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A 10 increase every 12 hours . Very early on in each one of these cases, if you look at all of the countrys to date, the mortality is higher at the beginning because you are diagnosing the sickest. The ones who came in quite ill. I just want to remind the American Public that still the majority the risk for serious illness and the majority of americans are low. That doesnt mean you cant transmit it to one of those higher risk groups. Thats why youre asking for all americans to take responsibility. You are seeing mortality, or deaths today from infections that occurred 23 weeks ago, in general. The other thing you are seeing is the dramatic and very difficult impact of this virus in nursing homes. Thats why very early on the president and Vice President had us come out and cms put those very strict rules in place. People thought we were being too strict in keeping loved ones away from their families and nursing homes. If we are going to solve this with a lower death rate, we have to protect the elderly because of their percent being much higher in mortality than any other age group. President trump if you add, please reporter mr. President , there is reporting that the federal government has a plan that shows this coronavirus outbreak might last as long as 18 months. Are you seeing those numbers . President trump no, we are not seeing that it all. Reporter my second question is theres at least one white house official who used the term kung flu referring to the fact of this virus started in china. Is that acceptable . Are you worried having this virus be talked about as a chinese virus, that it might President Trump i wonder who said that. Do you know who said it . Reporter im not sure of the persons name. President trump say the term again. Reporter a person at the white house use the term kung flu. President trump kung flu . Reporter kung flu. Do you think that puts asianamericans at risk . President trump not at al all. I think they probably grew that 100 . It comes from china, theres nothing how about the last question . Say it . Reporter switching gears to a larger question. Weve seen before the pandemic that there were a lot of americans that were already alienated. We saw in the depths of despair increasing through suicide and other things. Now there are individuals in rural parts of the country self isolating. What is your message to those individuals and what do you hope individuals, communities, and churches will President Trump my message to all americans but to those americans who are going through a lot, we love them, we are with them, and we will not let them down. Harris and the president there with his task force giving us a lot of detail and then taking questions. I want to get right to this right now. I know our broadcast stations are joining us, as well. As these events come up and get these updates, we will bring everybody on board. We just ask you, wherever you are watching from, to please stay tim to Fox News Channel and this fox broadcast station for continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. Im Harris Faulkner in new york. We will continue now on Fox News Channel. This is coronavirus pandemic questions answered. Moments ago you saw the president invoking the defense production act, directing private companies to step up production of medical equipment in the battle against the coronavirus. You are watching outnumbered overtime. Im Harris Faulkner. Fastmoving developments as the number of cases now in the United States has risen to more than 7,300. 115 people have died with covid19. All 50 states and the District Of Columbia now have confirmed cases after West Virginia reported its first Coronavirus Infection just last night. And the number of cases worldwide is now more than 207,000, with more than 8,200 deaths. This, as the president has announced the deployment of two hospital ships to new york and the west coast. The uss comfort will be sent to new york harbor. Watch. One is called the mercy and the other is called the comfort. They are in tiptop shape. They soon will be. They are getting ready to come up to new york. I spoke with Governor Cuomo about it. Hes excited about it. I also we havent made the final determination as to where its going to go on the west coast. The comfort is located now in san diego, and its going to be it will be picking the destination very shortly. Those two ships are being prepared to go. Harris the u. S. And canada are also agreeing to temporarily suspend nonessential travel between our two nations. I want to bring in now our medical panel. Dr. Marc siegel, a professor of medicine at Nyu Langone Medical Center and a fox news contributor. Dr. Jacob deutsch, a boardcertified emergency medicine physician. Great to get his take on what they are facing on the front lines. Dr. Peter hotel as is the dean of National School of tropical medicine at Baylor College of medicine in houston. Dr. Hotez, i will start with you today. Got a lengthy update, a lot of questions answered. A couple things popped to me. Why are we right now starting to see more deaths among younger people in places like italy . Dr. Hotez thats a great question. Part of the problem is first of all, thanks for having me back. I dont think we really know the answer, and we also would like to see some better documentation. All we have right now are news reports coming in. I think they are reliable, but youd really like to see the paper written by the actual physicians that are taking care of the patients to know that whether its a definite trend and Something Real or if its anecdotal reports. Its looking like they are seeing significant numbers of younger people in icus and very sick from this virus. Of course the application for us, as weve been talking about the last couple of days, weve been struggling to get young adults to take this seriously, to get them away from congregating out of bars and this kind of thing. And certainly appealing to them because they can infect their parents or their grandparents. This adds another piece to this, saying they themselves are at high risk now for this infecti infection. This is very worrisome. Also, we dont know if its true. Why is it happening in wuhan and in china, and not happening why it is happening in italy, and what will happen in the u. S. Iis a going to look more like china or italy . More questions than answers today but in something we are following very closely. Harris that is so interesting. You gently pushed back, and rightfully so. What we are looking at his many more critical in severe cases among young people. Some deaths, but the burst is coming from how many of them are actually sick. Dr. Deutsch, frontline Emergency Care medicine. You heard the president being pressed. We need more ventilators. What do we need . Dr. Deutsch i have patients in new york city in my urgent care practices. Its an interesting dynamic. We are actually seeing people who probably are more positive cases because they are avoiding the hospital and they are trying to go to ambulatory care centers to get tested, and we are seeing a tremendous amount of positive cases. As of yesterday, the number of cases we sent out, about 50 are coming back positive. Thats really astounding. Harris if you are treating them, you are getting to see them up close. So are these they have a question has been, dr. Deutsch, why medical professionals even those who have on so much gear, those who have access to enough gear to protect themselves the way the cdc and experts from nih saving you be protected why are they getting so sick . You said people are waiting, not going to the hospital. What are you visually seeing with them . Dr. Deutsch most of the patients we see have just been mildly ill. We havent had to direct anybody to the hospital for a higher level of treatment. Everybody has been otherwise symptomatic, where it looks like a flu or even just a mild cold. The tests are definitely showing that people are turning out to be positive. So its just confounding the problem. People dont really realize that this is everywhere and that people need to isolate. Getting the test is important to get some epidemiology, but more importantly, Everybody Needs to take responsibility now. Not in another week when we start to put these kids to get it. Its already too late as far as im concerned. Harris dr. Siegel, before i come to you i want to draw everyones attention. The numbers on the screen to the bottom night as you look at television, trading has been halted for the last few minutes on wall street. You saw the numbers ticking down, theyve been ebbing and flowing come up weve been in a rather anemic treating territory today. We are expecting out about 1 11 p. M. Eastern here for trading to resume. So some reaction in the markets to everything that is going on, from the task force update, maybe that will be positive as it comes back now. Also, currently the prices of oil being different down, so on and so forth. Dow watch , we should see the numbers move expeditiously see here. Dr. Siegel, as we look at the defensive production act, and you and i talked about this three weeks ago, how the president needed to maybe take a look at putting some things into the market. Those n95 respirator masks. We know the Vice President visited 3m up in minneapolis. But you said there needs to be an expeditious and expedited nature for making medical items. At least we are on track now, but how far behind rb . Dr. Siegel we are pretty far behind, because we are starting to use up all the ventilators we have. At least in the hot spot areas like new york. As dr. Deutsch pointed out, theres a lot more spread out there than people realize. I still think identifying and isolating cases or their contacts, they help decrease the amount of spread to the targets we are most concerned about. Those with preexisting conditions and the elderly. Even though we are seeing some more young. Ive heard that a different medical centers around the country. Ive heard their cases on ventilators of younger people. There are a couple of questions i had with that that we dont have answered. Are they vapers, number one . Are with a smokers . We dont know. Do they have Underlying Health conditions . These are key issues prayed i would urge you to another not to vaped, not to smoke. Its a long publication of this virus were most concerned about. Its the ammonia that we dont have a good defense against and may have longterm publications. Young people out there shouldnt be vaping and smoking, for sure. Harris you three gentlemen are with me for the duration of the hour. We will do a lot of things and take a lot of your questions. So they will be live, skype, so on and so forth. Sit tight. I especially dont mike appreciate your expertise. Trading has begun again on wall street, the corner of wall and broad. We are watching it closely. More on that, the markets feeling the pain, obviously. As we saw a few moments ago, the s p plunged by more than 7 . That is the baseline when that happens. When they halted trading temporarily. The dow jones has now, and pretty steadily over the last little bit, been below the 20,000 mark. We are watching all of it. The Economic Impact of covid19 is reverberating throughout america now. How the Trump Administration wants to put cash in your wallets. Stay close. 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And it will be solved. We will win. And there will be a comeback. Harris President Trump just a few moments ago, as you were watching them here live on fox. The markets taking another big hit today due to the Economic Impact of covid19. Trading halted and resumed just before the commercial break, as i was showing you a few moments ago. The dow has now erased all of its gains since President Trump took office. This, despite yesterdays 1000point rally after President Trump promised a massive federal aid package. The estimated 1 trillion stimulus plan would include 50 billion for the airline industry, would you just heard them talking about there. Those empty seats on planes. 150 billion for other hardhit sectors of the economy, and 500 billion in Cash Payments to individual americans. The Treasury Department said payments could begin as early as april 6th. Last night, Vice President pence spoke about their efforts to help everyday americans. Watch. Were working with congress to assure that paid leave is available for hardworking americans. But making sure that this economy gets back on its feet, that americans are able to weather this time, is also a priority for President Trump. We are talking with leadership in both parties on capitol hill. And we are very confident. Harris also, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin warned Senate Republicans yesterday the Unemployment Rate could hit 20 if no action is taken. Of course, they are talking about taking action. Joining me now, Connell Mcshane of fox business. Connell, i want to start there. And the action being taken. We are still waiting for things to move on capitol hill. The house, the senate. We often wait. And some think we are waiting too long. Thats part of whats happening, very small part, by the way, of whats happening on wall street today, harris. Big picture, we are still pricing in this type of environment where companies will not have any earnings to speak of. And we dont know how long we are pricing that in four. In the meantime, we have our everyday concerns. For investors, todays everyday concerned is to be trying to raise cash. Its been like this for a while, but particularly today. Maybe someone bought an asset on margin and theyve been called on that, they need to raise the cash. Leasing that even in the bond market where theres been some selling today, which is interesting. Theres just been a premium on cash. On capitol hill, our colleague chad Program Covers capitol hill sent out a moats dominic note or senator chris coons i think its right, its what a lot of people are talking about in the markets. Companies are telling us. We want to know now, we not done i want to know what you doing for us, i was going to be structured. They are tough decisions, but do we need to lay people off . Can you give them on the payroll because were getting money from the government . House at all going be structured . Thats whats going on. Harris thats an interesting point. Mark cuban, who we know owns the Dallas Mavericks and a few other things, was saying that he doesnt think we should put cash in peoples pockets. I saw that. Harris you saw that . It sends a message to employers that they shouldnt lay off, and that makes people think the government will take care of them. And he said they shouldnt think that. Wright, his basic message is the incentives would be wrong. Because youre running a Small Business and thinking to yourself, boy, im going to have a tough x amount of months. If i know my employee who i care a lot about, obviously, on a personal level, is going to get cash from the government, am i going to send them i will lay them off . At least end of the government is there for them. Anything simple and it will go up more as a result of that. I also think its interesting to todays what marco rubio has been talking about. Senator collins was involved, they were supposed to have an event that would usually plan thats been pushed off a couple times. Rubio is saying that if your Small Business and you want to take out a loan to cover payroll, that is fine pay but its going to be very difficult to pay that back. Because you are not getting necessarily that money thats lost. You get new money when it comes down the line. That you still have expenses to deal with. Hes basically saying that if you can prove to the government that the money you are taking out now as an emergency was just used to cover your payroll, instead of a loan, it should be converted into a grant. Thats much different than what others are saying. That may not slam capitol hill. Theres a debate right now. I guess while we are having a debate, they are looking at that and saying, come on, lets get going, lets solve this. We need to see some answers. Harris before lico, Governor Cuomo here in new york spends a lot of time trying to explain his perspective on if you he says its how he was raised, if you take care of yourself and your family you are wealthy because you have your health. We can figure out everything later. Is that how it works on wall street, though . Im looking at these numbers and im hearing you say that investors are looking for and there might not ever be a lot of certainty in this environment, right . But they want a path forward, what does it look like . Since march 9th, march 9th, 12th, 16th, and today, four times it had to halt the market. What psychologically is going on at the corner of wall and broad . If youre trying to companies are not going to be able to make any money. If you say to Companies Six months, youd be able to get a sense. For an indefinite period of time, we dont know, that makes it much more difficult to plan. Go ahead. Harris real quickly, what then is better or worse, if you will . With his 15day plan, the president saying by maybe july, august, summer, things will be on the other side of the way we will see. Cases and so on and so forth. Whats better, that were saying we dont know . I dont know that investors are looking no matter what the president says, the reaction i talk to somebody on wall street about it yesterday. Well, all right, but he doesnt really know. He acknowledged she doesnt know. Its obviously an estimate. In the next breath he said something like, or it could be longer. Time frame, uncertainty, visibility, all those things are tough. We would like to get answers from washington t today by the d of the day previously. Harris dow jones, s p, everybodys back trading now. Well watch about dominic all paid Connell Mcshane, come back any time on outnumbered overtime we appreciate it. Officials say the u. S. Is facing a Tipping Point in its response as u. S. Cases of top 7,300. Are we doing enough to flatten that curve . 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Harris Public Health officials are warning the United States has reached a Tipping Point with covid19, saying its critical to practice social distancing in order to avoid a crisis like we are seeing in parts of europe, italy, so on and so forth. However, and meanwhile, the nations top immunologist, dr. Anthony fauci, says it will be sometime before we find out whether we are being successful at flattening the curve. Watch. It probably would be several weeks, maybe longer, before you know whether you are effect. At the end of the day see curve thats way, way up. Is it working or not . That would be misleading if you do that. Harris singl singapore and taiwan were allowed for the response, but now are seeing a resurgence of cases. Our medical experts are back. Dr. Siegel, dr. Deutsch, and dr. Hotez. Dr. Hotez, i will start with y you. Is there any more reason why they are seeing a resurgence of cases abroad . Dr. Hotez abroad or here in the United States . Harris lets do both. Dr. Hotez in the United States we are still not nearly up to speed with the full extent of testing. What that means is we are going to see those numbers go up. Over 7,000, a lot of those its not necessarily that theres a new transmission, its probably ongoing transmission we are picking up. Thats really important, because a number of studies have shown the longer you allow sustained transmission in the community, lets say for several weeks, versus being on top of it within a week, its a totally different scenario versus the number of patients that wind up hospitalized or nicus. In other words, if transmission goes on for six weeks, you wind up with a situation that resembles wuhan or italy, versus being on top of it right away youve got a situation where its just a handful of cases potentially. So this is why its so critical right now to know the full extent of this epidemic so we can figure out how to intervene. Harris again, more to my point, the resurgence now that we are seeing in some of those areas like hong kong and taiwan where they did hit this early on. Now part two, you dont with u. S. Dr. Siegel, why are we seeing that abroad . Be to harass, you are very careful in how you choose words, and i like that a lot i wouldnt necessarily set off an alarm on this. If you notice, you are still looking at hundreds of cases. Not thousands. I think thats inevitable that it would occur. That speaks to dr. Faucis point that he said a few minutes ago on a sound bite. That we are not monitoring this daytoday. We are monitoring it in terms of, does it go from 150 cases to suddenly 1500 or 3,000 cases . In the case of singapore, hong kong, and taiwan, i would stick to the idea that overall theres way fewer cases than we are seeing even in the United States right now or in italy or in spain or in france. Harris okay, thats positive. Lets get to one of our viewers, he asks the question. My question is, what is the turnaround time for covid19 testing results . I had the test today but wasnt given any indication on the timeline. Harris dr. Deutsch, you are on the front lines in urgent care. I would imagine you had to order a test or two. Can you take her question . Dr. Deutsch yes, in our situation we are seeing a turnaround time of 48 hours. Sometime sooner. It depends on the lab. This really goes to the effort of the private sector labs and small practices like myself being able to actually offer testing. We are really getting numbers that are very helpful for understanding how many people there are, and the quicker turnaround time is critical as far as im concerned. Harris doctors, sit by. Our medical experts will continue to answer questions. Real quickly a couple of news points here. The u. K. Is set to calls all schools across the United Kingdom beginning fridayf this week. All schools closing. We will talk about that when we come back to the doctors. I have just been handed this tweet by the u. S. National guards twitter account. It says there are nearly 2,000 army and air guard activated in 23 states. More than 20 civil support teams have been training First Responders on the proper use of personal protective equipment, or ppe. 900 total art in new york. 60 in illinois. So we are watching the news as its happening this hour as well. And an alarming report on young coronavirus patients. We touched on this. We are going to go deeper now. Why a doctor says what he found in cat scans is nothing short of terrifying. Those are that doctors words. Thats next to her medical panel. Plus, more of your questions and their answers. Whats important to you . Saving for avas college. Financial security. Being able to retire. On our terms. No matter what your goals are, our trusted advisors can help you reach them. Ameriprise financial. Its velveeta shells cheese our trusted advisors can help you reach them. Versus the other guys. Clearly, velveeta melts creamier. Harris a belgian doctor working to battle coronavirus says that the lung scans of several young patients he has treated were nothing short of terrifying. At first, reported in the brussels times, he says that they are suffering from severe lung damage despite having no underlying conditions and having what he calls blink medical records. Bring back the medical panel now. Dr. Siegel, you touched on this before. What is causing this, do you think . What could be . Dr. Siegel we dont know. Its probably something that is immunologically based, but it definitely varies and its not something that we are seeing all the time. Its something we call a ground glass pattern. You are seeing patches of pneumonia, not something that a bacteria would cause or even something that we generally see in a virus. So it has a characteristic pattern and it seen on cat scans. Thats why in china, by the way, they were starting to make the diagnosis that way when they ran out of the swabs. The test they were doing by swab. So i find it very concerning. The other thing ive heard in several cases is that it can lead to permanent damage of the lungs. Harris wow. Dr. Deutsch, again, and your urgent care you are seeing people come in. I know not everybody brushes, so you see sometimes they wait. Does that mean the system, the body system, gets worse along the way with the symptoms . What that maybe means, thats why we are seein lung damage . Dr. Deutsch its difficult to speculate. Certainly people are coming and when they start to get most of the symptoms. When the fevers spike, the severe muscle pain, the body aches that people are typically describing. In terms of that resulting in the severe lung damage, we havent seen any patients that qualify there. But i think its difficult to speculate. Because what are their underlying conditions . What other factors, what was their access to health care . We dont have that information to speculate what is specific about those cases. It certainly is tragic. Like anything, it should get us all concerned and make everybody more aware of what we need to do, which is to isolate, take this serious, to take action now and not be waiting for another week before we get the some sort of directive that we need to do more. Harris kaitlin has a question but what we can expect in the warmer months. Lets watch. I was wondering when it starts to get warmer and we see mosquitoes if we should be concerned about mosquitoes spreading the virus between people. Harris dr. Hotez . Dr. Hotez well, for a virus to be transmitted by mosquito, it has to be especially adapted. Everything we know about this respiratory virus, there is no evidence it is transmitted by mosquitoes. So i dont think we have to worry so much about that. What we do need to look at is what happens as we move into the warmer months. Theres a lot of speculation. But we havent gone through a full year of this virus, so we dont know. We know historically some other types of coronaviruses peak in the winter and drop off. Maybe this one will do it. May be in this case itll start to go down and then come back up again as we go into the fall. Until we see, until he goes through a whole year of this virus, we are not going to have a good sense of the seasonality. Although a lot of viruses do have sharp seasonality. Harris a quick followup on that with you, dr. Hotez. In singapore i was look at temperature tables because i was curious about this. They had a spike and some success since then with some of the measures theyve done to tamp down the neck contagion. But the average temperature in january is 82. He goes up from there, 85 in february. When you look at the times were the numbers were spiking, it was already warm. Dr. Hotez thats right. The fact that some viruses show a certain seasonality, temperature may be a part of it but it might not be everything. Some speculate it could be direct sunlight, in other cases its levels of humidity. Because in the humid weather you have larger droplets of water in the atmosphere, and the droplets fall faster to the ground so they are not landing on peoples faces. We know that a lot of viruses show seasonality, but it varies depending on the virus. For instance, polio, when it was endemic in the u. S. , would peak late summer, early fall. Adenovirus in the spring. Back when i was still seeing pediatric patients, when i was seeing and practicing pediatric infectious disease, i would see a child with a fever and think, what time of year is it . A good percentage of the time, it was that virus based on the season. Harris thats interesting. We have so many more questions from reviewers. We will get to it. Doctors, thank you so much. Sit by. Lets tell you how you can get yours in. Even seeing them. Im doing some things real time, which means im watching the social media, too, as we answer your questions. You got it there on the screen, the best way to get them to us is to upload a brief video question to the fox News Facebook page. We will try to get to as many as we can each and every day this continues. New York City Police officers are raising concerns about possibly spreading covid19 while on the job or being infected by it. Should Police Departments across america change the way they operate and respond to the virus . Former nypd commander will join you with his case, next. Us Liberty Mutual commercials where they stand in front of the statue of liberty and talk about how Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Uhhh. Yes. Huh. What happens in this one . Seagulls. Oh, i like it. How are you doing . seagulls sounds only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state program call or visit dana hi, everyone. Im dana perino. Packed hour ahead. Officials try to sprea slow thed of cove 19. The military preparing to send ships to a couple cities. We will get the latest at the top of the hour. Plus, so many schools closed. I will speak with a couple of moms doing their part to help those in need. Thats coming up on the daily briefing. Harris lets talk about the First Responders now. The new York City Police commissioner says at least five employees have tested positive for coronavirus, including one in the citys first precinct representing downtown manhattan. As a result, 17 officers were sent home while many others have called out sick. Some officers have raised their concerns after the nypd sent out a message, a video, advising them to keep working even if they had close contact with the person who has tested positive. Lets check in on philadelphia. Police officers there reportedly delaying arrests of nonviolent offenders to limit the spread of covid19. Joining me by phone, former nypd commander joe cardinale. Tell me if you could what you learned about the situation in new york city and the nypd. Inevitably you expect some officers to get it. Its the amount of exposure that they are trying to minimize at this point. How they do it is just minimal contact with the public, unnecessary contact with the public. You have to understand, they are First Responders. To keep them away from the ems calls is one very important factor. I know theyve got to that protocol, as well. To minimize their exposure is key. So im trying to understand why anybody in the nypd would have them in clusters or in situations where they would be exposed on that point. Harris i know youve likened this to some messaging after 9 11. Yes. You know it the scary part is . If commanders are out there and somebodys telling them, dont worry about it, thats a deja vu for a lot of us who are First Responders for 9 11. At that time we were told their quality was okay and that the paper masks were okay. It wasnt just us, it was the Fire Department and every First Responder that went down. We also found out that was not the fact that it was highly toxic down there. To liken it to what we are told, to go out there and do your job, we have no problem doing our job. Its the conditions we have to do it under. Its bad enough that we have people who are throwing stuff at us. Bodily fluids, everything. Harris its a very tough year, definitely. Exactly. Now they want the mother to protect the public, rightfully so, and to put their minds at ease. But you will get First Responders that are going to contract it. Harris i know you have a quick question for the doctors. Yes, im getting back to you this is what we were wondering, a lot of us speak about it. A lot of us were First Responders for 9 11 and we go to the World Trade Center Health Clinics and everything. We have symptoms to begin with. Pulmonary stuff, sinusitis, really bad. Im staying and doing all the precautions that have to be taken in everything, but how do you distinguish between the two . From what we already have, and then you start getting that . At what point do you have to be concerned . Harris im going to cut in because i want you to your question answered. Dr. Siegel . Real quickly. Dr. Siegel from talking to the people in nebraska took care of the first patients, the key here is that fever is very high. That characterizes an acute response in a severe case. The shortness of breath you have could get a lot worse. I am particularly concerned about your group because of her underlying condition, because of preexisting lung damage. On top of that, this could be really problematic. Harris all right. Joe, please forgive me. We are tight on time. 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Students, at last check, 41 million of them, are learning online or being homeschooled by their parents. And now kansas has become the first state to close its k12 schools with the rest of the Academic Year. Joining me now, james rew, an Online Education expert. What do you think about the challenges for the students . We are in an unprecedented time right now, not just the kids but families and parents. They are having to adjust to learning online and you know, and a lot of parents and families and thats an opportunity for kids and parents to connect. What about special education parents and students . One of my friends is struggling because she her student is not doing well with digital learni learning. They have some special needs that sometimes and you cant really address appropriately in an Online Learning environment. And i dont think we have really worked through that yet. Online learning can work very effectively for some special education situations but not all. I think we take that as well. I am concerned about the psychological adjustment for little ones when we tell them its only going to be a little bit of time but when you see what kansas did for k12 for the rest of the Academic Year and some talk of the word indefinite, ive had to teach my 10yearold what that means. That has an impact. What is it . We are living in a different world. I think for kids specifically, they need structure. In order for them to get through their day they need to have a set of structures so i would encourage parents to set up the structures. Thats what the schools do. They have first. And second. And have structure. So thats important. Also taking advantage of the tools are available out there, k12, we have a bunch of online tools and resources that people can use to help in that situation. We will be rolling out some free online resources here in the next week, some reading tools. Its important to use that structure that is available to parents. We talk about those tools with your company, and we will put that information on the screen but all of those things, those resources are out there. What isolation does though to an individual, i know you are looking at that component, when we do finally go back to school. What does that due to the learning curve for kids . Clearly every kid is going to adapt differently to the situation. There are some kids who actually really thrive in this kind of environment. But there are other kids that need to be in school in the classroom, learning through a bit of osmosis. Its really an individual situation that we got here. I would encourage getting the parents involved, use online resources, read as much as you can. I think they need to read as much as they can. Thank you james. Heres dana. Dana hello everyone, im dana perino and we are moving fastmoving developments at this hour in the fight against coronavirus. President trump invoking the protection asked helping get more emergency medical supplies like masks and ventilators. The president also committing to Military Hospital ships to hardhit cities, one of the cities as new york. Its not clear where the other ship will go yet. We are expecting an update from the pentagon any moment. The dow is taking another dive today wiping out all the gains since President Trump took office. Over on the hill we are

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