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Protesters apparently got inside, though they were quickly escorted out before trump arrived. Outside, the growing crowd created a human barricade to block traffic, making it very difficult for Trump Supporters to make it into the hotel. One trump backer said he was surrounded by protesters who punched and kicked him because he was wearing a hat that said make america great. Some protesters carried mexican flags along with signs against trumps plan to build a wall along the border. Police officers in riot gear faced off with the protesters but aside from some verbal assaults, some egg tossing and minor scuffles, the violence seemed to be relatively minor. The state g. O. P. Chair said the protesters were trying to silence donald trump. But it clearly did not work. Trump spoke for about 30 minutes then was quickly shuffled out a side door where his motorcade took him back to the San Francisco airport. And minutes after trump left, the protesters also started fading away. Greta . Trace, thank you. And now all your news right here on the record. Two young men accused of murdering their own parents. One of them talking in a jail house interview about the eerie note left by bodies of his dead parents. Also nfl draft pick caught on camera getting high and thats not the only rule he broke. How this is costing him 8 to 12 million bucks. Plus, a horrible movie mocking president Ronald Reagans battle with alzheimers. The celebrity tar targeted for the role and his response and tonight on the record on the trail in hardhit gary, indiana. G. O. P. Frontrunner donald trump built a casino there, then sold it, and took off. The voters in this indiana town still vote trump . But, right now, a republican a governor in a key swing state right here to tell you why the stop Trump Movement could be dangerous for the party. Governor scott is here to go on the record. Good evening, governor. Good evening, greta. Im heading tout to california on sunday not to get votes but to get jobs. Its interesting whats going on there right now. Indeed, it is. All right. You think the dump Trump Movement is not good for the Republican Party. Does that mean you are a trump guy . You know, greta, i think its time that we rally around trump. He is clearly going to get the nomination. You look at last tuesday and how well he did. All that antiTrump Movement is doing now is helping hillary. We need to in contrast, we have to say we have got to help donald trump win this race this is important to our country. We need to have somebody who is going to focus on jobs, jobs, jobs and defending this country. The question the question was are you a trump guy or not . You are a trump guy . Absolutely. After the republican primary where he won, i think, by over 18 points, i think he got 47 of the vote, i endorsed donald trump. I believe he is going to win. I believe is he going to be a very good president. And, again, i think he is going to help us get jobs going. We have done it in florida. We added over a million jobs but we need to do that nationwide. Why are there some in the Republican Party so revved up against donald trump . I have never seen so much heat against a candidate in a party. Greta, its just like my race back in 2010. I didnt get the endorsements but i went after the votes and i won. I think the formula right now is dont worry about the endorsements, go after the votes. Thats what donald trump has done and he good at winning and is he going to win. The cruz supporters and kasich supporters arent wild about donald trump. If he gets the nomination and gets 1237 delegates and gets the nomination. Do you believe donald trump can get the cruz voters and the kasich voters on board . Absolutely. You know, republican voters, they care about the direction of this country. They know we cant have four more years of Barack Obamas type policies. We need to have somebody thats going to defend our country. We need somebody thats going to destroy isis. We need the choices between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. We know Hillary Clinton wont secure borders. She wont build up our military. She wont destroy isis. And she clearly has never focused on job creation. Do you believe the Republican Party right now is ruptured . Oh, i think look, we are having a heated primary. I think but everybody will come together. We will unify as donald trump gets closer and closer to the 1237. I think people will support supporting him more and more. They will see a clear choice. Somebody that cares about jobs. Hillary clinton doesnt. Somebody who cares about our countrys defense. Somebody who is not focused on it. All right. If ted cruz got 100 percent of the delegates between now and the Republican Convention or kasich did neither one can get 1237. Should they stay in the race anyway . In my race people told me i should get out of race in 2010. I would never suggest anybody get out of the race. What i do believe though people pure antitrump they should stop because they are just helping hillary. But if ted cruz and john kasich want to stay in the race, thats their choice. This antitrump effort doesnt make any sense to me. Governor, thank you for joining us. Thanks, greta. Move to florida. On the records Griff Jenkins is in gary, indiana. Gary once a great manufacturing town has been slammed by tough economic times. So what are gary, indiana voters looking for . Griff is getting the pulse of the people there griff . This is downtown beings gary, indiana. A city once known as a manufacturing power house and home to michael jackson. But take a look now, its ravaged by high crime, poverty, and a total loss of manufacturing jobs. And one candidate, donald trump, has a long history here. Once owning a casino and a hotel. We spoke to garys mayor about the citys relationship with donald trump. Take a look. You think trump, you think huge things. You think great opportunity. You think a Wonderful Development partner. None of that materialized. Certainly he did have the boat and the boat was profitable for him and obviously profitable for the city. But you didnt get the partner that people expected. I think people will think unfulfilled expectations when they think about trump. When i hear the rhetoric from donald trump i think yeah, right. Youre not buying it . Not at all. And while we were here, we decide to do talk to some of the voters to find out what they thought would make gary great again. Take a look at this. Who did you vote for and why . Hillary. Im supporting Hillary Clinton. I just think she is the best candidate. I voted for hillary, you know. Its change. What are you looking for in a candidate when you voted today . I just you would like to see how professional they are. Intelligence and competence. Ted cruz was the best candidate. Im looking for someone who is going to keep our country safe by making intelligent decisions. And, in my estimation, that person is Hillary Clinton. And thats it from hardhit gary, indiana. Greta . Griff, thank you. It is a 2016 battle not just for voters but for Hoosier State endorsement. The indiana primary is just four days away. Donald trump got a giant endorsement from indiana basketball coaching legend bobby knight and today ted cruz scored giant endorsement himself indiana governor mike pence. I love it. He sent out a tweet mike, iron mike. All the tough guys endorse me. Okay . I was interested to see an endorsement the other day by mike tyson for donald trump. You know, donald trump saying wow, all the tough guys are endorsing me. Sorry, i dont consider a convicted rapist a tough guy and i think it says a lot about Donald Trumps campaign and his character if he is standing up and cheering for an endorsement by mike tyson. Let me say i have come to my decision about who im supporting. Im not against anybody, but i will be voting for ted cruz in the upcoming republican primary. There is no question in my mind that the man setting between the two of us is far and away the best person to lead america back where we all want to be led. And thats the guy that can do it right here. Oh, thank you. Will these endorsements and do these endorsements make a difference . The on the record Political Panel is here from the Washington Post aaron blake and from the Washington Times stephen dinan. Steven, do these enendorsements in indiana make a difference in the vote. Generally on the margins. Voters especially this late in the primary voters have made up their minds or if they havent made up their minds they are not judging based on what their governor says. The mike tyson endorsement might be different. That might cause somebody who was wavering to give cause. Voters are not looking to much less than they used to. They are not looking to political leaders there are so many sorts of information out there for them. They might be talking to neighbors and listening to pastor and talk radio. These sorts of endorsement are not major effect. In terms of mike tysons enforcement its unclear whether he asked for it. I think he got it i dont think you can help if people endorse you. Your thought do endorse. S matter . It strikes me a little bit like the Vladimir Putin situation. Obviously a guy who endorsed and carries with it all kinds of baggage that you dont necessarily want it, reenforces the theme mike my son did a lot of winning when he was boxer. Except he has unfortunate conviction and glap indiana. Question is whether this turns out any Trump Supporters owe potential trump supporter ifs they werent turned out by Vladimir Putin or anything like that is mike tyson going to make a difference to them . I think bobby knight. He might at this tip son. Might be a ties a having influence. The star newspaper there newspaper hates everybody. It ripped everybody. The worst things about were said about all the candidates republican and democrat. Does the newspaper make a difference. No. It just doesnt. If you are a voter and you are undecided at this point and you are it may remind you of some reasons why you dislike people, no. Thats 20, 30, maybe 50 years ago newspaper endorse. S because there wasnt a lot of the other information out there. Newspaper endorsements actually help remind voters of things but, no, at this point, you are talking very much on the margins. Aaron, the editorial said donald trump would be a disaster in the making. Secretary Hillary Clinton is hobbled by serious concerns about her judgment and ethics. History of cutting ethical corners. Everyone gets ripped. If newspapers decided the next endorsement john kasich wool have won the presidency because he has gotten virtually all the newspaper endorsements. Newspapers have no time for ted cruz or donald trump. A lot of them have approached this from a similar standpoint of we dont like any of these guys so they endorse the guy who has no chance. If anything, it may be helping trump. This feeds into newspapers are the establishment and most of these places you find all sorts of reasons like they have nicknames or derogatory nicknames for the newspaper. Thats likely to help trump with exactly the people is he going after. He mentioned governor kasich. The newspaper said well governor kasich is the least bad, essentially. By default. He should run that in the campaign ad somewhere. The least bad option for president. John kasich. I think the thing about endorsements, celebrity endorsements is there a lot of Media Publicity so its like a free ad. To the extent that it reinforce what is people think and the establishment likes this guy certain there could help but i dont think so in this case. Yes, thank you both very much. And tonight sean hannity has a big, big show. He talks with senator ted cruz and cruzs Vice President pick carlie fiorina. Here is a preview of that hourlong interview. John boehner and Hillary Clinton and donald trump are all part of the same corrupt system. Its why donald trump writes checks to boehner and hillary. And if you want to change the system, you know, one of the greatest frauds in modern electoral history is donald trump pretending to be an outsider. When he has funded liberal democrats. When he has funded john boehner. He gave john boehner 100,000 super pac just a few years ago and he is immeshed with the. I dont have boehners cell phone and im perfectly okay with that. And for the complete cruz fiorina interview be sure to tune in tonight 10 oclock p. M. On hannity. Tonight at 10 oclock p. M. Eastern. Do you remember jihadi john the now dead masked butcher behind the beheading of james folly. English language isis magazine exposing how he evaded British Security to get from syria to join isis. Former navy seal and the man who five years ago, you can believe how much time ago has passed shot and killed usama bin laden rob oneill goes on the record. Thanks for having me. The whole idea jihadi john went through six countries and escape from u. K. To syria. He was on a watch list. How does this happen that this man could travel through all these countries and join isis . Greta, the way that happens is very easy to travel in and around europe because of their open border policies. They were smart enough to realize its actually easier to leave the u. K. Than to enter the u. K. So they hopped in the back of a truck. They had about 30,000 pounds or 44,000 they drove to france and then into belgium from there. They shaved their beards and hair, hopped a flight to al bane i cant. From albania the albanian officials assuming they didnt get the list from the brits. They asked them where they said they were going. They said they were going to make their way to greece. Once they got to greece they hopped a boat to turkey they met isis guys that walked there from turkey to syria. You can hop United Airlines dulles and u. K. Pick up what whole trail thats how easy it is to move around. Five years ago, can you plof how much time has passed since you shot number one public enemy. Five years ago tonight we were given the green light, which means the authorization that the president was going to have us go in and get him. We were going to launch it would have been tomorrow but because of the what was going on with the white house with the press, we wept the next day on sunday. It sunt seem like five years. Almost amazing how fast its gone by. Did you know that usama bin laden was your target and did you worry that you were going to be shot and killed walk or step on something. Tell us what was going to be and who was going to be in the briefs. We put it together a few days after they told us we were going on a mission they told us who we were going to go after. We werent surprised we were ready to go that day. We ended up training for a few weeks proofs of concept. Five years ago tonight they gave us the green lighted. We assumed it was a oneway mission. We werent going to come back. We would get shot down over pakistan or the house would blow up when we got there or when we got in bin ladens room he would blow up or wield run out of room. We were 90 sure we werent going to come back. It was absolutely worth it because of the victims of 9 11. They were supposed to fight that day. They werent suppose to do die that day. We were supposed to and we were are going to go get them for those people. The united states, we all celebrated what you and your team members did, but im curious, are a you pulled the trigger the first time and realized he went down, what did it feel like . I knew right there my life changed personally even if his bedroom i watched him take his last breath. I had the Anonymous Navy seal 30 years and retire from san diego. It all changed from that moment even to the point where we got back standing around in camouflage uniform still actually watching fox news with bin ladens body on it the floor when Geraldo Rivera started reporting on it this is a really big deal. We got to the showers and out on to the internet we saw seal team 6 all over the worldwide web. We knew it been leaked. We knew everything in our lives had changed. Rob, once again i have thanked you many times but i think Many Americans feel the say way. Thank you for joining us. Always a pleasure. One suspects accused murdering his parents talking behind bars. What he said is next. Almost 7 million up in smoke. Why did this one bodies were found. He was later arrested on wednesday in tracy, california. How far away is tracy from san jose, about . Its pretty far. Its a couple hours. Its towards the Central California valley. So. All right. Its a good couple hours away. So you went into the jail and you spoke to him. What did he say to you . Thats right. Well, first of all, he was a little surprised to be talking to a member of the media signed up as just a visitor. And when he realized i was a reporter when i first said that he said he had already been visited by an attorney, presumably somebody from the Public Defenders Office who said that he shouldnt talk to anybody from the press. I said that i understood that and wanted to get his side of the story. I asked him was his brother in any way involved in this he said that no, absolutely not. His brother is innocent but thats all he would say. Did he explain why he was couple hours away from home dead and couple hours away and not all morning . Every time i asked him about facts of the state he deferred back to what his lawyer had told him which is that he wanted to say something. He wanted to reveal what had happened but he advised by counsel not to say anything. What is the note found near the body . Did you can him about that note . I asked them about the note. Presumably three notes found according to some reporting that has been done couldnt talk about any of the specifics of the case. I said there is strong rumors out there that you could dispel of right now. He said he really wanted to talk about it but the public was just going to have to wait until the trial. All right. One creepy note said, what . Something about im sorry im clumsy about this murder or something . What was that . Yeah. This is my first murder. Presumably, this is according to several reports from Anonymous Sources that one of the notes said there had been. It was columnsy, it was my first kill. Im sorry. Evan, thank you for joining us. Thank you, greta. And its the bong hit heard around the nfl. Hit one player big. Hit one player big. Stallworth is here prospect layer my tunsils twitter account hacked and this video of him taking a hit from a gas mask bong. He was supposed to go as high as number 6 pick. But instead fell to number 13 by the Miami Dolphins that draft order could cost him 7 million in a contract. Not the only thing sent out on hacked social media Chicago Sun Times reporter Patrick Findlay was at the draft tonight. What happened . One of the most bizarre things i have ever seen in my life. Layer my tunsil right before the picture of him smoking through a bong. He was drafted by the dolphins. There was another hack. This time it was of his Instagram Page and a screen shot of Text Messages with ole miss coaches asking for mope for moms power bill and light bill and for his own rent. That is wildly illegal in the ncaa and could get ole miss in a lot of trouble. It cant really touch him right now, but he admitted in the press conference afterwards that he had taken money from coaches. Now, is it clear the fact that he didnt go as high in the draft as expected. Is it pretty clear it was because of the twitter account hacked with this bong picture . It didnt help, obviously. There are teams who said they crossed him off the list because of concerns about that issue. You know, he could have gone as high as third, even, that would have made him 10 million more than he will get paid over the next five years as the number 13 pick. Somebody hacked his account. Somebody who was out to get him and cost him, perhaps, 10 million. Well, according to the Miami Dolphins, they knew about this video. That its about 2yearold video with a bong, right . Yes, correct. And apparently he got sued this week by his stepfather due to a dispute they had last year. And there are some other questions about business arrangements he had with other people. So, theoretically there are people out there who wish him harm. You know, we asked him last night whether it was his stepfather and he said he didnt know what it was. It was absolutely unbelievable scene last night with him admitting that he had done all of these things. In what should have been the greatest day of his life. Thank you very much for joining us. Any time. And joining us now former nfl wide receiver and 2007 afc champion donte seller. Nice to see you, donte. You too, greta. Thanks for having me. I feel sorry for these young men. These people in the draft are young kids. They are not very old. Right. Yeah, you look at it and obviously the first thing that everyone thinks of is obviously everyone should be held accountable for their own actions and, you know, thats something that i think he will learn from. But at the end of the day, i think what this truly shows and exemplifies that these kids are targets. They are targets for extortionists. They are targets for scam artists. People are out to get you once you become an nfl player or professional throat because of the fact that you have money and the day and age that we live in today the digital age nothing is private anymore. Anything that you think is private is totally not. Well, he also should be a role model. He shouldnt be doing those things. People i would love to see ray lewis who got himself into trouble and turned his life around. I would like to see him get ahold of him or coach dungy worked with so many athletes. These athletes come in to so much money so fast and things get flashed around in front of them it is tempting to them. It is. I think the most important thing is that the Miami Dolphins, that organization has to really rally around him. His teammates. The organization, the personnel, they have to rally around him and make sure that he gets the support that he needs. But, also, you know, make sure that the kid is staying on the straight and narrow. Its not the end of the world for him. He can still go on and have a great nfl career and do some things off the field and in the community. It will be something that he can learn from. Do you think the reason he got picked later than he did was because of this or is it just the way the draft picks went . I think it definitely had something to do with it you look at whats going on in the league today, i mean, maybe 10, 15 years ago it wouldnt have mattered. In the league today teams are really apprehensive taking guys especially early on that have guys with, quote, off the field issues. Indeed. Actually manziel he has a lot of issues, too. A lot of athletes having trouble. Right. And the more we watch them. Is he that good . Oh, is he great. He is great . He played at ole miss . Started at ole miss three years. He was at ole miss. He is one of the best players in his position to come out of this draft and close to a decade. There hasnt been a guy with his size and his reach, the things that can he do at that position is one of the most important positions in the nfl today. Being able to hold down the quarter back. So he is a great player and hopefully he can go on to have a great nfl career. How big is he . 65. Huge, big boy. Huge guy . Yes. The dolphins are lucky to have him . They are. And they knew that they did their research. They did their Due Diligence to make sure that he wasnt going to be what this thought he wasnt going to be a problem for them coming into the locker room. I think he will fit in just fine. They have to rally around him and make sure that everything is okay. I think at the end of the day he will be fine. Can i get to you say go pac go. Go pac go. Just for you. Thank you donte. Just for you. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. And why is comedian will ferrell at the center of a hollywood fight with Ronald Reagans family . Thats next. Well, chances are you have worn a pair of nikess. Do you know how much the nikki paid for iconic swoosh . Swoosh . You will be heres the plan. You want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like youre trying to wrangle a hurricane. The rest of the time, theyre asleep. Then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. And its the worst 19 minutes of your career. But you dont sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. And when the best offer means youre moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. But you pretend its not so bad. And years later at thanksgiving, when one of them says what hes thankful for most, is this house, you realize you didnt plan for any of this you wouldnt have done it any other way. With the right financial partner, progress is possible. Get ready to speed read the news. A deadly Helicopter Crash off the coast of norway. All 13 people on board are presumed dead. The nor we john oil and gas Company Helicopter was on its way back from an oil field when it went down in a plume of smoke. In response norway has banned that type of air bus helicopter from flying because of ongoing safety issues. Elderly british couple and their son brutally beaten in thailand and it was all caught on camera. Tourists walking during resort town during buddhist new year celebration when they were attacked. All three knocked to the ground and kicked and stomped. All taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Four thai men under arrest. Natural gas explosion in pennsylvania. One fire chief saying quote it looked like you were looking down no hell. Eastern eastern transmission shut off the flow of gas but left do you live in the tanks to burn for hours. One Person Injured and the area has been evacuated. And today is a reporting live anniversary. The duke and duchess of cambridge celebrating fifth wedding anniversary. Prince william and Kate Middleton married 2011 at westminster abby. Two children Prince George and Princess Charlotte thats tonights speed read. And there is growing outrage over Ronald Reagan movie. It was originally reported the comedian will farrell was making a new comedy mocking president reagans battle with alzheimers. President reagans family responded fewer usually blasting the field. Rep say is he not pursuing the project. William la jeunesse is in our l. A. Bureau. William . What is interesting, greta, is variety reports the trail is going to star in this movie on wednesday. The outrage immediately follows, yet, if this story is entirely without basis, why did it take 36 hours for me to get a statement from one of the biggest stars in hollywood this morning if it wasnt actually entirely true . So, this isnt the first time that farrell made a republican the butt of his jokes. Imitating president bush for years. It wasnt much of a stretch when variety said he would make this movie about reagans alzheimers. While it sun clear if the president suffered from dementia while in office. The movies plot portrays reagan struggling with his memory to save face. Intern has to convince the president that is he actually an actor playing the role of a president in a movie. Now, there apparently was a table read of this script with actors lena dunham and josh brolin. Actually not big democrats apparently farrell was there and maybe he said he liked it or this would be an interesting thing to do. That can mean many things in hollywood. Anyways, it gets leaked. Reaction is swift, radio, talk radio, reagans children. Daughter patty davis saying, quote, alzheimer isnt funny. Michael reagan saying ferrell should be ashamed tweeting alzheimers isnt a comedy. Today ferrell backs out. The reagan script is one of a number of scripts that had been submit to do will ferrell which he had considered. While it is by no means an alzheimers comedy which has been suggested, mr. Ferrell is not pursuing the project. So ferrell is a longtime democrat and now he is a hillary supporter. So why did he really back out . We dont know maybe his agents said it was going to hurt box office, alien nate fans. Blow back studios and others to say no. As you know, greta, there are no sacred cows in comedy well, for the time being, this may be remain one of them. Back to you. William, thank you. And nike cofounder phil knight made only 8,000 in his first year. How did he turn that into 30 billion a year . He will tell you next. And dont forget to watch hannity tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. President ial candidate ted cruz and his vp pick Carly Fiorina joins sean tonight 10 00 p. M. On hannity. They brought this on themselves. Now its war, and i want them dead the fleas and ticks . Their whole gang. We can do that. Only bravecto kills fleas ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. Starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100 in under twelve. And its fda approved. Bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. Dont worry, princess, well settle the score. Tonight we ride, with bravecto ask your vet about 12week protection with bravecto. Nike, one of the biggest and most wellknown brands in the entire world. The multibilliondollar Company Started with founder phil knight selling shoes out of the back of his car. And now, the rest is history. And a short time ago nike cofounder phil knight and author of his brand new memoir shoe dog went on the record from the nike store in new york city. Where are we . Were at the nike store near the Flat Iron Building in new york city. You got some old heating system in here. Very old heating system and wonderful shoes and clothes. You have wild shoes and clothes. Yes. Never seen so many colors. This is very exciting store. Thank you. Its one of my Favorite Stores its running base and thats where i came from and the company came from. Why shoes . Why not knee socks or sweaters . Shoes basically are the one important piece of equipment for a runner that, you know, if its basketball, its a ball. If its baseball its a bat and mitt. But Running Shoes are it. And my old coach firmly believed that an ounce and a pair of shoes over a course of a mile was worth 10,000 pounds in the last three yards. So he was obsessed with it and it kind of caught my attention. I became a a guinea pig of his on experimental shoes. Your coachs name. Bill. He became later . He became partner and fellow shareholder. Did it seem to you at the time this is a crazy idea . I mean, here you were with 300 bucks in your pocket and you are traveling the world and you decide you are going to go off and become the shoe guy. Thats right thats right. The shoe dog. I never thought it was crazy. But i was acutely aware that it was a long shot. That, you know, if i could make this work, thats what i want to do do and i had a chance and i was going to pursue that hard. But i knew at that time i think the steps were 26 out of every 27 new businesses fail. This was a bit of a long shot. I was going to play it for all i could. You had fall back with accounting background. Yes. Phil, lets do this accounting business. This crazy dream like you are traveling the world for shoes. You dont know anything about shoes. Right. But that was certainly my fathers opinion. That was your fathers opinion. Yes. Do you think you could do it today . Well, you know, i have been asked that a lot of times. Its really interesting. Its an entirely different environment now. There is really sort of a negativity towards entrepreneurship and business in general kind of going on in this country which is too bad. I see it as a cycle. I dont see it as a trend. These things have cycles so it will come back. The flip side of this is Venture Capital firms now. If you have access to money now that you never had back in the 60s. So that makes it eyesier. You easier. Both sides of that coin. Mikey zoosh how much did you pay for that discontinue. Graphic art studio at Portland State she charged 2 an hour. We said how about coming up for a logo with the shoe. She spent 17 and a half hours ton so it cost us 35. It was easily worth it. It turned out to be fairly iconic. But, when we went public in 1908, we gave her 500 shares of stock which she still owns. She has never sold a share and thats worth a Million Dollars now, too. Good for her. The story had a happy ending. And after our sit down interview phil knight and i took a tour of the nike store. Was it fun coming to the stores. It is. This is one of my favorites. This is a store devoted to running basis for the whole company. Always great to come back to this and center of running for new york city. They have a lot of fun runs that start here early in the morning. Look at these colors. It does. I will tell you, even for me it blows me away how many shoes there are. We had a dozen shoes to start the company and three see all these different models its come a long, long ways. Do you own any shoes like even work shoes or business shoes that arent nikes or are you 100 percent nike . Im pretty much 100 percent nikes. I had dress shoes but when i got older it hurt my feet. Now i wear black air maxes with my tuxedo. Thats what this is. You wear that with a tuxedo. Yes, i do. Those are handsome shoes. Thank you. They are certainly more comfortable than dress shoes. My husband would be very jealous. We need to get him a pair discipline deed, we do. So, any idea how many different models of shoes you have ever had over the years. How many i have had or nike has had. Oh, its tens of thousands for sure. How many do you have at home in your closet . In my closet i have about 50 pair. Probably six of them are the same model. Do you toss them when you dont need them . You are not sentimental with your shoes. What happens with any Running Shoes a lot of them are Running Shoes. They wear down in the heel and get you off strides and then you have to throw them away. Whats sort of the secret to success in shoes . What should you look for . Well, basically, the ultimate thing is the consumer in our case the athlete and our deal is to enable him to train longer, better, and so getting more cushioning, getting lighter weight those are the things that drive us. You can walk into a store and people in the store not know who you are, people that work there . Or do they say thats phil knight . Usually, when i go into a nike store, i might go through the first two without notice. But then the third one will notice and then they will all notice. And then the whispering starts. Yeah. This store has a treadmill and im not sure what this. Rest area. Rest area . Well, that i should be familiar with. Run 26 miles on a treadmill. You have done a marathon in your life. Yeah, i have done two. Where . Eugene both times. How did you do . I ran 324 at age 44. Not bad. They have clubs here. Yeah, yeah. What is that . Well, basically running center. So they have events here and they meet here. Its a gathering place. Why do people run so much . Why do you like to run . Running or fitness in general but running being a key part of it is important as eating and sleeping. It makes you have a better life and its the question is why doesnt everybody run . Thats my question. Im a walker. Thats the same thing. In fitness. Im a walker now, too. I ran until i was about 72. Now i walk. And you walk how much . I walk about eight miles at a crack. Heres the peculiar. Its a great book. And its exciting. Its an adventure. How to be an entrepreneur and take a couple of punches and still get up and make it go right. Thank you very much. Thank you. Its been a real pleasure. Phil knights new book shoe dog is in stores now and it is an amazing read about how he created this nike. Got to get it plus, there is so much more from this interview. We spent a lot of time with him. That will be coming soon. And coming up, as much as you may want it, i cannot tie up and kidnap either secretary Hillary Clinton or senator ted cruz. Ill explain offtherecord. Test test. Lets all go offtherecord. I have an answer to your question, but youre going to have to hold tight. First, my favorite part of the 2016 election and our on the record Live Audience event, whether its town halls or big interviews on the campaign trail, they are my favorite. Whether its to chicago, milwaukee, long island or indianapolis. Its great to just get out of the studio and interact with voter. We have done town halls with donald trump and governor john kasich. No senator ted cruz. I will get to that. I love doing town hall because you, the voter, get to ask questions. It shouldable that wait a minute do i read emails and comments on facebook page. Some of are you pounding me saying im unfair. How come no town halls with secretary Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or senator ted cruz. You should ask them. They dont want to. And thats their business. My business is to be fair. And i think its fair to give them equal opportunities and i have. I have offered town halls to sanders, clinton, and cruz. I have even told them they could pick the state. They could pick the date. Yet, none of those three has taken me up on the offer. And that is their right. And just to satisfy you critics, i am not going to get arrested by going out and kidnapping them and dragging them to the set. So, there you have it. I have given all of them equal opportunity. Some have elect to do take it some not. But i do suspect that kasich and trump campaigns are licking their chops thinking all the more time for them. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Time for campaign flash. Donald trump spoke at the california g. O. P. Kickoff lunch banquet just outside of San Francisco. Secretary Hillary Clinton attend adamant breakfast in new york city. And good job at the Capital Building and thats tonights campaign flash. See you monday night at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Dont forget to go to facebook. Com greta monday night 7 00 p. M. Welcome to red eye. Hello, everyone. Im tom shillue. Lets check in with andy levy to see what exciting stories we will be discussing. Thanks, tom. Coming up on the big show, a bong cost one player million. And it is one of the reasons why i support returning to the ancient greek tradition of competing in the nude. And finally a pop up confession in new york city lets you confess your darkest sins to a nonjudgmental robot m

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