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0 and all of that other stuff, and we weren't really even that much out in the public. in our local cities we were, but now all of these stories are national stories and they are quick national stories. a guy like aaron hernandez will dominate the headlines. i am here to tell you that out of the oh maybe 1% or 2% of the bad apples in professional sports there are guys like dash sh ad that don't make the headlines because it is not sexy enough. who wants to know he is giving $1 million to harlem rbi and who wants to know a guy is going back to his hometown and building a field for excides? for kids? it doesn't make headlines. it is boring. and then you have the whole thing with the gang possibilities with aaron hernandez and all of the other stuff. that's why the stuff is making national headlines. i am here to tell you 99% of the guys that play on these sports are great guys and do a lot for their local communities. i know you don't want to to believe that and want to be cynical about it, but have at it. >> i do want to be cynical and i like the stories about -- >> renee zellweger. >> she filed fraud. there are rumors as to why she did that and i will let you google them. >> thank you. brooke, does bad behavior among athletes make them sexier to you? and how in anyway can you relate this to the muslim brotherhood? >> well, i am under strict instructions not to say anything about the muslim brotherhood. >> who told you to do that? our president obama who should be impeached? >> listen, we have done a lot of stories -- last night we did a story about a sports figure and it seems to be the outrage is always, well these are public figures. it is really important to know that the number one role model for children are their parents. the number one most important lesson is for pairns to teachers and their -- for parents to teachers and their children not to follow people just because they are famous. i think we have a problem in our society where all public figures by virtue of just being famous are an author tee or heroic and a role model. you can see that with the actors. just because they are in a movie they should say anything about politics and be listened to. children need to discern between a role model, not all sports figures are role models, and a mere public figure. >> the problem is children are really stupid. >> no, they are impressionable. >> no, they are stupid. >> they are sponges. >> spupgs are dumb. sponges are dumb. >> they can be used like sponges. i use them when i am washing my car and go like this. jaime, if not athletes, then who should be role models? certainly not comedians like yourself. >> i think athletes should be role models, greg. if he was talking about a-rod which he was, i don't see how he is that bad of a role model. my kid does a couple of cycles of steroids and i get to live in a big house he bought me? >> here is a guy and his name is lebron james. do you know who he is? >> absolutely. >> maybe the most popular athlete in the world today, right? he makes millions upon millions of dollars and goes back to his hometown in akron. he leaves cleveland and i understand why, right? he went to miami. he goes back every year and he helps those kids in his hometown. that never really gets written about and never really gets talked about. but there is a guy in that community, i think, kids look up to. he is trying to do the right thing. he is trying to make a difference. >> it is great because a lot of those kids don't play tennis. he has been so inspirational at wimbledon. >> okay. you know what i'm talking about especially in the communities where a father figure is hard to find. unfortunately i didn't have a mother growing up. she died when i was 7. but i had a father and he held me accountable and responsible. when i see that and feel that in my own life and like i try to do with my own kids, that worked. maybe that's why i am a success and why they will be a success. you can also understand why it is a detriment to these kids who don't have the father figure in their life. they snow more about that than i do. >> that's a huge issue. there are so many single parent families out there. there is no community anymore because people just aren't hanging around. bill, your role model was fat willy, a homeless guy on the corner who sold discarded underwear. what has he taught you? >> he doesn't -- he isn't fat willy. he is morbid be obese willy. >> he likes tiny because it is ironic. million dollar idea, opening a bakery and make your baked goods look like lebron james, peyton manning what have you. call them roll models, if you will. million dollar idea. >> more of a single dollar idea. >> maybe what i would charge. it is not just the fact that we have the twitter and the on-line stuff and the 24-hour news cycle. it is the fact that the media has changed. i will give uh brief story. in the 1920 there's were spor writers following the yankees and they were on the train because that's how we transported ourselves back then. it was not by the plane. they were in the train and a half naked lady comes rocketing through the train screaming. right behind her covering his junk, buck naked, babe ruth running right after her. everyone lifts up from the cars and goes through and they say did you see anything? no, i didn't see anything. did you see anything? no, i didn't see anything. they covered up for their athletes like they did the president so it changed across the board. >> did bill dream this? >> no, it was in a book. >> sometimes we had this experience where bill will tell a huge story and then afterwards he says i think i dreamt that and then we have to edit the whole thing out. >> that's a true story. there were stories about mickey man tell and the writers as well. there are all of these stories that come back from back in the day where they were protected. the athletes were protected, no question about it. now it is a gotcha society. the quicker somebody can get somebody and get that up on youtube or get it up on vine or whatever it is, the more power to that person who is taking the other person down. basically that's what it is about right now. >> i keep myself protected by remaining unknown. >> you are known. >> no, he's unknown, and he is doing a great job of it. kidding. jaime, everybody knows who you are here because we have your name on a list. from jocks to jerk jerk. was a fro fraternity bash -- they are in trouble after hosting a bloods and crypts party last month. the invitation said midnight, bloods and crypts party. i think i said that. choose wisely. the college's naacp chapter was chagrined that individuals mingled for hours dressed as bloods and crypts and using racial liesed language and then it turned into a ghetto party with racial liesed language and speech and dress. they apologized and for now they realize it was insensitive and thoughtless to make light o serious issue. also the conversation gave us a greater understanding of the pain gang violence causes and opened our eyes to a subject not fully comprehended. "red eye" tried to catch up with one of the brothers as he was leaving campus. >> looks like fun. >> we are laughing, but you know what, maybe he is getting great gas mileage. disart mut -- dartmouth frat boys are boys being boys, should we give them a pass? >> give them a pass. but they are crazy. that's why i decided not to get accepted. i went to one of these gang parties. i thought they were playing a joke on me. they said dude, dress up as a cop which i did. i was trying to find the bathroom and no one would talk to me. it was like an unwritten rule. >> inning. >> you get no information. >> brooke, speaking of gangs, isn't the muslim brotherhood one and should obama be impeached? >> you know, i am confused. you will get slandered all over msnbc. you are a racist bigot for pointing out the fact that the muslim brotherhood is within the american government and we should all be worried about it. >> i knew i would get it out of her. >> i'm confused. what is this story about the naacp complaining because it is the blood and the crypts or then it went to a ghetto party and then the professor who wrote about it i think he retracted that it wasn't a ghetto party. you talk about this all the time. we live in an age of such hypersensitivity. where does it stop? can we not have a bros and hoes and not have ceo and secretary and not have a halloween where everybody dresses as the taliban? where does it end? the naacp loses credibility, especially because they came out against the obama rodeo. it is offensive. the corner stone of a liberal democracy is a right to criticize government. that's an essential right, however you do it. it was not a racist thing to do and you are laughing. you know what i am saying is controversial. >> she is right. she is right. i just googled it. it is correct. >> i just dreamed it. >> boomer, are people more upset about a bloods and crypts themed party than they are about actual gang violence, people that would write about it? >> the guys throwing the party would be more is upett if the bloods and crypts actually showed up. that would not have gone over well. i asked my 22-year-old son who graduated from boston college. i said i am talking about this tonight, would this have ever happened, and if it did happen at boston college how would you have reacted if you got an invitation like this? he laughed and said this kid must be out of touch. they must not be paying attention to what is going on out there in society. when you are doing something like this and inevitably it is going to get out there. somebody is going to google it or tweet it and you will create more problems than it is worth. so i actually would have said ceo's and secretaries would have been a better theme than this one. >> feminists would go crazy. >> what can you dress up as? >> muslim brotherhood. >> it doesn't bother me. i think we have to be able to laugh at ourselves and laugh at each other and sometimes people take things too seriously and not looking for the gotcha moment. >> the one thing i like about the gang party as opposed to the ceos and secretaries is so much easier for women to get ready. so i wear the blue shirt or the red shirt? i don't know, honey, do you want to get shot? >> bill, you started a fraternity, but that was with hobo carl and a squirrel named by they. >> are you not doing your research. does he bitey after a few drinkies? maybe. this goes back to the fact whether you are in an ivy league or devry. if either of of those two colleges, if you are in a fraternity in either of those things you won't do something smart. the group thing i don't care how highbrow the institution is the end result is stupid. >> same thing with the locker room. in the football locker room it is aggressive guys. they are told to go out on sun ad i and beat the hell out of each other. you wonder why every now and then one of these guys goes astray. it is an incubator for that. >> and the worst thing is when those football players catch me in the locker room. that does not go well for yours truly. >> you often disguise yourself as a towel. >> no, what i do when i see them is throw my camera at them and then when they are distracted i run. >> brooke, were you in a sorority? >> no, i went to a canadian university. >> oh, but canadians are incredibly intolerant of anything like this, right? they would go like, you can't throw these parties. >> sure you can. sure you can. >> don't they beat the human -- >> they repealed it, 6 and 13. the canadian human rights act was repealed and now you can be offensive to people. >> have you seen her drink? i mean, yeah. >> i think in canada the bloods and crypts are buddies. >> really? they are that nice? honestly, what kind of parties can you have? what can you have? you can't have any. >> my daughter just had a party and she themed it. it was like the roaring 20s. >> those are big. >> but that is about breaking the law and being a bootlegger and breaking the law. that is offensive. >> you can look at it like that. >> the fact that women couldn't vote, could they? >> well, they could. for the purposes of our roaring 20s parties they can't vote, but they can't talk or parallel park. >> how about a p.e.d. party? >> definitely no fights there. >> and you would be -- you would have to apologize for facilitating the use of an illegal drug, right? >> let me ask you a question, at the end of the day who are you apologizing to? does it matter who you are apologizing to? >> the phony outraged. >> the naacp was complaining, but it is sort of -- it doesn't make sense to me. they are saying a blood and crypts party insults african-americans, but that's only if you think -- >> they are all going to be in a gang. that's just as -- >> everyone knows they are all albanians. i know we will get letters, greg, but somebody had to say. it the albanians are out of control. >> coming up, our children, our future. brooke goldstein discusses her new book, "yes, but only the attractive ones" you are so vein, brooke. are we on track to own a jet pack? it rhymes so it must be true.

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