Just go on forever. I can tell you this [audience chanting] we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you President Trump when you hear, while there is no evidence to prove any wrongdoing, this is the most fragile and sing anybody this is a criminal enterprise. This is a criminal enterprise. The press will say, and im sure they wont put any of that on there, because thats no good. While there is no evidence to back President Trumps assertion i could go on for another hour reading this stuff to you and telling you about it. Detroit had more votes than it had voters. Pennsylvania had 205,000 more votes than it had but you dont have to go between that, i think thats almost better than dead people, if you think, write . More votes than they had voters, and many other states, also. Its a disgrace that the United States of america, tens of millions of people are allowed to go vote without so much as even showing identification. In no state is there any question or effort made to verify the identity, citizenship, residency, or eligibility of the votes cast. The republicans have to get tougher. Youre not going to have a Republican Party if you dont get tougher. They want to play so straight, they want to play sure, the United States, the constitution doesnt allow me to send them back to the states. I say, yes, it does, because the constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our constitution. You cant vote on fraud. Fraud breaks up everything, doesnt it connect when you catch somebody in a fraud, youe allowed to go by very different rules. I hope mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and i hope he doesnt listen to the rhinos and the stupid people hes listening to. It is also widely understood that the voter rolls are crammed full of noncitizens, felons, and people who have moved out of state, and individuals who are otherwise ineligible to vote, yet democrats oppose every effort to clean up their voter rolls. They dont want to clean them up. They are loaded. And how many people here know other people that come out when the hundreds of thousands and then millions of ballots got sent out, got three, four, five, six i heard one, got seven ballots connect and then they say, you didnt quite make it, sir. We won in a landslide. This was a landslide. [cheers and applause] they said, its not american to challenge the election. This is the most corruption election in the history maybe of the world. You could go third world countries, but i dont think they had hundreds of thousands of votes that they dont have voters for them. No matter where you go, nobody would think this. In fact, it is so egregious, its so bad, that a lot of people dont even believe it. Its so crazy that people dont even believe it. It cant be true. So they dont believe it. This is not just a matter of domestic politics. This is a matter of national security. So, today, in addition to challenging the certification of the election, im calling on congress and the state legislatures to quickly pass sweeping election reforms, and you better do it before we have no country left. Today is not the end. Its just the beginning. [cheers and applause] with your help over the last four years, we have built the greatest Political Movement in the history of our country, and nobody even challenges that. I say that over and over and i never get challenged by the fake news, and they challenge almost everything we say. But our fight against the big donors, big media, big tech, and others, is just getting started. This is the greatest in history. Theres never been a Movement Like that. You look back all the way to the washington monument, its hard to believe. We must stop this deal and ensure that such outrages Election Fraud never happens again, can never be allowed to happen again. But we are going for it, we will take care going forward. Weve got to take care going back. Dont let them talk we promise. Sarah, you are 96 , for four years. I said, im not interested right now. Im interested in right there. With your help, we will finally pass powerful requirements for voter i. D. You need an i. D. To cashier check, to go to the bank, to buy alcohol, to drive a car, every person should need to show an i. D. In order to cast your most important thing, a vote. We will also require proof of american citizenship in order to vote in any american elections. We just had a victory in court on that, actually paid we will ban the ballot harvesting and prohibit the use of unsecured dp boxes to commit rampant fraud. These drop boxes are fraudulent. They disappear and all of the sudden they show up. Its fraudulent. We will stop the practice of universal unsolicited mail and balloting. We will clean up the voter rolls that ensure that every Single Person who casts a vote is a citizen of our country, a resident of the state in which they vote, and their vote is cast at a lawful and honest manner. We will restore the vital civic tradition of inperson voting on election day, so that voters can be fully informed when they make their choice. We will finally hold big tech accountable, and if these people had courage and guts, they would get rid of section 230. Something that no other company, no other person in america, in the world, has. All of these tech monopolies are going to abuse their power, and interfere in our elections, and it has to be stopped. And the republicans have to get a lot tougher, and so should the democrats. They should be regulated, investigated, and brought to justice and to the fullest extent of the law. They are totally breaking the law. Together we will drain the washington swamp, and we will clean up the corruption in our nations capital. We have done a big job on it, but you think its easy . Its a dirty business. Its a dirty business. You have a lot of bad people out there. Despite everything hes been through, looking out all over this country and seeing fantastic crowds, although i think this is our alltime reco. [cheers and applause] i think we have 250,000 people. 250,000. Looking out at all the amazing patriots here today, i have never been more confident in our nations future. Well, i have to say, they have to be careful. Its a night statement, but we have to be a little careful with that statement. If we allow this group of people to illegally take over our country, because its illegal when the votes are illegal, the way they got there is illegal, when this states that vote are given false and fraudulent information. We are the greatest country on earth, and we are headed we were headed in the right direction. The wall was built, we are doing record numbers. Now they want to take down the wall. Lets let everyone flow in. Lets let everybody flow in. We did a nice job on the wall. Remember the wall . They said it could never be done, one of the largest Infrastructure Projects weve ever had in this country. And its had a tremendous impact. We got rid of catch and release, we got rid of all of the stuff we had to live with. But now the caravans, they think biden is getting in, the caravans are forming again. They want to come in again and rip off their country. Cant let it happen. As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side. We have a deep and enduring love for america in our hearts. We love our country. We have overwhelming pride in this great country, we have it deep in our souls. Together we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people, and for the people. [cheers and applause] our brightest days are before us. Our greatest achievements still oh eight. I think one of our great achievements will be election security. Because nobody until i came along had any idea how corrupt our elections were. Again, most people would stand there at 9 00 in the evening and say, i want to thank you very much, and they go off to some other life, but i said, somethings wrong here, somethings really wrong. Cant have that happen. And we fight. We fight like hell. If you dont fight like hell, youre not going to have a country anymore. Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow americans, for our movement, for our children, and for our beloved country, and i say this despite all thats happened, the best is yet to come. [cheers and applause] harris simultaneous historymaking events right now. President trump making his case for why he will never concede in the 2020 president ial election. In fact, what he is laying out and hoping to happen today is now unfolding with the Vice President of the United States calling to joint session to order. They are now going state by state and an Electoral College vote certification, alabama has gone, then alaska. When they get to arizona, we are told to expect the first objection. Here it is, lets watch. Vice president pence a return from the state, that has annexed to a certificate from an authority of that state, reporting to a point appoint or ascertain electors. Mr. President , the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of arizona seems to be regular in form and authentic, and it appears there from that joseph r. Biden jr. Of the state of delaware received 11 votes for president , and Kamala D Harris of the state of california it received 11 votes for Vice President. Vice president pence are there any objections to counting the certificate of vote of the state of arizona that the teller has verified appears to be regular in form and authentic . Mr. Vice president , i rise both for myself and 60 of my colleagues to object to the accounting of the electoral ballots from arizona. Vice president pence is the objection in writing and signed by a senator . Yes, it is. [applause] Vice President pence an objection presented in writing and signed by both a representative and a senator complies with the law. Chapter 1 of title 3 of the United States code. The clerk will report the objection. Objection to counting the electoral votes of the state of arizona. We, a member of the house of representatives, and a United States senator, object to the counting of the electoral votes of the state of arizona on the grounds that they were not, under all of the known circumstances, regularly given. Vice president pence are there further objections to the certificates from the state of arizona . The chair here is none. The two houses will withdraw from joint session. Each house will deliver separately on the pending objection and report its decision back to the joint session. The senate will now retire to its chamber. [gavel] harris you are watching our special coverage of the electoral vote certification there on the house floor, and the process has been that the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, at about 1 01, top of the hour, had the senate joined the house members and of course the president of the senate is the Vice President of the United States, mike pence. So they are together and they will now separately go and discuss the objections to the electoral vote count in the state of arizona. You are watching special coverage. Outnumbered overtime, and harris faulkner. We have an allstar panel for you here today this hour. Bret baier, fox news chief political anchor. Martha maccallum, anchor of the story. Chris wallace, Fox News Sunday anchor. Brit hume, senior political analyst, and katie pavlich, and ken starr, the fox news contributors. My thought, i come to you first. As we watch this unfold today, we knew, because we had a list of states, that arizona might be that first place that we would see an objection. Martha arizona and others likely to come, pennsylvania, georgia, wisconsin, on that list of what we may see today. Really, harris, i was just struck so much by the presence of the Vice President mike pence in this chamber. We just watched the very dramatic delivery from President Trump, speaking to his ardent followers on the ellipse in washington, d. C. , and saying, i hope mike pence does the right thing, i dont like what im hearing, i hope he doesnt listen to the rhinos, as he put it, in his ear, essentially. Im paraphrasing a bit but thats essentially what he says. Mike pence has been so disciplined in his message and support of this president. So unfailingly loyal, from the campaign and all of the things that happened during that come through the course of the last four years. This is a very significant moment. Mike pence is following the letter of the law, he is listening to the responses from all of these states, and arizona has just contested the election. Then you saw ted cruz stand up and say, yes, i am the senator who agrees with this decision, at a chorus of a plotting, standing, republicans also on the side of the fence with this decision today. So this is very high drama we are watching right now, harris. Harris bret baier, moment by moment things are changing so quickly, and you have just learned some breaking news . Bret well, just before 1 01 eastern time, Vice President pence released a letter to congress in which he laid out what he is going to do today, and it is in direct defiance of what President Trump wants him to do today, despite all that the president said on the national mall. He writes in this letter, and it goes on for some time, but it says, it is my considered judgment that my oath to support and defend the constitution contains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not. Essentially in this letter he lays out, harris, how he will not be saying which states will go back to the state legislatures. He will not be doing what the president wants him to do. Even as they debate, and they go to their chambers, and right now they are in the process of debating arizonas electoral votes, the bottom line is that what the president said his path is, Vice President pence, with this letter to congress, has just shut it down. Harris wow. You know what is fascinating, too, bret, i want to come back to you with just a followup question. We are seeing today others come online with what they will do. I know just a few moments ago, as we were carrying President Trumps speech live, senator tillis issued a statement on Electoral College certification, saying he will not oppose the certification of the Electoral College votes and would not embolden politicians in the future to appoint their president s instead of having the American People duly elect them, so on and so forth. Are we looking at a situation, perhaps, as america watches this unfold, where decisions are being made today as a glimpse of what the future could look like . Bret 100 . I mean, some of the objectors today, harris, clearly doing this to put a marker in the ground, whether it is a political marker to attract Trump Supporters down the road or not. It is also a site for vote integrity, they believe, down the road. That is how they explain it. But they are not going to have the votes. With democrats, clearly, but republicans have made a lot of statements. Mitt romney, tim scott, rob portman, you can keep going down the list of why they believe this is a threat to the constitution. Harris chris wallace, you have heard martha and bret talking about what is really at stake for Vice President pence today, what his role will be. And that breaking news at the top of the hour, he issued a statement making it very clear what his role would be today. When the president says, you know, ill paraphrase him now. During that speech, he did a couple nights ago ahead of the election runoffs in georgia. When he says the Vice President has to do the right thing, what does he mean by that . Is there some sort of political ramification if pence follows the law, and not president tru President Trump . Chris yeah. I think to be straight about it what donald trump is saying when he says do the right thing is do the right thing for donald trump. Not do the right thing for the constitution, not do the right thing for the 150 million plus americans who voted in this election, and he is following the constitution, he is following the electoral count act of 1877. Nowhere in the constitution or in the 1887 act does it give the Vice President that kind of power to unilaterally reject electors from estate, lawfully certified electors from estate. There is nothing in there that says he can do that, and he is following the constitution. Im not surprised. Mike pence has been an utterly loyal Vice President , but when it comes to a direct choice, and thats what basically donald trump was asking him to make, between the constitution and helping his president , he chose the constitution. I think it is the only choice he could have made. I think its the right choice and the courageous choice. Just very briefly, what we are seeing today, people need to understand how utterly unprecedented it is. For the last hour, we have heard the sitting president of the United States refused to concede and say that he will never accept the results of an election. And he makes all of these statements about Election Fraud, harris, and says, well, theres all this evidence. You dont have to listen to me, listen to the federal judges, the state judges, federal judges appointed by donald trump. The conservative majority in the Supreme Court, his own attorney general, his own head of cybersecurity at his administration. They have all said there was not the kind of vote fraud in this election that would in any way challenge the results in a single state, let alone overall. The president is making up stories, but the people who have heard the evidence, all of them, have rejected it. I think that is what is at stake today. He talked to what is at stake today, what is at stake is whether a bunch of insiders in congress can overturn the will of the American People, would hundred 50 million of them, when they went out to vote. Harris chris, thank you, im wrapping you a little bit. Two things happening. Really quickly, the other thing to happen is the 74 million plus americans who believe the president and think this process can yield a different action and result than november 3rd did. You see some of them, and an enormous crowd gathered to hear the president speak the last hour at the save america rally in d. C. I want a gun out of the house floor. Whats happening now in that joint session is it has broken apart and they are considering the objections to the Electoral College votes per state. Arizona we knew would be the first. This is a congressman talking about it now, lets listen. Each state has a process for selecting their electors, and sending them to washington. Madam speaker, in a number of those states, that constitutional process was not followed. Thats why we are here to object. If you look at what the requirement says, nowhere in article 210, section 1, does it give the secretary of state that ability. Nowhere does it give the governor that ability. Nowhere does it give the court that ability. It gives the ability to the legislators. In most states, that the process that was followed. For those states that this wasnt followed, unfortunately, this is not new. We have seen over and over again more states for the Democratic Party has gone in and selectively gone around this process. That has to end, madam speaker. We have to follow the constitutional process. [applause] now, there might be reasons why some people dont like the process laid out by a legislative body. Madame speaker, i served on one of those legislative bodies. When i was in the state legislature, for 12 years. I served on the house and Governmental Affairs committee, where he rode the laws for our states elections. I tell you, when we had to make changes, those were extensively negotiated. We would have people on both sides come. Republicans and democrats, madam speaker, would get together to work through those changes. Any minute change to have a precinct would function, to have a change would be made in the time of an election, signature requirements, all the many things that involve a clerk carrying out the duties in each parish, in our case. You would see people come and give testimony, madame speaker. Both sides could come. Critics of court with her in the healing rooms. It was an open process, by the way. Not behind closed doors in a smokefilled room where somebody might want to believe secretary of state to give a different version that might benefit them or their party or their candidate. That is not what our founding father said is the process. Maybe its how some people wanted to carry it out, but they laid out that process. So, when we would have to make those changes, they were in public view. They were heavily debated. Then, ultimately, those laws were changed in advance of the election, so everybody knew what the rules were. People on both sides. They knew how to play the rules before the game started. Not getting somewhere in the process and saying, you dont think its going to benefit you, so you tried to go around the constitution. Thats not how our system works. Its gotten out of hand. So President Trump has called this out. And President Trump has stood up to what so many of us have stood up to. In fact, over 100 of my colleagues, madame speaker, asked the Supreme Court to address this problem. Just a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the court chose to punt. They didnt answer one way or the other. They didnt want to get into the middle of this discussion. We dont have that luxury today. We have to discuss this. We have to fix this. In fact, on our first full day of this congress, many of us brought legislation onto the house floor to start fixing the problems with our elections, to restore integrity to the election process, which has been lost by so many millions of americans. And we had a vote. Every single republican voted to reform the process. Every single democrat voted against it. They dont want to fix this problem. But the constitution is our guide, and its time we start following the constitution. Its time we get back to what our Founding Fathers said is the process for selecting electors. Thats the legislatures. In public view. Not behind closed doors. Not smokefilled rooms. Not bullying somebody that might give you a better ruling. Lets get back to rule of law and follow the constitution, madame speaker. And i yield back the balance of my time. [applause] [gavel] speak of the chairmans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentlewoman [cheers and applause] for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . To strike the last word. Speak out without objection. Madame speaker, this day marks across road for american democracy. Those who objected counting of the Electoral College votes, which reflect the votes of the American People, want to substitute their preferences for the voters choice. Thats not what our constitution requires and it is at odds with American Democratic republic. If Congress Selects the next president instead of American Voters, will have no need for an Electoral College. In fact, wed have no need for president ial elections at all. Wed be moving from a government elected by the people to a government selected by those already governing. That is not america. In the United States, we abide by the choices of the people, not an elite few. The framers of our constitution considered whether to have congress select the president and specifically rejected it. Instead, they wrote article 2 and the 12th amendment. Article 2 creates the Electoral College, where each state appoints electors, laws of all 50 states and d. C. Require electors to vote for the winner of the states popular election. Each state provides for the orderly conduct of elections, including lawful challenges, recounts, and the like. The 12th amendment is what brings us to today. It says the electors need in their states that happened december 14th the amendment said they will sign and certify the votes cant transmit them to a seal. Thats been done. The sealed envelopes containing the signed certified ballots of each state elector reflecting the votes of the people were in those mahogany boxes. The 12th amendment directs the president , the Vice President , and the senate to do only this. Open the sealed envelopes, and then the votes shall be counted. Simple. It doesnt say counted in a manner that some members of congress or the Vice President might prefer. Now. The votes are simply to be counted as certified and transmitted b by the states. During reconstruction after the civil war, more than one slate of electors were appointed by states. Doing lists where it sent and processes were undertaken, and as a result, to make an orderly process, congress enacted the electoral count act of 1887. This law governs our proceedings today. The act provides dispute resolution mechanisms. Under the eca, if a governor certifies a slate of electors and there are no competing slates in that state, the governors certified slate must be counted. Today every single slate of electors won joe biden or by donald trump cut their governors certification. Not a single state submitted a competing slate. There is no dispute to resolve. The 2020 election was the most secure election conducted in modern history. Challenge will resolve by lawful recounts and audits. The result, Vice President biden won harris we are pulling awa away. Remember, both chambers are debating the objections to the electoral vote right now, to the state of arizona. As other states come up, this is what we will see today. As we understand it, per session here, for each objection, it to don that could take 34 hours. They happen simultaneously. The house on the left side of your screen, the senate floor on the right. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, lets watch. Ive served 36 years in the senate. This will be the most important vote i have ever cast. President trump claims the election was stolen. The assertions range from specific local allegations to constitutional arguments to sweeping conspiracy theories. I have supported the president s right to use the legal system, lawsuits, received hearings in courtrooms all across our country, but over and over the courts rejected these claims, including allstar judges whom the president himself has nominated. Every election, we know, features some illegality and irregularity. Of course, that is unacceptable. I support strong state led voting reforms. Last years bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm. But, my colleagues, nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale, the massive scale they would have tipped the entire election. Nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break when the debt itself without any evidence. The constitution gives us here in congress a limited role. We cannot simply declare ourselves a National Board of elections on steroids. The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken. They have all spoken. If we overrule them, it would damage our public forever. This election was not unusually close. Just in recent history, 1976, 2000, an and 2004 were all closr than this one. The Electoral College margin is almost identical to what it was in 2016. If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We would never see the whole nation except an election again every four years there would be a scramble for power, at any cost. The Electoral College, which most of us on this side have been defending for years, it would cease to exist. Leaving many of our states with no real say at all in choosing a president. The effects would go even beyond the elections themselves. Selfgovernment, my colleagues, requires a shared commitment to the truth, and a shared respect for the ground rules of our system. We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities. With nothing in common except our hostility towards each other, and mistrust for the few National Institutions that we all still share. Every time, every time in the last 30 years that democrats have lost the president ial race, they have tried to challenge just like this. After 2000, after 2004, after 2016. After 2004, a senator joined and forced the same debate. Believe it or not, democrats like harry reid, dick durbin, and Hillary Clinton praised him and applauded the stunt. Republicans condemned those baseless efforts back then, that we just spent four years condemning democrats shameful attacks on the validity of President Trumps own election. Look, there can be no double standard. The media that is outraged today spent four years aiding and abetting democrats attacks on their institutions after they lost. But we must not imitate and escalate what we repudiate. Our duty is to govern for the public good. The United States senate has a higher calling, and in the spiral of partisan vengeance. Congress will either override the voters, overrule them, the voters, the states, and the courts, for the first time ever, or honor the peoples decision. It will guaranteed the delegitimizing efforts of 2016 become a permanent new routine for both sides, or declare that our nation deserves a lot better than this. We will either hasten down a poisonous path where only the winners of elections actually accept the results, or show we can still muster the patriotic courage that our forebears showed not only in but in defe defeat. The framers built the senate to stop shortterm passions from boiling over and melting the foundations of our republic. So i believe protecting our Constitutional Order requires respecting the limits of our own power. It would be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise American Voters and overrule the courts in the states on this extraordinarily thin basis. I will not pretend such a vote would be a harmless protest gesture while relying on others to do the right thing. I will vote to respect the peoples decision and defend our system of government as we know it. Harris Mitch Mcconnell has wrapped his remarks, and now senator schumer of new york will speak. I do want to bring in brit hume, because i want people to take a look at the right side of the screen, brit. This is a major stop the steel march ending up on the lot of capitol hill, and we knew once the president of the United States had finished his remarks, which were well over an hour, that there was an enormous crowd. Just talk us through kind of whats happening on the ground there, if you would, with stop the steal, as these people have made their way to the capital. Brit there is video out there ive seen that have shown these people come onto capitol hill trying to storm the building and being repelled as best they can, as best as the police can buy them, and this has taken something that was already very absolutely extraordinary to any place. What is happening now on the floor of the houses is a foregone conclusion. The states have acted, and the house and senate are carrying out base of the ministerial functions. Yes, protests are allowed, the votes arent anywhere near there to carry them, so they are doomed. Itll take a while, but there is no doubt where this is going to end up. In the meantime, we had the president of the United States out on the ellipse carrying on at length about how the election was stolen, despite the findings by elected officials and republican elected officials and many states all across the country. This has taken us into a new place. The Vice President has said against this because hes not going to play along with any notions that has anything other than a ministerial function here, and i have the Senate Majority leader echoing that statement because hes going to vote against it, and the majority of his colleagues will come as well. Not to mention the majority of his colleagues on the other side of the aisle overwhelmingly. This will end up going nowhere. But, in terms of the civility of our culture and our Constitutional Order, we have seen something today weve never seen before. Harris brit, i want to follow up with this paid what youre saying is maybe echoing a bit of what we just heard from r Mitch Mcconnell, but he went even further than that. He made a case for what the future will look like if this process continues per party was in the white house, who is on the hill, so on and so forth. Why that speak for Mitch Mcconnell . He might be an institutionalist, he believes very much and the traditions of the senate and of this country. He plays political hardball with the best of them. In fact, he maybe the best of them in the eyes of some. When it comes to the Financial Issues of Constitutional Order, there is no doubt he will come out, and thats where he came out today. Harris bret baier, i want to come back to you, because i know we are watching things simultaneously here. Got democratic senator from new york, and im just being told that weve got one of our reporters on the ground, griff jenkins. Lets go straight to him and ill come back to you. Griff jenkins, we are watching the rally, and the president wrapped where you are and the crowd that left, which is massive, has gone to capitol hill. While they waited for the president to come, the chant we heard the most was fight for trump, site for a. Added every Single Person i talk to you, ask one question, will you recognize President Biden if congress certifies him . And every single one said no. We heard from don jr. Who said now the president , as we all saw, fired this crowd up, tens of thousands, maybe a hundred thousand or more have gone down to the capital or elsewhere in this city and they are very upset. I have jumped down as soon as we hear the news that bret gave you about mike pence. I started talking to these people, i said, what do you think . One woman, an air force veteran from missouri, said that she was disgusted to hear that news. Theres nothing that Vice President could do, she said that doesnt matter. In the leasing, harris, i remember covering going coasttocoast following a tea party bus. This movement, very similar to that. They are absolutely set on taking action. What happens today, i really couldnt tell you. They have all left here and gone down 15 blocks to the capitol, harris. Harris a large portion of the enormous crowd listening to the president is continuing to make its way, if you look at the top right side of your screen, you will see more people filing into the lawn at capitol hill. Katie pavlich is with me for this hour. Katie, and curious, you and i have talked on outnumbered many times about what happens to the energy and perhaps, in some cases, the broken heartedness of those Trump Supporters, more than 74 million who voted for him, who believe him when he says this process can be overturned. And that there can be recertification in the states. Today he even used the word revote. What do you say to those people, as brit hume has just laid out, this isnt going where they wanted to go. Katie the good news about america is that activism is something we can exercise freely, and the truth is that the changes we have seen with the irregularities in the states have to be done and changed at the state legislature level. All these people who are in washington, d. C. , today, from all across the country, who are angry about the way the rules were changed ahead of time, they believe that state constitutions of the federal constitution were violated. There are ways to reconcile these things at the state legislature level to get involved locally. In terms of putting energy into future elections, you have seen donald trump jr. Today, and eric trump last night, saying they will primary anybody today who votes to certify these results. That is a very tall order and task when it comes to finding candidates who are capable of winning elections against democrats. Going forward, i think there is a very serious rift within the Republican Party about how to move forward with this. The majority of republicans who are going to vote today, to certify these election results, but if you look at future elections, this bid cohort of Trump Supporters who are very much in favor of the president s leadership and what he has done over the past four years will be key in terms of bringing the Republican Party together to win. We know that turnout in georgia last night was down, so i know theres going to be a lot of fingerpointing and a lot of reflection on where to go from here. In terms of right now, all those people you are seeing on your screen, there is an energy there, and it can be funneled to places where it can make a difference next time around. Harris yeah, i love the positivity of that. That is so necessary. When people are upset, its a wonderful thing to give them something positive to do within the structure of what they believe, the party. Im always curious, katie, about what president elect joe biden would say to these people. He was all about unity, and there are many of them, and they cannot be ignored. They are americans like everybody else, we are all equal in that sense, and they have voted differently, perhaps, in this scenario. Or they have, not perhaps. And they want to be heard, too. Bret, i come to you. I talk about that divide that katie just leaned on and kind of spelled out for us within the Republican Party, but there is something for democrats, particularly democratic leadership, to do going forward. What should it be . Bret i just wanted to mention a couple of news items first. As youve been mentioning about the people storming different areas of the capitol, and brit talked about video, we are hearing reports of security lines being firmed up. Also, at the same time, the u. S. Capitol police has evacuated two buildings. The Cannon House Office building and the Madison Library of congress building, because of suspicious packages in those buildings. This is real, its happening on capitol hill, we are trying to get some ground truth to exactly whats happening on the ground. To your point broadly, this process is going to take a long time, but its not just the process on capitol hill. Its also the process of healing harris bret, i have to interrupt you. Senator ted cruz, who has led the charge for this to happen, as we see it play out today, is on the floor of the senate. Lets watch. The election that just occurred, was rigged. You may not agree with that assessment, but it is nonetheless a reality for nearly half the country. I would note it is not just republicans who believe that. 31 of independents agree with that statement. 17 of democrats believe the election was rigged. Even if you do not share that conviction, it is a responsibility, i believe, of this office to acknowledge that it is a profound threat to this country and to the legitimacy of any administration that will come in the future. I want to take a moment to speak to my democratic colleagues. I understand. Your guy is winning right now. If democrats vote as a bloc, joe biden will almost certainly be certified as the president of the United States. I want to speak to the republicans who are considering voting against these objections. I understand your concerns, but i urge you to pause and think. What does it say to the nearly half of the country that believes this election was rigged if we vote not even to consider the claims of illegality and fraud in this election . I believe there is a better way. The leaders just spoke about setting aside the election. Let me be clear, i am not arguing for setting aside the result of this election. All of us are faced with two choices, both of which are lousy. One choice is to vote against the objection, and tens of millions of americans will see a vote against the objection as a statement that voter fraud doesnt matter, isnt real, and shouldnt be taken seriously. At a great many of us dont believe that. On the other hand, most if not all of us believe we should not set aside the results of an election just because our candidate may not have prevailed. I endeavor to look for door number three, a third option. For that, i look to history. To the precedent of the 1876 election. The hayes tilden election where this congress appointed an Electoral Commission to examine claims of voter fraud. Five house members, five Supreme Court justices. Examine the evidence and rendered a judgment. What i would urge of this body is that we do the same period that we appoint an Electoral Commission to conduct a tenday emergency audit. Consider the evidence. And resolve the claims. For those on the democratic aisle who say there is no evidence, they have been rejected, then you should rest and comfort. If thats the case, an Electoral Commission would reject those claims. For those who respect the voter, simply telling the voters, go jump in the lake, the fact that they have deep concerns is of no moment to us, that jeopardizes, i believe, the legitimacy of this and subsequent elections. The constitution gives congress the responsibility this day, to count the votes. The framers knew what they were doing when they gave responsibilities to congress. We have a responsibility, and i would urge that we follow the precedent of 1877. The electoral count act explicitly allows objections such as this one for votes that were not regularly given. Let me be clear, this objection is for the state of arizona, but it is broader than that. It is an objection for all six of the contested states to have a credible, objective, impartial body here the evidence and make a conclusive determination. That would benefit both sides. That would improve legitimacy of this election. Let me urge my colleagues, all of us, take our responsibility seriously. I would urge my colleagues, dont take, perhaps, the easy path. But instead act together. Astonish the viewers, and act in a bipartisan sense to say, we will have a credible and fair tribunal. Consider the claims, consider the facts, consider the evidence, and make a conclusive determination whether and to what extent this election complied with the constitution and with federal law. Harris we are going to go to a reporter on the ground. As you can see from the pictures, the Trump Supporters that were watching the president speak earlier last hour have now made their way to capitol hill. I want to go to rich edson, who is live outside, where they are rallying still. Some of them quite boisterous, and you can hear sirens in the background, as well. They are still coming here. Thousands upon thousands. We are going to go into this as much as we can right now. They have gone up towards the capital, breach the security barriers. We know off to the right, the senate is on the left. The Office Buildings are to your left, that has been evacuated, for those who are in that building, they been taken out. Right there in front of the capital, the tear gas is coming around. Police officers are running on the east face of the capital right here. These supporters keep moving closer and closer to the capital building. The complex is large. These supporters are now moving closer and closer to all those as the proceedings are going on inside the capital. What you had earlier was President Trump speaking, a mile and a half east of where we are right now. After that speech which ended a short while ago, that is when the supporters started moving here to the capital which was largely the plan to protest the proceedings that were going on. But now you have people breaching areas where there is not supposed to be. Capitol Hill Police Officers are trying to counter that. The last half hour or so, you see the teargas, the theme you are seeing right now, people are moving from west to east towards the capital. White house is the west. Harris we seem to have lost our connection with the rich edson, obviously with technological constraints. I mean, you have a large crowd moving. We got the gist of it. Bret baier, as you watch this, we knew about the evacuations, those two buildings on the capitol hill grounds. We knew the evacuations were going on, but now are getting a better idea on the ground with why that is happening. I think we have him back. Forgive me, were going to try to go back to our reporter. Rich edson . Can you hear me . If you look to the left, you get Capitol Hill Police, theyre running on the other side of the capital, the north side of the capital. Thats across the Capitol Building from where we had the evacuation. You have a Capitol Hill Police department thats dispersed through. Harris like i said, technical difficulties. Difficult to get him, our reporter as he moves. Complete audio, he gave us a good description of what is going on and what caused the evacuation there. Its a massive crowd. We knew that and they were happy when the president was speaking and all gathered there and when they dispersed, that creates the challenge of trying to first figure out exactly where they are going and having to corral all of that. Through the streets and through the courtyard, and as you heard, what rich edson was describing, what theyre trying to do is keep the situation calm with a lot of people together. I come to you again. Moments ago you were talking about what was going on, now we have pictures of that. There is four layers of security here around the Capitol Building itself. We are being told, some part of this crowd, largely peaceful, some part of this crowd is trying to break through those barriers and that is where the u. S. Capitol police have stepped in and stepped up their security around there. We mentioned the evacuation of the two other buildings. We are told the cannon Office Building has been given the all clear. That evacuation is going to come to an end. In the meantime, during all of this, the Justice Department is putting out a statement saying that it has been hacked. Email accounts have been hacked by russia, they say 3 of their email is down. All of this is breaking this afternoon. Harris a law to follow. House and Senate Floors are dealing with the college objection to certification in the state of arizona now. Thats going to do it for us on outnumbered overtime. I am harris and here is the daily briefing. Dana hello, everyone. Welcome to the daily briefing. You are watching an extraordinary day in washington, protest outside and inside they are debating after a challenge, the Electoral College count. Lets get a round of news. Lets begin with john roberts live from the north lawn of the white house. Good afternoon, we saw something rather extraordinary today, as Martha Maccallum pointed out, after four

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