This is senator Lindsey Graham is saying the incident has undermined u. S. Saudi relations and the powerful crown prince has got to go. I can never do business with saudi arabia again until we get this behind us. Ive been their biggest offender on the floor of the United States senate. This guy is a wrecking ball. He had this guy murdered in a consulate in turkey and to expect me to ignore it, i feel used and abused. I was on the floor every time defending saudi arabia because thats a good ally. We look at the latest developments now. Secretary of state mike pompeo was going to meet again with the crown prince of saudi arabia. The two met earlier today and thats when the crown prince said we are strong and old allies. We face our challenges together. The past, the day of, tomorrow. A secretary pompeo in the crown prince support a thorough transparent and timely investigation that provides answers. The secretary and the Trump Administration are considering how to respond if that investigation or any admission shows the saudi government is responsible for Jamal Khashoggis disappearance. He arrived at the saudi consulate in istanbul two weeks ago. He never emerged. The white house has warned of consequences though has offered no details on how it would respond. Democrats and republicans in congress say the u. S. Should sanction those found responsible and are calling for the u. S. To cancel billions and arms sales to the saudi government. The president has rejected that idea. He spoke yesterday and afterwards said the king firmly denied responsibility and that rogue killers could be responsible for khashoggis disappearance. In a statement, khashoggis family says our family is traumatized and yearns to be together during this painful time. The strong moral and legal responsibility which our father instilled in us obliges us to call for the establishment of an independent and Impartial International Commission to inquire into the circumstances of his death. Right now, the investigation is headed up and it is humbled by the turkish saudi government going through that consulate. Harris thank you very much. I want to bring in a republican congressman joe wilson who sits on the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committee, great to see you today. This gets more dire by the hour because now there is reported evidence that a killing happened inside the consulate. What happens next . Youre right. It is so dire, and its sad. But i appreciate the khashoggi family asking for an International Commission of inquiry. This needs to be done. We need to have a full independent investigation to determine how this occurred but sadly, its very clear its statesponsored assassination. Harris was just reporting that there is a second plan meeting this evening and night, a dinner with the saudi crown prince. What questions does our secretary of state going to be asking . The great thing senator ben sasse a moment ago was correct, President Trump has great patriots are present in your country beginning with mike pompeo and i appreciate the president immediately sent mike pompeo to every inquiry and to truly make every effort to determine whats going on, but weve also got nikki haley who is such an asset and john bolton. Im just confident the president has a team in place to help the American People address these issues. Harris again, what questions can you ask at a dinner like that . The diplomacy, and in it with your experience and this has to be what exactly . Fillin the blank Something Different . I wish that senator graham were there. I think he would ask the right questions. Because Lindsey Graham has really been a champion for saudi arabia. In a great ally of the United States, a valued ally of the United States. It has become an outcast nation and it needs to address this internally in the crown prince is obviously someone who should be dismissed. Harris an outcast nation. I know you deliberately choose your words as well. Why do you choose those . I do because we saw this in 2011. If there is assassination statesponsored attempt by iran to assassinate the ambassador of saudi arabia. And since that time and even before of course, iran has been an outcast nation. Harris in terms of dealing with iran, we need saudi arabia to do that. Their proxy war on the ground inside yemen is about to create one of the greatest humanitarian crises weve seen in history. You are ahead of the curve and it really is sad because i met in july with the ambassador to discuss the success of President Trumps relationship with the muslim countries around the world and this is going to be so disruptive to the stability of the middle east, to the future of the country and the people who live in saudi arabia, needs to be addressed first by them but the International Inquiry can take steps where they may miss the act to be implemented. Harris interesting. It is also i think something for people to bear in mind can we. The president say some tough things that we need to happen, no specificity yet. He mentioned to actually deal with this. When you see diplomacy marched out around the world, i see on social media people asking why is our secretary of state smiling with the crown prince . There was protocol in all of this. There is protocol. But i have absolute faith in mike pompeo. He knows what hes doing and this can lead to sanctions, the increase of assets, the barring of travel and it can be specific to individuals but it can also be companies and entire countries. Harris can you talk to me about that arms deal that the president has alluded to it is lucrative to the United States . Something that some republicans are saying should be on the table in terms of how you would punish saudi arabia should their hands be part of the death of this journalist . It is lucrative, but its also very important that we have interoperability with the nation of saudi arabia and we should have the ability to have jointly supplied equipment, so its far beyond just the money. It is a relationship that is so crucial to provide for the stability of the middle east, to make sure that our other allies of israel, jordan are not at risk. Harris i appreciate you explaining that and kind of feathering it out to give them more texture and meaning. So you do have these other ways to deal with saudi arabia. When you hear senator graham and his relationships that he has built for decades and that he feels betrayed at this point, its deep for a lot of people on both sides of the political aisle. Does this damage the relationship with mbs as senator calls that near the hel helm . That is the crown prince. We have many business relationships. We have many students who have come to our country who are now very prominent in the kingdom. Weve had a 70 year relationship since world war ii. Where we have worked together to provide a level of stability and Economic Opportunity for the people in the middle east and for this to occur is heartbreaking really for the people, the khashoggi family for a spin out of the rest of the people in saudi arabia. Harris quickly, will Congress Take action of saudi arabias are responsible for this journalist death . Absolutely. Harris congressman wilson of the great state of south carolina, thank you for setting us out. And honored to be here, thank you. Harris lets get more reaction on saudi relations going forward. Served as ambassador to the saudi arabia under president george w. Bush. We are grateful to have your time. And hopefully you got to hear a little bit of my conversation with a congressman because i wanted to read some ground over that now with you. What happens if there is evidence . Im going to start again because now just in the last little while, there are reports of evidence that we could even learn about details from the turkish government about the death khashoggi, this journalist. What happens if theres evidence that we can point to . Let me just start by saying that im going to express sympathy with the family too. Jamaal was in my view an unconscionable what happened to him. Its unconscionable what some saudis have done to put the president of the United States in an unenviable position of having to discuss what amounts to be the murder with the king of saudi arabia. Its unbelievable. Its a very sad turn, very sad state of affairs that is emerging with a death of khashoggi. Harris im so glad you started again as the congressman mentioned as well with the family. To take me inside the mind of the crown if you will right now, the royalty of saudi arabia because you know so well having been ambassador to that country. What is going on in terms of trying to describe or determine or take responsibility or admit anything . I imagine there are some pretty serious discussions going on the inside of the royal court about how to handle this issue. The fact that khashoggi died in a saudi facility and that there clearly was premeditation involved means that someone is going to have to step up to the plate, and we need to find out who that was. I think finger pointing of fact gathering is the wrong thing to do. And that is why i am so glad that President Trump decided to send the secretary of state who i would remind everyone is a former director of the cia and has access to all kinds of information to see the king and to see mbs. Because he knows a lot about this that i believe has not been revealed and when he meets them by thai and has a discussion about what has happened, i think theyre going to be forthcoming with him. Harris it is an excellent point. A former cia director and thats who they are sitting across from no doubt that part of the history right now. I was at the table for these tough conversations among that royalty . Take us into the the regime is different than it was when i was there. It was a different time altogether. Harris different, worse . The king at the time was the king of dello and had a very soft touch. He even created something called the National Center for dialogue so the saudis could sit down and talk with each other sometimes even with gl which is hard for them to do. And weve seen a sea change in what has occurred in the last ten or so years in saudi arabia. And why has that occurred . I couldnt exactly begin to answer the question, but i would note that has been a significant regime change. Harris is interesting because this is responsible for basically was been described as a shakedown of the fellow princes. If what money do you owe saudi arabia . I think he is a young prince. And think he started being handed authority at a very tender age, age 30. And right now, i would say that he is struggling with the power that he holds in his hands. Harris does he lose that power over this . Is not something that could be on the table . To me, i think that is an unknown. That would not be typical of someone who has been named the crown prince. But the previous crown prince to me also is no longer at that table. So we will see how it develops. But i do think there were missteps that have been made and i think that some when there is going to have to answer for it. Harris there is a dead man according to the turks and evidence they say they have some is more than missteps. Well find out what it is exactly. Ambassador, thank you for your time today. Youre very welcome. Harris some democrats appear to be turning on senator Elizabeth Warren upset that she released her dna results just three weeks outside the midterms. So was the timing a mistake. Or does it prove that warren is running for president in 2020 . We will talk former dnc chairwoman Donna Brazile. Stay tuned for that. Plus, three key features connected to the antitrump dossier call to testify this week. Fusion gps cofounder Glenn Simpson took the fifth moments ago. Our Catherine Herridge will catch us up. Stay close. 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Harris fox news alert, three key figures connected to the antitrump dossier called to testify on capitol hill this week. Amid the houses investigation into the Justice Departments actions during the 2016 campaign. Fusion gps cofounder Glenn Simpson took the fifth today, also being called to testify later this week, former top fbi lawyer james baker and nellie ohr, wife of doj official bruce ohr who worked for fusion gps while of course working at the doj. If chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge caught up with simpson live on capitol hill now. I know you had some Great Questions for him. As you know, Glenn Simpson matters because his firm fusion gps compiled the dossier and worked with the british by Christopher Steele and the dossier was used by the fbi and Justice Department in october of 2016 to secure a surveillance warrant for a Trump Campaign aide. We caught up with simpson on the fly as he headed into the deposition. Why are you taking the fifth . Mr. Simpson . Are you facing legal or criminal exposure . Mr. Simpson, why is there discrepancy between your earlier testimony and that of Justice Department official bruce ohr . Mr. Simpson, what was on the memory stick that you gave Justice Department official bruce ohr in late 2016 . Mr. Simpson, will you take our questions . After the session which lasted about 45 minutes, Glenn Simpson did not speak to reporters, but his attorney joshua leavy had a lengthy statement. He said the fact that republicans in the house forced him to come here to comply with the subpoena and take the fifth was just more evidence he said of why this is a political exercise and not a serious inquiry. He said it was designed to really help the president and a as a counsel investigation. This committee would make senator Joseph Mccarthy proud. Like senator mccarthy, this committee has largely conducted its business through secret confidential interviews and depositions, binding witnesses and their counsels to silence while the members walk outside to all of you, the media and the public and selectively leak from those interviews to tell you what they want you to hear. Republicans had a number of questions about the dossier and how Glenn Simpson worked with the Justice Department official bruce ohr to use him as a back channel to get the dossier to the fbi after this british spy Christopher Steele was fired by the fbi over his contacts with the media in the fall of 2016. He was congressman mark meadows. I dont know that they agreed with my assessment, but it has to be a concern that you have a reasonable apprehension of criminal prosecution order to invoke it and that you cant just invoke the fifth in order to avoid questions before congress. Everything is intermingled here if you will. By our account and research. Glenn simpson a fusion gps facing at least three or four lawsuits that have to do with the dossier and the most recent lawsuit was filed late yesterday by carter page who was the target of that surveillance warrant. Harris interesting. Intermingled lawsuits, the way you put it. Which means theres a lot more to come i would imagine. Basically you could have jeopardy here based on what he set on those outside lawsuits. Since may have been the basis for his decision to take the fifth because of this legal and criminal exposure. Harris thank you very much. I want to bring a republican congressman andy biggs of the house judiciary committee, great to have you. That first of all want to give you an opportunity to react to some of the big developments that catherine is reporting on today, you said where we are and taking the fifth and what this means to hear from these people potentially. With mr. Simpson, invoke the fifth as you know. Probably going to step into the process where when to submit our questions that he took the fifth on, give it to the chairman, valid or invalid indications of the fifth. The testify and answer those questions and to failure to do so could possibly lead to contempt citations. Thats kind of the process that is going. The others, some have been subpoenaed and some have willingly agreed to come in and testify. His testimony that he started previously. Which had a lot of information for that. Harris and bruce ohrs wife . Were to be scheduled to begin on friday. I said that now because they come in willynilly and sometimes they dont want to come, but she will be here and that will happen and should get some questions asked answered there. His relationship because she worked for his firm. We went out to give you a chance to respond to this since this committee would make mccarthy proud. What is your reaction to that . He knows is hyperbole, i had a chance to talk with him. During the event, during the deposition. Very vicious and vitriolic and this deposition hearing was vitriolic. Each side handled it professionally and did our best to try to get information out and we did to get information out and it was going to happen. We wanted to want to share with you the president s tweet on this today. Is it really possible that bruce ohr was wife was paid by simpson and gps fusion and who was used as a pond in this whole scam parenthetically witch hunt is still working for the department of justice, can this really be so . As we look at this thing, its quite frankly indefensible. So something shouldve happened a long time ago. The president is correct. The attorney general needs to get going on that. He hasnt said anything publicly so we dont really know. Harris just to tie the loop here because is not about just the fact that these two were married, its about what they did and while i want you to finish that. It is what they did. Shes working for a fusion gps, basically doing awful research on the president. Somehow her husband gets that from fusion gps were from his wife. He takes it to the fbi, fbi uses that in part get a fisa wants to spy on political enemies that are domestic citizens. U. S. Citizens. This is outrageous misconduct. They dont put any of the exculpatory evidence in there and it absolutely we need to get to the bottom of it. They are being stonewalled by the doj, the fbi, will give us documents, today we get a guy invoking the fifth amendment on everything. Weve got to get some help in coordination with the attorney general. Harris also speaking to the issue by people just look at agencies and how big his government and how powerful is it and why is an American Public as well as this. Thank you for being with me. Senator warrens big dna reveal its going like a lead balloon with some democrats. Accusing her of knocking them off message. Weeks from the crucial midterm. It doesnt make the democrats look unfocused. Former dnc chairwoman Donna Brazile gives her take next. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Harris democratic senator Elizabeth Warrens facings some backlash from her own Political Party after she released dna results showing she has some native american ancestry. The Cherokee Nation pushed back in some democrats say the timing of her announcement could not be worse. For Obama Campaign manager jim messina tweeted this yesterday. Argue the substance all you want, but why 22 days before a crucial election where he must win house and senate to save america . Why did senator warren have to do her announcement now. The president is now trying to poke holes in the resume of the potential 2020 rival he calls pocahontas. Specifically an old court of law review article that mentions the benefits of hiring a woman of color to the harvard faculty. In this case, professor Elizabeth Warren. The president writes this, not her claims of being an Indian Heritage have turned out to be a scam and a lie, Elizabeth Warren should apologize for perpetrating this fraud against the American Public. Harvard called her a person of color. I would not have taken her otherwise. She has claimed that her parents were discriminated against because they were native american and even had to elope because her dads side of the family didnt approve of the Cherokee Nation blood and her mothers family tree but the Cherokee Nation said thats not how any of this works. Secretary of state chuck hoskin hoskin jr. Writes sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship and while dna tests can be used to determine lineage such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Warren is now clarifying her claims. She said i wont sit quietly for real Donald Trumps racism so i took a dna test. But has nothing to do with tribal affiliation or citizenship which is determined only by tribal nations. I respect the distinction and dont list myself as native and the senate. So instead of clarifying questions from skeptics about possibly only being 11,024th native american, warren is trying to keep the attention on president rouhani. Harris or herself. Im going to talk about it now with Donna Brazile, thank you very much. Donna brazile, former chair of the Democratic National committee and coauthor with a brandnew book for colored girls who have considered politics. We will get into that a little bit later. Lets just talk about this woman, senator warren. It can be seen as a thirsty mov move. Do you think she might run in 2020, what you make of it . Happy belated birthday to you. And next time i come, and bringing my own version of the new orleans sweet potato pie. Harris you know thats how i like to celebrate. Little bit of bourbon in it. After work. Senator warren is up for reelection in massachusetts but maybe she is responding not just a donald trump but those critics who wanted her to address this issue. I dont know what the real issue is but i can tell you what i can tell you across the country because ive been around the coast and in between. People want to talk about jobs, want to talk about health care, want to talk about the local candidates and theyre not really focused on 20 20 yet. They want to talk about 2018. Harris is it due for a party that has been tipping over to the left a little bit recently with some new socialist players on the scene, what is it too for that party when she actually carried that banner but she makes about herself. When you look at the democratic party, it is a very balanced party. We have the moderates, conservatives, and a lot of liberals and progressives but one thing that the party agrees on is the value was. We want to protect democracy, we want to focus on lowering Prescription Drug prices, want to talk about health care. Protecting our border. It is a very important concern of democrats but we also want comprehensive immigration reform. So what im hearing from all the different ive been at the table and its like having the United Nations when you look at that may come in all shapes and sizes end. Harris has been explained by ambassador. So talk to me about the party that you left because it is different now and i know you talk about balance. There would be an argument that when you might not even have a mini blue wave right now because there is some discord within your party about who you really are. Heres what im seeing. We have so many young talented people running for governor. Everyone is focused on the house and the senate. Was going to take over the house, lets talk about governors. Harris you said they were young. And you and i are trying to be young but the reality is. Youre talking about governors but im talking about the partys leadership overall, that is not particularly a young group. A should not be a factor because im not about discrimination, im 58 and some change. Im older than you, young lady. Harris is not about discrimination, has to be where you take the party in the future. You saw a challenge to the House Speaker nancy pelosi, tim ryan. You know that the views in this country are the energy. Im raising kids. Thats the next wave. So we have to capitulate to some of the things that they say are important so that we can grow as a nation no matter which party you are. Your party seems resistant to that. Here number two players, joe biden of bernie sanders. And hillary clinton, we wont even get into that. You didnt mention kamala harris, cory booker. We have young. The young and the restless searching for one life to live. It is like a great soap opera but the majority of those who were running this year, they are young. Harris can they be president rouhani because even though hes not on the ballot, he is kind of even he says this. Let me just say this. The president has a raised close to 100 million . He is scared, hes raising a lot of money. Were going to focus. Harris he is helping you by nancy and hilary. Be careful what you wish for. The day after the midterm, we are going to see a large number of democrats announced their plans to run. But right now, its about the midterms them comments about turn up so i think all of these young voters and women, the blue tide needs a pink wave. Harris we will see how it works out. Lets pop up the book. Who is on the cover . There my great friends. She served in the Clinton White house, there, close associate. And of course, my great friend yolanda carraway, a business woman. She helped amend democratic conventions and worked for the party. Harris s is above all for democrats because there are people of color and women on the other side of the political aisle . That they make the book . Youre wearing purple, im just hoping. This hair got a little stricken it too but this is about women who wish to serve and its a great book and i cannot wait to see an autographed copy from all four women. I dont want to give you a copy with just my signature. Its your birthday, so got to celebrate the whole week. Come halloween, say im getting ready for thanksgiving. Harris my birthday is halloween backwards, so i just keep it going. Thank you very much. Nice but their leaders over the disappearance of a u. S. Based columnist. At the Trump Administration should respond and what this could mean for u. S. And saudi arabia relations. We heard from the former saudi ambassador and now the power panel. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. 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Harris fox news alert, want to go back to our top story now, the pressure growing as secretary of state mike pompeo meets with the crown prince about the missing Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. President trump says the white house will decide by friday whether treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin will attend an Investor Conference in saudi arabia there next week. Lawmakers have already vowed to take action. He saw congressman biggs on this very program earlier and congressman wilson is wild against the desert kingdom if the administration does not. Time now for our power panel. The Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter, both fox news contributors. If congressman wilson getting on the record of what can be done, the act in addition to that arms deal, some other options. I think you have bipartisan support for this. Individuals have to be punished, individuals did this. The issue for the Trump Administration is really going to be very difficult. What will the saudi say about who knew what when . Did the king know . To the crown prince . Did he give the order . That they know about it . You could argue this seems to be the new narrative now. This is an interrogation gone wrong. Who ordered the interrogation . Harris i want to read Vice President pence on the tarmac and georgia said he speaking with pompeo later today and says that khashoggi was murdered, we need to know who is responsible and those party should be held accountable to what youre saying coming from our Vice President. Some want to bring that to the conversation and in addition to that, youve got turkey with evidence that it has. It does, they havent revealed the evidence yet. Harris can we believe it . Can we trust it . They have their own interest interests. Harris everyone has their own interests. There were no neutral players here. Big player in the middle east. This is a very sensitive complex situation. Theres more at stake here than the future of the saudis responsible for this. Our relationship with saudi arabia goes back a long way. They have become a linchpin of our attempt to try to mitigate irans influence in the middle east, irans influence extends up to syria, it involves russia and turkey as well. So theres a lot going on here. Somehow, the saudis probably are going to have to be sanctioned in some way. The question is what can we do and still preserve the relationship . Harris senator Lindsey Graham says background princes got to go. Displaced the man who was going to be king. In the end, that was his cousin. So its not clear whether or not mbs survives this, whether or not this triggers a site within the world family because that is extremely untransparent. Its very hard to know whats going on inside the family and if you notice, no one excited the kingdom is talking about this right now. Harris he talked about i asked them to take us inside the regime and that they actually be replaced as he said its a very different regime then any that weve seen in recent history in that kingdom. Thats the key question, could he be replaced . Harris is that what we are talking about . Is someone who has worked in saudi arabia for about 30 years, i can tell you im very happy that i have the right to drive, but i would be happier if mbs hadnt arrested the women who led the campaign and made this possible. We have a very complicated guide. Harris thats a very different show. I do want to know a little bit about who he is. I think he could have ordered the kidnapping of the u. S. Based journalist and i think its entirely possible that Intelligent Service for saudi arabia while interrogating someone like this could have accidentally killed him. But the turks had pictures of him going into the embassy. Now the saudis have to get him out and conceivably they came up with his grisly way of doing it. Harris had a bone cut around the premises. Made some terrible errors in judgment here, could not have believed this was not going to become an International Incident no matter which way it went. I think they mightve thought they couldve gotten away with it if it hadnt have been for his fiancee waiting outside. Harris thank you, you did some of that reporting for this show and i appreciate it. Thank you. A highly contested Arizona Senate races coming to a head. Last nights fiery debate is an example of that. How much of an impact will it have on election day . Power panel stays. Cy to pay for bites of this. With this. When kids wont eat dinner, potato pay them to. Oreida. Win at mealtime. Your insurance rates skyrocket you could fix it with a pen. Potato pay them to. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . 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Plus, the highlight and fiery debates in arizona for that Republican Senate seat and Elizabeth Warren getting heat from all sides over her dna test results. So what does steve doocy think about all of that . I will ask him today on the daily briefing. Harris two of the most closely watched senate race is ramping up in the final weeks before the midterm. In texas, incumbent senator ted cruz and his challenger beto orourke will face off in the final debate tonight. He has raised a ton of cash but a poll shows crews a still up with a sevenpoint lead. Meanwhile in arizona, the senate race there Martha Mcsally, Kyrsten Sinema had a heated debate last night. Watch. Last week, cnn reported that in 2003, while she was on the radio, said it was okay were americans to join the talon ban to fight against us. We are running out of time. I want to ask right now whether youre going to apologize to the veterans and me for saying its okay. Martha has chosen to run a Campaign Like the one youre seeing right now where shes engaging in ridiculous attacks and smearing my campaign. Harris power panel stated they are here now. On the rare case that we get to talk politics, i was in arizona recently in town hall, talked with both of these candidates. That is a microcosm for things like immigration and economics in those talks that are being had around the Kitchen Table as we talk around the country. Absolutely, and two women running so you take the gender factor out and now you just have money, motivation, turnout, and the other things that are going to affect the outcome of this race. Was interesting to me is that Martha Mcsally was never very close to trump during the last campaign is suddenly now right up there, theres no distance between them. She has wrapping herself around donald trump. Harris was quick to point out to me, she votes a lot along with the president. But at the same time, and she said at their last night, im going to call balls and strikes. When you have a fireball standing next to you, does that work out to be the opposite of what you think this will be like as we get closer to election da day . Making an appeal to bipartisanship which isnt much in evidence anywhere around the country right now. Conceivably, someone to replace john mccain in arizona. Harris this is jeff flake c. Displays mccain, either when trying to be bipartisan and i think Kyrsten Sinema is doing that. She has brought up her past as a leftwing activist and she sort of reacted in a restrained way. I dont know how its going to play. There are a lot of republicans in arizona that are upset about what happened with the border but you have a Big University community is probably going to come out there and vote for Kyrsten Sinema. Harris just real quickly, we know that mick sally was part of that group led by chairman goodlatte to come up with a four prong immigration plan of the president liked on that issue. Lets talk texas. Had he reached 38 million and a quarter and still seven points behind . I think its the kavanaugh affect. Democrats, republicans in texas are furious at the way the democrats treated brett kavanaugh. Its something that beta will work did not need. Hes kind of been an uninspiring candidate, hes appealing to hispanic voters, hispanic voters normally dont turn out. Harris i think thats an opportunity for both these men and it can part minimizes the vote. Can we get to the issues . The problem for a beta of work is that texas is so conservative and he is really not even a moderate democrat. He has a very, very liberal democrat, and that means hes really going to have to inspire his face big time to get them to turn out. Still think we see a lead for texas. Harris is there an argument dont spend 30 million in one race and do you help the rest of your party . That is the question that will be asked if he loses. 38 million for nothing . Thats a lot. Harris . To see you both, thank you. More outnumbered over time, stay tuned. Theres no money down, its the best vehicle that a person who served in the military or is serving today has today to have a new home. If we can possibly get that veteran in a home were going to do it at newday usa. Why would you rent today when you can buy your own home and participate in the American Dream . Call 18556309103. If youre the spouse of a veteran who served our country, you served too. And no matter where in the world it was, you made each house a home. Now its time to own a home of your own. Call newday usa. Your spouses va home loan benefit lets your family buy a home with no down payment. Now you dont have to save up to move up. Why rent when you can buy . Call newday usa right now. Go to newdayusa. 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Dana a make or break moment for future ties with saudi arabia. Secretary of state mike pompeo wrapping up a dinner with the crown prince, as more questions arise in the disappearance of a Washington Post columnist. Hello, everyone. Im dana perion and this is the daily briefing. The world watches as turkish investigators look to uncover what exactly whaped inside the saudi consulate in istanbul where Jamal Khashoggi was last seen. Now mike pence is speaking out amid an intensive diplomatic crisis. Any act of violence that claims a life is to be condemned. But this was also an assault on

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