Thursday, thursday. Hammer, shappert, hammer, shappert. You are about to experience the most testosterone ever. Lets introduce the rest of our guests. She is always at happy hour because her watch is stuck at 5 00 p. M. I am here with joanne nosuchunsky. And tvs andy levy. And he has more grit than paula deens breakfast plate. It is u. S. Armys special forces and like an under cooked steak he has a rare piece of meat. Sitting next to me, the co anchor of americas newsroom, weekday atz 9 00 a. M. Eastern. We are not going to do the other thing . Should keeping the peace mean they are armed to the teeth . Police in ferguson, missouri are defending their use of teargas and rubber bullets on large crowds of protesters angry over the shooting death of an unarmed teenager. The police chief said they were going to deploy militarystyle equipment if demonstrators are behaving violently. A regular red eye performer said they are ridiculously mill tar rised suburban police dressed like characters as star ship troopers. And as if on cue, rand paul says they resemble more than Traditional Police action and he calls for the rising militarization of Law Enforcement. You live in militarized zones. Have the Police Responded heavy handedly and should they have militarystyle equipment or is that overkill . Thanks for having me on testosterone thursday. It wouldnt be the same without you. This is going to be great. I do get the point about the camo and the heavy weapons. Thats in the neighborhood of us. I come down more on the side of police and not when they do the wrong thing, but think about what they have to deal with. I think this wouldnt be this way if a lot of society hasnt got so nasty and violent and disrespectful 6789. It is us versus the cops. Thats not a bad place to be. They dont want to be there with most of the guys and it is a snowballing thing. These suburban Police Departments have more than i do as a green beret. Somebody told me it was purchased for them as Homeland Security so they have to use it and justify using this stuff. Hammer, it looks scary and you see it on the news and it looks scary compared to people just standing there and it looks like they should be fighting space aliens and not citizens. Isnt that the point . The scarier you look, the less likely there will be conflicts . I can understand that. There will be a push to stop the sale of this military hardware. Is sounds like saint louis, missouri. This is the thread in our culture. It involves race and it involves Law Enforcement and culture. It is a very, very serious thing. The problem i have with it, i dont know enough. I have heard very little from the police. We dont have the facts yet. There was a guy earlier today that his name is ron johnson. You will hear about him. He is an africanamerican state trooper in missouri and he got in front of the microphone and he said you talk about boots on the ground, i will be on the boots on the ground. He was walking with the protesters on the street in missouri. That guy is a leader. Joanne, speaking of not knowing a lot, kidding about this issue. That was mean. I apologize. I feel like i should apologize for the rest of the evening. What do you expect policemen to do when you know there may be people throwing molotov cocktails. This is not a peaceful protest. These people are destroying their own community. You mean the looters . Not the protesters . The people causing all of the problem which is why the police force is dressing up like this and doing the teargas and all of these things. They want to protect themselves. It is so sad that these communities are so fearful of police. It does have to do with the media. Everyone is scared of these people trying to protect them. People need to take what is theirs or claim what is theirs so it is not taken from them. Andy, you told me in the green room that you were a Founding Member of the rap group kittens with attitude with your pro found hatred for the police department. Do you agree that the mill tearization is too much. I agree with Kevin Williams piece and rand pauls piece. There is only one reason to wear camo in a citysuburban situation, intimidation. There is only one reason to arrest is intimidation. Not only do i think it is wrong in general, but it is tactile. Everything they have done has increased tension and not decreased tension. When you show up and act aggressively you end up with escalation and not deterrents. I dont think it is true for new york city. I want the nypd to have as much as they need in order to take the bad guys on who will no doubt return some day. It is about context. In the context here they shouldnt be doing what they are doing. Their cause is done. I turn off. I dont even know all of the facts and that kind of crap if it is about social protest why are you breaking into stores and stealing sneakers . I dont believe you. They always report on the story like he shot an unarmed boy. I am not talking about this incident. Tell me if that kid was unarmed. That comes back to the fact that we dont noah lot. Thats we dont know a lot. I dont know exactly what the police did in ferguson. St. Louis is a pretty rough town. I can kind of understand a little about it. You need a community leader. Somebody who is respected to bring the temperature down. Like me. I thought the governor did that on thursday. I thought the president did a pretty good job of that. I thought the statement he put out two days prior was wrote, man and said nothing about chilling out. I thought his tone changed earlier today. Back to this state trooper who spoke with such command earlier today. The problem here and it gets to something you said too, there is a reason that tblak black communities are often fearful police is they have a right to be. Historically they have a right to be. You say you dont know if this kid was armed or not, but every damn week there is another story of an unarmed black kid or black man being attacked and being beaten on by the police or killed by the police. But there is stories that armed ones that go after the police. I am not saying it is cool. Does anybody think a cop goes out and says i dont like black people. I will shoot one today. They never think that. For a couple reasons. I d nt think there is the racism you think and lets be mercinary about it. They dont want to fill out the paperwork. It will ruin their life if they shoot somebody. They go out there they dont go out because they want to hurt people. It goes back to my point i know andy agrees with. That cops life, good or bad, right or wrong, it is ruined and he is done. It might be justified. It may be because his face was lumped up, but the kid was shot at 35 feet away with his hands up. We dont know anything, but i always come down one more thing and it will scar the community for a longtime. They still talk about today how it happened, why it happened and whether or not it will happen again. Why dont we talk about cincinnati for an hour. I want to talk a about the journalist being a racist. By the way, Nick Gillespie suggested cops wear cameras. Thats coming from a pro snowden guy. No response. I have been saying for years, literally years ago we talked about this. Cops should want to wear the camo. Or conservatives and libertarians. We have been saying for a longtime we are not cool with the militarization of the police. I like the uniforms. They look great. If it is an us versus them thing we have to slow it down. Everybody can be right on this. There are three angles here. The left indicts society foray shall injustice. It is a comment on uh on society and the third is the militarization. There is racism in this country and there are cultural issues that are exacerbated by a desire to be cool and belonging and there are cops that do look like all of these things are correct. We can all agree. The two reporters were arrested and the Police Officer told them to leave and they the guy kept asking questions like, you know, being a guy who didnt want to leave. He had to pack up and he had a laptop. I have to pack up. He was basically not leaving. The Police Officer was like he just detained him. Being held for 19 hours because you wont leave a mcdonalds in daylight is weird. I want to play a clip from the god awful show morning joe. Does anybody watch that a some. When a Police Officer asks you to pick up i have been in places where Police Officers have said, you know what, this is cor duned off and you need to move along. Yes, sir or yes, maam. See, the right to ask the police why they are asking you to do something is an essential component of a free society. f you cant ask why to the cops you are living in a police state. If asking why gets you thrown up against the wall it is out of control. If the only proper response to move along is yes, sir, he is a lousy journalist and lousier citizen. Go and live in a place that is the only proper response. It is absurd. But a cop will go guys, got to go. And a guy is like, fyou. And it goes on and on. The cops also at some point have to maintain some authority and credibility from all of the other idiots. When he comes up to you and you have to go you and say im not leaving. You may ask him why, but i would go. The first word out of my mouth may be the last word out of my mouth and thats the last time i talked. Keep your mouth shut and say yes, sir. I am not even saying i would have done what ryan riley and the other did. I may say okay, cool, and left. My only poimt is just because the cops tell you to do something in america doesnt mean 100 of the time you have to do who is sayinghi need more time in this mcdonalds. The bright side to this is five years from now the reporter will be at a bar and sitting there and there will be some person that says yeah remember those riots, i got arrested there. What did you do . I was charging my iphone. Talk about middle class white supporters. The good news is you can see everything on tape. You can see the Police Officer. There are stall tactics. A lot of those cats and cops, they have had it. Think about the jerks, the cops dealing every day, every day and then they come up with this guy. You cant. I completely agree with you except part of your job as a cop, as Law Enforcement and as you know, part of your job is to not get fed up with it. It is part of your job description. You have to do that. You are kind of right, but i am a little more right. It is testosterone thursday. You lose. I just like listen together deep voices. Do we have time to do this story . The Islamic State is spreading hate. London police are looking into reports of pro isis leaflets being handed out on the streets and encouraging muslims to show support for the terrorist group. The leaflets include reference to the em megs associated with isis. Images associated with isis. She was told we should be killed by the christians and the muslims in iraq. Meanwhile the militants using social media include the british jihadists that held a q and a session on a teenage chat room. Here are samples and are chatting with teens. Are nikes sufficient footwear. I brought one pair of adidas high tops. The next question i have a bad feeling i cant hack it. The question is trust me when you are here you will have your brothers to talk to. Dont be scared. 15yearolds can hack. It bro. Thats what scares me. They enslave women. Are there jobs being an executioner . The answer is yep. Isis has had trouble arresting teen inning aers as teenagers as this video shows. That was the finish rock group. I actually love those people. Is this really a big deal . I laughed at the q and a. Did it pass the smell test . The most important thing in the whole story i thought this was one of the sanctuary cities outside of london. The Golden Ticket in terrorism today is an american or british passport. Once you have it you can go in and you can go out. If you are going to be influenced at the age of 20 living in london, england or boston, massachusetts and you go to live with them for awhile you have the tsarnaev brothers. Thats a chilling thought. Joe, you are a joiner. Are you surprised isis has not tried to recruit you yet . They are sexist. We used to say the worldwide web is so great because it allows us to talk with people halfway around the world. Now it allows us to talk with people halfway around the world and it is coming to bite us in the rear. They have over 2 brl in cash and 2 billion in cash and assets. Whether we throw the leave sets out or even if we shut them down, there is going to be ways to contact them. There are going to be ways that they will reach out and entice people to join them. I have about 90 seconds left. You were in iraq. This is my life. What cow what do you do to isis . Dont ban all of the profiling and stuff like that. We know who they are. We know where you hang out. We know what you do. You profile them. You find them and you basically cut their throats. You make it so uncomfortable for them to operate they cant say hey, bro, you can do it. You hurt them so bad their moms feel it. Thats the only way to do it. And it is nasty. A isis in in iraq . Kill them and you cant do it with pinpoint strikes. I am a soldier and trust me. I am the one with the boots on the ground and doesnt spend time with my family and loses friends a lot. You want to do it, you got to do it. You have to go down there with a ground force. You own the sky, but if there is terror down below it is pointless. You can do a ground thing surgically, but if you want to do what you want to do, you cant do it half assed. I dont envy the administration for having to deal with this. Some is their making. How many times can he say ass in one answer a . This is testosterone thursday, right . Is it a little over the top . It was a ploy to get you to say. Who looks better shirtless . It is a contest that will no doubt beset telled at my apart be settled at my apartment. Need a vacation . Then get elected president. Female narrator the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. We challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. Mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep opposite of parties. Thank you. President obama, thats his real name is dancing and golfing up a storm even as isis steam rolls over iraq. On wednesday night the president attended a party with the clintons and a house spokesman tweeted, quote, the obamas danced nearly every song and a good time was had by all. His week of leisure said, quote, i know it is the holiday period, but when people are dying you must come back pr vacation. Didnt they go on vacation and a bunch of old people died . France is no stranger to rulers partying while people suffer. But this is not france. This is taking place as always we are joined by our live studio audience of experts. By a show of hands, how many dont mind if i crash on your couch next weekend . Oh youre good. Looks like i have some options. Does france have a right to criticize obama . Lets just say it did. Lets just say it did. It is a sad day when france is holding superior ground militarily. The french used to be so bad ass. In the middle ages the french were the french. You dont want to mess with those guys. Maybe they are coming back. You know what killed them . The mimes. You cant be serious. He has taken onethird of the Vacation Days and why does it feel he is taking more . I have the answer but i want to see if you have the answer. He said he worked with bill clinton and he said i would can sell this vacation and i said, can sell it altogether, really . Now that i see and i wake up to the image of the president dancing at that party or the tent party at marthas vineyard, thats not the thing you oncyou leave the white house they say you can take the white house with you. I get it. I understand that. I buy it. But you cant control the image. The image now that is being plastered around the world is him hanging out and dancing to a tune. Thats the main reason why he came out earlier on thursday and issued the statement he did about iraq and also ferguson, missouri. Joanne, lets a lets assume a female can be president. It will never happen, but if you are president would you take this many vacations . I would want to, but i wouldnt. I realize that actions speak louder than words and your actions are open to criticism. And im fine, im fine if my own people in my own country want to criticize me. But when i have other countries who are weighing, in you have a reflection of your country. You are a leader and it makes us all look bad. So he is married, or so he says, when you are on vacation with your family the wife says you can go golfing once, maybe twice, but you need to spend time with your family. All of this golf is michelles doing. She wants him out of the house. Thats what i think. Who is not in love with her right now . I will tell you the answer and i want to bring andy in. He has a golf addiction. I think so. It is out of control. Out of control. I am one of those people. Are you a golf guy . I totally understand the golf obsession, but i am not the president. Or not yet anyway. It is weird that the vibe is going on. What a compliant press president obama has had. I have never once been seriously outraged playing a round of golf to have him put out a official statement and say a good time was had by all. As you would say the optics are bad. Is that a banned phrase . He gave his speech today and then he headed directly to the golf course. At least go in your room and lock the door. I dont care if you are watching tv or playing video games this is a president who hasnt had to worry about the press making him look bad. Thats why he is doing up until now he got away with it. He is the man in the plastic bubble. Does he sleep well . The anxiety would cripple me. They all get sleeping pills. No they cant because you may be get oog phone call getting a phone call. If you like a sleeping pill you cant be president. I think i read that on the internet. Why does it feel like obama is taking more vacations . Why . There are more crisises under his watch. No matter what day it is, something bad is going on and he is bound to be off one of those days. Or is it because you work at fox news . That was the issue. It was the formula. It makes my career at fox have nothing to do with this. I am just asking questions. The x was 450 crisises he was like oh my god, he is on vacation. But he hasnt taken that many vacations so it is more crisis. Bush always went to his ranch. You can get that he moved it to the ranch. He got a lot of heap. And then after the iraq war he never played golf until he left office. I have to move on. It is a salmon cannon. A cannon that fires salmon. First a word from our sponsor. Tonights sponsor is uber, ultra, super key. You need uber, ultra hyper super key. 3,500 of your recommended tea in each pill. I just took one right now. Thanks, uber, ultra, hyper super key. Have the fish got their wish . It may be the greatest invention ever inventioned. I speak of the salmon cannon designed to help migrating fish get past the hydro electric damns. Technology and nature coming together perfectly. We added a the soundtrack. We are here all week. The cannon can propel the fish 800 miles an hour. The company said it woo provide provide it can provide cheap fish because they are always busy trying to get one way or another. Both the fisheries and the wild. Blah, blah, blah. Lets see more salmoncannon action. You dont see it, but up on the left it is Michael Moore with his mouth open. For anyone who doubts the genius of the salmon cannon you have to consider the previous old method of fish transport. Thats what they used to do, bill. I have to ask you, you are a fan of overcoming obstacles. You have overcome many. I continue to. Even here now. Isnt this amazing . I think they should bottle this sucker and they are going all the way with this thing. It should be used for everything. Why not pizza . No, it is like a fish version of logans run. I watched that great movie. Great movie and scary concept. I watched it and something about it seemed weird. I think the fish would love it. You can see the smiles on their faces and head first diving into the water. First of all it looks like a giant sex toy. It looks like something in a Science Fiction movie where they take the body and they put it through there and it would be alive and an exact copy for you. Im with you all the way. You just dont like any kind of conveyor belt. I wonder if they go, wow, this is a real thing. Would you be doing the story if it werent testosterone thursday . I always wondered what it would be like to be frat brother . Dont call my frat a frat. It is a fraternity. No . Okay. There is another line in that. Well, now i know. Joanne, would this make other animals jealous . Migrating birds may start to protest. Let these fish have their day. Pretty soon i will broil you, smoke you and i will turn you into you sushi and enjoy you with some wasabi. They do voluntarily swim into these things . I worry they will try to swim back because the ride is that much fun. There are children all over world doing that. How would you like to work at a bar and she says where do you work . Woosh innovations. Here is my card. It says woosh. Does that bother you . It seems like an odd name of a place. He is scared. Lets get back to the panel. I think we have seen enough fesh. I want to raise the specter of something i believe is important. Pneumatic tubing for people. I talked about it on this very show. What about getting from california to new york city in 40 minutes. They fire you like a cannon ball across the country and you get there and it is like waking up in the morning. I think i will have a bagel in new york and then come back to california and lay out by your pool. Isnt that what a vicodin is for . You take it, you arrive, wonder how you got there . Great. And then you immediately want a bagel. I think that is a valium. What did i say . Vicodin. What is the difference . Vicodin is a painkiller that doesnt offer a euphoric experience. You can combine them. No, you dont want to combine them and especially at a party with somebody you barely know. I think this country lost a lot this country did lose a lot when we stopped using pneumatic tubes. There is a guy in idaho who made a rodenator. It is an air gun that kills prairie dogs when they are on your property. You can buy one. And by prairie dogs you mean prairie dogs. What is a prairie dog . It is a rodent. They are cute actually. You like them, dont you . I do like them. They are nice. I think we will end this segment now. Time for a break. Dont think of leaving me now. We could get hit by an asteroid. You dont even know what is out there. Order it at amazon. Com. For the record that is the only book of yours i havent read. Autographed copy g gutfeld. Com. Should we take stock of every falling rock . They want to make sure the earth is prepared in they in the event of a real asteroid threat. Would they want to know if civilization was going to end . Thats the subject of tonights red eye debate 2014 live from the red eye debate center. Welcome to red eye debate. I am greg gutfeld. Great to have you here, especially you, tad. We will get together afterwards so be sure to stick around. They are recommending the creation of an International Warning network. The group would analyze and share the data of possible incoming asteroid threats and alert nations of the dangers. Is this a good idea is it the opposite . A not good idea or a bad idea . Lets debate it, shall we . Lets go around the horn. Joanne, do you want to know when the world will end . No, i dont want to know anything. I dont want to know the nsa is spying on me. I dont want to know when the asteroid is coming. I love my ignorance. I can sleep well, and i have really crazy dreams. Thats the vicodin. I am for growth in technology, but only if it can then destroy the asteroids. Thats the second part of the planning and technology they are doing. If they can figure out how to destroy it, then i guess you wouldnt really need the warning for civilians. Save your money on that and spend it somewhere else. Something like oh lets destroy it. An asteroid is headed to earth. We are all going to die. What would you do . Stock up on slim jims. It is not something you call weak men. It is what i call my father. It is coming back. What would you do . Stock up on the slim jims. I would like to know if it is coming, but the u. N . The u. N is going to get this right. It was also known as they are going to create the scientist who can create the program. Give me richard branson. You need the free market minds to come up with something that is true just like they did in armageddon. It was a true movie. It was based on fact. Andy, we need this organization. Do we need this organization . Armageddon is a great documentary. It should be used as a blue print on how to save the earth. I would be all for the u. N being in charge of all of this except if they discover an asteroid is heading to earth they will find a way to blame israel. Then it will be a whole [inaudible] and then what did you say . I dont even understand. You dont have to bleep it. Wouldnt this cause mass hysteria . It would be like the movie the purge. I know all of a sudden they said an asteroid and i know the first thing you would do. Rip your shirt off and run down 6th avenue and start making out with people. Thats what you would do. Except for one thing. If the asteroid was going to take us out without warning, there is really nothing we can do. Is twitter going to tell you . I am going to sleep. I will just take a nap and wake up. Would you call me and tell me you loved me before it happened . Pick me up on your rad motorcycle. I will put on a wig and cheap lipstick and be your [bleep]. I will be there in a minute. When the apocalypse comes, everybody thinks they will be the people that are terrorized. You have to flip it. Why dont you become the terrorizer. When i watch road warrior it is soothing to identify with the bad guys. You are an awful person. You dont mind that people know you are an awful person. You go out of your way to let them know you are an awful person. Which i kind of respect. You will be the mowhawk with the little dude on the back. I am the little dude in the back with the blonde hair like in motley crue and the guy with the face mask. He would move his arms like this. I can do that. I might as well get on a cheap motor bike. I would have a side car for my things. Coming up, career advice from the job fair for strippers. Do you have video of your animals . Send them to us, fox news. Com red eye. Female narrator the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. We challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. Mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Nosuchunsky at 9 00 p. M. Friday eastern on fox business network. Coming up on the next red eye and you knew her as cindy brady and susan olson will be here for the entire show. She was a red eye fan. E block. Last story. Thats the last story. You will be on gretchen tomorrow or friday . I am. San francisco has one of the lowest unemployment rates. No one needs to strip for money and the bad news is no one needs to strip for money. The bay area nudy bars are having trouble finding qualified staff. On monday they hosted a job fare hiring hosts, bartenders and entertainers. Here is one attendee. Unfortunately my parents couldnt afford me to go to ballet so i can be at jewel jewel yard. I always had a passion toward dancing. I have a nice body and if someone else has a nice body, why not show it off . Why not indeed. Does it comfort you to know there will be a job fair . Unlike this girl my parents did put me in dance class and i did addition at j lo liard julliard and i was not accepted. I am fascinated by this job fair. They usually give out tokens and pens and mouse pads. There is like Hand Sanitizer here or coupon for a steak dinner. Horrible things. Will we see strip club boobs at job fares sph. Job . Finally we have seen a growth industry. Ladies and gentlemen a double entandre. I did the math and it is 6 million a year. As a city they make more than that. The girls that work here i have been told make a lot of money and it is her parents fault. 800. How much do the men make, terry . Andy, how important are the special skills listed on the resume . I am redoing the math. I dont think it is 6 million. It comes to 100,000 a year. It is important to remember i can multiply. Wow i am really showing off. Showing off the third grade skills. It is important to remember and this is for you kids for every Success Story like magic mike there is an adam who couldnt handle the glamour. My concern is you look at this and you look at the girl in the video and you can see the glamour. You see how excited she is for doing this. You have to remember there is a downside to this. You know it is so true. People dont realize there is a downside. Nobody talks about it. It is all glamour. The show is just about over. Testosterone thursday. We wont have one because we need a lot of testosterone in the room. Roblem. You want to save money on rv insurance . No problem. You want to save money on motorcycle insurance . No problem. You want to find a place to park all these things . Fuggedaboud it. This is new york. Hey little guy, wake up aw, come off it mate geic saving people money on more than just car insurance. And remember, the spin, it stops right here because were always looking out for you. Breaking tonight, the white house has declared a win in the latest battleibo in iraq. But how will they ultimately stop isis . The acknowledged worlds most powerful terror group at this point. Welcome to the kelly file, everybody. So the president and the pentagon today addressed the country about the crisis in iraq. This is the sixth day this week that they have had to come before the cameras and do explaining about this issue. And the message that we got, lets just say it was mixed at best. While the white house declared that the air strikes and the food drops had halted the terrorist campaign to hunt down and kill thousands of Iraqi Christians and others, both the president and the military admitted that the l