president obama has faded. andy? >> thanks, paul. let's welcome our guest. i am here with leeann tweeden. she is also on the cover of december's "playboy" issue which is on stands now which has hilarious christmas jokes on it. and nicky glaser who has no idea what she is in for. and bill schulz who wears ax body spray, but that doesn't even help the stench coming from his body. and cia operative and cia front organization, mike baker. the constitution and congressional oversight got you down? think diligence. and he is a left leaning bloats so he is a joke. >> today in the times, the major push by advocacy groups could bring the decision to stop lab experiments on chimps. sounds like scientists final lisa -- finally saw "rise of the planet of the apes" and realize that actions have consequences and don't forget" project q" with matthew broderick and helen hunt. i won't spoil the secret of what project x was per say, but things don't end well for vir jill the chimp, by gum. not by a long shot. >> is it just me or did he get longer? >> thanks for coming, guys. >> anyway, coming up -- >> so can his wife end the strive? will his spouse quiet the spouse? will gloria coming to the defense of her hubby in her first tv interview ever telling greta she knows him betta. >> i know that that's not the person he is. he totally respects women. >> the mr. is who has been silent for much of cain's campaign added -- >> i looked at especially this last lady and the things she said, and i'm thinking, he would have to have a split personality to do the things she said. >> good point. shut up, you. meanwhile candidate cain is speaking plain about a certain religion telling "gq" quote, i have one well known muslim boy say to me a majority of muslims share the extremist views. oddly that was in response to the question, is cor daw roy coming back? more controversial are his remarks on adorning pizza. the former pie pusher telling the magazine, quote, the more toppings he has on his pizza, the morman leahy s. he added, of women too. not really. and finally, there is this, there is thisers. >> so you agreed with president obama on libya or not? >> libya. >> president obama supported the uprising, correct? president obama called for the removal of qaddafi. just want to make sure we are talking about the same thing before i say yes i agree or no i didn't agree. i do not agree with the way he handled it for the following reasons: and that's a different one. see i have to go back i. i have all of this stuff twirling around in my head. specifically what are you asking me did i agree or not disagree with obama? >> he nailed it. actually can we watch that clip again in slow-mo? >> what exactly did he say in slow-mo. >> let's start with you. your confidence in cain has to be riding high right now. >> i really don't have a dog in this hunt. i was hoping for someone that could do that. at this point we still don't have somebody. it is not to say that herman cain is not a great guy and likable and a good businessman and all of those things, but come on. look at that. i think i should throw my hat in the ring and run for president at this point. if this is what we are dealing with. >> we have various clips to ensure you are never running for president or dog catcher. >> cain said the cabinet position that would most excitement if not president would be secretary of defense. that scares me now. >> that scares me when i see this clip. it is obvious that foreign policy is not his forte. he is like, hold on, it is in my head somewhere. that makes me nervous. not that he is not a great businessman and that he is not a good guy, i don't know him, i have never met him. but that's a little disturbing. obviously libya and our role in it just happened and it is important in our foreign policy talking about that whole part of the country of the world and iran and everything else. that makes me not so confident in him if he was our commander-in-chief. not that people can't make flubs here and there, i mean look at rick perry. >> do we have to look at rick perry? >> we will look at him later. >> i think my favorite part of the video is when cain reached for the water bottle. >> he went like -- >> it was like one of those twix commercials that says, need a moment? and then he somehow came up with the answer. that was torture watching that. >> you said and sen he somehow came up with an answer. he didn't have an answer. >> he does eventually. but watching that i could not get -- i had an easier time sitting through the qaddafi torture video than that. i had to cut that off at a minute in. it was awful to watch of the. >> it was painful. we should point out the cain camp said he only had four hours of sleep because a president would never get four hours of sleep. >> continue us withly. >> most presidents get like, 12? 13? >> w did, but normally no. >> watch yourself. >> this summer since they were campaigning. >> mike, i want to go back to you because it pushes it further back that i have to go to bill. i want to talk about cain's comments about muslims. he says a well-known muslim told him the majority of muslims are extremists. are you buying that? >> no. but this is a nuance issue. what i do think while the majority don't share extremist views, the majority have been surprisingly reluctant to step out against those who have extremist views whether we are talking about here in the u.s. or talking about overseas. and that may be what he was eluding to or what his advisor was eluding to. i don't buy the fact that most refuse. >> that's wholly different. >> yes, but you can equate it to this complete, huge mess going on at penn state where people just stood by and let things happen. if you got representatives here that are doing things you disagree with, step up and complain loudly. they haven't done that for years. >> do you think it is possible -- he said a well-known muslim voice told him this. >> to be fair to herman cain -- >> i kid the cain. >> wait a second. if one well-known muslim whose name is nameless told him that most muslims are extremist, that's their type. >> isn't it ironic, cain has been railing against the anonymous sources saying he sexually harassed them. that's will the go to thing. i am not respond together anonymous claims. but now he is refusing to name this well-known muslim voice. what he said was i don't want to respond to these unfounded claims. if that muslim was well known that, is founded, what he is said. that's a big difference. but where was he conducting that interview? it looked like the library at a montessori school. i feel like he was having a flash back to what he did with a bag of pooh. >> but that well-known maws limb voice was not -- muslim voice was not harassing cain. >> he also believes that every muslim is the same height of his wife. >> the muslim i talked to is different. but we will figure that out in court. >> let's talk about the gloria cain interview. a new poll shows 53% think that the harassment claims against herman cain are true. do you think her comments will change minds or will people think maybe she doesn't know her husband as well as she thinks she does. >> there is a little to each part of the story. i think she honestly believes he is the guy she is talking about. my husband would never do that. for the most part if you look back in history, a lot of wives when their husbands are doing these other things you could never believe, they are usually the ones in the dark. she could be telling the truth in her mind. >> and vice-versa. >> here we go. >> we have talked about bringing your personal life in this. >> you are right, but we are talking about gloria cain. >> i think it is very strange that the only thing we have seen her is when he started the campaign months ago. you haven't seen her, and this has been boiling for a couple weeks now? all of these allegations and i think when there is smoke there is fire. some of these women i have heard some stories on them, and they sound iffy, but a lot of them are coming forward, and i always seem to think there is something to them. not five or six women can be saying, he acted strange to me too and not find something there. but it is weird that now she comes out and does the interview with gretta. it is behind the eight ball. >> i think -- >> bill heard 8 ball. >> yes. i believe her. she looks like marla gibbs. if you have ever seen "227" you know you don't mess with marla gibbs. >> in that "gq" interview he was talking about ice cream flavors. he said he was a black walnut. >> that's because you are in the mood for black walnut. i have never heard of black walnut. they don't even make it anymore. >> i often refer to myself as marshmellow fluff. >> really in -- really? >> he referred to michele bachmann as tuity fruity. he said he knew he was going get in trouble for that. >> saying tuity fruity and saying i know i will get in trouble. i was expecting him to say something like chunky monkey. that wasn't offensive at all. i think he should say it more often before he says stuff. >> i know i'm gonna get in trouble -- i think she is crazy. >> it is pretty normal stuff. people do like that about him. >> choppingy -- chunky monkey would have been kris chris stey. -- kris kristy. bill, in the early 80s you predicted the rise of herman cain and then his fall and then he might bounce back. are you standing by that? >> i am standing by it. open your eyes. this is your show. get a grip. >> thanks for the answer. >> it wasn't a question. >> it wasn't a good question. moving on. from cain to pain. are we debating waterboarding again? hell yes we are debating waterboarding. that's what you call a lead. michele bachmann started it during saturday's debate saying she would support the reinstatement of waterboarding as an interrogation technique for terrorist suspects and herman cain agreed. so on sunday president obama responded. >> they are wrong. waterboarding is torture. it is contrary to america's traditions. it is contrary to our ideals. that's not who we are. >> on monday bachmann fired back telling fox news it is obama who is wrong adding -- >> i would go back to president harry truman who had to make the horrific decision about dropping an atomic bomb on japan to end world war ii. he said if he had to kill japanese in order to save one american life he would, and if as president of the united states i believe we would be able to save 3,000 american lives and stop jet aircraft from flying into the twin towers i would utilize waterboarding if it would save those american lives. >> i think i need somebody to take my mind off waterboarding and the threat of terrorism. >> why did they make the floor so slippery? >> not cool at all. >> baker, i go to you first because you have experience in waterboarding people. is it effective, and please disclose how big diligence this waterboarding contract are before you answer. >> they represent 17% of our fourth quarter revenues. we have seen an up tick over the past five years. >> because of the economy? >> i have no idea. >> okay. >> just made up a -- made all of the crap up. >> i think it is time we stop slandering diligence, frank. let's get on with the question. >> i'm sure you have. >> is it effective? yes it is effective. it is effective and unfortunately michele bachmann comes out and she makes a statement about waterboarding. based on, i hate to say this, but there is no understanding on what the hell we are talking about here. however, i would also say that obama on his part, he also does president understand what the hell he is talking about. enough of this. it is moot. they have taken it off the table. they have taken it out of the bag. they showed every hostile out there what it is we can and can't do. when you talk about interrogation, the element of surprise is your number one opportunity. you have to keep them on their back foot. you have to keep the subject guessing what could happen. and you don't want to tell them, this is what we are capable of doing and we are not doing all of this. then you are finished. you have lost the ability to control that individual. and as unpleasant as it sounds, the point of an interrogation is to break them down and get their cooperation and build them back up. we can't do that. my problem with this is it is a moot discussion because we are not going to -- the next president is not going to bring it back. that's ridiculous. >> you don't think we are actually still doing it? >> no. and again, the american public was railroaded into thinking we were doing this every five minutes. we water boarded three individuals under insanely controled conditions after an enormous amount of legal wrangling back and forth and back and forth. can we do this? can we not? it is just not that much of an issue at this point. >> i can't believe you didn't say moot again. >> and of the three people they did water board, the one guy that actually gave up the informant's name is how they tracked down osama bin laden which is this administration's greatest coup is killing that terrorist who killed a lot of american people. so i don't know. i think waterboarding works. to me they are not killing people. they are scaring them. it is a tactic that you feel like you are dying, but you don't die. >> what do you say is contrary to our ideals 1234*. >> terrorists are terrorists. they want to kill us. i don't have a problem with waterboarding. i feel like if it is an interrogation technique that they are operatives out in the field and living among these people and catching the bad guys. we are not talking about guys who break into 7-11. they are bad guys that want to stop our way of life and kill us for no reason because we don't believe in the same thing they do. i feel they need the tools they need to do. and if he says it works for him, i am not the expert in that. he is the expert. he says he needs it in his tool bag. they are not killing anybody. they are not interrogating them. it scares the living crap out of you, yeah. >> and then he breaks into a 7-11 and steals our slurpees. >> nicky, i want to ask you, outside of the bed -- bedroom, isn't waterboarding a horrible thing to do to someone? >> yes. it is not just something michelle says it is just -- if i am going to make a terrorist uncomfortable, i am okay with that. it is not just making them -- it is not making them sleep on a pullout couch. it leads to death. >> yes, you can kill somebody in a lot of different ways, but we we haven't and we don't. again, i don't want to -- it is such a topic. the left, bless mare hearts they seized the moral high ground by saying it is torture or talking to them. there is no middle ground. waterboarding exists in the middle ground. >> that's great. we didn't get to bill. coming up, why does the tsa want to unwrap your presents? can pot smuggling lead to bo hum bug-ling. the tsa that hates thc says it will open pre wrapped gift thees deem suspicious this holiday season. it comes on the heels of an l.a.x. traveler getting arrested last week after disguising 35 pounds of weed as an or nately wrapped christmas gift. can't it be both? for more on cannabis christmas let's go to mama bird cheech and daddy bird chong. what do you have for us? >> guys just once file a report. what are we paying them for. isn't this another case of stoners ruining it for the rest of us? >> it probably was a gift. let's be honest. they are some of the most generous people i know. this is real bad news for all of those kids asking for explosives for christmas. they are getting them early. >> baker -- >> the one who actually gives. >> does the holiday wrapping paper have some kind of magical x ray capability? >> it does if it is the metallic kind. if it is not, it is the kind with the snow men on there and the sled dogs. actually i was coming back into the country years ago, and i had a suitcase full of wrapped gifts that i was bringing back on behalf of some of my teammates. we were working overseas. so i had a few drinks because we had been out on the field. >> you are an alcoholic. >> i get on the plane and i get off the plane and i am drunk. i have a customs guy who looks at my bag of gifts and said what are the gifts? i said, i don't know, they are fromsanty. i then spent two hours in secondary screening and they ep ripped open every gift. kids, be careful about taking wrapped gifts on the plane. >> can't you buy pass that little part of it? >> no, we don't advertise it. >> that's a good point. >> there is no line. >> for you rookie cia's. >> leeann, why does the tsa hate christmas? >> i don't know that answer. i think they just want to see everything that is under the wrapping. why do they put the systems out there. >> good point. >> bill, ultimately this is not much of a story. why do we do it? >> that's a good question. pot rates well. it rates better and better from our red eye viewers. i am told only baker can bring the charts. >> 8 ball and pot all in one show. >> and does it surprise you? >> no, it does not jie. we are both veterans on the war on christmas. if the tsa has to check packages, isn't it a small price to pay that no more ingnaw cents are killed in this senseless war? >> yes, thank you. there are so many people who ate themselves to death after receiving the christmas gift that is cannabis. they are putting a stop to this. i like the fact that airports have bomb-sniffing dogs. i like smelling drugs. >> what? >> nothing. >> do you really hate christmas? >> no. we are veterans of this sense also war. >> do your homework. do you have a comment on the show, maybe how stupid mike baker is? go to red eye at fox fox news .com. leave a voice male at 212-462-505 0. still to come, the half time report. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by speed dating. where socials meet privates nor a conversation to determine if they would like to meet again. thanks, speed dating. welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to paul mccurio. >> hey, andy. >> hey, paul mccurio. >> nice to see you. mike baker, would it kill to you button up the tie all the way? what are you an in-- intrepid reporter wait forget a story? >> i just finished up my act at the lounge. >> did i hear you announce your candidacy for presidency 1234*. >> i did. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i am starting my fundraising. i hope it is not too long to get into the game. >> soon it will be your turn to be number one in the polls. it will be two weeks. as far as this video certain he was looking at this bottle of water. don't you think he had the answers written on the bottle of water? >> it was such an embarassing moment. once you get to that point on the stage and run for president of the united states which last i checked was still the most powerful country in the world, you should be able to feel the question as simple as that. >> there was an excuse that he was doing it on four hours of sleep. >> andy said that, but i will take the credit. >> what is that shirt? what is that? >> i don't think i could elaborate more than that. simple question, simple answer. >> do you think -- bill, what can you do on four hours or sleep or less. name one thing. >> this show. i have been doing it for five years. four hours sleep in are you cuding -- kidding me? that's like i am on vacation. >> moving to the muslim story and cain. andy, i can't believe i am agreeing with you. but the point you made about anonymous sources and suddenly he is revealing anonymous sources. he is hipocritical and unfit to be president and should be water boarded. >> i am the am buds man. what i say is right. >> you are a guest. it doesn't work that way. >> you look nice in a tie. >> thank you. i like your bonana republic tie too. >> it is a banana republic. >> it is a clip on. >> should i have been on the cover of -- i should have been on the cover of "playboy" with you. that would have been hot. >> you could do "play girl." >> no, i want to do "playboy." >> i'm not sure they can accept that, but you can try. don't you think the problem with herman cain is he has selective memory and can't remember harassing anybody or settling a claim. his wife says she is happy he speaks his mind. how can he speak his mind when he doesn't remember what is in it. >> or we have a video where he was like, ah, ah. >> and it is awkward. >> it does look awkward. it seems to be a selective remembering, i guess. >> you touched on the idea of cain getting jostled around. do you think it is more frustrating for the women hee-haw rased? -- for the women he harassed? >> are you on his doll? >> i used to play a lawyer on television. >> was it a lawyer that work i had -- worked all night? >> no, minus the penguin guy. >> it was mentioned maybe he should have spoken out sooner and the wife should have spoken out. don't you think the minute somebody's wife is ekdz -- next to him. the only thing worse than your wife is there is if your wife is gloria allred. >> i don't know. i think it is great she is coming to his aide. he would never say anything that silly and whatever the height thing is. he is comparing people to ice cream flavors. i don't know what she considers silly. >> i have deep sources that tell me the height thing wasn't so innocent. y he did that without any pants on. >> that changes everything. >> he took a page from bill schulz's book. >> was he wearing slews? >> he was airing flip-flops. >> paul, who are your sources? >> the guy who put the earpiece this my ear. no, the gay salesman at bonana republic. >> all right, moving on to waterboarding, now mike you said water board board -- waterboarding is in the middle of killing somebody. >> no. >> i am the am buds man. >> that's ?ot what i said. >> i want you to demonstrate on andy right now the most ea effective way to kill a man. go. >> how much time do i have? >> 30 seconds left? waterboarding when i said this, it exists in the middle ground and the left during this entire year they did a great job. they framed the entire argument about interrogation saying it is all torture or you are talking to somebody. there is nothing in between. sleep deprivation and water boarding. >> it is torture, but if it gets the information relead, and bachmann said if we had waterboarding, it could have been avoided. but some of the terrorists involved were on the watch list and should have been nabbed at the airport ahead you can travel back in time, but you have tab careful about how she recorrects history, don't you think? >> my point is from an operational standpoint, it is not that waterboarding gets you the information, you don't want to advise the hostiles what you can and can't do. you keep it in your bag and for those rare teams when it has to be used, i believe it is available to you. >> that's a goods -- that's a good point. i am opposed to us saying we don't water board. >> i agree with that. but i know john mccain is against waterboarding. but that's a typical hipy leftist. >> paul if you want to talk about we should have caught some of the guys on the watch log, could have gotten osama bin laden back on the clinton administration. >> don't get me wrong. i am for it. i will hold the hose and make sure it doesn't kink up. >> there is no hose involved. >> mike don't you think -- don't you think guilt would be better? >> just guilting them? >> yes. >> see how good it works. >> i am jewish. >> they are not jewish. >> when lass the last stime you -- time called your mother. that would work. >> quickly on the tsa story, nicky what kind of home life you have that there are explosion explosives being given a kid. >> i know if you are going to travel with marijuana you put it in a turkey freezer bag. >> or bill's butt. >> by the way, this is forever 21. >> that's all. i am doing writing to look newsy. >> thanks a lot. coming up, has president obama lost the kids' vote. that since kids can vote. wait, can kids vote? are kids done with the chosen one? children's news. yeah for president obama is fading like something that fades. his approval ratings have dipped across most demographics, and now it seems he is losing the pre teens and teens. and tweens as well. >> this just got real. >> interviewed this fall with terrance and kids from around the great land of ours who supported president obama in 2008 reveal many hopes have been dashed. explains one new hampshire teen, quote, i didn't really expect he would do all of the things he promised. although at the time he went along with the hype. the dreams of a new world and all of that. let's discuss in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuuund. >> should obama find comfort in the fact that these kids can't vote? >> yes, i just -- a lot of these kids are saying they were peer pressured into getting on the obama ban wagon when they were teens. and now they are off. they are still into drinking and smoking. i don't know, i guess he should be happy. >> okay. baker, a couple years ago your kids really liked you. and then your approval rating dropped low with your kids. is there any a way -- how do you plan on winning them back. are you both screwed. there is nothing so unfleeting as the undieing enthusiasm of a child. i just thought of dana vachon. i will leave it at that. >> go out on a high note. >> leeann, don't you think kids lose interest? >> pretty much. they got the excitement from their parents. they were on the height bag wagon, what they do and what they see and how they feel. bill this has to hurt watching kids turn on your lord and save yes, sir, obama. >> i first of all don't like kids so it did not hurt. let me tell you something about the no name rubts. the poll numbers are down so the parents are saying obama. they should get back to popping aderal and being fat. that's your future. >> he will make a great dad. jay they do it. -- >> they do it. >> you know what? it is a test meant to good old-fashioned amazingness. >> and you can quote me on that one, america. >> those teens are not fat. they are pregnant. >> get back to reproducing. >> if it is a discussion so to speak. >> racist too. >> babies having babies. next topic. in that was fast news, jay z is to longer selling his t-shirt we told you about on friday. the shirt which read "all pie all streets yts and shot it. lien app, i predicted jay would announce they were going to donate some to the movement. why didn't he just do that instead of getting ready of the shirt? i think he obviously made this short, but not because i believe he believes in the wall street protest. i think he just wanted to make a dime off of it. some of the weird press is going, wait a minute, you are not giving us money. he is like, screw it. he makes plenty of money. he doesn't have to act like he is with them or not with them. i don't think he cares. is it possible that they got rid of it because of the stupid slogan? >> it was dumb. if people from occupy wall street are upset about that, they will be upset when they introduce the hipy drum. they will be up saturday about that. it will sell for $15 husband. >> jay z wraps about getting paid and having nice things. he likes splice things. he showed up in his other, other benz. they didn't like that. >> i don't know the other benz. >> i don't understand how you could say he is not with the occupy wall streeters. did you see the clip some he was wearing flannel, need i say more? >> flannel made from the hair of the 99%. >> i was going to ask you if you had anything interesting to add. >> frokzly for jay z $450 million. i applaud him. he is exactly making money. he says itself, he is not a businessman. he is a business. >> i said this before, probably the most over rated rapper out there. >> i like saying that. for some reason it pissed people off. last topic. a new york man claims his twitter addiction ruined his life. he was so upset he lost his job and got divorced and alienated loved ones. he finally quit about a month ago. >> we have both chosen not to have a family for that very reason. >> that's why. >> that's why i don't have the success i want and why my mom is mad at me. maybe this fwie is a bad person. now he is blaming it on his twitter? we can always say there is so much on my twitter. do you feel addicted to it, andy? you tweet a lot. >> i don't need to. >> i can quit anytime. >> when i heard that twitter ruined a man's life i am thinking, is this anthony wiener? that's where it ruins your life. or ashton kutcher. yes. i want to get back to your question. andy, who are the two people you spoke with on sunday? >> food delivery people. >> now he is fine. >> we had -- after he separated he said, quote, i would have taken a bullet for my wife, but now she is the one pulling the trigger. >> this guy's problem is not twitter, is it? >> it feeds into that. people say things and now that they have the devices to put it out there. a lot of these sthots should -- shots should stay in the brain. time to take a break. there is more to do when wooy come back. not sure what. let's be surprised together. shall we? so, earlier in the show we had fun with cain stumbling on the libya question. it was bad. was it perry bad? let's compare. >> the um, um. the um. >> commerce, education and the um, what's the third one there? >> libya -- >> commerce, education and the um. >> um. >> the um -- >> just want to make sure we are talking about same thing before i say yes i agree or no i didn't agree. >> the third agency of government i would do a way with. the education and the um -- >> specifically what are you asking me did i agree or not disagree? >> the third one i can't, sorry. >> have i all of this stuff twirling around in my head. >> we will close things out with the post game wrap up. to see clips of recent shows go to coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" return uh appearances -- return appearances from michael moynihan and joe devito. time to go back to paul mccurio for the post game wrap up. >> i missed you. >> you can't start with that. >> tell me about the latest stuff you have coming out. the "playboy" thing? >> the "playboy" thing came out this past friday, veterans day. i will be in the new book put out by p.diddy h and that drops on the 22nd. >> weird, me too. and raphael ma azuko shot it. >> very cool. >> go to heroes and patriots . net for helping with military people. >> how can people find you on twitter. >> at nicky glazer and i i am going to be -- this thursday i will be in eastern maryland. >> and mike, what are you plugging this week? usually that question is so -- no, just kidding. everybody knows. >> this is why you can't be president. >> as part of my jump into the presidential cal pain so you can follow me. follow me on twitter at nb underscore company man. >> you have to do baker. >> somebody explain it. >> if you want to catch me this thursday. >> are you kidding me. >> come on. i have to eat. >> december 1 through fourth. >> i am o

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