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Sharp as you could look dressed in a beautiful marine outfit. I have never seen a marine look that good in my life, christian [applause] he wanted to look good, he told me, as a tribute to his father. And he led me to his dads grave and we paid our respects together. It was a moment i will always remember. Christian, i want you to know that even though your father has left this world, he has left it for the next, but he is not gone. He will never be gone. Your dads love, courage and strength live in you, christian, and as you grow bigger and stronger, just like him, so, too, does your fathers incredible legacy. So thank you both. Thats so beautiful. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Thank you, christian. Good to see you. He has become my friend, i will tell you. A special young man. To every Family Member of the fallen, i want you to know that the legacy of those you lost does not fade with time but grows only more powerful. Their legacy does not, like a voice in the distance, become a faint echo, but instead their legacy grows deeper, spreading further, touching more lives, reaching down through time and out across many generations. Through their sacrifice, your loved ones have achieved something very, very special, immortality. Today we also remember the more than 82,000 american servicemen and women who remain missing from wars and conflicts fought over the past century. We will never stop searching for them. [applause] and whenever possible, we will bring them home. We pledge to remember not just on memorial day, we will always remember them. We will remember them every day. Moments ago, i laid a wreath in tribute to those resting in honored glory. For more than 80 years the sentinels of the old guard have kept watch over the tomb of the unknown soldier. Serving in this elite unit is among the most prestigious honors in the United States military. While the rest of us sleep, while we go about our lives, through every minute, through every day, through freezing cold, scorching heat and raging storms, they stand watch. Even when the earth shook beneath their feet on 9 11 and smoke from the pentagon darkened the sky above these treelined hills, here they remained faithful at their post, eternal on guard. They never moved. The sentinel always stands because america never forgets, its our heroes who make us who we are and who determine what we will be. [applause] our Fallen Heroes have not only were in our history, they shape our destiny. They save the lives of the men and women with whom they served. They care for their families more than anything in the world, they love their families. They inspired their communities, uplifted their country, and provided the best example of courage, virtue, and valor the world will ever know. They fought and bled and died so that america would forever remain safe and strong and free. Each of the markers on that field, each of the names engraved in stone teach us what it means to be loyal and faithful and proud and brave and righteous and true. That is why we come to this most sacred place. That is why we guard these grounds with absolute devotion. That is why we always will remember. Because here, on the soil, on these grounds, beneath those fields, lies the true source of american greatness. Of american glory. And the american freedom. As long as we are blessed with patriots such as these, we shall forever remain one people, one family, and one nation under god. [applause] its been my great honor to be with you today. I want to thank you. May god bless the families of the fallen. May god bless the men and women who served. And may god bless the United States of america. Our great country. Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] the commanderinchief addressing the country on this memorial day from Arlington National cemetery. In doing so, addressing the families whose loved ones paid the ultimate sacrifice. President trump saying to those people today, we ask god to comfort your pain, to ease your sorrow, to wipe away your tears. The president standing in the center of Arlington National cemetery saying those who paid the ultimate sacrifice are faithful and proud, brave, righteous, true. He talked about all the individuals there showing courage, virtue, valor. I thought it was specifically, you know, poignant that he talked to the families and addressed the Family Members that are there. Of course, Family Members very familiar with that kind of loss. [ [bugle playing taps in the background] now we receive the benediction. Playing taps as the proceedings continue there. President trump, the Defense Sector jim mattis on the right of your screen. Lets bring in congresswoman former just got back as well from south korea a few hours ag ago. As she traveled to that region of the dmz. Congresswoman, your thoughts after listening to the commander in chief . Well, cant help listening to taps. Moves you each time. I thought President Trump did a wonderful speech, salamis, the compassion, the gratitude that he conveyed. The families for them, everything they in memorial day as they are missing their love ones right now. Spot on, right message, very inspiring message, and one honoring those who gave the last full measure of devotion for our freedom to have a day off today and spend time with friends and families, like many people are. Talked about those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and the president got into it in his speech. We had a couple of guest on today talking about it. The 20,000 children all across his children who have had love ones killed in the line of duty. The president and his speech making sure to point out a few of them. Yeah. I cannot even imagine. I lost my dad when i was a kid not from combat. Being raised without your father or your mother and knowing that they sacrifice their life for your freedoms. Certainly a positive in that. As you can see, some of them are going on to serve in the military which is just extraordinary. There is a cost and a loss that comes with not having that parent through all the critical stages of your life. This cost is very high for those children who every day may be dont even know their parent or are missing them every single day here they are just amazing. Its so great to see them honoring them. Christian jacob, what a strong, young child who is very focused on the legacy of his dad. Its pretty powerful. That something that struck me. As a member of the military, you can talk about how its such a huge family. There was a marine Lieutenant Colonel david greene that he talked about. He was a marine helicopter pilot who lost his life. His son followed along in his dads footsteps as well. Its just amazing. Look, for those of us who we come back wondering why is it that we came back in our other colleagues did not, our other follow warriors did not. We have been at too Many Services handing flags to those loved ones. The cost is very, very high. But the legacy is there. We want to give honor where honor is due. Today is the day to do that. Every day they are missing their loved one. Thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it. It was quite remarkable. Yeah. Have a wonderful memorial day. As we continue to watch the president here and defense secretary jim mattis, Arlington National cemetery on a gorgeous day there in our nations capitol in washington, d. C. , for the ceremony attended by the commander in chief every year. The president began his words talking about how this impacts across generation. That was truly example by there today as he talked with the seven year old the end and began with the 106yearold world war ii veteran. Amazing. We thank you for joining us on this day. A special memorial day the addition of outnumbered starts after the break. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . Yeah, Liberty Mutual 24hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. My dad says our insurance doesnt have that. Dont worry i know what a lug wrench is, dad. Is this a lug wrench . Maybe . You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. Your digestive system has billions of bacteria, but life can throw them off balance. Try align, the 1 doctor recommended probiotic. With a unique strain that realigns your system. Realign yourself, with align. Putting more pressure on lawmakers on restricting Immigration Law and an effort to end Gang Violence around america after a roundtable discussion in new york last week. Also doubling down on his harsh description of ms13 gang members despite backlash from democrats. Watch. Ms13 lives by the motto, kill, rape, and control. I called them animals the other day and i was met with rebuke. They said, they are people. They arent people. Those are animals. We have to be very [applause] very tough. Lawmakers on capitol hill gravel whether to take another stab at immigration reform, including a dock daca 7th to hammer out a way forward. We had the summit at the white house last week, the president broughton two governors from border states to talk about the issue of immigration. What struck me is danica martinez, the governor of new mexico, said we have immigration problems in new mexico, but the issues that happen here affect states throughout the country. Thats what the president is trying to get congress to work on. Congress has never wanted to work on this despite what the configuration is because its too explosive. I do think its interesting that really this president has had to threaten to shut down by the way, thats not even original material. Chuck schumer of new york, he was willing to do it over some of the issues of immigration. The president leading on this issue is really what its going to take. I dont know if hes willing to compromise with democrats, or what that will look like. But he wants his wall. We have seen recently diane black of tennessee who is chair of the budget committee, thinking about how we spend our money, started this order act which can collect public funds to pay for the wall. Its like crowd sourcing for your own backyard. She says the necessities that you can get it quickly, so people can begin to feel what security looks like and is really tangible in their lives. Thats important to this debate. When these men and women run on capitol hill again, they have to run against the actual feeling of security. The most important thing. Every illegal immigrant in this country today is lawabiding should be happening in wall. That their next way to be republicans have said for decades, secure the border, then we will deal with whos here. Every illegal immigrant in this country should see the wall as this positive, something to help them get their next step to what their status may be. Thats the position of the republicans. President trump holds that position. I dont understand the actual push against the wall beyond rhetoric. Because the ball is moving. A judge decided that they can continue to take, for instance, daca recipients. The ball is moving on things that have not been dealt with. Like visa. On that point, kennedy, immigrant reform is a big bubble that includes a lot of different areas. The reason it fails every time is because they try to do too much at once. When the ms13 problem very different to the daca recipient problem, they seem to try to tie everything together. They are completely different and require different, separate issues, and pieces of luggage legislation on the hill. Thats absolutely right. These things may be incorporated correlated, but when an entire piece of legislation fails, it all falls apart. Its like having your souffle implode and also burning your pork chops at the same time. No one wants that everyone you need your meet meat what happens when it doesnt work . What if this is just a distraction or false sense of security when really we shouldve taken care of these other things. I think you are absolutely righ right. You have to take care of them almost separately and one thing at a time. I dont think congress has been good at prioritizing what we should do first. President trump has every right to be angry at them. No funding in that giant, hideous omnibus spending bill for a new wall. Should he have vetoed that thing . He should have. He alienated his voters when he signed it. I heard more outrage on social media over that. The bigger issue was congress has the power of the purse and they didnt do anything to deprive century cities of money in that bill as well. At the same time, do you know that the quotations in this country, the number of pending deportation cases has gone up 25 under President Trump . 150,000 cases . There is now a backlog of 700,000 cases in this country. The courts cant handle the number of cases. Illegal immigrants are using that to their advantage. Big issue, thats for sure. Americans voted for President Trump says they arent wavering from supporting them despite a host of challenges. Even immigration. Why they still love him and what could change their minds . We are all used to seeing alec baldwin play President Trump on saturday night live. Is it time to put the trump bashing too bad . We will debate. I even confessed some crimes i didnt do and i said, what are you going to do, arrest the president how can you [laughter] i think they get the point. [run dmcs its tricky plays] hear that sizzle . Yeah. Red lobsters lobster shrimp summerfest is back get all the lobster and shrimp you crave, together in so many new ways. Theres new cedar plank seafood bake. Tender Maine Lobster and shrimp, cedar roasted to perfection. Or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. Sweet pineapple salsa on grilled rock lobster, paired with jumbo coconut shrimp. And wait. Theres lobster shrimp overboard its a Seafood Party on a plate. So hurry in. cause lobster shrimp summerfest wont last. Most people come to la with big dreams. We came with big appetites. With expedia, you can book a flight, hotel, car, and activity. All in one place. Everything you need to go. Expedia® still the one . President trump is to his supporters. Despite a host of challenges, usa today pulled people who supported the president why they havent wavered and what could shake the faith and their president for it supporter quoted saying, i believe our void voices are part of the forgotten part of the america that President Trump touched during the election. Giving our military likability and told to wipe the Islamic State of iraq and syria off the map and reshaping the generation for a generation. President trump has delivered on my expectations. One supporter also quoted saying there are a number of things that would make me stop supporting trump. But so far, the main reasons for my dissipating support are his incessant, childish tweeting and his travel ban. Im going to go to you first. People who didnt vote for President Trump look at him and say, this is a man who actually believes in standing by his promises on the campaign trail. People are really dumbfounded by it because no other politician does that. Its simple. They dont trust the media. They dont trust us. They dont trust the swamp. President trump does things in such a fashion that is easy to trust what he says. A good example last week, he spoke about the north korean summit and said, he believed that the president of china had may be sabotage that. In that moment, you believed every word he said. He was just thinking it through right there in front of the world. Thats that candidness straightforwardness that brings average americans to the polls. Katie if you go to the list of what he accomplished, its why you get so incensed about things like the wall, which isnt getting done. That was when he did ten polls in campaign. The tax reform, rollback and moving economist hate him, but trump doesnt care. His supporters have always been the base. He even said on the campaign trail, i can do a lot of bad things. But i can clean up. I can shoot someone on fifth avenue. To his credit, i think people who were trump skeptical and still are pretty impressed with the things hes done in terms of keeping his thomases and doing things people have been done before and saying, look, im nol the pc culture, everybody on capitol hill calling me because it might affect the way they are keeping their own promises to what theyve been their constituents for years in their own campaign. I think people who voted for him or didnt vote for him who are rightleaning or at least independence who want to see things getting done, they want to see the vitriol on the left go look, you guys saying trump is crazy . You are being crazier. You are pushing more people in his corner by the way you are behaving. I was in jerusalem for that recently. On the front day of the Jerusalem Post the the day we officially moved our embassy and unveiled it from tel aviv to jerusalem said, thomas is made, promises kept with his face only on the Jerusalem Post. You know the flag that they put up for the fourth of july and they hang it from streetlights all over america, they had all of that for jerusalem as well, trump make israel great. Those people who may or may not have voted to have dual citizenship. Maybe they dont, they have citizens who are here in america. Just based on results more than anything else. Its sort of a predicable uncritical ability. People now know what they are getting from the president. The unperturbed ability is a thing that put a lot of people off, a lot of the people who voted against hillary clinton, some of the people are starting to come around here we are starting to see the president s Approval Rating pick up because its true. Even if you dont agree with the president , if hes not your guy, theres something refreshing about a politician who has a list of things he wants to do that he talks about on the campaign trail and then obsessively goes after them. Its if theres one aspect of his legacy that i hope other politicians adhere to, it is that. If you are going to talk about things, if youre going to make promises at least try. Thats a contract with the country when they elect you. Do whatever is in your power to accomplish those things, even if you get some pushback. If you know its right and you believe in it, and people give you the thumbs up to pull the lever, you better do it. Absolutely. Completely. I agree. Absolutely on this here amen. Most of us have seen a whole lot of am i the only one who sees that guy . Are you okay . [laughter] alec baldwin playing President Trump in the latest saturday night live spoof of el president e. Bob mueller getting the Robert De Niro treatment. Several Media Outlets and even jimmy kimmel think so. Elitist pieces of liberal propaganda. The Media Companies west coast editor says, snl, youre cold opens are terrible, cringeworthy pieces of selfsatisfied liberal propaganda that are sometimes so bad, they seem like parodies of himself. This, from xml alum Rob Schneider who talked to him for the daily news, the fun of saturday night live, you never knew which way they lean politically. You assume they would lean more left and liberal, but now the cat is out of the bag. They are completely against trump, which i think makes it less interesting. You know the direction the peas is going. Rob schneider has gotten a lot of heat for that statement, but hes absolutely right. If you are taking things apart objectively and taking a look at the way comedy is supposed to operate, its not that. You shouldnt know exactly what the punch line is going to be at the beginning of the sketch. People are being shamed away from their convictions and staying away from any type of opinion that may upset someone. People are just tired of that constant pressure over their head. Especially conservatives, but people in general. I know Rob Schneider. I know the crew over there. Great people. They are funny. They care about the product they make in just giving people an opportunity to break away, laugh, have fun over something silly. Snl used to have some of that. The jimmy fallon skit is still funny and no politics involved there. Its making fun of us. Its people. Thats where the camera should be focused. Being a connoisseur of comedians even when i was little listening to Richard Pryor in my bedroom by myself wearing headphones, because he was cursing. [laughter] thats where i learned it. Richard pryor when i was 12 years old taught me how to curse. The company used to grow out of i think will ferrell as george w. Bush or dana carvey as bush 41. Even him playing ross perot, even chevy chase as gerald ford its not having the same effect on the president that the past the entire dead on of their president s. It was satire. The comedy grew out of creativity and not out of hate for an individual. Thats why it was so unique and different. Even will ferrell mocks george w. Bush, but we didnt see it as derived from anger or hatred toward the individual. It was funny george w. Bush mocks george w. Bush. There was a certain amount of buy in. You didnt have to go the sides hating each other. Right now, its driven by a real level of vitriol having been parodied by leslie jones recently in the snl cold open . There were some funny things about it. I like the fact they have the show and the outnumbered logo. Good publicity for us. Its about not hating the other side and seeing the humor in that. Thats where i think its lost. Ive got friends who written on the show and they say, even for them, they are like, we want to stretch beyond the obvious in the room. Thats where they are. Thats why its funny to some people. They write stuff on the obvious and its not equally. It would be funnier if they also applied it to the other side. It might bring some levity to the situation of the partisanship in this country and how much vitriol there is between the two parties if they would just treat each other equally. Its also not about portraying politicians. Theyve been doing that for decades. Its the moral superiority that someone like alec baldwin takes in playing donald trump and essentially calling the people its vitriol calling the people who support him stupid. Its about lecturing americans who chose to pull the lever for him, not about putting on a funny show. My point is you know alec baldwin hates donald trump. Its not as much fun to watch. You dont want to get beaten over the head by someone of fosters moralizing message you are watching. One of my favorite comedians of all time, don rickles, may he rest in peace. No one greater in the insulting somebody. You knew at the end of the day he really loved all these guys. Exactly. He took shots like nobody on the planet but it was hilarious. The guys he was insulting were sitting there with tears in their eye. Even Ronald Reagan even richer parts at all is forgiven if its funny. Lots of college graduation, they make it quite a wakeup call. Whether liberal bias on campus is a growing problem, doesnt help them succeed . We will debate next. K boost optimum. Boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. Boost optimum. Be up for life. So if you have heart failure, your heart doesnt only belong to you. Ask your doctor about entresto. It helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. 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The ratio is even higher, nearly 131, when to go military colleges are removed from that sample. Also, check this out. Nearly 40 of these colleges having a registered republican faculty members. At one point the rest of them dont have many g. O. P. Or conservative professors, not to mention commencement speakers. I went to Georgetown University in d. C. I am very much concerned of it. I had the benefit of having adjunct professors that left the white house to compete. There are a lot of instances where, you know, military service was all but a negative in in the classroom. I was certainly called out for having my military paid, college paid for, as if that made me some Little Things like that would happen. I was lucky. I went with a group of veterans most of my school there. You could see it. I was there during the central plus days, protesting things on campus who couldnt get anybody to show for memorial day, but everybody showed up for her. What did it, it grounded me in my beliefs and how i felt about things but it chilled me you can act from a place of more than a motion to write every paper did not devastate the professors feelings. Wow. It solidified what you believe them. Isnt that the truth, kennedy. College is supposed to be a place where you have a diversity of thought and learning about new things. When it comes to the faculty and the people teaching, they have one point of view. As you just said, you have to tailor your own belief system inside the classroom to make sure that you graduate with a diploma. Its some of those ultraleftists colleges like berkeley where you have a slightly divergent opinion, even if your opinion is pretty far left, you will get shouted down. You will get shouted off of campus. Weve seen that time and time again. There are a couple of choices here. One woman talked about this on steve heltons show this sunday night, im a big advocate for school choice. I dont think parents have enough choice when children are young and parents can encourage their children to go to trade school. And actually earn money. The responsible. Be autodidact. Educate themselves. You can have a wonderful trade school experience. They cant make a bunch more money and not have student debt. The other thing is if youre a alumni member and you feel that your school has gone the way leftward, stop giving the money thats what will really make a difference because they higher massive amounts of administrators and abuse the money. In terms of the question on the other and mike, when you go to college, you go to college at the end of the day, that you hae a skill set. The big question now is when you have one viewpoint across the board teaching in colleges, what are those degrees worth . On the other end, with a Record Number of student debt in the trillions of dollars, is a return investment worth it based on what they are actually teaching . I think it will be worth it if you can get everybody on campus, you know, to accept dissenting voices. Its really important. How can you have a society that only likes what it likes and vilifies the other side . Advocacy for different groups in this country, like the metoo movement. Where you practice these skills . On College Campus, where it supposed to be open with the perception and flow of thought . My final thought is, im surprised anybody identifies as a republican and they would be able to get a job at any of these schools. They are paying a quarter to a half a Million Dollars to educate their kids and which pronouns to use rather than teach them science and math skills to get them a job at the end of the day. Amen. We arent done yet, ive still got the mic. Go for it lets move on to this talk it on the topic. One College Campus appears to be taking it to a whole new level. Texas tech is not encouraging students to seek counseling to help deal with the current political climate. The Student Counseling Centers website warning that the world can feel complex, even scary. Its now offering students tips with article titled, 101 ways to take care of yourself when the world feels overwhelming. Curriculums or white americans o educate themselves on race and racism. Selfcare in times of this came about as a result of students concerns and a saying in part that the center is just trying to help and process societal issues. Joey, to you on this, the snowflakes at texas tech and around the country. I hope the world feels complex. Thats where your survival skills come in. Thats how we should live our life. We should live our life knowing its not easy out there, a chance to rise up to that challenge and take care of people we love, be a contributing part of society. When i lost my legs, the most important thing to me what to get out of the hospital bed, not to be paid to be in it. I work every day now, because thats likely to to to to be a contributing member of this world and thats what we should teach these kids, not this ideaf being accepting. Put yourself in a place where they have to except you. Dont go and ask the world to change for you. Go and make the world change for you. Be a part of what we are doing here. I get so upset about this because i know what its like to be born poor, in a trailer, things like this, try to pull myself out. I hope you tell that story to young people across the country. I know we reported on this recently with school shootings. You are hearing about kids who dont feel in Mental Health situations like they have an answer, an option, whatever it is. To watch you and listen to you talk about where your strength comes from . You can get so much oxygen from just choking right now on what to do. Its a sad situation with that generation. You make a difference. Kids dealing with cancer, losing a parent, i hope to throw shade on millennials, because there are millennials vehicle we are lifting them up. Sharing your story. We need to let them be leaders. Amen to that. Can they survive in the wild . Are my children prepared if society fell apart and they have to be vehicle stop with the hand motions and micro objections you are triggering me. Very comfortable right now. The unofficial kickoff with lots of burgers and hotdogs and beers. Its much more than that. Today, we remember and reflect on the service of ultimate sacrifice. So many brave americans who have fought for our way of life. More on that next. The protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. New ensure max protein. Stop fearing your alarm clock. With new zzzquil pure zzzs. A drugfree blend of botanicals with melatonin. That supports your Natural Sleep cycle. So you can seize the morning. New zzzquil pure zzzs. Lets talk a little bit about memorial day. Its not just an excuse to take a long weekend and loafed around eating grilled meat. Though that does sound delicious. Its a day for remembrance for those americans who have died in service of our nation for the first memorial day was held may may 30th, 1868, to honor the civil war dead. Originally known as declaration day. Memorial day was observed for more than 100 years before it was moved to the final or last monday in may, that happened in 1971. A National Moment of your members will be at 3 00 p. M. Local. Some pretty sobering numbers to consider it more than 1 million americans have made the ultimate sacrifice in wars and conflicts throughout our nations history. One of those people who has really been there for our country and loves it so much is joey jones. With us today. Thank you, again. We set it off the top. We appreciate your service. What are your thoughts on this day . Figure this country has been here for me. Even more lucky to have given my time or some of my body to protect and service and all of you, i get to serve this country with. Its important. We hit rhetoric so hard in this country. Memorial day is the day for those who have fallen in service. Veterans day is when we give a pat on the back to those who deserve. Its about me, my friends, i have 24 on a risk from a fight that havent made there yet. The idea to love people you dont even know, i tell kids, true patriotism is loving the people you pass on the street before you even meet them. Just because we are in this together. We are in a country that has every subcategory you can think of. We are trying this together, figuring it out together, they were there for each other for memorial day, you remember what it took to get to that point. Memorial day is when you remember, theres always someone that wants to tear that down and take that away. There are men and women, millennials that are willing to give up their life and everything about it just so we can continue this debate on what political topic or you will have burgers with our families. I do not believe in guilt patriotism. Go eat your hamburgers would go enjoy memorial day. But take a moment to understand why you are able to do that. Every single year, i live in washington, d. C. , now. I try to make it over to Arlington Cemetery to pay some respects to i have a lot of friends who did. They lost friends there. They go to visit. Karen vaughn has become a good friend of mine. She is a friend of the fox news channel. Her son eric Carson Vaughn was killed in afghanistan on a helicopter. We try and visit his grave every single year. Thank you to everyone who served beer and more importantly to those who made the ultimate sacrifice that we live in a country that is free and its hard to hold it together when you talk about it. Thank you for everything you have done and your friends that they have done. We are the land of the free. Amen. My grandfather was a world war i veteran. He would research in three counties in indiana. There wasnt a monday, it wasnt a official federal holiday. He would put flags on every single one, the graves of the veterans in three counties in indiana. My dad would load up, drive all around. It was on some work. Thats amazing. Beautiful. We hope you and your family have a wonderful memorial day. Remember the sacrifices that were made for us to be here for you. Outnumbered is back tomorrow at noon eastern. Liberty mutual saved us almost 800 when we switched our auto and Home Insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh, thats my robe. Is it . 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We are gathered here on the sacred soil of Arlington National cemetery National Cemetery to honor the lives and the deeds of americas greatest heroes. The men and women who laid down their lives

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