>> as long as you kill yourself afterward and i trust you. >> there are two characters who play chefs in the movie, greg, and you know i love the way chefs are portrayed on tv. >> especially when they call each other chef. >> they have to. it is a title. >> go away. let's welcome our guests. she is cuter than a slinky made of puppies which sounds cruel if you ask me, but cute nonetheless. we are here with fox news contributor and former white house press secretary and also one of my co-hosts on "the five." aren't they all really? and he is so sharp he can pop balloons with his gaze. it is kevin williamson. he is the author of the politically incorrect guide to socialism. bill schulz is getting a mud bath at the waste water treatment plant. filling in is a delightful, but demon nick -- you can hear him on sirius xm radio. >> you got the job? >> yes. >> and if intelligence was a jigsaw puzzle, old men would do him on the medical table. that's scary what you are doing there. >> i'm being sexy. >> that was sexy. >> it was. >> do they give a hoot for a coot name newt? it seems they doot. it seems the republican primary voters shows gingrich has a lead with 38% supporting the newt. and this comes on the heels of another poll that has newt beating president obama in a hypothetical match up 45% to 43%. that's a difference of 2%. put that in perspective and take 1% and double it. if you have 4%, cut it in half. so now that newt is the man to beat. let the beatings commence. first one comes from ron paul whose campaign released a two and a half minute video securing the -- them on a whole bunch of crap. take a look. >> this is the core challenge of america. beyond the words is a real question of policy and a real question of values and a real question of serious -- seriousness. it is a real question of policy. >> we don't always see eye to eye, do we, newt? >> no, but we do agree our country must take action to address climate change. >> newt gingrich has been on both sides of a long list of issues, and sometimes in the same week. >> i don't think right wing social engineering is anymore desirable than left wing social engineering. >> it cuts paul randolph off at the knees. >> there is no explanation for it. >> that was campaigning. meanwhile our favorite presidential campaign daughters, the huntsman daughters released a video of their own set to the tune of some song by justin timberlake. >> ♪ the rest of them ♪ is one big circus act ♪ we're right behind ♪ the guy who is right on track ♪ ♪ you know we're gonna bring jon huntsman back ♪ ♪ take it to the bridge >> take us to the bridge. there is a joke in there, but not a good one. we asked herman cain what he thinks of the video. >> i have discussed this with my wife many times since monday. now, are you going to be contentious or do you want me to answer your questions? >> what does he have against the hunts man girls? unbelievable. newt told jake taper he would be the nominee. >> we have had great weeks and can he keep it going? i think it remains to be seen. will any of this turn into dollars in the bank? i don't think so. interesting. gavin? you have been studying politics for 30 years. what do you think? >> in minutes i have. i googled it this morning. and i think newt is going to last about as long as it takes before people realize all of the things he has done. i saw an interestingweet that would be good for him to succeed because he would only begrudge it from hog warts. that was not kenny rogers. i think the republicans have to give up on getting a candidate and do what we did in canada where we created one in a lab. our prime minister, steven harper, is a cyborg, i think is the technical terms. he looks weird if you look him in the eyes, which is disturbing, but it doesn't happen a lot. but the economy is going straight up. >> and it worked for the democrats. president obama was created in a lab. we all knew that. >> that's right, the birth certificate thing. >> exactly, exactly. kevin, newt has a giant head, but in that giant head is a giant vision. is that so wrong? >> yes, it is sort of a giant confused and she a brilliant guy. i have been wondering whether the republican primary voters were more enraged at the possibility of romney or more enraged about the possibility of obama. they mate rom me more than obama. there are two possibilities. one is he gets the nomination and gets slaughtered. the other is he gets the nomination and ekes out a win. and neither one is particularly comforting. i liked the guy a lot. but as president he would be a mess. he is disorganized, undisciplined. people who work for him love him and say this guy cannot possibly be president of the united states. it is hard for me to see him doing it. >> i knew you were against him when you said i really like him, but -- it was four times as long as everything before. >> sorry. >> it is okay. >> kevin's face has put me into a trans. he is like an evil version of me. >> all you need is three weeks of hair growth. >> more evil. >> absolutely. >> look at this. >> it is great to be back. one of the problems with newt for president, of course, is if he were president given the state of the union speech you wouldn't be able to see the speaker and the vice president behind him. a lot of people are concerned about that. >> it was a head joke. >> here is the great thing about newt gingrich's rise. if you have a dream, you can succeed if everybody else ahead of you absolutely implodes because that's what happened here. one after the other just imploding and now here we have newt. >> while you dream you should also pray for other people to suffer. >> just fail miserably and they can't remember if they had a list of three important things. >> and he might be the first president that you actually call by his first name. >> yes. >> it is a first name -- >> you can never elect him president of the united states. >> what ethnicity is gingrich? is that denmark? >> it is american. >> i think he is from indonesia or something like that. >> he was not born here, i would like to be the first to say that. >> where is his birth certificate? >> i would like to see it. >> i want to ask you while you are still talking, the huntsman girls, i think that was cute. >> i love them. i have met them and love them. all i can say is i have two little girls, and if some day -- >> you are pointing at your pecks. >> i have two major chest muscles as well. i have two little girls. i was pointing to me. i would be very flattered if some day my girls would sing the tribute song to me to get in the executive position. >> you were disgusted? >> it is good news in the sense that the poll numbers are not the worst thing in his campaign. this is exactly what happens when you have a bunch of very attractive girls who were laughing at their unfunny jokes their whole life because they are pretty. it was terrible. just go home and stop it. >> it could be the beginning of the new kardashians. the conservative version. >> we were talking about this in the green room. it is not unlike the cover of "heartbeat" and then you go, i don't even remember the original anymore. we were trying to recite the timberlake version and it was a blank slate. scwhie gio who could forget poetry like that. >> everybody here clearly hates their father. there are some daddy issues on the panel. >> i met some of them. they are so nice. they are doing something -- they know they have to help their dad out. i think that's cute. >> they believe in their father. herman cain's kids are coming out with a similar video. >> to the tune of? >> i don't know. i just made it up. >> you should have finished that joke. >> i don't think that's going to happen. there is a different tribute. >> you can bring it up in the half time report. >> you have about 15 minutes. from getting newt to getting the boot. will fecal debris be their legacy in it is a pungent end to a stinky forecast. among the rub bish left behind, the books and cd's 1k3* mattresses and dining chairs and electric razors and broken guitars and sounds like michael 11. -- my colon. while the camps are being dismantled across the country, the activists are changing tactics and promising moralelies. organizers bragged they hillary emerge -- they will emerge. it is one of the words i will read and never say. >> is that some kind of a hint? >> i am only a reader. they are going to descend on next summer's republican and democratic conventions. the protesters are aiming their anger at obama and gathering outside the fundraiser. can he vote present on this one when his own followers are calling for a revolution? and more importantly can the pool playing pooch sink all of the balls? >> unlike the protesters he got rid of them. >> we should all do that. no matter what political strive you are, clean up after yourself. >> you right wingers just cherry pick. we would never do something like this. i was at a tea party in dc. >> i apologize. i apologize. >> cherry pickers. >> gavin, 30 tons of trash, but was it really trash? >> it sounds like jaws of stomach. that sums up the tea party and occupy wall street. it is a movement made by moms so when the tea party is done they go, oh my gosh. it looks like mother nature's dream. and occupy wall street is teenagers in their room going, this is stupid! this sucks! >> where is my guitar, man? >> it is not helping your brat image when you smash guitars. >> it is already about how much the right hates mother nature. and you take such good care about it. >> talk to hunters about how much they hate mother nature. we all want to drink poison water and breathe poison air. >> i don't know why you admit it on the air. >> i think you touched a raw nerve there. >> i am very sensitive about nature because i came from it. >> it is always shocking. they are dredlocked smelly presence. it is not just occupy wall street. you had this concentration of fit and gross. i never got that. i had a friend in austin, a life long left winger. two weeks of occupy wall street she said, i am not a part of this. i am a conservative. i can't be involved with this much filth. >> they are going to create jobs. >> i have to tell you, i am right next to you and you smell. i am right here. i am just saying. i am just saying. >> dana, go ahead. >>e can't wait to leave. >> look at our heads together. >> dana, i know you were going to say something, but i want to ask you about the political moment here. when they come back, what should obama do? he has been sympathetic to him. they are going to turn on him at some point as well. >> i think he would lay the groundwork before. it is, oi, stop it. get your act together. i sympathize with your movement, but i am going to go raise money from the people you hate. but i will be right back, and then he will do that and then he will come back and should stay. want to get a job? i want you to too. you have to cut your hair. stop with the nonsense and get your act together. >> get yourself in order and you are going to help me out. i have had enough. >> if you did that, everybody in america would go, yeah! i'm with him. >> i would do that. >> and then they could still protest, but at least he won't own it. if they don't do something now they will have a problem. >> get them fighting over soccer. >> if he wants to occupy wall street he should introduce him to his chief of staff from jp morgan. any of the other 50 wall street guys on his administration. i'm sure that will assuage their fears. >> he was in new york last night, and there were protesters outside all of the 90 fundraisers wearing obama masks saying "i am a sellout." >> this is about the time in the presidency you are left or your rift -- right comes after you. it is a machine as well. they have their ways to make money, and they need an opponent. >> i want to ask you before i move on. i talked to gavin and kevin and sometimes dana about my crazy paranoia about the somehow class warfare will end in a bad place. am i exaggerating that? will this end ugly or will it end in some kind of sophisticated machine like the tea party and then go away like the tea party went away after they got what they wanted. i don't know what these guys want except upheaval. ad busters, i have read their stuff. >> ad busters being the catalysts for the beginning of this. but i really do -- i don't think they can take responsibility. it really was in many ways a grassroots movement. i don't think we can argue at the beginning of it. i think it is dangerous to talk about that this could end in some kind of an upheaval. >> they say that. they say that. >> the "they" we have to be careful. there are people in this movement that represent every single ideology, every single cause, and i think mostly you see a nonviolent movement. that's a lot of what this is. there will always be people that want that. >> but you can't dismiss there has been violence. >> there's been a lot of violence from the police. >> and there has been a couple of rapes. >> now, come on. we don't know -- >> there have been calls for violence among these people. >> but they don't represent the entire movement. that's the thing. >> well the ones who are saying it are not the ones who count, why? >> i don't think anybody should do this with the left or right. >> fair point. we have to take a break. what is it like to be more adorable than a rainbow filled with butterflys? we discuss dana's new book. it is awesome, now leave me alone you ugly jerk. that's a long title. look, it is somebody we will make fun of for no other reason than the rich and famous. i call what i see, people. they admit the song was wrong. michele bachmann on "late night" with jimmy fallon. since calling the gop candidate a lying ass, he lamented and said, quote, and i really didn't think about how it could perceived as a massage nis swipe. it didn't hit me until my time line had shown up. it was like, f, i forgot. sounds like which is actually in the title. it deeply offended a lot of women's groups and nonbachman supporters. >> was that an act of rebellion or stupidity or both? >> i i know the roots well, but the story, that's what we were talking about. they were originally doing ugly. u-g-l-y, you ain't got no alibi ♪ and this one guy came over and someone google imaged her and it was like, whoa, she is very attractive! did not know that. >> that's why they chose lying ass instead. it wasn't as offensive? >> the next big one is party at ground zero. that's a bum out. >> can't do that one. >> i don't know if you heard about that. >> there is sub blipal facism. but if you start at the top hits you will end at lying ass-b. >> i forgot that word was in the name of the song. >> i know people in philadelphia are not that bright, but for god sake, how can you sit there and expect to be taken seriously? the best parts about this though is that he was on the verge of losing his job according to the interview. michele bachmann decided not to pursue things. the fact that he owes his job to michele bachmann puts her one ahead of obama. >> and if he is smart enough to appreciate that fact, then that's punishment enough. >> i didn't pay that much attention to the story that happened six weeks ago, greg. i was told we were going to talk about music if we came back on "red eye." i think michele bachmann was you know what crazy. and i am a hard core lover of women, and dare i say feminists? i think this was dpeeply offensive, deeply wrong and way out of line. i think a former ge executive should apologize. >> i thought he did an interview with pitch fork .com as if that was a place it was actually going to help him. i never even heard of that. >> the song was about a woman who is mad at another woman for taking herman. -- her man. >> nobody knows that. it is perception. they didn't do the word. they just did -- >> they didn't do that. they did it way better. >> why bother? you can just go -- >> you don't even need an ipod. >> if it ain't broke, don't fix it? what would bill schulz would have said? >> he would have -- as he was saying it he goes, la, la, la, la. where am i right now? and then he goes hi camera. you were telling me a story, and i think it is true. pete, you might even agree with me. when you are surrounded by people who agree with you all the time, you don't have a good bagram ter of what is vicious. when you are on the right or left, you would say, i hope this person dies. and then when you say it, like bill mar says something on realtime and they get all of that crap for. it what's wrong with what i am saying? you are always surrounded by people who agree with you. >> i totally disagree with you. when ever bill mar or chris matthews ordered schulz says these things, what i hear is that's exactly what some republicans have always been offended by. it is always wrong. they are not supposed to be that way. it is way worse when they make that kind of generalization and it is always wrong. >> but on bill mar when he does things like that he says -- wait, wait, should we be laughing at that? >> maybe it is because i hang it with -- i hang out with the newark creative communities. they talk about removing their skin. maybe it is because we watch so many horror movies, but they are not satisfied with simple murder. >> maybe it is because he makes the funny noise all of the time. >> the wheezing sound? i am dying. >> you will have to go on pitch fork .com and apologize. >> i like pitch fork. do you have a comment on the show, e-mail us on red eye at fox news .com. or leave a voice male on 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by water skiing. the act of gliding over a body of water made of thin planks of wood being towed by a motor boat. thanks, water skiing. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. anything wrong so far. how are you? >> can you keep it going? i think at this points the only person that can stop newt from getting the nomination was newt. i also think news was showing over and over again that he is fully capable of stopping newt. >> gavin, you said the gop has to give up on having a candidate and do what you did in canada and create one in a lab. you said your current prime minister is a cyborg. here is the thing. we have a thing that is called a constitution. and it specifically prohibits cyborg running for office. >> i don't think that is true, but i will definitely google that. >> it is true. >> why does anybody have to know? i like the kissinger days where he handled stuff and it was put under the table and no one asked questions. >> it is these damn24-hour newschannels. >> you claimed that newt was not born in america. >> yes. >> you -- have i not seen a birth certificate, so you may be right. he claims to be born in harrisburg. >> he was born in indonesia. >> you are saying we will have two straight presidents who have done this? >> no, he was then a spinning instructor. the story is not being reported accurately in the mainstream media. >> thanks forgeting it out there. glad we have you on the show here. >> and you or someone else was asking about what nationality gingrich is based on his last name. he was born newton leroy mcpherson and his parents divorced shortly after and adopted by his mother's new husband, gingrich. >> still don't know the origin of gingrich. >> it doesn't matter. it is not his real last night. >> i need to know the origin of the name. >> muslim. >> it could be like a serbian muslim. >> that tells you tons. that's tons of information. that means he has a high tolerance for booze. >> kevin, you didn't like the huntsman girls video. apparently the huntsman campaign is not thrilled with is it -- with it either. they say, they have gone kind of rogue. another post said they were asked by a number of campaign officials no the to release the video. >> yes, well i guess that's equal to the campaign. it is the only thing in the campaign that does speak well of him. >> come on. why? >> he is not going to be up to 2% anymore. he is going down to fractions. >> we here at "red eye" love the huntsman girls. >> i came up with a bumper sticker for newt. >> yes? >> there is no i in newt. but there is an ewe. >> i helped you with that. >> how about, if you can see this bumper sticker, newt's head is too damn close. pete, you said it is interesting what the right cherry thinks about these protests. it is a fair point, but don't you think at a certain point things reach a critical mass where they happen over and over again, where they happen enough that it is legitimate to point them out. not necessarily with the entire movement, but part of it? >> i think if you put it that way, you are being more fair. that's not how the sound byte will come out. everybody who goes to the occupy movement takes a dump on a police car. >> that's true. it is an initiation right. >> on wikipedia or a facebook page. >> i read it at obamaism muslim -- obama is a muslim .com. you said president obama has to say to the:00 poi yes, sirs oi -- to the occupy yes, sirs, oi. is that the british oi? >> i will go with british. when people say it in a british accent it is taken more seriously. >> all right. >> and i love to hear president obama's british accent. that would be great. this week he called it the english embassy in iran. it was not the british embassy. he knows a little something about this. >> have i to congratulate dana on bringing it back to obama. that was amazing. >> when eric is not here. >> that was incredible. >> kevin, you brought up the fact that plenty of obama's staff are former wall street people. i think pete's point is a fair one. a lot of the occupy yes, sirs are not exactly fans of the administration. >> and that's to their credit. the thing is they act surprised about it. and the guy who got the goldman sachs political donations turned out to to be relatively pro finance and not doing anything serious to the industry. >> i think they expected hope and change. >> that makes them suckers. that takes my sympathy away from them entirely. >> by the way, the first book is about the occupy movement are now being written. there is one by the todd gitlan and another one by n plus one. >> and all of the books have been confiscated. >> this is important because you know the old express, history is written by the liberals. >> right. >> i wrote a cook book of desserts. >> really? >> homemade recipes you can make right there at the encampment. you don't need any food. you just have to have eaten for awhile. >> what's your favorite one? >> fudge. >> can i move on? >> yes, you can. >> i wish you would. >> kevin, you asked how qwest love could forget it was in the title. i sort of agree with you. he forgot it was in the song until it started showing up in the twitter time line. the same day it aired he tweeted about what the song was and he tweeted, take a guess, buy the record, it is classic and it should be in your vocabulary. with a link to the facebook -- for the fish bone ep that the song is scporks it has the title right there. >> which makes him a liar and coward. >> and you have lost all sympathy for him. >> and plus people use punctuation marks in their names should be beaten in public. >> oh, come on, kevin. >> why? you don't put -- are you andy with an exclamation point? >> there is an uhostrophe. it is tv apostrophe s andy levy. >> i hope you are not talking about my mother, question mark, jackie. >> jackie? >> it is stupid. >> kevin, there is an impossible -- impossibly stew stupid guy. >> if he regretted it, he would give a real apology instead of saying, i forgot it was in there. now there are these women grow ups who are involved. he would actually say, i'm sorry michelle obama. i did something stupid. did i say michelle obama? >> she was probably offended. >> i'm sorry mrs. back man. that was wrong and i apologize. >> i think your denial of history is offensive and i will do something to you in the show and you will not know about it. he didn't do that. >> want to know something kind of crazy? >> sure. >> have you noticed when you look at him you think, i know that guy, and then you real look at him and you don't. and then you realize you are baked. sometimes i go, i know him. i have never met him before, i don't know him. >> i thought you hung out with the roots? >> i never met them. the point is i brought this up to a lot of people and they say, yes, i do feel that way. >> anything on late at night when you come home drunk you confuse it with actually meeting somebody. you will be walking down the street and see somebody that was on tv and you think you went to college with them. >> homer does that with "happy days." >> you must get that a lot. >> a lot of wasted people think they went to school with me when they turn on the tv. >> when i met tom brokaw, i can't believe he didn't recognize me. >> two last things, pitch fork is a well-known music website. >> a music website? >> yes. >> i thought it was a place where gao to apologize. >> -- where you go to apologize. >> no, it is a music website. and none of you brought up the most exciting thing about the pitch fork interview which is the news that d'angelo's album is almost done. >> i know. >> i am not being sarcastic. >> he does have punctuation in his name, so there you go, kevin. are you going to hate him too? >> how can you hate d'angelo? >> i don't even know what you are talking about. >> if he attacks you, you should beat him up. >> gotcha. >> i'm done. >> that was the most adolescent joke have i heard in the last 30 seconds. coming up, john stamos is dead -- set against ever marying again. can't say i blame you, john. stay single and enjoy your fading good looks while you can. first, is courtney love giving lyndsay lohan tips at being sober? pinch me. i can't breathe. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at lunesta.com. there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. leading the blind drunk. courtney love says she is now lyndsay lohan's sobriety coach. quote, taking up lohan because nobody else will. describing the actress as, quote, further down the line than i was. it was because there was no tmz then. love the patron saint of meth. she told lohan not to make the same mistakes and drugs are, quote, bad. lohan's camp denies that love is actually her sober coach, but also added, do you have any coke on you? we must address this in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnddd. lightning round. >> gavin, you dated love in the early 80s. is she telling the truth? >> yes, she is really -- well, i'm obviously a little bias. but i think she would be great at this. after i said that to her i said, wait a minute. i am the guy who said kurt should work at the suicide hotline. so i have a terrible track record with those people, and i will stay out of it. >> he was too involved in heroin. >> i introduced both of them so it is worse. >> courtney was your room mitt in college. do you buy -- your roommate in college. do you buy her story? >> is courtney love famous only because she was married to kurt cobain? >> she is a talented, talented musician. >> she sang. >> i was country music dj, so i know nothing about courtney love. >> you scratched country records? how do you do that? when you introduce country what is coming up? >> that's embarassing. but when i was a country music dj, it was 2:00 a.m. 26:00 a.m. i was paid minimum wage and the number one song at the time was billy ray cyrus "achy breaky heart" and i had that song in my head for two and a half years. >> do you know how many times i have google imaged you? >> what are we talking about? >> now that you creeped her out, could you see courtney love being a good sober coach? she survived this long. >> it would be like me hiring my friend to my right, kevin williamson, to be my hair stylist. it would be the exact same idea. it doesn't make any sense. they are the same person. >> there you go. i was waiting for somebody to take the shot. >> imagine if you saw these two guys at a children's playground. >> you shouldn't be giving each other advice on bald baldness. you have a severe addiction. >> kevin, i think she makes a good point that it is worse now for drugged up actors because there is more exposure. >> i like that she chose the phrase "further down the line" and that is right. the line is on the mirror and cost about $1,000 probably. courtney love is still alive? >> yes. >> why? >> by the way, she was a great artist until she met ed norton. that's what did it. >> really? >> no, i was making it up. >> she is an amazing actress. >> she played a washed up junky. >> real stuff. >> it was a cameo. next topic, to more people i don't care about. chris humphreys has filed an annulment against kim kardashian alleging she defrauded him into marying her. he said he didn't do it because of the reality show. he was genuine, but kim was never on board. why didn't we lead with this? i i don't know my tv. pete, you have been following this closely on your website, i heart kim .org. what is your take? >> i think kim kardashian would make a great candidate for the republican party for president. she has an early start here. kim kardashian deserves to be famous just for being that hot. i am not one to criticize her. she is not talented. she has no talent. she has no skills, but she is that beautiful on the inside and the outside. >> that's nice. kevin, what is the vibe of the national review over this? >> there is a big debate on what to do about this. what we decided was we are going to stab in the face the first person to make an assets joke when the divorce is going through. it is the worst thing. >> dana, you told me in the green room you hope they all suffer an eternity of pain and hell. i thought that was harsh. >> up until a year ago i didn't know who they were. i didn't understand why they were famous. i still really don't know. in the article i thought it was funny that he said she was a faker. he didn't realize she was a faker. i'm like, isn't that like the whole point? the whole thing is fake, and that's why we all follow it all the time. >> that was the legal term. are we too hard on this poor girl? >> i don't care. i was really disappointed in this story though. i thought this was the heist. i thought it was the coolest rip off ever. they managed to rip off all of those people, and they can't even sue for -- sue the people. it is not even illegal. i thought the 4 million he got and i wanted to high five them as a fellow criminal. the fact he didn't get any money, well now all of that kudos goes to her business manager and i am disappointed in him. all he got was the endless honeymoon sex and the get out of jail free card which is still pretty awesome. all he got was kim kardashian which is awesome. make no mistake and we won't feel bad for this chris humphreys who is a professional athlete. the great thing is how upset it has made so many americans that fell for it. they are idiots. >> the people who read "people." but there is another add thing to this -- they told me have i to tease. i had an important point to make. i will save it for tomorrow. time for a break. more stuff when we return. the grammy nominations were announced and despite it being trimed, the list is still more bloated than something more bloated. kanye west lead the way with seven nominations followed by something called the foo fighters, bruno mars 1k3* adele with six each. the biggest surprise of the night was five nominations for sprilix which i am told is not a cleaning product. as the only smert on the -- expert on the panel you have to be thrilled for them. >> i can't wait to download them on itunes. >> why does everybody hate the grammies, gavin? you will get your turn. >> i think what dana's whole thing with the grammies was, he is just a guy, a producer, but because he gets into one movie and one hand in the pie, they have no ideas. >> dana as a 6th sense. >> he seemed excited. >> what was her question? >> why does everybody hate the grammys? >> the grammies are the kardash eight ns. >> they could really exemplify the greatness and excellence in popular music. you know who never has won a grammy? crappy artists like lead swrep lynn, budly holly, the who, the doors. you know who has won them in milli vanilli and evanesence and paula cole. here is to you, grammies. >> they are just the gramities. they nominate people who are successful and bland. they are perfectly bland. >> i noticed the foo fighters came up which is a double dose of useless nirvana. it is sort of like the oscars in a sense that it is more based on sales than it is on merit. this is america though. >> slow down, slow down. doug's stuff is not flying off the shelves. maybe that's what they are doing. they are saying we are getting known as the oscars of music. let's bust out some kid. >> let's see what they win jie. why couldn't they have biked burial? >> totally. >> what about the bug, poison darts? >> dana and i are go going to talk among ourselves. we will close things up with a close up with andy@xóx back to andy levy with the post game wrap up. >> dana, i was read ug on the cover of the town hall manage. -- magazine. they asked you about "the five." you said, quote, i really enjoy working with my co -- co anchors. >> i never would have forgotten greg. >> it is right there. >> maybe they edited him out. >> it is right there. it says it. >> that was handwritten. >> i don't believe it was. pete, how is the tweeting going? >> it is going very well. i am at pete dominic, and that's why i am here. i am not at bill -- bill schulz. >> i know are you not at bill schulz because i follow you. >> that's so sweet. and i you. >> i am going to follow you. >> kevin,-- you have the cover story. what is it about? >> how not to trust wall street because it is full of democrats and thieves and liars. and i am the only person as far as i know who has paid to see pete. >> that's all going to change. i will give you your money back. >> gavin, quickly. >> december 16th ars i will be at ucb east telling a story on when i was on acid