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Finally, more and more Movie Theaters have booths in have booze. Tom thank you, andy. I told you i have special powers. Physician and surgeon and regional fellow dr. Kelley powers. Is that Monterey Montgomery over there . No. Its comedian aruba ray ellin. Observer columnist michael malice. And hes got a slow cadence of a pony at a petting zoo. Comedian and author paul odo. Lets start the show. A socially aware robot is going to college. And of studying students to learn how to behave. His name is jack rabbock and i guess he wears a tie. They say hes equipped with sensors and cameras and roams around Stanford University picking up cues on human behavior. One of the stanford researchers explained, its like a child. The child sees things and it learns to do the same thing. Jackrabbot has been only been at stanford for a few days, but he already seems to be fitting in. Jackrabbot has also helped to get three conservative speakers removed from campus. Michael malice, actually as far as science goes, im kind of excited about this development. They made an artistic robot. Learning social cues, literally. No. Go ahead, tom. Tom robots are autistic, essentially . Absolutely. They arent aware of facial expressions or emotions, but what i think is happening is the spirit for those of us who support rising the minimum wage to drive catchers out of work and youll have a touchscreen, these robots are going to be driving women studies majors english majors and all these stupid worthless majors to work, youll have a robot making xerox copies for a stupid nonprofit. Tom a while very interesting. Would this work in medical school . Will they take more serious subjects . I dont know. It will probably do a lot better than some schools in schools. Learning from college students, is this the sentiment we want the robot to learn from quick make he should roll over to the other school in the north . Berkeley . Something happened there, i think, a couple of days ago. The burning buildings. Property destruction . Tom it is learning from social cues. For instance, they had a couple of students talking to each other. Instead of going through it, it went around. Its interesting that robots, write, are starting to learn about tom. Its robots getting social cues from computer programmers. These are the most socially awkward people on earth. One was the last time these guys left the lab and interrupted with humans . We should take it to the bar around the corner and teach the robot the right way. Are you a wing man . Im a great wing man. I think i agree with ray. Just some guy named jack in a cellar. What do girls smell like. Learning to hold the door open, i was hoping. Look. Who better than to do thats who needs the social cues, these kind of nerdy guys who spend all the times in the lab. So all the power to them. Maybe the robot is going to help them get out there and meet a gala . Even in the article, they dont have arms yet. At some point, they will put them on so they can hug. And the friend zone at another level. I think our culture is going the other way. We have sex robots being massproduce. We do . Why am i sitting here this wont be happening. It wont be happening anymore. We do a story on sex robots once every two weeks. People prefer it. And once they start getting into this vr technology, they arent going to be able to go back. Pretty soon, like you said, the robots are autistic. Its going the other way and they will have more social skills than the people, michael people having less social skills as years go on because we arent able to have communication with people we disagree with politically or cultural issues. The robots are picking it up. You also have to buy the robot dinner. I dont know. For a lot of people, its going to be a great economic saving. Rayray. We dont want to be wined and dined. Why what i like that . [laughter] you get up in the morning, you dont even make breakfast, do you . I dont make breakfast, i dont. Im up and out. No apology. Tom partisans keep on getting more partisan. Heres more evidence. A New York Times piece note that 1958, gallup did a survey that if you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you prefer that she marry a democrat, a republican . All other things being equal, of course. Back then, 18 would want their daughter to marry a democrat, 10 republican unit and a remainder didnt care. In 2016, a week before the election, the professor of Political Science conducted a version of that survey with pretty different results. As you can see, far more people care about the party of their future in law. I dont care if the guy who marries my daughter is republican or democrat just as long as he believes in small government. [laughter] fiscal responsibility, Strong Military [laughter] doctor, i think this is interesting. It goes to the fact that what everyone is saying that we are more divided than ever. But why . Its pretty interesting. They asked the parents but not the children. Correct . And it nearly doubled from 2016. Definitely doesnt shock me, considering the wide dichotomy, though the light of political thought in this country. As that was back in the 50s. Itll be interesting if they asked the children if they felt the same way, the ones who are actually getting married if they felt that they needed to stay within their party and it would make a successful marriage. I feel like ive had this conversation over cocktail parties before. Tom you and your cocktail parties, doctor. Fantastic. I think that this is more for instance, i dont have any sons. But if i did, i wouldnt care who they married. But my daughters . I would want them to marry republicans. You know what im saying . No. Why . Because i am you figured it out yourself. Because women, i think they, i would want them to be with someone more like me. You want to be able to hang with the guy. And the thing is that i could handle a liberal woman, you know what i mean . I can be around them. And i think generally i think conservatives are great. I think conservatives dont have as much of a problem with this. I think its liberals, they get hot under the collar for people in opposite parties. May be. Look. I dont care. It wouldnt matter to me why married, a democrat or republican. I lived out in a robot, i want somebody who has a kayak. Doesnt matter to me. I once had an awkward right swipe with rick perry. Was it awkward . Well, it didnt really happen, so. [laughs] right or wrong, the right is left emotionally involved in their politics. I think more people care about religion than about political beliefs. Really . Are you jewish . Yes. I dont like that tone i asked, ray, because dr. Dr. Powers. Jewish people, often times is that not a concern among jews . I think jewish people want their kids to marry jewish people, Greek Orthodox want to marry Greek Orthodox my exgirlfriend, who youve met there have been so many, ray. Her family, who is very religious catholic, they wouldve been content if they had married me. Catholics and go jews go well together. This is going to be a long show. [laughter] michael, i know you had something to say. The term for a woman who marries a liberal man is you are a girl you arent really a guy. That is a big part of the segregation is. Far left liberal ideology is a complete rejection and repudiation of anything masculine in the culture. Paul, it sounded like just by your body language, you want to refute that point he made. I think its a pretty broad paint. Brought his right [laughter] very broad brush. I dont identify myself as anything, so i cant come to the aid of liberal people. But i have seen quite a [bleep] over there. It grabs back now. If you identify yourself, thats a shield that you put up for exposing you the people you are. Is that troop we get a lot of people complaining about the liberal snowflakes. And something on on this paneld something about trump, they come in, they are tweeting. There is as much snowflake on the other side, or maybe not as much if you try to talk to police about people people about the police or military, they get its an outrage. A lot of people will hide behind the name and throw people over twitter and social media. Now they are bringing down schools. Which will and may very well for them. Whats going to happen for the robots . The socially awkward robots . Would you want her to marry a republican robot or a democrat robot . I who might want my robots to be democrats. Why is that . I dont know. They care for you more. They are more inclined to the taxes, tom, the taxes remember, the jetsons . They had that woman who came to a point. Is that richie rich . Rosie is my ideal robot. I think she was great. Moving on, a Science Teacher in dallas has been fired after the school learned about her previous Career Training guide dogs for the blind. Strange, right . No, actually she worked as a porn start 15 years ago. Lisa woodworth was booted from the allgirls school that she taught at after an anonymous tipster revealed her cd pass. The 38yearold told the Dallas Morning News that the sad thing is that if these girls find out that im being punished for something that i did nearly 20 years ago and had no control of and fought to get out of, well, what does that say about empowerment . Woodward, who went by the film name robin foster and was briefly married to andy levy [laughter] just very briefly said she got into the industry because of financial trouble and she has tried to put it behind her. Ray . Yes . Tom put it behind her is no. Tom was that tough telling will you are right she is a former porn star teaching at Steam Academy. She deserves a pay raise, automatic tenure, and i insisted weekly parentteacher conferences. Tom i think her best point is that, you know, we are all talking about empowerment and its like the girls, she can put it behind her, she said i guess she regrets her past . The story upset me because first of all, she did like 12 of these movies. She wasnt a porn star. If she had worn a hijab, there would be marches protesting her firing. Because she i think thats absolutely disgusting, its absolutely unamerican. Tom you are saying that if she were in the pre28 films and she converted to islam and was wearing a head hijab this is perfectly legal and has a long history in this country . Mary todd lincoln was a porn star. Tom watched . [laughter] she heard that people teacher salary sucked, so she was drawn to that. [groaning] tom really . I agree with you. Everyone in porn a star . There are no supporting characters . There is a key grip. Tom it used to be an adult film actress. But everybody has to be a star. A couple of films, instagram posts. Not everyone is will smith. Im saying not everyone is a star. Do we know how many people showed up for the pta meeting when she was there . A lot of dads . Tom you know the dads at drop off. Shes still a great looking lady. But doctor, it is legal. Everything she did, even back then when she was doing it, it is legal. I guess you could say if she was doing it at the same time or if she was moonlighting, but its all in the past, correct . To be truth, she disclosed this on her resume to get the job, in favor of what youre saying, mike, i agree with you. Unfortunately, i feel so much controversy and such a distraction for the students. I see why the school went in that direction to let her go, although i agree with mike. As far as she didnt do anything wrong. She didnt break the law. As far as causing a disturbance, i see why they let her go. Wait a minute. If we are arguing about the school should be allowed to do what they want. If they dont wander around, they can fire her. Its a private school i think its unethical of her. Its the steam private school. The whole ethics of it anyway. Who better to teach people how to have sex than a porn star . That was a sex ed situation. Shes overqualified. Shes like a celebrity teacher. I mean when you are giving people the porno introductions to sex michael, they teach i learned that from a ufc fighter i dont think im supposed to go back there. Michael, they are teaching these people in school anyway. People putting condoms on a banana. And she is a ron paul supporter. Tom you read it deep into the story. You know more about Steam Academy than i do how do you spell her name exactly . Robyn with a y. You can ask andy about it. Should you be paid for being alive . The idea so crazy it might just work. Next. Good morning. Live from americas news headquarters, im Jackie Ibanez from new york. The white house says the Justice Department will request an emergency stay of the federal judges order blocking that band. The ban prompted nationwide protests. And the senate is expected to vote monday on the nomination of betsy devos, the secretary of education. Two republican senators joining the democrats who are opposed to her appointment say that she is not experienced enough. If that happens, Vice President mike pence may decide to cast the vote. President trump testing and orders friday looking at the doddfrank requiring Financial Planners to work in the best interest of their clients. Democrats say the law eliminates basic consumer protections. One advisor says the change will cause banks to start lending again, especially to small businesses. All banks have been under such regulatory scrutiny where they have been forced to literally build capital and build capital. Instead of Lending Capital into their clients and allowing their clients to grow their businesse businesses. Hire people and create jobs, they had been taking those reserves, taking that capital and forwarding it to meet the regulatory requirement and pay for additional regulation. In the meantime, macys may be considering a takeover bid. The wall street journal reports that canadian right will hudson bay, the owner of saks fifth avenue, the retailer has struggled to get internet, cutting 10,000 jobs. Houston hosting super bowl li,. I am Jackie Ibanez. Now back to red eye. Enjoy. Tom robots and Machine Intelligence or illuminating many bluecollar jobs and whitecollar jobs. What to do about it . Well, socialist have a solution. Its called ubi, universal basic income. The government pays you a salary just for a living. France, canada, and a place called the netherlands have been flirting with a proposal. And finland has been implement in one. The nordic country has been giving twoyear trial to give 2,000 unemployed finns the equivalent of 4,000. Among them, libertarian political philosopher and really smart dude Charles Murray. He suggested in an annual block payment of 13,000 of which 3,000 has to go to health care, and the 10,000 thats left to go to whatever you want. The trick is, it has to replace all other entitlement programs. Not add on to them. Murray says, ubi finances getting rid of medical care, food stamps, so mental every other kind of welfare and social Service Program as well as agricultural subsidies and corporate welfare. Those critics who say the guaranteed income would leave some to idle their lives away, that happens already. One in five families, nobody works. Maybe its time to cut them a check and let them go. Michael, this intrigues me. I started reading it and i said, another dumb leftwing idea and give everybody money. And Charles Murray, he makes sense. Eliminate the whole bureaucracy. Its like block grants yet. But there is no possibility that we are ever going to have National Consensus on this kind of scale. I dont know the percentage of entitlement spending the federal budget is, but its a huge number. They barely got the votes to get obamacare, that looks like its falling apart. There is no way you will able to get 60 votes to remake 50 of the budget. You are so practical, michael we are talking about theoretics coming here. Would it be good in theory . Ray, i know youd love it. Get your money now until you wait until you are an old man. I would like that. I would hit the tables. Thats it people say we cant trust people, and its a good argument. Because we cant trust people. Some people would use their money wisely and put it aside for food, health needs, whatever. You would blow it all on taco bell and cocaine. Some people arent going to do the right thing. I dont think it would work. Too many people want to take care of themselves, probably. You are agreeing . Who is agreeing . I need somebody to side with me on this i think its a good idea. I only heard its brought up in relation to artificial intelligence. If this were to continue on so it could only go two directions. Either we are all dead immediately because the robots just sees the problem and we are over, or we dont have to work anymore and its like walle at that point, do we pay people who need jobs . Tom 50 of jobs might go because of the robots thats what they say. In that situation, you wouldnt need a vote. Well, nobody is doing anything anymore. We are approaching the point where there is a percentage of the population which are they do have their needs taken care of but they add nothing to society. We are coming to a day when the computer can replace most people because a computer doesnt have attitude, it can do math. When i go to a cashier, they void their and release their inks. This is your sixth shot at a cashier. Its doctors. Pretty soon, no more doctors. Its robots doing everything. I think adaptation equateso success. If you can adapt, then moving forward you will have a job. I was reading the article about this about how robots potentially are replacing some careers, including mine, perhap perhaps. Actually, at the hospital i work at, they have robotic surgery program. I wasnt able to do because i was doing your show, but may be the i dont know. Its all about adapting. Will my job gknow. Maybe i will be behind the screen and may be controlling this on some level. I think thats mostly where im going with that. Tom you still work. But Charles Murray says its a base income, like he said. 13,000 a year, so you cant live on Social Security and you wouldnt be able to live on ubi either, but that is the base. I was reading the article. In france they did the study, for each person it was 800 euros a month it was, it comes down to 500 billion euros per year, unsustainable. Great on paper, but. Its the idea of debt consolidation, but with your complaints. When you are griping about these different programs, you can consolidate that into this one thing to be metaphor people about to be mad at four people about. Im telling you, i think its a good idea to try to take care of everybody. Ive done mushrooms, and i can tell you that money is the enemy, guys. [laughter] tom well, look. I guess im not convinced, but Charles Murray it intrigued me. I think you would like to do it too, michael, if he werent so practical. Coming up, and uav and a brandnew episode of the red eye podcast. Subscribe now and on fox news radio. Com fox newsradio. Com. Tom welcome back, everyone. Time to find out what we got wrong from tvs andy levy at the red eye news deck. Tom, happy friday. Tom yes, its friday. The socially aware robot. Tom, you pointed out that jackrabbot, which is the dumbest name in the world. Wears a tie. I did some digging. It turns out that the tie is strictly ornamental. Its not functional at all, unlike when humans wear them. [laughter] i thought that was interesting. Malice, thank you for pointing out nonprofits that fight aids in third world countries is useless. We will get off that rock someday. Aruba rate, its robots getting social cues from programmers. I think thats the key point that it has to learn from other students. Thats why they sent it out onto the campus. Yeah, but if its trying to pick up cues from other students but it only knows what it knows from the programmer, wont it become, wont it be socially awkward and shy around those students that its interacting with . Keepaway, keepaway. I dont know what that means. Do we have to bleep that . Im being told we have to bleeped that. Time, we dont have sex robots that are being massproduce. Tom we have them on supply lines, and he 1015 . That is massive review . Tom, why does ray strike you as someone who gets up and goes right out the door. Tom he told me. He left the door. I did not say that i got up alone and went to the gym, right out the door. Dont hate the player, hate the game. What a seed lock he is. Tom oh a different thing in his business. We are actually in it right now . People marrying to the same people in the same party. Tom, you say you dont worry about the guy is a republican or democrat, as long as the believes in small government and the music of toby keith. You want your daughter to marry tom you are right. Oh. If you it here first. You said you once had an awkward right swipe with rick perry, tom as if it was really awkward and it never really happen. Come on. Play it up for the bit. Oh the truth is i was swiping right when i was sitting in the bathroom stall when i was what was it . [laughter] oddo, im upset. Please come to the aid of liberal man and dont let malice of austria challenge go unchallenged. I think i did. Come on in. Help those who help themselves, i think. Thats the republican motto tom, you said rosie, the jetsons robot, is your ideal robot. Your ideal woman . Right back at you, andy. Well done. First of all, i didnt realize this could be a problem. I have an awkward phone call with hr tomorrow. Also, i want to give credit to tim dimond for writing the just the tip joke. Tom, you said this woman was brutally married to me . Tom yes. I dont recall that, but i guess its possible . Tom i found the picture. Yeah. Ive got to start remembering things for malice, you are right about the hypocrisy of this and feminist groups should be all over it. Thank you. According to the Dallas Morning News, which is where i get all my morning news, the district was first made aware of her adult film passed after an anonymous tip last march. She was clear of any policy violation and they told her than that she could continue teaching unless her previous career became public. Which it now has. Well, it now has. Did you have something to do with that . It says anonymous. What does that word mean . Oh, yeah. [laughs] oh, you said she was a sex ed teacher. She was a Science Teacher. It takes science to have sex it was probably in the times. Guaranteed income. You didnt know the percentage of the entitlements. Yes. That is correct. I 25 goes to medicare, medicaid, other health stuff. None of you seem to like this idea except maybe for you, tom. Tom i was intrigued. Charles murray. Sure. Of course. Aruba ray, you said people wont take care of themselves that i would go further than Charles Murray does. When you were 18, you are given a pile of money. I dont know what that number is, well figure it out. Then its up to you whether you want to go to work, whether you want to invest it, or if you want to spend it all. But heres the deal. For the rest of your life, once it runs out, you get nothing more from the taxpayers. So you can live large for a 1020 years and then youve got to get a job. I would love that this way, young people who are fit and able, they can go climb mountains and whatever. And when you are older, you will get a job. Tom i get it. I like how you think. I dont think it will work either, but i think is a great idea regardless. I think i came up with that idea. When i was a young person. Now i think that everyone at the age of 50 should be given a huge pile of money. [laughter] tom i just want some money. Your beliefs change as you get older. You become wiser, i think, in a lot of ways. Thank you for coming around. I am done. Tom if you are done, and you . Coming up. Drinking in Movie Theaters . Its not for hobos anymore. Movies and news snacks movies and news next. Test to find out more about my african roots. The ancestry dna results were really specific. They told me all of these places in west africa. I feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at ancestry. Com good morning. And americas news headquarters, im jackie and bonnie in new york. President trump spending his weekend in florida. It is his trip to a Florida State since taking office. A number of protesters are expected outside his home, protesting his travel ban to seven majority muslim countries. Hiring is up in the u. S. Five fridays drop report postew jobs last month. That is the weakest gain since last september. The Unemployment Rate edging up 4. 8 . President trump happy with the report. 7,000 jobs, a great spirit of the country right now. We are very happy about that. I think its going to continue bigleague, well get rid of regulations. Its going to be a very exciting time for him. Comments by the defense that kerry james mattis, sharply of chinas moves in the south china sea, but he still says he doesnt see the need for Major Military moves right now. Certainly, our military stance should be one that reinforces our diplomats in this regard. But there is no need right now at this time for military maneuvers or Something Like that that would solve something that is best solved by the diplomats. His trip comes as u. S. Warships are back in the middle east. The uss cole was off the coast of yemen. The patrol comes after a saudi warship was attacked earlier this week by iranian back houti rebels. Back to red eye for all your headlines. You are watching the most powerful name in the news, that is fox news channel. Have a great morning. Tom theater attendance continues to decline as more people would prefer to spend their time reading books. So what are theater kings to do . Add booze its paying off. Boozy Movie Theaters have seen a patron 30cent increase in sales. One theater exec called it, the Fastest Growing community in our industry. It doesnt cannibalize candy, soda, popcorn. If i put a bar in, i can guarantee my food and beverage revenue will go up. To me . I prefer to get good and liquored up before i take my daughters to see findingdory close do you go to the movie tr anymore . Why dont you go . I think a lot of it may have no. Its expensive, right . 27 . Have a bottle of wine on my couch with netflix. Tom you are making sense now. You want to sit there, you want to have a cocktail, you want to see the movie. I dont want to see candy. Its not an adult experience. I do take my kids to see the movie like finding dory and et cetera. I can pour myself a cocktail. I went to the Movie Theater in a couple of weeks ago. Half the crowd was drunk or wildly. Tom depressing movie, right . But a good film. Its good. But it is eight bucks for a beer, 0. 50 you can upgrade to a pony keg. I like the fact that you like to stay home and netflix and movie. No, i dont [laughs] its like netflix and shell. Its what they call it. Michael . Theyve got to do something. I dont know if they can do anything. I think that people are not going to want to go to the movies. Its going to die. I agree with you completely and i think whats going to happen is they are going to get hit with a lot of fines because you are going to have one 21yearold in High School Kids if she buys beer, the entire Movie Theater is going get hit by a local police. Its going to be hard to enforce in these megaplexes if there is one person legal, they can five years buy beers. The other issue is. We drink, go out, get to the bathroom. Thats annoying. Going up and down, not to mention if we are getting a little sleepy . Red wine at the theater . You will fall asleep watching this. You are passing out in the Movie Theater. [laughs] paul . We used to sneak into the theater. In the same way. We would get one person to buy a ticket, opened the back exit. Michael may be right. They will take one and pass it down. Totally. People are doing that already. People have been drinking, they stink foods in the theater forever. Its also amazing, the guy is like, such an elevation we can make more money if we sell alcohol have you been asleep . This is how people make money. Its also a great answer to making stupid remakes of the same movie and just get people wasted and they wont care. Just sell booze. Okay, lets make another ghostbusters. Everyone was doing another one. Why are they checks now . Where they . I dont remember that. Its a good idea. I just dont think it will work. Tom the thing is, michael, one of the most annoying things in the reason people dont go to the theater is people make noise. It is the outofcontrol patrons, i think that beer is going to add to that. On the other hand, i hate the screaming children. Maybe they will have the role that you cant be under 21 and go to the special theaters. You have to worry about these kids. Now you are on board. I dont think children scream as much as people make it out. All it takes is one. That, to me, is as bad as having Cell Phone Service on the subway, on the plane. Its going to be unnecessary. More bouncers. Stay home with netflix and sheila. Tom there you go. Coming up how many chicken wings will americans eat during the super bowl . Find out next. Go pats. Tom coming up on the next red eye, charles cook, ebony williams, seth herzog, and andy kennedy. Aint no thing but 1. 3 billion chicken wings. On super bowl sunday, americans will not be holding back to eating wise. According to the department of agriculture, its the secondbiggest Food Consumption day in the u. S. The first, of course, is Michael Moores birthday. Here are some stats put together by forbes. Com. Americans will get more than a billion wings, 12. 5 million pizzas, and 3 billion pounds of kale salad. [laughter] one of those is fake news. Personally, i prefer to have my meals custom prepared for the big game. Whats on the menu for sunday . For the dirty birds, a dirty bird sandwich. Blackened chicken served with sweet potato fries. For the new england patriots, its lobster rolls, new england clam chowder, and from samuel adams boston lager. Dessert, a sweet chocolate souffle. Dont worry if it falls. A Little Boston cream. And you can make it look like a deflated football. Tom you didnt like that one . I dont like that joke either. I am a pats fan. If he had the souffle, youve got to make a joke. First of all, who is going to win the game . Patriots. Tom three you have a spread . They will win by 6. Tom party, trips, wings . Im not a winning player. Im going to stay home alone. Im going to stay alone and watch and really focus on it. If my team wasnt in it, we can party. Tom i know what you mean. I went to a Super Bowl Party at the carters when the past loss to the giants. Your week is ruined doctor, super bowl parties . What do you snack on . I will be staying home alone. [laughter] isnt there a National Chicken wing council . I actually looked it up today. The amount of chicken wings eaten on super bowl sunday could go around the earths surface three times. Tom makes sense. Fun factoid. Figure 1. 3 billion . I will be watching the game. I and a pats fan. Michael, live it up . I didnt know they had chicken wings. I dont get it. They are so grossly and all the tendons, bones, the portion who eats the phone is really poor. Tom when i eat my chicken wings, i dont finish them. I dont strip the bone. It starving people food. Youve got to get in there, you are a mess. People are survivors, they should have chicken wings. Me . I can be wasteful. Tom i feel like i should strip the bone. I feel like its manly. Youve got to put it in there and reap all the way out, cracked the bones going at the marrow up. Tom productions, who do you think . I dont know whos playing. Patriots are going to win. Tom dr. Kelley powers thank me, tom shillue. Thank you. Good night. Bret surgical and symbolic, new sanctions on iran. President trump imposing the sanctions and imposing new warnings but does not directly impact his predecessors nuclear deal. This is special report. Good evening, i am bret baier. A special is again special report again on the road tonight. California, specifically hollywood, may be the center of the universe when it comes to opposition to president donald trump. We will talk more about hollywood versus the president and how that plays in the middle of the country a little bit

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