Hopefully people will grow so tired that they will beat him senseless and drag his body to a batting cage and strap him to a backstop and ramping up to where 95 fast balls are repeatedly hitting him in the body and causing massive internal injuries until the angle is adjusted slightly upward and one pitch hits him in the nose and driving into his brain and ending his misery and causing the crowd to go wild. Greg . Thats a lot to ask for, andy. Hope springs eternal. That it does. And if we all hope together, it can happen. Pray for his death. Go away. Lets welcome our guest. She is so hot that microwaves use her to reheat dinner. I am here with spilbore and you know him as the guy who rents the room above your great grandmothers garage. She says he is very quiet, but at times she catches him peeping. It is writer and comedian, jesse joyce. And his steven is considered a solid by scientists. My repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. And she is so sharp that her writing gives eyeballs paper cuts. Sitting next to me is kennedy special correspondent on Fox Business Networks stosil and reason. Com contributor. Her new book the kennedy chronicles, the golden age of why am i reading it . She is naked on the cover. It comes out july 30th. I am losing my mind. A block, the lede. Thats the first story. Greg, i got a new pullout couch if you are interested. No. All right, can a genital wart land a website in court . Well leading medical science is leaking our most personal search information to third party trackers. Fast company, a magazine, reports that a Business School researcher has found that seven leading health sites linked search terms to Companies Interested in your health issues. Third Party Tracking if you dont know is common for online businesses. It is why you see targeted ads for muzzles and house boys. But the researchers believe the health data is completely different. He knows ominously i like it when they note 00 nussly. Ominously. Imagine if they bought st dday tau. It could have the potential to crimp your lifestyle. So with this fear of exposure should you stop searching for all of your private part needs . And should you trust the information instead to a helpful talk show host who is looking out for you . Ponder that question while you ponder this. The watermelon injected with cyanide. Oh i thought it was roofies. No, that comes later. I am an optimist. Kennedy, does this worry you . You must search for certain sensitive things on the web. I am a hypochondriac and it doesnt worry me at all. Checking for coochie warts is not the same thing as going into your Doctors Office and saying i have a [whistle]. It is not sacred information and there is a generational gap. Young people assume that not only does everyone know about their private information on the internet, theybdont think privacy exists. They are not surprised by it. Old people are terrified by it and Edward Snowden has proved them right. I am conspiracy theorists and golden americans. They are the only ones with the practical information. Can i sue . No. You cant sue. Here is the thing, hippa which is supposed to protect our Health Information does not apply when you are searching on the internet. It only applies to those in the Health Care Profession. It is cool in a sense because if you are in the Health Care Profession and you leave i leave bills file where the janitor can see it. And then he will sue. You are not gonna get much. But when you are online, nothing we do online is private. You know what, on bills Facebook Page the ads for me are specified and things come up like zappos and for bill it is mopey wiener cream. Guys, we are starting off on a bad track. You deserve it. Jesse, you contracted hepititis when you were in the n New Brunswick at the piercing pagoda. Piercing the naval of 14yearold girls . No i got it in the navy. Thats how i contracted whatever disease you have given to me. Thoughts, concerns, wearing blue underwear . I am dressed exactly like you tonight. I just got my shirt in the mens section. Nicely done. I cannot beat that one. Go ahead, lurch. I only used web md twice and both times it diagnosed me with a disease that has been extinct for a hundred years. Cholera . What do you know about cholera . You came around in 1994. Neanderthals came down with it. You know there will be an nih mole who will come out with the secret health data and he will seek uh asylum in myanmar. That is true. Bill, everybody says that you have it all. When it comes to diseases, they are absolutely right. You might have the most to lose because you tend to have most inside you at this point. I lost you at the end there. You were fading away. With those stds mind you, a lot of them go away. I was losing interest in that question. I was losing interest in this story. Are we surprised this is happening . I assume anytime i put anything on the internet whether at home or at work i am being tracked, being judged, being catered to by any type of ad. Proving once again that minority report was the most prophetic movie ever made because tom cruise would go into his subway and the ad would mold to what he liked. For example if you win in the subway it would be ax body spray. They would mold to whatever interested you. Thats what will happen. We will go down to time square some day and be embarrassed by what we like. I have one question. Johnny, you raise an interesting point. There is anish you a i have an issue i have with a pharmacy and i dont know if it is a cultural thing because of the privacy issue, but when you pick up a prescription, they arent supposed to say what it is when there are people in line. What are you get . G. Thats not the point. Greg got herpacin for you. I wish that was the case. That is over the counter. Claw midyaw be gone. That has to be bad. Thats a violation of hipa. Thats part of the health care contingent. They are not going to thats when you go to the pharmacy and you order your prescription over here and you pick it up over there. And that is to help protect you. The problem is like in bills case, you dont get any money. You can sue, but you get nothing. Just somebody loses their job. Thats no fun for me. Can we sue them for being jerked . Some pharmacists are jerks. They are angry because they thought it would be more fun dispensing drugs than it is now. It is great that there is nothing else going on in the world that we are talking about mean pharmacists. We will move on shortly, but i keep thinking jesse will say something. I feel i need to rebutt his piano tie refns. I want to point out that bill cant be advertised to because the things he likes are co tan and cocaine doesnt advertise. He has no future because he would be dead. Cocaine is ensuring that he wont be in the future. We are wearing shades, but not because the future is bright. Does the leaker of lies deserve a prize . Edward snowden has formally applied for temporary asylum in russia citing concerns that he will face a Death Penalty and return to the u. S. So his long return could be coming to an end. Meanwhile, a swedish professor, is there any other kind, has nominated the nsa leaker for the Nobel Peace Prize for his heroic efforts at great personal costs. He noted that snowdens bravery has helped to make the world a little better and safer. And as a sociology professor he has called the the nomination to the the committee. Other qualified people include members of the government, past recipients of the prize and the directors of peace and Research Institute and this guy. You cant find your food under your big hair. Maybe ill help you out. Good to see that after quitting coke Robin Williams has found something to keep himself busy. Jesse, you were recently nominated for employee of the month at auntie annes in the mall. Thanks for acknowledging that. I was proud. Your name was up there for a month. Snowden that was for the b we got for the health it is not a c. It is because you dont wash your hands. That puts into perspective that snowden is getting a nobel prize and you get nothing. I dont know if you saw what the professor also said. He likened it to the nuremburg trials. That did not make any sense. He said snowden put an end to the idea that you are following orders. I think thats a pretty accurate description. The government occasionally peeping at peoples facebook posts. I am getting tired of this guy. He is not going to face the Death Penalty. Thats bs. He will be feted. Is that how you say it . They want to kill him. We want to kill him if he can get back here. No we dont. He wouldnt be the only one. Two people since 1942 we killed for committing treason. Half of america thinks he is a hero. I know. You think he is still in danger of death . Not really. Like how you held fast to your principals. Look, he is never going to come back here. Never . Well gill i think he is disqualified from the Nobel Peace Prize for having a horrible end game. When your asylum is sitting in the moscow airport like tom hanks in terminal and drinking the bad curdled vodka and you know when it curdles it is nasty. How does vodka curdle . I dont know. It does in a white russian. Thank you. And now he is a white person in russia. So what they said, it absolutely holds true. I think so. Bill, were you nominated for most improved urine smell by hobo magazine. Congratulations. This is the closest to a complementary question you have ever given me. Uh asparagus, yes or no. Where do you send the subscription . They are free. Hobos are supposed to sell them to you. Thats how we make our money. Bill, quickly. I think this will be the first time in history a former nobel prize winner, president obama, is hunting a nobel prize nominee. I think that is very interesting. That is a peaceful version of the hunger games and i would watch the f out of it if it was a reality show. He has not been formally nominated. No, he hasnt. Not until he has become a rythmic gym gymnast in russia. If we wait for them to be formally nominated we dont have a story to fill a block. Do the math. You just said fillet. Again. From crooks to books. She lost her deal through twitter zeal. The woman known as juror b37, not her real name surprised a lot of people when she signed with a literary agent two days after quitting George Zimmer acquitting George Zimmerman. One was outraged, as most are tweeting at the agent, hey, charlene martin, please drop juror b37. Dont let the person who let a murderer get away profit from the tragedy. She continued to tweet at martin and launched an online petition that garnered over a thousand signatures. A few hours later the agent posted after careful consideration of the book project with zimmerman jury b37, i decided to rescind my offer of representation. Then she tweeted a statement from the juror herself saying i have realized that the best direction for me to go is saw way is away from writing any sort of book and life as it was before i was called to sit on this jury. For more lets go to red eyes chief legal correspondent. What did i say . Gay marriage and now cats with slinkies. A slippery slope, people. You let it happen. Is this victory for twitter . Somebody this powerful could have this influence and actually kill a book deal . No, it is annoying. It stirs up this sense of false outrage. Let the market decide and not a thousand people who have a very political agenda who are trying to over simplify a case that obviously raises a lot of questions. Turning it into this moment is dangerous. I agree with you and i am amazed this woman caved. The agent should have caved. By the way, a thousand people on twitter is not really a thousand people. It is nothing. It is like two people in real land, right . I dont know what im talking about. I just thought i would make the peace sign. The point is, this kind of behavior, it scares businesses and it affects a lot of peoples lives and not to mention those who riff who receive death threats. Jesse, Twitter Campaign tried to stop you from writing your book about being an assistant manager at club monaco. And that could have you could have made a lot of money, but you didnt. You dont even care. You are so over the Twitter Campaign. It is all assistant manager jokes. You are just lazy. I am moving this week. You could be a drug addicted sequential huh maf raw diet so count your blessings. There are a bunch of angles. You are impossible. There is nothing on you with your height and your alcoholism. Does it get real . I find your alcoholism so charming. It is one of my favorite qualities. I might have to call you up to go drinking when nobody else wants to go drinking. I am so disgusting. The list hasnt dwindled. We should get back to the story wherever we were. Realistically i dont know how i feel, but you of all people, have you written several books. You know exactly how hard it is to convince a publisher to let you write a book with teensie toddler fingers. They go, do we have to get them a special laptop or something . How will we bang that out on the keyboard . You are absolutely right. They look like the guys from big on the piano. Dont laugh at that. I cant help it. Is it best for a juror not to write a book . No, everybody in the courtroom should write a book. The publisher is a wimp. George zimmerman can write a book. Why . He is not guilty. Not like the tweeter stated in her stupid tweet. This is unfair. In this day and age, you are involved in a high profile case, you are going to cash in. There is no other reason to get on a jury half the time except for that prospect. This is oddly enough i was a jury in a dui case and the book didnt sell. We didnt get to the point where it was a Twitter Campaign, but it was a page turner. Thats because i pleaded no contest. It was a short book. Bill, you signed a book deal wherefore 20 strangers can throw large dollars at you. There is pleasure in pain. I wrote a book during a dui case. And as a result i was kicked on you of the court. I thought that was the best use of my time. I dont remember the guys name because i was writing my book. I think his name was bill schulz. We are through the looking glass. All right, shut up. Coming up, what are the hot new trends in fall fashions . Jesse joyce discusses bolo ties, parachute pants and reebok pumps after the break. And what did bill schulz learn at the allstar games fanfest . That he couldnt get tickets to the game. Announcer announcer youre on the right track to save big during sleep trains triple choice sale. For a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. Or choose 300 in free gifts with sleep trains most popular tempurpedic mattresses. You can even choose 48 months interestfree financing on the new tempurchoice with headtotoe customization. The triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep nintendo . According to the u. S. Government, whatever that is, am i right, people . Video gamers from other countries can qualify for a visa visa cannot qualify for a visa because they are professional athletes, end quote. The creators of league of legends, seen here, successfully lobbied the agencies that handle visa applications to recognize their competitive gaming events meaning x box jocks will be allowed in the country temporarily. Much like real foreign athletes who play for something called the San Antonio Spurs and the David Beckham who plays for a sport that nobody cares about. Take that back. I refuse to. Nobody likes pingpong. And foreign robot athletes are still being denied visas. You know what they say, amazing in bed. You know they say that about gymnasts. It is an old cliche joke. I am a former gymnast and it is not cliche. You mean it is, what . Real. Okay. Jesse, learn something new about the guests every day. We learn nothing about you because you are the same, sad, poorly dressed, sale associate at game stop. Are they athletes . Ya, totally. They have vastly stronger forearms than most pro wrestlers from incessant masterbating. I think if it becomes a sport then mountain dew will be considered a substance with what is the word . Performance enhancing forget it. You are even giving up on your own joke. It is. Mountain dew makes great baby formula. Kennedy, save this segment. Thoughts . They are not athletes. Who is giving them asylum . I was just in las vegas and there was a Video Game Convention and these are interesting dye name america creatures dynamic creatures. They were smart and a lot of them were dressed as japanese super heros. They are not athletes just because you play games. That is not athleticism. We have to make up new words. We cannot conflate real sports like soccer. Do you like soccer . I have a daughter named pele. Really . You named your daughter after a brazilian Soccer Player . Di. And if he was a boy he would be ronaldino. Thats funny to the four people watching. These are not athletes. They are wonderful people. They are very dedicated and they are skilled. And they are interesting. Thats like saying anyone who plays a game is an athlete. Poker, not a game filled with athletic types. Hardly. I watched that channel. It is strange, strange people. What do you think . I think it is another run around our immigration policy. It is just like professional shoe tier, professional napper and a professional beer bong player. Yes, thats what it is. It is all a trick. We need bigger tricks in mexico. Thats what we need. Some of the pro video gamers make 100,000 a year. Meanwhile fox pays you exclusively in twizzlers. Ever wish you were not such a loser who nobody likes . Just letting it wash over me. I am for any type of loophole that will allow people to get a visa. It is so difficult and there is so much beurocracy and getting the green card much less becoming a full on citizen so if they can find a way to dance around this, i am all for it. And i too love the game of soccer which is why i named my daughter soccer. Dr. Schulz to the rescue. And if it was a boy, soccer. The funny thing is when you travel in europe you call them futbol. Yes it is soccer this and do that. Thats why i named my god son gay futbol. Terrible. It is actually a lovely sport. I believe the gamers are not just pro athletes. They are american heros. They are american heros. Even if they are not from america. Is that why you are pandering . I had no opinion on the story. I figure i would call them american hero. You figure the type of people up at 3 00 in the morning watching this dog and pony show are playing the latest assassin game. Are you half dog and half pony. And thats and that makes me a dony. Little lambs eat ivy. A kid will eat ivy too, wouldnt you . It is something bill hemmer wrote over and over on my office wall. He is freaking the hell out of me. All right. What gossip does kennedy reveal in her mtv memwior. If it doesnt involve the words kurt loader and latex body suit, i dont want to know about it. Well, the mlb or mlb allstar game is over. And boy did i not watch it. Sorry, there was a designing women marathon on and it is on the designing women channel. The game was held at city field in new york city. And only real reporters with cool names like rick and shep were allowed to attend. But lucky our show was granted access to something called the mlb fanfest. We sent bill schulz and sadly he came back alive. Thanks, greg. Or as they would have called you in 1951, eddie goodell, google it. It is very exciting and i am wearing a vintage jersey, but it is wall and my nipples are chaffing. Who is next . Are you a lefty. Does that bother you talking to fox news . Okay, good. Are they not here because of the bats . The first time allstar matt harvey from the hometown mets and lets see if we can get a couple of words. How do you feel about your first allstar game . Pretty good. Do you think you are going to start . I dont know. What is the groupy situation like here today . It is not so hot. Thanks very much. As you can see in the book, the dodgers were called the trolley dodgers because the people in brooklyn dodged trolleys to see the game. Why didnt they change the name to the los angeles unemployed actors . I am here with pin man. Pin man, how did you get your name . I started putting pins on, a couple pins on and somebody yelled out pin man and i started to go with it. Are you wearing pins thousand . A few. I am not going look like an idiot on my own show. I might take a quick timeout. Okay p. E. D. This is for the me. Oh it hurts so good. Lets bring the thunder. This is exciting. They have a bronze bust, only three in existence and that is exactly how he would look after he would have sex with marilyn monroe. A lot of people dont know that. It was a, throwing rocks at immigrants and b, and c being racist. A and c. What was b . All of the above. It was a simpler time and a time when you couldnt vote. Who hit the first homerun in the first allstar game . A, babe ruth, will be, hack wilson and c lou gave rick and d babe ruth . You got it. He did in a little place i call comiskey park. Thats where the white sox used to play. They used to be a team. This is called steal a base, steal a taco. Taco bell is hosting it. It is controversial because steal a taco is a baseball euphemism for not paying a hooker. In hindsight do you think it is wise time, time, time. You are looking tired. No, im good. Do you want to finish . I am good. I can do all 9. Go get them. Do you think they will end the dead ball era and it should be more alive . If we have learned anything from this years fanfest is people like me get stuck in the center while Rick Leventhal get to go to the actual game in city field. Dont put me in, coach, i am not ready to play today. So that guy, john franco, he didnt like you too much. No, i was the first walkoff. And then we had to speak with some publicists afterwards. And i tried to explain to them the only person that looks dumb in these things is me. Now we have the proof. You threw it 37 miles an hour. It was 36. I was pleased with that. We added a couple of numbers to that miles per hour. You are welcome fanfest. Call me, john. We have to take a break. Dont think of leaving me now. We will talk about kennedys new book, next. And it is going to be just as good as the joy of hate amazon. Com, autographed copy. See how excited i get about selling that . She was the one veejay who could brighten your day, sorry, kurt. And now she is writing a memwior of when they played videos and interviewed our favorite rock stars like rockwell. It is called the kennedy chronicles, the golden age of mtv through rose colored glasses. So lets ask her about it. The cover, can we just put the cover up there. I love that cover. Thats a donkey. You are naked. Thats a donkey. Was that your concept or did somebody say that was not my concept at all. I was at a photo shoot for us magazine. Thats from that . Q. I yes. And i went from a nice young man from the mtv press department and he made sure i was set and said peace out. That was 4 00 in the morning and then in the afternoon he pulled me aside and he said i insulted somebody and getting a reprimand. He said i have a great idea for a shoot. I want to do a photograph of you on a donkey. Im like that is so funny. I declared my republicanness. How clever. He said without clothes. And so we argued about it for 20 minutes and then it looked good. It tworks. It worked. You cant see anything. He is an amazing photographer and the way he uses the light and shadow. The only thing i asked when he went to air brush the photo in the early to mid90s i asked for like volleyball boobs. He shot me once, but he didnt have to give me boobs because i am naturally well endowed. They almost cast you on flavor of love. You have a lot of stories in your book. One was picked up around the country. The Michael Jordan story. And for those of you at home he used to play basketball. What happened . This was 19905 Michael Jordan. Take yourd to get you back to virginity. There. Why did i just do that 1234. Here is the thing about Michael Jordan. He didnt know. I wasnt wearing my placard when i walked around the east village. Hymen in tact, handle with care. I didnt tell him because we hadnt got to that point yet. Were you in a room somewhere . No. We were at dinner with Russell Simmons and ahmad rashad and Michael Jordan and veronica web and me. Which of these entities does not belong in the circle at all. Circle me, la, la, la. He hadnt started talking to me yet and i wanted his attention because he was this beautiful, perfect creature and i had three dice in my pocket. It flipped a light switch and he got crazy eyes like beautiful, sweaty, Michael Jordan head. You know the story because you are from chicago. You know who does president like the story . Juanita jordan. Not a fan. They were betrothed back then. He had moved on from the relationship after 800 million and a lovely settlement with no pre up in later. You can thank me, juanita. So what happened . Playing dice and we are about even and i said what are we playing for here . He said if i win, you come with me back to my hotel room. I was like, oh my god, thats going to be painful. There will be end trails and body parts coming out of stop there. And so in the last thought in my mind was ahmad rashad pushing me in a shopping cart into a newark, new jersey emergency room parking lot. I was so worried this was going to happen. And then i said if i win can i have tech cets to the knicks game . Tickets to the knicks game . I thought i would get floor seats and he said, no, baby, im married. Oh i forgot. You are mr. Morality over here, of course. He wanted to have sex with you, but didnt want to he didnt say that. You were just going to look and his etchings. You would have looked like you were wearing his road jersey after that one. I dont understand. I dont either. Lets just move on. He didnt want to give you the tickets because his wife would be there . His wife would see im sure she can scout out exactly who had the Michael Jordan seats that night. If it is veronica web and me im sure juanita is not thinking he totally nailed the pasty mtv girl with bad fashion sense. No, she would be thinking that about veronica. It is the one walking funny. Just trying to never mind. She has a walker. I have 30 seconds left. I got nets tickets. Did you ever full around with eric nies. I did. Did you . Thats amazing. Did he he probably went through everybody at mtv, right . Not an insult to you. You are a divine person. I was a super horn dog. I was trying to throw this thing at anyone who would take it. Is it cooked yet . Anyone . No . The only game i had was making out with him on camera. And so i smooched eric nies while we were shooting at the beach house. He is a really good kisser. He was a good looking guy. Those abs. What about pauly shore. No. How about ed lover or dr. Dre . Still doing it. It is part of a mare cal contract. Mark goodman . He had great hair. I was his intern at the radio station. That means yes. No, he wasnt at mtv. Anita black wood. Nina . I dont know her. I dont know what that means. Serena . I think every man, woman and child had fantasies about serena. Who did she marry . Somebody famous. Somebody very rich i believe. She does wonderful commentary on cbs on sunday morning. Check it out. John norris. Are you asking if i knew them or made out with them . Made out with them. I dont care if you knew them. No, john and i were opposed politically, but we shared a lot of fashion tips. I loved him very much. That was code for me. Do you have any off the record stuff, last question, that people are that people would be pissed off in the book . Yes. Tell me something. Everything was ve st e veted by a lawyer because many have disclosed their drug problems publicly, but i get into some personal firsthand stories, either witnessing people trying to buy drugs for me or doing horrific things. I cannot wait to read this book. What are the years, 19 1992 through 1997. Did you ever hang out with faith no more . Yes. I love those guys. He started drinking his own urine from a boot on stage. That is a lie. It is not a lie at all. He is the greatest singer that ever lived. He can be the greatest singer and drink his own pea. I have everything he has ever done. Now it is something creepy. The kennedy chronicles hits stores everywhere. I am buying six copies for each sue purr flew us with nipple. Coming up next, the final report with andy levy. Tvs andy levy and post game wrap up. Thanks, greg. Health websites giving search info to third parties. You cant sue because hipa doesnt apply which is correct. And the data is anonymous which is why hipa wouldnt apply anyway. Hadnt we learned from snowden before that that if you gather though it can be used to denanymize even though i made up the word . You are correct, andy. Kennedy, you say it doesnt worry you that this is not private information. And everyone on the panel agreed. Everyone knows whatever you do online isnt private. Why do we accept this . Because we are too dumb to put privacy on saw far rewhen we open it up. The only time i dont use privacy is when i am looking at porn. By the way, you are not getting much privacy from saw far re. Exactly. You have to use tour, people. Go to tour project. Go to tour project. Org. Was that the norse god of thunder . It is slow, but hard to track. Snowden requests asylum from russia. Jesse, i greaty that comparing this to the trials is ridiculous. This is about the Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Then you went on to say what the government is doing is looking at peoples Facebook Pages. Thats just stupid. I need to hyperbole to make the joke. Stupid. I agree with you. You said snowden could face the Death Penalty. You said two people have been executed for treason. Should point that espionage and treason are two separate charges. I know. You dont think they will trump it up . To treason . I dont think they could get the treason charge to stick because he hasnt given information to anyone we are at war with. Give it time. We are not really at war with any nations. Arent we . We are at war with the world. We will soon be at war. The rosenburgs were executed after being convicted of espionage and not treason. If we trump that trial up it would be the classest trial in the history of trials. Absolutely. By the way, the professor who nominated snowden for this peace prize, he says, quote, the decision to reward this prize would help to save the Nobel Peace Prize from the disrepute by the hasty and i will conceded decision of barack obama in the 2009 award. Wow. I like it. Suddenly you think he is cool. I knew he couldnt be a vurulent liberal. Zimmerman juror drops idea for book. You said this annoys you and the market should decide about the book. No the market didnt decide. A few overly emotional twitter hounds that are associated with media matters and other organizations like that, that just target people they are opposed to politically. They are the ones that decided. If people would decide people would buy the book or they would not buy the book. But at least people would have been you know, and i think by the way this juror came outweigh too soon saying i am writing a book. Give it a rest. The graffiti paint is not dry on the courthouse in oakland. And that is what offended a lot of people. As you said, stuff is not even dry yet and she is doing this. And they are not mutually exclusive. You can make a bad decision to come out and say i am writing a book. That doesnt mean a book shouldnt be written and George Zimmerman is guilty. It shows the case is so complex that it would be easy to get a glimpse into the psychology of the jury. You can let the free market determine it, but the freedom of speech allows those people to be offended she is profiting over the death of a teenager. Thats what they were saying. It is part of the market if people want to complain about something and start a petition and do that. That is not the market that. Is not the majority. That is not a larges a large faction of people interested in the case or talking about the case. That is a minority of people. A small percentage of people who are being very, very now it is racial . Why does it have to be that way . Every time. Every time. I am just tired i have to say a lot of men have been writing about how wrong the verdict is. I am tired of seeing them explaining why the all female jury was stupid. Mansplaining. If jesse was on the panel you would be okay . Absolutely. You say they are not athletes and shouldnt be treated like Soccer Players. Aside from the fact that they were the worst in history. Your ignorance is blinding. I hate to say it and we have had a genial relationship. The afghanistan goat polo thing is pretty [bleep prp. Pretty [bleep]. If they are coming to enter into a competition, why is granting them visas different from granting us visas. My problem is not that they are getting visas. I dont care if cooks are coming over to compete in competitions. They are not athletes either. My problem is with the word choice. It is not the visa. I am done. Give them all visa. Bye andy, bill schulz, jesse joyce, kennedy. 245 does it for me. Im greg gutfeld. I will be moving so you know who will be hosting tomorrow . Day flaw marine dana marine perino. Tonight. Turn it to fox right now. The Oreilly Factor is on. Tonight. They paint this picture of white people hunting black people. Bill that was bernie last g that the media will not tell the truth about Violent Crime and young black men. Tonight, well continue the discussion with allen west and tavis smiley. This guy looks like is he up to no good. He looks black. Bill nbc news used that sound bite from zimmerman 911 call it was edited and distorted now zimmermans lawyers say they will take it to court. Is it legal on the case. Were alcohol and drugs ever a problem. Yes, absolutely. How old were you . I was about 12