Supporters say the Incoming Biden Administration would face a conflict of interest in the hunter biden case. Triggering the need for a special counsel. Former acting attorney general Matt Whitaker on that. There are regulations to appoint a special counsel and its only in certain circumstances where the regular process cant handle an investigation. Certainly an investigation into a president s child could meet those standards. What a special counsel is enabled, protections from being fired without cause. The hunter biden case it could protect that u. S. Attorney and members of his team from being fired without cause. Harris high noon on the east coast. Your watching outnumbered. I am harris faulkner. Here today, kennedy, katie pavlich, tomi lahren, and joining us today, host of making money on fox business, charles payne. Look at you and your sunshine. And your tie. Good to see you. Lets get started with william barr on his way out, talking special counsel, all of it. Charles Payne Charles id love to see a special counsel. My enthusiasm for what they may achieve has gone down a lot. We are a long way from watergate nixon. But i think the bigger story, not necessarily the bigger story about something they cant go unnoticed is how come this took so long. Why couldnt all of these things have been revealed. Going back to even 2009 with the tax news. Now everybodys reporting, the Mainstream Media always had breaking news within the trump campaign. It was anonymous speculation, anonymous story making. Why couldnt they know about this . To me even if youre not political, anyone whos apolitical, look at this and smell a rat. The fix was always in and youve got to have very little confidence that relevant be any sort of notion of justice no matter what happens in the future. Harris special counsel. What do you think . Charles . Charles yeah i think we should have one and i would love to see it come to fruition and i would like to see actual action. The thing is we are waiting for so many special counsel to come up with the conclusion that we know is there. It would be better than nothing but nothing can make up for the fact that this was covered up between washington, d. C. , and the Mainstream Media and that something we need to find a way to find justice for as well. Harris tomi lahren. Tomi i agree with charles wholeheartedly. So many Trump Supporters out there that are enraged about this because they wish the country wouldve known what bill barr knew and what many knew ahead of time and that mightve changed a lot of votes. The American People should be frustrated by this and most frustrated with the media for ignoring it when they did have nudges and winks that something was going on but of course they ignored it. Also talking about a special counsel i know that theres Many Americans out there that have fatigue from the mueller investigation. We dont want to spend four years wasting taxpayer dollars on another investigation we could have dealt with it before the election. I think so many people are just so frustrated and its a dereliction of duty by the media and we are wondering who knew what and when they knew it and why was this covered up and we deserve an answer on that specifically. Harris Kayleigh Mcenany was on with me yesterday on over time. I asked her whether or not there was a divide between the president of the United States in the u. S. Attorney general. She took a beat and said well, theres frustration. That was just a few hours before we would learn that barr is exiting. Where do you think the pressure points were in leading up to what happened yesterday, from what youve been reading and what you been covering . Katie well, harris, attorney general bill barr when he took the job come one of his main goals with the department of justice was to move it away from political persecution of political opponents and back to the rule of law. Thats a difficult thing to do when you have a president who rightfully is very frustrated with the way he was treated, special counsel investigation launched against him. Spying on his campaign, the abusive fisa and wanting equal treatment. The attorney general has tried to get the department of justice back to a place where they are not looking at things based on what party are in but rather with the facts of each case are. On the issue of people accusing attorney general bill barr of somehow covering up the hunter biden investigation, it was a covert investigation. The reason for that is because when youre investigating somebody or prosecuting them, you dont want them to know what cards you have and what theyre looking for so that they can hide evidence. They can intimidate witnesses. More attorneys drag out the process. Then it turned into a covert investigation which is why we now know about it. If youre trying to really go after someone because they broke the law, informing them too early that they are being investigated doesnt help prosecutors with their case. In terms of the relationship between President Trump and bill barr, bill barr said in his Resignation Letter that its very clear that there was a huge abuse of power when it came to with the doj did under the obama administration, spying on his campaign, tried to get the president justice on that. There is a conflict in general between what you can do legally and using the justice for political purposes and getting the legal system back to what it supposed to be which is not to be used as a political weapon against your opponent. Still when i want to get to this, and wall street journal editorial titled a special counsel christmas for hunter biden. It argues that a social consul is a bad idea. Unless the bidens truly have something to hide and hunter insists an objective review will find he handled his affairs legally and appropriately, keeping the existing u. S. Attorney on would guarantee the objective review. Kennedy. Kennedy i actually dont have a problem with u. S. Attorney and dello are continuing this investigation. Thats because two of Hunter Bidens Business Partners have been pop for fraud. Considering what has come out about his dealings in china, the amount of money thats been wired from moscow. The relationship hes had, they amount to Money Laundering under the best of circumstances. What this case is allowed to continue with the federal crime charlie and the u. S. Attorney in delaware, i think you will see something that looks like justice and the worry is and i think tomi is right, people have fatigue about the amount of time and money that could be poured into special counsel with very little result at the end. If your going to instill faith in our justice department, may be let this play out. Harris tomi, your name was mentioned so im going to come back to you. Whats at stake for an Incoming Administration to have this going on in the days and weeks before Inauguration Day . Tomi we know that if you have a d beside your name you really dont have to worry about much i think thats where a lot of this frustration is coming in. For four years the democrats told us we had to investigate everything from Election Integrity to phone calls. It over and over again with fatigue, money wasted. There was still trying to impeach the president when coronavirus came to our country and they were still obsessed with that. Being joe biden and having the media coddle you, as weve seen, hes not in the white house yet held the media is cancelin codd. I dont think hes going to suffer much from this. So Many Americans are upset. Do we want to waste time and money on a special counsel and deal with that whole mess. Not really. Is a lot of other issues we want to deal with. But we want justice. Once again the American People are the real losers here. Harris well move on with the live look and its just a few blocks away from the headquarters of fox news. Times square. Restaurant workers are protesting the leader shutdown on Indoor Dining in the city. A few minutes ago there was a few people out. Its growing. Governor cuomo is talking about the new restriction. Fox news reveals top facebook and twitter executive donated tens of thousands of dollars to joe bidens campaign. That report is raising serious questions about the companys motives behind their controversial decision. To block content leading up to the election. That breaking story is next. Dozens of restaurants, not new york city and times square, we go to california where they are standing together define governor newsoms orders to shut their doors particularly on Outdoor Dining. No science shows that that would do anything. A campaign to recall the governor needs momentum. The new fallout from californias covid restrictions ahead. I followed the rules i follow the rules you still time after time. [indistinct] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Wow a new buick . For me . To james, from james. Thats just what i wanted. Is this a new buick . I secret santaed myself. Oh i shouldnt have. But i have been very good this year. Wow wow wow dont forget you this holiday season, get an syouv, from buick. Celebrate the holidays with buick, now everyone can get gm employee pricing on most buick suv models. 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Ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. But before we sign i gotta ask. Sure, anything. We searched you online and maybe you can explain this . I cant believe that garbage is still coming in. That is so false frustrated with your Online Search results . Call reputation defender today to join tens of thousands whove improved their online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. Record low Mortgage Rates have dropped even lower. At newday, veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save 250 a month. 3000 dollars a year. With the va streamline refi at newday, theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. Xkzmh3px[1k h i . e[ its moving day. And are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Katie a brandnew report raising questions about joe bidens ties to big tech. Of fox news review of sec records found Top Executive sites like facebook and twitter donated tens of thousands of dollars of the Biden Campaign, including some who gave the legal maximum of 2800. Fox news could not find a single executive level employee from facebook or twitter who donated to the trump campaign. Big tech facing criticism from limiting users from sharing New York Post reporting on hunter biden to the weeks before the election. Charles payne, they always claim that they are neutral. They dont have political bias. But numbers dont lie. The numbers dont lie. We always say wherever the money goes, thats your trail. We saw this in the heavy handedness on social media with respect to President Trump. As we headed into the election. Although different tweets, everything that was censored. Heres the thing, they tried to distance themselves from their actions and hide five things like algorithms. They program the algorithms. Taking it upon themselves to be the purveyors, the arbiters of truth. But they dont want to be regulated as such. Times for these folks to have it both ways has come to an end. Its fine if you want to have your political leanings. Its fine if you want to join the washington post, New York Times and actively daily engaging against the republicans. President trump more specifically. Msnbc, the Mainstream Media. There should be some guardrails for the enduser. There should be a sense of a knowledge meant. If this is that we are going to play the game and we know its being played this way, at least give the general public a chance to understand it better and to be able to adjust. Katie kennedy, it comes down to saying that youre for one thing and then doing another. The Biden Campaign and democrats in general rail against big corporations. It doesnt get much bigger than big tech, you have these donations going one way. Kennedy absolutely. Theyre looking for access so they can rewrite laws to protect them but its funny because Many Democrats are as eager to break up big tech is republicans are to stop shielding them from liability. I dont have a problem with employees donating wherever they want for any political cause. And im not surprised in the slightest that a bunch of money from northern california, especially silicon valley, is going to establishment democra democrats. But i do think at some point there has to be more competiti competition. Thats ultimately what will always save us because if you got the same companies in bed with big government, establishment politicians, then the cronyism is going to stifle the entire system. Katie tomi, what about that. Theres been conservatives whove tried to create their own social media platforms. Parlor with dan bongino. Can they fight it through the free market rather than government regulation . Tomi fatso Republican School of thought and conservative school of thought is that ownership is the best way to combat that. Theres not a lot of action they could not gain traction. I think were very well aware that wasnt going to happen. I think they need to be transparent about their bias. I think its time to break up big tech. Im disgusted and the republicans that had two years where they have the house and senate and the presidency they did nothing about it. We put ourselves in a bad spot. Will it happen under a Biden Administration highly doubted. Katie harris, the connection is people who were donating big money to big tech were allowing it to seep into their work. You covered a number of hearings on capitol hill, the most recent one was the ceo from twitter saying they had no actual information to show the hunter biden story was false and here we are with them claiming that theres no connection to her political motives when they decide what to censor. Harris its one of the reasons why i dont think why hearings are the best way to figure out with the facts are. Its got to be a oneonone. The questions have to come. Asking about algorithms. People designing the algorithms and keeping on watch what they were spinning out and at Times Holding back conservative views on certain platforms. Were they some of the same people who donated . Why did it matter . If you have ten people and they are in charge, and nine or ten have certain political bent, i think you have to be transparent. Section 230 certainly does not consider it deserving to be protected if, in fact, youre going to break the rules of the laws of free speech in the process. Theyve got to give something up. You can eat you have your cake d eat it too. Tomi is right, republicans had two years to get it done in the majority. Was it not important then . Katie yeah. We hear a lot about diversity in these companies, seems like they need some diversity of thought, thats for sure. Claims of sexism against the wall street journal after an oped writer earns jo jill bn to drop doctor from her title. The backlash as a Restaurant Owners frustration goes viral. Are you going to pay my rent okay. Im not closing. Dicine cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam zinc that cold it shortens colds if ththen im not a real potato reciidaho potato farmer. Shes, genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. 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Protects like tena. Kennedy heres the live look at times square where restaurant workers are protesting the leader shut down an Indoor Dining in the city and they are now marching to governor cuomos new york city office. Governor cuomo announced new restrictions yesterday and apparently these protesters are not happy. Mayor de blasio also warned yesterday that the city could face another shutdown, full shutdown in the weeks ahead. Meantime in california, dozens of dining establishments in Orange County staying open for in person dining in defiance of governor Gavin Newsom Stayathome orders. They have band together and say they will continue following safety particles like providing distance seating and requiring masks but wont be following orders to halt in person dining. Restaurant owners confrontations with Health Inspectors go viral. I follow the rules i continue to follow the rules and you still, time after time, youre saying i have to close my business youre not following the rules. I am following the rules just because the Health Department as a whole process to go through, however long that takes, i have to close my business for that time . Are you going to pay my rent . I did all takeout food and deliveries. I did exactly what im supposed to be doing. What am i going to do . Are you going to pay my rent . No. Okay, im not closing. Kennedy governor gavin newsom passing up a civil recall election in the new year. Organizers say theyve collected more than half of 1. 5 million signatures needed to put the recall on the ballot and trigger a special election. Tomi, tell me about the frustration in california with gavin newsom. He was praised in the spring for his massive shutdown and others backlash. Whats going on . Dictator gavin newsom has overplayed his hand once again. He thought he was going to get away with it. He thought californians were going to continue to cower, follow his edicts and mandates that he and his aunt nancy also dont feel if they they need to follow. Californians, i am so proud of you. You have backed into a corner theyve rattled your cage for the last time. Now youre coming out fighting in your fighting and swinging and i want to see more Restaurant Owners and Business Owners saying we are not going to comply with these edex i have no science to back them up. We are not going to let ourselves and our businesses fail. Were not going to let our economy be destroyed. Were not going to sit back and wait for a check from the government or a stimulus. Were going to open our businesses, its our american right and we are tired of being treated like criminals and deviants for opening our businesses and living normal lives. Gavin newsom better be very careful because i think he has struck a chord in california and is not a court hes going to like striking, ill promise you that. Kennedy do you think they remember the 2003 recall . I do. I hosted a game show called who wants to be governor of california. Seven of the candidates. Charles i think tomi just hit it. The answer is hell yes. We started with that video. When you layer on bureaucracy, typical city bureaucracy when the dictatorial nonsense and measures like the mandates to shut down Indoor Dining. 1. 43 of responsible i have all the transmissions in new york city. Ive got to tell you. There was a great post by a california chef this weekend where he showed amazon, their break room the indoor cafeterias bustling, this war on Small Businesses, this war bill gates said we should just do, a sacrifice worth having, that these Large Businesses are taking advantage, these hapless, hapless local officials are going along with me because theyre selling out the biggest owners, its despicable and youre right, it shouldnt stop in california. Everyone in this country needs to fight back. Kennedy and fight back they certainly are overcome including places like new jers new jersey. You really feel for these Restaurant Owners. You dont see viral videos of government officials and their sob stories, like a last supper before she shut down indoor and Outdoor Dining. You see Small Business owners and its really resonating. Windows that emotion really spur change change . I think the open space hashtag says it all. We can can comply. We can do this safely. We can keep our customers and our workers leave. Katie the most important part is that the Restaurant Owners, including the manager video with the Health Inspectors, they think they have more power than god to shut people down for the sake of shutting them down not based on any kind of science. Their own data proves the opposite of what theyre claiming they need to do to slow the spread of this virus. Restaurant owners have done everything. They have gone above and beyond. Use either be role of the tent outside so you can eat outside inside but cant eat inside these restaurants. Look at these Health Inspectors standing there with their notebook and their fancy jackets. Theyve never throughout this pandemic had to deal with any of the consequences that they are putting on these people who are trying to make a living, the Restaurant Owner talked about his employees. Health inspectors are still pulling a taxpayerfunded paycheck. Gavin newsom is still getting paid. All the people lecturing these businesses of all closing down and they need to do their part to make sure that everybody is safe, theyve done everything theyve been asked besides shutting down now to be safe. And b, people telling them to do this have never had to do any of that. They are also employed and capable of providing for their families. Its a good thing that they are fed up with it. The government has failed to prove with scientific data, their justification for ruining peoples livelihoods and the livelihoods of their employees that by the way dont just have consequences today but for generations. Its a generational problem. The government officials are putting on them. Kennedy its a good point. People are spending their life savings trying to keep their businesses afloat but its not going to be enough on the east coast because new york city in new york and new jersey were going to be shut down for business with the storm coming. Harris theres always going to be a storm. We are encroaching on winter. We cant let that also be part of why we make decisions about lockdowns. Temporarily, okay, i get it. You dont want people to be in the way of the trucks that have to move the potential snow. Thats one thing. Thats not really what we are talking about. We are not talking about meteorology. We are talking about a different type of science. There was a judge in california who really did help out his people, 30,000 restaurants there watching this unfold. Its a lot of small to midsized businesses who are hurting. When you take a look at what the judge said, he said there is no scientific basis for shutting down Outdoor Dining. Most of the places as weve been talking about have spent their hardearned cash on that particular restriction and making it an option for their customers so that they can go outside. I just want you to notice the owner of nick the greek. He is socially distance from the woman hes clearly having some tough words with from the Health Department. Hes got his mask on. They dont walk any closer than that. You think that this gentleman i can tell you ive talked with a lot of Business Owners at 1 00 p. M. Eastern on outnumbered overtime. Its a passion to figure out how to bring us together. Right . So you think they dont see those heartbreaking numbers of how many people we have lost . My gosh, california was one of the first hit. You dont think that hurts them . Their employees are struggling. Some of them with the Health Issues that come with this. Come on. They are trying to do all of it. The goal posts keep moving and not necessarily based on scien science. Lets just get there on the science. Lets talk to each other and figured out out. That judge i think made a step in an interesting direction. He cant overpower the entire state im Outdoor Dining but he can start a drumbeat with youve got to prove it because i dont see the science that you should go there. Kennedy well said and we have new developments in chinas reported efforts to influence democratic congressman. What republicans are commanding from the fbi. Many in the media rallying around incoming First Lady Jill Biden after a critical oped. Where there they are playing favorites. The coverage of Melania Trump. Thats coming up. Irresistibly smooth chocolate. To put the world on pause. Lindor. Made to melt you. By the lindt master chocolatier. Three thousand dollars thats how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. Record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. With the va streamline refi theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Diabetes and raised triglycerides,. 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Hes defending themselves, saying you should be able to call a 69yearold accomplished woman kiddo. I got stuck on the word kiddo. Melania trump doesnt have the educational credentials but i doubt that they have ever referred to Melania Trump in their pages is anything but mrs. Trump or her full name, whatever she deserves to have. Harris some of the Mainstream Media rushing to defend jill biden after an oped in the wall street journal asked her to drop the doctor before her name. Many are calling the piece which says that the doctor title feels fraudulent sexist and misogynistic. However, the media were notably silent when comedians took a shot at first lady Melania Trump wrongly saying she was an illegal alien and called ivanka trump an incredible crass name. We wont even go there. The Mainstream Media, some did not come to Sarah Sanders defense. None of them that we could find when the Los Angeles Times writer took a swipe at her physical appearance. It was neil steen. Double standard. Charles payne. Charles its amazing. This is an area that is so glaring when it comes to relationships in treatment of women by political ideology. Whether it is the me too movement stuff that gets ignored, swept under the rug or completely not reported or the meanness, than meanness, the disrespect. Every time Sarah Huckabee sanders to the press, every time Kayleigh Mcenany speaks to the press, its beyond disdain. There is a hatred. Its not just for these highprofile republicans. A couple years ago vanity fair wrote an article saying they say, entitled the strange world of conservative college women. Its on every single level if you are conservative or republican woman expect to be treated differently and expect it to be harsh, ugly and accepted by the folks that will always be complaining about people doing the same thing that they practice in real life. Harris a couple things, katie. The Associated Press stylebook which many in the media including fox news often adhere to. I dont know 100 because i cant say what everybody does all the time. It looks that the title doctor is specific for medical reasons. You will see some in the media follow that ap style. Thats one thing aside. You might see dr. Condoleezza rice in her profession use the doctor parkey for the most part, her former title in the bushing administration and then her nam. So you can make the argument that if were going to do one, lets do all. I think this will be consistent with that. Is this not just to greater women being . Amy Coney Barrett a few weeks ago, people were going after her for her faith and being a good mom. I called some people out. I said are we americans . Are we american women . Shouldnt we all be treated the same . Sarah sanders, i tweeted. I wasnt defending anybody. I was calling out the offensive thing the people were saying about parts of our culture, women, children, lgbt. Katie yeah, no. Its been completely acceptable for decades to go after conservative women in ways that you would never get away with and you shouldnt get away with when it comes to how you criticize women on the other side of the aisle. Democrats have always argued that they are the party of women that they respect them. Their actions have spoken much louder than words when it comes to how theyve treated not just the trump family but Margaret Thatcher for example over in the u. K. And the way theyve treated her in the way she handled things. We know thats the standard. Conservative women tend understand that they are not going to get those kind words and they move forward and they do their jobs well and they dont want the credit for it. If you rewind the clock, like you said, justice amy Coney Barrett was criticized as a white colonizer for adopting two children from haiti. First lady Melania Trump on tape, one of her friends released it, saying she was more concerned about reuniting kids who lost their parents of the border than she was with Christmas Decorations and they criticized her for not wanting to be more involved in Christmas Decorations which if this was a democrat they would say it was very misogynistic and patriarchal call that would be more concerned about decorating than being involved in real policy decisions, right . So its a double standard in its very clear. Youre going to get four more years of this as we move forward and lots of productions of the first lady from the Mainstream Media which is the opposite of what we saw over the last four years for first lady Melania Trump. Harris tomi. Tomi real quickly, i think we all know that the double standard is the only standard of the laugh i also wonder why these Mainstream News Networks are spending so much time divining jill biden or dr. Jill biden not talking about the real issues plaguing our nation. Talking about Election Integrity, hunter biden, swalwell and his possibly being compromised by a chinese spy. Why are they not dedicating time to this question require the spinning so much time clutching their pearls over the suggestion of removing the doctor in front of jill bidens me. I think the ladies on this panel have all been victimized by the left and by democrats for years dad based on our appearance, our intelligence, where we were, everything they can find about. Excuse me if im not crying tears. Doctor or regular jill biden. Harris i consider kennedy the queen in my life. Shes an awesome mom in person. I will give you that title, girl. Kennedy i will take the doctor as well. You can call me dr. Kennedy. [laughter] harris House Republicans calling on the fbi to brief them on china as congressman Eric Swalwell remains under heavy scrutiny for his ties to a suspected spy. Some republican lawmakers questioning why he still has a spot on the Intelligence Committee. Stay with us. Need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. With nutrients to support immune health. Ensure max protein. To customizes yourcan gocar insurancetual. Com so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. And still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib. Not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im reaching for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Im on board. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Ask your doctor about eliquis. And if your ability to afford. Your medication has changed, we want to help. Kennedy top House Republicans urging the fbi to brief them on chinese espionage activities in the u. S. After next years report shed light on democratic congressman Eric Swalwells past ties to a suspected chinese spy. Marco rubio says if republicans maintain control of the senate and he becomes chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee he will hold a public hearing on china. Fang fang, the woman suspected of targeting swalwell and other politicians. I dont know if the story is as much about bumbling Eric Swalwell as it is about the fact that there was this program for chinese operatives to infiltrate pretty much every part of our economy and our politicians to gain information and advantage. Katie absolutely. This is beyond just Eric Swalwell although its very significant for him because he is on the house Intelligence Committee which deals with very serious matters of National Security and classified top information. We all talked about it before but china has a pervasive Espionage Program in the United States, whether its through the education system, business, controlling or blackmailing a number of people who have gone to china and engaged in some kind of behavior or they just want their business is not to be upheld as a result of questioning china. The Chinese Communist party has a foothold in america and every single aspect of what we do here and it will be interesting to see if there are other lawmakers whove been targeted as a result of this if we have these hearings in the senate. Adam schiff is certainly not going to be Holding Hearings of his own to investigate his own partys ties to the Chinese Communist party despite being so concerned about foreign influence over the past few years. Kennedy great point, katie. He had access to his own magical facts about how easy it was for an american to become compromised and to be made an asset of a nation who is at times hostile with the u. S. Harris, there are calls for Eric Swalwell to be removed from the house Intelligence Committee. What do you think . Harris richard fowler, part of our fox news family, contributor and democrat, he was in the studio called for a wider investigation. I was surprised by that. Katie, to your point, theres been reports that there were romantic dalliances between some politicians in tha and that suspected spy. Do we need to know what we knew about swalwell and others and still it goes to speaker nancy pelosi. Maybe theres more to get to. Katie and i said Something Real quickly about spying . I want to say im sorry, sir, if youre a 2 and shes a 10, shes probably a honeypot. [laughter] just putting it out there. Kennedy i always love numbers. Way to bring it home. We have a fox news alert. We are awaiting a White House Press briefing set start and moments, the first Briefing Since we learned of the grand jury investigation into hunter biden. We will bring the briefing to you the moment it begins. Stay with us. Month 3,000 a year, what would you do with the money . Save for your retirement, update your home, maybe buy a new car . Record low rates have dropped even lower. Use your va streamline refi benefit now. 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Kennedy in new jersey, the owners of the gym who defied orders to close have been hit with more than a Million Dollars in fines. They tell fox news theyve been cited more than 60 times. Despite not having a single infection linked to the business after more than 83,000 visits in that time. The owner seem to be dairying governor phil murphy. A video he posted on instagram without a mask in the middle of hithe gym. I like the fact that he is following the science. Hes saying theres not been one infection trees t traced here. Tomi i think we would see major changes. Elected and unelected officials on the health board hirings will be forced to listen to people and understand people have a right to run their business. Talking about health care, lets keep in mind that he runs a gym. Lets keep in mind the risks that come with obesity and other Health Conditions that can be solved through physical activity and lets talk about going out and interacting with others in a safe environment in the colorado area of a gym. Its best for your help. I applaud him. Hes a friend of mine and i say keep going, patriot and i hope more follow your lead. Kennedy charles, are you going to help them pay those fines . Charles [laughs] i tell you what. Im not sure how far it is from my house but i would take some online classes or any way i could contribute. I say right on. The bottom line is this is all about power. Its all about an elite class of folks who think they are elite. We elected them. We can make smart decisions, its the only way we can get out of it. Kennedy katie, last work, my dear. Given after 83,00 83,000 visits thereve been zero cases length, the fines should be wiped away. Kennedy thats right and thats of great point. Demonstrably doing harm, then you could make an issue of it. But of people are staying safe there and clearly fitness is one of the keys to health and longevity, we should all continue to work out. Thank you so much to everyone on the couch. Charles, katie, tomi, beautifully done. Its a wrap for us and now for another fantastic hour, heres harris. Harris thank you, queen kennedy. Fox news alert. The White House Press briefing is set to begin at any moment. We are expecting new reaction to attorney general bill barrs resignation. What it could mean for the hunter biden investigation. This is outnumbered overtime. I am harris faulkner. Joe biden is such a Campaign Next hour in georgia ahead of the senate ra runoff but hes ur the cloud of a growing investigation into his sons taxes, ties to Foreign Countries including china. Top Senate Republicans say theyve been asking unsuccessfully for testimony from hunter biden associates. Senator ron johnson calling out the media for largely ignoring

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