0 soldiers but were world war ii soldiers. does this school have any shame? >> it is so couple pulsive. but she said our duty is to teach nonviolence. why is it the school's job to teach the kids nonviolence? >> if you teach pacism you are teaching leaching off people. >> you become off the ria. >> modern austria. >> if you were the boy's mother how would you react. i have a son i done know about or outraged? >> outraged that i had a son i didn't know about. >> i have to issue a correction. they served the cupcakes and took the soldiers off. the cupcakes are kind of contraband in schools too. principal. >> how is that a conclusion there. >> sensitivity and you have lost your mind. guys are going along with it. they need votes and only a broad would make this decision . >> i completely disagree. >> i know, that's why i said it. >> explain you would disagree. >> it is a matter of being politically collect and nothing to do with a chick. >> they are. how do they vote? >> that is a typical girl response. >> thank you, bill. >> if these cupcakes had a burka on them they would allow it and talk abouter -- about tolerance and adversity. nothing to do with a chick. >> she shut you down, nick. >> it is about being a chick. >> sensitivity is not in our dna. >> it is a generation of males that are coming up now it is . in the men running the schoolings. >> it is the cupcakes. >> terrible. i love hillary clinton. >> you are awful. can i switch seats? >> bill, the thing you can't afford the cupcakes . sometimes there are eight at a time. >> they are still in me . some ways, i am a real hero and we'll figure out why. >> and the kid's response to this. oh, my kid doesn't care. he was nine and happy to get the soldiers back and i responded pretty much the same way. were they being overly sensitive? of course they were. was she trying to defame our soldiers? no. our children are hyper sensitive because of the sandy hook. i responded to this same as a kid with a shrug and i think you all need counseling. >> tucker, you are not -- tucker, i can tell you are about to make an important point and i want to answer your important point without even hearing it. this reminds, the fear of gun symbolism is a lot like the other blogers, the satannic frake out. >> they all went to prison for crimes they didn't commit. it is mass his teria. >> it is a trendy kind of frenzy. it is more than that, it is just dumb. if this was a sanitation worker reaching the conclusion the toy sold yerse were dangerous. but in new york city. who runs that. >> more impressive. a teacher saying something this stupid makes you wonder what hands you are putting your kid's mipeds in. >> the bigger question is cupcakes. >> you know what is driving me nuts before we move on. >> the whole rise of cupcakes. i understand cupcakes in the classrooms. if you are writing down 6th avenue and greenwich village, cupcakes stores for adults. >> this is a back lash against atkins. >> until bloomsberg spins them. too many of his friends eat cupcakes. >> it is low class to drink a big gulp but high class for a 8 dollar cupcake. >> i didn't know we allowed cupcakes in the schools anymore. >> they had a problem with home made treats. you can't figure out the calorie. >> and you can put razor blades in them. >> that is a myth. there is never. >> an apple have one. >> that explains a lot. no, they have done research on the razor blade/apple. there is no evidence of this. >> i recalled a call by a comedian. drew up in beverly hills and trick-or-treat and got an apple with a raisar blade. >> we should go into the next segment. >> cupcakes to rogue steak. they went from host to belacoast. north korea is now once again threatening america. noco, warned of a preemptive strike on the u.s.. is it more bull after partying with one? zinger. >> what meat did they serve the former nba star. reports that kim jong-un held a lavic dinner with dennis and they had a roasted pig and all girl orchestra that played theme songs from dallas and rocky. here's the band from earlier this year. ♪ ♪ and less interesting news, the u.s. is fully capable of defending on an attack. north korea responded with this statement. ♪ ♪ >> point taken awesome guitar player. north korea clearly loves rocky. pop culture, we send sly stallone to north korea and forget rodman, rocky. >> they love locky movies. >> you are terrible. terrible. >> is that why everybody said something mechanicly correct that that is terrible. >> i couldn't give a -- >> north korea, come on, that is threatening, like justin bieber threatening night. if you buy stuff made in north korea it snaps in three seconds. >> it is an interesting point that no one takes north korean's threats seriously because they seem they are inept. >> if someone said we are going to nuke you and blow you up no matter what. shouldn't our administration say. >> no you are not. >> we are going to wag the finger. >> it is like the music from the crazy uncle . every now and then they follow through on what they say they are going to do. >> right. >> north korea is not there yet but they may have an ability to hit our allies and bases. i think they are discounted frequently when necessarily shouldn't be. a lot of this will center around china. without them, not that there is not much we can do. it would be easier to get china on our side here. >> tucker, what do you think? the strike on america more of the same or less indifferent. >> the administration said it is safe . this country doesn't have a single working elevator and dog meat is a national dish. >> you are getting back in the face of north korea. i am a defender of dennis rodman. >> really? >> he's an idiot. but would you not go if you got invited to watch a girl band playy? >> i think wrim - zimbazwe. i would. >> you think they have talked since they split or keeping it down low. >> they are keeping it on the down low which means a lot to rodman. that was fake. i was looking at that video. those girlings. that was too much like the actual rocky sound track. they got the leastt emaciated girls next to the amphitheater and told them to mime along. they were all north korea beyonce. >> and like mili vanilly. >> fake, fake, fake. >> i think it is beautiful. >> i do care. i feel duped. >> you are outraged. >> i am more outraged about this than the cupcake. >> i hope we can to war again and hollywood will do a vision of mash and rodman will be in his wedding dress as clinger. >> from korea to corpses. hugo chavez's body will be put on permanent display. as the vice-president of venezuela yust like lenin. >> the body of our commandant in chief will remain embalmed in the museum of the revolution in a special glass urn so our people have him there forever. >> and sean pennn. what does the death mean to the future of venezuela. we consulted this rooster. >> that is a beautiful rooster i must say. >> we have to have the camera on her when we do the videos. >> she's dying. >> back to the funeral that it is disturb thag sean penn would go to the funeral. did he know chavez. >> he knew the sentencative side. >> sean penn is not stupid and unlike dennis rodman. why does he report dictators like it is attraction to the strong man. >> i go back to the david and goliath. any david will do even if the david is a totalian tirant. >> is anybody going to file past the fat corpse of the tool? there were 20,000 people murder no wonder if was a red carpet. dianne should we embalm our leaders? >> i think we should embalm celebrities. >> there are already wax figures and we don't need them embalmed. that creepy. yes, people will walk to see his body and his funeral had thousands of people. people knowledge that narrative that he is the championing the poor and fighting for the little guy. read the profile. he nationalized health care to help the poor. bringging on my business reporter, look at ren ven market. it was the best performing market and the rally announced when he had canc yer biggest spike when everybody thought he was going to step down. >> i like when she puts on her business hat. >> are you jealous that sean penn will probably not be at your funeral. >> he is the greatest actor of my generation and greatter bleepp bleep all in one of my generation. [inaudible] c-- ♪ >> there you go. i was waiting for that. >> i don't know off of the top of my head. i didn't get the notes earlier . i think a lot of people thought it was carlos. >> iab at a comedian. >> not iab. hey look alike. >> bill, you are on display and that you are alreadyy embalm you think putting him on display is creeppy or cool. >> it is cool. embalmed. how awesome would it be on mount vernon george washington and spits his wooden teeth at you . the whole presidents. they are corpses. >> i am disgusted. >> i think it would make history real for kid and scare the craps. >> we have the pirates. >> i want the real thing. >> don't embalm them. stuff them. >> it is the same thing. you have to stuff and embalm. >> no. i don't know. >> it is a fluid. >> stuffing is stuffing. >> i don want to know more from you. i am sure you might know too much. >> coming up. would you like to be a hot woman who gets hit on by loads of men. >> mind your business you ugly pathetic loser. >> and first, demi moore wants more and more and more and ashton is like what? >> i have a weird mole on my arm. for investors like you? tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 schwab bank was built with all e value and convenience tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus deposit ches with mobile deposit. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and manage your cash and investments tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with schwab's mobile app. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 no wonder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so if you're looking for a bank that's in your corner, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 not just on the corner... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call, click or visit to start banking with schwab bank today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to book this fabulous hotel. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. priceline savings without bidding.