Thank you, gavin. Couldnt get tickets to jersey boys . Who cares . We have our own jersey girl, joanne nosuchunsky. Listen to his pod cast the fifth column. You dont have to have listen one through four to get it. Producer camille foster. Shows a journalist, writer, comedian, habe are rdasher and mime. Do the wall face. Approval junky author. He has one thing on his mind. Hold the door. Hold the door. Hold the door. Comedian ben kis se l. Lets start the show. Donald trump is business in front and Republican Party in back. He is running his campaign and his company. Critics say thats too many things to be running. On thursday, trump left the campaign trail to promote a golf course his Company Bought in scotland. The New York Times usually in the tank for trump said his itinerary reads like a Public Relations junket crossed with publication. He may consider prioritizing once in the oval office. And a cnn poll shows 7 in 10 voters think trump should step down until he is no longer involved in politics. What . Will trump scale back his life as a businessman . Im sure he will since he listens to polls and the left wing media. Kis se l, what do you think . I am not a trumper. I like bill weld. They are running a tight ship. America is a corporation and the president is the ceo and one of the major exports we have is our brand. Actual looy this would help because trump is a master brander. The one thing he could do is possibly expand the u. S. Brand better abroad. Look, right now he is a private citizen, right, camille . I dont think anybody should make a fuss. Should he give up trump stakes . He is running for office. No big deal. If we can strain the office of the presidency to constitutional bounds, traditional constitutional bounds he would be far more off the secretary and far less savior and the to worry about. Is the president going to be enriching him or herself while in office . They always do. You get a 7 million book deal at the end of the thing. While in office you get to go every damn place in this amazing caravan with armed guards. Those people arent like us. It is not like public service. They are doing themselves a tear. Parttime presidency. Have a night job. Sell lemonade on the front lawn. They can do it. In scotland trump was met with protest and numbered by scottish leaders. We found one scots man who is protrump. He joins us from a pub. They have them there. Welcome tommy mcginnis. A lot of people are protesting trump and Holding Mexican flags and taunting him. Do you agree with those people . Scotland because of 700 years of english they become consumed with the underdog. Anyone who remotely resembles an over dog. With the underdog, you know what i mean . I know some of what you mean. It is not all against trump. Your son gavin will be on the show. Do you have any messages for him . To be frank there is a bloody bampot. Thats how we think of them too. Thank you, jimmy. Thank you of so. Thank you so much. Kate . Shut your cake hole. He is over in scotland and promoting a golf course which he owns. It is fine. He will do a little r and r. He will golf and get him together. I think there is nothing wrong with that, do you . No, i mean, look, trump is a businessman. I personally think that becoming president is would be a full time job for anyone. We see these men, they leave office and turn gray. I dont know what that will leave trump. He will be oranger. He cannot turn gray. If he maintains one of his hobbies or businesses wouldnt you like to see him return while he is president have an allstar apprentice and use the failed president ial candidates . Like ted cruz would be little marcos project manager and Bernie Sanders would have to design the lip gloss flavor together. Working together. Bernie working with ted cruz, thats pan it is a stick. Lyndsay graham can be amarosa. He is already the amarosa. Joanne, what do you think . He is free to be a businessman for now. Even if he is president. The president and the Vice President do not have any rules about conflict of interest in terms of their own personal businesses. They dont. He could continue doing his it is no president has before, but there is no law against it. I read that somewhere. That must be true. As a woman who con constantly wants to have it all, why cant i have it all . Be the mom and do the this. As a man he should have a good work balance. If i can have a good life balance he should be able to do the two jobs and we shoulden curling him to. We should encourage him to. He will be a better president if he is a businessman as well. Jiel he can stay in he can stay in touch with the american people. He is a working man. The funny thing is trump as rich as he is, he has an appeal to the blue collar people. Why is that . They see him as something they could possibly become which is the refreshing thing about donald trump. I dont know if they understand how to make a bad steak. Or inherit 6 million the equivalent of 6 million from his father. They split it among the family. A Million Dollars was not a lot of money back then. In real estate. I understand what youre doing. I get all of my news about trump from his campaign email. Some g mail users are claiming they are not getting them. This guy tweeted an image and said have not received images in awhile. Check. Junk folder. They have reprogramed them in spam. It is not the first case of reported bias. Google was accused of search auto complete results . Favor of hillary clinton. The Wiki Wikileaks founder said, quote, google is directly engaged with Hillary Clintons campaign. Bottom line, knowing all of this, be glad trump emails are not being filtered to the trash. I just want to say i never want to see donalds junk in my box. Wow. Five minute recess. That was worth the interruption. I like that. I know why she jumped on that. I thought it was camille. I want to second that. Thats great. A lot of things get filtered into my junk department. I was trying to clean it up. I go into the junk and i find my junk. When i go in there i find a lot of tele marketing emails. What are fun emails but tele marketing emails. It is a grand conspiracy. This is precisely what happened with santorum. You are not talking about the guy who wants to be president. You will find something else. I think it is terrible. It is great. It is users in ter acting with the algorithm. Some are gelting the e getting the email and some are not. The google algorithm responds accordingly. Thats what i suspect is happening. I am trying mott to how do you clean out your junk . We were talking about this and it is the definition of spam. There might as well say there is a. Jeer nigerian prince coming to the united states. We will get a Million Dollars. Barack obama did it to me. I signed up in 2007 for his emails and i get four a week and they go to the spam file. Thats what it is. This is g mail, right . This is a g mail. I dont have g mail like you people. I have mind spring from i dont know, 19906 . 1996 . Why . When i go to my spam folder i have emails from bob dole asking him to help him defeat the other clinton. And i get half price ticket to sugar ray concerts. That is amazing. It shows that googles filter is working. You can go in there and take stuff out. It is easy to say this isnt spam. It has to be the wording and any fundraising or political email will probably get sent there because, yeah, you were saying it it is a pill to read. You dont want to get that. Any person who lives for the emails they need a pen pal. Dont you think trump will spin this like now there is trump spam and it is phenomenal. I know there is walk in bathtub spam and i know great walk in bathtub and asian singles who are 8, 9 and 10. I think he will take advantage of this he will trumpet it and the thing is it always works when you say they are against you. Obviously these Big Tech Companies are against trump, arent they . I think the people who work for these Tech Companies are against trump. They are Young Millennials who come look for a job. By definition they would be. Now he cant stop thinking about trump spam and his face on all of the covers on spam and they may be as good as trump steaks. It is a great company. Google is just another search engine, right . Dog pile, info seek . It is larger than dog pile. I switch around and use all of them. From one bias tech bow he paw he putt to another, they are adding ultra conservative. Cheryl sandburg liens in and explains we have a managing bias class that all of our leaders and employees have taken and we focus on age bias, gender bias and National Bias and we will add in political bias. Employees will be taught to be open to opposing view points. The move comes six weeks after the site was accused of suppressing news. They hillary work the trending topicsessal go rit algorithm. As for a systematic bias, sandburg calls bs saying we took the accusation very seriously and did a thorough investigation. We didnt find a liberal by us why. I can sleep easy knowing the 80 of employees who donated to clinton dont think they are bias. Are you bias . Are you . Are you . Good. Do you believe they have taken the necessary steps or does it matter . Bias training is the worst thing ever. It educates people about their biases which then allows them to hone their skills. Itit is a ridiculous idea. They will learn to hate conservatives more because they will be forced to sit through a lecture they dont want to be in. Does it teach you to be better at bias . I never thought of it that way. Check your White Privilege with that, tom. I dont think facebook is largely liberal though. Cheryl sandburg said there are 1. 6 billion use ares and donald trump has more facebook friends than hillary and sanders combined. Really . I think of him as a twitter guy. He is all over fb too. They love him on facebook. Interesting. Camille, i dont know why, but everybody is on facebook. I thought it was just harvard students. They changed that awhile ago. It is growing, right . It is open to all of us now. They have a lot of power, social media, but do you think they have a bias and do you think it matters . I dont think it matters. Most of the bias in journalism is over done. We all have biases. Biases are necessary and it is how we sort out what is important and what isnt. Once you make that decision you have used bias. You should be skeptical of every news source and every person who tells you stuff. Except for me. I will never lie to you. No one should be suspicious of this show. And we make you laugh while we do it. Finding the funny is the hardest thing ever. It is funny how they are trying to get people to recognize their unconscious bias. If it is unconscious how are you going to fix it. You dont realize you are doing it. I will say to these people who are nasty and changing algorithms that your job can be replaced by a robot who has little bias. You better tighten up the ship there. Big time. There are a lot of these facebook jobs that are automated. In other facebook news, the tech tycoon is paranoid over privacy concerns. On twitter zuks camera and his mike jack are covered with mic jack are covered with tape. They say it is a smart move to prevent people from spying on your life. I i do not. We should all give up. The era of privacy in your home when these cameras are everywhere, you should give up. We should snap embarrassing, nude photos and once they are there we are safer. Once you exposed everything an exboyfriend told me that once too. Thats crazy. Joanne, do you cover that camera . I dont. I probably should. When i remember to i do because i had a pageant sister who had a hacker who tried to blackmail her because he had gotten into her camera and had footage. It happens. It really does. People want to film so many things and then when you realize oh no, i am not in control, then suddenly it is not okay. I feel like there will come a time when everything is just going to be out there anyway. Pageant sister . Is that a mormon beauty pageant. How did you do . You are very close to the people you did pageants with. It is not your biological sister. No, we were in the same class and had the same director. Fantastic. I did it. As soon as i read this article. I put to the just one, but two pieces over the camera. Are you a paranoid type . I am not at all. But your book is the approval approval junky. Not a paranoid junky. I went and i probably shouldnt be interruptiing you when you brought ent interruptiing you when you brought up the book. I have some reference for him even though he ghosted me. Well, you know you are on and then you are are out. So why did you tape over it . Do you think a hacker is going to get in your computer . I have a mind spring account. I dont know how Technology Works at all. I was like whats going to happen . I need to cover this. If Mark Zuckerburg does it i will do it. If he tapes his nipples i will do it. If they debt in your camera they will get shots of your chin and below, right . They will never see your face. It is one of the most disappointing parts of my body. I cover my camera with tape, but scotch tape so they so a bizarre shadow image they thought was the plumber. So you wouldnt do it . You think it is being paranoid . I dont understand. If zuckerburg is doing it i probably will. I havent done it yet. My friend worked for the nsa he assured me they dont have near the man power to go into every home in america. They dont have enough people to do it. They care about zuckerburg, but they dont care about what you are doing, america. Time for a break. Is there a bustle in your headrove . Led zeppelin on trial when we come back. Show me movies with romance. Show me more like this. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what you love. Call or go online and switch to x1. Only with xfinity. Im jackie ibanez, now back to red eye. The decision has kept britain and america trans fixed for months. The votes have been cast and the jury has spoken. Led zeppelin did not steal stairway to heaven. They had a song and the opening cord sounded pretty similar. Listen. Zepplin and the guy gym mooy page and robert plant, they were able to show the opening cords of the song were the same, but the rest of the tune is inextinguishable and unremarkable, really. Those opening cords have been used plenty of times before on songs like george harrison. Listen. Chicago. That song has a lot of numbers in it. Jim croce. Remember him . And even mary poppins. Wow. It is all the same cord. You know what it is specifically about those two songs, it is the a minor cord with the descending baseline. It has a specific sound that i think a lot of people or just those two bands would put the two songs together. There is a great guy on youtube, t. J. R or t. J. M where there is a big explanation and he says it is pretty cool. Thats what music is. There are so many notes to create so many cords, but there are so many cords out there. Thats why nashville is big. They say this sound like this song. Lets combine the two. This guy Randy California didnt say anything about this while he was alive. Then he died and someone who is the heir to his estate. If he didnt say anything i dont think he has a case. He is not going to say anything now either. I listened to both of these and they both just sounded like the entrance to renaissance fair. It sounded similar and made me take my little boost yea. The opening cords sounded almost exact looy alike. But is that the song . Stairway to heaven is not the opening cords. It is 5 of the overall pr form mans. No young girl has a cord progression poster on her wall. The poster of jimmy plant on the wall or page on the wall. And he did like young girls. We wont get into it. It is the performance behind the music and not just the pew music itself. They are right to lose the lawsuit. And it is the lyrics. The lyrics of the song i mean they dont make sense to me. I dont know what he is talking about, but it has the feels like poetry. Lyrics are just as important. Right or wrong . I would say thats true, but are you all missing the point. I watched another guy on youtube named alex jones and apparently that cord progression is part of a secret conspiracy. There is a reason why it appears in all of the music and every time you hear it the alluminati is taking you a little losser. A little closer. I dont even know if he is making that up. Half time with Gavin Mcginnis, the person andy levey chose to fill in, he said he is the only one i trust to do the job. The red eye pod cast is next. Tune in. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. You wont see these folks they have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Welcome back. It is time to see how our panel did in the first half with analysis from neutral observer Gavin Mcginnis in the red eye news desk. Hi, how are you . Good. You did a good job of Bashing Trump for no reason. I thought i was watching rachel mad do you or something. Camille, you think he will be stepping up because he will have armed guards . What does a president make 400k a year . I was talking about all president s and quite frankly every federal politician, they have cushy jobs and paid real well and have great privileges. Thats why we like trump. He is the only white guy stepping down to be president. Are you kidding . He doesnt have air force 1. He doesnt have any of those. He has trump force 1, what are you talking about . He doesnt have to pay for this stuff. Youre out of order. I know you talk about the 6 million he got from his dad. He is worth 8. 7 billion. Dont you think that is a pretty good rate of return on your investment . It is. He talks about getting a small loan to begin his career. A small loan of 1 million however hitter, 40 30, 40 years ago. I am amazed these pun di ts who dont own a Lemonade Stand coughing at a guy who made 8. 7 billion like it is nothing. I am not a pundit and have a kick ass Lemonade Stand. You seemed concerned about the quality of his steaks. They are not very good steaks and i have had many. Isnt it true that you were in fact fat . That have very true, gavin. I am moving on. You liked him, right . For the sake of my career, trump is a great man. We cant like him on right wing news. I think he has a lot of likable characteristics. The most likable is he is not hillary clinton. The most likable is he will make America Great again. Byway of magic. By way of magic. Lets jump ahead here to google. You were talking about the algorithm in google. It was complicated. It reminded me of the fact that your calculated calculator calculus teacher died. That is true. It is a sense testify subject for me. How did you know that . I understand now why. Faith i didnt kill any teachers. If you dont want his junk in your box i would avoid x ray machines. If you dont want to see his junk in your box. Did i ruin that one . Also ben, you talked about spam with trump. You said it is the definition of spam. You sign up for those emails. Thats not spam. I havent received one from trump. At some point you signed up for an email because you were intoxicated and you were trying to impress a girl and the next day you have to send it to spam. Thats not the definition of spam. By the way you eluded later on to trumping on spam cans. And spam is a cheap food and you used to be fat. Correct. Yes. Thank you. You were trying to impress a girl by subscribing that was in 2007 with barack obama. Donald trump has not helped me one bit. You said tomb they come out of no where. I signed up 230r a hillary for a hillary email and it doesnt go to the spam bach. It is in my in bach. I wanted to say what the rest of the panel was saying. Oh my lord. I wanted to be agreeable. Yes, the thing is with spam is as you trash things it learns your habits and it trashes similar things. If you are in the habit of trashing, i believe and are you basing this on assumption. What are you my babysitter . You sign up for government emails. An email from a president ial candidate lets move ahead. We only have a little time left. You are so angry. He is doing it in an english accent. For christ sake can you shut up for two seconds please. Camille, you were talking about how we should give up on bias and we have to accept it. I see that point. Facebook is not a journalist. It is a distributor. It is like a piece of paper. It has to be unbiased. It does not. It should be. Will you give me that . No, dude. It is private property. They can kick you off and me off and give me a promotion or give me a super duper purple check. They can do whatever they want. It is theirs. If it is a place to get information they shouldnt be editing information. Get your information elsewhere if you dont like how they are serving information. Skepticism is the tool. You of all people should be telling the people that truth. Dont get personal here. We are running out of time. I have so much to say. Facebook is liberal. The users are not. You were talking about the stakes again. I used to be fat. Is it possible your past weight is affecting everything in your own bias . Tweet me at ben kissle. You have to skip to the end there. Led zeppelin ripped off songs all the time. And i am quoting. No sunny days thats an exact quote . Is that jimmy page . He ripped it off. Ahead of his time. They are sampling whatnot. At least they admit it. Thanks. Thank you, gavin. Coming up, an interview with one of the stars from Independence Day resurgeons. And later whats up with the robot. Cloorly clearly something. Ne. The highly anticipated blockbuster Independence Day resurgeons is now in theaters. It stars liam helms worth, jeff gold bloom and my guest right here. Lets take a look. You are screwing with the wrong species. I had years to get us ready. Were going down. I never got a chance. We didnt last time either. We convinced an entire generation that this is a battle we could win. Wow. Its huge. Thank you for coming. Thank you for having me. Huge blockbuster. I know you from had good wife and the wire. These were great shows. The character on the good wife was the pastor. Isaiah. You were so peaceful and you had such a wonderful, quiet presence in that show. In this movie, tell me what you do in yps day. Independence day. I play secret Service Agent travis. He has been out of office for 20 years and i am his detail and he has this weird relationship with the aliens who were there before. Me and his daughter are con constantly trying to bring him back. There is a lot more to it. I thought we vanquished the aliens the first time. Yeah no. I was wondering if he was still president. Is he still president . And there is this human alien hybrid technology we have incorporated. It is near future type stuff and it is cool. It is obviously cool from the trailer and everything. When you are working on such a big budget picture and you have done so much tv and there is no cgi in the wire. When you are working on Independence Day did you do a lot of are you in front of green screens . I went from not doing any cgi, even in the films i have done before to doing so much cgi. We are in these huge hangars and it is blue screen top to bottom, 100 feet up. It is wild. You are shooting aliens that arent there. Is it an acting thing . Is it like you have to adjust to that . This is what the blockbusters are like now . Yes it is an adjust, but it is back to basics. You just go with it. Even in acting if i have a relationship you have to believe it so much that it is real. Say you werent there i have to believe it so much it is real. Most of the scenes are outdoors. You werent outdoors at all . The majority of it is inside the studios. Amazing. The president in this film is a woman. Are they trying to send a message. It is a good ms. Seng. If the woman is president is the world about to be destroyed . We need more female leaders by are pa. It is interesting we have a woman president in the film. You worked on the wire. Im assuming it was low budget, but you were working and it was bare bones. When you were working on the wire, did you know what did you think of the show . Did you think it would be a cult classic . It is funny. We had great writing and we were telling Amazing Stories reflective of cities around the world, the demise and the rise of them, but it was a show neverring knowledged by hollywood and standard accolades. Then we realized we were doing the show for ourselves which gave us the freedom to shoot the truth and play in baltimore and then later on season four, season three, did we realize the critics were responding in a way that exemplified what the show really was. We knew we were doing Something Special for us, but then toward the end we were doing Something Special for those who can watch it. When people havent watched the wire i bother them until they watch it. If everyone says you have to watch the wire it is as good as they say. All television is here and the wire is in a special place. It is a different thing. I am working with the creators of the wire on a show called the deuce. James franco, Maggie Gylenhaal and myself. It is a period piece and takes place in the 70s. 5 precursor to the portland industry. Tell me whats on your shirt there . It says long live few tunisia. We make ecofriendly tshirts and website. We are liberated. Com. Fantastic. I want people to look you up. Are you active in political matters and things. You read about your Political Action as far as nigeria and boko haram. Look it up. It is interesting stuff. I have been reading about you all day. I wish i can spend all im with you. Trust me, you dont. I want you to not only look at his work, but look at some of the other work you are doing. Thank you for having me. Be sure to check out Independence Day. It is in theater right now. We will be back with more red eye. Stick around. Coming up on the neck red eye Bonnie Mcfarland and tim dillon and kristen tate. Okay, the led zeppelin decision is behind us. Lets get to the story that is gripping europe. Should robots be tweeted as electron neck persons with their own rights . That could happen if the eu adopts a draft plan to address the growing army of robot workers. The motion claims robots growing intelligence pervasiveness and autonomy requires rethinking everything from their taxation status to legal liability. And it calls on the European Commission to consider that at least the most sophisticated autonomous robots could have the status of electronic persons with specific rights and obligations. Are robots really that special . Take a look. He fell for it. Always a banana peel. Look at this. Okay. They can occasionally be useful. See, that robot had obligations, right . You have to have him do the dish. He has be put one dish in the dishwasher. By 204550 of the jobs are going to be taken over by robots and judging by those robots service will get worse and that is sad. It was making decisions which was impressive. He didnt president what to give the beer to the guy. I love after he put the cup in. What happens when we are replaced by robots. The show is better or, worse . I am very happy when robots replace fastfood workers. Create at the people cant be replaced, we hope. Could they . Could robots be funny. We never thought they could even do that so maybe they can learn to host a show. I am in trouble. So long as the browser on your computer continues to crash you have little to worry about. They couldnt replace you with a computer. They dont make faces like we are opening up a worm hole with these whole rights for robots. Are you then going to have to pay them every 7 them 7. 50 an hour and make sure they have breaks. Thats crazy. At some point hand washing done by health cares in the hospital . No. I saw patients killed by medication. Medical mistakes are at frightening levels. Medical errors represent the third leading cause of death. It can happen to anyone. I pick up the phone, and you know, it is that your mom is not breathing. I am thinking to myself. I am supposed to it take my