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You and andrea go way back. You have to talk to me during the commercials. What happens in washington, d. C. Stays in washington, d. C. I just got kicked under the couch. No leakers. Lets get right to it. We are awaiting the bond hearing for the dylann roof the 21yearold accused of opening fire inside a [church killing nine people including the pastor. Roof was charged with nine counts of murder after Authorities Say he confessed. Vigils were held last night in charleston and across the country. The crime is leaving a city the state and nation reeling for answers as folks begin the difficult road to healing. South carolina governor nicky haley earlier on fox and friends it hands down was the toughest. The past couple days not just for me but the people of South Carolina. This is a devastating situation to deal with. It is never anything we thought we would have to deal with. We are a strong prayful state and we are strong. Rich is live in charleston. We will get the bond hearing a couple hours from now for dylann roof who is charged with nine counts of murder and holding a fire arm during the commission of a violent crime. There has been a steady stream of those looking to pay respect. Hundreds of folks walked down here last evening in front of the church to leave cards and flowers. There has been a continuation of that throughout the day. The mayor earlier today spoke, joseph riley, of charleston said he doesnt believe in the Death Penalty but South Carolina has it and if it is to be applied in any case it would be this one. The mayor was asking about the racial aspect and demied he was the nayer of a racist city mayor denied. Charleston is a loving community. And one where our citizens of all races and backgrounds work closely together. Our workforce our city council, our governments are all representative of the race and mixture of our community. Reporter the federal government is looking into whether or not this was a hate crime. Someone walked in as a white person to a black church and shoot people inside that becomes a federal hate crime. The attorney general said the fbi is investigating that. Back to you. Rich we are hearing disturbing views that people were aware of roofs racist views and he told people he planned to quote kill a lot of people. Reporter there have been reports on things he said now interviews are out with friends and family. In School People who knew him he would say black people were trying to take over the world which is something similar to what he said before shooting the nine people. He had two frags on his jacket a South African flag and one that is now zimbabwa and all of this disturbing news is he was thinking about doing this six months ago. Federal investigators are looking into this too because he could be charged federally on this and the federal government like South Carolina has the Death Penalty. Thank you rich. Harris, i want to go to you on this because yesterday you were handling the breaking news on outnumbered. There were reports that roof was given a gun. And i think a lot of questions about there about if there was this history of racism and racist rants why would someone give him a gun . Whether he was gifted the gun or not how would people assuming they know he has a firearm, allow him to keep that weapon . Okay. So there are a couple things out there and i dont know if they are conflicting yet because an important element of all of this we need to focus on and that is more about whether the gun he had in his possession is actually matching with the gun used at the scene of the crime. They are doing ballistic testing now to figure that out. That is a critical piece of information. Now we will back track how he got the gun. His best friend joe meeks, said he knew he had gotten the gun with his birthday money. And that is the only person we heard confirm anything on the record. Police are not confirming his father or another relative gave it to him or he bought it with his birthday money. But his friend saw it and put it in his own vehicle the night they were drinking because he was afraid something would happen. He gave it back to dylann roof after they sobered up the next day. That is his telling of the story. But the most important part they are looking at is was the gun he had in his possession matching the ballistics. When we were talking about how he got the gun you said that is a very important question. You have to be 21 to purchase a handgun. When he turned 21 is important. The other thing is if his father did reportedly give him the gun this young man who i dont like to name for obvious reasons, was charged with a february in 2015. Now if he purchased a gun after the felony he passed a backgrounds check that failed because you are not supposed to be able to purchase a gun with a felony and two if his father gave him the gun after the felony charge it is illegal to buy a gun for someone who is not eligible to buy a gun. That matters in terms of legality and whether it was legally purchased or not. And whether or not the father or whoever gave it to him is going to be charged to. We are talking about how he got the gun. It is reports about him saying ahead of time he wanted to do Something Like this and saying it to multiple people. No one reported that. If he did what can you do . If someone makes threats there is only so much you can do. One thing that stood out in the New York Times is they were interviewing a roommate and the roommate said he has been talking about race and civil war for six months. He said he was a racist but i dont judge people. You look at a racist you are living with who wants to start a civil war and you dont do anything about it . I have a problem with that. If you go to the police and say this person, does it rise to a level of threat even . I think that is the issue. When does it become an issue of tolerating someones insane beliefs and really crazy intolerant beliefs and then okay we need to talk to the authorities. When you threaten to kill a group of people people would have found the racist rants online and photos and done something about it. But the issue of not reporting. When we have the microaggression and up in arms about racism which isnt racism. What we saw earlier in the week is racism. People are becoming numb to real racist statements because why crying wolf too much. We have seen red flags fly with the colorado shooter with the brothers in the boston bombing, it is easy to say should have. But it seemed like the flags were flying. The roommate said he was planning an attack for six plus months. He should have gone to law enforcement. We had an arrest in february and another one for going back to a Shopping Mall and acting strangely even though there was a three year ban on him attending there and not doing surveillance and strange questions being asked. It is a strange wrap sheet. You would think there would be a foreshadowing. He was casing the shoe store you talked about. All of the comments he made to friends, you kind of get if everybody reports all of the comments everybody makes all of the time we get to another place where it is like too much information for authorities to even consider. That is a great point. You had a felony arrest, a rearrest, you had racist rants and slice a pie in eight pieces you had six. Whose job is forward . Everyone. But i think melissa and katie touched on something important. So many people are crying wolf and we spend so much energy on the cry baby society looking for instances of racism and find them when they are not there we dont focus when it is in front of our face. President obama and Hillary Clinton are politicizing the issue and they could not wait . And growing concerns about isis. It doesnt take much to reach young minds in the United States. The tough task on finding needles in a hay stack. Ancestry has come out with a new version. Now they have lifestory. It literally lays out somebodys life, from birth to death. When i was using lifestory i discovered my great grandmother. She went through a lot. Two sons go to fight in world war ii. She lived through the depression. And she made it through all of that. Here i am. Just because she survived, and she kept going. Bring your family story to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com when i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. I just had to adopt him. Hes older so he needs my help all day. When my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. Then my friend said try aleve. Just two pills, all day. And now, im back for my best bud aleve. All day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. Listen up team i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength to keep you active. Come on pear its only a half gallon. Ill take that. Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. All in 160 calories. Ensure. Take life in. You are watching outnumbered on this fine friday and were glad you are. Three men arrested in the new york city area all charged with conspireing together to provide support to the islamic terrorist and trying to travel overseas. Topaz was the most recent one arrested. 60 people in the United States have been indicted on isisrelated charges in the past 15 months. There are reports the fbi is making a big push to catch sympathizers with several more arrest suspected before the 4th of july holiday. Isis has spent a year investing in trying to reach troubled minds in the United States through social media and increasingly they have moved them to mobile apps that are encrypted. We have to find needles in a nationwide hay stack that invisible to us. This is the going dark problem in high definition. Is it fair to see isis has a strategy and has been working on it . Just the online version of that. Unfortunately harris it seems like they do. A much better strategy than we have. I got my start in social media having one of the First Companies in social media. After 9 11 we went to the pentagon and state department and said we will volunteer anything we need. We got shut out. You were going to give to the government for free . Absolutely. Six years later the defense contractors got it. This is serious. Look at where they are in a year. This is where we have been loosing the most. We really have been. They are running the battle through america and doing it through social media apps. When you looked at the situation with the enemy was there something in particular you thought would be a weakness of ours they would exploit . They were doing it in plain sight. This is when chatrooms were the way things worked. They were saying this is what they were going to to. Can you tell me what a dark space online is . There are parts of the internet called the dark net which are areas average joes and janes cant get to. Harks understand how to get in there. Isis has a Large Network they give to the sleeper cells and agents. Talking to somebody else in the business about this and say were saying what makes the operation difference on isis side is they are decentralized and adaptable and mobile. It isnt top down. They are training people to go out and send messages and recruit people and communicate with each other. And we need to start fighting the battle in a different way because they are adapting too quickly. That is the opposite of what we are as a government. Mobility and all of that. It sounds like private companies. The demographics of who is working in the government are not the folks using snap chat. They dont understand the mediums where this action is going on. Pete i want to ask you because you didnt just start a company, you started one of the most successful social Media Companies and were at the forefront so we have an expert and i want to yield my time to you. What should the administration be doing . We saw president obama being the first internet president in his campaign. He tapped a lot of geniuses and brains to put together that infrastructure. If you are owning a social Media Company facebook where we see the terrorist post how should we be communicating . Andrea, you know if we dont have a message or strategy all of the tools and experts dont do a thing for you. We look at our shoes and think about if being american is a good thing. What message does that send oo the world . They are running circles around us. Last thought katie . I think americans have a roll to play in terms of who they are targeting. They are young men. If you are a parent you have an obligation to make sure you are up to date on what your kid is doing. And they picked up these young men between the ages of 1821 so exactly what you are talking about. We will move on. Has president obama politicized the tragedy in South Carolina . Critics are asking this and saying he is invoking it debate over guns too soon. Is . And growing questions about Hillary Clintons honesty among the voters in three key swing states. The impact this is having. When you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. Connections you almost miss. And ones you never thought youd make. We help connect where you are. To places you never thought youd go. This, is why we travel. And why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. Ugh heartburn did someone say burn . Try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmm. Amazing. Thank you. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. When we were young we wanted to change the world. So we did. We took a generation that was built on hope. And turned it into a generation that changed lives. And this life that weve built . Were not done building it. Security 1 lending is committed to providing valuable information to help you make Financial Decisions about funding your future. 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We will have to acknowledge this type of Mass Violence doesnt happen in other advanced countries. We heard comments from other candidates and those who havent announced they are running. Here is the governor of louisiana i think it was shameful. Within 24 hours the president is trying to score chief political points. His job as commander and chief is to help the country begin to healing process. Now is the time to be hugging and playing for the families and coming together praying and democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is condemning the gun laws and blaming those who she said is standing in the way. Lets cut to the chase. It is guns. We have to have a better balance. The National Polls i have seen overall gun owners support that. People who are strong opponents of the Second Amendment support that. But the congress stops in the face of tremendous lobby pressure from the gun lobby. Pete, let me ask you what is the protocol from a politician . How long before you go to the opportunity place . If you are a leader you dont do that. But a chief politician i dont know five seconds which is what we saw from hillary and president obama. President obama in 2008 as a candidate electric the station. People said i am tired of the bush years maybe he can do something. And in office, he got obamacare changed the senate rules and became the most partisan president we ever had. He could have been above politics but choses not to be. Everybody is reeling from this event. We are just seeing the pictures. And the getting on the plane and not canceling his fundraiser and later he is golfing in palm springs which is suffering a huge kraut. There are so many problems. The first thing in typical president obama fashion he had to make this all about himself. I have had to do this so many times. And his arrogance is showing. Then he presented his own political agenda. We can have to debate about the gun control issue. But the fact is the president started his statement saying we dont have all of the facts but he goes on and talks about as if he has all of the facts. Lets wait and have that conversation later. But the president doesnt know how the gun was obtained. It was false saying it doesnt happen in advance countries. We saw it with france norway czech republic. It was not factual and inappropriate to do that yesterday. We talked earlier in the hour about the source of the gun coming from. This guy confessed. Now it is the exercise of two things. Having a debate about gun control, if you want to have that, you can. You will need to know the source of the gun. But he confessed. So now we go forward anabout how we want to punish him for it. It is said the president didnt politicize this and when should we say it . Then the question is how long do you wait . There were so many critics on both sides of the political aisle who lit up social media not comfortable with the president. I heard people saying in defense of the president there is never a good time. I disagree with that. I do think there is a good time. This was within hours we were on the air. And it seemed a little bit incensesensitivecense incenseive and tv insensitive and we will have debate all summer about gun control. I sense there was a little bit of the president taking advantage of the opportunity because he has a certain amount of time left and this is one thing he wants to get done. And he did get the facts wrong on this happening all over the world. Lets go to radical islamic terror boko haram wiping out villages and guns and the deaths in benghazi with guns. I would say king said on my show before we go to gun control this isnt about guns or race it is about evil and hatred and that is not we need to focus on. We hope the president s fundraiser and his golf game go well. In the mean time Hillary Clinton is facing growing questions about honesty or lack therefore. A majority of voters in three key states dont trust her. In florida 5143 percent margin dont find her honest or trustworthy and gaps are bigger in ohio and pennsylvania suggesting using the private emails at the state department and the questionable donations for the Family Foundation may be checking up with her. It is important to note no president has won the race without winning two of those three states. The clinton Camille Pissarro campaign is saying we dont care about the red states but it is going into the swing states. The shady lady. We have to get that trending with a hash tag. You can see her fairing against republicans like marco rubio in pennsylvania you see him doing well and that is why i think the clinton camp and the New York Times have been attacking him about stupid stuff like parking tickets. I think trust is a huge issue and not something she will be able to bridge. This is done for her. She will have to work on things look likeability and i dont think she can fix that. Americans are not fooled. They get it. They know the folks. But the problem for republicans is we cannot hang our hat on her. The folks that like her are dug in and this is going to be a mobilization race. That is it. Back to the gun control piece hillary is embracing this and saying good bye to swing voters because it is all about motivating the base. But sanders is catching up to her. He is watching in terms of concern polling and the huge crowds coming out. So he is getting the younger vote with the demographics changes. But when you talk about the gun violence argument is that not the best example we have seen for the criticism of Hillary Clinton having a third term of president obama . Seeing him after 90 minutes of capturing the guy at the center of the mass shooting talking about gun control and seeing her come out within hours with a similar message. Harris this is the complete opposite of what her husband did for two terms. Bill clinton was all about the middle and polling to find what the swing voters are doing. She only cares about the base. First, he veered left and the country yanked bill clinton back. What the she is saying now is going to end up in an add in the general election. This is going to hurt her when she needs the swing voters in the election. If you look at other similar polls people are increasing opinions on military and small business. That is what they feel better about now. It will take a candidate that is sick of big business and government and looking for a nonelitist solution and she is not offering that but republicans will have to if they want to win. She is a woman of the people melissa. She has to pay the bills. She is just like us. Her pant suits for expensive. For the First Time Since being suspended for telling lies, Brian Williams going on an apology tour saying he is blaming his ego for what he did. Is an apology enough . I got it wrong. I own this and i own up to this. I like my seafood like i like my vacations tropical. And during red lobsters island escape, three new dishes take me straight to the islands. Like the ultimate island seafood feast, with crab, lobster and jumbo shrimp. All you have to do. Get here while you still can. Hp instant ink can save you up to 50 on ink, so print all you want and never run out. Right now, buy an eligible printer and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. Available at participating retailers. The most affordable way to print. Hp instant ink. You know the importance of heart health. You watch your diet, exercise. And may take an omega 3 supplement but its the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. Not all omega3 supplements are the same. 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I am responsible for this. I am sorry. Brian williams, the former anchor man launching an apology for telling stories that were not true. He is speaking out since lying about being on a helicopter that was shotdown in iraq shot down in iraq. He didnt say he lied but he told it incorrectly. He blamed it on his ego. He has been demoted to an anchor spot on cable when he returns in august. Lester halt is taking his spot on the nightly news. Katie, you said telling a story correctly and telling a story incorrectly is what . Different than what we did. He didnt tell something incorrectly. We have all gotten facts incorrect as journalist. We make mistakes. Brian williams has made mistakes. There is a difference between making up entire stories including about making up the helicopter and steeling the valor of the military men and women and getting something incorrect. It is interesting in the interviews he said the rules of the road have changed. Have they . Is going to msnbc where they make things up a lot changing the rules of the road . No they are giving him a venue to do what he wants. They have a morning show and other things. You have matt lowery there i guess though. If some of the military people on the chopper and their families not pushed forward with the truth would we know what it is . No we would have four or five more embellished stories going on. You think . Absolutely. My question is when it is the apology touring coming to fox news . When is william going to visit with megyn kelly and get out of the combines of nbc. I thought the interview was so uncomfortable. I dont want to watch him sitting there. I think it will be interesting to watch Going Forward. He is a charming guy. Can we get out there, back on the air and recharm everyone . Do we need him to . Is the world missing Brian Williams . Was Brian Williams to big to fire in yes and say they this is why he did get fired. He has another job. The power that be over msnbc and nbc knew he was fabricating things for years. He was bigger than the channel. The bosses were squared. Brian williams was the face of that entire network at nbc news. It was almost like they were too intimidated to pull him aside and saying we know you are making things up quit it. I believe in second chances. I didnt like he didnt apologize. He said he was sorry. It could be just what msnbc needs. I dont think he is going have a problem with the audience having to regain and retrust because those people dont believe in the facts and truth. He said he didnt mean to mislead people but in his argument he talked about he misled people because he wanted people to think he was bigger and better than he was. I dont think he is going to have a problem making the case. I can i think it says a lot about the audience. I want to dig deeper and get your thoughts as the journalist. You build sources. A journalist isnt worth much if your sources dont trust you. If nbc decided america may not watch him because america doesnt trust him who is going to talk to him . I think it was genius resolution. I am not sure it is as much about reporting as it is hosting. He is charming he can be funny it is a great chance to draw viewers. I think it will end up working out great for nbc. In junel journalism there is one thing you cannot negotiate and that is dont lie. I will leave it there. A big league third baseman went online during a game. We all do that. We have our devices out now. He was taken off the field the next day. Was it right for the red sox to bench the player for liking instagram photos of a woman . Or should americas past time adapt to the same technology . trader vo i search. I research. I dig. And dig some more. Because, for me, the challenge of the search. Is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. announcer at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why we rebuilt scottrade elite from the ground up including a proprietary momentum indicator that makes researching sectors and Industries Even easier. Pakistani talibanblo sandoval our passion is to power yours. A listen up team i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength to keep you active. Come on pear its only a half gallon. Ill take that. Yeeeeeah new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. All in 160 calories. Ensure. Take life in. More outnumbered in just a moment. First lets go to jon scott on what is coming up in the second hour of happening now. 21yearold dylann roof charged with nine counts of murder after confessing to murdering the people inside the church. Also two weeks since two convicted murderers escaped from the prison in upstate new york. And flooding is causing problems in texas and oklahoma and moving into arkansas and missouri. At least two have died. We will get you updated. Busy hour. He is a very big man. He hits had ball very hard and makes very big money. We are talking Red Sox Third baseman Pablo Sandoval so why was he sitting on the bench last night . He was serving his punishment for liking to photos on instagram during a game which is against the rule. Nono. He was digging this woman who goes by the name diva legacy. It was noticed and called out by a fan on twitter saying not to blow up the dudes spot but is Pablo Sandoval on instagram during the game . He admitted to it and said me was sorry. Saying he was in the bathroom and automatically did it. It isnt such a big deal if the red sox were not so awful. Last in the division and ten games below. 500. Should baseball get with the times and allow players to interact with fans with large assets during the game . Pete what do you think . Excuse me you are fired. Off the couch. Go on. He probably has more followers thanks to this. Is this fair . Why all on our phones during the show. Is this a unique case . He should be focused on the game . I am a big baseball fan. You hit the ball, you catch the ball you scan the crowd for girls. That is what they used to do. With mobile devices and smart phones they are on instagram. What happens to the games where you scan in and find dates later on the field . He is in the bathroom. His mind is not on the game. He picked up his phone and happens to see this beautiful woman and liked had her. Is this affecting his play . I have a personal story about this. I was on the High School Volleyball team and our rule was no cell phones on the day of the game and i took a call from a teammate missing a game and she found out i took the phone call and got benches the whole game. So i think rules are rules. I went tanning in a sorority and we were not allowed to go. I left campus to go tanning and got in trouble. This is a serious question. I have not thought about it before you said you got in trouble. What is the concern . Not focused on the game. He is in the bathroom. You are not focused on the game or job. You are committed to the team during the hours you are out there. It would be different if they were winning saying it helps me focus and release tension so i can get out there and win. But instead they are loosing and you say why isnt your head in the game . Maybe it is because you are looking at someones cleavage . Or because they are horrible at baseball. Someone said what if he was online looking for feedback from there are rules there. You dont want to do anything to change the out ppcome of the game. It is about cruising babes online. Cruising babes online. Keep your eye on the ball panda. Major money drama about putting a woman where Alexander Hamilton has been. The other guy people are saying should be getting booted instead. Bennys the oldest dog in the shelter. He needed help all day so i adopted him. When my back pain flared up, we both felt it. I tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. With aleve its just two pills, all day. Now im back aleve. All day strong. When you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. Connections you almost miss. And ones you never thought youd make. We help connect where you are. To places you never thought youd go. This, is why we travel. And why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. I think we just played that song because we like it. Treasury secretary jack l. Ews plan to put a woman on the 10 bill is drawing criticism from both sides of the aisle. Looking to the 20 bill and replacing Andrew Jackson with a woman. It is obvious that the government should remove Andrew Jackson from the 20. Mr. Hamilton was one of the best policy makers and Andrew Jackson was one of the worst. Hamilton pushed for national currency. And i never seen melissa rally before. I am passionate. And meanwhile, a piece in the daily caller to sideline hamilton is an attempt by liberals writing it is not a nod to political correctness. It is a calalated effort to divert the nation. I will come to you on the money. I think everyone is getting too excited about this. Alexander hamilton is my favorite founding father. And he invented our curerency. And if we boot someone off pick someone else. What about the liberal side of this pete . I am in favor of diverseiction on money and not just old white guys. But people are using cash and less. I barely carry it. Why are we doing this . And why are we replacing hamilton. Correct something new. I dont care money and like 19. 99 bill. That would work. Katy what about the article asserting that people on the left side of the aisle are doing this . Yeah if you take a deep dive there is a lot of liberals that want to destroy capitalism and that is what is developed in that bill you could do that. And at the same time i am with melissa. Hamilton is the best story behind the scones. He is a immigrant. And take jackson off. That was a slave owner and a bad person. I agree with everything they say. Hamilton has a real story of the american dream. I believe. Hamilton is the mac daddy, leave him alone. Well see you monday. Have a great weekend. This is a fox news alert. The 21yearold man accused of murdering nine people in cold blood set to be arraigned. He almost didnt go through with it because the people at church were so nice to him. We are searching trails and railroad beds. Now on the most wanted list. They are not alone out there. How many other criminals are at large after break out of prison . Plus swollen rivers all through the Southern Plains and more deadly floods and heavy rains couldob the horizon. And for

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