Predecessors. Hes trying to solve a problem that has existed my entire career. Hes trying to tackle this issue that he inherited and i think we are going to get a handle on it. Harris the former acting director of i. C. E. , great to see you today. How do we know about the criminals among the caravans, where is that information coming from and do you feel its solid . I do, secretary nielsen, the white house, this administratio administration, they have access to the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. They are getting information, if you look at past data, last year when we did operation matador in new york city, we arrested hundreds of ms13 gang members. 40 of them entered as a family unit or as an unaccompanied child. This is in fact a large number of these people are criminals and a threat to this country. Harris during the political season, you read the words stunted and fictitious and not dangerous and those sorts of things and i remember secretary mattis saying the Defense Department doesnt do stunts, where are we now with the facts on the ground . Its not a stunned, ive been doing this for 34 years. Border security is National Security. People need to understand, the cartels control the northern part of mexico so no person entering this country illegally with a criminal organization without paying the tax to the cartels who own certain parts, what they do, when these large groups come into the United States, they will push a large group of illegal aliens in one sector and they can move drugs and people through another part of the sector. What the president did by signing due to infrastructure and the back work about transporting supplies and building the infrastructure down there, he released Border Patrol agents that are currently doing that work and put more boots on the border which means we are going to catch more drugs and catch more people that want to do harm to this country. If you look at the Intelligence Reports right now, the cartels are angry because dod is at the border and they cant move their product as freely as they used to move it. If we keep this pressure up, you will see the cartels start forcing these caravans out. Harris thats really interesting. What do we say now about the military being set to leave the area down there, possibly by december 15th is the date that i am reading about. I am not on the ground on a but if theres a certain portion of the military and the infrastructure is complete and theyre not needed, send them home but i think theres a lot of work to be done, i dont think we should see everybody go home but they will build it into the infrastructure, the razor wire is going to stop the bad people from coming in. I think we have to play it by ear as they close avenues of illegal egress that can be released as long as the infrastructure work is done that doesnt require Border Patrol agents to do it. Harris ive been trying to get my mind around why theyre such a conflict in the reporting of numbers about how many people apply for asylum, has there been an uptick . It used to be not so many people and now there are reports that many people are trying to apply for asylum, what is the truth. The last numbers i saw, asylum applications were up 3000 this decade, i dont see Central America in the middle of a war. Harris there are conditions that are horrible but 3000 is a lot. The bottom line is, fox has been with this caravan since day one, you hear these people talking about wanting a better life, they want a job, that doesnt qualify for asylum. They come to the border and make those magic words, say those phrases, they get into the United States and in the past get released, either not to show up in court or get a final order and they dont leave, now we have a president that says look, this country is not open to illegal immigration, we are going to follow the law and make you come through a port of entry so we can make sure we know who you are, you get your due process. Now youve got some federal judge that says he cant stop those from entering illegally into the United States. Everything hes doing to protect this country is being met with lawsuits. I think hes going to win this lawsuit like he did with the socalled travel ban. Some liberal judge in the ninth circuit is trying to stop this president from protecting our borders. Harris when you look at who is coming across the border, very few of them are really going to qualify for asylum. The Detention Centers are full, i made a comment on outnumbered last hour. People in arizona might be a little sensitive after whats gone on in their state, what are the answers, what are we going to do with these people . While they wait for whatever happens. To be clear to your audience, harris, 91 the latest data on a silence secrets is 91 of Central Americans do not give credible information to an immigration judge. So the facts are facts, 9 out of 10 will lose their case. Its loaded with fraud and frivolous claims but what we do is what the president is doing, build tent cities harris are you in favor of that . Absolutely, we have to detain them. Here is why these caravans keep coming, if we dont detain them and they get released, many dont show up in court and if they do show up in court, 90 get told no and it is an open borders policy, back in 2014, when these Families First started, we build the first family detention center, we held them until they saw a judge, most of them lost their case and be filled claims full of these people and send them back to Central America and the numbers on the border declined drastically. You cannot commit fraud and expect to stay. It wasnt until the ninth circuit ruled you could only hold them for 20 days, the process doesnt happen that quickly so they get released before they see a judge. This president is trying to turn that around and say no, we need to hold these people, and i hope hes successful. Harris i know from talking to you and others, the Border Patrol release for that purpose of putting Illegal Immigrants into america released a full, it comes with so much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Harris good to see you. I want to bring in michael moore, former u. S. Attorney for the middle district of georgia. Also good to see you today. Lets talk about, if we can, just in the meaning of asylum. Heard tom homan, former ice acting director, some of the boxes you had to check. It exists for a certain reason and if the rules are being banned, what do we do . This is a great afternoon because i think i am one of the more conservative people on your show, what we do is we follow the law and if we want to change the law, we want to change rules and regulations that relate to asylum and how we regulate asylumseekers, we do that through congress and in this instance this is what the president did not do, if he wanted to change how and who could apply for asylum, theres a way to do that through the will of the people by way of their elected representatives in congress and the statute is pretty clear, Congress Said their intent is that people can seek asylum in this country no matter if they get here legally or illegally. What you see i think is that this is a situation where theres been disparity, a different treatment maybe in people coming to the country from the south and may be people who are flying into new york city from countries and landed here and say they need to seek asylum. Its simply a matter of following the law and if you want to change the law, thats something that can be done through congress and i think thats what the judge says. Harris you understand now what the white house wants to appeal, explain it to the rest of us and say whether you think the white house will win that appeal. At this point with the president is saying is that he thinks under the law he has the authority for National Security purposes to regulate who can enter the country. The problem is that what he has done is tried to regulate who can seek asylum in the country and congress has already passed a law and there is a statute that talks about who can and cannot seek asylum. Harris it would take congress to change that. Thats correct, we remember for years, we heard complaints about how the Democratic Administration tried to legislate through executive order, thats exactly what trump tried to do here. Lets say for instance he wants to say, we are not going to let people in the country at this particular time because weve been under attack and we are going to block certain areas where its not discriminatory against their religion or National Origin because of some specific intel hes had on National Security. Harris isnt he doing that . I have limited time with you, isnt the president doing that when he says he has solid information, when we hear secretary nielsen say there are 500 criminals among a group that are close to the san diego border and thats what theyre looking at, is that the kind of issue, if you will, that the president could use to do exactly what youre describing . He can try to do that, the problem is he sent all these troops down there right before the election with his talk about the dangers of the caravan. Now that the election is over, he is pulling the true troops back out, thats why it looks like a stunt. I think thats why you have a discord between secretary mattis and the president. He has a Great Respect for the military. He would not use them in a stunt. At this particular time i think the president in this circumstance use them for a stunt and thats the problem. Harris there are a lot of people who would agree with you, not the least of which is the president. Thank you for your time. This is happening now, President Trump releasing a new statement which seems to signal the United States will not punish the Saudi Crown Prince over the murder of columnist khashoggi. The president is expected to receive a full Intelligence Report on the matter today. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts live outside the white house. Good afternoon to you, harris. I think you can safely say this was a statement that was written by the president himself that mirrors completely the type of language hes been using. He talks to Chris Wallace about this in that interview for Fox News Sunday on friday of last week in which the president said, maybe the crown prince of saudi arabia was involved in this, maybe he wasnt. The president saying they vigorously deny any planning of the, they had knowledge of this tragic event, maybe he did and maybe didnt. The president also in this statement raises some questions about Jamaal Khashoggi himself, saying representatives of saudi arabia say he was an enemy of the state, but my decision is in no way based on that. This is an unacceptable and horrible crime. The president saying its an acceptable and horrible, by the way, people in saudi arabia say he was an enemy of the state. The president floating that idea but tearing it down. Also saying we may never know all the facts surrounding the murder of jamal khashoggi, in any case, our relationship is with the kingdom of saudi arabia. The president repeating what he said in the past, that he signed some big contracts a year ago, 450 billion. He doesnt want to jeopardize those by sanctioning leadership of saudi arabia and eventually handing those contracts over to players from russia or china. The president also pointing out that 17 saudis have been sanctioned by the United States in connection with the death of jamal khashoggi. That appears to be as far as the president is going to go. Hes going to get that report from the intelligence agency, the president already laying down a marker that the United States is sanctioned, the president is at least for the time being giving them a pass when it comes to the death of jamal khashoggi. Harris turkey all along has said it has at least one tape, audio, video, the complete components they have in terms of the killing of khashoggi. The president saying he didnt want to watch the tape at hand. What do we know about the evidence the cia wouldve looked at and what the president has or does not have in terms of not watching the tape . Clearly the cia listened to the tape, the president of turkey says the tape was played for the cia director when she was over there doing an investigation. Clearly the cia has plenty of assets on the ground in both saudi arabia and in turkey. Turkish officials have been more than happy to tell what they believe is their side of the story. I would think reports of the New York Times and other Media Outlets have come to the conclusion that mohammad bin salman did order the objection, if not the killing of jamal khashoggi, but the president again keeping that at arms length. We are probably not going to do anything more. Harris does the president believe or not believe the cia . You would have to ask him, thats a question we have asked many times dealing with russia and interference in the u. S. Election. Harris john roberts, thank you. Breaking news outside the white house today, appreciate it. I want to bring in brad sherman, a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. I know just a short time ago, Senate Leadership and Foreign Relations Committee Staff requested and all senators briefing on jamal khashoggi. Likely happening next week when congress is back from thanksgiving break. More answers to come. First, your reaction . Its pretty clear that the cia report indicates that the crown prince order to this brutal murder, its also clear that there are many worse things that are happening in the middle east by both saudi arabia and its friends and the enemies of saudi arabia. I think khashoggi is getting a lot of attention, in large part because he was part of the Foreign Policy establishment, known as a person by the u. S. Foreign policy establishment here in washington, but we need to focus on the use of food deprivation in the war in yemen by both sides. The idea of trying to starve your enemy is a war crime. I know its gone on for thousands of thousands of years in the middle east but its not the way to conduct. Melissa its becoming a historic level of a humanitarian crisis in yemen, thats a story were watching closely. I have to say, given the run up with democrats to this point, he was commenting that he didnt think the president believed to the cia report. From what john roberts just reported, i asked him that question at the end but it was really more about the fact that there was not definitive information one way or the other involving the crown prince. Look, you dont know for sure very many things in this world, were pretty confident that the crown prince ordered this but that key issue is how do we prevent saudi arabia from developing Nuclear Weapons . Because whether its the crown prince that would order this or there are rogue elements in saudi arabia that can commandeer two planes and carry out an operation like this, the government should not have Nuclear Weapons and the one thing i think Congress Needs to do is make it clear that any Nuclear Cooperation agreement with saudi arabia must be approved by congress. I think thats the one thing we are likely to do that would really interfere, because frankly, just sanctioning them by saying they are not going to be allowed to visit disneyland is in the insufficient. Harris i have to make a pretty hard turned news wise now, thank you for your time. We see on the left of the screen President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump hosting an upbeat event right now, the president ial turkey pardoning ceremony in the white house rose garden. We are going to have to turn from that serious matter to one that has to do with our holiday this week, and there are two turkeys up for pardoning, lets listen to the president. President trump thank you very much for being here, thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thanksgiving is a time of Great American traditions and today we continue a very special one when a lucky turkey gets a president ial pardon. That turkey is so lucky, ive never seen such a beautiful turkey. Its been stated that president abraham lincoln, on a stable, was the first president to grab such a pardon after his son befriended the christmas turkey and implored his father, please, dad, please, save it. And this grand tradition, i am pleased to announce, that todays lucky bird and guest of honor is named peas, along with his alternate, named carrots. The children will understand. The winner of this vote was conducted by a Fair Election on the white house web site. Unfortunately, carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount and we are still fighting with carrots. I will tell you weve come to a conclusion. Carrots, im sorry to tell you, the result did not change. Peas and carrots are the very First National thanksgiving turkeys from the very great state of south dakota. For this occasion, we are excited to be joined by governorelect, a real friend of ours, christie, stand up. Congratulations. She just ran a very, very great race against very capable opponent and that was really something special, congratulations. We are also happy to have wyoming congresswoman, liz cheney here with us, she had a big victory also. Thank you, that was a great victory. They know what theyre doing in congress. Peas and carrots were raised from a wonderful farmer from riverside, this is something that is very proud of. Ruben waldner, thank you for having done a great job. Ruben, stand up. Great job. Thats a good looking turkey great job. Peas and carrots were two out of a group of 50 exceptional turkeys raised for this event, and you can see that by looking at them. Together they are known as the president ial flock. After their good fortune today, peas and carrots will both live out the rest of their days at gobblers rest where they will enjoy a beautiful private enclosure under their care of poultry science students and veterinarians. They will be well taken care of at virginia tech. It wont be entirely a rest. Even though peas and carrots have received a president ial pardon, i have warned them that House Democrats are likely to issue them both subpoenas. Nonetheless, in the spirit of thanksgiving, i will be issuing both peas and carrots a president ial pardon. Unfortunately, i cant guarantee that your pardons wont be enjoyed by the ninth circuit. Always happens, guarantee it. All joking aside, this is a time for americans to unite together in the spirit of love, understanding, unity, and joy, as one very proud american family. Our nation is doing well, we are now at the beginning of a National Period of thanksgiving and as we pause to give thanks for all the blessings weve been bestowed, it really has been blessing after blessing, after blessing. We are all very thankful. We pray for those in need, especially our fellow citizens impacted by the devastating wildfires in california. Ive never seen anything like it, probably nobody has. All american hearts are joined with theirs. We give thanks for the family, friends, neighbors, and loved ones who enrich our lives, lift our spirits, and fill our days with joy. We give thanks to god, who continues to shed his almighty grace on this land that we all love so much. We are truly blessed to be americans. This is an incredible time for our country. Prosperity is storing all across our land. We are especially thankful for the men and women who protect our families and protect our flag. As we gather together this week with those we love, we share our gratitude to all of those who spend this holiday very, very far from home, serving in our military overseas. We send our eternal gratitude to the heroes who keep america safe, strong, proud, prosperous, and free, and we ask god to always watch over these incredible, brave americans as they faithfully defend our nation and as they defend our home. Now its time to grant peas and carrots the pardon theyve been waiting for. They are extremely lucky birds. Thank you everyone, have a very, very happy thanksgiving. God bless you all and god bless america. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you very much. Peas, i here by grant you a full pardon. [applause] thank you very much everybody, really great. Thank you. Thank you. Harris i have a lot of details on peas. That is a 39pound bird, 30 inches tall, likes to listen to brad paisley, he snacked on popcorn, he likes ice fishing and watching planes go by. But you heard the president there, he is extending this to the alternate, also. Carrots is a big bird. Her past time is apparently yoga. I have a little dossier here. The president wanting to broaden it out and say both of these birds will survive, carrots is the alternate should peas become uncooperative in some way. In the meantime he had a very serious president ial message for this thanksgiving holiday, he talked about americans coming together, much like peas and carrots, he wanted to pardon them both. He talked about our military members and thank them for their service and press the fact that we can Work Together as americans. There you have it, the traditional and official turkey pardoning at the white house. Those birds can live another thanksgiving holiday. And we will move on with the news now. Learning new details about when President Trump plans to submit his written responses to questions or special Counsel Robert Mueller. The potential timeline and what it will mean for that probe. Republican congressman andy biggs joined me next. Stay close. Let newday usa help you buy a home of your own. Newday usas zero down va home loan lets you buy a home with no down payment. And, since newday usa has been granted automatic authority by the va, they can say yes when banks say no. Now when you walk into an open house and say this is the one. It really can be. Call 18778068148. But he has plans today. So he took aleve this morning. Hey dad. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief with just one pill. 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Rudy giuliani now says special Counsel Robert Mueller could receive written answers from the white house in the next couple of days. This timeline has tightened suddenly. It has come a Rudy Giuliani confirming to fox news that written responses from special Counsel Robert Mueller are likely to be turned over in the next couple of days and there could be an update later today on the timing. This scenario, if you will, was first reported from cbs news. President trump told reporters over the weekend that he answered the questions and would submit them this week, focusing on alleged coordination between the Trump Campaign and russian officials prior to the november 2016 election. And not the firing of fbi director james comey which would be part of an fbi obstruction of justice case. Those close to the legal team have maintained it is unlikely that he will do so, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway downplayed an inperson interview. Securities have i guess counseled him that he should submit those answers in writing and he has. Hes not afraid to sit down, it just doesnt seem necessary. The president has spent several hours with his legal team. Rudy giuliani did not comment on reporting that they had this informal thanksgiving deadline, we were told to wait for more developments as late as this afternoon. Harris i want to bring in andy biggs of arizona, he sits on the house judiciary committee. What do you make a where we are with this investigation . Is this a signal with written answers that we are nearing the end . I think coming from the president , it signals that we are close to wrapping this up. I would imagine the next step would be to thoroughly vet those answers. I also believe theyre going to continue to press for a sitdown interview of some kind of because they not looking for necessarily whether President Trump is associated with a crime, they are trying to figure out if he committed any crime. They are not looking for a criminal act and seeing who caused it, they are looking to see if President Trump did anything wrong. Its kind of backwards but i think we are at the point where they are going to wrap it up. I think theyre going to press for an interview. Harris theres been reporting, two or three weeks ago, that that we might be hearing something from Robert Mueller. What do you make of that . I think hes thinned out his corps of prosecutors but one of the things hes done is hes tightened it up, the leaks that were there initially have clamped up but i think keeping it close to the vest like this is a way to keep their strategy under wraps and be able to make that case, whatever case theyre going to make. Harris the president has said he probably wont sit down with Robert Mueller. The way weve been watching this unfold, this would be the top of the food chain in terms of who you talk with. The president is who they want to talk with. I think its a mistake because i think it indicates, to me anyway, that they are still on a bit of a fishing expedition, trying to link President Trump up to something. There is no real necessary there hasnt been an act shown here. If you had a criminal act, you will see who caused it. But we are doing is saying President Trump is the guy we want to get and trying to see if there is an act in any way we can get him and i think sitting down with the metoo would be a bad idea. Harris on both sides of the aisle, weve been hearing that Robert Mueller is a good person for this, hes going to be fierce on the facts and he wants to ride this to the end. Do you still trust him to be the guy on this investigation . I was always skeptical of mr. Muellers appointment, to be honest with you and i voiced that. I think some of my colleagues who still believe hes the guy about some of the folks that were with him to begin with have come to me and said look, you know, this has been a disaster. Weve had trouble finding the scope of this investigation. Theres all kinds of problems. And i do believe they are trying to tie President Trump to something, anything. Harris the president has put an acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker. Im curious, we dont know what this participation would be, i want to make that clear. We dont know particularly where he would interconnect, if you will. Have you met Matthew Whitaker . Do you think its problematic to have chosen this man . I have not met Matthew Whitaker, ive talked to people who say he is very well qualified and he is an honest broker. My understanding is that he is not going to oversee this investigation and it will still rest with rod rosenstein. Its going to continue on without interference at all by mr. Whitaker. Harris all right, the great state of arizona, we can see behind you. Beautiful today. Harris i know it is, ill be home tomorrow. Republicans facing a big test on whether they can further expand their majority. The mississippi race has moved to a runoff that will happen next week. Democrats seeing an opportunity to flip that seat. I will talk with rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel, stay close. Asisd clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. How sexy are these elbows . Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. At humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. Humana can help. With original medicare, youre covered for hospital stays and Doctor Office visits when youre sick. But keep in mind youll have to pay a deductible for each. 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Ronna mcdaniels, chairwoman of the Republican National committee, great to see you what do you do with this race with some complicated comments that have been made recently . You bring it back to the policies that these candidates represent. Cindy hydesmith is in lockstep with the president. Shes running against somebody who has been indicted, was too corrupt for even the clintons, somebody who said he wouldnt vote for judge cavanaugh. Voters going to based on the issues and i think ultimately, cindy hydesmith gets reelected to the senate. Harris you and i have talked before about how the rnc doesnt get into the nittygritty on these local races but its mississippi which has a particularly horrible history when it comes to hanging. Im wondering, how do you deal with that kind of a comic . Is that something you at the rnc would weigh in on . You know, i spent time with cindy last night, she said obviously those comments were not intended that way, she said that choice of words was not intended in any way to bring up that history, thats not something she is going to do as senator, she is going to represent every mississippian, people there know her heart and her values and democrats are using this to divide and she wants to unite. Harris did she say it was a joke . People there know her, she served in the senate and the secretary of agriculture, you know that is not at all what she intended with those comments and she has made that very clear. Harris lets talk about big picture, a week before the midterm election, you and i were discussing the history that could be made in terms of the senate with republicans picking up seats, and youve done that, thats exactly what is happened. Yes, historically, in that first midterm of a sitting president you lose on average, three seats. We picked up two, took out four incumbent democrat senators in florida, missouri, indiana, and what does that mean for the country . It means more jobs, a growing economy, the trump agenda is working for the average working americans and thats what we need to continue and we have a senate that will help that and the democrats now have a choice in the house, are they going to work to continue this growth for our economy on behalf of the American People or will they continue the resist and obstruct playbook theyve been using for the past two years . Harris the president has said that the margin in the senate was so slim and if something happened, you would maybe not even be benefited by the Vice President breaking a tie, it could make things very complicated. Adding those two seats gives a lot of breathing room, obviously you have the Vice President as the tiebreaker and president of the senate. This is a good election on the senate side, it will give us an opportunity to continue to confirm judges, get some nominations through the democrats have been holding up, its been an unprecedented level of obstruction, i dont think the American People even realize how many positions are vacant because democrats wont put them through the confirmation process. We need to keep this seat in mississippi and thats why the president is going there, he is going to fight for every vote in the senate. Harris you are bringing up something we havent talked about in a while, although vacancies and the troubling sign that you couldnt even fill some of the basics. Does it get easier now and what is your first focus either with that or policy . I think both, youve got to do both at the same time but i dont like americans understand the level of obstruction weve seen from the democrats. Under the past six president s, most of the nominations went through with unanimous consent. Under President Trump in the first two years, there have been 171 closure votes in the past six there were only 24, it has been an unprecedented level of stopping the government and thats means we are not putting ambassadors, key countries, people of gone through ambassador school, we are not getting people placed in the hierarchy of government to make our government function, ive never seen this in our government before and its not getting reported enough but its bob menendez, democrats saying we will not work with as president on anything even if it means our government malfunctions. Harris chairwoman ronna mcdaniel, thank you very much. I appreciate your time, good to see you. Thanks for having me. Harris President Trump signaling the United States will not punish the Saudi Crown Prince over the murder of a u. S. Based columnist. We are waiting to hear from the secretary of state mike pompeo. What role should Congress Play if any at all moving forward. 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This despite a reported cia assessment that found the crown prince ordered the killing. Moments ago, you are watching at year end of this tweet popped up from former cia director john brennan. Since mr. Trump excels at dishonesty, it is up to congress to declassify the cia findings on Jamal Khashoggis death. No one in saudi arabia should escape accountability for such a heinous act. Dan henniker, Deputy Editor of the wall street journal editorial page, judy miller, pulitzer prizewinning journalist. Judy, i am going to start with you. I had on democrat congressman sherman who said the worst things thats there are worse things that have happened in the middle east. What do you say . This is true. There are terrible things happening in the middle east, the United States has long ignored either because it didnt directly affect our National Security, such as 500,000 dead in the civil war in syria, a proxy war between iran and other people, such as people in turkey, which is now raking the saudis over the coals for khashoggis murder but they have journalists in jail, they kill and repressed people. There are terrible things that go on in this region and i understand why President Trump has taken the position he has, it is just what every other president wouldve done and has gone on for a long time. There is no plan b, there is no replacement for saudi arabia and our relationships in the middle east but the one thing i think this does alter is the relationship with salman. This does bring into acute question his judgment. Harris you have senator Lindsey Graham saying we shouldnt do any more business with saudi arabia. We are watching, you will see me look offcamera here, at the state department, secretary pompeo expected to step up to the lectern. If that happens we will take it live. We didnt do anything after 9 11 when most of the people who carried out that horrendous attack on the United States were saudis and the propaganda that saudi arabia has been promoting for decades was ultimately expressed in what happened at the twin towers, we are not going to do anything now because my friend jamal khashoggi, and i do think what happened to him is horrendous and unforgivable, but we are not going to do anything because one man died. Here we have National Security interests versus moral the moral virtue understanding of human rights. Those National Security interests are real. Harris the president mentioned National Security interests and contracts that are at play. A catastrophic humanitarian crisis in yemen and the saudis are involved by proxy there. He mentioned iran, who is irans greatest enemy . Saudi arabia. Harris and you say rightfully so. They are trying to extend up to the mediterranean through syria, they are clearly a threat to both us and israel. Harris thank you both, we will be right back. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. Mavyret is the only 8week cure for all common types of hep c. Before starting mavyret your doctor will test if youve had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv1, or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take including herbal supplements. Dont take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if youve had certain liver problems. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. With hep c behind me, i feel free. Fearless. And theres no looking back, because i am cured. 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Com harris secretary of state mike pompeo speaking now. We officially intend to see him talk about Jamal Khashoggis death. Dana President Trump standing with saudi arabia after the murder of jamal khashoggi. Hello, everyone. Im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. Secretary pompeo is at the podium at the state department. Lets listen in. Sustained implementation of u. N. Sanctions and the interkorean cooperation. I just left a meeting with the Turkish Foreign minister today. I welcome positive momentum in our relationship following the releas

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