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>> you becha. >> glad to have me back. >> as glad as i was yesterday. >> it was two day. >> it seems like years. >> unnecessary. bye. let's welcome our guest. she is so sweet that people give her out on halloween and she shoots them in the face. i am here with patti ann browne, pab for short. if hilarity was a gift certificate i would blow him at macy's. and my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and balloons have a restraining order against him. fyi, balloons is the name of his stripper exgirl end from. girlfriend. sitting next to me, a combination of sitting right is michael moynahan. let's get to the story, shall we? >> amidst growing shouts he is not dropping out. yes, todd aiken, if that's his real name doesn't seem to be bowing to pressure from republicans like mitt romney to quit the missouri senate they have one there. the race for the good of the party, destroyed that sentence. on tuesday, hours before a significant campaign deadline, he released an ad apologizing for his comments on, quote, legitimate rape, unquote. that if jeopardized, gop chances of reclaiming this so-called senate in november, roll tape, roll tapers. >> rape is an evil act. i used the wrong words in the wrong way. for that i apologize. the fact is rape can lead to pregnancy. the truth is rape has many victims. the mistake i made was in the words i said, not in the heart i hold. i ask for your forgiveness. >> i think it is great they loaned him the set from "8 is enough." aiken won the primary and he spent millions of dollars on ads thinking he was an easier opponent. many republicans want him out like ann coulter who wrote in a column, quote, if he does withdraw honorably sacrificing his personal interest to save the country, it will be time for all good men to rally around aiken as an american patriot. that's a shorter way of saying go. or maybe we can get him to give up the comb over. that's scary. it always raises the question, do puppies like limes? >> that is all of the evidence i need. they do not like limes. michael, should aiken put down a sacrifice bunt and give himself up for the good of the team? >> i don't know what you are talking about. i would say that, yes, this guy is the dumbest man in american politics, and this is a very, very low bar. here is the first thing you notice about that clip. you know you are in the wrong business, and you are not good at the whole political game when you at one point in your career have to get into the "eight is enough" house and address the camera and say rape is evil. what is precipitating that? when you say i need to clarify my position on rape. don't like him. he should go away. >> perhaps in his head he had the right thoughts, but it is not connected to the part that moves the mouth. that happens to me. it happened as this show is unfolding. pab, what is he thinking? is this strategy that he understands that the new cycle moves so quickly that all he has to wait is for jennifer aniston to break up with justin therough and then all hell will break loose? >> he did quote doctors and actually i am very curious to know who these doctors are. they are supposedly saying this stuff about rape victim. >> it was the guy from the spin doctors. >> oh, those doctors. >> and dr. j. >> dr. j? oh god. >> he plays basketball. what are you doing? >> exactly. >> your husband is a doctor. >> he is a doctor. he does not say things like that. >> that may be as close to an expert as we can get. >> it is a real doctor and not a chiropractor. you have to be kidding me. that just created a whole avalanche of letters. it is from people who always want to fix your back. a little hug there. joe, should one creepy thing said off the cuff kill a career? it hasn't for you. >> those are not off the cuff things i say. >> i think they should in this case. america has learned three things about this guy in the past couple days. he does not know human -- know how human reproduction works. >> true. >> he thinks there is a legitimate phrase called legitimate rape. and he can't get through an interview without embarrassing himself. this is not the thing where he said i miss spoke. he clearly stated his idiotic opinion. he can't say well what i was trying to say -- it is frightening to think this guy is in charge of maybing decisions for everyone. this is like saying can a girl get pregnant from oral sex? and then your firs answer is not to say yes or no, but you look at him and say, you didn't just say that, did you? >> that's the amazing thing about the reporter. the reporter didn't say anything. >> clearly we have the same doctor. the doctor said the same hinge to me. the -- >> the reporter was dr. j though, that's the problem. >> he did say he miss spoke. he said that today. >> it is like a syntax issue. beyond being a more ron and a half wit who doesn't understand basic bay -- by yule gee, he is a liar. it is not a mistake. he said it was like one errant word which was an errant paragraph. >> i don't think there was a way to explain it. >> have you been a consultant on many campaigns for 40 some odd years. have you ever seen anything like this? more importantly, does it really matter what anybody is saying right now? he is not changing his mind. >> it is over. if he was going to do it, he is going to do it. >> it is not happening. he also released an e-mail to his followers. subject header being, i'm still standing. >> but an amazing elton john song. >> he supports the song. can't emphasize that enough. and it had to be sent back three times because the airpt airnt -- arrant misspelling of the word yours. it was like 10 times. and like anne coulter said if he loves his country he will step out. he hates his country. he hates america. >> i said this on "the five" and i am not totally kidding when i say this, but isn't this the democrats -- this was a genius move on the democrats of the they planned this whole thing. they put all of the money on to get the weakest candidate. they got the weakest candidate nominated, and shouldn't he run as a democrat? >> don't ever criticize the democrats. it is an absolutely brilliant move. it is like the operation chaos stuff. in this case they are giving him two plus million dollars. that's the point when the missouri republican party should have said this guy is such a more ron that they are giving him money. >> and that leads me to my big point. aiken, maybe he is not the culprit here. the republican party, how did they not see this coming? if you see your opposition building up this guy shouldn't you go -- we better do something. maybe they tried to do something and i don't really follow missouri politics. i don't get that that often. shouldn't they be embarrassed? >> i think they thought it was american idol and they were going for clay aiken. he is talented and very big in missouri. >> when you hear somebody say something this stupid i think your first thought is this is not the first stupid thing he said. something this idiotic, this is part of a pattern. >> it doesn't happen in isolation. it is expecting a lot for the republican party to bet on if there is a legitimate form of rape. is that on the checklist? what are your views on rape? you are against, right? >> i guess they didn't think of putting that on the checklist because you assume. we have to move on. i noticed pab would like to add something. >> how is that your prepared answer? some say how did he not have an answer prepared? but his defense is more like that was his prepared answer. >> that's on a note card somewhere. >> you know the media is going to ask you that question. >> you know what it reminds me of this it was like an old wives tale he was saying. and there was a lot of weird old wives tale and stuff people say about the environment that is not true. it is about polar bears and stuff. when you are caught in a corner you say an idiotic thing and hope nobody notices ssments he pretty much believed it. >> he said it with authority that he has these unnamed doctors willing to back him up. >> i say name the doctor. >> released your doctors. from ignoring the team to picking a theme. is it worth a mention at the convention? obama's you didn't build that quote won't be invoked. it is a theme at the gop tampa throw down. i will be there, by the way, if you want to give me a call. tuesday night's session is called "we built this" and will have speakers to contrast the two parties views on business including kelly iyot as well as venezuela, a law tina candidate for the lieutenant governor in delaware who started in a -- an upholstrey business that makes padding used for umpires. interesting. you are laughing at these factses. meanwhile, the tampa bay times will be handing out guides to protesters. the guides are written with the help of the aclu and includes maps, a list of band items and advice on how to avoid heat-related illnesses. and there is a built in light comb. isn't that right, annoying t? >> that was brilliant. that's the kind of cat you send into somebody else's room and say just start doing something. do your thing. there's going to be so many cookies for you when you are done. pab, so many questions to ask you, i don't know where to starts. we built this. it was a godsend to romney who didn't have a plan. his plan had to be distinguishing what conservative principals are to a progressive agenda. we built this. it was great. but is that enough? >> well, it doesn't have to be the whole thing. but i absolutely think that comment was so telling of obama's whole mind set, and i think it is important to keep on hammering it and hammering it. he really does believe that. you are not really responsible for your own success, and therefore it should be spread around to other people who didn't build it. he thinks they did. >> isn't the gop in danger of beating something into the ground. frankly i have talked about it since it happened. i am still not tired of. it i know i might not be. read my lips, no new taxes. >> it is effective in a way that i think the stupid thing is it is a crip -- a crib from elizabeth warren. elizabeth warren, depending on the polls you see, in massachusetts is behind scott brown. >> a great place to be. >> which is where i am from -- what? >> a great place to be behind scott brown if you have ever seen him running. >> i haven't. oh, i see. i don't think like that. >> neither do i. >> and i also noticed -- >> i broke your train of thought. who -- >> who are we talking about? >> the indian woman, right? >> and then i was asking you if this risks becoming over done? >> i don't know. was i actually responding to that question? >> have i no idea at this -- i have no idea at this point. it was stolen from elizabeth warren. >> and it is not very effective in massachusetts. elizabeth warren was more explicit. for the first time he said somebody invested in roads and bridges. just say the government, man. at least elizabeth warren was a little more up front. you know what i learned from the back and forth, even when the joke is half bad, don't interrupt a guest. the joke wasn't worth it. >> especially me. i am a little slow. >> i know. i feel bad about it. isn't the real winner tampa which is america's paris. >> absolutely. at first i was afraid the gop was going with the slogan "we built this city on rock and roll" and that song sucked. >> how dare you? >> look what my lead in was. >> i don't think it is an over used phrase. i think it does sum up where obama is coming from. the idea that you are not an entrepreneur. you are at the mercy of outside forces. it is good to see people who have done specific entrepreneurial things. this woman made things that can invest -- well, it is like, i don't know if i can pay attention. >> this is like two casting issues. a woman who loves baseball and is a dinist too. >> but who did we learn this from? who created the ideas? liberals. >> kicking the box of every single thing. and the republicans it took 30 years to catch up. >> doesn't that mean they created a pretty good idea if republicans are copying it? >> you know, i don't know if it is a good or bad idea. it is just an idea. >> i argue it is not an idea. >> i think it is an absence of thought. >> bill, go ahead and give your usual pitch about how obama meant something else. >> he did mean something else, greg. i had a cogent and direct response to all of these lines of questions. all i can think about is scott brown's rump. that's the only thing in my mind thanks to you. >> i'm sorry. >> it is ample. >> i think that this is the theme for the first day. it can't be every day. they are going to have to go and create a clear difference and explain to people why the obama doctrine is destructive or can be destructive for the next -- gill i think they said it is tuesday's theme. >> thank you for correcting me of the -- correcting me and embarrassing me. >> they polled the americans and the voters. they are like, well, we can't explain these complicated processes, so we have to boil it down. it will be this stupid talking point or another one. >> and obama boiled it down for them jie. we have to move on. >> if only they mention it as much as they mention regan, they will be fine. sparingly and only at the right time. >> guess what, guys. that's like saying i hope the democrats only mention bush a few hundred times because they will blame him again for the next four years, i think. but what do i know? i am just some guy looking at you. what do emilio ease staw varies and gina davis have in common? patti ann browne, people you have never seen again because i ate them. >> they were good. >> and is every central park cyclist a blood thirsty killer? we reported and decided that the answer is yes. >> you look like an athletic candycane and i want to take a bite. >> have a good day. >> you have a better day. tis the season. so far this year 65 of the 300 biking accidents have happened there. that comes out to 50 a day. >> what? >> and last week it took the daily news just 35 minutes to clock 16 cyclists breaking the speed limit within this formally safe wonderland. so when did a squirrel's home become the thunder dome? we sent the resident speed bump to the most famous green space in hope he might be hit. instead he came back with this crap. >> i am in central park trying to get my speed walk on. the bikers bikers are plain speeding. it is a mad house. what do you hate more, the by sick leers, the roller bladers or the mothers with the carriages? >> well, i don't hate anybody. i think we are all here having a good time. >> but the carriages with the babies, come on. if you are going to reproduce, don't do it in new york city. >> carry on. two miles per hour acceptable. you are a good citizen. >> mind if i check your pulse? >> sure. >> oh yes. that's 5 over 20. that's a good clip. well done. you work out? >> yes. >> i can tell jie. what are you doing later? >> basically these bikers are going too fast and the pedestrians are not ready for them. have you seen this? what are your thoughts? >> i haven't. i am from out of town. >> we will do this one more type. we will say you have seen it and you saw them get decapitated? >> five, four, three, two, one. >> i am told you saw an actual homicide. can you explain? >> no, i haven't seen a homicide. >> we are going to have to dub in the decapitation. should every central parker that comes in here be issued a helmet and ticketed if they don't wear it, even if walking? >> walking with a helmet? >> yes. >> i think that may be going a little too far. >> starsky and hutch, can i ask you a couple questions ? a little fast. dale earnhardt, come on. ponch and john, slow it down. bo and luke, come on, this is not the general lee. what is going on? want to slow it down there? this ain't t.j. or hooker. >> that guy just flipped me off. >> you are actually stoping. >> i am stoping because i do a lot of cycling. >> i run many miles in this park. when you stand in the middle of the road -- >> it is inspiring? >> no. >> when you see me you are like, that's journalism. first of all that's an amazing outfit. who is your stylist? >> my stylist? >> it is okay. i will give you a second. calm blue ocean. calm blue ocean. picture bowling down pedestrians. i will take issue with the fact that you are a safe driver. we don't have a budget for a radar gun, but my produce -- producer has great eye. can you tell me how fast he was going? >> 62. >> first of all, are you in great shape. second, highly illegal. >> 62? >> 62 miles an hour. >> i wish. >> you unfortunately the speed limit is 60 and so enough to make an arrest. >> where are you from? >> a land i like to call responsible journalism. and also "red eye" with greg gutfeld. but the original name of the show was responsible journalism with bill schulz. >> i would like to say on camera -- >> wait for it. >> fox news lies. >> there we go. 5.10 seconds. that's a new record. >> fox news -- is my favorite channel. >> ladies, can i ask uh couple questions about i can bookers in central park? -- about likers in central park? >> i'm sorry, no. >> let me know if you will be at the boat house later. maybe one bloody is on me. maybe we can go dutch on the other two. and you can get a mimosa without the champagne because that is cheaper. >> delightful. how did that guy smell? >> i smelled him. i knew he was coming before i saw him, put it that way. and i was aware what he was going to say when i smelled him. >> and you haven't seen your dad in ages. >> he lost a lot of weight. it is the central park diet of not having a home. >> who knew dr. andrew wilde would be on fox news. >> he is there to collect his earring. that's good for your skin. have you had close encounters in central park when you have been walking? >> yes, but because i live in brooklyn which is full of idiots, the whole burrow is full of idiots. it is mostly skateboards. grown men that are like 45 years old with bad tatoos on skateboards. >> this is a big problem. you have middle aged men with kids wearing board shorts and the key -- and the long key chain -- the wallet chain and they all think they are vanilla ice who by the way i road the elevator with yesterday. you are not as good looking as vanilla ice. >> seriously? you were on the elevator with him? >> yes. he had an entourage. he had a group of people. >> for real? >> yes. i was quite impressed. he seemed like a nice kid. >> did he stop, collaborate and listen or go on his merry way? >> i wish i could understand anything you said. joe, anything? >> yes, i am -- i am going to live on long island where somebody is riding a cycle next to you and you can clothe line them out the window of your car. >> that's legal. >> it is legal. >> i do not condone that behavior. condone means what? >> hardly endorse? >> i wasn't sure. bikes are stupid, can't we agree? >> no. look, i like bike riding, but some of these cyclists have this passive aggressive thing going where they try to provoke the anger of the driver. but they hate cars. >> everybody does that. if you are the person doing something, you are the person that is in -- if you are walking and you go, i hate that guy. if you are on the bike, you look at the pedestrian and say i hate that guy. it is like the person in front of you texting and you are like, i will punch this guy in the back of the head. then rut guy texting and somebody is behind you thinking the same thing. we live in a crazy world. it is a show like this that allows us to share these things. america wants us to know. >> it is great being here. it is a great time for you. probably more for you than it is me. i am a sad little man. >> are you trying to kill time right now? >> no. i should have dumped out of this two minutes ago. sometimes i lose my train of thought, and i am not sure where i am. here i am. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. and if you have a video, of course you do, of an animal doing something cute and/or interesting, go to fox eye and click on submit a video. we might use it on "red eye." it makes our lives easier because we are so tired of looking for them. we want you to do our work. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by the tango. the stylized latin american ballroom dance where the steps are marked by sudden glides. thanks, tango. welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. let's go to tv's andy levy. >> what does it matter? >> it doesn't. >> why should it matter? >> i don't know why you ask? >> it is called politeness. you should learn about it. >> that's all you got? >> it is sad that's the first place i go to an ugly place. >> you go to a dark, dark place. >> i guess if people knew about your background they wouldn't be surprised. >> it is where i am most comfortable. i spend a lot of time there. i can see in that darkness. a lot of people can. president cay -- a lot of people can't. i can. that wasn't bad. who did that? >> it wasn't not me. >> aiken is staying in. you say aiken won the gop primary thanks to the democrats crossing over. clearly they were wrong. >> that's what i'm saying. >> they blew that one. >> they found somebody worse that mccaskill. >> not an easy thing to do. you said you know you are not doing well when you have on apologize for your position on rape. and then you mentioned that aiken miss spoke. he told sean hannah tee that he miss spoke one word. he thinks he only miss spoke one word. >> did he say what that word was? >> i'm assuming legitimate is what he meant. >> maybe he wasn't intending to talk about rape at all. >> he should have said that was his only dwfs. his only defense. >> there is evidence that if you give a woman a noogie she cannot get pregnant. >> that is dr. j-type stuff. >> you want to know who this doctor is who gave information, and there are a lot of hackie, jokey answers from the panel including dr. j and i don't even know. >> spin doctors. >> nobody said dr. scholl. >> surely before we started taping aiken admitted it is dr. degree. dr. dre. >> really? >> there you have it. the doctor has been named. >> you were dying to use that joke. you were disappointed. >> not the dr. dre from nwa. >> ed lover holds the same views on pregnancy. >> that's where the lover comes from. >> i thought you were going to say dr. who. >> i would never. >> greg, you said, he said if he does withdraw, it will be time for all good men to rally around aiken as an american patriot. and then you said that's a short way of saying go. >> long way i meant. >> i miss spoke. >> just one word. >> it happens. >> theoretically it is a short way of saying go. 2* could have been a lot -- it could have been a lot longer. it could have gone on for -- it could have been a compound sentence. >> i think it is a compound sentence. >> i am doing everything wrong. >> you said chiropractors are not real doctors. in fact -- i can't do it. i absolutely can't do it. >> did you explain that joke? >> i am having problems tonight. >> by the way, aiken on sean hann tie y's program, quote, if you were in romney's position don't you think he may have bid this thing up and made a bigger deal than he needed to? michael, is aiken saying romney is only calling for him to drop out for political gain? >> wait, he accused romney of playing this up for political gain? >> yes. >> i don't understand. nor do i understand anything his dumb ass said. it is a pattern of being a complete incoherent idiot. congratulations. >> here is another fun one. shortly before we started taping aiken tweeted, quote, i apologized, but the liberal media is trying to make me drop out. >> by the way. that's an important lesson. the people that are hardest on him are not the liberal media. >> you are right. >> it is coulter and hannah tee and chris chris stey and a -- chrisie who was a part of the liberal media. >> i always wanted to be a part of the media. now m why. >> if you don't want the quote, unquote liberal media to attack you, don't say things like this. but that is usually pref physicianed with something like i said something totally reasonable. and he is calling me a racist. >> for example, this is something where you deserve to be raked over the coals. but the liberal media -- gite liberal media card is going to be what it is to the left. you say it and apparently it works. >> you would say that. you are in the media and you have a card. >> i did call out the left for using the race card. >> way to cover yourself. >> the liberal media would never do that. also there is disbelief about some grammar mistakes about aiken. he is correct. aiken's website said until a little while ago, tell mccaskil that you are with aiken. >> and liberalism is equating to hating god. so every once in awhile she right. >> i didn't know he said that. good for him. greg you said should the republicans should have known they were like this before they nominated him? well they did put him on the house armed services committee, budget committee and possibly most disturbing the committee based on science technology. >> i think you know what, there were a lot of people running at that time. you have a lot of kids and lose one in the mall. >> if the ballot was alphabetical, aiken. >> and we go back to the aiken theory. people thought it was clay aiken. or maybe they thought it was troy acheman or their rabber akon or maybe they thought it was an acorn. joy all of the stuff that was tweeted over the last few days. are you saying i am using other people's tweets? i don't think anybody confused him with an acorn. >> no, that's just you. >> take full credit for that one. >> or maybe they thought he was the city of cabbing crone. >> -- the city of akron. >> yes. >> i am going to keep doing this. >> please do. i have plenty of time. pab, you said you believe obama's original comment was so telling of his whole mind set that it is important to keep hammering on it. even though he says he didn't mean what conservatives say he means. >> if you hear the whole quote in context, it is hard to believe it is what he is saying which he meant that they built the roads. that's not what he said. if you have a business, you didn't build that. the context soms right. >> i want to open up a bar. >> called in context? >> yes, you say i was in context. >> and then when you leave you can say i i am out of context. >> or a reference to akron. even if the contract is as obama says, it is ludacris. it is an argument that paul ryan or something is an anarchist and doesn't believe you should build roads. >> and all of that stuff is built with taxpayer money. >> that's true. it is the chicken or the egg thing people talk about. >> i am hungry. >>- q. i michael, if you want -- >> michael, if you want you can try this again. don't interrupt him with the joke. do you think republicans risk going through this? >> i think i use greg's interest ropings to cover -- inter ropings to cover the fact? >> are you blaming the liberal media. >> my liberal media is greg gutfeld interruptions. >> it is a terrible joke. >> i think i chuckled. >> running behind scott brown. he didn't get it. >> homo-lovin tcht. >> it was a one way trip to brown town courtesey of you. >> he is definitely -- he is a good looking man. he was a good man. >> he was in requests cosmo" or something? >> i wouldn't know that at all. i wouldn't have that issue. >> all right two quick points before i leave. first, thank you, pab for pointing out we built this tuesday night theme. apparently greg forgotten that three minutes earlier he read, yes, tuesday night's session is titled "we built this." >> i am over worked, andy. >> i totally understand. >> is wednesday still sloppy joe night? >> yes, biden shows up drunk. >> and, joe, i talked to the long island chief of police. it is not legal to clothes line bake rider. >> are you going by the letter of the law? >> all i know is i talked to the long island chief of police. he told me that. >> you have miss spoken. >> it is an obscure law. >> i thought it was frowned upon. >> back to you, greg. >> i hope you didn't use a company phone when you made that phone call. it is going to cost you. coming up, does having a kid mean you have to stop partying? patti ann browne discusses her new book "i club to drowned out the crime" and what is the top party school in america? the story president obama doesn't want you to hear. should spouses no longer care about extramarital affairs? a british sociologist says -- yes, they have them there, says having an affair is the key to a long and happy marriage. katherine writes as dating websites open up a sexual possibility and life expectancy rises and we are increasingly sexually aware, how can we take the crushing old rules of fidelity that turn marriage into a prison for the granted? she said all the -- all of this while her husband was banging a younger broad. let's discuss this, shall we? >> lightning roooooouuunnndd. lightning round. >> when ever i hear this study or a study like this about open marriages, i always assume it is researchers yet again trying to pick up women at supermarkets and shopping malls. so you are married? how do you think maybe -- >> we don't have to sleep with the researcher. i think it is more likely they are trying to excuse their behavior. this is great. i have been cheating on my wife for about 10 years now with this macedonian guy i met in the east village. we are still super happy. she doesn't know about it, and she doesn't watch "red eye", so just on experiment this guy is totally right. >> can't believe you bought into that. >> i just have agents -- a little quirk at the end of my voice. >> the milk shake gets all the boys in the yard. >> do you think the traditional view of marriage is shifting because of the internet? that's what they are saying. joy no. people like to think we are evolving, and that's not the case. according to human nature we are jealous. every day people murder other people because somebody slept with their spouse or the person cheated on them. when you find out if you love somebody that they are involved with somebody else intimately, you go crazy. did elin sit there calmly when she found out about tiger woods? tiger woods when he was cheating, did she say, well i am glad you are fulfilling yourself sceksly and emotionally? she tried to beat him with a golf club. that's what we do. >> you are so right. you gave me any pif knee -- me any pif knee. you talk about love crimes, there are more love crimes than hate crimes. >> they are all involved with jealousy. >> you are not married and never will be married. you hate marriage. you hate people. >> i hate the institution. >> i also enjoy when you talk of marriage and murder the talk of bill. >> i was troubled by that myself. >> they talked about the affairs and they say these were affairs that included long talks on the telephone and shopping trips. i was like what kind of lame ass affair is this? does it include lawn mowing? doing things with relatives? in and out, folks. >> they call them play-fairs now. it is a way of saying dirty, dirty swingers. >> and i do want to point out they are happy they weren't aware there were affairs before the internet. >> time for a break. don't leave. we are here. the review had a list of the nation's top party lists. it was a top spot in morgantown. the school is where according to the ap, students and other revelers set trash bin fires. that's inspiring. arson. rounding out the top five partying schools, university of iowa, university of illinois and for the first time greg's college of back rubs and snacks. pab, west virginia is trying to distance themselves from the ranking. shouldn't they do the opposite? >> no, west virginia has a lot to be proud of, but they should downplay this. there is not one new york school , and there are five on the list of the most sober schools. >> syracuse in the top 10. just wanted to point that out. >> it is? >> here is the thing that bugs me about the whole party school thing. i am sick of party schools. maintain the lifestyle for 25 years and then call me. i can out drink a co-ed and still do a 12-hour day. >> this is really about you and your drinking problem, isn't it? >> and the pills. >> and the pills which you are to take orally and not snort. >> i suppositize. >> is that a real school, by the what i? west virginia? >> yes, it does. >> it is a hobo encampment, burning barrels. playing sacks saw phone with fingerless gloves. >> that's the opening to "saturday night live." joe, what do you make of this? >> why don't they ever publish the list of the hardest partying community colleges. no one kicks off the jam like 13th gray. >> what will they do poorly on a test? >> the partying is depressing at the community college. being at a big school parties is like i got in. community edge cls are like, i didn't get in. i am just here. i love my community colleges. i troll there at times walking my imaginary dog. bill, do you think if kids knew how . less college was they would go to a party school? >> unless their parents have anything to say about it. i was very disappointed that find out my alma matter was out of the top 20 as far as party schools are concerned. the thing about emerson is it wasn't a party school. it was a school you learned to maintain while you were at middle eastern studies. you were not considering that a party. that was troubling. >> henry winkler went there. >> we have to close things out with a post game wrap up. to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye. back to tvow for the pwu. >> moynahan, what do you have coming up? >> lily planet has responded angrily. i will be responding to them. tomorrow you can find it on my twitter. >> excellent. >> thank you. >> upcoming gigs? >> thursday night i will be at the broadway comedy club on 53rd street. and friday and saturday i am in the poconos. that's for lovers only. >> is that

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