Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20141120

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himself. >> what the president is suggest something tearing at the very fabric of the constitution. >> i'm not the emperor of the united states. >> i'm almost speechless here. >> i'm excited about the courage of this president. the american people don't support amnesty. >> this is not amnesty. >> we can now soon add the amnesty told by the president. >> the president cannot write laws. the president cannot make it up. >> and senator rand paul joins us. good evening, sir. >> hey, greta. >> the president says he is going to make an announcement tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. about an executive order immigration, i take it you don't like this he said 22 times previously he doesn't have the power to legislate on his own with regard to immigration. i hope he keeps that in mind when he comes forward to do something different. no, i think he has absolutely no right through executive order to write new immigration law. so i am very much opposed to it. i'm open to some form of immigration reform. i'm open to expanding work visas. i'm open to a lot of ideas. but the president can't do this. this goes against the fundamental separation of powers that we have in our country. >> all right. the judicial branch can review an executive order. there may be some other branch of government that can take a look at this. in the meantime, what do you intend to do? he has made it very plain what he intends to do. >> it's difficult because if congress rebukes him and right now we have a democrat controlled senate, which is not going to rebuke the president, but let's say even in january, we decide to rebuke him with legislation, he could simply veto that. but i would say that there is a case from the 1950s, the young town steel case. in that case the supreme court said to harry truman that he had done something unlawful through executive order. this is kind of rare, but they said there are three kinds of executive orders. one executive order is to execute the law as it was intended one type of executive order is murky and unclear what i would recommend to the house is they should immediately pass a resolution saying what he is doing is contrary to the will of the house of representatives. that would set up, i think a very clear cut case in the court and may take a while to get him. but the thing is history will treat him unkindly on this if he thinks he can become king. >> you know though, the whole idea is like washington people are always worried about their reputation. history will treat them unkindly. these have real impact on people. who is the hypocrite and not the hypocrite. they have a real impact. i'm curious whether you think the house should have volted on the senate immigration bill that was sent over at least a year ago? >> i have always been in favor of securing the border first, doing some things to increase work permits. for example, there is a couple of bills that are very uncontroversial and i'm for passing them immediately in january and i think we may do. this visas for people with a master's degree or a ph.d. in math and science. they are being gobbled up by other countries. and we would love to have them in silicone valley nor texas and austin or different places. at our universities, teaching. we want those people in our country. but we don't have enough visas for people that have great skills. a bill passed in the house last year, but the democrats had basically held it hostage and said unless we get everything we want, we won't give you part of what would be good for the country. i think what will happen when republicans take over is some good things that there is overwhelming support for like increasing visas people with college degrees people with math and science that will happen immediately. is the president willing to work with us to get part of what he wants or will he insist of always getting everything he wants? >> well, we will be watching. tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. the president will speak to the nation. thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. so why now? post election, lame duck and of course it is true president obama has been threatening to bypass congress on immigration for a long time. so why announce executive order just days before a holiday week? joining us our political panel hill a.b. stoddard and susan ferrechio and national journal ron foreign yea. even more consequently night of the latino grammies. >> what a coincidence. i know the white house staff are patting themselves on the back. i think they pulled off cute microtargetting here. the president will speak to the hispanic community through the grammies, pause the grammies and let him speak. major networks are not carrying it. people for what he is doing barely. we should get into the poll numbers and people who are against him aren't. interesting in the poll numbers, almost 60% of the public is for immigration reform. but, only 38% think the president should do it by fiat. only 43% of hispanics think president should do this by fiat. what he is doing is not very popular. >> big picture timing. optimal moment for the president to make this decision. we are days away from needing to pass a big government funding bill. the g.o.p. is on the edge of taking over congress. everybody is watching republicans. what this is going to do is force the republicans into a big fight over how to respond to this in the spending bill. it's a win, win. getting it done before the end of the year as he promised and doing it in a way that's going to highlight divisions within the republicans that will favor the democrats. make them look like the ones who lead and the republicans like the one who about shutdowns and impeachments and fighting amongst themselves. i hate to be a real cynic politically. you know that this factored in when they talked about whether though do this now or after the government funding bill passed. >> big spotlight is always the media. and the media is standing by a.b. wondering to see if ferguson, missouri, is going to implode or not because then all a of the sudden huge riot immigration. >> it will be lost, exactly. that's very interesting timing. but i think susan is right. the democrats actually are disappointed in the timing, if you talk to democrats in the congress who would be generally supportive. they wanted to get the spending fight. like senator harry reid, the majority leader who is still in control of the senate for another another or so. they wanted the spending fight to pass before this happened because it could be the position of the republicans put certain riders into the spending bill and democrats are seen as shutting down the government if they don't agree to them. so, there will be pressure for democrats to criticize the announcement because it was done by fiat. to join in with zeroing out funding to keep the government open. and there will be some pressure on democrats. it is also true, what susan says, that president obama, i think, feels he has nothing left to lose and is happy to invite republicans to be on the record supporting deportation. opposing deferred action and on and on. >> missing the big picture here. all assuming hispanics for. this right now if we don't have the majority of hispanics who want him to do this by fiat. we could have in the next election the same as happened in this election. the hispanics are not going to vote for republicans but they could stay home. they see a lot of them already see this as pandering. >> and, of course, the whole thought that why didn't you just wait and -- >> -- september 11th. why not wait a couple more weeks. >> i like the grammies tie. >> control the congress. why don't he give them immigration reform durable. why not give bipartisan immigration. >> white house meeting. >> why didn't he do it house and the senate. didn't want to wait a couple months. >> hispanics know when they're being pandered to and used politically. they can see through this. >> here we go again. obamacare architect jonathan gruber calling all of us stupid and more than once. even more insulting. gruber voicing over a cartoon to explain obamacare to what he considers stupid americans. that's right. a cartoon. >> i'm jonathan gruber, an economist at mit, served as an advisor for both the massachusetts and the national healthcare reform bill. >> lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. >> we know it can succeed because it's based on a successful reform in massachusetts. >> ted kennedy and smart people in massachusetts figured out a way to rip off the feds for $4.5 million a year. clever exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the voter. >> health care reality for all americans. >> americans are too stupid to understand. >> representative trey gowdy joins us. nice to see you. >> how are you? >> your thoughts about mr. gruber and now he has a cartoon. i guess he thinks adults are so stupid. kids aren't buying healthcare but parents are. they must need a cartoon. >> i prefer sponge bob but i did watch his cartoon earlier today. i can't get past the irony to get to the arrogance. there is plenty of arrogance. but when an administration holds itself out as the most transparent ever, and then you confess that you have to use deception to pass your signature piece of legislation, and then you insult the voters in the process who, by the way, through threw out your party summarily weeks ago and still getting public money to continue the indignities and the insults, shame on us if we don't do something. >> this is the thing that's interesting about it in his cartoon. in his cartoon he says in part that he knows that the obamacare will succeed because it's based on successful reform in mass -- massachusetts. massachusetts was successful because it got 400-million-dollar grant from the federal government. obamacare, this nationwide healthcare isn't getting a grant from anybody. >> right. i saw that today. i mean, he was bragging about essentially getting the rest of the country to pay for the massachusetts healthcare plan. >> and then that's sort of the successful model. >> right. well, there is no place our country can go to dupe somebody into giving us $400 million. >> which is why he probably thinks we are stupid if we bought that. >> you know what? i think people show that they were pretty smart a couple weeks ago. and i think any time you base any piece of legislation on the fact that your voters aren't going to read the bill, or aren't going -- you believe they are not going to understand the intricacies of the bill, that's dangerous for a participatory republic. >> what happens, whether you like obamacare or not. you have to hate the way this went down. nobody read the bill it was incomprehensible. i tried to read it myself. then you have got them admitting lack of transparency to get it passed. they think the people were so stupid that they could slick the people. >> well, when you have an insomniac with tourette syndrome you don't interrupt him. we will let him keep talking for as long as he will talk. and then when he is through insulting our fellow citizens, then we are going -- what i would recommend to the speaker and others is have a series of congressional hearings primarily to focus on the money that we spent on him. i would love to ask him, when you apologize, did you apologize because you said it or did you apologize because you meant it? i mean, i think he meant that we could not have passed this bill if people had been paying attention. >> that undermines the democracy. i mean, i don't mind the insults, big deal, people say nasty rotten things to each other all the time. i'm okay on that. it's pretty arrogant what he did. what's even more disturb aring is to it undermine the democratic system by being deceitful, knowingly to get something passed. that's different. >> but, greta, when somebody is so much smarter than we are, and knows so much better what's in our best interest. and they happen to have a ph.d. behind their name, it's okay when they lie to us. because they have our best interest in mind. you and i are just not smart enough to know what is best for us. it is the arrogance. if i could get past the irony, i would get to the arrogance. but this transparent administration can't tell you the truth about a signature piece of legislation. that irony is just rich to me. >> congressman, nice to see you. welcome back to washington. nice to see you, sir. >> thank you. >> developing now, jonathan gruber is stepping down in vermont. you saw it here first last night when "on the record" reported that jonathan gruber has $400,000 contract in the state of vermont some not so happy vermonters. well we have no idea if our reporting had any impact. news just 24 hours later, jonathan gruber is quitting his healthcare consulting job with the state of vermont. here is what vermont senate minority leader joe benning had to say about gruber today. >> when you are coming to a group of people who are paying you a large sum of money to try to have something accomplished, and you treat them with disrespect, that leads, in my eyes, to a situation where is he not going to be credible when he tries to come into the legislature to sell whatever package he develops. >> and fox news correspondent doug mckelway is live in vermont. doug? >> hi, greta. hard to tell if this decision was long in planning or something that came up very suddenly. it came in the form of a telephone call from the governor's office. from the governor's point man on healthcare to gruber who said that he had become so toxic in effect that they could no longer work with him. under the terms of the agreement, gruber will no longer finish the pay of his $400,000 contract. he can keep 160,000 that he already earned. unclear whether is he is going to continue to work on the contract in vermont or turn it over to his research assistants who are paid $100 an hour. far less than the $500 an hour that gruber made. but long before gruber became so talks sim the health care plan in vermont was toxic in and of itself. there had been lots of missed deadlines. lots of accusations of missed deadlines and also of a toxic nature of the entire plan. a lack of transparency on the part of the governor. he won re-election in november by the way by only 1 percentage point over a poorly funded republican candidate. neither candidate garnered 50% of the vote. so january 8th, the legislature is going to decide hot next governor is. it may be that the incumbent, peter shumlin did not want that name, jonathan gruber hanging over his head with that vote looming. greta, back to you. >> doug, thank you. and "on the record" and fox news have been telling you about jonathan gruber ever since his first of many videos surfaced. was the mainstream media largely ignoring the architect controversy? if so why? our political panel is back. susan to you, is fox news making too much out of this jonathan gruber or is this important? >> ever since this story broke, the first thing i thought of was the video of mitt romney and the 47%. remember during the campaign that secret video was revealed and the media went crazy. was nonstop coverage. wall-to-wall coverage of that video. response to the video. poll numbers relating to the video. and this reminds me of that we are seeing a revelation that someone close to the administration about the healthcare law that appears to be a deception and the same way people felt mitt romney deceiving them what he really feels of the voters. yet, nobody is paying any attention. this is the major healthcare law. >> i don't think so. i would just say one thing, i don't think is he close to it the administration on this. i think that he was the architect. he is in the brief that's been filed with the supreme court, a petition. >> generous, yeah. >> is he so thick into this. >> that's the problem is that the administration has really not been forthcoming about their relationship with him. he was mentioned frequently in the presidential campaign in 12 because they used gruber's involvement to deflect criticism of obamacare saying it was romney care light and that he had been the architect in massachusetts. what's mitt romney doing picking on obamacare? he was paid $400,000. your viewers should know that's a lot of money in this town. they are not congressional or white house staffers making $400,000. no matter how much. >> when you add it all up -- >> -- and he was in presidential meetings. presidential level, present at meetings. you don't just get there unless you are influential. so, the fact that senate democrats, house democrats have not come to the cameras and said we were not deceiving the american people, we did not do it that way. and i don't -- you know, i disagree with what he is saying. we are are not hearing that and also not hearing from the white house. you know, a rejection of his criticism but an acknowledgment that he wasn't part of the process. >> cbs has done four broadcast. nbc one broadcast. abc one broadcast on this. i don't care if the president is from the red party, the blue party or the green party. when the white house was caught lying about the lier and the lies, which is what happened here. that should be a big story. and i would equate it to, there is obviously no equation between healthcare and a war. but if we can remember when it was found out that. bush administration was paying exgenerals of a lot of money and so inflate need for war. it was a huge story on the front page of the major noopsz and it was the same kind of story. it was the administration spending taxpayer money to promote its policy. and to deceive. we ended up realizing we were deceived on the iraq war. i don't know if it's because most numerous are a little newsrooms are to the left. i don't know if it's because of a misperception that the healthcare law has been settled. i think it's misperception. i don't know if it's because gruber was a source for so many journalists, but for whatever reason we are missing a big story. >> panel, thank you very much. and developing right now, we have isis, it is about their beps. colonel oliver north is next. i just found something very odd it is evidence of something going on since i was in the 3rd grade. all right, the inside story about me coming up. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. we're for an opens you internet for all.sing. we're for creating more innovation and competition. we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. price of oil has dropped. >> gone down. >> all over the world. so their revenues have dropped. cutting oil revenues isn't the solution for isis. if you want to stop the small arms, and the jihadis from going in. you have got to deal with the elephant in the room. and that's turkey what he has been saying. i'm not sure they are listening to him. he even though the muslim brotherhood was elected therefore we can't mess with him. this administration needs to know that irdis the reason isis exists today. he did not see enough happening against shiite being established across from the mediterranean to the persian gulf. >> maybe i'm wrong, look back at george bush 41, he got a worldwide coalition. >> and fought. >> fought in kuwait. because he had so many relationships. he knew everybody in the world. and everybody admired him so he could pick up the phone and get the world to respond. we are not in a position now to get the world to respond to these hateful vicious people. everybody should be on the same page in this. but nobody is and then you have got the u.n. just talking. >> and the u.n., of course, as i say, mind numbing reports. on the one hand. this but on the other hand that numbers mean absolutelily meaningless. the issue is stopping qatary money they will replace the oil revenues with nothing more than natural gas revenues and the turks for backing isis and that's the problem here. if you wanted to stop it, the united nations wanted to stop it, put an international blockade off othe coast of syria and inspectors at all the transit points syria and isis controlled territory in turkey that's the way you stop it. >> i don't want to have a different conversation with you. you are talking about the u.n. i'm talking about lack of leadership. the thing is the u.n. isn't leading. this there is no -- i mean, who can command the world to respond to this? we are not doing that? >> we have always insisted that the u.n. do it our way or cut them off. look what's about to happen. the iaea is backing a plan which will essentially allow iran to get nuclear weapons. >> prime minister netanyahu will never let that happen at least he says he won't. >> if john kerry does a deal with iran on their nuclear program, that will finish any hope any of isis it will prove what al baghdadi has been saying all along. he is telling everybody, the united states is backing shiite that goes persian gulf. only one standing in the way of that is isis. ird point is going to be made. it will be terrible for the sunnies. terrible for us. >> colonel north nice to he sue. >> good to see you. i will send you pictures of my dog. >> he has a new puppy. a job is going to send shiver up your spine. senator lindsey graham is here next. follow me on twitter right now brand new handle @greta. really easy. eening tools, and 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this detainee, 44 years old was simply too old. relative, of course, to get back into the fight and that he had poor health. he had thyroid surgery a nun of times at guantanamo. fast forward a decade later it is true did he in the go back to the battlefield, instead the primary recruiter for isis in pakistan. >> if you are talking about isis in pakistan. isis gone beyond syria, iraq, and now the chief recruiter in pakistan. that can't go unnoticed. >> he will with, i'm glad you raise that point. because it shows that not only is the ideology moving outside of the battlefield. but they have point people outside of the battlefield. whether it's in libya. whether it's in pakistan. trying to sell the isis message in taliban country. trying to sell pepsi in coke country. he may not have a lot of luck there it shows that he is committed. they have an outpost beyond the battlefield. >> they may have be different. if they have a common goal. you know, things may look very different to them in six months. they may be pals. >> a decade ago, the bush administration felt that there was no way this guy would go back to the fight because he was too old and he had poor health. here we are a decade later and now he has hitched his wagon to the next big thing, which is isis in the global jihad. >> that's terrible. anyway, catherine are, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> former detainees going straight from gitmo back to al qaeda and now to isis. what is the solution in senator lindsey graham joins us. good evening, sir. this can't be a good sign if they are going from al qaeda to gitmo to isis and now even to pakistan. >> what percentage of a gitmo detainees who have been release have gone back to the fight, do you know? >> i have no idea. >> almost 30%. what is the solution? making sure we don't let people out of gitmo that represent a danger to our country and to our allies and having oversight over barack obama. he wants to close the jail so bad he can't stand it. he. >> can he do it by executive order? >> he has threatened to do that. if he tried to close that jail by executive order, there would be a constitutional crisis that makes this immigration thing look tame. the congress has spoken in a bipartisan fashion that you can't transfer people from gitmo unless we're consulted. so at the end of the day congress needs to have more control who is released from jail. here is my big problem. he hasn't put one person in gitmo. when we capture a via value target. we read them miranda rights and put them in federal court they should go to gitmo to be held as enemy combatant to be interrogated for years. that's how you collect intelligence. >> november 24th deadline for the iranian deal. will there be a deal with iran? >> the obama administration wants a deal so bad they can't stand it i fear that we have a north korea in the making. small enrichment program to be monitored by the u.n. and they break out one day and have a nuclear weapon. here is what i suggest. that never let barack obama go it alone when it comes to ayatollahs or nukes. any deal they negotiate with the iranians must come to congress and be approved by the congress before it's binding as a check and balance. >> you can impose that requirement on the president. >> absolutely. >> or can he go alone on this. >> no. we can impose it because the sanctions that were created by congress, most of the sanctions that are hurting the regime came from the congress. not through executive action. yes, we can, and we should, and i make a prediction. that my bill along with bob corker requiring congress to look at this deal and vote it up or down will get a huge bipartisan support. who in the senate and the house would want to go back home and explain to their constituents i trust thatted barack obama so much with the iranian nuclear deal that i didn't want to look at it. >> what if he says i'm going to work out a deal. secretary kerry work out a bill. you can have your bill in the senate but i don't care. >> i would lead the effort to defund the ability to relieve the sanctions. we would have a constitutional crisis, a of major proportions and democrats with a future would side with me. who in their right behind, after all these blunders throughout the world, including obamacare would trust barack obama enough to negotiate a nuclear deal with the iranians who have been lying, cheating, and stealing for 30 years without warning, have some oversight. hillary clinton needs to be involved in this debate. if they announce a deal, i think it's going to be a deal israel won't accept. and the sunni arabs won't accept. if you give the she a persians a nuclear capability, every sunni arab state will want one of their own and you are on the road to arm g.e.d.en. >> why should hillary clinton be out of this? >> she wants to be president of the united states. of all the decisions that barack obama or any president will make in my lifetime, how to end the iranian nuclear ambitions is the most important. because if they break out and get a nuclear weapon, then you are going to have a nuclear arms race in the mideast. >> is there any deal you would agree to where they could do even some enrichment or is this zero enrichment? >> it should be zero but here is the goal for me. that the program that they are left with cannot be turned into a weapons program. and you don't have to rely on the u.n. >> i think that prime minister netanyahu has a zero number. >> and he would be right to say zero. 50 nations have nuclear programs that don't enrich uranium. when they claim they have that right, there is no right in international law. why would barack obama give the ayatollah something we haven't given mexico or canada? >> don't get me started on mexico. anyway. senator, thank you, sir. >> thank you. and the hits keep coming. giant snow storm threatening to dump more snow on places already under six feet of snow. rick reichmuth here next. back to the future, see what i uncovered. 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protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. this is a fox news alert. right now buffalo, new york, get ready, because more snow is headed your way. there is already almost 6 feet of snow on the ground in buffalo. that's not the only place stuck in a deep freeze. we have live team coverage in some of the hardest hit take a look with what is going on outside. >> from coast to coast, the weather outside is frightful. >> how does it feel? >> it's cold on my face >> the northeast, midwest, even parts of the south slammed by snow cold and winter weather. >> we have extreme conditions out here. >> the worst near buffalo, new york, war massive blizzard seen here is dumping more than 6 feet of snow on that city and more is on the way. >> you are not going to make it also in upstate new york drivers stranded. >> snowmobile. one of the volunteer firefighters, i think, came over and picked us up and drove us here. >> chaos that has emergency is responders concerned. >> side streets are not plowed yet. trouble getting downside streets. >> midwest plummeting temperatures and snow and snow and snow. in lake county, ohio, roads backed up thanks to frigid weather which has some ohioans giving free advice. >> don't forget your coat because i did. >> in battle creek, michigan, semi-trucks colliding in the winter weather snow piles up. toronto zoo great video. ice fishermen are out in november. >> just seeing the very first of the crazy people go out ice fishing. >> even down south in georgia, cold weather has people filling up the coffee shops. >> they all want hot chocolate. >> like 30 degrees out here and you are wearing shorts. >> i am. social media is exploding. pictures of snow walls covering doors, closing garages, even closing the buffalo bills stadium. the team offering free tickets to anyone who shovels a seat. but it may take a while. there are already 220,000 tons of snow in the stadium and the storm isn't over yet. >> so this could potentially be a historic snow fall, especially for the month of november. >> and now we go live from the area hardest hit by the snow storm. josh is in michigan right now. josh? >> greta, good evening. it is blowing snow here. can you see it falling right now. this is what we have been dealing with almost nonstop here for the past three days with a grand total of 20 inches of snow or more in some parts of west michigan here. it has been absolutely relentless. you take a walk back here i will show you just how much we have here. stick my hand in and it goes all the way up to my elbow here. you take it out. we are talking about very thick, very dense packing snow. that is because of the lake-effect phenomenon that we have here because lake michigan is only about 35 miles away from where we are right here in grand rapids. so all of that moisture, all of that wind carries these bands of tow truck drivers trying to get to all the slide jawfs and wrecks on the highways. snowplows once they go through and plow the roads more snow falling leak you see now. we have been hearing word that some of the streets here in grand rapids, the plows might not even get to until friday at the earliest. so that can create some serious mess for emergency responders. other people that really need to get through those roads. so i think needless to say, everyone is really overwhelmed here. and there is more on the way. ten to 12-inch by friday. so the hits just keep on coming. greta, it's not even thanksgiving. >> i know. see new april, josh. thank you. and the deep freeze is not over yet. what is next? fox news chief meteorologist is here with the latest. rick? >> greta, this is the season you get lake-effect snow. the water hasn't frozen yet. water temps in the 40s and cooler air moving over the lakes. this is a perfect example of that you see the western side of all of the lakes not seeing the snow. it's the eastern side. the wind moves across the lakes and picks up moisture and causes the problems. this is the latest image there watching the new storm get ready almost 36 hours straight of constant snow just to the southern side of buffalo. buffalo itself around 6 inches of snow. go around 10 miles to the south. 65 inches of snow. tells you how exactly how crazy these lake-effect snow bands are this is our water temperature right now. still into the 40s. once we get the winds again moving into the direction here along the lake, which is what we are going to see over the overnight hours again, we will start to see it pile up again. this is our first alert forecast radar. you see that overnight. this persistent wind coming all the way across lake erie through much of the day tomorrow and areas just to the south of buffalo. potentially, greta, looking at another 2 feet of snow on top of the almost 6 feet they have h so by the time we are done talking about this, maybe a 7 to 8-foot snowfall for a lot of people here. this is what we are going to be seeing and then we also, one thing that is going to change this dramatically is this weekend temps climb. take a look at sunday. buffalo 47. rapid snow melt potentially and two to three inches of rain on top of this. so we are potentially by monday looking at a very big flooding event there. hard to imagine with all that snow there and melting so quickly with rain and much warmer temperatures coming in. >> wow, rick, thank you. >> you bet. >> straight ahead, jewish communities around the world are increasing security after the attack. israeli ambassador goes "on the record" next. right now follow me on twitter at the brand new handle @greta. jews worldwide are on high alert after an attack on a synagogue in jerusalem. joining us israeli ambassador to the u.s. ron behrman. nice to see you, sir. >> unthinkable about what happened in jerusalem. >> yeah, terrible, savage murder of four jews in a synagogue. israeli police officer went to protect him and he too was killed. we have had five victims of this savage attack. and it's a day of mourning today in israel. in israel it's a day of celebration in gaza. they are dancing in the streets after the savage murder of jews. concern of anybody of any decency anywhere. >> that's hardest thing -- there is a lot that is hard to stomach about this. even yesterday handing out candy and celebrating after four people were like a hatchet and a knife and a gun slaughtered four and now five, the fifth person died. it's really hard. it's like really hard to stomach that. >> well, if you saw, greta, what they see on their television and what they hear on the radio, and what they read in newspapers that are controlled by the palestinian authority and what they -- what children learn in textbooks that are put out by the palestinian authority, it wouldn't surprise you that they are dancing in the streets. they have glorified killers in palestinian society for a long time this they turn murders into heroes. they should take a clear stand, tell president abbas, first of all get out of your pac with this terrible organization hamas. secondly, stop inciting the violence and hatred. >> you are not saying these are two levels that lone wolves that went into a synagogue. >> first of all, he bears responsibility because he is the head of the palestinian authority. >> is it deeper than that? is that deeper than that? >> look, president abbas is not hamas. he is not part of the terror organization he also is not arafat. he was not ordered killings. he has allowed this environment of incitement to emerge. >> does he actually incite. >> yeah, he does. >> he is up to his eyeballs in it? >> he actually just did it yesterday when he made this condemnation which many people around the world accepted. they didn't read the full condemnation. if the first sentence he condemned the attack. in the second sentence he condemned israel for going after the mosque. so he is continuing half condemnation and half incitement. >> all right. so it's not a real condemnation by abbas, it's a phony one in your view. >> it's not unequivocal condemnation. >> is it phony? >> yeah. i think he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. imagine you have 3,000 americans killed in 9/11 and people around the world are saying you know we condemn that but we also condemn all these things america is doing is that something you would find acceptable? of course not. >> you view his condemnation as phony and is he up to his his eyeballs? >> is he not directly calling for attacks but he is not contributing in any way. he is not a partner yet for the solution. >> is he doing the nod and the wink? >> that's the problem. that's what we think he is doing that's what he is saying is take action. change the status quo. trying to destroy he is playing with fire. instead of dousing he is pouring fuel on them. >> i only wish this would end peacefully. that might wishful thinking. thanks, sir. coming up, the staff has been laughing with me all day. apparently i have a habit dating back to 1962 that i just can't beat. i will tell you what that is off-the-record of course, next. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. 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