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Record, it just got stranger than fiction out even reality tv. And on a weirdness scale of 1 to 10, were now at 15. Now Donald Trumps Campaign Manager cory lieu lulucharged for simple demeanor battery. Take to you florida where the charges were filed. Donald Trump Campaign is here to respond plus smart analysis from our on the record legal panel and our Political Panel. Right now we hear from donald trump himself. He just spoke about the alleged incident involving his Campaign Manager. Trump speaking on board his 757 in wisconsin. Cory is a fine person. I looked at the tape. Those tapes were supplied by me. Just so you understand, this is a very high end club and we had tapes all over the place and we supplied those tq and those tapes, to me, are very conclusive. A lot of people are looking and saying how can anybody be charged. When you look at that tape, i guarantee you were pushed around more getting on to this plane right now than she was pushed around. You take a look at this, take a look at you folks with the cameras onn small space. You got pushed around more than she got pushed around. I just cant stand by and watch a mans life life be destroyed. Take a look at her original statement. Look at her original statement before she knew that donald trump was rich and has cameras all over the ceiling so that we can protect people from the standpoint of security fire, et cetera, et cetera. Take a look at her original statement, the first words out of her mouth about her going down and, you know, pulled down or something to that effect. She was pulled she doesnt even change her expression. I looked at the tape, and, by the way, if he was that way, i would have fired him in two seconds. I couldnt have cared less. I looked at the tape, there is not even a change of expression on her face. I look at internet and you take a look at the tweets and people are saying you have got to be kidding me. [everyone talkingx at once] response to this . Disgraceful. I think you as a reporter and all of you as a reporter probably get treated a lot rougher than that on a daily basis. I have never seen anything like it. I cant imagine how they did it he has got a very good lawyer. They will fight it i told him he should never settle that case. I told him that is not to my benefit, but i think when people see that tape, and they take a look at that tape and they take a look at her initial statement before she knew she was on tape, take a look at to see it, you take a look at her initial statement, it sounded like she got thrown out of a building. You take a look at that and then,. She did get bruises on her arm. I dont know they were bruises from that. How do you know those bruises werent there before . Thats what the police. I dont know what the police said. How do you know those bruises werent there before . Im not a lawyer. But she said she had a bruise on her arm. I mean, to me, if you are going to get squeezed, wouldnt you think you would have yelled out a scream or something if she has bruises on her arm . Take a look at heri Facial Expression. Her Facial Expression doesnt even change. So, you know, you say bruises. How did they get there . Who put them there . I dont know that he put them there. In any event, im sticking up for a person because im not going to let a persons life be destroyed over somebody that we have on tape and you just take a look at what people are saying when they see that incident on tape. And no jury, in my opinion. We begin with George Bennett in west palm beach. George, nice to have you join us. Great to be here. George, what you can tell me about this District Attorney down there . The state attorney in Palm Beach County is dave aaronburg, he is an elected official, a democrat. And his office will ultimately make the decision. The police today filed a whats called a probable cause affidavit which says there is probable cause to charge Cory Lewandowski with demeanor battery. It is ultimately up to the Prosecutors Office to go ahead with the charges. He has a Court Appearance may 4th. So i guess some time between now and may 4th they will make that determination. So as i understand it, the sum total of evidence, at least that the police considered is that video that we keep seeing. Right. The the Washington Post reporter that said he saw it, eyewitness testimony. And Michelle Fields who said something happened to her. She was grabbed. This is an audio statement short time after but she doesnt know who grabbed her. She didnt identify who it was. She didnt have a name until the the Washington Post reporter gave her the7i name. Is that the sum total of the evidence . Or is there more . I think thats it. The Police Report also mentions the bruises on her arms, so the Jupiter Police observed those as well. According to their report. Is there is the d. A. Saying anything at this point . I realize it has not yet been filed in court. Is there an expectation that this is actually going to lead to charges in court . And, you know, im more of a politics guy than a legal guy but i know that the procedure is a Police Department files a probable cause affidavit like this, and then the prosecutors review whether to go ahead with charges based on, you beyond a reasonable doubt and also, i dont know the exact legal terminology but whether they have ghaption they would win a case in court. Let me ask you a politics question then. The florida primary has already occurred. Do you have any sort of sense of how this is resonating with voters down in florida . Well, i think, like everything involving donald trump, there has been a very polarized response that we have seen today. You saw ted cruz and john kasich criticize him, and i think ted cruz called it the culture of his campaign. We just heard Donald Trumps defense of this. And i know just from social media the response of Trump Supporters and trump critics has been, you know, pretty polarized just like Everything Else having to do with his campaign. George, thank you for joining us. Thank you. so is Donald Trumps Campaign Manager in legal hot water . Or is it just political hot water in the on the record legal panel is here. Former homicide detective and criminal defense attorney ted williams and former prosecutor katie phang. Let me ask a quick question to both of you. Katie i will go first to you as a former florida prosecutor. Would you charge this case in court yes or no . I would. I know you guys are probably going to disagree with me. I would. As a form everywhere prosecutor it meets all of the elements of the offense of a simple battery. It was not done in selfdefense. Let me tell you something, it meets all the elements. I would charge it. Ted, wouldnm you . Absolutely not. I would love to be the defense lawyer in this case. Okay. Katie, let me go to you. Now you do defense work. You are a defense lawyer. Could you winz i would rather be the defense attorney truth be told. At this point there is a lot of issues to overcome. Why . Because at this point there is going to be jury nullification. The jury is going to say are you kidding me . There is not anything more serious to be prosecuting in Palm Beach County than a simple battery case. There was a delay of three days between the actual incident and when it was reported to the police that alone i think is a problem for Michelle Fields. I dont even see the intent thats needed for a battery here. Lets be candid here. If this was not about donald trump, we would never hear about a case like this. This guy would never be prosecuted there are diversion programs. This would have gone into a diversion program. I dont think you would take it into diversion. Lets skip the issue here about bad manners andaxwajjt rude and all that worry just focusing on the legal stuff. I, in my wildest dreams, i dont see how a jury ever convicts on this with all the ambiguity. In fact we have a picture. If we can put up a still picture it looks like two secret service, looks like is what i say, looks like two secret service who are protecting donald trump is that they are reaching for her. I dont know whether or not that was what provoked the bruises or not, thats the problem. There is your reasonable doubt right there. Absolutely. You have reasonable doubt. Greta. I grew up in louisiana. I had two high school coaches, kennedy and moore. And when they grabbed you, jail. Look here, what im simply saying is under the circumstances here you have got a touching. Was it incidental or accidental . You are going to take this man down . I can unequivocallably tell you one more time that in america you are innocent until proven guilty. There is something very troubling. This is about donald trump. This is not about lewandowski. In light of what you said, katie, i think everybody would rather be the defense attorney on this one. Do you realistically think that this Campaign Manager is going to be charged in the prosecutor is going to want to take this case to trial . Is going to take this to trial, and i think themj4 p c reason why is he is never going to settle for anything less. Is he not going to settle for a plea offer. Is he going to take it to trial. He better hope that this jury that listens to this case is a trump supporter because if not he will be convicted. There is independent evidence, im sorry, there Washington Post reporter as to what happened. Katie, you know what . I mean, who could predict what a jury is going to do but i would so much rather be the defense lawyer on this one, a million times on this one. Greta, not only that prosecutorial discretion. I would think that a prosecutor should look at this and understand what he has here. Let her go to civil court and sue the hell out of this guy. But to give a criminal record under these circumstances or try to get a conviction i think he has got a problem. Anyway, katie, ted, thank you. And in typical trump fashion donald trump took to twitter to defend his Campaign Manager in a series of twees trump saying wow Cory Lewandowski my campaigning in manager. And a very decent man was just charged with assaulting a reporter. One of Donald Trumps Campaign Chairs jeff duit goes on the record. Thank you for joining us. Obviously you are a trump supporter and on trumps side of this. Is that fair to say . That is fair to say. Do you know cory by any chance, the campaigngo manager . I do. He is a friend of mine. He is a great guy. He has a Great Respect for women. Know he would never do something to harm anybody. Is he a really nice guy. Have you spoken to him about this incident . I have spoken to him about this incident. What did he tell you . Like you said, his job, one of his jobs is to protect donald trump. If you see donald trump, youre going to see Cory Lewandowski somewhere around. Thats part of the job to be right there and a body man. In politics we have whats called body men who are right there with us at all times. You will see them together and he does a great job. Cory is one of the best people on the campaign we have. Did he say to you that he grabbed her . Well, again, there is the hustle and bustle of trying to get thats not the question. Did he say to you he grabbed her . Well, you know, now that there is a legal case i dont want to say anything of what he said except to say that there is a lot. By not answering that we assume that he did say that to you. Because if he didnt sayee that to you no. We didnt discuss the blowbyblow. He didnt say that he grabbed her. I guess i can say it like that. Whatg ÷ did he say that he did or didnt do . Well, when what we discussed was the credibility of Michelle Fields and the fact that years ago she had accused the nypd of dragging her to thekhv÷ ground and beating her with a baton or something of that fashion. Where is that from . Tell me about i have never heard that so please tell me more. Well, if you could just look at that i guess google Michelle Fields nypd, you will see the statements that are out there. There are a lot of reports out there that she had made similar claims against the new york Police Department. She was covering the occupy wall Street Movement and made claims. And, again, this is just according to stuff i have read online. I hope that i have not said something inaccurate. This seems to be widely reported that she made similar claims using similar language that she was forcefully thrown to the ground. Her initial statement before she knew there were tapes, she made the statement campaigng managers should not forcefully throw reporters to the ground. Thats why these tapes were released by donald trump. To show she was not forcefully thrown to the ground. I think there is a definite credibility issue. And, the other thing to keep in mind is that her own publication, who she was reporting for, let her go and issued q a cease and desist order. I think thats the whole employment dispute that has blown up over that which is a whole another segment or episode. Jeff, thank you. Thank you. Donald trump just moments ago talking to our sean hannity in an interview that airs at 10 00 p. M. Eastern tonight and trump says the video proves cory lewandawski is innocent. Im very cloud glad we were able to produce the tape. I dont see anything. I see virtually nothing. And were going to destroy a mans life over this . You know, they are chopping off heads. They are drowning people in the middle east. We are going to destroy a mans life . He has got four i beautiful children and a wife in New Hampshire and we are going to destroy his wife because somebody makes a charge . And, by the way, did you notice how that charge changed after she found out that donald trump produced the tape . If i didnt produce the tape, it would have been much worse because look at the statements she made. She was dragged down. I had it written down forcefully thrown, throw reporters to the ground. I mean, Campaign Managers arent supposed to forcefully throw reporters to the ground. What ground . In fact, if you look at her face, her expression doesnt even change. And trump g. O. P. Rival senator ted cruz and Governor John Kasich taking the opportunity to hit at trump and take on his character. Well, its a very sad development. And this is the consequence of the culture of the Trump Campaign. The abusive culture. When you have a campaign that is[f built on personal insults, on attacks, and now physical violence. That has no place in a political campaign. It has no place in our democracy. And i think it is a really unfortunate development, but i do think it helps clarify for the voters what the Trump Campaign is all about. We probably would suspend somebody. You know, it would depend what it is and what the evidence was. But when we see things that we think are inappropriate, we takerz action. And thats what i would do. And its up to him. I mean, everybody is innocent until proven guilty. However, when we see things that are very disturbing, we then take action and i think thats what needs to be done but thats trumps call, not mine. The on the record Political Panel is here. Fortune magazine nina easton and from town hall. Com guy benson. Nina, there are a couple issues here. Would like to be the defense lawyer on that one. I think thats an easy one to beat representing him. The second one is the rude boorish behavior after the incident by the Trump Campaign. Thats a political issue. And the whole idea then the third issue is that a lot of people in the media have seized upon sort of the factual issue of whether or not this even happened as, you know, whether or not he actually did this. Anyway, so there is the message. Your turn. I think its less about this one incident than it is about a pattern of behavior on the part of the candidate himself who not only has bullied people, what he did, he went after ted cruzs wife last week. He suggested way back that ben carson was a pedophile. I mean, we know he bullies and he defends people who bully. And i think if he, in this particularyo incident, when it first happened, if he had said this is not going to be tolerated. Im going to look into it, and i apologize if something if she was hurt. She has made it clear she wouldnt have filed anything. It was the fact that turned a cannon on her that made her move more aggressively to take action. So its about its about how a president ial candidate should react. And we should get back to this. This is going to hurt him even more with women voters. Go ahead. Let me get the viewers in for a second. Viewers, its your turn to vote at home on twitter. Should donald trump suspend his Campaign Manager until the legal case is resolved . Tweet yes or no using greta. We will show you live twitter votes throughout the show. Guy, your turn. I think we heard from your last guest there are a few assertions that not true. He said im not sure if thats actually a crime. He watched the video is that actually a crime. The problem is corrie lewandowski called her a liar. Im not convinced im not the jury. We have that video stopped and two secret service who look like they are about to grab her it is theoretically possible that he didnt touch her. No he touched her. If you. There is the audio of her talking to the the Washington Post reporter,l right afterwards and listen to what she said. Did he really do that . Did he just grab me . Eyewitness testimony in the courtroom is inherently unreliable. So we do it with a horrible i mean with incredible caution. You just play the video. It looks like corey is grabbing into her. Then he pulls her back he said he never touched her and that she was delusional. Thats the rude, boorish behavior. Whether this is a crime that ought to be charged and convicted of . I would guess thats probably tough to pull off in court. Politically, this looks like more thuggery, trump doubling down defending the guy and we just had two polls out this week with trumps disapproval in the 70s among women. 77 of republican women disprove of trump. You cannot win an election with those kind of numbers. Stick around. Full interview with sean hannity tonight at 10 00 p. M. On hannity. All eyes are on the great state of wisconsin. One week from today voters will hit the polls and hours ago senator ted cruz got the big prize endorsement from karl is live until wisconsin. I bet you were home here in your home state, greta. Donald trump has wrapped up first ever Campaign Event in the badger state here in janesville, wisconsin. The homega of paul ryan. He asked the crowd what he thought of paul ryan and got a big huge rousing boo for paul ryan and replied wow, that surprises me. They told me not to say anything bad about paul ryan while i was here which suggests that he was intending to do. So he sort of dwelled on that for a little bit. And then he turned to his rival ted cruz who today picked up the endorsement of Governor Scott walker. And in that context, trump then went after the governor saying that scott walker has mislead the people of wisconsin saying that their economy is good and that their trade relations with the rest of the world are positive. Trump is making the argument that scott walker didnt do a good job and he has continue to n do misrepresent some of the things that mr. Waukesha walker had done successfully as governor. Misrepresented some of his statements. Big day for cruz getting walkers backing. He the things you have played tonight saying he stands by his Campaign Manager. Greta . Karl, thank you, and i do miss wisconsin. This will send shivers up your spine. How did the man claiming to have an explosive suicide belt get on board an egypt air flight . Thats next. What super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. This just got interesting. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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While he was here he demanded that his former exwife who lived in a cypress come to the plane. He demanded that the female prisoners in egypt be released. From the beginning the authorities here in cypress and egypt said this was not an act of terrorism. They said this was an man mentally unstable. Incoherent and rambling he didnt pose much of a threat to the passengers. However, this was obviously a serious situation that included the diversion of the plane here so cyprus. Authorities werent concerned this was an act of islamic terrorism despite the fact that had had some traits that had a lot of people worried there was obviously the concern that Egyptian Security had once again be breached at an airport like it had been last fall when the russian plane was exploded by an isis bomb. In the end this ended up being a very bizarre situation. Must mustafa is known to officials. Is he in custody here in cyprus. He will be in court tomorrow, however. Its not clear what he will be charged with since they are saying this wasnt an act of terrorism. On a good note, none of the passengers or crew were actually harmed or injured. Theyre all, greta, now back safely in egypt. This is a situation, given everything thats gone on in the region the last few months that could have been very, verymq6ev deadly. But it turned out to be perfectly fine. Greta . 4i conor, thank you. And wisconsin now is in the president ial crosshairs and the candidates are crisscrossing the state. Mr. Herman cain standing guy talk 2016 next. Also, we have chilling new pictures inside that bombed out brussels airport. Plus, new information tonight on the terror investigation. A live report from brussels coming up. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. It takesim on the move. To all day long. Ss. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. 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Very honored to earn of the support of Governor Scott walker. You like the university of wisconsin . Yeah. When they play ohio state, i think ohio state ought to have five tries at a firstlx down. All across wisconsin, all across this country, people are waking up and help is on the way. [cheers] as the fight for wisconsin heats up, can senator ted cruz or Governor John Kasich defeat donald trump . 2016 g. O. P. President candidate herman cain goes on the record. Your thought about this trump Campaign Managers scuffle with this reporter and now the charge . The attacks on trump have gone from ridiculous to stupid. Its simply stupid. I watched the tapes at the beginning of your show very closely, and there is absolutely no harassment or anything going on. Remember, greta, when i ran for president , i walked through similar crowds. And my people around me were simply doing their job. I think this is another attempt to distract from Donald Trumps campaign and since they cant make it stick on donald trump, they are now going after members of his staff. Its just stupid. Thats all this is. All right. Is it stupid the way the Trump Campaign has handled it and made insults aboutg the reporter . That im not familiar with because all of this just unfolded today. I dont know this reporter. I dont know anything about this reporter. If they said she was delusional, would that be something you would not think was particularly polite and good manners and a smart thick to do. I would agree but see, here again, i dont know all of the facts. I mean, donald trump in the interview that you showed said that he thought she was delusional because she made claims that didnt pan out when they showed the video. So, im not going to make a judgment on whether or not they said the right thing when they called her delusional at this point. New topic. Governor scott walker. Okay. Endorses senator ted cruz. Are you surprised that he didnt endorse his fellow governor, Governor John Kasich . Not really. Not really. I believe that9 campaign and so since ted cruz has the second highest number of dels, i wasnt delegates i wasnt surprised when Governor Scott walker endorsed ted cruz. Now, whether or not its going to have a big impact, i doubt it and heres why. I was at one of those antiscott walker campaigns in wisconsin several years ago. And heres the thing. The antiscott walker people, they are very loud, but the scott walker supporters they show up at the polls. So im not going to speculate as to how big of an impact its going to have, i just dont think its going to be a very big impact. Well, he won a number of elections and recalls in the state, so he certainly is not popular in the democratic party, at least he was popular in the republican party. Its whether or not that matters. Thats right. We will know a week from today. Thats all i can say. This one is difficult to speculate because in the latest poll as you know, they are statistically tied and when its a statistical tie, you have to wait in the voters do the talking and thats going to be a week from today. Would4]vau agree this is the best state for an election . I wouldnt agree its the best state for an election. Im just teasing you. Its my state. Im just teasing you. Thats because youjw are from wisconsin. Its a trick question and you flunked by the way. Mr. Herman cain, thank you for joining us. Thank you, greta. Happy to be with. You now to breaking story out of belgium where we are seeing chilling new photos showing the incredible destruction inside that brussels airport. One week ago, bombs ripping through that airport murdering 15 meant people. Plus tonight, there is brand new information in the manhunt for the suspected terrorist. Fox news correspondent mike tobin is live in brussels. Mike . And, greta, you n know about the raids that have taken place from the in other netherlands all over to belgium. Seizing computers, phones, sim cards, iphones. You know that fbi agents with the joint Terrorism Task force are out here assisting the overwhelmed and widely criticized belgian investigators. We now know some of what the fbi agents are doing, are receiving those hard drives and those phones, particularly the iphones. They are breaking the encryption and breaking the security into those phones. Security into those phones. The phones are; they are being used for recruit. Want. One is monthlien bake neighborhood. A message is circulating around that neighborhood young men to join the jihadi. They are having a hard time tracking that message because it goes back to a prepaid sim card. One of the councilman who oversees that particular district said he was only alerted to it by a parent. He called me and i think its the type of information that isa so important that you have to talk about it and report it to the authorities. That is what i did. So we can fight back these recruiters and these predators who hang around our youngsters because our youngsters are in danger like that. Belgian federal police say the rerelease of images from that mysterious third airport bomber are paying off. They released video yesterday, moving video, highlighting the man who is now called the man in the hat or the man in the white coat, the man who is still at large. They say they have received some 51 tips about him or his whereabouts. He was potentially the third bomber, that third bomb didnt go off. The other two men inaq the video are dead by their own bombs. Laws are changing outhi mike, thank you. And tonight, a new warning tot all turkey. We take you there live straight ahead. And reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. 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Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Wer of the peanut. Whose long dayis sheldon setting up the news starts with minor arthritis pain and a choice. Take tylenol or take aleve, the 1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. Just two aleve can keep pain away all day. Back to the news. I dont know how any one group could be more hateful for more barbaric but now isis is even topping itself. Isis terrorists are now setting their sights on children. Jewish children in turkey. Sky news is reporting that turkish intelligence Officials Say there are imminent attacks planned targeting kindergartens, schoo c and youth centers. Turkish police are stepping up security and asking for the Jewish Community to remain judge lent. Vigilant. The state Department Issues a brand new warning against americans. Families of diplomats in u. S. Military ordered to leave Southern Turkey due to security fears. Laura is live in istanbul. Laura, tell me whats going on. Well, the department of defense and the state department have mandated an evacuation of nearly 700 family members of noncritical military personnel indez but the diplomatic heads in three different towns. This is in western turkey, southeastern turkey, and southwestern turkey. Were air base in the south and thats where the United States is launching launching against isis. School for the children there. Has been closed for nearly three weeks. And some members of these families have already left voluntarily, perhaps up to 100. Now, after this, they should be leaving around wednesday, going to the air base in germany and then they will return either to the United States or other bases internationally. And this is after turkey has experienced, as the president said deadliest and bloodiest times. The Prime Minister today said that turkey is a ring of fire there have been seven major bombings in the past nine months over 220 dead. Isis is behind most of them and, yet, last week, there turkey by many when the suspected isis leader in turkey, a turkish native was released with some of the other suspects. 90 suspects on trial. Yet they are all released pending the conclusion of the trial. This is the fourth time he has been released in the past eight years. So some are wondering how tough turkey really is on isis. Laura, thank you. Get ready to speed read the news. The un6g states capitol returning to normal today one day after Capitol Police shot a man who pulled a weapon. He drew a pellet gun made to look like a real gun. Dawson who has been detained at the capitol in the past remains at the hospital. Remember the ebola crisis of 2014 . Good news tonight, the World Health Organization announcing a Ebola Outbreak in west africa no longer qualifies as International Health emergency. More than 11,000 people have died in west africa from 2014. And Supreme Court nominee judgemaker garland came down to the only republican senator willing to meet with him. Kirk and garland meeting for 20 minutes on capitol hill. G. O. P. Colleagues refusing to meet judge garlandug too republicans have threatened to stall obamas nomination until after 20146789 more bad news. Really bad news for disgraced comedian bill cosby. A judge ruling that former supermodel Janice Dickenson can move forward with Defamation Case against cosby. She alleges cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her. Denies the allegations and lawyer publicly branded dickinson a liar. Thats tonights speed read. And 2016 is rolling in to the great state of wisconsin. Can senator Bernie Sanders keep up his momentum and rack up another win against secretary Hillary Clinton . Thats next. S. An equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score. And 7. 95 online u. S. Equity trades, lower than td ameritrade, schwab, and etrade, you realize the smartest investing idea isnt just what you invest in, but who you invest with. My opis slowing my insides to a crawl. Thats opioidinduced constipation, oic, a different type of constipation. Im really struggling to find relief. Paint a different picture. Talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. The 2016 democratic president ial candidates on the trail trying to stir up land, the great state of wisconsin. Theres going to be a very, very important primary here in wisconsin. We are on the trail to winning the democratic nomination but that trail goes through wisconsin. If elected president of the United States, we are going to take on the scott walkers and all of these people. [cheers] the on the record Political Panel is back. Fortune magazine nina easton and from town hall. Com guy benson. My guess is senator sanders will win madison, free college and Big University there. I went there. All right. So, but tell me, what do you think about wisconsin and democrats . I think definitely bernie is hoping he came off of the wins in those three caucus states in the west. Is he feeling good and going into this state where he hopes to have some momentum. I think its going to be really tight. Really close. Is he going to do well in places like madison, which are more liberal leaning and have a lot of College Students and he is going to have more trouble in towns like milwaukee where there is a bigger africanamerican vote. Guy, its amazing, secretary clinton was so far ahead and now we dont have any recent polling so we dont really know. People in the Clinton Campaign are worried. Yeah. I think they probably are they got blown out all oveqy the place last weekend. I think Bernie Sanders was 70 plus percent in all three of those caucuses. This is caucus tends to do better. Is he strong in caucuses. Real clear politics average based on scant polling that goes back a few weeks. Its a very small lead for Hillary Clinton. But at last report, the very respected marquette poll had bernie up by one point. That was about a month ago. But, you know, who knows if there is any momentum i this race, if he can pull it out considering what just happened over the weekend. Nina, secretary Clinton Campaign says it will not debate senator sanders or she wont debate senator sanders unless he changes his tone. [ laughter ] wow, yes. This is true. I think what she wants to do and its probably smart on her part is to not get on that debate stage again with him. Especially in places like new york. Where she gets on the debate stage with him in new york major state voting you will have to talk about things like wall street and wall street money that she has gotten. Why not do it in milwaukee . Well then she would defend herself by saying 9 11. You bet i took that wall street money because 9 11. Which is sort of an unseemly thing. She has literally said it twice. What is the problem with Bernie Sanders tone . If she has a problem with Bernie Sanders tone . Can you imagine what a general election might look like . If its up against donald trump. Is he a lot more aggressive. That is one way of putting it, absolutely. But it makes sense, from a political strategy point her to kind of stay off the stage. Keep going. She has got the lead, just, you know, its a safe strategy. She has got the super delegates. She has her super delegates. If this were the republican primary you could say it could be sleeping away. Because she has the establishment and elites behind her they can tamp down anything bernie might try to do. You will want to hear my commentary coming up. Thank you for joining us. Coming up, i will talk about a mess. What aim talking about . I will tell you offtherecord. And then you tell me0t whether im right about it thats next. This is humira. 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You want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like youre trying to wrangle a hurricane. The rest of the time, theyre asleep. Then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. And its the worst 19 minutes of your career. But you dont sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. And when the best offer means youre moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. But you pretend its not so bad. And years later at thanksgiving, when one of them says what hes thankful for most, is this house, you realize you didnt plan for any of this you wouldnt have done it any other way. With the right financial partner, progress is possible. Lets all go offtherecord. Will this must change. Im not talking about who gets chosen for president but how. The process has become, well, ridiculous. And i may get banned from iowa and New Hampshire and south carolina, but these three states have way too much power in picking our president. When they vote, the field is large. But after these three states, candidates drop out and that means these three States Screen the field for the rest of us. Is that fair . Why do they get to do that . And what about states with the caucus system . If you live in one of those states like iowa, nevada, or minnesota and you have to work or cant afford to pay for a babysitter for hours and hourcy to take care of a sick child, you are out of luck. You cant caucus. Now, how democratic is that . And then there is the loopy delegate system. Who can figure that one out . And i get why donald trump is miffed about louisiana. He won louisiana but runnerup ted cruz may end receiving more louisiana delegates. That does sound messed up. But those are the rules. And the democrats, well they have different rules and just as loopy. They have something extra, super delegates. The party elite created them to make sure the party gets the candidate the party elite wants just in democratic citizens go rogue on them and want someone else. Its so messed up. And then, of course, each state has different rules. I do need to go on . No, you get it our system for picking a president is so messed up. Lets fix it before 2020. And thajlk my offtherecord comment tonight. And its time for your campaign flash. Donald Trump Holding a town hall and house speakers backyard of janesville, wisconsin. Rally at the sharon lynn senator for the arts. Former g. O. P. Carly fiorina. Governor john kasich holding his town hall in a welding plant in waukesha, wisconsin. Governor kasich spent an hour taking questions from the candidates. My hometown appleton, campaign love. Senator Bernie Sanders stopping at the fox News Performing Arts Center and thats tonights campaign flash. Live twitter Voting Results on your screen rightkju should donald trump suspend his Campaign Manager until the legal case is resolved . 84 of you say no, 16 say

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