Building. It was there on the floor, it was an awful, awful thing, but now itll put more fuel on the fire with the impeachment 25th amendment, and continue to have this narrative for the worst political reasons are just going after the guy that so many people feel speaks for them, its not helpful in any way, shape, or form. Julie we have live team fox coverage. John roberts standing by at the white house. First, lets get to chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel live in washington. What is the chart House Democrats are making in this new article of impeachment against President Trump . Julie, good afternoon. Democrats are charging President Trump with inciting and insurrection. The impeachment resolution says, President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government. He threatens the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and impaled a coequal branch of government. He thereby betrayed his trust as president to the manifest industry of the United States. Theres a backandforth of impeachment. These domestic terrorists attempted to disrupt that proceeding, incited by the president to do so, and in the hopes that they would keep the president in power and prevent the orderly and peaceful transition of power. We cannot allow that kind of attack on our democracy and attempted coup detat to occur without consequence. I honestly dont think impeachment is the smart move, because i think it victimizes donald trump again. There is a moment we are in right now where donald trump is looking really bad, you cant even put that into words. There is also fall out for some of the president s allies, like senators ted cruz and josh hawley. Rhode island senator Sheldon Whitehouse saying, the Senate Ethics Committee Also must consider the expulsion or censure and punishment of sentries cruz, hawley , and perhaps other. And Impeachment Vote kite on wednesday. Julie security is also tightening after the riot last week, and that continues. Tell us about it. No doubt about it. Some lawmakers are complaining that days later there still has not been a single public briefing by federal security officials, with some complaining the silence is deafening. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell notes, the ultimate blame for wednesday lies with the unhinged criminals who broke down doors, trampled our nations flag, thought with law enforcement, and tried to disrupt our democracy, and with those who incited them. But this fact does not and will not preclude our addressing the shocking failures in the capitol Security Posture and protocols. I should also note the Washington Monument is now closed and tours are suspended, citing credible threats, until after inauguration day. Julie . Julie mike emanuel, thank you very much. You bet. The smartest thing president elect biden can do would be to put out a note saying he disapproves of pursuing personal vendettas, and then invite the senate republicans, all of them, to come to a meeting before the inaugural to sit down and listen to them, and indicate to the country at large that he actually wants to govern with both democrat and republicans. That would give him a better launch for his inauguration than anything he could do. Julie former House Speaker Newt Gingrich there saying joe biden should reject democrats impeachment push, as some lawmakers are also reportedly concerned with the timing. Politico with the headline, dems grapple with impeachment realities in race to punish. Several Top Democrats raised concerns that joe bidens early president ial agenda could be delayed for weeks by a senate trial. And the president s former acting chief of staff, who recently resigned as ambassador to northern ireland, saying that if democrats do impeach, it shouldnt be for political revenge. Watch. If its just related to wednesday, thats one thing. If its the type of impeachment that becomes a list of complaints of why they dont like donald trump, that something else. Julie White House Correspondent john roberts. Hi, john. Good afternoon to you, julie. A lot of different thinking on other sides when it comes to impeachment. The white house perspective on it is that its simply another political ploy by the democrats because its highly unlikely that even if it gets out of the house it could get to the senate in time to have a trial and potential conviction before the president leaves office a week from wednesday, that it is highly dubious, both legally and politically, that you would be able to have a senate trial to impeach and convict the president after he leaves office. Certainly, if they were to be a trial, it wouldnt happen for a number of months. Democrats worried that a prolonged trial could hamstring the Incoming Biden Administration from getting its agenda and the administration up and running. Here is what South Carolina congressman James Clyburn said about it. President elect biden, the 100 days he needs to get his agenda off and running, and maybe we will send the articles sometime after that. Maybe well send the article sometime after that, thats a key part of that phrase. The secret service is also investigating is what is being interpreted as a possible death threat posted on the conservative social media site, parler, against the Vice President. Get the firing squads ready, pence goes for us. A number of protrump rioters were seen yesterday yelling, hang pence. The secret service saying, we take all threats against our protect ds serious. The Vice President s office is doing its best to keep tensions between the Vice President and the president down, in these last few days before the next inauguration. Sources who are familiar with the situation told fox news over the weekend that, in the entire time that pence and his family, who are therefore the proceedings, were being shuttled around to various secure locations underneath and around the capital, not once did the president reach out by phone to his Vice President to check on how things were. Sources say that the two have not spoken since wednesday morning at all, although it is hoped here at the white house that its just a temporary situation. Speeeleven john roberts, thank you. By the way, i want to congratulate you on a new show you have coming up. Thank you, looking forward to working with sandra smith, 1 00 to 3 00 p. M. , starting on monday. Should be interesting. Julie so deserved, im really happy for you. Congrats. I appreciate that. Julie tom bevan joins me now, cofounder and editor at real clear politics. Thanks for talking to us. Lets talk about impeachment, and what happens at the house impeach his present trend this week, because itll basically almost have no effect on how long he remains in office, considering his term expires eight days from now, which wouldnt be enough time for a senate trial. I guess my question is, why the rush . Well, because democrats want to go on record. I think they are doing this for what they say is a historical record. They are doing it because they want to hold trump accountable, even though, as he mentioned, its probably not going anywhere in the senate. Certainly not to conviction, unless there is sort of the dramatic change in the situati situation. It is mostly symbolic, but in the minds of the democrats it is for the historical record. Julie so, if its for the historical record, what is the main goal here . Do they want to remove the president , or do they want to prevent him from Holding Office in the future . The latter power, preventing him, there is no Expiration Date on when his term ends, which means the senate trial could actually happen after january 20th, after the inauguration for president elect joe biden. Under both the democratled house and senate, obviously theyll have a much better chance at getting this pushed through. My question, though, how will this hamstring the first critical leaks of joe bidens presidency . Thats with the Biden Administration is worried about. Even as democrats, when they say control, to initiate and go through a senate trial, even if they tried to do it fairly quickly, would still be a huge distraction and away from president bidens first 100 days in office. And the getting his agenda moving. Obviously democrats have a lot of things on their wish list that they are going to try and jam through, and to the extent that it draws attention away from that, further dividing the country, certainly will not put republicans in a great frame of mind in terms of working with the new administration. There are a lot of political downsides. Julie not only that, he would have to confirm his nominees. You have to get that done. Does that then take a second row, a backseat . What about passing major Coronavirus Relief package, because the democrats said they were going to do that, too paid a Senate Impeachment trial will delay that, as well. How much are they willing to risk and delay just to go after the president , when there are so many things on their agenda that they claimed they would do once Biden Took Office . We are about to find out exactly how far they want to take this, and how much of a distraction theyre willing to put up with. Obviously there is the chance that this could, in some ways, backfire on the democrats. It certainly is not going to set the healing town that joe biden said he wanted in his speeches over the past several months. A lot of political downsides, not the least of which is that the bible Administration May not get off to the strongest start if they are bogged down by senate trials. Senator rick scott, interestingly, tells fox that the democratic overreach, if you will, is going to help republicans in fact take back the senate and the next electio. And i quote, over the next two years, the democrats are going to try to do a whole bunch of things that the public doesnt want. They dont want packing the supreme court, they dont want higher taxes and more regulations. They dont want the police defunded. I think the democrats now have the ability to go do something. I think its going to help defend them, and i think its going to help us have a big win in 2022. Do you believe that democrats are shooting themselves in the foot, and are they basically opening the door for republicans to easily take back the senate in a couple years . Its absolutely possible, but the proof will be in the pudding. What you democrats actually do, how far will they go, and how much will joe biden, as the leader of the party, push back on those leftwing impulses that are going to come out of the house of representatives to do things like defend the police and do things like the green new deal, things like statehood for washington, d. C. , and puerto rico . How much in the senate are folks like joe manchin and the other few moderate democrats that are left willing to stand up to the party and push back on that, as well . We wont know until the rubber meets the road, but its going to start pretty soon. Julie tom bevan, thank you so much. Thanks, julie. Julie new fallout from the storming of the capitol. The warning signs that went unheeded. But first. They are not going to change. Out of one side of their mouth they talk about unity, on the other side of their mouth they spit on people. Julie conservative twitter goes dark after parler is forced offline. Why leading conservative voices are questioning the timing. Fox news contributor and media watcher, joe concha, joins overtime right after this. Its a new day for veteran homeowners with va loans. With Mortgage Rates at record lows just one call to newday can lower your payment and save you 3000 a year. Thats me. The va streamline refi is a benefit you earned with your service. And at newday, theres no income verification, and no appraisal. Thats me. The va streamline refi from newday usa. Get the savings you deserve. Y8ot with service i could trust. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. 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Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. They claim we are somehow responsible for what they call the insurrection, which we never allowed violence. We never allowed any of the stuff on our platform. And we dont even have a way to coordinate an event on our platform, so they somehow want to make us responsible, and it seems to me like an excuse to just basically eliminate free speech at a convenient time. Julie that the ceo of parler, the social media site popular with conservatives, ripping big tech after apple, google, and now amazon gave it the boot in response to last weeks violence on capitol hill. At about the same time twitter permanently suspended President Trump, leaving him without his favorite megaphone. Facebook and instagram also banning the president , until at least the end of his term. Senator marco rubio thinks he knows why all of this is happening now. Watch. Facebook, twitter, these are not moral champions here. The reason why these guys are doing it is because the democrats are about to take power and they view this as a way to get on their good side. Julie Gillian Turner has more from washington. Hi, gillian. Good afternoon, julie. So far today, the decision from apple, facebook, and google, to yank them off their Public Services cloud, is having the effect of killing the parler social media at. Take a listen to the ceo of parler on sunday morning, right here on fox. We will try our best to get back online as quickly as possible, but we are having a lot of trouble because every vendor we talked to says they wont work with us, because if apple doesnt approve and google doesnt approve, they wont. Known for gaining a huge amount of popularity among conservatives, particularly President Trump supporters, over recent months. But the tech giants all say the major problem with parler is the site is lawless. They see it it allows users to promote violence and hate speech totally unchecked. They are calling foul and making the case that big tech is censoring conservatives because of their viewpoints, and see this reality is threatening democracy. Take a listen. The effect of this is there is no longer a three and open social Media Company or site for any american to get on any longer. They have just destroyed what was likely parler is likely a billiondollar company. Proof, its gone. Since President Trump himself got personally deplatform, semipointing out that twitter in particular still allows dictators around the world free reign on the app. Listen. We are all going to figure out how to get our voices out, and i think these social media platforms are making a big mistake. Because they are not being consistent. They should be very consistent with their message. President trump is now intimating that he is considering standing up his own social media platform in the coming months as an alternative for conservatives and his supporters. Sounds like a great idea. But heres the rub, julie. Ive been talking to tech experts all day today, and they say standing up a social media at platform could require billions of dollars in investment, and they are unaware of anyone is going to step forward and take on these big Cloud Computing companies to get President Trump over that hurdle in the wake of decisions from the big player. It seems like hes really being blocked from all angles. Julie definitely, and doesnt have any opportunity to try to improve the app if nobody will put it on apple, for example. And the app store, so it makes it impossible to run a business. Gillian turner, thank you so much. Joe concha, Fox News Contributor and media and politics columnist for the hill joins me now. We heard earlier about how they are basically being blamed and held responsible for what happened a at the capitol . How is that so . The responsibility partly lies with the president of the United States holding a rally, julie. And his supporters, the most extreme ones certainly not all, that enough storming the capitol. That was part of it, and its been a powder keg building for quite some time since the election. To pick out one particular social media platform like parler and say, you are responsible, and thats what google is saying, apple, and amazon, without that triad you dont get to have a social media platform anymore, as we were discussing. Its completely arbitrary, and this whole thing, by the way, that twitter is somehow sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows in terms of whats posted on there, or go to any political publication and read their comments section. Its as vile and hateful as anything youll see. So to pick out parler and not talk about anyone else in terms of moderation is quite the rub. Julie theres plenty of violence and hate on twitter aimed at republicans, so, i mean, are all those liberals on twitter going to be censored as well . Probably not. In fact, we know thats not going to happen. Thats exactly right. Go back and look at some tweets that are still up right now, he can watch the videos of cory booker at a conference in washington, d. C. , saying, go to the hill and get up in the faces of some congresspeople. Maxine waters saying, you see anyone from the Trump Administration or his cabinet, you get up in their face. Those videos and treats are not coming down anytime soon, just like the leading state sponsor of terror, per the obama administration, their state department, and the term state department, is iran. Their Supreme Leader still gets to treat, as the Chinese Government mouthpiece is talking about how covid was invented by the u. S. Military and weaponized. Its so easy to make this argument, its scary how arbitrary it is. Julie im gladly brought up Maxine Waters paid for her to say, get up in the face of these elected officials, if somebody were to do that, is that zen inciting violence . Because then she would be guilty of what twitter is accusing the president of. Does she get banned . Probably not. The New York Post is calling at big tech censorship. They got an oped out, proof big tech has gone full cartel, and im going to quote, rather than give america the piece it desperately needs in the wake of the capitol hill assault, big tech is tossing more fuel on the culture war fire. Talk about the dangerous precedent at this, in fact, takes. Even the aclu, by the way, which is completely against the president on many policies, many of his issues, like immigration and the list goes on and on, they even think this is dangerous for social media to take this stance. Julie, i wrote a column for the hill today, as well, basically along the lines of what the New York Post said. That this creates a very dangerous place now in terms of the Free Exchange of ideas. Cnn exit polls, right after the november president ial election, found that 30 of the country identifies as conservative. 38 of the country identifies as moderate. Only 24 liberal. We are basically a pragmatic, right of center country. We should have platforms where there is a Free Exchange of ideas between the left and the right and everybody in between. Instead we are going to create these silos now, echo chambers of people who agree with each other just talking at each other, and the other side, same thing. And thats a really live in at this point, and thats not what we are. Julie basically alienating over 70 million conservatives in this country. While there were a lot of idiots that stormed the capitol, that does not speak for all the Trump Supporters across the country that stayed home on that day. They just happened to vote for trump and they are being lumped into this liberal bashing. There are so many hollywood celebrities, by the way, that are praising this. I just want your take on. Well, guess what . They have a platform to perform, and maybe that will be taken away from them one day, as well. This is how it works. He has another News Organization trying to get fox news off of the air by going to their cable providers and saying, why are you carrying fox . With the slippery slope where sunil and will have a platform. This is how it works, julie. Julie julie so theyre goo take away our free speech, First Amendment . Thats out the door, too . Are they going to cancel that . Joe concha, thank you. Good to see you. Steel and good to see you. With big tech taking aims at conservatives, we will discuss the potential legal issues, the legal implications. We are go further in depth coming up. Plus, learning more about last weeks riot at the capitol and just how much warning Capitol Police may have received ahead of time. Pay off my student loan debt. They were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. 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The Merced County Sheriffs Office says the inmates somehow got to the roof and used a homemade rope to scale down the side of the building. Police say the fugitives should be considered armed and dangerous. A winter storm is moving in on the Mississippi Valley after dumping several inches of snow on texas. Thousands of people are still without power. The fbi and the nypd reportedly warranted Capitol Hill Police about the possibility of violence prior to last weeks riot. A source also tells fox news the fbi visited known extremists before january 6th and urge them not to travel to washington. Aishah hasnie is live in new york city with more. Hey, julie. This is a huge blow to Capitol Police, a Department Already under immense scrutiny, immense fire over the events that unfolded on wednesday. Listen to this, a source familiar with the situation tells foxnews. Com that the fbi not only visited protrump extremists partly stomach prior to that reality, that federal agents urged him not to travel to d. C. , and nbc news reporting the fbi and the nypd want to Capitol Police about the potential of silence. Capitol police, as we know, under immense scrutiny for failing to prepare for the protrump demonstration. We have reached out to the fbi, they told us they do not have a comment as of right now on this story, and we are still waiting to hear back from the nypd. In the meantime, julie, also happening right now, the Fire Department here in new york city is investigating some anonymous tips that active and retired members of the fdny were at these events at the capitol. They share that information with the fbi and the nypd, as well, telling fox news they are working with the fbi in looking into allegations on whether one of their own was also at the capitol riots. Here is the mayor this morning. Let me just lay down the law here. Any new york city employee, any part of the City Government who participated in an attack on our democratic institutions, who participated in an insurrection at the capitol, will be terminated. Period. Julie, right now about 90 people have already been arrested since those events on wednesday. The fbi right now is poring over about 40,000 tips, that includes pictures and videos and digital tips, as well. Julie . Aishah hasnie, thank you very much, reporting live in new york city. After more than 22 million covid vaccines were shipped out, the cdc reports just under 7 million americans have actually received the vaccination. So what is being done now to speed up the process . Plus, this. Why does aoc complain that you have not been grooming younger people for leaders connect i dont know, youll have to ask her because we are. Julie House Speaker nancy pelosi and second term congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez, over the future of the Democratic Party. 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Julie House Speaker House Speaker nancy pelosi snapping back after congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez says younger leaders are not being allowed to rise in the Democratic Party. Here is what aoc told a podcast. I do think that we need new leadership in the Democratic Party whenever there is a challenge it kind of collapses. I think that is the result of just many years of power being concentrated in leadership with a lack of real grooming of a next generation of leadership. Julie the power panel now. Gianno caldwell, soxs political analyst, and leslie marshall, Fox News Contributor. I dont know that you guys, but i cringed watching nancy pelosi in that interview. She could not be more clear how she feels about aoc, and then she said she respects her. I dont know about that. [laughter] gianno, ill start with you. What do you make of aocs claim that pelosi is not grooming younger members . I mean, it sounds very true to me. You look at the age of some of her Top Democrats in the leadership team, nancy pelosi is in her 80s, her two Top Democrats are both in their 80s. But i would argue that this isnt just the Democratic Party issue. Its more severe over there, but theres also new leadership that needs to be groomed on the republican side. Mitch mcconnell is 78 years old, thats a consideration. This people like Madison Cawthorn who just came in, who is the youngest new member of congress in modern history, he is somebody he was a new leader. So its better on our side, but it still needs to change. I think there is consideration all over when it comes to our political system. Julie leslie, let you make of that interview we just watched with nancy pelosi . When aoc comes up, you can just see it is stone cold. Speaker pelosi is a very strong woman, and she responds that way to a lot of questions by the press. When it comes to amc, amc, although she says she respects her and i believe it, because even republicans will say, this is a powerful woman, this is not a dumb woman, but there are a lot of people in the Democratic Party who feel that she spends a lot more time on social media and on herself than helping the party. And that some of the things she cries out for helping to further divide the party, because her squad, which was four, not six, is not the majority of democrats in the house or the senate or the voters, and that can make it difficult for Speaker Pelosi. When you look at people coming up like lauren underwood, certainly joe kennedy, and kayaking file from hawaii, these are some Young Leaders that i think will be groomed, and i agree with the speaker, we dont know them perhaps as well because they are not on social media as much. Julie the girl gets more attention than probably any newly elected freshman congresswoman, among all her colleagues. We know so much about her. It democrats are taking heat for a divisive reddick rick Speaker Pelosi taking heat after it saying that it was motivated by race. Heres what she had to say. Its an epiphany for the world to see that there are people in our country led by this president , for the moment, who have chosen their whiteness over democracy. Julie gianno, what do you think about pelosis comments . Why is she, i guess, calling it a racein cited capital Violent Storm . I dont understand what race has to do with it. I was just talking about this on my podcast come out today. Thank encourage you to subscribe and listen. This has nothing to do with race whatsoever but its a common democratic trick. Everything is about race, they were domestic terrorists, plain and simple. For that to be used as a wedge issue around race only further divide this country. They do it all the time its something they will continue to do. They will be effective using race as a tool. Julie and accusing, i guess, those thugs that storm the capital of choosing their whiteness, i dont even know what that means. Leslie . Steel and go ahead. Thank you. Look, with all due respect, i am a white woman and this is what i have seen for days. I saw a video today of a man who was there he was arrested by authorities who screamed out, youre treating me like a blinking black person. I thought the confederate fan. I saw camp auschwitz. They didnt just take jews, they hated people who are not aryan, and they are not aryan. These private judicia prejudici. I dont think Speaker Pelosi is entirely wrong for making their mark. Is anybody they racist . Now. Is the reason they are there because of their whiteness connect thats not what i believe come but i do think there is a fear among some people in this country that they will no longer be the majority by the year 2050 or 2054, depending on the cycle. Julie i agree with you that they were certainly many cases of races and they are paid we saw video of a black woman being attacked, they were so many people of color attacked by these people. The reason they were there was to storm the capital because they wanted to stop joe biden from becoming president , which obviously was not going to happen, and they were after mike pence for not standing up for the president. It was really purely political but unfortunately a bunch of racist idiots showed up, as well. Anyway, think you both, Gianno Caldwell and leslie marshall. Thank you. Some legal scholars say the house pushed to impeach trump again will do lasting damage to the constitution. The backlash, what democrats could face, next. [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Inflammation in your eye might be to blame. 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Julie has House Democrats raised to impeach President Trump, Alan Dershowitz told Maria Bartiromo over the weekend that this will have major consequences. He argues President Trumps address to the crowd ahead of the deadly riots on capitol hill is protected by the First Amendment. Watch. To impeach a president for having exercised his First Amendment rights would be so dangerous to the constitution, it would lie around like a loaded weapon, ready to be used by either party, and thats not what impeachment or the 25th amendment were intended to be. Julie Sol Wisenberg joins me now, Fox News Contributor payday to see it. What do you make of Alan Dershowitzs comments, basically saying an impeachment trial in the wake of the capitol riots would provide a loaded weapon for both Political Parties to use in the future, that would be dangerous to the constitution . Would you agree with him . In part. I certainly agree with him that what the president said under Longstanding Supreme Court case law does not constitute a crime. There is no question of that. That goes back to brandenburg versus ohio. There has to be an advocacy of imminent lawless action that is likely to result in that, and the words, if you just look at the words of the president , it just isnt there. As to his second point that it would be a loaded weapon, i dont think weve ever had a situation, and i hope we never have a situation in the future, where the president of the United States is talking to a crowd like that and encouraging them to go over to the Senate Building where the senators and representatives are performing a solemn constitutional function. To act like this was just a clearly protected activity if engaged in by private citizen, doesnt necessarily answer the question. How often are we going to see a president do this . How often have we seen it in history . Never before and hopefully never again. Julie im going to have to cut you off of here, joe biden is getting his second dose of the coronavirus vaccine. He just got it, he is speaking. Lets listen. Secondly, we are in masks, social distancing, and making sure people are washing their hands on a regular basis, its critically important. I was appalled when i saw as a matter of fact, it was a distinguished congresswoman from the state of delaware, when folks were in hiding from the mob, she was going around trying to get out masks for everybody. And a republican colleague wouldnt take the mask. I think thats irresponsible. We all have to make sure its not political, its an issue of public safety. That is i am confident we can get done what we have to get done, some of my republican colleagues about being able to [indistinct] ill be making a presentation on thursday of exactly how much i am looking for. Reporter are you at all afraid of going outside given what happened . No, im not. [indistinct] i am not afraid of taking the oath outside. I think it is critically important that there be a real serious focus on holding those folks who engaged in sedition and threatened peoples lives, defaced public property, caused great damage, that they are held accountable. I think that is the view of the vast majority of democrats and republicans in the congress. Reporter sara, are you aware of the impeachment could delay passing the stimulus bill youre about to propose . My priority is to get the stimulus bill passed and begin to rebuild the economy. I had a discussion today with some of the folks in the house and the senate, and the question is whether or not, for exampl example, [indistinct] whether or not [indistinct] impeachment, getting people nominated, as well as moving reporter do you think they will be able to do that . I dont know. I havent gotten an answer from them yet. Come on, guys, lets go. Thank you. Julie there you have president elect joe biden receiving his second coronavirus vaccine. He received his first dose back on december 21st. He actually, when he did that, said he wanted to demonstrate to the American People to be prepared when its available to take the vaccine, that its the responsible thing to do, adding theres nothing to worry. Now he has received both of his vaccines, both doses. Im going to go back to Sol Wisenberg, he has been on, weve been talking about the president s address before the riot, and the reason why an article of impeachment was presented by the house. You just heard joe biden just now, and i want your reaction to what he said about whether this article is impeachment or, lets say, a senate trial, trying to impeach the president or prevent him from future office, ever in the future, if that would delay the Coronavirus Relief package. Because that is something that they intended to do right away. He didnt really quite say no, that it wouldnt delay it, that obviously would have to, no . He said something very interesting to begin with. He said, i want the seditious conspiracy i think he use those exact words, which are appropriate, there is a statute, he wants it investigated and he wants anybody who participated in it, anybody can that could mean the people who were there who stormed the capitol to be investigated. If two or more people get together to try to destroy or delay the authority of the government or the execution of the law by force is seditious conspiracy. There is no question that some of the people at the capitol are guilty of that. The question from a legal standpoint is who, if anybody outside of that group, knew about it and helped to plan it. But youre right, he completely dodged the question over whether it would delay things. Ive heard people say that the house leadership is thinking of waiting, because of the very thing you mentioned, waiting 30 days or so before they send the articles over to the senate. The problem there is its not clear that he can be tried, the president , after hes left office. Julie well, they can try him on preventing him from ever running again, passed january 20th. Theres no Expiration Date on that. Removing him from office, probably theres not enough time. Hes only got eight days left. But preventing him from running can be done after the democrats take over the senate, beyond january 20th. I do want to move on to something else, there is some breaking news that came in this hour as republicans are speaking out against social Media Companies restricting or banning the president , the aclu, which has actually oppose the Trump Administration policies on immigration and other issues, is also raising concerns. I want to quote them. It should concern everyone when Companies Like facebook and twitter wield the unchecked power to remove people from platforms that have become indispensable for the speech of billions, especially when political realities make those decisions easier. We are also letting just now that parler is now suing amazon after the tech giant panda conservative social social media platform from its web hosting services. I want your reaction to this lawsuit. I mean, parler is going to have to be spending a ton of money to get their business up. Is this lawsuit going to work . They are going to seek an order, i guess, to prevent amazon from shutting down the social media platforms account. Nobody knows if the lawsuit is going to work. I know your viewers will hate hearing this, but it is a murky area of law. They sued based on breach of contract, that is strictly a contract issues. They sued based on tortious interference with business, and they sued based on antitrust violations. I imagine the defense will be, by amazon, and ultimately perhaps by google, as well, the defense will be, look, we are not doing this because we want to restrain trade. We are doing this because there are Dangerous Things being put on parler, and the parler folks are not doing anything to monitor that or prevent it. The problem with that is that facebook and twitter didnt do anything for years. So its impossible to predict what will happen, but i do think, and i agree with the aclu for once in recent years, that it is something very disturbing. Basically, the lights can be turned off. Its like the utility deciding, we dont like any conservatives, we are going to turn off power to the offices of National Review where the heritage foundation. Julie yeah. No court has yet ruled that the Big Tech Companies or utilities, but it is very troubling. This be what it is a silencing of conservative voices. Thats what it is. Private companies can do this, but they are publicly traded, and it just seems like this is going to set a dangerous legal precedent moving forward. Well, what they claim is that they are silencing people on the platform, people who use the platform who are advocating revolution, and that parler isnt doing anything about it. The problem is they are very selective and hypocritical in how they are enforcing this. I think i saw your first hour, the turkish dictator still has his account up on twitter. Julie Sol Wisenberg, thank you for talking to us, especially during some breaking news here during this hour. Thank you. My pleasure. Julie and thank you for watching, the Daily Briefing start snapping i will be back on americas newsroom 912 tomorrow. Up to join you then. Have a great rest of big tech banning President Trump, and democrats y before he is due to leave, this is the daily dana democrats including article impeachment, and, they g by for analysis. Susan li has more

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