Thing. We just tax the insurance companies. They pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get and ends up being the same thing. Its a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American Voter. Joining us senator and dock john barrasso, nice to see you sir, welcome back to wawsmght i should also add that this man Jonathan Gruber is also apparently the architect of romney care in massachusetts. Never the less, calling the American People stupid is that just a rogue employee of the obama creation and the president himself. Clearly offensive and just confirms americans worst fierce about the government. See this as slap in the face and insult to the American People. This is repetitive behavior. He was paid almost 400,000 by this duration and what he tried to do deflect the attention of the American People and try to deceive the American People to try to get this healthcare law passed which has turned out to be bad for patients and bad for the doctors and nurses taking care of them and terrible for american taxpayers. His effort yesterday on msnbc to sort of say well this is sort of an offthecuff statement to suggest maybe this was something stupid or inappropriate he said occasionally. When we find these on the videos it appears to me this is far deeper seeded and he just got caught. Who knows how many other videos there. Those three arent of the same day. Those are spread out over a a couple years. This is his deep seeded belief about how to deal with the American People. About trying to make sure there isnt the transparency that the American People expected. You know, the person that told the truth was nancy pelosi who said first you have to pass it before you get to find out whats in it. They didnt want the American People to find out what was in it. He also said translack of transparency huge. Obama most transparent administration. Now he has the architect bragging about it. That doesnt look good. None of it looks good. The problem is this law has caused so much problem for the American People. People that are maybe even have the insurance that the president has promised them but he focused on the word coverage instead of the word care. So people are facing higher premiums, higher copays, higher deductible its, cant keep their doctors, cant go to their hospitals. Those are the problems and thats the pain that the American People are are are suffering as a part of this deception. All right. Two things. One is senator tom coburn says that there are not the votes to repeal it. Do you expect this to be repealed, obamacare . We will vote to try to do that. Do you expect that . I expect that we are going to strip out the most danging parts of the healthcare law, focus on things that have already passed the house with bipartisan support. The employer mandate. Get rid of that focus and try to eliminate the individual mandate even use reconciliation which takes 51 secrets to do that. Do everything we can to strip all the damaging parts away from this law. What about this man we paid him 400,000 to insult us essentially, thats how much he got paid and calls us stupid and they use transparency against us. Of course the antithesis of democracy swh it is not transparent. Too we just sort of slap him around the media or will there be hearings or anything that can be done . I dont know yank of anything that can be done. If thats the way he feels about the american public. He ought to just give the money back. He took almost 400,000 from american taxpayers. I think he owes that back to the government. Sure you can have hearings. What the hearings ought to focus on worse on what he said is the damage that the healthcare law has done to people who cant meet their deductibles, who cant see their doctors, who cant get care which is what they wanted all along. They wanted access to Affordable Care, quality care and they wanted choice. They have lost all of that under the president s healthcare law. Senator, thank you sir. Thanks for having me. Three videotapes surfacing in three days, Jonathan Gruber insulting American Voters over and over and over. Very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American Voter. American voter is too stupid to understand. [ laughter ] you know call it the stunt of the American Voter or whatever. I basically spoke inappropriately. Lack of transparency a huge political advantage. This bill was glin a tortured way to make sure the cbo did not score the mandate as taxes it if they scored it as taxes it would die. Sick people get money it would not pass. I regret having made those comments. More transparent but i would rather have this law than not. Joining us our Political PanelWashington Examiner susan father rich choo the hills a. B. Stoddard and lauren fox. Is this insult by Jonathan Gruber just an insult rather than not mean much . Its just going to be a couple people slapping him around mostly fox or is this significant . Most significant thing about it is i say see the way its emboldened the republicans right now. I have talking to them over othe summer. Reconciliation wasnt in the. That seemed like too far of a move. This video has sort of propelled them now even further into wanting to get rid of it faster. And more thoroughly. And i think thats what you are are going to see in these opening days of the new congress. Its just today republicans that this healthcare law, for them anyways is a farce. That it was based on false premises presented to the American People who, in polls. Negative than possible positive. Combination is going to make the law a real target for republicans that to me is the biggest impact. A. B. How important is he . It can have rogue and obnoxious three statements and tries to pass it off as an offthecuff comment three videotapes and three different times doing it did he meet with the president . Was he in the inside circle . Is there any way we know whether this is sort of the collective view or whether this is just one rogue obnoxious guy . He was made and architect of romney care in massachusetts. Put together a model mirror massachusetts and mechanics of how to put together a program. That hasnt turned out so well but he was certainly involved it doesnt matter now like you were asking the senator can he be punished . Can there be hearings . What matters is the law has to stand on its own. Its now under legal challenge what gruber was caught saying back in july in a different video of course this was part of the economic nics of the law. The subsidies were incentives for the states to join and build their own exchanges. If you didnt build one, you didnt get subsidies. But now is he pretending that isnt true. He calls it a speako like a typo. He uses the term offthecuff many times. This is what he said is the laws intention and thats the basis of the legal challenge before it. Thats just one thing. Other parts of this healthcare that he is basically laughing at. One of them was the cadillac tax on november 11th, 2014. He says referring to the socalled cadillac tax on these high end health plans he said they proposed it and that passed because the American People are too stupid to understand the difference. Which, in other words, meant that they passed that hood wink, you, you, you and everybody else watching. I think the Affordable Care act has become this divisive issue and i have to say that with susan, you know, this has really emboldened republicans. We have seen on capitol hill that every piece of law be it the cadillac piece and device tax. These are things that republicans are now going to go after and the new congress. I have no doubt that its something that they are going to fully try to repeal. You raise the medical device tax. Every tim i hear that i get angry. Now its the democrats that want to repeal that as well because they have discovered a lot of these manufacturers are in their home states. This was in the bill from day one. Not one of them bothered it to read it suddenly they you are upset because their donors are upset. If they would have read the bill maybe they wouldnt have voted for it. A few were complaining about it a couple years. After the vote. After the vote. The groundswell now is growing. I think in part just the public reaction to the tax and the bill in general. I hate to say it, but you probably realize. This these members of congress sway to the wind with these polls i think what you are seeing now is more people feeling that this law is very unpopular and needs to be fixed. I just want to say. I agree with most of what susan has said, but they wanted to get in and plan a repeal under reconciliation or to repeal the separate parts months and months and months ago. They were going to do it whether the gruber videos ever surfaced or not. They were. And democrats working with them. Set aside in private for nearly nine months because after defending that law for three election cycles in a row they know they want to get rid of the medical device tax and restore the 40 hour workweek and possibly the mandates as well. So, just how they do it though. Republicans this was the top. But the republicans have been screaming about this for a long time that there was no transparency. It wasnt just these videos. They have been saying that this is proof the republicans are right on that. The difference is that democrats are looking at this last election and they see that this law, it wasnt working for them in many states. It wasnt working for them in arkansas it wasnt working for them in kentucky. I think that they are coming back from this election cycle and they are feeling like they have to get on board with some the republicans who are going to be making those on capitol hill come january. Panel, thank you. Always nice to have three women as well. We know what Jonathan Gruber thinks. Taxc the Insurance Company and pass on higher prices and tax we get ends up being the same thing. Very clever exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American Voter. So it is that just Jonathan Grubers opinion . Did he talk like that inside the white house . And does the Obama Administration, including the president , think the American Voters are stupid. Nice to see you, welcome back to town. How do we know if this is a rogue professor who goes to Elitist School and thinks is he smarter than everybody else or if this is the thinking of the Obama Administration and the president. Is there any way to know . I think there is a consistent theme here. This isnt the first time somebody from the Obama Administration or the democratic arm of government here has talked down to the American People. Remember it was the then speaker of the house who told the American People were just going to have to pass it before we find out whatsed in the bill. How many more of a talking points to the American People can that be. Now you see the architect of the bill say we dont trust the American People enough to figure this out on their own. You ask yourself why the American People doesnt trust government . Its because the government doesnt trust the hard working taxpayers. And, at the present time the its emblematic of a nanny State Government which believes youre too stupid to figure out which healthcare is best for your family. Too stupid to figure out how to educates your own children. Too stupid to figure out what to put in your mouth and eat. We can go on and on and on and on. What it means is less opportunity, less freedom. Less individual responsibility and what the voters last week resoundedly rejected. In my home state, their electricity prices are going up because of the e. P. A. s overregulation of the coal industry in my state. And so its too big of government and its a nanny State Government thats been rejected. The other thing, besides calling the American People stupid, he talks about the transparency, about lack of transparency being a huge political advantage. The Democratic Party didnt have any transparency because the herd like voting for this bill. Bus they didnt even know what they were voting for. If that isnt lack of transparency if you go up to the well of the and vote and you dont have a clue what it is. Then this bill that you dont even know what it is, we send over to hhs where they had 20,000 regulars and put those regulations on there. We didnt vote for them. We dont know who they are. This transparency thing is just a fiction. Exactly right. Why was congress so shocked that they werent exempted from obamacare and so after the law was in effect. You remember this a year ago when the democrats in congress were just so abhorred by the fact that they themselves were included in the law. The only people exempt from the law in its original form were the people who wrote it. It was the staffers on the Health Committee in the senate that wrote the bill, on new years eve, you remember the bill was voted on at night. New years eve. And nobody in the senate voted on it so, you know, the question is, can we repeal the bill . Thats up to the senators, the house will pass a repeal of obamacare, rest assured. The question is are those United States senators who still remain in the senate, and voted in the affirmative, having not read the bill, having not understood the implications of the bill going to stand and defend it today . Are we going to have hearings on any i suppose on the substantive part of obamacare we are. I keep asking everyone about Jonathan Gruber thing. Is that just noise . There arent going to be hearings on him or on his statements . Clearly is he an idiot. Im not sure anybody in the Obama Administration is going to try to defend. He theys he is pretty senator by the way. Most professors do. Let me tell you this. I dont need a hearing to know whether or not healthcare freedom just yums have gone up or down. I havent found a Single Person out of the 700,000 i represent in illinois that have gotten the discount that was promised. Do they keep to keep their doctors. Keep their doctors. I dont need a hearing to find out whether its made it easier for doctors to provide for. I dont know i dont need a hearing to find out good for the doctors in our district. For those of us who represent a district out in washington, d. C. That vote is going to come real easy. Senator tom coburn says he is leaving the senate. In the senate to repeal if there were a repeal vote in the senate and that went to the white house. Out of the house, out of the senate, it gets to the president desk, is he not going to sign that. But then i think it makes it very clear the president has to defend a 2500 page bill that even he didnt read. I mean, think about this. He talks about his healthcare bill. He didnt read the 2500 page bill. So, lets have a repeal. If the president wants to veto it, if thats his decision. Then we will put on his desk the bills that have passed the house with overwhelming bipartisan support. Bills like let you buy whatever healthcare that you want. Not the healthcare that hhs or some unelected bureaucrat tells you to buy. Let people buy healthcare across state lines. Simple reforms that are 80 20 issues that most americans support. It will be interesting to watch. See what happens. Nice to see you. Good to be with you, greta. 10 00 p. M. On fox news channel. Part 2 of the gripping and i mean gripping special. The man who killed usama bin laden. You are going to hear more from Navy Seal Robert oneil about finding and killing usama bin laden. There is a door on the front of the wall. We went up to that. One of the breechers put a big bomb on it blasted it and it opened sort of like a tin can and it was a bring wall behind it. Breacher said failed breach this is bad. I remember thinking this is god. Thats a fake door. Someone important is in this house. And fox news peter doocy who did this incredible interview joins us. Nice to see you, peter. Thanks, greta. Peter, last night was part one gripping. Part two is tonight. Give me a tease. What will we see tonight. Last night when we left rob he just had a very emotional phone call with his dad. He thought it was going to be the last phone call he ever made to anyone and it was to his dad. He was crying writing letters to his kids and tonight they get off the harpootlian and they walk into usama bin ladens house and he finds himself in bin ladens bedroom. For the first time is he going to talk on tv about standing face to face with usama bin laden and he is going to tell us what was said or what was not said and also how long he was there staring down bin laden before he fired the fatal shot. Does he tell you after he fired the fatal shot and he gets the guy that we all wanted. You know, we all would have loved to have gotten. Does he say like what he thought or what it was like or what he had went through . He does. And its really interesting because when they get him, and at this point he has now survived, you know, bin laden didnt detonate a suicide vest. These al qaeda guys were not there to defend him. Rob starts to take, wait a second we just got bin laden we might survive and maybe we can get this body back and his thought process he explains this chopper ride back where they know that its 90 minutes. They get shot down at any time. They all check their watches and see thousand close they are to afghanistan. It is just fascinating something you never thought of. You think thats guys did such a good job, the navy seals did such good job on this mission. You dont think about how sara j and Dangerous Things was since things went so smoothly. You get a a chance sense for the change from he goes in there, he thinks is he going to die. He knows how dangerous everything is. But then things things start to change. We get to that after the very graatic retelling for the first time on tv his final moments and his final breath which is amaizing to hear about. Peter, i think its such an important story. I think the American People want to hear about this. Im glad we are hearing this. I tip my hat to you as well. For him not only killing a note to the viewers. This your chance, part 2 tonight. The man who killed usama bin laden. Tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Only and right here on fox news channel. And straight ahead, the fierce battle for a Louisiana Senate seat still on. And getting even hotter and going all the way to capitol hill. Both fighting over the Keystone Pipeline now. Louisiana Republican Senate candidate representative bill calf any is here next. A really bizarre scene. After a man gets trapped in the wall of a Department Store. Not kidding. Thats coming up. The conference call. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. Louisiana senate ruppoff is just weeks away december 6th. Tonight the battle between democratic senator Mary Landrieu and republican representative bill calfy is heating up and it is going all the way to capitol hill. Today senator landrieu coined for a senate vote or the Keystone Pipeline. Also answering back calling for a vote Keystone Pipeline in the house of representatives. We just got word in the last hour and a half that the house of representatives has introduced the senate bill basically in the house, identical it to our language. You know, i am very proud of that. And as i said on the floor and a i mean to say this as sincerely as i can. If taking my name off this bill helps it to pass, go right ahead. This is not about credit. It is not about glory it is not about politics. It is about getting our work done. And representative bill cassidy joins us. Good evening, sir. Hey, greta, good to be with you. Nice to have you. Congressman, senator landrieu says that bill she has in the senate, and the bill that you have in the house your bill is identical. Is that right. Absolutely. The house has already passed 8 separate bills that have gathered dust on harry reids desk which would force keystone. Reid doesnt take any of them. Up. Up. Taking their language introducing them exactly the same. My gosh they pass it, we pass it, it goes to the president s desk. So this now becomes, i assume both the house and the senate, in the senate they want to pass it to perhaps politically help senator landrieu. The house has made known its position. It gets to the white houses desk whats the president against going do, do you think . The president will probably veto it he and reid are hostile to oil and gas. I have to smile when senator landrieu says politics are not involved. Clearly reid did not care about the 40,000 jobs that would be created for families which are struggling. But he does care about senator landrieus job. So finally he is going to take the bill up. I dont think the president cares about those 40,000 people. He will probably veto. But, come january, a conservative senate in the house of representatives will pass once more then we can override the veto. What is it that he objects to. If the senate is going to vote for it and still democratically involved controlled what is about the senate bill that he will veto it. The president has a prejudice against fossil fuel jobs. Thats all you can say. The state department has already said this will not effect the environment. It will save lives because fewer people will be injured in rail accidents. And it will help north north Energy Security improving our economy. Fossil fuel jobs. Im sorry, because families make a good living from those jobs, i wish the president cared more about those families. Lets talk about the runoff december 6th i know that at least many republicans think that this is going to be an easy, easy walk for you to the finishing line. Looking back at the numbers though. Senator landrieu has been down before. And she surprised the Republican Party are you worried going into december 6th. Any time you take on the most powerful man in the world, barack obama, the senator that supports him 97 of the time, it is a challenge. He is going to do whatever he can exert his will over the louisiana electoral process. They are claiming their obama turnout machine is going to carry the election. On the other hand, about 600 of people in louisiana voted for change. They want a more conservative direction in our country and bill cassidy is a conservative. Im the conservative so my gosh, i anticipate getting their vote. Congressman, well be watching december 6th. Im sure its going to be an interesting rate. Thank you, sir. Thank you, greta. And because there will be this runoff between congressman cassidy and senator landrieu on december 6th as its so close around the corner we reached out to senator landrieu continue to variety her as well on our program but we never heard back from her office. Straight ahead, navy sailors attacked. Protesters going after the american sailors in turkey terrifying incident all caught on camera. You will see it and get the latest from the pentagons rear admiral. Plus you definitely dont see this every day. A man trapped in the wall of a Department Store for days. How did you he get trapped in a wall of a Department Store and for days . You are going to find out coming up. Following me on twitter right now is the brand new handle. Its so simple. And just give them the basics, you know. I got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. Three istanbul. Frightening scene caught on cam a. [chanting] and Pentagon Press secretary rear admiral john kirby joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening. That certainly is a lot of noise and certainly obnoxious to our u. S. Sailors. How big a problem is this for our sailors in turkey . Well, i mean its certainly was a frightening incident for these sailors. I want to thank them for calm and demeanor as they extricated themselves from that potentially dangerous situation. The ship is still in port there in istanbul. But they wont be going out in the town. Obviously as this incident continues to be investigated. And were working closely with turkish authorities to do just that to investigate this. It does not appear our sailors were in uniform. Am i correct on that . And, if so, is this sort of the reception even american tourists are likely to get in turkey . Its hard to say whether other american tourists will face this same type of threats as this group of protesters issued to our sailors but its not uncommon for sailors and overseas sports to go out in liberty in civilian clothes. I myself have been on liberty in istanbul and other ports in turkey in civilian clothes. This is not typical behavior by turkish citizens and sailors. Typically turkey has always been a very very fun place for sailors to go and very good liberty stop again we are going to investigate this and get to the bottom of it. It is quite a tribute to our sailors looking at this tape it, looks pretty crazy and, you know, and phrenetic and obnoxious and maybe violent but they do keep their cool. They dont seem to escalate this t. So good for them. No i think their composure is really something to be commended there because they could have you know, it could have gone a lot worse had they themselves gotten, you know, more physical here in the altercation but they didnt. They kept their cool and extricated themselves safely from the incident. Our hats off to them as well. Again, we consider turkey a very close friend and obviously a nato ally. I dont see any impact at all on our relationship with the nation of turkey these are obviously protesters, individuals who had an issue with the american sailors and certainly not indicative of our relationship with the nation of turkey. They had an issue with the american sailors or is it they have an issue with the United States and just that these sailors happened to represent the United States . I mean, there was no like confrontation before with these sailors . This United States and they are the sort of sack i have official lambs it almost appears . That certainly is what the video appears it to show, greta. We would concur with that again, its going to be investigated and we will try to get to the real bottom of it. I think you are right. I dont think that these attacks were aimed at these particular sailors because of who they were individually but obviously more aimed at america and americas presence. And the uss ross is what kind of ship . Uss ross is is a guided missile destroyer. And whats it doinged in the region . We have got ships all throughout the mediterranean and european waters to provide a presence, a positive presence for the American Naval footprint, also to operate and exercise with our allies, with our partners. And we, again, these ships routinely pull into ports throughout the medicine ter contain ran to give the sailors a respite and chance to take a break but also they do Community Relations projects in pretty much every port they go. In by and large the naval presence in the medicine tore iranian remains significant and important obviously with all the unrest going on in that part of the world. Admiral kirby thank you i urge the viewers to look up to see who it is named after. An amazing sailor. Anyway, thank you, sir. My pleasure, thanks for having me. And this just in to fox news. Turkey has now detained 12 people in the attack on the u. S. Sailors. And straight ahead. Trapped in the wall of a Department Store. Now, how did the man get there . And how did they get him out . You will see for yourself. Thats so bizarre. Coming up. First, caught on camera, the race to rescue two window washers dangling from one world trade center. 69 stories above new york city. 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Many americans who have prescriptions fail to stay on them. Thats why we created programs which encourage people to take their medications regularly. So join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today. Bottoms up, america. See you tomorrow. Same time. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. Next guest is the worlds greatest chess player. Champion of russian freedom. Tonight he has a warning for the United States and europe. The anton putin advocate says the Obama Administration and most of europe spent years pretending that its time for president obama to stand up to putin. And grarstd mastest joins us. Good evening, sir. Gesmg, thanks for ininvestigating me. Thanks for having me. What should president obama do about president putin . Nothing will happen without the American Leadership and obama and his administration they still pretending that you can do business with putin. Because putin not just violated all International Treaty rush signed but he made it the core of his foreign policy. Putin is staying in power 50 years. And he made for aggression core message that he is selling for russian public. Is the cold war over . Oh, i wish yes, because we just celebrated 25th anniversary of the fall of berlin wall. While the wall is not there. The cold war is not. We have a lot of enemies, people are pushing the free world and without American Leadership we could see more problems on the horizon. I remember that in 2008 and 2012. Democrats called john mccain and mitt romney the far right dinosaurs for their strong opinion on Vladimir Putins russia. Well, they were not far right. They were simply right. And while fighting dictators and terrorists, we better have on our side. And things that are extinct, strong principles and leadership are in this administration. What do you think president putin thinks about president obama . Weak. As the rest of the leadership of the free world. Obama had so many red lines drawn and washed away. Obama send conflicting messages to all sort of facts of the world. And obama never stood firm on his position to stop putin or iranians or other guys who are are threateningowe i think putin collected enough evidence to classify obama as weak. Why do you think president putins plans are now for Going Forward . I think eventually he will attack. What is ukraine, whether you try to have some form of war in baltics or strike in the south and republic of georgia. But simplies into choice. Situation in russia even with the limited sanctions has been deteriorating quite dramatically. The ruble is fighting. Oil prices falling. Certain points, putin will have no choice but to sell russian public a new war because when you are in this route, you have no way back. Do you have i know before you have thought about challenging you actually, i think, tried to challenge president putin for presidency, do you have any political aspirations . Are you going to run again . Look, im out of russia almost two years. Colleagues behind bars or immigration. Russia today under putin is one man dictatorship that has been using fascist ideology. There is no political life in russia as such. Communicate back to the russian people using internet and very limited means of communication that we still have in our hands. The message. But, again, with without the strong leadership from the free world, starting from the United States of america, nothing will happen. And i hope you will come back, sir. Thank you very much for joining us. Thanks for inviting us. Coming up, brace yourselves, the artic blast is on the move. You may be the target. Fox is tracking of this is a fox news alert. Temperatures are crashing down it the artic blast and gripping states across the nation. Rick reichmuth is here with the latest. Rick . Incredibly cold temps for this time of year all the way down to the south. 34 in dallas. And take a look at your temperatures here. Really where the bulk of the cold is. Right here across the high plains. 17 in am amarillo. Factor in a little bit of wind and feels like one degree all the way across starts of texas. November this is incredibly cold air. This is what the map looks like today. Eastern seaboard not looking all that bad. Cold air across the east. You notice by friday a little bit of warm upy in the plains, cool down in the east. You get this and next batch starts to move in over the weekend. It looks like a big snowy weekend across parts of the Central Plains and cold air comes back 10 days more of this very cold pattern unfortunately here in november. Greta . Rick, thank you. You bet. Lets all go offtherecord. Rapper eminem under fire for f bombs during his hbo concert valor celebrating veterans day. D has to be the [bleep] come to [bleep] i dont give a [bleep] what you think [bleep] [bleep] one f bomb might be a mistake but multiple times, thats a plan. And if you dont like it, blame hwo. They knew it would happen. I have a far bigger issue with eminem hbo than the f bomb. Thats just a word. Everyone has hurt it. You may hate it thats not nearly as bad as promoting Domestic Violence. Eminem did that in a freestyle rap released earlier this week. Punch rihanna ray in the twice broad daylight in plain site of elevator surveillance. Banging on the ravens. Catch that punch singer loan that del ray like ray rice. Thats not just vulgar words thats promoting Domestic Violence so much worse. Dont come back and say thats just art. When i hear those lyrics, i dont think art, i think this. So ask yourself, is eminem really the guy you want your children watching in prime time on the one day a year we stop and honor our vets and their families. If not, tell hbo they knew what they were doing, and thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Thanks for being with us tonight. See you tomorrow night 7 p. M. Eastern. Dan sullivan will join us to go on the record. Good night. Tonight on red eye. Coming up on red eye would pro golf be watchable if it was held in an ancient Roman Amphitheater . We report. You struggle to have a good time. Does the president think we should make matthew mcconagheys birthday a National Holiday . The majority of americans agree with me on this and thats not something to be afraid of. Thats something we need to embrace. And finally, meet americas next top athlete. But does he expect the ioc to change their stance before the next olympics . It is the interview you have been waiting to see. None of these stories on red eye tonight. I am filling in for greg gutfeld. Turns out he was sick after