president obama said the same people that always opposed the iran deal argued it should be scrapped even though iran is something that they did before the deal and the inspections regime was put in place to keep iran from doing though things. Iran says theyre ready to restart their Nuclear Program if the u. S. Withdraws. Rich edson, thank you. A federal judge is ording irans to pay billions to the families of the attacks of 911. The relatives fired the lawsuit in the year 2004. They werent able to go forward with it until 2016. Thats when the u. S. Congress passed a bill that allows people to sue foreign governments accused of terrorism. The judges ruling finds that iran, the revolutionary guard and the central bank are liable for the deaths of 1,000 victims. The judge set the damage at more than 12 million per spouse, 8 million for parent. Its mostly symbolic. Theres no way to force the country to pay. Still, the victims families could receive some money. The reason . Nearly four decades ago, the u. S. Took control of hundreds of millions in iranian money as punishment for the iranian hostage crisis. The families can collect from those found. Some of that money went back to iran as part of the nuclear deal. All of this comes with just over a week left for President Trump to decide whether to pull the United States out of that deal. Lets turn to Michael Ohanlon from the brookings institute, which is nonprofit Public Policy organization. What would getting out of it mean, practically speak something. It means theres no more inspectors that would look to see what iran is doing with its centrifuges. Assuming that iran pulled out. For us, what it would mean is we would no longer lift the sanctions that have been imposed a long time ago but waved because of the deal. That would restrict american businesses doing businesses with iran and restrict indirectly other companies that want to do business with American Companies from themselves being involved with iran. So it begins to put back in place the economic restrictions that had been largely what led to the deal in the first place. It would do so only because other countries would not be obligated by our decision. Their individual Companies Might choose to do business or not with iran facing the possibility of indirect sanctions by american law but not directly affected. Its a suboptimal way for us to try to deal with iranian misbehavior. Thats the concept being deliberated now. Shepard you hear about renumerations for 911. Where is saudi arabia in this . Yes, as you pointed out, this report is in response to a recent law. It doesnt make a lot of sense in broader strategic terms. Of course, 15 of the 19 high jackers came from saudi arabia. None of them were from iran. If you want to look for things that iran has done badly or harmfully against americans, theres more vivid examples like hezbollah and all the arming of iraqi insurgents through the period of the most intense fighting in the iraq war. Those were all case where more americans died because of iranian action. This may prestage other lawsuits. Youre right. Its a little bit incongruous with the history to focus on this particular role of iran in this particular tragedy. Shepard the idea of suing foreign nations in this way was very controversial at the time, right . Yeah. The problem is, of course, that with iran, most people acknowledge that iran uses terrorism as a tool for Foreign Policy. In some cases, people get into a debate, who is a terrorist, who is a Freedom Fighter what is terrorism. What is an insurgent attack that is normal in war. You get in a lot of gray areas. Who will decide when an American Action in a theater of war should be portrayed as terrorism and retaliate against american citizens accordingly. Thats the slope you have to worry about slipping down. You need some kind of a fairly neutral adjudicating body that will figure out when and if somebody is terrorism. Im not sure a regular American Court of law suffices for that judgment. Shepard michael, thank you. Good to see you. Thank you. Shepard if democrats win back the house in november a big if, nancy pelosi says she plans to lead them. Thats what she told the boston globe. Pelosi said we will win, i will run for speaker, i feel confident about it and my members do, too. This would be pelosis fourth straight attempt to take back the house since democrats lost control in 2010. Some members of her party say the 78yearold should go. Theres division. But man, can she fund raise. Theyre calling for leadership and a new message. Shes not very popular nationally. Shes been a consistent target for republicans and republicans try to use that to their advantage linking democratics in their ads. A spokesman for the Gop Committee in the house of representatives said thank you to nancy pelosi. Mike emanuel is live in washington. Man, talk about pinatas, shes been made into one. Youre right, shep. Sounds like republicans intend to make her the focus of this falls campaign. An rnc spokesman telling fox theres no politician in america that is more disliked than nancy pelosi. Any democrat should be panicking that she wants to be speaker again. Sources at the National Republican Congressional Committee said theyre working on ads like this one. Theres no play in the playbook on the republican side that seemed to work here again. That was on thing john ossof against nancy pelosi. Theyre running against nancy pelosi and its working. Thank you for continuing to fail as your partys leader. The latest fox poll has her Approval Rating 51 unfavorable. That explains why republicans will run against her. Shepard pelosi, an incredible fund raiser and has been for decades. No question about that her Campaign Operations says she raised 16. 1 million in the First Quarter of this year. Some of her rank and file members, conor lamb from pennsylvania and seth molten of massachusetts have called for change. Molten telling the boston globe, theres a strong desire for new leadership in washington, and new leadership in the democratic party. She won a special election in 1987. Many of her colleagues say its time for a new voice and new ideas. Shep . Shepard thanks, mike emanuel. A show down over trade. The u. S. Treasury and commerce secretaries are in china looking to get some concessions to reduce our china trade deficit. The chinese are warning, dont expect much, america. Their message and how it matters for our money next. Shepard former president george h. W. Bush is staying in the hospital for now. His family says he will stay in the hospital as he continues to regain strength. The 93yearold went into the hospital a week ago now. His spokesman said he has an infection that spread to his blood. That was a day after the funeral for his wife, barbara bush. He wants to go to maine for the summer. Heres for hoping, a lot on the line as high stakes trade between the United States and china have begun. China has threatened to slap taxes on everything from american cars and planes to soy beans and pork if president makes good on his thread to roll out billions in taxes on chinese products. U. S. Retailers are warning that would wipe out more than 130,000 american jobs and hit farmers especially hard. Chinese state media is reporting that beijing will not take whatever the United States delegation offers. The Trump Administration is pressing china to cut their trade surplus with the United States by 100 billion. Deidra bolton is here. So if this happens, lets say if both economies, two largest in the world cannot come up with anything, any kind of compromise, the worst Case Scenario is really very bad and will touch a lot of industries and may yes, take away from jobs in those industries. Deutsche bank is saying that were beginning to see some of these. Farming, manufacturing, airplane makers are slowing down hiring. Deutsche is the only one saying that theyve seen Business Leaders just neglecting to hire people because theyre worried. Take soy beans. The biggest export from us to china. President trump won eight out of those ten states where theyre produced. So the chinese are being very strategic, of course, about what theyre hitting. Shepard theyre good that way. They are. But lets remember as far as tariffs go, we pay them. Consumers pay them. Shepard and some companies are getting hit hard. Starbucks and nike. They are. Starbucks and nike. We dont think of them as consumer driven. They get 10, 15 from china. Chinese people love american basketball. They see the players wearing nike things. Nike got 15 of their revenue from china. Starbucks as well. China does have this growing middle class. Listen, they like to buy our stuff. But if there are tariffs imposed on both sides, china could very well hit the consumer driven companies. Shepard negotiation first. As the president might say, well see what happens. And hope is not a strategy but therefore what can i is a i . Shepard hope is good. Thank you. Shepard its heating up in tornado alley. A violent twister touching down in kansas. The midwest bracing for more severe storms. The beginning of may. Stay with us. O brew your cup. O brew your cup. First, we head to vermont. And go to our coffee shop. And meet dave. Hey. Why is dark magic so spellbindingly good, he asks . Let me show you. Lets go. So we climb. Hike. See a bear. Woah. Reach the top. Dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. Like these mountains, each amazing on their own. But together . Magical. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters packed with goodness. Shepard fox extreme weather alert. The midwest, tornado alley, could get some severe storms the next few days. Thats a tornado from culver, kansas. 90 miles north of wichita. Possibly just a preview of what could be in store for the area according to meteorologists. The storm is expected to bring hail, flooding. Rick reichmuth, what is it looking like . We have not had any tornados this year in tornado alley, nebraska, kansas, oklahoma. Yesterday we saw one. These are the storms from yesterday. The storms will see fire today almost in the exact same area. Today worse than yesterday. Its about a fourday Severe Weather outbreak. Tornado watches in effect across kansas, oklahoma. The storms are firing right now. Mostly severe storms at this point. This will go through the overnight hours tonight and we will start to see these tran since into tornadic cells as we move probably within the next 30 to 45 minutes or so. Thats what were looking at now. This setup is ripe. This is what we should see or generally do see this time of the year. Finally, were starting to see this. All the cold air that weve had across the east has kept the southwest down. Now you notice its warm across the east. Along with that, now we have the southwest Severe Weather across the planes. This is going into missouri, indiana. By the time we get to indiana, its going to be strong winds and rain. Especially western illinois could be looking at the severe storms later on tonight. Look at the red there. Thats if bulls eye for the tornadoes. We could see large, longlasting tornados throughout the overnight and early evening hours. Watch it closely here. Shepard well be back with a look at when the world first got word of a scary creature lurking in the water. It happened on this day in history. Sfx muffled whistle text alert. Im your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hidenseek. Cold. Warmer. Warmer. Ah boiling. Jackpot. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands . With the right steps, 80 of recurrent ischemicide. Strokes could be prevented. A bayer aspirin regimen is one step to help prevent another stroke. So, im doing all i can to stay in his life. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Not having a Good Breakfast can make you feel like your day never started. Get going with carnation breakfast essentials®. It has protein, plus 21 vitamins and Minerals Including calcium and vitamin d, to help your family be their best. Carnation breakfast essentials®. Shepard new details on the royal wedding. Officials say this horse will lead prince harry and Meghan Markles procession. They will ride through the town center, back for their reception. The event will cost about 45 million. Thats according to a british Wedding Planning app called bride book. More than 10 million more than Prince William and the water, blah, blah. Still people are appearance 85 today. And i wonder if sandra will wear a fascinator . Why not . Neil lawyers coming and going at the white house. The president apparently open to talking to Robert Mueller. Oh, yeah, Federal Reserve report that scared investors because the Federal Reserve is noting that inflation is back. Not really much though. Well get to that in a second. The rumblings as they were occurring and the marketing are responding to developments at the white house including a new legal team, openness to getting a chat going with bob mueller. John roberts following it all at the white house. John. Changes, neil

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