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0 unavailable for comment. >> i don't get the joke. >> did you get that? >> not my fault. not my fault. >> no, it is not your fault. it is his fault. go away. let's welcome our guest. she is so hot that hot tamales are called hot diane macedos. she can wave. weekdays on fox business network. and he is so funny he burps balloon animals. it is joe devito. and in norway he is considered clean next. kleenex. and if thoughtful commentary was by yule gee home -- by yule gee homework i would do him with a partner. he is the host of the john gibson show. weekdays at noon eastern. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. should they repent over an accent? well, the super bowl is almost here. it is a large bowl i order from the pottery barn. but also companies are starting to post their commercials on-line somewhere and the volkswagen again spot is being called racist by me. i have a feeling. let's watch this together. >> i hate mondays. >> those are the worst. >> no worries, man. everything will be all right. >> ya, man. >> don't fret me, brother. the sticky bun comes soon. >> ya. >> wicked coffee mr. gin. >> julia, turn the frown the other way around. >> dave, you are from minnesota, right? >> yes, aye. the land of 10,000 lakes. >> so in conclusion, things are pretty dismal. >> you know what this room needs? a smile. >> who want to come with i? jamaicans who happen to speak that way. >> can i be honest with you? am i stupid for saying i have been to jamaica three times and never seen them do that. >> i went to high school with the girl her dad was the owner of red stripe and she was white and talked just like that. but here is the problem, the owner of red stripe what? come on. white? come on. >> sorry i interrupted you. i read this story about the press and the super bowl ads. there are millions of dollars and they had a hundred takes on the elevator scene. it looks like they are getting attention and you look at the ad and say is that ad good? it doesn't seem that great. >> we are talking about it and that's the important thing. it is either this or immigration and i will do this. joe is this case number rastafaran with the accept it might booy funny. maybe. it is such a bad ad and doesn't anybody stand up and say this has nothing to do with our product. >> we have bill being killed over and over again and it was off the charts. >> it was painful for me. >> how was this anymore racist than not to go back to it, but the red striped tabi. in this ad at least jamaican michigan guy can speak in complete sentences. that to me is offensive. >> does that mean all actresses and actors have to be specific? you can't have gwenyth paltrow play a brit anymore. or renee zellweger, "bridget jones diary" and that movie would not exist if we didn't allow her to adopt the british accent. >> it has to account for something which is why i find this case confusing. i don't see how it is do roughing terry -- derogatory, but i think it is stupid. >> let me tell you where it gets weird. if you do a japanese accent while speaking japanese, that's good. if you do a japanese accent where are you pretending the japanese person is trying to speak english, that's not good, right? >> when they were gaming this thing out in the meeting did they say, you know, the today show and charles lowe will declare this racist? of course they did. why did they go ahead? they wanted somebody to call it racist. >> but there was a star burst campaign where the guy was supposed to be talking about being scotch korean. the continue -- the contridictions made it silly. did it help sell a product? i don't know. star burst is one thing and volkswagen agains is another. >> i object to charles blow going by charles blow. to the best of my knowledge he has never done cocaine. >> you haven't been to his place. >> you know the real victims in this will be the simpsons when they watch this and they see the guy in the 7-eleven or the convenience store. they will go, i can't believe that that actually existed. that is what will happen. >> i think the most racist commercial rtz ones where they can't let black women act like normal women. black women have to be sassy and these over the top butterfly mcqueen voices when they are selling fabric softener. that is a much more racist portrayal than this is. >> i want to be sassy. >> let's go back to the simpsons thing. look at their skin tone. that offends everyone with >> i am beginning to see president obama's point. do you believe the president actually is a big football fan, or is this just like skeet shooting? more likely he is a football fan than a skeet shooter. these college players are whacking each other and scrambling their brains. they reduced hitting practice to one a week and college players do it every day. if i had a kid i would agree with obama on this one. >> i don't know let's be honest. they don't hit each other when they are that small. >> but when they get to college they do. >> but what if you realize your college kid could be a star? >> all of that precautionary thinking goes out the window it is like, he is finding a vacation home outside of mill -- mill pea ties, california. jay he talks about this imaginary son of his. i would feel bad if i was his son. >> we get. it dad. you wanted a boy. >> and a lot of girls play youth football. there is a lot of girls in the youth football sports. i agree in the nfl -- ed reid he is a guy who puts hits on people. he is a bad, bad man. in the college rank u.s. see them get injured and then their careers are done. i think don't they have a degree they can fall back on? say they tear an acl and then you realize college sports are really just a foreign league for the professionals. i think that's wrong. once you are making millions of dollars a year, then maybe as you invest it you can pay for any health complications that might come up. but if you are a college kid who is being exploited by this, that's where the real problem is. >> i think, diane, there is a bit of a political divide going on here. just because of the lack there are no politics here i would like to talk about risk versus reward ssments president obama re. prom reflects the mind set that there shouldn't be risk in this world. why you should be taken care of from cradle to grave. to get things in life you have to take a risk. you might get paid and great looking girls. isn't that what life is about is taking a risk? >> what the president is trying to argue and what these guys are saying too is the risk and the reward is not as much in college as when you are in the nfl. this said, they are adults and making the choice to play. there are dialogues out there and they are getting information about the repercussions from these injuries. if that means parents say my son is not going to play football anymore you may see the ncaa and nfl come out to prevent injuries. you look at boxing and the intention behind the sport is to destroy the other opponent to the point is they are so injured. cheerleading has more injuries than football. >> bill as a tumbler has been dropped on his head. >> football gets a lot of attention because there is a lot of money involved and a lot of fame involved and a lot of popularity to the sport itself. but it is not the most dangerous sport out there. people need to keep this in perspective and remember that adults are playing the game. >> how many cheerleaders are catfished? there is a difference. >> there is a discrepancy about what the nfl does and what the ncaa does. if you are letting these kids go out at college levelare big d hitting hard and bang each other in the head five times a week and the nfl only lets it happen one time a week, something tells you maybe the nfl has it right and the ncaa doesn't. >> you would think the nfl would be the one setting the tone on that and not the other way around. jay -- >> they are worried about lawsuits jie. there are 4,000 lawsuits against them from the players. >> let's say you are barak's imaginary son. >> i wish. >> dad, i want to play football. it is not great. okay, what do i play then? extra curricular activities generally keep you from doing other things. what would you play? soccer? that's where people fake injuries. >> soccer has a high injury rate in the youth league. >> no, it is a fake injury rate. >> come on, barack obama all he cares about is basketball and golf. his son would play basketball and golf you. >> or basket golf. i want to move on. from football to hard ball. is his pay day bigger than earth day? this morning matt lauer if that is his real name gave al gore the business on his recent sale to al jazeera. >> here is the guy who just sold current tv to al jazeera who gets an undetermined amount of funding from caw tar and gets their money from oil researches. reserves. isn't there a contridiction in that? >> i understand the crypt, but i disagree with it. i think al jazeera has long since established itself as a really distinguished and effective news gathering organization. >> but getting funding from a country that bases its wealth on fossil fuels and fossil fuels are the enemy, you targeting climate change, isn't there huh poke craw see in that? >> i get the criticism, but i disagree with it. >> that is an amazing response. i get the criticism, but i disagree with it. that doesn't make any sense. "red eye" scottish terrier players have agreed to demonstrate the type of wind energy wind mills can produce. >> that is delightful. i have to say that is it is first time i have ever seen matt lauer come out like a pittbull. >> it is not al jazeera is funded by quatar, al gore got the money. you took $100 million of dirty, oily money. let's talk al jazeera. a news gathering organization? >> they don't have terrorist training talk shows anymore? >> that's good nice. >> what do you think? >> it is okay if you don't live an environmentally conscious life, but other people want to. that sounds like standard al gore to me. >> i just love -- i love that response. i am using that. i understand your criticism, but i am disagreeing with it. it is like what difference does it make? >> it is up there with was anybody offended? if you said to someone in 2002 if they said i bet al gore sells his tv network to al jazeera people would have rolled their eyes saying now you are exaggerating. now that it is here it goes to show, and i wish this was something where my liberal friends would know that when you start waiving money principals go out the window fast. >> go ahead and waive. >> is it as dead as your soul? >> i never had a soul to begin with. >> that's why i never flinch no matter what the question. >> he reasoned that al jazeera was okay despite the oil background money because they had award-winning reporting on global warming. what is this? this is carbon offsets. as long as you do a little one it is okay that that happened as well. >> that is the notion behind carbon outfits. they have given a lot of burn notices, a lot of them. but i have a feeling he is counting his millions right now. >> we have to take a break. you would rather be anybody. >> should unattractive people be used as crash test dummies? diane macedo on how she will fix the economy. are we in the middle of a chicken wing crisis? is it the same as 1973? no.

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