The candidates making their closing arguments in the campaigns final hours. Im going to tell you, if you dont believe in my character, dont vote for me. I want to make America Great again with President Trump. I want America Great but i want america good and she cant be good until we go back to god. This election is going to be one of the most significant in our States History in a long time. Weve got to make sure that at this crossroads in alabamas history, we take the right road. Harris Jonathan Serrie joins us live from the state capital, montgomery, alabama. Jonathan . The eyes of the nation and the world are watching alabama voters as they cast ballots in this election. The two major candidates have already cast their ballots right now, perhaps the most dramatic photo op of the day is roy moore arriving at his polling site on horseback. This is his election day tradition, doug jones arriving by more conventional or should i say modern means after casting their ballots in separate parts of the state, both candidates both briefly with reporters. We have International People from overseas, different nations here today, its a very important race for our country, our state. At the end of the day we feel very confident, we went to bed last night knowing this race has been run in the best way possible with very few flaws for us. Speaking of last night, both candidates held dueling rallies, roy moore brought in steve bannon who once again lashed out against Establishment Republicans who opposed moore. They would rather control in a minority than be a majority and have you guys and jones is rally brought in Charles Barclay who had this to say. Its unbelievable that this guy is still in the race when people in your own party say they wont vote for you and support you, thats a big giveaway. The alabama secretary of state predicts that between 20 and 25 of eligible voters in alabama will cast ballots in todays election. Harris thank you very much, as we await the results jonathan is talking about and one of the most hotly contested races in recent history, since the president ial election you may say. Our next guest campaign for roy moore. Congressman, tell me about the rally on what you wanted voters to hear and alabama from you personally. It was a fabulous rally. The people were wonderful, i have such an affinity with the folks there. People need to know that washington does not know what to do with a man whose motto, duty, honor, country, is the principle that if he goes in like i was four of the arguments ten commandant statues, i look up there and i see moses holding the Ten Commandments and the Supreme Court courtroom and they are discussing whether anybody else can have a monument and it is outrageous but roy moore is so principled, weve heard from a man in vietnam with him, a fellow officer said he talked into what he thought was a bar and turned out to be a brothel, he said we shouldnt be in here and got out there. Washington doesnt know what to do with a man with principles like that, shame on any republicans that will listen to somebody that would wait 38 years to disparage a honorable man that dedicated his whole life to making his country and his state better and if this is the way he is treated by washington, its what happens to honorable, smart, decent men like clarence thomas. Clarence had this high tech lynching, so grossly unfair. He is still not giving credit to his intellect. That is what washington does on both sides of the island i cant tell you how excited i am to have a guy they are going to throw their best shots like they have. By the way, i have looked on man in the eye and ordered him to be put to death for what he did to a woman, ive sent many people to prison for life or what they did to women. I would never even the guy i ordered put to death i would never have put him to trial in four weeks. This was an ambush of a fine, decent man and i think alabama has seen through it and no matter who comes in, i told him last night harris i would like to get a question and if i can. We cant ignore the fact that outside washington, this conversation is not only happening inside washington. Even among alabama voters, women have spoken up and said they are not sure what to do with those allegations. You talk about the 38 year gap between the time minor children are said to have had a some sort of misconduct. Hold on, i let you speak, let me get my question out. We cant ignore the allegations that are happening outside of washington. I hear what you are saying in terms of all of this but i am curious to know what does victory look like for the g. O. P. Because this is a tough conversation thats going on among the women in alabama, some of them said they dont really know what to do with those allegations, and inside washington. If he wins, youve held the state for so many years as republicans, its quite possible he will, people will vote their political values if you will, abortion is a big issue in alabama. He gets to washington, what does that look like for a g. O. P. Victory, talk to me. It depends on which part of the g. O. P. You are talking about. If you are talking about the swamp g. O. P. , the establishment g. O. P. Are not sure what to do but those of us that want to see change and america be great again, we are thrilled. Its going to be great auntie is going to be a man of principle, he is not going to be drawn into the things that are inappropriate and regarding the allegation, that is one of the things i want people to understand. You dont try our man that has spent his whole life being upfront, dedicated to the good of this country and to his god in four weeks after 38 years. Especially when the only people that alleged any illegal impropriety or questions, there are huge holes in their statements. Theyve been caught in forgery, conversations in my room on my phone, you didnt have a phone, in your room. There are all kinds of problems and since anybody wait 38 years to accuse somebody of something, they have got to have plenty of time because nobody has a calendar from 38 years ago. Harris it is interesting what you are saying, you are talking about from a prosecutorial point of view, you are also saying that alabamians know what they know when they go to the polls. You are coming with it as that. Do you think its been good to have the president , and with his support for roy moore . I think so. I think the majority of people in alabama appreciate the president trying to drain the swamp and they know roy moore can help do that. The story is not over on these people but i would just propose a hypothetical, if the republicans were willing to spend 30 million to try to stop this man of principle and the democrats are willing to spend 50, 60 million, is it possible they could go out looking for people and financial distress and offer them money to create problems for an honorable, decent man . All of these things have to be looked at, i would like to see all the financial activity of these people. Harris you are a prosecutor. If roy moore gets to capitol hill it sounds like an ethics investigation would be okay in your book because you get all the facts. Congressman, great to see you. I am going to go to breaking news but we want to have you back another time. Here is what is happening, members of the Democratic Womens Working Group have requested a congressional investigation into Sexual Misconduct allegations against the sitting president , President Trump. They are holding a News Conference right now, they have been taking questions, lets watch. What we can tell you is that this is wrapping up at the time as we were having our conversation, they went about 1. This is in washington, d. C. , and among some of the faces they wanted to have looked at, was also to be able to give a platform for some of these women to talk. Weve heard from three of them in the last day or so but we want to show you this is happening on capitol hill right now. Meanwhile, our next guest believes that bad and biased media has possibly hurt mr. Moores election in some ways but in many ways made it much more possible that he would win. Lets bring in the editorial director for the washington examiner. Weve seen some of the criticism now, talking about ways in which he thinks roy moore will have a victory here. And your thoughts are i dont know if you term it fake media or what it is in your book but its actually helped him . I think that what has happened is this. Roy moore has always been recognized as an unappealing character. But the reporting of the last month or six weeks during which the allegations have come up, the media has comingled to go different things. One is the actual offenses that he is alleged to have committed, sexual contact with a 14yearold and allegations about him trying to force young woman into having some kind of sexual encounter in the car. Those are actual offenses but the media has kind of mingled that with a complete disregard for the difference of the culture in alabama 30 or 40 years ago. In the First Washington post story, to go the four women recounted that their mothers were rather pleased that they were dating roy moore. One of the women said her mother regarded roy moore as marriage material and allowed her to stay out late beyond her curfew to date roy moore, the other woman said that her mother when she heard she was dating roy moore said you are the luckiest girl in the world. The point here is that in Rural America at that time and in alabama it wasnt unusual, let alone automatically disreputable for teen and a 13 a 30yearoln to be dating. A focus group just recently, there were people in the focus group saying their grandmothers had married at age 13 and 14. I think that by mixing these things up, the media has probably prompted a number of voters in alabama to think this is just the elite opinions of the northeast and they are sneering at us deplorables. And this may mean they will give roy moore a pass for things that may be offensive. Harris i am going to take some grief, i am already ready for it for having this conversation but im from the south. As i listen to you originally, whether those things were right or wrong in the past, we can have very good conversation about that today but we should not ignore the fact that that is part of the past, just like any other part of our past. Its a good discussion to have and to look at where things were and where they are. We certainly can overlay our volume system now but to start a baseline is very important. I think it is important. To have that conversation is not to excuse any offenses. Harris thats not what youre doing. I dont know whether roy moore committed these offenses, certainly the reporting on the original Washington Post story and some subsequent reporting has been extremely good and convincing. If he wins election there should be an ethics investigation and he should be made to defend himself and answer these allegations, which he has clearly not done so far. Harris took kind of further what we are talking about here, a grown womans recollection of that would be different. We cant say whether that played a role and you hear the call for the women to be heard around the country and even in some places in alabama, too. One of the mothers in the first story by the Washington Post mentioned as i said that her daughter was the luckiest girl in the world. That was in response to her daughter saying, what would you say if i told you that i was having a date with a 30yearold . Theres been this question but there hasnt been the answer that this is an absolutely disgraceful thing to happen. Harris great to have you here today, thank you very much. New revelations on the Senior Justice Department official demoted after his meeting with the people behind the antitrump dossier came to light. Now we are learning that the officials wife worked for fusion gps, the group behind that antitrump dossier. All former doj official will join us to react. Dont miss that. And growing questions about the accused terrorist behind yesterdays botched new york suicide bombing and his ability to get into our country. The Trump Administration is tapping stepping up calls to and what we call it chain migration. End of the visa lottery, the president saying that is over, too. Yesterday new yorks event shows in the starkest terms, the failures of our immigration system. Our also a massive security issue. Harris a fox news alert, we are now learning about a possible motive in the attempted new york city subway bombing. At 27yearold suspect it reportedly told investigators they attack was an act retaliation for israeli action in gaza. We are learning he came to the u. S. Through what we called chain migration after a relative was selected in a visa lottery. This has caused President Trump to repeat his calls to end of that program and reform our immigration system. The administration is planning to modify our immigration system to end misguided and outdated visa systems. Instead we need to focus on merit based systems like the president has recommended. Harris chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridges live in washington with the latest on this. Good afternoon. The attorney general cited statistics to back up his argument, telling reporters that since 9 11 the Justice Department has prosecuted more than 500 people for terrorism offenses under preliminary review shows that nearly 75 of those defendants were born outside the u. S. The president is exactly right to call attention to these issues and to how they affect our security. In just the last two months, weve seen two terrorist attacks in new york city. Carried out by men who are here as a result of failed immigration policy. The diversity lottery, which makes no sense and has never made a sense. According to documents released earlier today, Law Enforcement says the new york terrorist suspect akayed ullah was inspired to carry out the attack for the Islamic State and on facebook said that the president has failed to protect the country. Immigration records show the 27yearold brooklyn resident came to the u. S. On what is called an s43 family immigrant visa and that happened in 2011. Homeland Security Officials tell fox he is a lawful permanent resident, that he came from bangladesh and benefited from this extended family chain migration. He is facing state charges on terrorism as well as federal charges on terrorism and everything points to someone who got the recipe for the bomb on the internet, not someone with any kind of formal training. Harris thank you for racking up the facts, well move onto my next guest. Lets bring in virginia congressman and chairman of the house judiciary committee, great to see you and good sola to has discussion with you. The president has said its time to end chain migration, i have read that you agree, why. I absolutely agree, i am very proimmigration. Its got to be something in the National Interest of the United States and that means a system where we admit people based on merit, education, job skill, things we need in the country, not based upon simply a chain where in this case a Family Member comes to the United States on a visa lottery, a totally random choice and this individual who committed this terrorist attack gets to come as a Family Member further down the chain. A perfect example of what is wrong with chain migration. Its not based upon what we need in the United States, its based upon luck and family relationships instead of the kind of skilled workers and people who come to the United States to better their lives for themselves and their family through work, not to commit terrorist attacks against this country. Harris from catherine herridges reporting, she quoted people that have said that the suspect terrorist benefited from chain migration. Those words are chilling, do you see it that way . I absolutely see it that way and chain migration takes away from the United States the ability to choose people to come to this country based on those who are most needed here and to do a better vetting process than we do now. Thats why the president has amongst the many reforms he has called for and end of chain migration which includes these extended Family Members but also includes eliminating this crazy visa lottery program. Harris the president talked about today and his remarks, defense spending is what he was remarking about, he brought this up at the very beginning, weve seen two attackers recently, one of them through the visa lottery, just what you are bringing up as part of this overall look at immigration. Critics have said it was an overreach, i imagine you wouldnt argue that it would make us safer, how . It would definitely make us safer but it would also be better for our economy to choose people based upon people who are needed here rather than today, we give about 1. 1 million green cards away a year, far and away more than any other country in the world. Only 6 8 of those green cards go to people based upon their job skills. That is simply not in the best interest of this country to give green cards away based on lottery and pure luck or extended family relationships. Certainly your immediate family, your spouse, your children should be able to join you. Harris ive traveled around, i was a military brat growing up and now as a journalist to Different Countries and many countries dont do it the way we do, why is that . I think they are looking out for their immigration system as something that is a twoway street. They understand why people want to come to their country but they want to select people who are in the best interest of that country. Some of our Major Economic competitors like great britain, canada and australia, 6070 of the people from those countries are admitted to those countries based upon education, job offers and job skills. The United States, that is less than 10 and that just doesnt make any sense but also creates these unnecessary security risks as well. Harris what do you say to critics that leveled the accusation mainly against the g. O. P. But others who have this belief in dealing with these areas in particular, the visa lottery and chain immigration, what you say to those critics who say this isnt a nice way to do it . This is a sure way to make sure we keep up our strong tradition of immigration everyone who is a u. S. Citizen watching this program can go back a few generations or several generations and find someone in their family who came to the United States to better their lives for their selves and their family. What are the same time people who are already here have an interest in making sure the people who come here have the interest of the United States at heart, that want to, here to defuse their job skills and advance the Economic Standing of their family. We also want to have people who are going to help the United States grow and keep this country more secure. Harris thank you for the conversation. Thank you. Harris a Senior Justice Department official demoted after concealing his meetings with men behind the antidrug dossier but it turns out he had even closer ties to fusion gps, the company that did that dossier than we originally thought. Now President Trumps legal team says a special counsel should investigate the investigator. Will talk about it. Plus, the polls are open right now in the highstakes special election in alabama after celebrities and high profile politicians came out to campaign for roy moore and his competitor doug jones. Will outsiders be the force of difference . Stay close. With 5 times more ethnic regions. Ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. And the paths they took to a new home. Could their journey inspire yours . Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com harris a new revelation has prompted President Trumps legal team to call for a special counsel to investigate the investigators. Bruce ohr had even closer ties than previously known to fusion gps, the firm behind the antitrump dossier. We now know that his wife worked for fusion gps during the election. Bruce ohr was demoted last week after it was confirmed he had meetings with the men behind the dossier. Robert driscoll is a former Justice Department official who served as Deputy Assistant to the attorney general under president george w. Bush and you say this is a big deal, why . I think this is pretty clearly a conflict of interest, he was working on matters related to trump and of the dossier, this is not a runofthemill conflict of interest. People have spouses that may work for a big law firm with some involvement in a case but those are huge institutions that dont necessarily have conflict in all cases. Fusion is from my understanding of the ten person operation at most and to have a senior doj officials spouse working there and have that same doj official involved in some of the meetings really doesnt look good. I have a lot of faith in the department but this is a battle for the department and something that should have been avoided. Harris its quite possible that other people on the team wouldve known about this connection. What does it look like when you bust open a conflict of interest like this, what should it be . There is conflict of interest, criminal statutes and i dont think we know enough to know whether those applied. There could be an obligation to recuse. The problem is the credibility of whatever work he did will now be thrown into question by people that dont like how it came out. This is why you want to avoid these situations, not just that you are worried someone is going to do something for the wrong reasons. To some extent youve tainted whatever youve touched having to do with this dossier, whether or not its true are valid or not, it just doesnt seem right. Harris i dont know what other cases he worked on but this goes to judgment, doesnt it . We all know what a conflict of interest looks like and i think for him he would especially know. I want to talk about the special counsel situation, not everybody is on board with that. Here is congressman trey gowdy on the issue. Im in a small universe of people who doesnt think we need one. The folks running the department of justice now arent the ones who ran it under president obama, these are trump people. Special counsel just means we either dont think you can do your job and the women and men we pay millions of dollars to to run the doj so we are going to find somebody whos not part of the doj and give them a bunch of fbi agents, the fbi has some issues right now. Harris that is kind of a fresh perspective here. Wouldnt you want to give them a chance as i understand the congressman to be saying to do their jobs . Or do you put in a special counsel . Your thoughts . I disagree with the notion of putting a special counsel, i think that because of the political ramifications people want a special counsel because there is a sense of equivalency about there being a special counsel on both sides but the congressmans right and the only reason you should have a special counsel as of the doj cant do the job in that particular case and in this case, the Inspector General doj could look into this, Public Integrity doj and its on the same kind of conflict, its not as though the top levels of this Justice Department are being investigated and cant be trusted to do a good job. In my mind i would disagree to the point of a special counsel. Doesnt mean they shouldnt be investigated, but i think the congressmans right, you are paying people a lot of money to do this kind of stuff, your whole unit is set up to do these investigations, lets let them do the work and to see and any notion that the Justice Department now under trump there should not be huge risk that they are protecting people from the prior administration. Harris who used to work there, former doj official, we appreciate your expertise, thank you. Republicans facing a big test right now is the clock is ticking down to unite behind a tax bill. Can they get it done before christmas . We will talk to one of the key decisionmakers ahead, this is ready to go for a first Public Meeting, Top Republicans talk about how tax reform will affect your money. Me get to the final bill i want every american to check their check in february. To see that their take home is than it was. Liberty mutual saved us almost 800 when we switched our auto and Home Insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and Home Insurance and still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Harris look at your watch, the countdown is on for republicans to get a tax bill done into the president s desk before christmas. A Congressional Committee is hashing out the difference between the house and Senate Versions of the bill. John kennedy says lawmakers need to move faster and should vote this week. I know that we are in the process of putting the finishing touches on the tax bill and i understand that this is a complicated piece of legislation but i also understand we have a lot of people in washington, d. C. , who are excessively full of themselves and weve got the votes and we need to go vote. We need to wrap this up. Harris the houses chief tax writer now says they are on track to the finish, but its unclear when i vote should be scheduled. Illinois congressman is one of the chairman of the subcommittee. I have lots of questions, cant wait to start. Lets start where sanity senator kennedy is, do you need about right now . Is it against the clock that much . We dont need to vote at this moment in time but we need to vote soon and in order to move it through the difficult process of the senate and all of their procedures and get this on the president s desk before christmas. Im confident that thats going to happen, im confident we are on track for that and im confident we are coming together to find Common Ground on fairly complicated issues as you know. Harris the first Public Meeting on what the Conference Committee is discussing is scheduled for tomorrow, tell me what the day looks like. I think that will be largely thematic, what you are going to hear our Opening Statements and broad discussions. Meanwhile theres been a great deal of work happening at a negotiation level, trying to sort out where it is, where the Common Ground, where are the priorities to both the house and the senate and where can we find that we move Forward Together . Harris negotiation is a word of action and not something that is often said about congress when you get into the wider public, dont take that personally, thats just what we know is it said it. What are you taking action on . 101 or two issues . I was describing this to someone at home over the weekend, i described it this way. When you return a car to the airport and you drive over that spiky thing that says dont back up . Where we are. Both the house and senate have now driven over that and were not going to back up. We know we need to move forward, we know theres different approaches, some things i prefer as a house member that was in our bill, i know the senators feel strongly about some of their proposals. We are trying to take the best of both of these bills and take two good bills and make it even better and the disposition and attitude of people has been very action oriented, very forward leaning, working to get to that Common Ground and realizing we are out of the perfect business, we are not looking for purpose but we cant stay here, our current tax code is a disaster, lets move Forward Together. Harris its fascinating to hear you say that about backing up, you are right. You guys about the momentum to go forward so now what does it really look like and who does it benefit . I heard something today someone said about this, every single tax bracket will see an increase in their paycheck. What is the truth and what are you working towards . Heres what were trying to do, think about two things as primary goals for tax reform. The first is tax relief. I come from illinois, a very significant income tax hike is really hurting our folks at home. Tax relief from an onerous tax code is the first thing. The second goal is not mutually exclusive, the second goal is to say we need a bigger and better environment in which American Business can flourish. From Small Business to big business, lets do it better and make the u. S. More competitive so things are growing once again. Harris you hit on a couple of issues there, i just want to say this out loud. Kevin brady said that they are not quite sure if it will be 20 corporate rate cut down from 35, you still have to work out. We will be watching that Public Meeting, thank you for being here. Thanks for having me on. Harris alabama voters headed to the polls today, it is happening right now for a special senate election. Weve been covering at this hou hour. Big names from outside the state, campaigning for both roy moore and democrat jones. Does that work . Our power panel will weigh in. We are not going to stand by and let other people from out of state and money from california control the selection. Whoooo. Looking for a hotel that fits. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. That one daddy its beautiful. Im the worlds greatest douglas fir. Im the perfect shape. Im the perfect color. My scent like making love to a lumberjack. But halfway home, my twine gets loose. And your cutrate insurance might not pay for this. So get allstate. Where you can save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. Mayhem is everywhere. So get an allstate agent. Are you in good hands . High max, everyone im dana perino. Things are getting pretty contentious between President Trump and kristin gillibrand. Plus, new details about the charges against the new york city bombing suspect. Do you want to watch tonights Alabama Senate election returned like a pro . Breaking it all down for you on the daily briefing. Harris its go time in alabama, people there hitting the polls. Celebrities and highprofile politicians politicians out in full force, republican roy moore getting help from President Trump who urged his supporters to back him at a recent rally. Former white house strategist steve bannon, texas congressman who you saw at the top of the hour, he had a lot of energy, sheriff david clark has also appeared on stage with roy moore. Meanwhile, doug jones also getting some help from outside, senator cory booker, congressman john lewis, Alyssa Milano, uzo aduba, president obama and joe biden recorded robo calls for him as well. We are not going to stand by and let other people from out of state and money from california control this election. I dont think the outsiders make much difference, this is an alabama race, we generally dont like being told what to do. Democratic strategist and contributor for the hill, Michael Starr hopkins. Amy holmes, its great to see you. Amy doesnt help to have a buddy from outside come in . It helps to draw people to your rally, celebrities are a great party trick, they are great for fundraising and getting attention and headlines but they dont actually change peoples minds about who they are going to vote for. Hillary clinton had a parade of celebrities in this last election cycle and that to get her over the finish line and certainly not an alabama where she lost by 28 points. Harris its interesting that you use that example because the night before, that big one in philly and it didnt move the needle the way people thought. I think you are seeing excited voters. You are seeing that more people than usual are excited about coming out and making sure roy moore harris you think that all those people are democrats . Even if you lined up every democrat you wouldnt have as many votes as you might need. One was the last time you cared about Alyssa Milano thinks about politics . You have roy moore, a guy who said our greatest time was during slavery, that homosexuality should be criminalized and we should not allow women to vote. Harris let me step in there, all of those things you are talking about, voters know who roy moore is. Voters are seeing that before the day they go to the polls. You add in doug jones. Who is not what voters in alabama want to on issues important to them like abortion, not even close. Christian values, something people are talking about coming out of those polling sites today. About how they feel like roy moore hears them on that issue more. Something that needs to be taken into account is for alabama voters, roy moore has been a public figure going on decades. Let me finish, getting back to outsiders telling alabamians what to do, hey, you get your house in order before you come barging into ours. What have you been reading about these institutions . Sexual harassment and Sexual Assault left and right. Theres nothing christian about what Roy Moore Says or does. I go to church on sunday harris when it comes to the abortion issue people on the ground feel that there is. Roy moore is not representative of christians. Certainly and i dont think it will be fair to say so, a church got in trouble for comparing him to jesus which brings me to a very good friend of mine, and Ivy League Educated woman, white woman, evangelical who supports roy moore and i think we have to understand, hes a public figure but i would ask hes also been divisive in alabama. Lets not forget the republican primary, President Trump initially endorsed luther strange. Lets talk big picture, he gets to congress. Likely he will go. Weve got to go. We dont know by the way who will benefit from having a huge turn out but we are hearing reports that it is. We will be right back. Harris 8 p. M. Local time in alabama the polls will close. Were watching that election just as you are. Stay close to Fox News Channel for the latest. Im harris. Heres dana. Dana voting day in alabama. Polls are open and voters are casting their ballots in the high stakes rate between republican candidate roy moore and democrat doug jones. Im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. Good people of alabama are having the final say at the end of a highly charged and divisive campaign. Whats the Roy Moore Campaign up to today, jonathan . Reporter hi, dana. Well, it was probably the most dramatic photo op well see today. Roy moore arriving at his polling location on horse back. This is his normal election day activity. But for moore, this campaign has en

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